Chapter 1-General Provisions: Title Iv-Succession

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Title IV- SUCCESSION Note: Testator - If he left a will

CHAPTER 1-GENERAL Intestate If he did not

PROVISIONS Inheritance Inclusions

The inheritance includes

Define Succession 1. All the property, rights and obligations of

a person which are not extinguished by
Succession is a mode of acquisition by virtue of his death.
which the property, rights and obligations to the 2. Those which have accrued thereto since
extent of the value of the inheritance, of a person the opening of the succession.
are transmitted through his death to another or
others either by his will or by operation of law.
Kinds of Succession (TLM)
1. Testamentary - because it is based on a
1. Mode of acquisition last will and testament, which is the
2. The property, rights & obligations to the orderly manifestation of the testators
extent of the value of the inheritance will.
transmitted 2. Legal - because it takes effect by operation
3. The transmission takes place only by of law
virtue of death 3. Mixed - because it partakes of the
4. The transmission takes place either by character of both testamentary and legal
will or by operation of law succession. (Macrohon vs. Saavedra, 51
5. The transmission to another Phil. 267)


Heir - is a person called to the succession either
1. Death of the decedent by the provision of a will or by operation of law.
2. Express will of the testator calling
Heir (By provision of a will)
succession and/or provision of law
prescribing successors 1. Voluntary
3. Rights or properties are transmissible 2. Compulsory
4. Transferee is still alive (didnt
predecease) Heir (By operation of law)
5. Transferee is capacitated to inherit
6. Acceptance of the inheritance by the 1. Legal or Intestate
successor Define Devisee

Devisees persons to whom gifts of REAL

Define Decedent PROPERTY are given by virtue of a will

Decedent is the general term applied to the Define Legatees

person whose property is transmitted through Legatees persons to whom gifts of PERSONAL
succession, whether or not he left a will. PROPERTY are given by virtue of a will
SUCCESSION Validity of wills consists of 2 parts: extrinsic and
SECTION 1. - Wills
intrinsic. Extrinsic validity refers to the forms
and solemnities prescribed by law. Intrinsic
Define Will validity refers to the legality of the will's
A will is an act whereby a person is permitted,
with the formalities prescribed by law, to control Extrinsic Validity
to a certain degree the disposition of this estate,
to take effect after his death. 1. From the viewpoint of time: the laws in
force at the time the will was made.
Characteristics of Will
2. From the viewpoint of place/country:
1. It is a strictly personal act
2. It is an individual and unilateral act a. If the testator is a Filipino, he can observe
3. It is a free and voluntary act Philippine law or the law of the country
4. It is a formal and solemn act where he executes the will.
5. It is a disposition of property b. If the testator is a foreigner living abroad,
6. It is an act mortis causa he can follow the law of his domicile (the
7. It is ambulatory and revocable during the country he's permanently staying in,) the
testators lifetime (JURADO) law of his home country or Philippine law.
c. If the testator is a foreigner in the
NON-DELEGABILITY OF WILL -MAKING Philippines, he can either follow the law
of his home country or Philippine law.
Cannot Be Delegated to Can Be Entrusted to a
a Third Person Third Person Intrinsic Validity
1. Duration or 1. Distribution of
efficacy of specific 1. From the viewpoint of time: the law in
designation of property or force at the time of the testator's death
heirs, legatees, or sums of money governs succession rights.
devisees. that the 2. From the viewpoint of place/country: the
2. Determination of testator may national law of the testator governs,
the portions leave in regardless of the place the will was
which the heirs general to executed or where the testator died.
are to receive specified
when referred to classes or The Civil Code says that the law in force at the
by name. causes time the will was made governs its form.
3. Determination as 2. Designation of
to whether or not the persons, Testamentary Capacity
a disposition is to institutions or
be operative. establishments
(Art. 785) to which such 1. All persons not expressly prohibited by
property or law
sums are to be 2. Of Legal age
given or 3. Sound mind
applied. (Art.
786) Construction of the Provisions of Will
In case of doubt that interpretation by which the NOTARIAL WILLS
disposition is to be operative shall be preferred.
Formalities in the execution of a notarial will
The intention and desires of the testator if clearly
expressed in the will, constitute the fixed law of 1. In Writing;
its interpretation. (Vda. de Villanueva v. Juico, L- 2. Executed in a language or dialect known
16737, Feb. 28, 1962). to the testator;
3. Subscribed by the testator himself or by
Kinds of Ambiguity under Article 789 the testators name written by some other
Kinds (a) Latent or (b) Patent or person in his presence and under his
intrinsic extrinsic express direction at the end thereof, at the
ambiguity ambiguity presence of witnesses;
upon the face 4. Attested to and subscribed by at least 3
of the will. credible witnesses in the presence of the
testator and of one another;
Remedies 1) Examining 1) Examining 5. Each and every Page must be signed by
the will itself the will itself the testator or by the person requested by
2) Examining 2) Examining
him to write his name, and by
extrinsic extrinsic
evidence such evidence such instrumental witnesses in the presence of
as written as written each other, on the left margin;
declarations of declarations of 6. Each and every page of the will must be
the testator the testator Numbered correlatively in letters placed
(Paras) (Paras) on the upper part of each page;
7. Must contain an Attestation clause, stating
the following:
Rule on After Acquired Properties a. The number of pages of the will
b. Fact that the testator signed the
General Rule: Only those properties already
will and every page in the presence
possessed and owned by the testator at the time
of witnesses, or caused some other
the will was made
person to write his name under his
Exception: Property acquired after the making of express direction, c. All witnesses
a will shall only pass thereby, as if the testator signed the will and every page
had possessed it at the time of making the will, thereof in the presence of the
should it expressly appear by the will that such testator and of one another;
was his intention. 8. Must be acknowledged before a Notary
Kinds of Wills:
Additional Requirements if the testator is
a. Notarial will deaf or mute
b. Holographic will
a. If the testator is able to read, he
Note: Requirements that are common to the 2 must personally read the will
kinds of wills b. If the testator is unable to read, he
must designate two persons to
1. In writing
2. In a language or dialect known to the read it and communicate to him, in
testator some practicable manner, the
contents thereof. (Art. 807; see
Rabuya, Civil Law Reviewer, p. 2. Where the alteration affects the date of
559) the will or the signature of the testator.
3. If the words written by a 3rd person were
Additional requirements if the testator is contemporaneous with the execution of
blind the will, even though authenticated by the
a. The will shall be read to him twice testator, the entire will is void for
b. Once by one of the subscribing violation of the requisite that the
witnesses holographic will must be entirely in the
c. Once by the notary public before testators handwriting.
whom the will is acknowledged.
Amendment of Wills
1. Notarial will can only be amended
Formalities required in the execution of through a codicil
holographic will 2. 2. Holographic will can be amended in 3
1. Signed by testator himself
2. Executed in a language or dialect known a. Dispositions may be added below the
to him (Art. 804) signature, PROVIDED that said
3. Entirely written dispositions are also dated & signed &
4. Dated; everything is written by the hand of
Note: In case of any insertion, cancellation, the testator himself
b. Certain dispositions or additional
erasure or alteration in a holographic will, the
matter may be suppressed or inserted
testator must authenticate the same by his full
PROVIDED that sad cancellation is
signature. (Art. 814)
signed by the testator & is written by
Effects of insertions or interpolations made the testator himself (no need to be
by a 3rd person detailed)
c. Executing a codicil which may either
General Rule: When a number of erasures, be notarial or holographic
corrections, cancellation, or insertions are made
by the testator in the will but the same have not Witnesses to Wills
been noted or authenticated with his full
Qualifications of witnesses
signature, only the particular words erased,
corrected, altered will be invalidated, not the 1. Of Sound mind
entirety of the will. 2. At least 18 years of age
3. Able to read and write
Exception: 4. Not Blind, deaf or dumb
5. Not have been Convicted by final
1. Where the change affects the essence of judgment of falsification of a document,
the will of the testator; Note: When the perjury or false testimony
holographic will had only one substantial 6. Domiciled in the Philippines
provision, which was altered by
substituting the original heir with Beneficial Interest of A Witness
another, and the same did not carry the Beneficial interest in a notarial will does not
requisite full signature of the testator, the disqualify one as a subscribing witness, but it
entirety of the will is voided or revoked.
may, or may not nullify the devise or legacy given c. It must be identified by clear and
to the said witness. A witness who attests the satisfactory proof as the document
execution of a will, and to whom, or to whose or paper referred to therein
spouse, parent or child, or anyone claiming the d. It must be signed by the testator
right of said witness, spouse, parent or child, a and the witnesses on each and
devise or legacy given, shall be void, unless there every page, except in case of
are 3 other competent witnesses to such will. voluminous books of account or
(Art. 823 NCC) inventories

Codicils and Incorporation by Reference

Revocation of Wills and Testamentary
Define Codicil Dispositions

A codicil is supplement or addition to a will, When a testator may revoke his will?
made after the execution of a will and annexed to
be taken as a part thereof, by which disposition A will may be revoked by the testator at any time
made in the original will is explained, added to, before his death.
or altered. (n) Note: Any waiver or restriction of this right is
Note: A codicil is executed after the execution of void.
a prior will. It must be executed in accordance Rules in Revocation as to Place
with all the formalities required in executing a
will a. Outside the Philippines

Concept of Incorporation by Reference A revocation done outside the Philippines, by a

person who does not have his domicile in this
In regard to wills, the doctrine of incorporation country, is valid when it is done according to the
by reference means that unattested papers law of the place where the will was made, or
(papers not present when the will was executed) according to the law of the place in which the
can still be regarded as part of the will by testator had his domicile at the time;
incorporation. A writing that is not valid as a will
but is in existence when a will is executed may be b. In the Philippines
incorporated by reference into the will if the will
If the revocation takes place in this country,
manifests an intent to incorporate the writing
when it is in accordance with the provisions of
and the writing to be incorporated is identified
this Code.
with reasonable certainty.
Modes of revocation of a will
Requisites of incorporation by reference
a. By implication of law; or
a. The document or paper referred to
b. By some will, codicil, or other
in the will must be in existence at
writing executed as provided in
the time of the execution of the will
case of wills; or
b. The will must clearly describe and
c. By burning, tearing, cancelling, or
identify the same, stating among
obliterating the will with the
other things the number of pages
intention of revoking it, by the
testator himself, or by some other
person in his presence, and by his
express direction. If burned, torn, Define Republication
cancelled, or obliterated by some
The act or an instance of publishing again or
other person, without the express
anew or reestablishment of the validity of a
direction of the testator, the will
previously revoked will by repeating the
may still be established, and the
formalities of execution or by using a codicil.
estate distributed in accordance
therewith, if its contents, and due Mode of republication
execution, and the fact of its
unauthorized destruction, a. re-execution of the original will
cancellation, or obliteration are b. execution of a codicil
established according to the Rules When may a testator republish?
of Court.
The testator cannot republish, without
Revocation made in a subsequent will reproducing in a subsequent will, the
A revocation made in a subsequent will shall take dispositions contained in a previous one which is
effect, even if the new will should become void as to its form.
inoperative by reason of the incapacity of the Allowance and Disallowance of Wills
heirs, devisees or legatees designated therein, or
by their renunciation Define Probate
Note: If the revoking will is both invalid and It is a special proceeding mandatorily required
ineffective, it is clear that there can be no for the purpose of establishing the validity of a
No will shall pass either real or personal
Rule on recognition of an illegitimate child property unless it is proved and allowed in
accordance with the Rules of Court. (Art. 838)
The recognition of an illegitimate child does not
lose its legal effect, even though the will wherein Note: Probate does not deal with the intrinsic
validity of the testamentary provisions. Even if
it was made should be revoked.
only one heir has been instituted, there must still
Republication and Revival of Wills be a judicial order of adjudication. Even if a will
has already been probated, if later on a
Art. 835. The testator cannot republish, subsequent will is discovered, the latter may still
without reproducing in a subsequent will, be presented for probate, as long as two wills can
be reconciled.
the dispositions contained in a previous
one which is void as to its form. Does prescription apply to probate of wills?
Art. 836. The execution of a codicil The statute of limitations is not applicable to
referring to a previous will has the effect probate of wills (Imprescriptibility of Probate)
of republishing the will as modified by the
codicil. Characteristics of a probate proceeding
Art. 837. If after making a will, the
testator makes a second will expressly a. Special proceeding
revoking the first, the revocation of the b. Proceeding in rem
second will does not revive the first will, c. Not contentious litigation
which can be revived only by another will
d. Mandatory
or codicil.
e. Imprescriptible Requisites for a valid institution of heir:
What rule shall govern for the allowance of 1. Designation in will of person/s to succeed
will? 2. Will specifically assigns to such person an
inchoate share in the estate
Article 838 which provides that no will shall pass
3. The person so named has capacity to
either real or personal property unless it is
proved and allowed in accordance with the Rules 4. The will is formally valid
of Court and Rule 76 of the Revised Rules of 5. No vice of consent is present
Court. 6. No preterition results from the effect of
such will
Effect of the execution of a codicil referring to
a previous will Principles in the institution of heirs:

It has the effect of republishing the will as 1. Equality: heirs who are instructed
modified by the codicil. without a designation of shares inherit in
equal parts
Grounds for the disallowance of a will
2. Individuality: heirs collectively instituted
a. If the formalities required by law are deemed individually named unless
have not been complied with; contrary intent is proven
b. If the testator was insane, or 3. Simultaneity: when several heirs are
otherwise mentally incapable of instituted, they are instituted
making a will, at the time of its simultaneously & not successively
Rules regarding a persons right to dispose of
c. If it was executed through force or
his estate:
under duress, or the influence of
fear, or threats; 1. If one has no compulsory heirs:
d. If it was procured by undue and a. He can give his estate to any
improper pressure and influence, person qualified to inherit under
on the part of the beneficiary or of him
some other person; b. However, he must respect
e. If the signature of the testator was restrictions imposed by special
procured by fraud; laws
f. If the testator acted by mistake or 2. If one has compulsory heirs:
did not intend that the instrument a. He can give only the disposable
he signed should be his will at the portion to strangers
time of affixing his signature b. Legitimes of compulsory heirs
thereto. must be respected

Institution of Heir
Define preterition
Define Institution of heir Preterition is the omission in testators will of
Is an act by virtue of which a testator designates one, some or all of the compulsory heirs in the
in his will the person or persons who are to direct line, whether living at the time of
succeed him in his property and transmissible execution of the will or born after the death of
rights and obligations. the testator.
Define born after the death of the testator They are entitled not only to their shares of the
legitime but also to those of the free portion
It simply means that the omitted heir must
which was not expressly disposed of by the
already be conceived at the time of death of the
testator by way of devises and legacies.
testator but was born only after the death of the

Requisites of preterition Substitution of Heirs

1. There is a total omission in the

Define Substition of Heirs
2. The person omitted is a compulsory heir Substitution is the appointment of another heir
in the direct line; so that he may enter into the inheritance in
3. The omitted compulsory heir must default of the heir originally instituted.
survive the testator, or in case the
compulsory heir predeceased the testator,
there is a right of representation;
4. Nothing must have been received by the Kinds of Substitution of Heirs
heir by gratuitous title. 1. Simple or common
2. Brief or compendious
Effects of preterition
3. Reciprocal
1. Preterition annuls the institution of heirs; 4. Fideicommissary
2. Devices and legacies are valid insofar as
Define fideicommissary substitution
they are not inofficious;
3. If the omitted compulsory heir dies before Also known as indirect substitution, it is a
testator, institution shall be effectual, substitution by virtue of which the fiduciary or
without prejudice to right of first heir instituted is entrusted with the
representation obligation to preserve and transmit to a second
heir the whole or part of the inheritance.
Effect of preterition on the will itself
Note: For its validity and effectivity, such
General Rule: The effect of annulling the
substitution does not go beyond one degree from
institution of heirs will be, necessarily, the
the heir originally substituted and provided
opening of a total intestacy except that proper
further, that the fiduciary or first heir and the
legacies and devises must be respected. Here, the
second heir are living at the time of death of the
will is not abrogated.
Exception: If the will contains a universal
Conditions for a valid fideicommissary
institution of heirs to the entire inheritance of
the testator, the will is totally abrogated.
1. That the institution does not go beyond
Reason: The nullification of such institution of
one degree from the heir originally
the universal heirs without any other
testamentary disposition in the will amounts to a
2. That the substitution be expressly made;
declaration that nothing at all was written. 3. That both the fiduciary and beneficiary be
Rights of the Preterited Heirs living at the time of the testators death;
4. That it should be imposed on the free muciana) in order to protect the right of the
portion and not on the legitime. instituted heir.

Elements/Requisites of fideicommissary 2. Resolutory term The legal heirs can enjoy

substitution possession of the property but when the term
arrives, he must give it to the legal heirs. The
1. There must be a first heir or fiduciary;
instituted heir does not have to file a bond.
2. An absolute obligation is imposed upon
the fiduciary to preserve and to transmit Legitime
to a second heir the property at a given
time; Define Legitime
3. There is a second heir who must be one
degree from the first heir; Article 886 of the Civil Code defines a legitime as
4. The first and second heir must both be that part of the testators property which he
living and qualified at the time of the cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it
death of the testator. for certain heirs who are, therefore, called
compulsory heirs. The legitime is basically
Effect if the fideicommissary predeceases the
inheritance which a compulsory heir receives.
Philippine law on succession provides for
If the fideicommissary predeceases the fiduciary,
compulsory heirs and legitime. This means that
but survives the testator, his rights pass to his
certain persons are mandated by law to be the
own heirs.
heirs of the decedent and are entitled to a
specific portion of his estate.

Effect of the nullity of the fideicommissary Compulsory Heirs

1. Legitimate children and descendants,
The nullity of the fideicommissary substitution with respect to their legitimate parents
does not prejudice the validity of the institution and ascendants
of the heirs first designated; the fideicommissary 2. In default of the foregoing, legitimate
clause shall simply be considered as not written. parents and ascendants, with respect to
their legitimate children and descendants
Conditional Testamentary Dispositions 3. The widow or widower
and Testamentary Dispositions With a Term 4. Acknowledged natural children, and
natural children by legal fiction
What should be done by the instituted heirs or 5. Other illegitimate children referred to in
legal heirs so that they can enjoy possession of Article 287
the property if the disposition is subject to a
Compulsory heirs mentioned in Nos. 3, 4, and 5
are not excluded by those in Nos. 1 and 2; neither
It depends if the disposition is subject to a: do they exclude one another.

1. Suspensive term The legal heirs can enjoy In all cases of illegitimate children, their filiation
possession of the property until the expiration of must be duly proved.
the period but they must put up a bond (caucion
The father or mother of illegitimate children of
the three classes mentioned, shall inherit from
them in the manner and to the extent established make a will - all
by this Code. will go to his
children upon
Note: In other words, where parents survive his death
with grandparents, only the parents will inherit.
Where only children survive with parents, the
children will inherit to the exclusion of parents.
Where the child predeceases both or one of the If he makes a will If he does not make a
parents, the children of the predeceased child will
will inherit his share in their grandparent.
If he had wanted, he Each child gets an
A compulsory heir can be deprived of his could have made a will equal share
legitime only if the decedent had made a will and giving only to his
expressly disinherited him for any of the grounds children and giving the
specifically provided by law. other 1/2 to anyone.

Rule When One Dies Single With No Parents

Rule if a man is survived by a wife and one
or Children
legitimate child
1. If he make a will he can give away by will
If he makes a will If he does not make a
his estate to anyone.
2. If he does not make a will, his brothers
and sisters, whether full or half blood, will
Child Child
inherit in equal shares. In the absence of Wife Wife
any sibling, succession goes to the next Free Portion
degree of living relatives such as
grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins,
etc. with those nearest in degree Rule if a man is survived by a wife and
excluding the others. legitimate children

Legitime of a Child If he makes a will If he does not make a

It is one half of the estate of the deceased parent
Child Children and Wife
Without parent or If he had no spouse Wife share of a child Equal Share
spouse but with nor children, Free Portion
children legitimate or Remaining Balance
illegitimate, but his
parents survive him
1. If he make a The parents are If a man has a wife and no child with her, but
will - he can entitled to the whole has illegitimate children
make a will estate and each parent
giving 1/2 to gets half. He can make a Wife 1/3
his children and will, however, limiting Illegitimate Children 1/3
the other half to his parents to their Free portion 1/3
charity or he legitime of one-fourth
can give all of it each while giving the
to his child. other half to anyone. If a man has no wife, but has illegitimate and
2. If he does not legitimate children
If he makes a will If he does not make a of law for the benefit of relatives who are within
will the third degree and who belong to the line from
Legitimate Ratio: 1:2 which said property came.
Illegitimate 1 for Illegitimate
Free Portion 2 for Legitmate Purpose:

To prevent persons who are outsiders to the

If a man has wife, but has illegitimate and family from acquiring, by chance or accident,
legitimate children property which otherwise would have remained
with the said family. In short, to put back the
If he makes a will If he does not make a
will property to the line from which it originally
Legitimate Legitmate Children came.
Spouse share of Spouse share of
Note: Other terms used to refer to reserva
legitimate child legitimate child
Illegitimate of the Illegitimate Chilren troncal:
share of legitimate of the share of
child legitimate child 1. Lineal
Free Portion Remaining balance if 2. Familiar
remaining balance any will be divided 3. Extraordinaria
following the formula 4. Semi--troncal
above 5. Pseudo--troncal

Requisites that must exist in order that a

Remedy of compulsory heir in case of property may be impressed with a reservable
impairment of legitime: character

1. If the impairment is total them there may 1. That the property was acquired by a
be preterition if the compulsory heir descendant (called praepositus or
preterited is either an ascendant or propositus) from an ascendant or from a
descendant. Article 854 would come into brother or sister by gratuitous title when
play (annulment of institution of heir and the recipient does not give anything in
reduction of devises and legacies) return;
2. If the impairment is partial, then the 2. That said descendant (praepositus) died
compulsory heirs is entitled to without an issue;
3. That the same property (called reserva)
completion of legitime under Article 906
3. If the impairment is thru donation, then is inherited by another ascendant (called
remedy is collation. reservista) by operation of law (either
through intestate or compulsory
succession) from the praepositus; and
4. That there are living relatives within the
third degree counted from the
Reserva Troncal
praepositus and belonging to the same
The ascendant who inherits from his descendant line from where the property originally
any property which the latter may have acquired came (called reservatarios). (Art. 891;
by gratuitous title from another ascendant, or a Chua v. CFI of Negros Occidental, Branch
brother or sister, is obliged to reserve such V, 78 SCRA 412; Rabuya, Civil Law
property as he may have acquired by operation Reviewer, pp. 634--635)
It is required that the reservista own the Further, the New Civil Code has made mention of
reservable property? disinheritance in this article:

The reservista is an absolute or full owner, Consequence of disinheritance

subject to a resolutory condition. If the
A compulsory heir may, in consequence of
resolutory condition is fulfilled, the reservistas
disinheritance, be deprived of his legitime, for
ownership of the property is terminated.
causes expressly stated by law.
Resolutory condition: If at the time of the
Grounds for disinheritance of children and
reservistas death, there should still exist
descendants, legitimate as well as
relatives within the third degree (reservatarios)
of the propositus and belonging to the line from
which the property came. 1. When a child or descendant has been
found guilty of an attempt against the life
Note: The reservable property is not part of the
of the testator, his or her spouse,
estate of the reservista.
descendants, or ascendants
Time when the reservatario acquire the right
over the reservable property Note: There should be a final judgment of
conviction by a court of justice of the guilt
Upon the death of the reservista, the reservatario of the descendant which however, may
nearest the decedent propositus becomes, come before or after the execution of the
automatically and by operation of law, the will and the guilt must be established.
absolute owner of the reservable property. (Cano
v. Director of Lands) 2. When a child or descendant has accused
the testator of a crime for which the law
Right of Representation in Reserva Troncal prescribes imprisonment for six years or
more, if the accusation has been found
There is representation in reserva troncal, but
the representative must also be within the third
degree from the propositus. (Florentino v. Note: The act of accusing as understood in
Florentino) this paragraph may include the institution
Disinheritance of a criminal action, or even the mere
statement of the heir as a witness in a
Define Disinheritance case against the testator, a statement
where said heir affirms or corroborates
Disinheritance is an act by which an owner of an the accusation.
estate deprives a person who would otherwise
be his heir, or the right to inherit it. It can be 3. When a child or descendant has been
effected only through a will wherein the legal convicted of adultery or concubinage with
cause shall be specified. The cause must be one the spouse of the testator
authorized or enumerated by law. The burden of
Note: It is essential that there must be a
proving the truth of the cause of the
final judgment of conviction either in the
disinheritance shall rest upon the heirs of the
adultery case or in the concubinage case
testator, if the disinherited heir should deny it.
before this Article can be applied.
4. When a child or descendant by fraud,
violence, intimidation, or undue influence 3. When the parent or ascendant has
causes the testator to make a will or to accused the testator of a crime for which
change one already made the law prescribes imprisonment for six
years or more, if the accusation has been
Note: No judicial demand is needed for found to be false
the law does not require this. Note that
when a judicial pronouncement is needed, 4. When the parent or ascendant has been
the law says so. convicted of adultery or concubinage with
5. A refusal without justifiable cause to the spouse of the testator
support the parent or ascendant who
disinherits such child or descendant 5. When the parent or ascendant by fraud,
violence, intimidation, or undue influence
6. Maltreatment of the testator by word or causes the testator to make a will or to
deed, by the child or descendant change one already made

Note: Note that maltreatment by an 6. The loss of parental authority for causes
ascendant of a descendant does not specified in this Code
constitute a ground for the descendant to
disinherit the ascendant, for while it may 7. The refusal to support the children or
be an abuse, it is generally in the exercise descendants without justifiable cause
of a power. The reverse is however
8. An attempt by one of the parents against
repugnant to natural law, and is therefore
the life of the other, unless there has been
a ground for disinheritance.
a reconciliation between them.
7. When a child or descendant leads a
9. Note: This does not apply when the
dishonorable or disgraceful life
attempt is against the life of a person
Note: There need not be final judgment of other than the other parent. When a
conviction. father for instance attempts to kill his
own father-in-law, the son of the
8. Conviction of a crime which carries with it offending father cannot disinherit him on
the penalty of civil interdiction this ground.

Grounds for disinheritance of parents or Grounds for disinheritance of a spouse

ascendants, whether legitimate or
1. When the spouse has been
convicted of an attempt against the
1. When the parents have abandoned their life of the testator, his or her
children or induced their daughters to live descendants, or ascendants
a corrupt or immoral life, or attempted 2. When the spouse has accused the
against their virtue testator of a crime for which the
law prescribes imprisonment of six
2. When the parent or ascendant has been years or more, and the accusation
convicted of an attempt against the life of has been found to be false;
the testator, his or her spouse, 3. When the spouse by fraud,
descendants, or ascendants violence, intimidation, or undue
influence cause the testator to 1. Compulsory heirs, their liability is
make a will or to change one limited only to the portion of the free
already made disposal since his legitime cannot be
4. When the spouse has given cause charged or burdened by the testator.
2. Voluntary heirs, their liability must not
for legal separation
exceed the amount he shall receive; and
5. When the spouse has given
as to another legatee or devisee, the
grounds for the loss of parental liability must not exceed the amount of
authority legacy or devise he shall receive. (Mison)
6. Unjustifiable refusal to support the
children or the other spouse Legacy to Creditors

Legacies and Devises General rule: Legacy or devise made to a creditor

shall not be applied to his credit.

Define Legal or Intestate Succession Exception: When the testator expressly declares
that the legacy or devise must be applied to the
Legal or intestate succession is that which is credit.
effected by operation of law in default of a will. It
is legal because it takes place by operation of Alternative Legacies or Devises
law; it is intestate because it takes place in the Choice is presumed to be left to the heir
absence or in default of a last will of the upon whom the obligation to give the
decedent. (Jurado) legacy or devise may be imposed, or the
The following may be expressly charged by executor or administrator of the estate if
the testator with the payment or delivery of a no particular heir is so obliged.
If the heir, legatee or devisee, who may
legacy or devise: (Jurado)
have been given the choice, dies before
1. Any compulsory heir making it, this right shall pass to the
2. any voluntary heir respective heirs.
3. any legatee or devisee Once made, the choice is irrevocable.
4. the estate, represented by the executor or In the alternative legacies or devises,
administrator except as herein provided, the provisions
of the Civil Code regulating obligations of
Parties to a legacy or devise
the same kind shall be observed, save
1. The testator who orders or charges the such modifications as may appear from
legacy; the intention expressed by the testator.
2. The legatee or devisee who will receive
the legacy or devise;
3. The person obliged to deliver the legacy Generic Legacies
or devise;
4. The administrator who may be appointed A generic legacy refers to a legacy consisting of
by the testator in the will or by the court personal property designated merely by its class
shall be charged with the delivery of the or genus without any particular designation or
legacies and devises. (Mison) physical segregation from all others of the same
Extent of liability of those persons required
to pay the legacies and devisees:
Generic Devises
form and the denomination it had, there is an
A generic devise refers to a devise consisting of implied revocation of the legacy or devise
real property designated merely by its class or (Jurado)
genus without any particular designation or
physical segregation from all others of the same Revocation by alienation
If the testator by any title, whether by sale or any
other act of disposition inter vivos, alienates the
Note: A legacy of generic personal property shall thing bequeathed or any part thereof, there is
be valid even if there be no things of the same also an implied revocation of the legacy or devise
kind in the estate. (Jurado)

A devise of indeterminate real property shall be Revocation by loss or destruction

valid only if there be immovable property of its
kind in the estate. If the thing bequeathed is totally lost during the
lifetime of the testator or after his death without
The right of choice shall belong to the executor the heirs fault, obviously, the legacy or devise
or administrator who shall comply with the can no longer take effect (Jurado)
legacy by the delivery of a thing which is neither
Formula for application of inheritance
of inferior nor of superior quality.
The following are applied successively:
Distinguish Legacy of Credit from Legacy of
Remission 1. Institution of an heir (Bequest, in case of
legacies or devises)
It is a legacy where the subject is an intangible 2. Substitution, if proper
movable property. In a legacy of credit, the right 3. Representation, if applicable
to collect the debt from another person is 4. Accretion, if applicable
bequeathed to the legatee; whereas, in a legacy of 5. Intestacy, if all of The above are not
remission, the right to collect the debt from the
legatee himself is extinguished by condonation.
The credits assigned or condoned are only those Will which does not institute an heir
existing at the time of death of the testator.
(Mison) A will is valid even if it contains only a provision
for disinheritance or if only legacies and devises
Order of payment of legacies and devises are contained in the will.

a. Remuneratory legacies or devises; Intestate heirs

b. Legacies or devises declared by the
testator to be preferential; 1. Legitimate children or descendants
c. Legacies for support; 2. Illegitimate children or descendants
d. Legacies for education; 3. Legitimate parents or ascendants
e. Legacies or devises of a specific, 4. Illegitimate parents
determinate thing which forms a 5. Surviving spouse
part of the estate; 6. Brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces
f. All others pro rata 7. Other collateral relatives up to the 5th
Revocation by transformation 8. The State

If the testator transforms the thing bequeathed Right of Representation

in such a manner that it does not retain both the
Right created by fiction of law where the Under R.A. 8552 or the Domestic Adoption Law,
representative is raised to the place and degree the adopted child and the adopting parents have
of the person represented, and acquires the reciprocal successional rights.
rights which the latter would have if he were Rule on Equal Division of Lines
living or could have inherited. General Rule: Intestate heirs equal in degree
inherit in equal shares.
Effect of Representation
Whenever there is succession by representation,
a. In the ascending line, the rule of
the division of the estate shall be made per
division by line is to the
stirpes, in such manner that the representative maternal line and to the
or representatives shall not inherit more than paternal line, and within each line,
what the person they represent would inherit, if the division is per capita.
he were living or could inherit. (Art. 974) b. In the collateral line, the full--
blood brothers/sisters will get
Time when representation arise
double that of the half-blood.
1. Death c. The division in representation,
2. Incapacity where division is per stirpes the
3. Disinheritance representative divide only the
share pertaining to the person
Unavailability of right or representation represented.
1. As to compulsory heirs: In case of Note: The share of an illegitimate child is of
repudiation, the one who repudiates his the share of a legitimate one. Full blood brother
inheritance cannot be represented. Their or sister is entitled to double the share of half
own heirs inherit in their own right. brother or sister (Art. 1006). Compulsory heirs
shall, in no case, inherit ab intesto less than their
2. As to voluntary heirs:
legitime as provided in testamentary succession.
Voluntary heirs, legatees and devisees
who: Iron Curtain Rule
a. Predecease the testator; or Art. 992 of the Civil Code provides that
illegitimate children cannot inherit ab intestato
b. Renounce the inheritance cannot
from the legitimate children and relatives of his
be represented by their own heirs,
mother or father. Legitimate children and
with respect to their supposed
relatives cannot inherit in the same way from the
illegitimate child.
Note: Right of representation takes place only in
Note: The iron curtain rule only applies in
favor of children of brothers or sisters, whether
full or half blood and only if they concur with at intestate succession. There is a barrier
least one uncle or aunt. This rule applies only recognized by law between the legitimate
when the decedent does not have descendants. relatives and the illegitimate child so that one
Rule of right of representation as to adopted cannot inherit from the other and vice-versa.
The right of representation cannot be invoked by
adopted children because they cannot represent INTESTATE SUCCESSION
their adopting parents to the inheritance of the
latters parents. Define Legal or intestate succession
Legal or intestate succession is that which is Accretion is a right by virtue of which, when two
effected by operation of law in default of a will. It or more persons are called to the same
is legal because it takes place by operation of inheritance, devise or legacy, the part assigned to
law; it is intestate because it takes place in the the one who renounces or cannot receive his
absence or in default of a last will of the share, or who died before the testator, is added
decedent. (Jurado, p. 377) or incorporated to that of his co-heirs, co-
devisees, or co-legatees.

Requisites in order that the right of accretion

Formula for application of inheritance
may take place in a testamentary succession
The following are applied successively:
1. That two or more persons be called to the
a. Institution of an heir (Bequest, in same inheritance, or to the same portion
case of legacies or devises) thereof, pro indiviso; and
b. Substitution, if proper 2. That one of the persons thus called die
c. Representation, if applicable before the testator, or renounce the
d. Accretion, if applicable inheritance, or be incapacitated to receive
e. Intestacy, if all of The above are not it.
Note: The words "one-half for each" or "in equal
Note: There can be a valid will even if it contains shares" or any others which, though designating
only a provision for disinheritance or if only an aliquot part, do not identify it by such
legacies and devises are contained in the will. description as shall make each heir the exclusive
owner of determinate property, shall not exclude
Intestate heirs
the right of accretion.
a. Legitimate children or
In case of money or fungible goods, if the share of
b. Illegitimate children or each heir is not earmarked, there shall be a right
descendants of accretion.
c. Legitimate parents or ascendants
Instances that accretion may take place
d. Illegitimate parents
e. Surviving spouse 1. Predecease
f. Brothers and sisters, nephews and 2. Incapacity
nieces 3. Repudiation
g. Other collateral relatives up to the
5th degree
h. The State Availability of accretion in testamentary

CHAPTER 4- PROVISIONS Accretion is available among the compulsory

heirs only when the free portion is left to two or
COMMON TO TESTATE AND more of them, or to any of them or to a stranger.
INTESTATE SUCCESSIONS With respect to the legitime repudiated, the
other co-heirs shall succeed it in their own right,
and not by right of accretion.
Define Accretion

No Vacancy is Permitted
In testamentary succession, when the right of the latter is his ascendant, descendant,
accretion does not take place, the vacant portion brother, sister, or spouse, shall be valid
of the instituted heirs, if no substitute has been 4. Any attesting witness to the execution of a
designated, shall pass to the legal heirs of the will, the spouse, parents, or children, or
testator, who shall receive it with the same any one claiming under such witness,
charges and obligations. spouse, parents, or children
5. Any physician, surgeon, nurse, health
To whom accretion may take place officer or druggist who took care of the
testator during his last illness
Accretion shall also take place among devisees,
6. Individuals, associations and corporations
legatees and usufructuaries under the same
not permitted by law to inherit
conditions established for heirs
Incapable of succeeding based on undue
influence or interest based on morality or
Capacity to Succeed by Will of by Intestacy
public policy
Requisites in order that a person can inherit 1. Those made between persons who were
either by will or by intestacy, guilty of adultery or concubinage at the
1. The heir, legatee or devisee must be living time of the donation
or in existence at the moment the 2. Those made between persons found
succession opens guilty of the same criminal offense, in
2. That such heir, legatee or devisee must consideration thereof
not be incapacitated by law to succeed 3. Those made to a public officer or his wife,
(Jurado) descedants and ascendants, by reason of
his office
Incapable of succeeding based on undue Incapable of succeeding based on undue
influence or interest influence or interest based on unworthiness
1. The priest who heard the confession of
1. Parents who have abandoned their
the testator during his last illness, or the
children or induced their daughters to
minister of the gospel who extended
lead a corrupt or immoral life, or
spiritual aid to him during the same
attempted against their virtue
period 2. Any person who has been convicted of an
2. The relatives of such priest or minister of
attempt against the life of the testator, his
the gospel within the fourth degree, the
or her spouse, descendants, or ascendants
church, order, chapter, community, 3. Any person who has accused the testator
organization, or institution to which such of a crime for which the law prescribes
priest or minister may belong imprisonment for six years or more, if the
3. A guardian with respect to testamentary
accusation has been found groundless
dispositions given by a ward in his favor 4. Any heir of full age who, having
before the final accounts of the knowledge of the violent death of the
guardianship have been approved, even if testator, should fail to report it to an
the testator should die after the approval officer of the law within a month, unless
thereof; nevertheless, any provision made the authorities have already taken action;
by the ward in favor of the guardian when this prohibition shall not apply to cases
wherein, according to law, there is no Acceptance or repudiation an inheritance
obligation to make an accusation requisites
5. Any person convicted of adultery or
concubinage with the spouse of the 1. Certain of the death
2. Certain of right to the inheritance.
6. Any person who by fraud, violence,
Kinds of Acceptance
intimidation, or undue influence should
cause the testator to make a will or to 1. Express acceptance which must be
change one already made made in a public or private document
7. Any person who by the same means
prevents another from making a will, or 2. Tacit acceptance - is one resulting from
from revoking one already made, or who acts by which the intention to accept is
supplants, conceals, or alters the latter's necessarily implied, or which one would
have no right to do except in the capacity
of an heir
8. Any person who falsifies or forges a
supposed will of the decedent. Note: Acts of mere preservation or provisional
administration do not imply an acceptance of the
inheritance if, through such acts, the title or
Pardon of Acts of Unworthiness
capacity of an heir has not been assumed.
Only the decedent himself and no other can erase
Deemed acceptance of inheritance
the effects of such acts of unworthiness.
a. If the heirs sells, donates, or
assigns his right to a stranger, or to
his co-heirs, or to any of them
Kinds of Pardoning
b. If the heir renounces the same,
1. Express pardon - when the decedent
even though gratuitously, for the
condones the act of unworthiness in
benefit of one or more of his co-
2. Implied or tacit pardon - when the
testator, with knowledge of the act of
c. If he renounces it for a price in
unworthiness, executes a will instituting
favor of all his co-heirs
the person who has committed the
indiscriminately; but if this
offense as an heir.
renunciation should be gratuitous,
and the co-heirs in whose favor it
Acceptance and Repudiation of the
is made are those upon whom the
portion renounced should devolve
by virtue of accretion, the
Characteristics of acceptance or repudiation of
inheritance shall not be deemed as
the inheritance
1. Purely voluntary
2. Free
3. Irrevocable
Ways by which the repudiation of the
Effects of the acceptance or repudiation
inheritance, legacy or devise may be made
It shall always retroact to the moment of the 1. By means of a public instrument
death of the decedent
2. By means of an authentic instrument Properties not subject to collation
3. By means of a petition presented to the 1. Absolutely no collation expenses for
court having jurisdiction over the
support, education (elementary and
testamentary or intestate proceedings.
secondary only), medical attendance,
even in extra-ordinary illness,
Effect of repudiation if an heir is both a apprenticeship, ordinary equipment or
testate and legal heir customary gifts.
2. Generally not imputed to legitime:
If an heir is both a testate and legal heir, the a. Expenses incurred by parents in giving
repudiation of the inheritance as a testate heir, their children professional, vocational, or
he is understood to have repudiated in both other career unless the parents so
capacities. However, should he repudiate as a provide, or unless they impair the
legal heir, without knowledge of being a testate legitime.
heir, he may still accept the inheritance as a b. Wedding gifts by parents and ascendants
testate heir. consisting of jewelry, clothing and outfit
except when they exceed 1/10 of the sum
Define Collation
disposable by will.
It is the process of adding the value of thing
Note: Only the value of the thing donated shall be
donated to the net value of hereditary estate. To
brought to collation. This value must be the value
collate is to bring back or return to the
of the thing at the time of the donation.
hereditary mass, in fact or fiction, property
which came from the estate of the decedent, Partition Concept
during his lifetime, but which the law considers
Partition, in general, is the separation, division
as an advance from the inheritance. Collation is
and assignment of a thing held in common
applicable to both donations to compulsory heirs
among those to whom it may belong. The thing
and donations to strangers.
itself may be divided, or its value.
General Rule: Compulsory heirs are obliged to
Persons who may execute partition

Exception: 1. By the decedent himself during his

lifetime by an act inter vivos or by will
1. When testator should have so expressly 2. By a third person designated by the
provided decedent or by the heirs themselves
2. When compulsory heir repudiates his 3. By a competent court in accordance with
the New Rules of Court

Properties that are to be collated Persons who can demand partition

1. Any property/right received by gratuitous 1. Compulsary heir

title during testators lifetime 2. Voluntary heir
2. All that may have been received from 3. Legatee or devisee
4. Person who has acquired an interest in
decedent during his lifetime
the estate
3. All that their parents have brought to
collation if alive Partition cannot be demanded when:
1. Expressly Prohibited by testator for a
period not more than 20 years
2. Co-heirs Agreed that estate not be divided
for period not more than 10 years,
renewable for another 10 yrs
3. Prohibited by law
4. To partition estate would render it
Unserviceable for use for which it was
Effects of Partition

A partition legally made confers upon each heir

the exclusive ownership of the property
adjudicated to him.

After the partition has been made, the co-heirs

shall be reciprocally bound to warrant the title
to, and the quality of, each property adjudicated.

Effects of Inclusion of Intruder in Partition

1. Between a true heir and several mistaken

heirs Partition is VOID
2. Between several true heirs and a
mistaken heir transmission to mistaken
heir is VOID
3. Through error or mistake; share of true
heir is allotted to mistaken heir
partition shall not be rescinded unless
there is bad faith or fraud on the part of
the other persons interested, but the
latter shall be proportionately obliged to
pay the true heir of his share

NOTE: Partition with respect to the mistaken

heir is VOID.

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