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Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

in Ophthalmology
Stephen J. Kim, MD,1 Allan J. Flach, MD,2 and Lee M. Jampol, MD3

Department of Ophthalmology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; 2Department of Ophthalmology,
University of California and Veterans Administration, San Francisco, California, USA; and 3Department of
Ophthalmology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Abstract. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are increasingly employed in ophthalmol-

ogy to reduce miosis and inflammation, manage scleritis, and prevent and treat cystoid macular edema
associated with cataract surgery. In addition, they may decrease postoperative pain and photophobia
associated with refractive surgery and may reduce the itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis. In
recent years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved new topical NSAIDs, and previously
approved NSAIDs have been reformulated. These additions and changes result in different
pharmacokinetics and dosing intervals, which may offer therapeutic advantages. For example,
therapeutic effects on diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration may now be
achievable. We provide an updated review on NSAIDs and a summary of their current uses in
ophthalmology with attention to potential future applications. (Surv Ophthalmol 55:108--133,
2010. 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)

Key words. age-related macular degeneration  allergic conjunctivitis  cataract surgery 

cyclooxygenase inhibitors  cystoid macular edema  diabetic retinopathy  mydriasis 
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs  NSAIDs  postoperative inflammation  prostaglandins

I. Introduction suggests that NSAIDs may be beneficial in diabetic

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and
one of the most commonly prescribed classes of ocular tumors.110,133,167,203,298,310 It has been more
medications worldwide. Aspirin and other chemically than a decade since the first comprehensive review of
related compounds, used systemically for many de- topical NSAIDs.94 This was followed by a chapter in
cades for their analgesic, antipyretic, and anti- Duanes Clinical Ophthalmology in 1994, updated in
inflammatory properties, have more recently been 2006.92 We provide a current review of the status of
prepared in topical ophthalmic formulations. As such, NSAIDs and their application in ophthalmology and
they have proven useful to enhance mydriasis, reduce discuss possible future applications.
postoperative inflammation, and prevent and treat
cystoid macular edema (CME) associated with cata-
ract surgery. In addition, they can be used to decrease II. Cyclooxygenase
pain and photophobia after refractive surgery and to Cyclooxygenase (COX), an important group of
alleviate itching associated with allergic conjunctivi- enzymes active in the inflammatory process, catalyzes
tis.91,92,94,268,274 A growing body of scientific evidence the biosynthesis of eicosanoids from arachidonic acid

2010 by Elsevier Inc. 0039-6257/10/$--see front matter
All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.survophthal.2009.07.005

to produce prostaglandins (PGs) and thromboxanes. other COX-2 inhibitors (celecoxib, Pfizer, Inc. New
NSAIDs are potent inhibitors of COX enzymes, and York, NY; valdecoxib, Pfizer) share this cardiovascu-
thereby the synthesis of PGs. Within the eye PGs cause lar toxicity.56,60,63,130,226 Finally, although COX-2
vasodilatation, disruption of the blood--ocular bar- inhibitors may reduce GI toxicity, they appear to
rier, and leukocyte migration. Consequently, their have equivalent nephrotoxicity to conventional
inhibition by cyclooxygenase inhibitors may have NSAIDs.
therapeutic effects.92,94,217 Two main isoforms of
COX, COX--1 and COX-2, have been identified.285
A third isoform, COX--3, remains largely uncharac- III. Commercial Preparations
terized.65 COX--1, a constitutive enzyme, synthesizes NSAIDs are a chemically heterogenous group of
PGs that regulate physiologic processes. Present in compounds that inhibit the formation of eicosanoids
most tissues, COX--1 is expressed in the gastrointes- and lack a steroid nucleus biosynthetically derived
tinal (GI) tract, kidneys, platelets, and vascular from cholesterol. A discussion of the pertinent
endothelium, where it plays a role in normal chemistry of NSAIDs including their chemical
physiologic function. COX-2 is an inducible enzyme structures, is available elsewhere.92 There are six
that is expressed throughout the body, primarily major classes: salicylates, indole acetic acid deriva-
during inflammatory responses and in association tives, aryl acetic acid derivatives, aryl propionic acid
with pain or fever, but may be constitutively expressed derivatives, enolic acid derivatives, and fenamates
in the absence of inflammation in sites such as the (Table 1). The topical formulations of NSAIDs are
brain and kidneys.230 limited to the relatively water soluble classes: indole
Accumulating evidence suggests that COX-2 has acetic, aryl acetic, and aryl propionic acids.12
important therapeutic implications in retinal dis- This review will focus on commercially available
eases. For example, COX-2 is the predominant topical ophthalmic preparations. Indomethacin 1%
isoform in human retinal pigment epithelium cells (Merck Sharp & Dohme, Whitehouse Station, NJ) is
and is significantly up--regulated in response to pro-- an indole acetic acid derivative, currently only avail-
inflammatory cytokines.55 COX-2 is also present in able outside of the United States. An 0.1% solution of
choroidal neovascularization (CNV), as well as in indomethacin has been formulated, but is not
other highly vascularized lesions, and its expression commercially available.324 Flurbiprofen 0.03% (Al-
increases in diabetic retinopathy.25,50,74,203,277,310 lergan, Inc., Irvine, CA) and suprofen 1% (Alcon
Furthermore, prostaglandins interact with and Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) are water--soluble
amplify many other soluble mediators and induce aryl propionic acid derivatives approved by the U.S.
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), impor- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for prophy-
tant in the development of proliferative diabetic laxis of surgical miosis. Suprofen 1% is no longer
retinopathy and neovascular age-related macular commercially available. Flurbiprofen 0.03% is admin-
degeneration.11,13,25,54,155 In a variety of experimen- istered four times, beginning 2 hours before surgery.
tal systems COX-2 inhibition suppresses angiogene- Ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% (Allergan, Inc) is an
sis68,157,224,273,350 and recent reports have demonstrated aryl acetic acid derivative and is FDA--approved for
inhibition of CNV and prevention of diabetic retinop- seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, post--cataract inflam-
athy in animal models treated with NSAIDs.158,167,310,311 mation, and ocular discomfort after refractive sur-
The development of NSAIDs that preferentially gery. To reduce the incidence of burning and
inhibit COX-2 provides the potential for relieving stinging, a 0.4% concentration of ketorolac trometh-
pain and inflammation without the adverse effects amine (Allergan, Inc) was formulated and appears to
of COX--1 blockade,335 but the advantages of this have a similar therapeutic effect.272,336 In addition,
approach have been questioned.246 Some studies a nonpreserved form of ketorolac tromethamine is
indicate that patients have less GI toxicity while used for the reduction of ocular pain following
using COX-2 inhibitors, reporting a reduction of refractive surgery.41,294 Diclofenac 0.1% (Novartis
confirmed upper GI events from 1.4% to 0.6% in Ophthalmics, Duluth, GA), also an aryl acetic acid
the VIGOR study and 1.2% to 0.44% in the CLASS derivative, is FDA approved for reducing inflamma-
study. Although these percentages translate into tion after cataract surgery and decreasing pain after
a large number of patients given the widespread use refractive surgery. Both ketorolac and diclofenac are
of NSAIDs, they reflect only a small absolute dosed four times daily following cataract surgery. Two
beneficial effect.39,284 In addition, the two--fold other topical NSAIDs, both aryl acetic acid deriva-
increase of heart attacks and strokes in patients tives, are now FDA--approved for treatment of pain
using rofecoxib (Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse and inflammation associated with cataract surgery
Station, NJ) raised concerns about the cardiovascu- and can be dosed less frequently. Nepafenac 0.1%
lar safety of COX-2 inhibitors.A It is unclear whether (Alcon Laboratories) is a prodrug that is rapidly
110 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

Available NSAIDs in the United States
Generic Brand name Administration route
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) Bayer, Ecotrin, St. Joseph, Bufferin, Oral, suppository
Anacin, Excedrin (others)
Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate Trilisate, Tricosal Oral
Salsalate Amigesic, Disalcid, Salflex Oral
Diflunisal Dolobid Oral
Acetic Acids
Diclofenac Cataflam, Flector, Solaraze, Oral, topical ophthalmic, topical
Voltaren dermatologic
Etodolac Lodine Oral
Indomenthacin Indocin, Indocin SR Oral, suppository, intravenous
Ketorolac Toradol, Acular, Acular LS Oral, topical opthalmic, topical
dematologic intravenous,
Nabumetone Relafen Oral
Sulindac Clinoril Oral
Tolmetin Tolectin, Tolectin DS Oral
Bromfenac Xibrom Topical ophthalmic
Nepafenac Nevanac Topical ophthalmic
Propionic acids
Flurbiprofen Ansaid, Ocufen Oral, topical ophthalmic
Ketoprofen Actron, Orudis KT, Oruvail Oral
Ibuprofen Advil, NeoProfen, Cap-Profen, ElixSure, Oral, intravenous,
Motrin, Nuprin, (others)
Naproxen Aleve, Anaprox, Anaprox DS Oral
Fenoprofen Nalfon Oral
Oxaprozin Daypro Oral
Enolic acid derivative
Piroxicam Feldene Oral
Meloxicam Mobic Oral
Meclofenamate Meclodium, Meclomen Oral
Mefenamic acid Ponstel Oral
Cox-2 specific NSAIDs
Celecoxib Celebrex Oral

converted to amfenac after passage through the hours, respectively.81 The concentration of diclofe-
cornea, is dosed three times daily and is the only nac remains above 20 ng/mL for over 4 hours and is
suspension among the topical NSAIDs. Bromfenac detectable after 24 hours. In contrast, flurbiprofen is
0.09% (ISTA Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Irvine, CA) is undetectable after 7.25 hours. Although flurbiprofen
dosed twice daily. reduces intraoperative miosis and inflammation after
cataract surgery, it seems to be less effective than
other available NSAIDs.37,70,260,295
IV. Pharmacokinetics Nepafenac is a prodrug that is rapidly converted
All NSAIDs are well absorbed by the GI tract and into the more potent NSAID amfenac by intraocular
reach peak serum levels in 1 to 3 hours. They are hydrolases. Because nepafenac is noncharged, it
metabolized by the liver and excreted in the urine may have greater corneal permeability than other
and bile and are highly protein--bound in plasma NSAIDs, which have more polar acidic structures. In
(typically O 95%), usually to albumin, so that their vitro studies have shown a six--fold greater corneal
volume of distribution approximates that of plasma. penetration by nepafenac compared to diclofe-
This may be pertinent to topically applied NSAIDs, nac.164 Bromfenac is structurally identical to amfe-
since systemic absorption may occur from mucosal nac with the exception of a bromine atom at the C4
surfaces of the nasolacrimal outflow system. position. This key alteration may increase bromfe-
After a single topical application, 0.03% flurbipro- nacs penetration into ocular tissue, extend its
fen and 0.1% diclofenac reach peak aqueous con- duration of anti-inflammatory activity, and enhance
centrations of 60 ng/mL and 82 ng/mL at 2.0 and 2.4 its inhibitory effect on COX-2. In a comparative

study, after a single dose 0.1% nepafenac reached V. Pharmacodynamics

peak aqueous concentration in 30 minutes, com-
All NSAIDs inhibit COX enzymes and thereby the
pared to 60 minutes and 240 minutes for 0.4%
formation of excessive endogenous PGs including
ketorolac and 0.09% bromfenac, respectively.334 Peak
PGE2, PGD2, PGF2a, and PGI2 (Fig. 1). These
aqueous concentration of nepafenac and its active
endogenous PGs act on iris smooth muscle to cause
product amfenac was 205.3 ng/mL and 70.1 ng/mL,
miosis, promote vasodilation, disrupt the blood--
respectively, and the peak concentration of ketorolac
ocular barrier, increase leukocyte migration, stimu-
and bromfenac was 57.5 ng/mL and 25.9 ng/mL,
late pain, facilitate allergic responses, and regulate
respectively. In contrast, another study demonstrated
intraocular pressure (IOP).91,92,94,217,232,331
significantly higher mean aqueous concentration of
Some hypothesize that PGE2 raises IOP by vasodi-
0.4% ketorolac (1,079 ng/mL) versus 0.1% nepafe-
latation and increased permeability of the blood--
nac (353.4 ng/mL amfenac) after a total of 12 doses
aqueous barrier. In contrast, commercially available
over 2 days.47 Differences in dosing regimens may
PGF2a derivatives are thought to lower IOP by
account for these conflicting results.
enhancing uveoscleral outflow. This appears to be
Although topical administration of NSAIDs pro-
the mechanism underlying their effectiveness in the
vides aqueous humor levels adequate to suppress
treatment of glaucoma.307 Fortunately, the non--
prostaglandin synthesis in the iris/ciliary body, their
selective inhibition of endogenous PG production
ability to suppress prostaglandin synthesis in the
appears to have no net effect on IOP.308 In fact,
retina/choroid is less certain. In animal models,
NSAIDs may potentiate the hypotensive effect of PG
ketorolac 0.5% could not be detected in the vitreous
analogs.58,59 This lack of IOP elevation associated with
after topical administration and 2% indomethacin
topical NSAID administration is in contrast to cortico-
and 0.1% diclofenac appeared to produce minimal
steroids, offering a distinct therapeutic advantage.21
inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the retina/
NSAIDs do not inhibit lipoxygenase (LPO) and
choroid.115,124,250 However, both newer NSAIDs,
thus do not typically prevent generation of leuko-
0.1% nepafenac and 0.09% bromfenac, can be
trienes. This may explain in part their decreased
detected in the rabbit retina after topical adminis-
anti-inflammatory effects compared to corticoste-
tration, and in one study nepafenac inhibited 55%
roids, which inhibit both LPO and COX. However
of retinal prostaglandin synthesis.27,115 These stud-
celecoxib and diclofenac are notable exceptions and
ies, however, were performed using white New
inhibit LPO by direct and indirect means, respec-
Zealand rabbits which lack pigment, blink infre-
tively.181,184,201 In addition, NSAIDs appear to have
quently, and have an unusually unstable blood--
anti-inflammatory and anti--angiogenic effects in-
aqueous barrier, and therefore these results should
dependent of their inhibition of COX.18,92,125
be extrapolated with caution. Studies reporting
Several reports suggest that ketorolac is the most
reduction of retinal edema in rabbit models with
potent inhibitor of COX--1, while both bromfenac and
topical nepafenac are also difficult to interpret
amfenac have staked the claim as being the most
because of the absence of a macula in rabbits.161
potent inhibitor of COX-2.12,115,259,334,337 Bromfenac
Other routes of delivery of NSAIDs have been
is reported to be a 3 to 18 times more potent inhibitor
investigated for posterior segment disease. In an
of COX-2 than diclofenac, amfenac, and ketoro-
animal model of experimental uveitis, periocular
lac.12,337 Another study found that amfenac was the
injection of ketorolac produced higher concentra-
most potent inhibitor of COX-2.334 COX-2 is an
tions in the vitreous than either topical or systemic
inducible enzyme and is thought to be primarily
administration.250 Similarly, periocular injection of
responsible for inflammation, and therefore the anti-
celecoxib resulted in a 54--fold higher concentration
inflammatory actions of NSAIDs are presumed to
in the retina than systemic administration and
relate to their ability to inhibit this isoform. This
effectively reduced PGE2 secretion, VEGF produc-
relationship has not been consistently demonstrated
tion, and blood--retinal barrier leakage in an animal
in clinical trials, and the possibility exists that COX--1
model of diabetes.17,26 Recent studies have also
also plays an important role in inflammation and, in
demonstrated the safety of intravitreal injections of
the presence of substrate, may readily convert arach-
both diclofenac and ketorolac.171,204,279 In an
idonic acids into prostaglandins. Thus, the clinical
animal model of endotoxin-induced uveitis, intra-
importance of selective COX--1 and COX-2 inhibition
vitreal injection of 3 mg ketorolac and 0.3 mg
for ocular disease remains to be established.
diclofenac significantly reduced aqueous leukocyte
concentration and PGE2 synthesis and achieved
a peak vitreous concentration of 234 mg/mL and 73 VI. Prevention of Surgically Induced Miosis
mg/mL and retina/choroid concentration of 201mg/ Suprofen 1% and flurbiprofen 0.03% were the
g and 4.1 mg/g, respectively.B first NSAIDs approved by the FDA for intraoperative
112 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

Fig. 1. Two pathways (cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase) of eicosanoid biosynthesis from membrane bound arachidonic acid.

use to prevent miosis during cataract surgery.91,92,94 VII. Postoperative Inflammation

Several clinical studies have subsequently demon-
strated similar mydriatic properties for both 0.1%
diclofenac and 0.4% and 0.5% ketorolac.73,260,295,316 There is good evidence that topical NSAIDs
At least one study suggests that ketorolac trometh- reduce postoperative inflammation after cataract
amine 0.5% may provide more stable mydriasis than surgery.90--92,94,268,274 Randomized, prospective, dou-
diclofenac sodium 0.1%.300 While the mydriatic ble-masked, placebo, and active drug--controlled
effect of NSAIDs is most likely a class effect,244 and clinical studies with adequate numbers of patients
this effect has been recently reported for bromfe- have shown that topically applied 1% indomethacin,
nac,239 thus far no published studies have evaluated 0.03% flurbiprofen, 0.4% and 0.5% ketorolac, 0.1%
nepafenac. diclofenac, 0.1% nepafenac, and 0.09% bromfenac
Although topical NSAIDs are FDA--approved for all decrease postoperative inflammation after cata-
inhibition of intraoperative miosis during cataract ract surgery without significant toxicity when used
surgery, their benefit for the prevention of miosis appropriately.5,37,47,70,72,73,76,80,100,102,103,134,140,163,
during vitreoretinal surgery is less clear. Two studies Only four of
observed no benefit on pupil stability with topical these drugs are FDA--approved for this use. Studies
0.03% flurbiprofen.291,329 Similarly, in a recent reviewed by the FDA during the approval process for
randomized, doubled--masked, placebo-controlled diclofenac, ketorolac, nepafenac, and bromfenac are
trial, topical 0.4% ketorolac did not prevent miosis summarized in Table 2. At least two well--designed
during vitrectomy.174 However, two other studies studies suggest treatment with topical NSAIDs also
found a mydriatic effect with topical 0.1% diclofe- have a measurable beneficial effect upon visual
nac.185,215 The effectiveness of topical NSAIDs on acuity following cataract and retinal surgery.73,174
pupil size appears to vary from one study to Although studies directly comparing NSAIDs to
another,92,94 and differences in study design, surgi- corticosteroids have not consistently observed dif-
cal technique, and outcome measurements may ferences in reduction of intraocular inflammation
explain these inconsistencies. after cataract surgery,80,102,216,261,287 NSAIDs appear

The Effects of NSAIDs on Postoperative Inflammation: Randomized, Double-masked, Phacebo-controlled Studies
Authors Surgery Drug Ciliary Conjunctival Lid Fluoro-
(# Eyes) NSAID (# Surgeons) Dosage Cells Flare Flush Vasodilation Edema photometry Comments
Solomon 0.05% ketorolac PE IOL (7) 1 gt q.i.d. p 5 0.01 p 5 0.001 p 5 0.01 p 5 0.01 N.D. N.D. Moderate or greater
et al293 tromethamine beginning inflammation
(104) solution 1 day after to enter study.
Heier et al134 0.05% ketorolac PE IOL (6) 1 gt q.i.d. p 5 0.05 p 5 0.01 p 5 0.005 p 5 0.001 N.D. N.D. Moderate or greater
(103) tromethamine beginning inflammation to
solution 1 day after enter study.
surgery Tearing,
photophobia, &
pain P 5 0.005,
0.001, 0.05
Flach et al100 0.05% ketorolac ECCE (1) 1 gt t.i.d. p 5 0.043 N.D. p ! 0.001 p ! 0.001 p ! 0.001 p ! 0.001 No corticosteroids
(100) tromethamine beginning (paired
solution 1 day before comparison study)
Flach et al103 0.05% ketorolac ECCE 1 gt t.i.d. p 5 0.07a N.D. p 5 0.002a p 5 0.06a p 5 0.001a p 5 0.02a Need for steroids in
(129) tromethamine IOL (8) beginning placebo control
solution 1 day before greater than drug
surgery treatment group
p ! 0.001
Lane et al190 0.1% nepafenac PE IOL 1 gt t.i.d. p 5 0.0001 p 5 0.0001 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Nepafenac group
(476) suspension (21) beginning had higher cure
1 day before rate (no flare, ! 5
surgery cells, p 5 0.0001,
also pain free 0.0001
Donnerfeld 0.09% bromfenac PE ECCE 1 gt b.i.d. SOISb 5 p 5 0.0001 N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. Time to resolution of
et al72 solution IOL (39) beginning p 5 0.0001 ocular pain
(527) 1 day after p 5 0.0001
Kraff et al183 0.1 diclofenac PE ECCE 1 gt q.i.d. p 5 0.001 p 5 0.001 p 5 0.001 p 5 0.001 N.D. N.D. Moderate or greater
(148) solution IOL (4) beginning inflammation to
1 day after enter study
N.D. 5 not done; ECCE 5 extracapsular cataract surgery; IOL 5 intraocular lens; PE 5 phacoemulsification.
Results favor drug treatment despite statistically significant greater use of corticosteroids in placebo control.

SOIS 5 summed ocular inflammation score 5 cells flare.
114 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

to be more effective at reestablishing the blood modest, and thus far the FDA has not approved any for
aqueous barrier as observed by flare on slit--lamp this indication. Yet, excessive inflammation can com-
examination and quantitatively measured with ocu- plicate glaucoma surgery and result in serious prob-
lar fluorophotometry.91,92,94,102,140,215 Thus, there is lems.141,212,256 Published studies suggest that topical
good evidence that topical NSAIDs may be used in flurbiprofen 0.03% and diclofenac 0.1% decrease
place of or in addition to topical corticosteroids after inflammation and may reduce pain following laser
cataract surgery to avoid excessive inflammation and trabeculoplasty, and to a lesser extent after cyclo-
to improve visual recovery.80,92,94,140,191,216,261,287 cryotherapy, as summarized in Table 3.38,138,142,144,340
Although none of the studies reviewed by the FDA In addition, there is recent evidence that 0.1%
used topical NSAIDs more than 24 hours before indomethacin and ketorolac 0.5% may share similar
cataract surgery, well--designed studies suggest po- therapeutic effects.35,120,165
tential benefit of preoperative dosing regimens of
up to 3 days.47,73,174,295 Furthermore, several clinical C. STRABISMUS SURGERY
studies have reported that concurrent administration Corticosteroids are commonly used following stra-
of NSAIDs and corticosteroids results in additive bismus surgery to minimize postoperative inflamma-
effects.73,93,134,174,345 tion and scarring. In up to 35% of some populations,
An important and frequently asked question is, healthy adult eyes may exhibit elevations of IOP with
Which topical NSAID is most effective in preventing corticosteroid use.22 Following strabismus surgery up
excessive postoperative inflammation following cata- to 82% of children who were treated with topical
ract surgery? It is tempting simply to compare the dexamethasone showed IOP elevations.186,240 Topical
results of studies supporting the efficacy of the newer diclofenac 0.1% was superior to dexamethasone 0.1%
NSAIDs, nepafenac and bromfenac, with the older in terms of patient comfort, conjunctival inflamma-
studies that were used to gain FDA approval for tion, and chemosis up to 4 weeks after strabismus
ketorolac and diclofenac. Such retrospective compar- surgery.292 In addition, eyes treated with diclofenac
isons may be misleading because enrollment criteria, 0.1% had less conjunctival edema and erythema after
surgical technique, surgical instruments, microscopes, surgery than eyes treated with prednisolone sodium
phacoemulsification machines, co--existent medical phosphate 1%.19 Others have demonstrated equiva-
treatments, indications for surgery, patient population lent tolerance, comfort scores, and resolution of
(age, health, and coexistent problems), and even the inflammation of diclofenac 0.1% and betamethasone
cataract characteristics differ. Therefore, only pro- sodium phosphate 0.1%.348 In summary, several pro-
spective, double-masked, randomized comparisons of spective, randomized studies have demonstrated that
NSAIDs can adequately address this question. In this topical NSAIDs are at least comparable to corticoste-
regard, diclofenac sodium 0.1% appears to be more roids in reducing pain and inflammation in pediatric
effective in preventing postoperative inflammation patients after strabismus surgery.19,62,168,292
than flurbiprofen 0.03% in a study of more than 100
patients.70 In a well--designed study using an adequate D. VITREORETINAL SURGERY
patient population and evaluating inflammation with Two recent prospective, randomized, double-
both slit lamp and laser cell flare meter to compare masked, placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated
ketorolacs to diclofenacs ability to prevent excessive reduction of anterior chamber cell and flare after
postoperative inflammation, both drugs were equally vitrectomy by 0.4% ketorolac and 0.1% diclofe-
effective.97 Furthermore, a subsequent comparison of nac.174,215 The anti-inflammatory effect of ketorolac
these same NSAID--treated populations revealed no was substantial, with four times as many patients
difference in effectiveness or complications, including compared to placebo demonstrating no inflammation
CME and posterior capsular opacification, between after vitrectomy.174 Furthermore only one ketorolac
diclofenac and ketorolac 3 years after surgery.99 A eye, versus six for placebo, demonstrated severe
subsequent study with fewer patients and shorter inflammation. This same study found that severity of
follow-up reached similar conclusions.80 Therefore, at inflammation significantly correlated with increased
present, there is no evidence to suggest one topical retinal thickness, which in turn resulted in reduced
NSAID treatment is better than another in controlling visual improvement.
postoperative inflammation with the exception that
flurbiprofen 0.03% appears less effective than other
NSAIDs. VIII. Prevention and Treatment of CME
The effect of topical NSAIDs in minimizing in- Cystoid macular edema as a complication of
flammation following glaucoma procedures appears cataract surgery has been recognized for over half

NSAID Effects on Inflammation Following Glaucoma Surgery
Authors Conjunctival
(# Eyes) Procedure Drug Dosage Cells Flare Vasodilation Comment
Hotchkiss Argon laser 0.03% flurbiprofen N.S. N.S. p ! 0.005 Less ocular
et al142 (70) trabeculoplasty (5 gtt, then discomfort
1 gt q.i.d. for with drug
7 days) treatment as
compared with
Weinreb Argon laser 0.03% flurbiprofen N.S. N.S. p 5 0.05b Fewer eyes in
et al340 (130) trabeculoplasty (6 gtt, then drug treated
1 gt every 20 min group had
for 2 hr) inflammation
at 35 days;
p 5 0.024
Blumenthal Argon laser 0.03% flurbiprofen p ! 0.005 p ! 0.05 p ! 0.05 5 placebo-treated
et al38 (80) trabeculoplasty (6 gtt, then 1 gt (day 1) (days 1, 7) (hr 3, day 1) and 1 drug-
every 20 min for treated had
2 hr) uncontrolled
at 2 weeks
Hurvitz Cyclocryotherapy 0.03% flurbiprofen N.S. p ! 0.03 N.S.
et al144 (39) (2 gtt at 3, 2, & 1 (day 52
hr preop, then 1 gt only)
q.i.d. for 7 days c
Herbort Argon laser 0.1% diclofenac (1 gt N.D. p ! 0.05 N.D.
et al138 (53) trabeculoplasty preop and postop, (days 1,
then q.i.d. for 4 2, 4, 7)
N.D. 5 not done; N.S. 5 not different statistically.
All compared to placebo.
Only different at 24 hours.
Compared flurbiprofen 0.03% and dexamethasone 0.1% with placebo.

a century,116,146,255 and although there have been segment, especially when compared to topical
reviews, symposia, and seminars on CME,6,156 only administration.131,196,270
one major review has focused exclusively upon CME CME can be classified as angiographic (leakage
following cataract surgery.104 CME remains the most detected on fluorescein angiography), clinical (bio-
common cause of vision loss after cataract surgery. microscopic or angiographic leakage in combina-
Despite its significance, the pathogenesis of this tion with visual impairment), and, most recently, in
syndrome, and its relationship to and its associations terms of retinal thickening as measured by optical
with CME in other diseases, is not completely coherence tomography (OCT). Incidence rates of
understood.104 However, clinicians and investigators CME vary substantially throughout the literature
have long agreed that inflammation appears to be at even within these three groups.104,172,173,210,255 In
least part of the pathogenesis and, therefore, it was fact, the true incidence of CME following cataract is
reasonable to attempt to minimize the inflammatory not precisely known.104 Despite this continued
response with corticosteroids.116,146 Subsequently, uncertainty, recent studies have reported incidences
the idea developed that the production of prosta- following small--incision cataract surgery as high as
glandins within the anterior segment might be 9--19% using fluorescein angiography and 41% as
reduced by NSAIDs and provide therapeutic ef- measured by OCT.173,198,328
fects.353 Unfortunately, topical preparations of It has long been recognized that the natural history
NSAIDs did not exist at this time, and oral in- of CME usually includes spontaneous resolution.151
domethacin was ineffective for the treatment of Therefore, reviews summarizing approaches to the
chronic CME.351 This negative result likely reflects prevention and treatment of CME after cataract surgery
the fact that systemic NSAIDs provide insufficient emphasize the importance of placebo--controlled,
drug levels to inhibit PG production in the anterior double-masked, randomized trials.104,152,153 Although
116 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

there is no FDA--approved treatment for the pre- reducing angiographic CME in aphakic patients
vention or treatment of CME following cataract without the use of corticosteroids.105 Interpretation
surgery, an extensive review of the world literature, of the conclusions of all the other studies listed in
with special attention to randomized, controlled Table 4 is difficult due to concurrent application of
clinical trials published in 1998 that culminated in corticosteroids.92,104 More recently, a multicenter,
a meta--analysis concluded that prevention and prospective study compared the effects of topical
treatment of CME with NSAIDs is beneficial.264 These 0.1% diclofenac and 0.1% fluorometholone (FML)
authors stressed the need for more studies of NSAIDs on prevention of CME in eyes undergoing modern,
and other potential treatments, in particular cortico- small--incision phacoemulsification.218 Five weeks
steroids, for which there is not a single properly after surgery, angiographic CME was present in
designed study supporting their use in the prevention 5.7% of diclofenac--treated eyes and 54.7% of FML--
and treatment of this syndrome. Most therapeutic treated eyes. FML has limited intraocular penetra-
reviews consider prophylaxis of CME and treatment tion; therefore, these results may approximate the
of manifest CME following cataract surgery separately effectiveness of diclofenac as compared to placebo.
because there is no proof that their pathogenesis is Several more recent, prospective, randomized studies
the same.104,264 have suggested the effectiveness of topical NSAIDs at
preventing CME after cataract surgery.16,92,94,345,355 A
B. PROPHYLACTIC TREATMENT OF CME large, randomized, double-masked, placebo-con-
FOLLOWING CATARACT SURGERY trolled trial demonstrated that 0.03% flurbiprofen
and 1% indomethacin were effective at preventing
The many clinical studies indicating that topically
CME during a 6--month period after cataract surgery,
applied NSAIDs are effective in the prophylaxis of
but the effect was not sustained.297 Although the
angiographic CME following cataract extraction
meta--analysis published in 1998 concluded there is
have been summarized in detail previously.92,94,104
benefit from prophylactic treatment of CME follow-
The placebo-controlled investigations are summa-
ing cataract surgery,264 it remains unclear whether
rized in Table 4.105,183,219,297,352 However, none of
prophylactic treatment prevents the onset of chronic
these studies documented an effect for even one year
CME or in some way decreases its severity. Therefore,
following prophylactic treatment. The longest study
the long-term benefit of prophylactic treatment
using 1% indomethacin in sesame seed oil, a prepara-
remains unproven, making this FDA--unapproved
tion no longer available, lost angiographic statistical
indication controversial.
significance between 7 and 12 months following
cessation of treatment.219 Furthermore, this is the only
study that showed even a transient effect on Snellen C. TREATMENT OF CME FOLLOWING CATARACT
visual acuity, which was not sustained beyond 3 months SURGERY
after treatment. A different randomized, double- CME associated with cataract surgery may be
masked, placebo-controlled trial reported that pro- treated early (less than 6 months) or late (6 months
phylactic use of 0.5% ketorolac was effective in or more) following its diagnosis. These two groups
Prophylaxis of CME with Topical NSAID Treatment: Double-masked, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Studies
Examination Angiographic Improved
Authors Drug Dosages Time CMEb Visionb Drug Treatment
Miyake et al219 a
1 gt t.i.d for 1--2 months Decreased Yes 1% indomethacin in
2 weeks after surgery 4--7 months Decreased No sesame seed oila
12--18 months Same No
Yannuzzi et al352 a
1 gt q.i.d. for 5 weeks Decreased No 1% indomethacin
4--6 weeks after surgery 10 weeks Same No suspensiona
52 weeks Same No
Kraff et al183 a
1 gt q.i.d. for 9 months 2--12 months Decreased No 1% indomethacin
after surgery suspensiona
Flach et al105 1 gt q.i.d. for 19 days 1 month Decreased No 0.5% ketorolac solution
after surgery
Soloman et al297 a
1 gt q.i.d. 2 days 21--60 days Decreased Yes (contrast 0.3% flurbiprofen 1%
before surgery and sensitivity) indomethacin
and for 3 months 120--240 No suspensiona
after surgery days (Snellen)
Studies included corticosteroids concurrently.
NSAID treatment vs. placebo treatment.

NSAID Treatment of Chronic Symptomatic CME: Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trials
Authors Drug Dosages Resultsa Comments
Yannuzzi et al Oral indomethacin No effect Accepted cases 4 months after surgery
(20 patients) (25 mg t.i.d. for 3 wk)
Burnett et al48 1% fenoprofen solution No effect On--off effect impressive in two patients
(14 patients) (1 gt t.i.d. for 8 wk)
Flach et al98 0.5% ketorolac solution Improved visionb On--off impressive in three patients (all
(30 patients) (1 gt t.i.d. for 2 mo) double-masked, randomized, placebo
Flach et al101 0.5% ketorolac solution Improved visionb Statistically significant improvement in
(120 patients) (1 gt t.i.d. for 3 mo) vision maintained 1 month after
treatment cessation (all double-
masked, randomized, placebo
Compared with placebo.
Improved vision 5 two or more lines on Snellen testing.

are distinguished as acute and chronic CME.104 clinically significant CME, the cost--benefit of
The treatment of chronic CME following cataract routine prophylactic use of NSAIDs in cataract
surgery has been previously summarized and dis- surgery is a matter of ongoing debate.170,322,345
cussed.92,94,104 Pertinent studies are summarized in
Table 5.48,98,101,351 A more recent study reported an
effect from ketorolac on macular edema noted D. CME FOLLOWING VITREORETINAL SURGERY
more than 24 months following cataract surgery, but Although advances in modern vitreoretinal sur-
the study was uncontrolled.341 Finally in a study gery have improved visual outcomes, postoperative
limited by its small number of patients and un- CME remains frequent. The reported incidence of
controlled design, both topical ketorolac and CME following retinal detachment repair with
diclofenac were equally effective at resolving scleral buckling ranges from 9% to 43% and may
chronic CME after uneventful phacoemulsifica- delay visual recovery.197,211,265 Topical indomethacin
tion.257 Therefore, although a meta--analysis con- may reduce the incidence of CME after scleral
cluded that treatment of chronic CME following buckling surgery.220 Although a more recent pro-
cataract surgery with NSAIDs is beneficial, more spective, randomized, double-masked, placebo-
controlled studies are desirable.210,353 controlled study, did not report a benefit with
Investigators have wondered if earlier treatment postoperative oral valdecoxib, the study was un-
of CME following surgery might be more beneficial derpowered due to the low incidence of CME.32
than waiting 6 months or longer. One study of the Furthermore, oral administration is less likely than
treatment of acute CME with ketorolac 0.5% showed topical administration to achieve therapeutic in-
no benefit in terms of visual improvement,104 but traocular levels. Despite this, the study did observe
another reported a significant short--term bene- a significantly reduced incidence of residual sub-
fit.135 This latter study also demonstrated a synergis- macular fluid in the oral valdecoxib group.
tic effect from corticosteroids and ketorolac Persistent angiographic CME may occur in up to
0.5%,135 which has been previously discussed.93 A 70% and 80% of eyes after vitrectomy surgery for
more recent study of only 10 patients showed no epiretinal membrane (ERM) and macular hole,
difference between ketorolac alone and ketorolac respectively.207,301 A recent prospective study re-
with corticosteroids.288 ported an incidence of post--vitrectomy CME de-
In summary, although there is no FDA--approved tected on OCT of 64% one month after ERM
therapy for the prevention and treatment of CME surgery.175 Furthermore, this same study demon-
following cataract surgery, available evidence sug- strated that postoperative inflammation was a risk
gests that topical NSAIDs may prevent and treat factor for retinal thickening and that increased
CME when used alone or concurrently with cortico- retinal thickening delayed visual recovery. Only one
steroids. Furthermore, although not yet investigated prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to
with properly designed studies, corticosteroids, date has evaluated the effects of topical 0.4%
acetazolamide, and hyperbaric oxygen may all have ketorolac on retinal thickness after vitrectomy
roles in the treatment of this syndrome.104,148,221 surgery. Although this study found that ketorolac
Finally, given the relatively low incidence of reduced both center point thickness and central
118 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

subfield thickness by 9% and 8%, respectively, and 0.1% nepafenac, and 0.09% bromfenac have this
reduced total macular volume by 6% as measured by effect.72,73,113,190,249,294 Furthermore, in vitreoretinal
OCT, this did not reach the level of statistical surgery, intravenous ketorolac significantly reduces
significance.174 postoperative pain and nausea85,330 and recent pro-
spective, randomized studies have demonstrated sim-
ilar benefits with prophylactic use of topical 0.1%
diclofenac and 0.4% ketorolac.174,215 Finally, both
IX. Relieving Discomfort and Pain after diclofenac and ketorolac have some benefit following
Ocular Surgery and Trauma laser photocoagulation procedures.82,339
Pain often occurs after radial keratotomy (RK)
and excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy
(PRK). Both 0.4% and 0.5% ketorolac trometh-
amine and 0.1% diclofenac sodium are FDA-- X. Allergic Conjunctivitis
approved to reduce pain and photophobia after Topical 0.5% ketorolac is the only NSAID that is
refractive surgery.79,91,92,94,356 Several reports have FDA--approved for the treatment of seasonal allergic
shown that diclofenac and ketorolac also decrease rhinoconjunctivitis.320 Allergic conjunctivitis incor-
normal corneal sensitivity and reduce pain after porates several diagnoses: seasonal allergic rhinocon-
corneal abrasions.92,94,160,267,276,309 junctivitis, contact allergic blepharoconjunctivitis,
A retrospective, placebo--controlled, unmasked atopic keratoconjunctivitis, giant papillary conjunc-
study of 20 patients suggested 0.1% diclofenac given tivitis, and vernal keratoconjunctivitis.109 Seasonal
as one drop four times daily reduced eye pain after allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, the most common type of
PRK in humans.79 Subsequently, a multicenter, allergic conjunctivitis, is often referred to as hay fever
randomized, double-masked, parallel--group study conjunctivitis.34 Ocular pruritus is the hallmark of
compared 0.03% flurbiprofen ophthalmic solution allergic conjunctivitis, which may be associated with
to vehicle in 105 patients undergoing RK.128 Sub- conjunctival hyperemia, chemosis, papillary hyper-
jects received treatment before surgery and every trophy, and giant papillae.150
four hours after surgery for two weeks. Significant Although the pathogenesis of allergic conjunctivi-
differences in pain relief favoring flurbiprofen were tis and its subdivisions is complicated, most agree that
present at 2, 3, and 4 hours after surgery. These early the mast cell with its chemical mediators is an
studies stimulated interest in the use of topically important component.109 These mediators include
applied NSAIDs for ocular discomfort after re- autacoids such as histamine, eosinophil chemotactic
fractive surgery. Presently the FDA has approved factors, eosinophil granule major basic protein,
only diclofenac 0.1% and ketorolac 0.4% and platelet activating factor, and many different PGs.
0.5%.79,356 Although diclofenacs anesthetic effect Among the PGs isolated from ocular tissue are PGE1,
appears to be more pronounced and longer lasting PGE2, PGF2a, and PGD2. Although PGD2 is most likely
than ketorolacs, this difference does not appear to the primary PG produced by the mast cell during type
correlate with postoperative pain relief. Two recent I hypersensitivity reactions,193 both PGE1 and PGE2
prospective, randomized, double-masked trials have lower the threshold of human skin to histamine-
shown similar analgesic properties with 0.1% nepa- induced itching123 and PGF2a is present in tears from
fenac,49,71 however, thus far neither nepafenac nor patients suffering from vernal conjunctivitis.69
bromfenac have been approved by the FDA for Ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% ophthalmic solu-
postoperative discomfort. tion is approved for the relief of ocular itching in
Although ketorolac is available as a preservative-- patients with seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.
free preparation that is as effective as the preserved Two multicenter studies verify the efficacy of this
preparation,356 a significant difference in toxicity treatment.28,320 One double-masked, placebo-
has not been proven. In addition, the original controlled study of 148 patients evaluated treatment
Acular Ophthalmic Solution, available as a reformu- given four times daily over a 7--day period and
lation called Acular PF (Allergan, Inc.) which showed that ketorolac was significantly better than
contains 0.4% in place of 0.5% ketorolac, is buffered placebo in regards to ocular itching, conjunctival
to 7.4, and has less benzalkonium chloride (0.006% inflammation, conjunctival injection, swollen eyes,
in place of 0.01%), appears to produce less stinging foreign--body sensation, and ocular discharge.28 A
and burning. second study of 93 subjects with similar design, but
Topically applied NSAIDs also appear to minimize lacking slit--lamp observations, reported ketorolac
ocular discomfort following cataract and retinal was significantly more beneficial than placebo in
surgery. Prospective, randomized studies have demon- reducing conjunctival inflammation and photopho-
strated that topical 0.1% diclofenac, 0.4% ketorolac, bia after 7 days of treatment.320 Although no other

topical NSAID has been approved for allergic NSAIDs are not indicated for primary treatment of
conjunctivitis, there are studies suggesting that anterior uveitis in view of the greater experience with
0.1% diclofenac and 0.09% bromfenac may also be and efficacy of corticosteroids and despite the fact
effective.187,213,222,314 that NSAIDs do not cause cataracts or increase
The mast cell has also been associated with vernal intraocular pressure. Corticosteroid side effects may
keratoconjunctivitis, and PGD2 is a major PG pro- be decreased by using alternative, less potent corti-
duced by this cell.194 This autacoid can cause redness, costeroids such as rimexolone 1% (Vexol, Alcon
chemosis, mucous discharge, and eosinophil chemo- Laboratories, Inc.).36
taxis in the eye. In addition, tears from patients with Finally, there are anecdotal reports that oral
vernal keratoconjunctivitis also contain PGF2a.69 NSAIDs may have a favorable effect on chronic
Aspirin therapy has been reported to be effective for childhood anterior uveitis associated with juvenile
treating vernal keratoconjunctivitis, and studies have idiopathic arthritis.242
reported that indomethacin 1%, ketorolac 0.5%,
diclofenac 0.1%, and bromfenac 0.09% are all effective B. ORBITAL PSEUDOTUMOR
in treating vernal keratoconjunctivitis.8,64,127,278,326
Orbital pseudotumor or idiopathic orbital in-
Giant papillary conjunctivitis is an allergic re-
flammation is a disorder of unclear etiology that
action to contact lenses, ocular prostheses, or
consists of infiltration of the orbit with mixed
sutures.15 Suprofen 1% ophthalmic solution used
inflammatory cells and fibrosis.223 It is the third
four times daily for 28 days was more effective than
most common orbital disease after thyroid eye
placebo in a multi--center, double-masked study of
disease and lymphoproliferative disorders.358 Sys-
80 patients.347 Both physicians and patients favored
temic NSAIDs have been used to treat orbital
the response to suprofen as compared to placebo,
inflammatory disease since the 1970s,159 and there
and the investigators concluded that NSAID treat-
is one case report of orbital myositis treated with
ment may be useful in contact lens-associated giant
oral indomethacin.233 There are also anecdotal
papillary conjunctivitis.
reports of rapid resolution of pain and orbital
There is evidence that both systemic flurbiprofen
swelling after administration of intravenous ketor-
and topical 0.03% flurbiprofen are beneficial for
olac. Although no randomized trials using systemic
signs and symptoms of hay fever.42--44 Systemic
NSAIDs have been conducted, their use in patients
flurbiprofen proved almost as effective in reducing
with contraindications to corticosteroids seems
signs and symptoms as orally administered chlor-
reasonable. There are no data to suggest that topical
pheniramine.43 In a different study, oral flurbipro-
NSAIDs would be of benefit.
fen provided additional benefit to patients using
oral antihistamines.42 Finally, topical flurbiprofens
usefulness in allergic disease has been demonstrated C. EPISCLERITIS AND SCLERITIS
in animal models.9,169 Despite these observations, Episcleritis is a benign, painless, self--limited in-
no prospective, randomized studies have evaluated flammation of the highly vascular tissue lying deep to
the role of flurbiprofen in the treatment of allergic Tenons capsule and superficial to the sclera.14,149,241
eye disease. Although often requiring no therapy, it may respond
to topical medications, including NSAIDs.325,338
Whereas topical corticosteroids are frequently help-
XI. Uveitis and Other Inflammatory ful in relieving this superficial inflammation, topical
Ocular Diseases NSAIDs appear to be less effective. Systemic NSAIDs
are of value in those unusual cases where topical
A. UVEITIS treatments are ineffective.149,199,343
Although topical NSAIDs are effective in reducing Scleritis is a severe granulomatous inflammation of
postoperative inflammation, there are few clinical the scleral coat of the eye that is associated with
studies evaluating their role in uveitis and other systemic disease in roughly 50% of cases.14,149,241
inflammatory diseases of the eye. Two prospective, Although topical NSAIDs are not effective, systemic
randomized studies involving patients with acute, NSAIDs are used as first line agents. An overall
nongranulomatous uveitis found higher cure rates response rate of 30--92% has been reported with
among patients treated with 0.5% prednisolone diffuse and nodular anterior scleritis.149,266 Although
disodium phosphate and 0.1% betamethasone many NSAIDs may be effective, indomethacin at 25--
disodium phosphate (both weaker corticosteroid 50 mg three times daily is most commonly used. Side
preparations than 1% prednisolone acetate) versus effects include gastric upset that may require concur-
a non--commercially available NSAID preparation, rent use of a H2--blocker or proton pump inhibi-
5% tolmetin sodium dihydrate.75,357 At present, tor.149,263 A recent report indicated that the COX-2
120 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

selective NSAID celecoxib at daily doses ranging from in dry eye patients.24,51 However, corneal perfora-
200--800 mg was effective in controlling diffuse tions and melts have been reported.247,251 There-
anterior scleritis in 92% of patients without pro- fore the routine use of topical NSAIDs in dry eye
ducing any gastrointestinal side effects.30 patients may increase the risk of these adverse
Pinquecula and pterygia are considered manifes-
tations of chronic ocular irritation by solar radia- XII. Retinal and Choroidal Disease
tion, repeated micro trauma, and other factors.154 A. DIABETIC RETINOPATHY
Many patients complain of chronic ocular discom-
fort, foreign--body sensation, pain tearing, itching, There is growing evidence that immunologic
and redness, signs and symptoms that are commonly mechanisms play a prominent role in the pathogen-
treated with lubricants, vasoconstrictors, or cortico- esis of diabetic retinopathy (DR).10 Both animal and
steroids. There is also evidence that NSAIDs are human studies have demonstrated elevated levels of
useful in the treatment of inflamed pinquecula and prostaglandins in eyes with DR155,189,228,229,342 and
pterygia.112 Topical indomethacin provided dra- treatment with NSAIDs in animal models prevents or
matic relief of signs and symptoms during 14 days delays its progression.25,158,166,167
of treatment compared to placebo. More recently, Rheumatoid arthritis patients taking salicylates had
a randomized, prospective, double-masked study a reduced incidence of DR.248 This observation was
compared 0.1% topical indomethacin to 0.1% later examined in two clinical trials, the Early
dexamethasone phosphate in 50 patients with Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS),
pinqueculae or pterygia.111 Both treatments signif- which examined the effect of 650 mg aspirin on
icantly decreased signs and symptoms, but by day 30 advanced DR, and the Dipyridamole Aspirin Micro-
outcome measures favored indomethacin over angiopathy of Diabetes (DAMAD) Study, which tested
dexamethasone. the impact of 990 mg aspirin in patients with early
DR.3,4 Although no benefit was found in patients with
E. VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS more advanced DR in ETDRS, a significant effect was
seen in the DAMAD study, where higher doses of
In hospitalized patients with severe measles aspirin were found to slow the development of retinal
conjunctivitis, a randomized study compared topical microaneurysms. This latter observation is supported
ketorolac 0.5% and indomethacin 0.1% to artificial by a recent prospective, randomized study where
tears.321 Ketorolac and indomethacin were more treatment with the NSAID sulindac prevented de-
effective in decreasing conjunctival hyperemia, but velopment and progression of DR.133
burning, foreign--body sensations, and photophobia Therapeutic inhibition of COX-2 in the retina
were unaffected. In a different randomized study of may now be achievable with topical 0.1% nepafenac
117 patients, topical ketorolac 0.5% used four times and 0.09% bromfenac.27,55,115 In an animal study
daily was no better than artificial tears in relieving topical 0.1% nepafenac inhibited diabetes-induced
signs (conjunctival injection, chemosis, mucus, and retinal microvascular disease.167 Other routes, in-
lid edema) and symptoms (itching, foreign body cluding periocular and intravitreal, are currently
sensation, tearing, redness, lid swelling, and overall being investigated that may allow greater therapeu-
discomfort) of viral conjunctivitis.283 tic effects.17,171 However, awaiting further studies,
In a rabbit ocular model to evaluate antiviral there is insufficient evidence to recommend using
activity, neither 0.5% ketorolac nor 0.1% diclofenac NSAIDs as prophylaxis for, or as primary treatment
demonstrated inhibitory activity on viral replication of, diabetic retinopathy.
or the formation of subepithelial immune infil- Diabetic macular edema (DME), the most com-
trates.122 In contrast, 1% prednisolone acetate mon cause of visual impairment in diabetics, affects
prolonged viral shedding. approximately 75,000 new patients in the United
In conclusion, there is limited current evidence to States every year.33 The pathogenesis of DME is
support the use of topical NSAIDs in viral conjunctivitis. complex and multifactorial, but ultimately is the
result of disruption of the blood--retinal barrier, an
F. OCULAR INFLAMMATION IN DRY EYE PATIENTS influx of fluid that exceeds the pump capacity of the
Although the cause of dry eye is multifactorial, retinal pigment epithelium, and subsequent accu-
inflammation is believed to play a prominent role. mulation within the macula. Inflammatory media-
Consequently, topical corticosteroids and NSAIDs tors such as intercellular adhesion molecule--1,
have been considered as an alternative to conven- interleukin--6, VEGF, monocyte chemotactic pro-
tional tear replacement and preservation strategies tein--1, and pigment epithelium--derived factor are

associated with retinal vascular permeability and potent COX-2 inhibition, a therapeutic effect may
elevated in eyes with DME.114 While prospective, now be adequately tested. However, at present, there
randomized studies have demonstrated the efficacy is insufficient evidence to recommend using
of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide in reducing NSAIDs for prophylaxis or treatment of AMD.
DME and improving visual acuity,2,118 only anec-
dotal or uncontrolled retrospective case studies have C. OCULAR TUMORS
reported benefit with NSAIDs.132 Therefore, there is Use of systemic NSAIDs reduces the incidence of
insufficient evidence to recommend using NSAIDs colon cancer by 40--50%, and several epidemiolog-
to treat DME. ical, clinical, and experimental studies have estab-
lished NSAIDs as promising cancer
B. AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION chemopreventative agents.126,253,290,318 COX-2 ex-
pression is increased in both uveal melanoma and
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is retinoblastoma.61,87,110,162,298 Experimental studies
a leading cause of blindness for individuals aged have shown that nepafenac (amfenac) inhibits
55 and over.179 While the etiology and pathogenesis proliferation of human retinoblastoma cell lines,
of AMD are complex and remain poorly under- reduces progression of uveal melanoma, and in-
stood, there is considerable evidence from human creases its radiosensitivity.67,86,205 In addition, COX-
and animal studies that inflammatory and immuno- 2 expression appears to correlate with tumor
logical events play a central role.245 In particular, malignancy. Enucleated eyes with retinoblastoma
a host of recent genetic analysis in human AMD demonstrated high expression of COX-2, particu-
patients support the role of complement factor H in larly in areas of tumor invasion.298 Similarly, in 32
the pathogenesis of up to 50% of cases of enucleated eyes with uveal melanoma, the degree of
AMD.78,129,180,315 The complement system is a com- expression of COX-2 was found to correlate with the
ponent of the innate immune system and comprises risk of death from metastases.61 Future studies
over 30 soluble and membrane--bound proteins that investigating the therapeutic potential of NSAIDs
initiate pro--inflammatory responses.332,333 Studies in treatment and prevention of ocular tumors are
in animal models of laser-induced CNV demonstrate indicated.
that CNV complexes accumulate C3 and the C5b--9
membrane attack complex and that these comple-
ment components are capable of up--regulating XIII. Toxicity of NSAIDs
VEGF.40,234 Similarly, in Alzheimer disease comple-
ment proteins are present in the neurofibrillary One in seven Americans receives a prescription
tangles and neuritic plaques that characterize this for orally administered NSAIDs each year.45 Many
disorder,354 and epidemiological studies indicate more use over--the--counter NSAIDs. The wide-
that NSAIDs reduce the age-related prevalence of spread use of NSAIDs has meant that the adverse
this disease.208 The risk of developing Alzheimer events of these relatively safe drugs have become
disease was reduced by about one--third for those increasingly prevalent.
patients using NSAIDs 2 years or less and by 60% for
those with more than 2 years of use.145,305 A. TOXICITY WITH SYSTEMIC NSAIDS
A prospectively followed cohort of patients with The most well known side effects accompanying
rheumatoid arthritis had a very low prevalence of systemic NSAID use relate to the GI and central
AMD, and it was hypothesized that long term anti- nervous systems (CNS). The CNS adverse drug
inflammatory treatment may have been responsi- reactions (ADRs) commonly responsible for patient
ble.209 In one large retrospective study, patients intolerance to oral NSAIDs include headache,
taking aspirin were significantly less likely to develop somnolence, dizziness, depression, fatigue, anxiety,
neovascular AMD, but this observation has not been confusion, insomnia, and psychotic episodes. GI
confirmed.178,344 toxicity includes nausea, anorexia, vomiting, dyspep-
Considerable evidence indicates, however, that sia, diarrhea, constipation, and peptic ulceration and
COX-2 is a promoter of angiogenesis and can be bleeding. Often the GI toxicity can be partially
detected in human choroidal neovascular mem- ameliorated by adding a H2--receptor antagonist;
branes.25,74,203,224,277,310 Furthermore, inhibition of proton pump inhibitor, or prostaglandin analogue; 20
COX-2 by NSAIDs reduces VEGF production and however, many patients will require discontinuation
directly inhibits CNV in both trauma-induced and of the medication. Although it was hoped that COX-2
ischemic-induced animal models.17,25,143,310,311 With selective NSAIDs would reduce gastrointestinal ad-
the recent availability of newer topical NSAIDs with verse events,39 evidence of cardiovascular side effects,
potentially greater retinal penetration and more including an increased risk of myocardial infarction
122 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

and stroke, have resulted in the withdrawal of both Bromfenacs oral formulation was withdrawn after
rofecoxib and valdecoxib and heightened concerns post--market surveillance indicated an increased risk
about the remaining COX-2 NSAID celecoxib.29,235 of hepatic toxicity.121 A recent prospective, random-
NSAIDs are also associated with a risk of renal ized, placebo-controlled trial observed no adverse
ADRs including acute renal failure, salt and water events or changes in liver chemistries in a large
retention, hypertension, hyperkalemia, papillary number of patients treated twice--daily for 14 days
necrosis and interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syn- with topical bromfenac.303 The off--label use of
drome, and acute tubular necrosis. Prostaglandins topical NSAIDs for durations longer than this is
cause vasodilation of afferent glomerular arterioles common and clinicians should be vigilant for
and, under normal conditions, help regulate glo- potential systemic toxicity. In addition, because
merular perfusion and filtration. Inhibition of renal eyelid closure and nasolacrimal occlusion can de-
prostaglandins may lead to renal impairment, crease systemic absorption of topically applied
especially when used in combination with angioten- medications by almost 70%,108,359 explaining these
sin--converting enzyme inhibitors and diuretics.317 techniques to all patients seems prudent.89
Other NSAID-induced ADRs include hemato-
logic toxicity (aplastic anemia, red--cell aplasia,
hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and pro- B. TOXICITY WITH TOPICALLY APPLIED NSAIDS
longed bleeding time), hepatic toxicity (abnormal Transient burning, stinging, and conjunctival
liver function tests, Reye syndrome, and hepatitis), hyperemia are common ocular side effects after the
dermatologic reactions (bullous eruptions, benign topical instillation of NSAIDs,92 and differences exist
morbilliform eruptions, photosensitivity, fixed drug in the discomfort produced by the various commer-
eruptions, urticaria, pustular psoriasis, exfoliative cially available formulations.200 Properly controlled,
dermatitis, and erythema multiforme, including prospective, double-masked clinical studies have
Stevens--Johnson syndrome), metabolic changes failed to demonstrate significant differences in
(fluid retention, edema, weight gain), and hyper- patient acceptance, however.97 As with all commer-
sensitivity responses including rashes, broncho- cially available eye drops, allergic and hypersensitivity
spasm, and anaphylactoid reactions. NSAIDs are reactions occur with topical NSAIDs.92 In addition,
not recommended during pregnancy because they superficial punctate keratitis, corneal infiltrates, and
can cause premature closure of the fetal epithelial defects have been reported.119,280,282 Al-
ductus arteriosus and renal ADRs in the though one prospective, randomized, double-
fetus.45,53,137,206,237,286,302 Thus, the systemic side masked trial observed increased corneal haze and
effects that can accompany systemic NSAID treat- delayed wound healing after surface ablation in eyes
ment include life--threatening reactions. These treated with topical 0.1% nepafenac,323 this has not
complications, including potential drug interac- been confirmed.49,71,77 At present, there is no
tions, must be considered in determining the evidence that one NSAID is less toxic than another.
risk--benefit relationship for an individual patient. Postcataract surgery atonic mydriasis has been
Systemic absorption can occur following topical reported in some patients receiving topical NSAIDs
application of any NSAID. There is a report of prior to surgery.C This potential adverse event is
a patient with chronic asthma, rhinosinusitis, and mentioned in the package insert of flurbiprofen and
nasal polyps where topical ketorolac exacerbated suprofen. Apparently, the NSAID-induced mydriasis
her asthma, necessitating hospital admission.289 The that is helpful during cataract extraction and lens
authors concluded that NSAID eye drops are insertion may be resistant to reversal from para-
contraindicated in patients with the combination sympathomimetics such as acetylcholine and carba-
of asthma and nasal polyps unless the patient is chol. The pharmacodynamics of this are poorly
known to tolerate aspirin. understood, but atonic mydriasis may also occur
Flurbiprofen can inhibit platelet aggregation by without NSAID use following uncomplicated cataract
inhibiting thromboxane synthesis, but it does not surgery.188
change bleeding time, prothrombin time, platelet Severe corneal toxicity has been reported with
adhesiveness, or platelet count.66 Furthermore, in 0.1% diclofenac, 0.5% ketorolac, 0.1% nepafenac,
one animal study, prolonged topical use of ketorolac and 0.09% bromfenac.23,31,57,95,147,195,346 Although
did not produce gastrointestinal ulceration.202 uncommon, these dramatic events are frequently
Although no properly designed study has shown referred to as corneal melts. It is helpful to review
that the use of topical NSAIDs before or following the history leading to their original recognition.
ocular surgery increases the bleeding tendencies of Severe corneal complications, including corneal
ocular tissues, all NSAIDs package inserts include melting, in some patients using topical NSAIDs were
a caution describing this possibility. reported by members of the American Society of

Cataract and Refractive Surgery during 1999.D,E minimize side effects. Topical corticosteroids have
Because of these reports, Falcon, a generic form of been associated with elevations of IOP, the forma-
diclofenac ophthalmic solution (Alcon Laborato- tion of posterior subcapsular cataracts, slow wound
ries, Inc.), was recalled.F Although some concluded healing, and precipitation or worsening of ocular
that the generic form of diclofenac was responsib- infections.46,231,252,262,275,299,304,327,349 Even the new-
le,G others emphasized the importance of reviewing er, less potent corticosteroids may elevate
all reported cases with careful attention to possible IOP.1,83,84,192 It remains to be seen whether the
confounding variables before concluding that drug newer corticosteroid delivery systems will overcome
toxicity alone accounted for these adverse some of these toxicities.52,313
events.57,88,95 Corticosteroids have been compared to topical
An analysis of 140 patients with corneal toxicity NSAIDs in an effort to establish their relative
associated with the use of topical NSAIDs57 included toxicities. Topical flurbiprofen had less effect on
many cases of mild, transient keratitis, and all 34 elevating IOP compared with topical dexametha-
cases of severe corneal toxicity. The authors con- sone in one study of steroid--responsive patients.117
cluded that multiple factors could have influenced In a different study, IOPs did not differ in two
development of corneal toxicity, and the strengths groups of 46 patients given placebo or diclofenac
and weaknesses of this report have been reviewed.95 0.1% pre-- and postoperatively.308 However, one
A comprehensive review of the medical records report describes a small, but statistically significant,
and histories of 11 cases of corneal melts thought increase in IOP in eyes receiving both topical
related to topical NSAIDs (paying special attention corticosteroids and indomethacin compared with
to the indications for NSAIDs, doses and duration of corticosteroids and placebo.271 One study using
treatment, and onset and extent of corneal toxicity) rabbits demonstrated that topical flurbiprofen had
was analyzed. Briefly, seven of these patients re- undesirable effects on corneal wound healing.214
ceived generic diclofenac, and four received brand This study compared the effects of equipotent anti-
name diclofenac. Duration of treatment varied from inflammatory doses of topical flurbiprofen and
6 days to 17 months. Associated ocular and systemic prednisolone acetate four times a day for ten
diseases and their treatments complicated the postoperative days on healing (as measured by the
analysis. The specific indication for topical NSAID wound bursting pressure) of 4--mm incisions. The
was often unclear or inappropriate. Inconsistent results suggested that flurbiprofen and predniso-
and variable dose--toxicity relationships suggest that lone might not be different in their effects on
factors other than simple NSAID toxicity, including wound healing. In a different rabbit study, diclofe-
concurrent corticosteroid use, may be contributory. nac 0.1%, prednisolone 1%, and flurbiprofen 0.03%
This report underscores the importance of making delayed wound healing compared with placebo.139
a sound clinical diagnosis before beginning NSAIDs However, there are no studies demonstrating that
and the need to follow patients appropriately.95 The topically applied NSAIDs interfere with wound
over two dozen cases of corneal perforations reported healing after contemporary cataract surgery.281
with the introduction of topical corticosteroids over Finally, although animal studies suggest that NSAIDs
30 years ago were likely related to improper clinical do not worsen viral infections,106,107,136 flurbiprofen
use and patient follow-up.319 Thus, many topical and suprofen ophthalmic solutions are FDA--labeled
medications have the potential for toxicity if as being contraindicated in epithelial Herpes simplex
unmonitored or used inappropriately. keratitis.H,I
In conclusion, despite proposed theories to ex- Although NSAIDs are not known to cause
plain their pathogenesis,236 a definite link between cataracts, it required long-term and widespread
NSAID use and corneal melt remains tenuous. clinical use of corticosteroids before their cataracto-
Application of topical NSAIDs for reasonable lengths genic properties were first recognized. Some studies
of time in appropriate patients with proper monitor- have even observed a protective effect on develop-
ing appears safe. There is, however, evidence of the ment of nuclear cataracts with use of NSAIDs.7,177
continued misuse of these medications.96,258 In summary, although the literature describes less
toxicity with topical NSAIDs than with corticoste-
roids, NSAIDs have been used far less extensively.
C. NSAIDS AND CORTICOSTEROIDS: RELATIVE Moreover, the selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase
TOXICITY might stimulate lipoxygenase and consequently
Many clinicians believe that topical NSAIDs increase formation of leukotrienes.227,243,269,306 At
should be substituted for topical corticosteroids in least one laboratory study suggests that NSAIDs may
the treatment of postoperative inflammation follow- enhance the granulomatous process by this mech-
ing cataract surgery and in some ocular allergies to anism.254 A different laboratory study concluded
124 Surv Ophthalmol 55 (2) March--April 2010 KIM ET AL

that inhibition of the cyclooxygenase pathway by Inflammation Study Group 2. Ophthalmology. 1998;
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accelerated by flurbiprofen,225 while inhibition of nide and focal/grid photocoagulation for diabetic macular
edema. Ophthalmology. 2008;115(9):1447--9, 1449. e1-10
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Outline X. Allergic conjunctivitis

XI. Uveitis and other inflammatory ocular diseases
I. Introduction
A. Uveitis
II. Cyclooxygenase
B. Orbital pseudotumor
III. Commercial preparations
C. Episcleritis and scleritis
IV. Pharmacokinetics
D. Inflamed pinquecula and pterygia
V. Pharmacodynamics
E. Viral conjunctivitis
VI. Prevention of surgically induced miosis
F. Ocular inflammation in dry eye patients
VII. Postoperative inflammation
XII. Retinal and choroidal disease
A. Cataract surgery
B. Glaucoma surgery A. Diabetic retinopathy
C. Strabismus surgery B. Age-related macular degeneration
D. Vitreoretinal surgery C. Ocular tumors
VIII. Prevention and treatment of CME XIII. Toxicity of NSAIDs
A. Cataract surgery A. Toxicity with systemic NSAIDs
B. Prophylactic treatment of CME following B. Toxicity with topically applied NSAIDs
cataract surgery C. NSAIDS and corticosteroids: relative toxicity
C. Treatment of CME following cataract surgery
XIV. Conclusions
D. CME following vitreoretinal surgery
XV. Method of literature search
IX. Relieving discomfort and pain after ocular
surgery and trauma

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