Gold Advanced Progress Test 4: Name: - Class

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Name: ______________________________________ Class: ______________________________

Gold Advanced Progress test 4

Section 1: Vocabulary

1 Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form
a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Some people find it (1) _______________ to be in an environment REASSURE
where everything stays the same for years and years. They seem to want
to hold back the march of time and it seems to inevitably happen as
people gain a sense of identity and (2) _______________ . Its not that MATURE
they are frightened of change but rather an (3) _______________ that AWARE
there are more important things in their lives than constantly changing
all their material (4) _______________ . Younger people find new POSSESS
gadgets and fashions (5) _______________ and theyve become addicted RESIST
to the (6) _______________ of new models or fashions of their favourite ANTICIPATE
products. Advertising agencies are experts in the psychology of this and
happily whip up this desire into a marketing frenzy when new products
aimed at young people are about to be launched.

2 Complete the text. Use only one word for each gap.

Where modern interior designs (1) _______________ from older, more traditional designs
are in their clean lines and lack (2) _______________ clutter. One of the current trends in
interior design is to have lots of different colours, which dont seem to (3) _______________
at all. This may suit some people but I am opposed to having too many colours in one area
and much prefer a blank canvas of neutral colour and uncluttered lines in my rooms. John
Jacob is respected (4) _______________ his modern designs but they all incorporate
elements of more traditional features. He never feels (5) _______________ pressure from
fashion trends and always makes an effort to carve his own path in the design world. This has
now resulted in him winning a prestigious award for design.


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Section 2: Grammar

3 Complete the text. Use only one word for each gap.

I work for an exciting music magazine and I cant believe that I (1) _______________ have
been working there for a year at the end of this month. I (2) _______________ going to
celebrate the anniversary with my colleagues but my boss has other ideas. Hes decided to
send me to Spain that week, to do an article on a new band. As (3) _______________ I dont
know any more details about it and I am very upset about missing the planned celebrations.
The party (4) _______________ to have been at a special music venue which was very
difficult to book because its so popular, and I only got it because I have written many
positive articles about the venue and the bands that play there, so the owner did it as a favour
to me. And now, (5) _______________ to cancel is going to be very embarrassing and I will
also be liable for heavy cancellation fees as the relationship I have with the owner does not
stretch to him giving me the venue for free. My boss hasnt told me how long I
(6) _______________ be staying in Spain, which is very annoying and, in fact, I am
beginning to find it all very suspicious. When I told him about the cost of cancelling the
venue, he smiled mysteriously and told me not to worry and that he (7) _______________
pay. This behaviour is extremely unnerving as the boss isnt usually so generous, so Im now
questioning why hes being so nice. As (8) _______________ as hes not going to sack me,
itll be fine, but now Im not so sure. (9) _______________ he says to me, I cant get the idea
of losing my job out of my head!


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Section 3: Listening

4 04 You will hear four short extracts in which people are talking about
personality tests. While you listen, you must complete both tasks.

Task 1
For questions 14, choose from the list (AG) why each speaker did the test.

A They found it impossible to resist. Speaker 1 (1) _____

B They were curious about this kind of test. Speaker 2 (2) _____
C They hadnt planned to do it. Speaker 3 (3) _____
D They like volunteering for experiments. Speaker 4 (4) _____
E They were obliged to do it.
F They needed help with a problem.
G They had to do it as part of a job application.

Task 2
For questions 58, choose from the list (AG) what each speakers feelings were after
they got the results.

A worried about the future ramifications Speaker 1 (5) _____

B annoyed that they hadnt done a test like this before Speaker 2 (6) _____
C satisfied that they have the right job Speaker 3 (7) _____
D staggered at how true the results were Speaker 4 (8) _____
E regretful at having done the test
F unhappy with the procedures used to get results
G furious about what the test supposedly revealed

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Section 4: Reading

5 Read the texts and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the texts.
1 When doing an internet search, the writer
A was surprised by the advertisements which appeared.
B found excellent recommendations for products they wanted.
C expected to see ads which were aimed at their individual tastes.
D assumed the ads which appeared were from companies they had used in the past.

2 The profile that Google had created of the writer

A was based on a survey they had completed.
B included several photos from their childhood.
C was inaccurate in several ways.
D had deduced that they were female.

3 When a photo of the writer appeared during an internet search, the writer
A couldnt understand why they were so famous.
B decided they would like to change the Google photo.
C discovered that Google adds suitable photos to match the search.
D were surprised by the number of photos they found.

Who does Google think I am?

You might think that Google has no idea who you are or perhaps youre like me and have
discovered they sometimes think youre somebody else!
Whenever I did an internet search, I noticed that ads for products I wouldnt have dreamt of buying
kept popping up. Google was matching whoever they thought I was to the products they thought I
should like. But why? The problem was the profile Google had generated for me. Firstly, theyd
obviously noticed me searching nerdy topics like cybernetics and assumed I was male. I started
going grey when I was a teenager and occasionally search hair products for people who share my
condition, so they think Im in my sixties but Im only twenty-nine!
But sometimes Google does get it right. Last month I was looking for images of ballet classes in
the early 1990s and typed the description into my browser. The first photo that came up was of me
as a small girl in a ballet class over twenty years ago. Amazed, I tested it out on both my laptop and
work computer but whichever computer I happened to use, there I was again. I began to think I
might be rather famous. When I told friends to search with the same terms, they got me, too. It
turns out Im not famous though. Google does know who I am and it knows who my friends are,
too. Whatever they happen to search, if Google has a picture of me that somehow fits that
description, that will be one of the images my friends get to see.

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4 According to the text, a celebrity might use a stylist to
A improve their standing in the public eye.
B impose their personality on the clothes.
C inform them about new fashions.
D add to their wardrobe of accessories.

5 According to the text, during a fashion shoot

A all stylists have to be prepared to work through the night.
B some stylists are responsible for making travel arrangements.
C the wardrobe stylist needs to ensure that every part of the show works.
D shooting for magazines can be a headache for editorial staff.

6 When doing fashion shoots for magazines, the stylist must

A choose the clothes from the fashion house.
B source any accessories required.
C do the models hair and make-up.
D work closely with the photographer to ensure the light is right.

Making sure it all matches

Having studied fashion at college, I knew there were only two real career paths open to me: being a
fashion designer and being a stylist. I chose the latter. My work is all about matching; I match
clothes to clients and accessories to clothes. Celebrities, hoping to improve a tarnished image or
simply trying to make the most of their assets, often hire stylists to help them out. This can be
challenging but even more demanding is work on fashion shows. The wardrobe stylist, holding
responsibility for pulling all the elements of the show together, often ends up working round the
clock checking that everything is there on the day and ready to be worn. Editorial stylists face some
of the same challenges in their work on fashion shoots for magazines. Ive done that, too and its
also great fun because you get to travel. The fashion houses chosen by the magazine provide the
clothes they want featured but its the stylists job to make sure theyre shown in the best possible
light. That means finding accessories to set them off, making decisions about the models hair and
make-up, and even ironing the clothes or checking that they hang properly. Having worked in these
areas for several years, I decided to turn my hand to film work. I simply love it. Working in close
collaboration with costume and set designers has given me a range of new skills, including learning
to do research.

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Section 5: Writing

6 Complete the letter with phrases AF.

Dear Mr Connet,

I am writing to you (1) _____ , to register our concerns about the excessive noise caused by
your new recycling plant.

Before we agreed to the building of this plant so close to our properties, (2) _____ . In fact,
(3) _____ that the plant would be closed between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., (4) _____ .
However, in the first month of operation, (5) _____ and night and the plant seems to be
working all through the night. (6) _____ , which are outside the agreed contract, are only due
to teething problems.

(7) _____ a detailed response to our concerns within the next week and an explanation as to
why the plant seems to be working twenty-four hours a day. If, however, we do not hear from
you, (8) _____ but to consult our solicitors regarding this blatant breach of regulations.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,
S W Byrne
Rosewood Community Association Chairperson.

A trucks have been arriving at all hours of the day

B it is hoped that these actions
C on behalf of the Rosewood Community Association
D in accordance with local regulations
E we were assured that the noise would be kept to a minimum
F we were specifically promised
G we shall have no alternative
H we would very much appreciate


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Section 6: Speaking

7 Talk to your teacher about some of your experiences and opinions. You should:

explain how you tend to deal with or avoid stress.

outline ways in which you think governments could encourage people to recycle more.
say if you think the clothes people wear can define their personalities.
say what you think the best way is to discover someones true personality.

Your teacher will mark your presentation using the score card below. The teacher circles 1
mark if a student includes the area and 2 marks for communicating it accurately and
effectively. There is a maximum of 8 marks.

The student:
explained how they tend to deal with or avoid stress. 1 2
outlined ways in which they think governments could encourage people to 1 2
recycle more.
said if they think the clothes people wear define their personalities. 1 2
said what they think the best way is to discover someones true personality. 1 2

TOTAL: / 50

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