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‘an empancat onarmensionacoremon ot Cupane OKs sume (Sthes)and ow Reynolds number (Re) hasbeen estab- ‘shed for small Stirmandype sampling cyclones. Foureycones ‘th body diameters of 38, 57,89, and 149mm were constructed tnd tested with monodisperse aerosols over range of flow ‘ales. The fow ates were chosen o provide preselected inee- sents of particle Froude numbers These Now atesfrthe four :jelones spanned the ange of 9.410 1080 L/min and provided Froude numbersof15,20,25,and 6. The resulting Reynolds suber (based upon clone body diameter anne ow ate) sovered herange of2.1=10't0 64 = 10" Sizes of monodiopere serosa usedintbstudywerefrom3.0-10174-umaerodyeamie Siameter. The graphical correlation between cu-pint Stokes umber and Reynolds number showed threo be no eet of Froude number (forthe range of Froude numbers ested). The fata have been iby alas squares procedure toa quadratic ‘partic functon. In addition to development ofthe empirical :orrelaton, the resus of his study slso provide data pertinent ‘othe regional deposition of quid particle within the cyclone td to the transmission of sold parties trough the cyclone. The caryove of soi, 1-1 diameter partici only 05% rater than that ould pales of he sme sz. Pursuant tothe Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977,the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) bas changed the definition of ambient particulate matter” This change wil have a longeterm effeet on the manner of sampling airborne particulate matter from the atmosphere and ffom industrial smokestacks. The previous EPA standards fr sampling partic late matter were based upon use of th high-volume (hi-vol) ‘sampler inthe ambient atmosphere and an isokinetic nozse- ‘Samper for stacks" Nether of these approaches provided for Sie diserimination. New sampling methodology attempts to "The opinions concurs and suggestons which ae presented are ‘mowgot Re authors and not necossarly epreventne poles US Environmental Protection agency Fun forth ty ware pro- videdby the US. Environmental Protection Agency under Grant Ronsisor region ofthe human respiratory sytem. EPA defines this in terms of an aerosol which wll passthrough sampler with « Tosum cut-point fractionator, The cut point is defined as the aerodynamic diameter of @ particle for which the collection efiiency ofthe fractionator is 50% In addition, there is need for samplers which operate in the range of interes to industrial hygienists in the United States. The industrial hygiene standard isfor respirable particulate matter which s based on the use of 2 fractionator with «35am cut point” “Thedesign of eylonie samplers or provision ofthe referenced size cuts hasbeen hampered by thelack of modes for predicting the cut point diameter, Ds, a8 function of operating conditions Considerable research has been directed toward modeling the performance of industrial eyelones, however. Several models have been developed to characterize the factionationcurveand the cut-point diameter in terms of the cylone dimensions and operating parameters. Researchers who produced predictive ‘models for industrial eyelones include Lapple'** Shepherd and Lappe” Barth” Barth and Leineweber,” Tenghergen'" Sproul!" Muschelknaut." Leithand Licht" and Leth and Mehta" For the most part, these models are equivalent to assuming that the eut-poin Stokes number, Stkys sa constant where CoyDisu, sites SP o Here C= Cunningham's correction (dimensionless): py= particle density (kg! Dys=eut-point aerodynamic partici diameter (amy, Us = inlet velocity (m/sec); w= fluid dynamic viscosity (Parsee); and D, = characteristic dimension ofa cyclone (eg the body diameter), Use ofthe industrial cyclone models to predict the performance of sampling cyclones has proven 10 introduce large errors, There i frequently a deviation a large 48s 8 factor of two between the predicted cut point and that, which isexperimentally observed. The reason fr the deviations isthat the industeialeyclones, which ae typically large and have high inlet velocities, usally operate ina different low regime than the smaller sampling cyclones. In general, the airflow is st oe ne 8) a 80

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