Grade 4 Life Orientation CycleTest - Feb 2013

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(Life Skills) Personal and Social Wellbeing. Term 1

NAME: GRADE: 4____
Examiner: Miss Chuturgoon
Moderator: Mr Moodley
TIME: 25 Minutes TOTAL: 25
Parent Signature: ____________________

Write neatly and legibly.

Read the questions carefully.
Look carefully at the mark allocation.
Good Luck!
Personal Strengths
Question 1 (5 Marks)

Think about what you are good at and write about it. Explain why you say you
are good at this particular thing.

Question 2 (10 marks)

You need to care for your own body. You care for your body in different
ways. Give me 5 ways in which to care for your body and provide an example
for each.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________

Question 3 (5 marks)

Answer the following questions and tell me whether you think the following
situations are correct or incorrect. Provide a reason for each answer that you

1. Dont be friends with people who dont respect you.

Why? _______________________________________________________

2. You can hit or hurt another person.

Why? _____________________________________________________

3. Smoking a cigarette is good for you.

Why? ____________________________________________________

4. Sniffing glue and taking drugs is not good for you.

Why? ______________________________________________________

5. Other peoples bodies are their own property. You need to respect
Correct/incorrect __________________________
Why? ___________________________________________________
(10) Extra Marks! Have fun!

Design an appropriate poster around dealing with conflict: Take action, inspire change.

Remember conflict means when someone makes you angry or hurt.

Mark Allocation

1. Colorful
2. Mention of many
different ways to
deal with conflict.
3. Uniqueness of your
4. Creativity.
5. Relevant
illustrations (pictures

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