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Pitting Corrosion

G.S. Frankel, The Ohio State University

MANY ENGINEERING ALLOYS, such as chloride has been pondered for some time, and cation concentration and to maintain charge neu-
stainless steels and aluminum alloys, are useful a number of notions have been put forth. Chlo- trality. This enrichment of anions occurs by elec-
only because of passive films, which are thin ride is an anion of a strong acid, and many metal tromigration from the bulk solution in response
(nanometer-scale) oxide layers that form natu- cations exhibit considerable solubility in chlo- to the potential gradient that develops as a result
rally on the metal surface and greatly reduce the ride solutions (Ref 2). Chloride is a relatively of the ohmic potential drop along the current
rate of corrosion of the alloys. Such passive small anion with a high diffusivity; it interferes path between the inside of the pit and the cath-
films, however, are often susceptible to localized with passivation, and it is ubiquitous as a con- odic sites on the boldly exposed surface. The fi-
breakdown, resulting in accelerated dissolution taminant. nal aspect of the local pit environment that must
of the underlying metal. If the attack initiates on The presence of oxidizing agents in a chlo- be considered is the pH, which decreases, owing
an open surface, it is called pitting corrosion; at ride-containing environment is usually ex- to cation hydrolysis:
an occluded site, it is called crevice corrosion. tremely detrimental and will further enhance lo-
Me2 + + 2H 2 O Me (OH ) + + + H 2 O
These closely related forms of localized corro- calized corrosion. It should be noted that
sion can lead to accelerated failure of structural chromate is an oxidizing agent that typically in-
Me (OH )2 + 2H +
(Eq 3)
components by perforation or by acting as an hibits corrosion by reducing to form Cr(III) film.
initiation site for cracking. Figure 1 shows an Most oxidizing agents enhance the likelihood of
example of deep pits on a metal surface. pitting corrosion by providing extra cathodic re- The common cathodic reactions that must ac-
It should be noted that, whereas localized dis- actants and increasing the local potential. Of company the dissolution occurring in the pit,
solution following breakdown of an otherwise course, dissolved oxygen is the most common such as the oxygen reduction reaction (Eq 1),
protective passive film is the most common and oxidizing agent. One of the reactions by which result in a local increase in the pH at the cathodic
technologically important type of pitting corro- oxygen reduction occurs is: sites. The acidity developed in the pit is not neu-
sion, pits can form under other conditions as tralized by the cathodic reaction because of the
well. For instance, pitting can occur during ac- O2 + 2H 2 O + 4e 4OH spacial separation of the anodic and cathodic re-
tive dissolution if certain regions of the sample Erev = 1.23 0.059 pH (vs. SHE ) (Eq 1) actions. In summary, the local pit environment
are more susceptible and dissolve faster than the is depleted in the cathodic reactant, such as dis-
rest of the surface. This section concentrates on solved oxygen; enriched in metal cation and an
the better-known and widely studied phenome- where SHE is standard hydrogen electrode.
Removal of oxidizing agents, such as removal anionic species, such as chloride; and acidified.
non of pitting corrosion of passive metals. This acidic chloride environment is aggressive
Pitting corrosion is influenced by many dif- of dissolved oxygen by deaeration, is one pow-
erful approach for reducing susceptibility to lo- to most metals and tends to prevent repassivation
ferent parameters, including the environment, and promote continued propagation of the pit.
metal composition, potential, temperature, and calized corrosion. The influence of potential on
surface condition. Important environmental pa- pitting corrosion is described subsequently.
rameters include aggressive ion concentration, Pitting is considered to be autocatalytic in na-
pH, and inhibitor concentration. Other phenom- ture; once a pit starts to grow, the local condi-
enological aspects of localized corrosion include tions are altered such that further pit growth is
the stochastic nature of the processes and the promoted. The anodic and cathodic electrochem-
stages of localized attack, including passive film ical reactions that comprise corrosion separate
breakdown, metastable attack, stable growth, spatially during pitting (Fig. 2). The local pit en-
and perhaps eventual arrest. vironment becomes depleted in cathodic reactant
(e.g., oxygen), which shifts most of the cathodic
reaction (such as is given by Eq 1) to the boldly
Phenomenology exposed surface outside of the pit cavity, where
of Pitting Corrosion this reactant is more plentiful. The pit environ-
ment becomes enriched in metal cations as a re-
sult of the dissolution process in the pit (written
Environment and Development of Local
Environment. Classical pitting corrosion caused for a generic metallic element, M):
by passive film breakdown will only occur in the
presence of aggressive anionic species, and chlo- M r Mn ne (Eq 2)
ride ions are usually, although not always, the
cause. The severity of pitting tends to vary with The concentration of an anionic species such
the logarithm of the bulk chloride concentration as chloride must also increase within the pit in
(Ref 1). The reason for the aggressiveness of order to balance the charge associated with the Fig. 1 Deep pits in a metal
2 / Forms of Corrosion

A detailed analysis of the influence of pit of the pit. Salt films are not required for pit sta- counter electrode, to make such measurements.
chemistry changes on pit growth and stability is bility (although some have suggested that they As mentioned previously, current density is a
provided in Ref 2 and 3. The concentration of are) (Ref 49), but they enhance stability by pro- measure of the rate of reaction. Common prac-
various ionic species at the bottom of a model viding a buffer of ionic species that can dissolve tice for measuring such curves involves poten-
one-dimensional pit geometry was determined as into the pit to reconcentrate the environment in tiodynamic polarization or automatic scanning
a function of current density based on a material the event of a catastrophic event, such as the sud- of the potential from a low value, such as the
balance that considered generation of cations by den loss of a protective pit cover. Under mass- corrosion potential, to higher values (Ref 10).
dissolution, outward diffusion, and thermody- transport-limited growth, pits will be hemispher- The schematic polarization curve in Fig. 3
namic equilibrium of various reactions such as ical with polished surfaces. In the absence of a shows the case of a spontaneously passive ma-
cation hydrolysis (Eq 1). It was found that a criti- salt film (at lower potentials), pits may be crys- terial, meaning that a protective passive film is
cal value of the product x i, where x is pit depth tallographically etched or irregularly shaped in present on the metal surface at the open circuit
and i is current density, corresponded to a critical some other fashion. or corrosion potential, Ecorr. During upward
pit acidification for sustained pit growth. Current Potential. Electrochemical studies of pitting scanning, breakdown occurs, and a stable pit
density in a pit is a measure of the corrosion rate corrosion have found that characteristic poten- starts growing at the pitting potential EP, where
within the pit and thus a measure of the pit pen- tials exist. Stable pits form at potentials noble to the current increases sharply from the passive
etration rate. This x i value can be used to de- the pitting potential, EP, and will grow at poten- current level and, on reversal of the scan direc-
termine the current density required to initiate or tials noble to the repassivation potential, ER, tion, repassivates at ER, where the current drops
sustain pitting at a defect of a given size. which is lower than EP. The effect of potential back to low values representative of passive dis-
As the pit current density increases, the ionic on pitting corrosion and the meaning of these solution. Corrosion experts generally consider
concentration in the pit solution increases, often characteristic potentials can best be understood that materials exhibiting higher values of EP and
reaching supersaturation conditions. A solid salt with the schematic polarization curve shown in ER are more resistant to pitting corrosion, and
film may form on the pit surface, at which point Fig. 3. This figure is a plot of the potential versus cyclic polarization experiments are commonly
the ionic concentration would drop to the satu- the logarithm of the current density. Potential is used for this purpose. In an oxidizing environ-
ration value, which is the value in equilibrium measured versus a reference electrode, com- ment, or for a material that is very susceptible to
with the salt layer. Under these conditions, the monly a saturated calomel electrode (SCE), and pitting, the open circuit potential, which is de-
pit growth rate is limited by mass transport out a potentiostat is used, along with an auxiliary or termined by the intersection of the polarization
curves associated with the anodic and cathodic
partial reactions, will be above EP, and the ma-
terial will spontaneously pit at open circuit.
A correlation has been found such that metals
with low experimentally determined pitting po-
tentials have a higher tendency to form pits nat-
urally at open circuit (Ref 1). If the Ecorr is far
below the EP, then there is a low likelihood that
the potential will ever go high enough to ap-
proach the EP and initiate a pit. Therefore, the
difference between the EP and Ecorr in a given
environment is the margin of safety and is also
used as a measure of the susceptibility to local-
ized corrosion (Ref 1113). Because the repas-
sivation potential ER is typically lower than EP,
the difference between ER and Ecorr is a more
conservative measure of pitting susceptibility. If
the corrosion potential were to always remain
below the potential at which pits repassivate,
then there is a very low likelihood that pitting

Fig. 3 Schematic of a polarization curve showing criti-

cal potentials and metastable pitting region. EP,
Fig. 2 Autocatalytic process occurring in a corrosion pit. The metal, M, is being pitted by an aerated NaCl solution. pitting potential; ER, repassivation potential; Ecorr, corrosion
Rapid dissolution occurs in the pit, while oxygen reduction takes place on the adjacent metal surfaces. potential. Source: Ref 1
Pitting Corrosion / 3

will occur at all. A final measure of pitting sus- chromium content increased above the critical would tend to form there first. Another study
ceptibility is the difference between EP and ER, 13% value needed to create stainless steel (Ref found that microsegregation of copper and iron
which is related to the extent of hysteresis in a 20). Increasing the concentration of nickel, impurities at nodes in high-purity aluminum was
cyclic potentiodynamic polarization curve. Gen- which stabilizes the austenitic phase, moderately sufficient to increase the tendency for pitting cor-
erally, alloys that are susceptible to pitting cor- improves the pitting resistance of iron-chromium rosion at open circuit (Ref 34).
rosion exhibit a large hysteresis. (Ref 20). Small increases in certain minor alloy- Temperature is also a critical factor in pitting
It should be noted that several other names ing elements, such as molybdenum in stainless corrosion, because many materials will not pit at
and subscripts have been used to describe these steels, can greatly reduce pitting susceptibility a temperature below a certain value, which may
characteristic potentials. For instance, it is com- (Ref 19). Molybdenum is particularly effective be extremely sharp and reproducible (Ref 35
mon to use the term breakdown potential (Eb) but only in the presence of chromium. Small 41). This effect can be seen either by varying the
for the initiation potential, because one is not amounts of other elements, such as nitrogen and temperature at a range of fixed applied potentials
always sure if the form of localized attack is pit- tungsten, also have a strong influence on the pit- or by varying the potential for a range of constant
ting, crevice corrosion, or intergranular corro- ting resistance of stainless steels (Ref 21, 22). temperature experiments. Figure 4 is a plot of
sion, or if the current increase is the result of Various measures have been developed to de- pitting and repassivation potentials for three dif-
general transpassive dissolution. The pitting po- scribe the beneficial effects of steel composition ferent stainless steels in 1 M NaCl as a function
tential is sometimes referred to as the pit nucle- on resistance to localized corrosion. The pitting of solution temperature (Ref 40). At low tem-
ation potential, Enp, and the repassivation poten- resistance equivalent number (PREN) was orig- peratures, extremely high breakdown potentials
tial is sometimes called the protection potential, inally developed as a pitting index for stainless are observed, corresponding to transpassive dis-
Eprot. If creviced samples are used, the potentials steels (Ref 22): solution, not localized corrosion. Just above the
might be referred to as crevice potential, Ecrev, critical pitting temperature (CPT), pitting cor-
and crevice repassivation potential, Er,crev. rosion occurs at a potential that is far below the
The measures of susceptibility described pre- PREN Cr 3.3Mo 16N (wt%) (Eq 4) transpassive breakdown potential. This value of
viously are useful for comparing the vulnerabil- CPT is independent of environmental parameters
ity of various alloys to localized corrosion in a The multiplier value for nitrogen could be as and applied potential over a wide range and is a
given environment or for comparing the relative high as 30. The PREN has been correlated to measure of the resistance to stable pit propaga-
aggressiveness of different environments. How- various other measures of corrosion resistance tion (Ref 35). At higher temperatures, the pitting
ever, there is abundant experimental evidence for stainless steels, such as the critical pitting potential decreases with increasing temperature
suggesting that these interpretations of the char- temperature, which is described in the next sec- and chloride concentration. The CPT can be
acteristic potentials are simplistic and insuffi- tion. used, similar to pitting potential, as a means for
cient for the development of a fundamental un- Because aluminum is a very active and reac- ranking susceptibility to pitting corrosion; the
derstanding of the mechanism of pitting tive metal, the homogeneous addition of almost higher the CPT, the more resistant the alloy is to
corrosion. For instance, the potentiodynamically any metal (except zinc, lead, and magnesium) pitting (Ref 35). If crevice corrosion is the pri-
determined pitting potential of many materials into aluminum alloys results in an increase in mary concern, creviced samples can be used to
exhibits a wide experimental scatter, of the order pitting potential (Ref 2328). In order for this determine a critical crevice temperature (CCT),
of hundreds of millivolts. Furthermore, EP is, in alloying to be beneficial, it is essential that the which is typically lower than the corresponding
many cases, a function of experimental param- structure remain single phase. The pitting poten- CPT. Aluminum alloys do not exhibit a CPT in
eters, such as potential scan rate. As is described tial of binary aluminum-copper alloys increased aqueous chloride solutions at temperatures down
subsequently, so-called metastable pits initiate with copper concentration as long as the copper to 0 C (32 F) (Ref 42).
and grow for a period at potentials well below was in solid solution (Ref 29). Surface Condition. The exact condition of a
the pitting potential (Ref 14), which provides Pits almost always initiate at some chemical surface can have a large influence on the pitting
evidence in contradiction to the definition of the or physical heterogeneity at the surface, such as behavior of a material. In general, samples pre-
pitting potential as being the potential above inclusions, second-phase particles, solute-segre- pared with a rough surface finish are more sus-
which pits initiate. The meaning of the repassi- gated grain boundaries, flaws, mechanical dam- ceptible to pitting and exhibit a lower pitting po-
vation potential has also been called into ques- age, or dislocations (Ref 19). Most engineering tential. For example, the pitting potential of type
tion. The ER of ferritic stainless steel decreases alloys have many or all such defects, and pits 302 stainless steel with a 120-grit finish was
(i.e., moves in the active direction) with increas- will tend to form at the most susceptible sites shown to be approximately 150 mV lower than
ing values of the current density at which the first. Pits in stainless steels are often associated that for the same material with a 1200-grit finish
potential scan direction is reversed (Ref 12, 15). with MnS inclusions, which are found in most over a range of chloride concentrations (Ref 43).
So, deeper pits apparently repassivate at lower commercial steels. The role of MnS inclusions The effect of surface roughness on pitting is re-
potentials. In contrast, the repassivation potential in promoting the breakdown and localized cor- lated to the stabilization criteria described sub-
for pits in aluminum seems to be relatively in- rosion of stainless steels has been recognized for sequently. Rougher surfaces have more occluded
dependent of the extent of prior pit growth for a some time (Ref 30, 31). Recent improvements sites, which can sustain the conditions required
limited number of experiments (Ref 16). A simi- in alloy production have led to steels with lower for active dissolution at lower current densities
lar lack of dependence of ER on prior growth has sulfur content to improve pitting resistance. and thus lower potentials because of the longer
been found for pits in stainless steel and other Pits in aluminum alloys are typically associ- diffusion path length and slower rate of diffu-
corrosion-resistant alloys but only after the pas- ated with intermetallic particles (Ref 32, 33). As sion.
sage of large charge densities (Ref 17). Further- described previously, copper additions to alu- For stainless steels, heat treatment, grinding,
more, pits did not initiate at potentials below this minum resulted in improvements in pitting re- and abrasive blasting have been reported to be
limiting ER, even after very long times (up to 38 sistance when the copper was in solid solution. detrimental to pitting resistance, whereas pick-
months), which validates the use of the repassi- However, when particles of the intermetallic h ling in HNO3 HF scales or passivation in
vation potential as a design criterion (Ref 18). phase (Al2Cu) formed, the resistance to pitting HNO3 is beneficial (Ref 22). Heat treatments in
Alloy composition and microstructure can decreased back to the range of aluminum alloyed air generate a chromium oxide scale and a chro-
have strong effects on the tendency for an alloy with little copper (Ref 29). The decrease in pit- mium-depleted region under the scale. The scale
to pit (Ref 19). Chromium concentration plays ting potential with formation of h phase was ex- is typically removed mechanically, and the chro-
the dominant role in conferring passivity to fer- plained by the existence of a copper-depleted re- mium-depleted region is removed by pickling
rous alloys. The pitting potential was corre- gion near the particles (Ref 29). This region (Ref 22). Other common surface defects include
spondingly found to increase dramatically as the would have a lower pitting potential, so pits heat tint from welding, embedded iron particles
4 / Forms of Corrosion

from machining, and MnS inclusions. The det- CrIII species by a reaction similar to the one that sured and the survival probability, P(t), deter-
rimental effects of these defects are minimized occurs when the conversion coating forms (Eq mined using Eq 6, except that n is the number
and the overall surface condition improved by 5). This layer is effective at reducing the activity of samples that initiate pits by time t after ap-
passivation in nitric acid, which increases the of both anodic and cathodic sites on the alloy plication of the potential. The pit-generation rate,
chromium content of the surface oxide film. surface. Chromate pigment in primer should act k, can then be given by (Ref 49):
The effects of surface condition on localized the same way to protect a scratched area. Owing
corrosion are significant enough that care must to the carcinogenic nature of chromate, consid- (t ) = ln P (t )
be taken to not apply experimental data collected erable effort has been put into developing an dt (Eq 7)
on samples with special preparation to a real ap- equally effective and environment-friendly re-
plication without taking the surface condition placement system. However, nothing developed The value of the pit-generation rate can also be
into account. to date is as effective as chromate for reducing used as a measure of susceptibility to pitting.
Inhibitors. Pitting can be inhibited by the the corrosion of high-strength aluminum alloys
same approaches that are commonly used to re- (Ref 48).
duce corrosion in general. All of the factors de- Stochastics. Because pitting events are rela- Stages of Pitting
scribed previously can be used to mitigate pitting tively rare and unpredictable, pit initiation may
corrosion: environment, alloy composition and be considered to be random in nature. Stochastic Pitting can be considered to consist of various
structure, potential, and temperature. As men- or probabilistic approaches have been developed stages: passive film breakdown, metastable pit-
tioned previously, oxidizing agents accelerate to handle this randomness and the large scatter ting, pit growth, and pit stifling or death. Any of
pitting by increasing the potential, so removal of typically observed in measurements of pitting these stages may be considered to be the most
oxidizing agents, for instance, by deaeration, re- potential and induction time (which is the time critical. For instance, once the passive film
duces the tendancy for pitting corrosion. for a stable pit to form following a sudden in- breaks down and a pit initiates, there is a possi-
Various chemicals, when added to corrosive crease in potential into the pitting range, or fol- bility that a stable pit will grow. On the other
solutions, will inhibit pitting (Ref 19). Common lowing the injection of chloride into a nonag- hand, pits will not initiate if they cannot grow at
inorganic inhibitors include sulfates, nitrates, gressive solution). A large ensemble of pitting least for a short while. The passive state is re-
chromates, and molybdates. Some, such as sul- potential values follows a normal distribution, quired for pitting to occur, but some researchers
fate, may act simply by providing supporting suggesting random variation (Ref 49). The prob- believe that details of the passive film compo-
electrolyte that reduces the migration of chloride ability for pitting (P) can be determined by: sition and structure play a minor role in the pit-
ions into the pit. It was suggested that nitrate ting process. This view is supported by the fact
might reduce inside pits in aluminum, consum- P(E) n/(1 N) (Eq 6) that many observations of pitting tendency can
ing protons and thereby reducing pH (Ref 44). be fully accounted for by growth considerations.
Others might adsorb at active sites or reduce pit where N is the total number of samples studied, Furthermore, pit growth is critical in practical
growth kinetics. and n is the number of samples that had pitted applications of failure prediction. Finally, the
High-strength aluminum alloys, which are at a potential of E or lower (Ref 49). The poten- metastable pitting stage may be thought to be the
susceptible to pitting, owing to the influence of tial at P 0.5 is a representative value for a most important, because only pits that survive
copper-containing intermetallic particles, are of- given material and surface preparation. Induc- this stage become stable growing pits. Metasta-
ten protected using a system of coatings. The tion times at a given potential can also be mea- ble pits exist on the edge of stability. Studies of
standard coating system uses a chromate con-
version layer covered by organic paint coats. The
primer coat might contain chromate pigments for
further corrosion protection. The chromate con-
version layer is formed by immersion into an
acidic bath containing dichromate, fluoride, and
ferricyanide. The fluoride destabilizes the alu-
minum oxide, allowing the following reaction to
occur (Ref 45, 46):

Cr2 O27 + 8H + + 2 Al
2Al3 + + 2Cr (OH )3 + H 2 O (Eq 5)

Chromate conversion layers also contain some

amount of unreduced chromate ions as a result
of adsorption of chromate onto a CrIIIx(OH)y
backbone (Ref 47). The resulting coating is a
CrIII-CrIV mixed oxide with an approximately 3
to 1 CrIII to CrIV molar ratio. The chromate re-
tained in the coating is critical for providing a
self-healing capability (Ref 45, 46). Chromate-
coated samples scratched to the substrate and ex-
posed to a corrosive environment such as a salt
spray will usually not exhibit severe corrosion at
the scratch. Chromate in the conversion coating
can be released into solution, where it is mobile
and migrates to exposed areas on the aluminum
alloy surface. Even at very dilute concentrations,
chromate in solution adsorbs on active sites on Fig. 4 Pitting (filled symbols) and repassivation (open symbols) in 1 M NaCl as a function of temperature for different
the alloy and is reduced to form a monolayer of grades of stainless steel. SCE, saturated calomel electrode. Source: Ref 42
Pitting Corrosion / 5

metastable pits can therefore provide insight into metastable stage and continue to grow, whereas dissolved metal cations and electrolytic migra-
fundamental aspects of pitting, because both ini- metastable pits repassivate and stop growing, for tion of chloride into the pit. The high concentra-
tiation and stability are key factors in metastable some reason. tion in the pit is depleted by transport out of the
pitting. Stable Pitting and Pit Growth. Pits grow at pit but is replenished by continued dissolution at
Pit Initiation and Passive Film Breakdown. a rate that depends on material composition, pit the pit bottom. As the pit deepens, the rate of
The breakdown of the passive film and the de- electrolyte concentration, and pit-bottom poten- transport out of the pit decreases, so the pit can
tails of pit initiation comprise the least under- tial. The mass-transport characteristics of the pit be stable with a lower anodic current density re-
stood aspect of the pitting phenomenon. Break- influence pit growth kinetics through the pit elec- plenishing the environment. As mentioned pre-
down is a rare occurrence that happens trolyte concentration. Pit stability depends on the viously, the pit current density tends to decrease
extremely rapidly on a very small scale, making maintenance of pit electrolyte composition and with time, owing to an increase in the pit depth
direct observation extraordinarily difficult. The pit-bottom potential that are at least severe and ohmic potential drop. Repassivation might
passive film is often drawn schematically as a enough to prevent repassivation of the dissolving occur if a sudden event, such as loss of a pit
simple inert layer covering the underlying metal metal surface at the pit bottom. cover, caused a sudden enhancement of transport
and blocking access of the environment to the In order to understand pit growth and stability, and dilution of the pit environment to the extent
metal. The reality is, of course, much more com- it is essential to ascertain the rate-determining that the rate of dissolution at the pit bottom
plicated. Depending on alloy composition, en- factors. Pit growth can be controlled by the same would be insufficient to replenish the lost ag-
vironment, potential, and exposure history, this factors that can limit any electrochemical reac- gressive environment.
film can have a range of thickness, structure, tion: charge-transfer processes (activation),
composition, and protectiveness. Typical passive ohmic effects, mass transport, or some combi-
films are quite thin and support an extremely nation of these factors. Pit growth at low poten- REFERENCES
high electric field (on the order of 106 to 107 V/ tials below the range of limiting pit current den-
cm). The passage of a finite passive current den- sities is controlled by a combination of ohmic, 1. H.P. Leckie and H.H. Uhlig, J. Electrochem.
sity is evidence of continual reaction of the charge transfer, and concentration overpotential Soc., Vol 113, 1966, p 1262
metal, to result in film thickening, dissolution factors. At high potentials, mass transport may 2. J.R. Galvele, Corros. Sci., Vol 21, 1981, p
into the environment, or some combination of be rate controlling. Ultimately, however, mass 551
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dynamic structure, rather than static, is critical lower potentials, because the local environment 1976, p 464
to the proposed mechanisms of passive film controls passivation. The rate of pit growth de- 4. G.T. Burstein and S.P. Mattin, The Nuclea-
breakdown and pit initiation. creases with time for pitting controlled by either tion and Early Stages of Growth of Corro-
Theories for passive film breakdown and pit ohmic or mass-transport effects. The pit growth sion Pits, Critical Factors in Localized Cor-
initiation have been categorized into three main rate often varies with tn, where n is approxi- rosion II, Vol PV 95-15, P.M. Natishan, R.J.
mechanisms that focus on passive film penetra- mately equal to 0.5. Kelly, G.S. Frankel, and R.C. Newman, Ed.,
tion, film breaking, or adsorption (Ref 50, 51). Pits often grow with a porous cover. This ECS, 1995, p 1
As with most such situations, different mecha- cover can make visual detection extremely dif- 5. T.R. Beck and R.C. Alkire, J. Electrochem.
nisms or combinations of these mechanisms may ficult, so that the awareness of the severity of Soc., Vol 126, 1979, p 1662
be valid for different metal-environment sys- attack is overlooked and the likelihood of cata- 6. T.R. Beck, J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol 129,
tems. These mechanisms have been considered strophic failure is enhanced. The pit cover might 1982, p 2413
in terms of pure metal systems. However, pits in be a thick, precipitated product layer that forms 7. R.C. Alkire and K.P. Wong, Corros. Sci.,
real alloys are most often associated with inclu- as the concentrated and acidic pit solution meets Vol 28, 1988, p 411
sions or second-phase particles, and these factors the bulk environment, which might be neutral or 8. R.C. Alkire and M. Feldman, J. Electro-
must also be taken into consideration. limited in water, as in the case of atmospheric chem. Soc., Vol 135, 1988, p 1850
Metastable Pitting. Metastable pits are pits corrosion. Small pits in stainless steels often 9. K.P. Wong and R.C. Alkire, J. Electrochem.
that initiate and grow for a limited period before have a pit cover that is a remnant of the under- Soc., Vol 137, 1990, p 3010
repassivating. Large pits can stop growing for a mined passive film (Ref 14). Larger pits in stain- 10. Conducting Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polar-
variety of reasons, but metastable pits are typi- less steel can be covered by a layer with a con- ization Measurements for Localized Corro-
cally considered to be those of micron size, at siderable thickness of metal that is detached sion Susceptibility of Iron-, Nickel-, or Co-
most, with a lifetime on the order of seconds or from the rest of the metal sample (Ref 61). These balt-Based Alloys, G 61-86, Annual Book
less. Metastable pits are important to understand covers make optical detection extremely diffi- of ASTM Standards, ASTM
because, under certain conditions, they continue cult, because they remain reflective. A short ex- 11. Conducting Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polar-
to grow to form large pits. Metastable pits can posure to ultrasonic agitation, however, removes ization Measurements for Localized Corro-
form at potentials far below the pitting potential the cover and reveals the whole pit diameter. sion Susceptibility of Iron-, Nickel-, or Co-
(which is associated with the initiation of stable Death and Pit Arrest. Despite the autocata- balt-Based Alloys, G 61, Annual Book of
pits) and during the induction time before the lytic nature of pitting, large pits, which would ASTM Standards, ASTM
onset of stable pitting at potentials above the pit- be considered to be stable by any criterion, can 12. B.E. Wilde and E. Williams, Electrochim.
ting potential. These events are characterized by stop growing or die. As mentioned previously, if Acta, Vol 16, 1971, p 1971
potential transients in the active direction at open the conditions (environment and potential) at the 13. B.E. Wilde and E. Williams, J. Electrochem
circuit or under an applied anodic current, or an- dissolving wall of a pit are not sufficiently ag- Soc., Vol 117, 1970, p 775
odic current transients under an applied anodic gressive, the pit will repassivate. The potential 14. G.S. Frankel, L. Stockert, F. Hunkeler,
potential. Such transients have been reported in at the pit bottom is lower than that at the outer and H. Boehni, Corrosion, Vol 43, 1987,
stainless steels (Ref 14, 5258) and aluminum surface as a result of the ohmic potential drop p 429
(Ref 59, 60) for many years. Individual metasta- associated with current flow out of the pit. As 15. B.E. Wilde, On Pitting and Protection Po-
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