Amit Bharve Enerparc Airports in India Jan2016

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Focus on Greener Solutions: Solar Energy on


10th Annual Conference on Airports in India - Trends &

Developments, Opportunities & Challenges, - 29th Jan 2016,
New Delhi

Abundant source of Energy

No moving parts, hence very less maintenance
Highly predictable source of Energy
Clean and Green source
Global development 195GW

European market domination year 2003 2011

Chinese market dominance year 2012 onwards
German EEG program through feed in tariffs (FIT) kick started large grid connect projects in
2003 solar moved from off grid to grid connect application
Move from FIT to Tax breaks driven market in US, India and reverse
Auction in India, Brazil and recently in Germany too
Development In India
Development in India
Solar capital costs
have fallen 65%
from year 2010 till

Solar Energy tariff

has dropped 60%
in the same period

Feed-in tariffs (FIT)

Concessional transmission
Net metering
Wheeling and banking
Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)
Direct tax benefit Ten-year tax holiday under Sec 80-IA, but Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) will be
Accelerated depreciation (AD) A company is allowed to claim 80% AD of the investment in the very
first year of commissioning, which reduces the overall tax liability. The depreciation can be claimed
against income from regular business
Grid parity in several states

High Tariffs in certain states

Accelerated Tax depreciation
Unavailability of reliable /
consistent grid supply

Green Image
Large empty roofs for utilization
Load profiling matching with
solar generation
Net metering possibility enabling
offset on weekly off (No-less
Drivers for Airport

Availability of Ground & Roofs

Demand Curve matches


Commercial Tariffs (20% of OPEX) Accelerated Depreciation benefit

Challenges on Airport Solar
Glare Analysis
Glare analysis estimates how much sunlight
reflects from solar panels to pilots of
approaching aircrafts, pilots on runway and
control tower. Analysis is carried out for 50
nautical miles from Runway edge and for sun
positions morning to evening 365 days a year

Inputs needed for conduction Glare

Runway Elevations
Glide Slope of aircraft:
Cockpit Height:
Control tower perspective
Latitude, longitude and altitude of the
Challenges on Airport Solar
Location and Layout Geometric
Solar project in airports should be not be installed
in certain locations in an airport AND in
other locations should comply to mandatory
offsets to ensure safety

Object Free Area: 150 meters. on

either side from CL of runway
Obstacle Free Zone: 100 meters on
either side from CL of runway
Runway Protection Zone: as marked
in the adjacent picture
Taxiway Safety Area: Along the taxi
way 85 meters clearance from CL
Taxiway Object Free Area : Adjacent
to taxiway
Challenges on Airport Solar
No DGCA Guidelines for Solar Airport projects
FAA guide clearly states need
for the glare prevention,
electro magnetic interference
with communication and
navigation systems and siting
(geometric limitations)

India does not have a code

for solar in airports, for
DIAL 2.1Mwp solar project
FAA guidelines were
adhered and DGCA
approval accorded
References in India

T3 Delhi Airport | 2.14 Hyderabad Airport |

References in India

T3 Expansion| 5.7
Global References
Lonnewitz | 20.00

Finow | 84.00

Cottbus | 30.00 Neuhardenberg

Global References
Litten | 38.00

Coltishall | 33.00

Coltishall | Expansion
Enerparc AG

Incorporated in 2008 Strong EPC Team Development in USA

IPP (950MW) EPC (1400MW) O&M(1050MW)

References in India

T3 Delhi Airport | 2.14 RAXA Academy | 0.10 AUMA India | 0.15

ATMA Power | 2.10 AUMA Expansion | Hyderabad Airport |

0.22 5.00
References in India

T3 Expansion| 5.7 GTI | 0.233 APM Terminals | 0.18

PKP Components| GMR Rajam | 1.0 Mactan Airport | 1.64


Resources omnipresent

Avoiding transmission & Distribution losses

Scalable smallest system from Kilo watts to Hundreds of Mega Watts

Financial viable

Tax incentives

Incentives on Open access (transmission / distribution loses, wheeling charges


Presence of Capable EPC companies for building projects

Various business models to derive maximum value

Thanks for your attention

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