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Won Second Price in Technical Symposium on topic TRANSLUCENT


We M. L. Sirisha III year civil engineering and R.Vinodh II year

civil engineering pursuer my copartner. We are persuing in Sri Venkatesa Perumal
College of Engineering and Technology

Recently we attended for a symposium in Annamacharya

Institute Of Technology In Tirupathi for paper presentation

We discussed and present a topic about Transulent concrete and

got IInd price.

The translucent concrete is a material which is eco friendly used

for decorate, light reflecting purpose which is a future effluent material and used for a
partition wall and further furniture decorative purpose.

It is prepared by adding fiber strips to the fine concrete and is

durable and workable.
Attended for 104th Indian science congress

I K. Naveen Kumar working as an Assistant professor in SVPCET, Puttur

since 1 year in civil engineering department.

In order to enhance my knowledge I had attended to 104 th Indian science

congress with the support of my college administration held at SV University, Tirupati.

On the very first day I felt excited by the speeches of honble Prime
minister Narendra Modi and Chief minister Chandra Babu Naidu . I had never seen a noble price
winner with my naked eye and by attending this conference I felt proud by listening the valuable
speech by noble price laureates and some other ISC delegates.

Usually I am very much interested to know what the developments are going
on science and technology in India and around world. In this conference I got a detail information
about the researches going in India and around all over world . In this Conference Pride of India
Exhibition(POI EXPO) exhibited about the technologies in DRDO,CSIR ,Indian navy and Many
other Research Organizations which will led our Indian Government to step forward towards
development .

During these 5 days conference the speech of noble price winner Mohammad
yunus attracted me a lot because of his words poverty should be in museum . Finally this will be
one of my best moments in my life.
Guest lecture on Advancement in structural Analysis by Dr. T.S. Thandavamoothy Garu

In order to improve the practical knowledge of the civil

engineering students, svpcet administration had conducted a guest lecture on
Advancement in structural Analysis with the help of Dr. T.S.Thandamoothy garu.
The lecture was conducted on overall topics of structural Analysis and recent
developments .The B.Tech civil engineering students participated in this lecture .In this
session our guest had explained recent developments in structural Analysis based on
his experience and also he interacted with students and clarified all of their doubts
which will be help for their future. In this event HOD of civil engineering C.Selin ravi
kumar and principal P.Munaswamy was participated.
Industrial Visit To CSIR

On behalf of field visit SVPCET college management had provided a visit to the CSIR
SERC which is located at Chennai and it was established an act of parliament under
institution of national importance.

The visit was conducted on 28-09-2016 to B.Tech civil engineering students SVPCET
college Puttur. During this program student observed the state of the art facilities for
testing different materials and we have seen advanced testing laboratories and
innovative programs of research and development for technology.

On the part of this visit student and faculty interacted with experts and clarified their
doubts and they got useful information to build their future.

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