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different implementation of interface was given on a particular scenario ,mostly i guess on APB is asked which is the correct one.
2. there was one question on modport and clocking block implementation on the same context as
the first one.
3. Two question they asked on program block. ........not tough .........but straight forward from
4. 1 question on semaphore and event.......some examples which are there on the slides
5. two medium competency questions were there based on scenarios ......scenario is
approximately on ASSIGNMENT-6 -----12 of oops slides.....
6.1 on enum they gave.....not direct one......they used in the code but some mistakes were there
on implementation

try to complete first 5 assignment on ur and see the result u will better understand
all other assignment in oops ........atleast u do in paper.......and it would be best if u could do it and
run it........

some questions on the slides in oops basics on assignment of objects.

about 45 to 50 min is required to complete......

the begining 10 questions are not that easy like oops paper but no high competency question is it is good only........

now in verfication essentials......

1.for a 8KB memory to have walking one and zero pattern on the address lines how many read
and write cycles are needed.
2. in a scenario u r sending first the header then the databytes and at last the parity bits. in
header there is 6 bits to determines how many data byes are comming.normal information consist
of 8 byte-16 byte while jumbo contain more than 16 byte .....the jumbo counter incremented on
getting jumbo byes. what could be the scenario to propagate how many jumbo we get and they
are dropped??
a) send normal and jumbo information
b) read jumbo counter before sending jumbo bytes
c) read jumbo counter before and after sending jumbo bytes.

3. which one of the foolowing is correct for testcase

a) reset the dut b)configure the dut c) configure testbench d) all of the above. e) none of the
4.for performance testcase which of the following is correct??
a) special TBC component needed
b) regression testcases are run
c)it is at the unit level verification
d) all of the above
e) none of the above.

wish u all best of luck

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