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In the current age of globalization, cross cultural negotiations is gaining critical

importance(Kim 1999). The prospects of business development and business expansion has
led many businesses and industries to interact and build relationships with establishments
based and guided by a different set of codes and cultures. The purpose of the relationship is
often for the best for both parties, but there are numerous instances when negligence on
the topic of cultural understanding has left the relationship broken(Herbig and Kramer
1991). A successful cross-cultural negotiation requires a range of preparations and a
considerable time invested in building a relationship.
In this report, the obstacles involved in a cross-cultural negotiation is studied and analyzed.
The importance of cultural understanding, the openness to embracing a new culture, being
culturally neutral and acknowledging the culture of the prospectus partner is critically
analyzed to highlight the importance of cultural awareness in achieving a good result
through cross cultural negotiations(Groves, Feyerherm and Gu 2015). Many negotiations
result in a fall out between the two parties when there are no enough preparations done on
the cultural aspects of the negotiation.
There are significant preparations that have to be done so as to execute a successful cross-
cultural negotiation. These preparations include a cultural understanding as well as
preparing for the contingency plans for the negotiations. The strategies that are involved
with attaining the expected result is analyzed and executed through the negotiations(Yagi
and Kleinberg 2011). This report also analyses the importance and types of preparations
associated with the cross-cultural negotiations.
Clarity in the conversation and the quality in the communication between two parties in a
cross cultural negotiation is another vital aspect that define the success or the failure of the
negotiation(Jiang and Pretorius 2011). The differences in the language used for conversation
has a major influence on the result of a negotiation. This report points out a few of those.
Groves, Kevin S., Ann Feyerherm, and Minhua Gu. 2015. "Examining Cultural Intelligence and
Cross-Cultural Negotiation Effectiveness." Journal of Management Education 39 (2):
209-243. doi: 10.1177/1052562914543273.
Herbig, Paul, and Hugh Kramer. 1991. "Cross-Cultural Negotiations: Success through
Understanding." Management Decision 29 (8): 19.
Jiang, D., and L. Pretorius. 2011. "Cross-Cultural Communication Behaviour in International
Engineering Projects: Chinese and South African Perspectives." South African Journal
of Industrial Engineering 22 (2): 54-67. doi: 10.7166/22-2-15.
Kim, Pan Suk. 1999. "Globalization of Human Resource Management: A Cross-Cultural
Perspective for the Public Sector." Public Personnel Management 28 (2): 227-243.
doi: 10.1177/009102609902800205.
Yagi, Noriko, and Jill Kleinberg. 2011. "Boundary Work: An Interpretive Ethnographic
Perspective on Negotiating and Leveraging Cross-Cultural Identity." Journal of
International Business Studies 42 (5): 629-653. doi: 10.1057/jibs.2011.10.

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