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Market Research

14 January 2014, Hanoi
16 January 2014, HCMC

Ms. Nguyen Thu Huyen

CBI - Ministry of Foreign Affairs


- Introduction CBI trainer, CBI Experts

- Objectives and contents of the training

- Introduction participants & your expectations

Introduction CBI trainer & CBI Experts

Ms. Nguyen Thu Huyen

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Son (Hanoi)

Mrs. Margot van Gastel (HCMC)

Mr. Ngo Van Tau (HCMC)

Objectives of the training
increase of know-how

Market research techniques

Web-based MR
MR targets and plans for the EU
Find EU market information
Market access requirements in the EU
Learn to use the CBI website as a source of information

Timing Agenda

9:00-9:20 Introduction

9:20-10:30 Market Research Process: Framework & Elements

Theoretical Steps and Elements, ie. research objectives, research plan, methodology, budget, etc.

10:30-10:45 Tea Break

10:45-11:00 Case Study: Introduction [to be conducted in 4 groups]

11:00-11:10 Group Debriefing

11:10 11:45 Group Discussion

11:45-12:00 Recap on the Market Research Process: Q&A

12:00-13:00 Lunch Break

13:00-13:45 European Market Information Sources

CBI market intelligence, ITC Trademap, Eurostat, etc.

14:15-14:30 Tea Break

14:30-15:15 Case Study (cont.)

15:15-16:15 Group Presentations (15 minutes for each group)

16:15-1630 Closing Certificates Photos

At the end of the training...
You will know how to do market research for the EU market

You can find what key EU market access requirements are

You will know where to find the information

You will know how to use the CBI website

Now we know who we are
But who are you?

Who are you?

What organisation / company?
Why are you here?
Your expectations of the workshop?
What do you want to take home?
Anything specific you are interested in?


CBI - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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