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Fundamentals of Microbiology eran wastewater —{_ a L—{ eth, I seers ‘eet —[_Satacee [seen sue Rese Waste Suge «— Role of Microorganisms 7 ‘Synthesis — microorganisms \ Nutrients * Respiration + Eneroy End Products 0, H,0, NH, ete Functions of Nutrients + Carbon > for synthesis of cell tissue > as energy source (through oxidation of organic ‘compound) + Nitrogen > for synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids + Phosphorus » for synthesis of nuclei acids > plays a very importance role in energy transfer Rule of thume: 41. gm of nitrogen per 30 gm of COD removed 1 gm of phosphorus per 140 gm of COD removed 2, BOD:N:P =100:5:4 Functions of Nutrients Sulfur > for synthesis of proteins. + Magnesium » required to activate enzymes, especially those involving phosphate transfer > help to stabilize cell membrane and nucleic acids + Calcium > involved in the stability of cell wall + Zine > helps to hold together protein subunits in proper configuration for enzyme activity + Copper > play a role in cortain oxidation-reduction reactions. Nutrients Requirement - Example Wastewat | BOD, mg/L | Nmgit | P; mg/l industrial | 1500 2 ° Domestic | 200 as | 40 Volume of industrial wastewater : 1000 L Volume of domestic cewage © V B BOD _1s0011000)+200(7) 100 P O000)+1007) 1 vee BOD _s00q1000)+ 2007) 100 BW 3011000) +35) 3 v= Classification of Microorganisms - Oxygen Requirement + Aerobie ~ Use molecular oxygen as ther electron acceptor + Anaerobic ~ Use some molecule other than molecular oxygen as their electron acceptor + Facultative = Use either oxygen or some other chemical compound as their electron acceptor. ~ Growth is more efficient for these organisms under ‘aerobic condition Cys + 80, ——* 6CO, + HO + 689,000 cal __laerobie CcHiOs ——» 2CH,CH,OH + 2CO, + 31,000 cal _lamerobie) Environmental Effects - pH Growth Rate mo iE SS oo eee Growth : pH 4-9 Optimal: pH 6.5-7.5 Hydrogen-ion concentration is considered to be one of the most Important factors that influence enzyme activity Metabolism of Microorganisms . Food . Microbial Enzyme Utilization Activity + Enzyme ~ catalyze only certain kind of reaction ~ act on only one kind of substrate [complex Substrate nyarotysie, [SolubIo Substrate ~ cataboien “fia ] Batch Growth Cycle Looe) Tine Definition Lag Phase Occurs when microorganisms are transferred into fresh medium microorganisms needs to produce enzymes raquired for metabolism Exponential Phase + Microorganisms have adjusted + They are multiplying at a maximum rate withthe number ofc regularly Stationary Phase + Occurs when some key parameters, such as nutrient, roaches a ‘ean no longer support the maximum growth + Balance between growth and death rates occurs Death Phase + Occurs when some key parameters have depleted to a certain extent + Characterized by high death r 0 their new environment Isdoubling whit Specific Growth Rate, Where X =concentration of microorganisms, mass/volume = specific growth rate, time* Exponential Growth % @ Where jj, = maximum specific growth rat, ime* Integrating Eq. (2) yields feel Where x, = concentration of microorganism att = 0, massfime 7 In) = st 8 X=K,e" @ Doubling Time From Eq. (3), the doubling time, Tynan Can be expressed In2 double = —— 6 Ho Bay Tanaio 2 83 5 33 70 17 Substrate Limited Growth thas been found that the effect of a limiting substrate can be adequately defined using the following expression proposed by Monod: HyS = (® Aes Where uy spect gown rl, tre! | im = maximum specific growth rato, time? 'S = concentration of growth - limiting substrate in solution, massivolume , halt-velocity constant 7 Substrate Limited Growth - special properties Hy S K,+8 u “ue © 1 } (2) When 8 «K, 8) When Sok, WE Hy Observed Growth Yield ‘Y= amount of biomass formed per unit amount of substrate consumed Xe a AS Tikingratiitot 2 9 +0 gh == © Mathematicaly, Eq, (7) can be manipulated and expressed as: ax dt dt ax ds. dt a y= @ ® Relationship between Growth and Substrate Utilization 1 ‘Multiplying both sides of Eq (9) by = specific substrate utilization rate, time! Effects of Endogenous Metabolism Endogenous metabolism + Oxidation of cellular compounds for satisying maintenance erergy requirement Maintenance Eneray Requirement + transport of substrate into the cells, motity, ete. ax av a” 3) where Yq true growth yield += the amount of cell material formed per unit of substrate utiized inthe absence of maintenance energy requirement = Microbial decay coefficient, time =the amount of biomass loss to endogenous per unit of blomass per unit of ime « Relationship between observed and true growth yields From Eqs. (9) and (13) a ‘Substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (16) am 7 a Observed Growth Yield : Implication Effect of Dilution Rate Diution Rate: pp = 2 Mass balance on biomass as,—fy, lore 0=0-aXx+ ux Monod Equation ~ Effect of Dilution Rate Mass balance on substrate AzI-0+6 Effect of Dilution Rate Ditton Rate: pp = 2 v as, fox) aax eo Mass balance on substrate X=YS,-8) Key Points 1. Role of Microorganisms : o + Steg ee eed Ena Prodes: 6p 1,0, NM te 2. Rule of thumb: BOD: N:P =100:5:4 3. Classification of Microorganisms - Oxygen Requirement + Aerobic + Anacrobie Facultative 3. Environmental Effects - pH + Growth: pH 4-9 + Optimal: pH 6.5 -7.5 Key Points Metabolism of Microorganisms: faa | mens Specific Growth Rate: +- /-{% 3. Observed Growth Yield: =-Gi and True Growth Yield: “ Relationship between observed and true growth yields End of Topic 5 Fundamentals of Microbiology Activated Sludge Process Rate of Change of Biomass Concentration = dt ax ay (a8 @ di dt ax as awe ar ex a By Monod Equation, AX _ 515K di K,+8 KX Rate of biomass growth =I) ds =7 (Sy veal as are S)- Kx) ree KN Activated Sludge | Process > Primary Shudge | {esa} —[ est -—[ oe | Activated Sludge ‘A mixture microbial culture: + Algae + Bacteria + Fungi + Protozoa + Rotifers + Viruses Why Biological Treatment? ie Activated Sludge Process + A two-stage system [ertion Fst a ASP - Aeration Tank + Organic wastes are consumed by microorganisms in the AT under an aerated and agitated environment + The contents of the AT is referred to as mixed liquor and the suspended solids is known as. mixed liquor suspended solids (iiss) + Activated sludge is commonly accepted to be represented by C3H,0,N or CsH,0;NP ASP - Sedimentation Tank + Separate suspended solids from the treated wastewaters + The flocculent nature of activated sludge is important for: ~ Rapid, efficient and economical separation of the microbial mass from the treated wastewater ~ Adsorption of suspended and ionic materials in the ‘wastewater ASP - RAS + To maintain a concentrated population of microorganisms in AT ASP - WAS + Excess biomass are removed for further treatment ~ Ina balanced systom, WAS represents the net amount of microbial mass produced by the metabolism process in the ‘aeration tank, and is effectively the ‘pollution concentrate" from the system —Aeation Fst - a was Kinetic Model Development anaes! | as, Vi%S (2.0,),X,,8) + OLX 8 RO, Xe S average time that treatment system total bioma: ate of biomass wit xv % QwXr + (Q— Qu )Xe a unit of biomass remains in the 55 in the system draw From the system a @ 8, and Specific Substrate Utilization Rate, q ‘At steady state condition (on daily basis) + Biomass produced in AT = Biomass withdrawn fromASP (3) 1,4), -K XW =0.%,10-00%, W From Eq (2) ; xv 0.%,0-0)%.=2% ‘Substituting Eq (6) into Eg. (4) (i ng 6, and S Biomass produced in AT per day (using Monod Equation) HSK “RS At stoady state: + Biomass produced in AT = Biomass withdraw from ASP KX Thus, blomass withdrawn from the system per day ° Substituting Ea. 9) into Ea (2) OG ee kis) eR KOKO) o Kl o(19R). Xs ates as, . 7 A Xe ore 6,8, and X By Definition: oh xa" {AX steady State Condon: a, _S.- 3 (13) x ‘Substitute Eq. (19) nto Eq. (8), or Sk en oko a8, ‘Amass balance on X across the secondary clarifier yields: Q(t #RIK=(A-A)K,+,X,4 ROX, 15) Substituting Ea (15) into Eq (2) xv. RIX =ROX, a 14R-RX x 4, ou 16) Maximum Solids in the Sludge Return Line x 10" Gp SIT “7 were: SVI= Sludge Volume Index. Y,. = fraction of total SS that are volatile Sludge Volume Index {An empirical measurement used as an index ofthe settleatility of the sludge lis defined as ala VX SVL (1a) where V=Volume of settled solids after 30 min (m)) v. initial volume of sludge tested (0) ILSS concentration of sludge before testing (g/) Excess Sludge Production Total amount of total biomass inthe Aeration Tank Sludge withdrawn a, = (19) Oxygen Requirement If itis assumed that the biomass can adequately be described by the ‘chemical formula C,H,0,N, the oxygen required to oxidized a unit of biomass can be calculated as: CyH,0,N + 50, + 5CO,+ 2H,0 + NH, (20) 13 5x32 1 x 13 5)(32) Dap 1142 units of ©, are required to oxidized a unit of biomass Oxygen Requirement - without WAS [Kean] rer oe 08 Lo rss Oxrequred por — 0.5" —Q.5" aw vir: (22) Oxygen Requirement - with WAS a fst QS si “f- os RAS was -1.42P, a Nitrogenous Oxygen Requirement NH, #20,NO;-+ 24+ #40 Since 4.57 kg of oxygen are utilized in the oxidation of 1 kg of NHN, the nitrogenous oxygen demand (NOD) can be conservatively estimated as: Nop LSTOITKN,) (24) where: TKN, = combined concentration of ammonia and organic nitrogen in the influent, mg/L of nitrogen Design Procedure Given: Seleat . ObIaIN Bs Kas YK ses =n} cise] coun, Caloulate RF Seek] cacuate | —__}-~_J eats Breese] oxygen Demand | Siuage roan | S)-O-5"- 1427, (D) Kini Parameters + Depend on the type of waste to be treated and the microbial population established + Alaboratory study is generally required to evaluate the parameters. ‘Typical kinotic parameters for the activated sludge process ‘outfcent Basie Vata Range. Typical z ay" 2-10 50 « ‘rail BOD, 25-100 © Imai cod 1570 © Y; | mavssing Boone | 04-08 oe mmgvssingcob | 025-04 04 Ke aay" 004-0075, 06 ‘a: Values reported are for 20°C bi: VSS = Volatile Suspended Solids Ps Key Points |. Activated Sludge Process : A two-stage system -- Casa} | oa 2. Activated sludge could be represented by * MLSS or MLVSS + CAH,ONN oF G.H,O.NPas {At steady stale condition (on daily basis): ‘Biomass produced in AT = Biomass withdravm from ASP |. 1.42 units of O, are required to oxidized a unit of biomass 3. Mean Cell Residence Time ods the een Tek doy of es ibn fem End of Topic 6 Activated Sludge Process Aeration Function To transfer oxygen to the liquid at such a rate that ‘oxygen never becomes the limiting factor in Process Operation. Common Types of Aeration System ‘The mothods that are commonly used to transfer oxygen in aerobic biological wastewater treatment process includ + Compressed air diffusion + Submerged turbine aeration + Surface Aeration be comprar — hp Corn he Dike Saag ade 1. Fundamentals of Gas Transfer All solutes tend to diffuse through solutions from a region of, higher concentration towards a region of lower concentration. Ithas been observed that the rate of change in dissolved ‘oxygen concentration during the aeration process ean be expressed as: « Zz. -0) qd eK G-C) (M) where K,,* gas transfer coefficient, time C, = Saturation Concentration of oxygen in the liquid, mass/Vol, = Cone. of dissolved oxygen, massivol. Fundamentals of Gas Transfer - contd. Eq. (1) can be rearranged into the form, ag 2. Oxygen Saturation Concentration Saturation concentration of oxygen in water depends on: + Dissolved solid concentration + Partial pressure of the oxygen in contact with the water + Temperature () Dissolved Solids and Temperature Ichas been found that the saturation concentration can be ‘expressed as: 75-2658 Cun gy where (C.)rs0= Saturation value of oxygen ata total atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg, mg/L = Dissolved solid concentration in the water, g/L = femperature, °C 5 Oxygen Saturation Concentration - conti The effect of dissolved salts ean also be accounted for by Using a B factor, defined as: _ saturation conc. in wastewater B @ ‘saturation cone.in tap water + Reported B values : 0,90 to 0.98 (for domestic sewage) + Typical average : 0.95 Oxygen Saturation Concentration - cont (i) Pressure “The value of oxygen saturation given by Eq. (3) may be corrected for prevailing pressure by applying the following ‘expression ect 6 where P= the prevailing pressure in mm Hg = the saturation water vapor pressure at the temperature of the water Note: the oxygen saturation value given by Eq, (6) isthe value at the water surface, Vapor Pressure of Water in Contact with Air Tomperaare Vapor Prosmare co. (oom ti) ° a5 5 eS 0 92 1s “128 20 178 25 Bas m0 am Factor Affecting Oxygen Transfer Coefficient + Temperature + Wastewater characteristics + Turbulence A. Temperature ‘Temperature affects the overall oxygen transfer coefficient according to the following relationship KF" © kK, where ‘98s transfer coefficient at temperature T, °C {gas transfer coefficient at temperature 20°C tomperature dependency factor of the transfer coefficient .020 — 1.028 for diffused air system .012 for surface aeration ° Temperature - contd The effects of temperature on C, and K,, are of approximately the same magnitude but in an opposite direction, so that these effects tend to cancel each other. Because of this, temperature variations can usually be neglected in K,, and C, corrections as long as the value of each parameter is based on the same temperature. Factor Affecting Oxygen Transfer Coefficient — contd. B, Wastewater Characteristics Under process conditions, the value of K,, is usually less for wastewater than for tap water. This is due to the presence of soluble organic compounds (e.g. surface- active materials such as short-chain fatty acids, alcohols, ete.) To compensate for these effects, an a factor is introduced, Ki, of Wastewater ~K,,of TapWater = ™ Factor Affecting Oxygen Transfer Coefficient - contd. ©. Turbulence ‘The effect of turbulence on « can be illustrated by the following figure Liquid Mixing Intensity 4. Oxygen Transfer Rates The oxygen transfer rate of a particular aeration device quoted by a manufacturer applies only for + standard conditions, + a specific tank geometry ‘Standard conditions means that the aerator was tested with: + tap water, + at zor0 initial DO concentration, + 20°¢, 760 mm Hg atmospheric pressure Oxygen Transfer Rates - conta ‘A manufacturer's figure for the rate of oxygen transfer must, be modified for processes conditions. This can be done by incorporating the factors that affect the oxygen transfer rate into Eq, (1) as follow: a Pane = 4. (8) neglects temperature effects on K,, and G,, and ‘asstumes that both parameters are evaluated at 20°C Oxygen Transfer Rates - contd Under Standard Condit a=4,B=1, P=760and ¢=0, Eq, (8) reduces to: °) (10) (OR gy (Og aa 0m, 4 5. Design of Aeration System (A) Compressed air diffusion (B) Submerged turbine aeration (C) Surface Aeration We congo ip lel Cpt he Dir Snug eae ie (A) Diffused Aeration The oxygen saturation value given by Eq, (6)is the vaiue at tho water surface, This value must be corrected for iflused air and submerged turbine systems because of the increase in pressure due to liquid submergence. For this reason, the ‘oxygen saturation concentration for such a system is, am where C,,= average oxygen saturation concentration, mg/L. G sxygen saturation at the liquid surface, mg/L. (gi Eqs. (9) and (5)) ir pressure at the point of release from diffuser, nm Hg (12) mn by H= the liquid depth in m at the point of bubble release (A) Diffused Aeration —coms. P= Prevailing pressure, mm Hg 0, Percentage of oxygen inthe air leaving the liquid surface, % (usually, itis assumed that between 6 and 10% of the ‘oxygen Is absorbed and that air intially contained 21% oxygen). ‘Once a value for G,, has been determined, the oxygen transfer rate under process conditions is computed from the following ‘modified form of Eq. (10) CO, (01) gg “(OT «13 where OTR = oxygen transfer rate ‘The value of 9.2 inthe denominator isthe oxygen saturation at standard conditions (C desired minimum dissolved oxygen concentration to be maintained in the aeration tanie Note: + The performance of a diffused air system is affected by diffuser spacing, tank depth and rate of, air flow > Typically, there is a minimum and a maximum. spacing between diffusers > Width/Depth ratio < certain recommended value > Diffuser depth usually fall within the range of 24mto4.9m Design Procedure - Diffused Aeration System 4, Calculate the oxygen saturation cone. atthe liquid surface 2. Calculate the alr pressure atthe point of bubble release Pb=73.8H +P 3. Determine 0, 0,=(1-% of 0, absorbed) x21% 4. Estimate the average 0, saturation cone. C8 CG? 5. Determine the O, transfer rate at process condition (01 us (OTR =O 6. Compute the number of diffusers required (B) Submerge Turbine Aeration + No limitations to tank geometry (e.g. widthidepth) mixing is controlled by the power input to the turbine + Typically, the turbine diameter to equivalent tank diameter 0f0.1 to 0.2is used + Optimum oxygen transfer rate occurs when the ratio of turbine power to compressor power is approximately 1 oR 7 (8) Submerge Turbine Aeration com. + Expected oxygon transfor rate: » Single Impeller : 0.91.2 kg OyKWh > Dual Impeller :1.5~1.8 kg O/kWh Design Procedure ~ Submerge Turbine Aeration Calculate the oxygen saturation cone. atthe liquid surface Calculate the air pressure at the point of bubble release Determine 0, O-(1. Mofo, absorbed) x 21%, Estimate the average 0, saturation cone. no, Gs Determine the 0, transfer rate at process condition aC) (O78 us = OTM ‘Compute the power required Othe (C) Surface Aeration, + Oxygenate the liquid by pumping the volume of liquid under aeration isan important eorsideration + This relationship is usually expressed as power requirement por cubie meter of volume to be aerated + The oxygen transfer rate of a surface aerator quoted ay the manufacturer ts commonly expressed as kg O, transferred/kWh and is reported at standard conditions + To correct for process conditions, the following formula is used (0P% us =(07H),E=O 18) where c, xxygen saturation at the liquid surface, mall. (given by Eqs. (3) and (5)) Design Procedure - Surface Aeration Caloulate the oxygen saturation cone. atthe liquid surface Determine the 0, transfer rate at process condition a (OM) (O7R, ‘compute he power required ‘Compute the power level

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