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By Sanober Zaki on Friday, December 20, 2013 at 8:50am

1. Which of the following gasses is used in fire extinguishers?

A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Water vapour
D. Carbon dioxide
Answer is = D
2. stains of rust from iron on cloth can be removed by
A. hydrogen peroxide
B. alcohol
C. oxalic acid
D. petrol
Answer is = C
3. Cooking gas is a mixture of which of the following two gases?
A. methane and carbon dioxide
B. oxygen and nitrogen
C. butane and propane
D. oxygen and methane
Answer is = D
4. Nameplates made of brass get discoloured in air because of which of the
following gases in the air?
A. oxygen
B. nitrogen
C. carbon dioxide
D. hydrogen sulfide
Answer is = D
5. on addition of salt to water , its
A. Boiling point increases
B. Boiling point decreases
C. Boiling point is not affected
D. Freezing point increases
Answer is = A
6. Which of the following gases does not pollute air?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Nitrogen dioxide
D. Sulphur dioxide
Answer is = C
7. the inorganic natural resources of the earth is
A. Mineral fuels
B. Wood
C. Coal
D. Microbes
Answer is = A
8. Which one of the following has the highest fuel value?
A. Hydrogen
B. Charcoal
C. Natural gas
D. Gasoline
Answer is = A
9. the characteristic odour of garlic is due to
A. A chloro compound
B. A Sulphur compound
C. A fluorine compound
D. Acetic acid
Answer is = B
10. Which of the following group of compounds constitute carbohydrates?
A. fats and sugar
B. fats, sugar and proteins
C. starch, sugar and proteins
D. starch and sugar
Answer is = D
11. What is the chemical name of banking soda?
A. sodium bicarbonate
B. sodium nitrate
C. Sodium carbonate
D. Potassium
Answer is = A
12. Milk lacks in one important nutrient; which?
A. calcium
B. iron
C. potassium
D. protein
Answer is = B
13. Ripening of fruits is hastened by which of the following gases
A. Hydrogen
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
D. Ethylene
Answer is = D
14. Iron articles rust because of the formation of
A. ferrous chloride
B. a mixture of ferrous and ferric hydroxide
C. sodium carbonate
D. ferric chloride
Answer is = B
15. Gunpowder consists of
A. 75 % potassium nitrite + 15 % charcoal + 10%Sulphur
B. 75 % potassium nitrite + 10 % charcoal +15 % Sulphur
C. 75 % potassium nitrite + 10 % charcoal + 15 % Sulphur
D.75 % potassium nitrite + 15 % charcoal +10 % Sulphur
Answer is = C
16. X-rays are produced when are stream of electrons in an X-ray tube?
A. Hits the glass wall of the tube
B. Strikes metal target
C. pass through a strong magnetic field
D. none
Answer is = B
17. in the periodic table, elements have been arranged?
A. In the order of increasing volume
B. In order of increasing atomic number
C. In order of increasing atomic weights
D. In order of increasing density
Answer is = B
18. Which group pf elements in the periodical le show highest first ionization
potential? Elements in the
A. left hand top corner left hand bottom corner
B. left hand bottom corner
C. right hand top corner
D. Right hand bottom corner
Answer is = A
19. when we move from left to right in second period, the atomic valium of
A. increases
B. increases with constant state
C. decreases
D. decreases than increases
Answer is = B
20. Generally in a given period in the periodic
table, as we move from left to right, the electropositive
character of elements
A. increases
B. decreases
C. Neither increases nor decreases
D. decreases than increases
Answer is = B
21. Atom bomb is based on the principle of?
A. Nuclear fusion
B. Nuclear fission
C. Radioactive
D. nuclear fission and fusion both
Answer is = B
22. Oxidation involves:
A. Gain in electrons
B. gain of hydrogen
C. less of electrons
D. combustion
Answer is = C
23. The substances are radioactive, which have?
A. Electrons in their nuclei
B. nuclei with less number of neutrons
C. unstable nuclei
D. electrons removed from the outermost shell
Answer is = B
24. when nuclear energy is intended to be harnessed for generation of
electricity, optionally destructive neutrons released in a nuclear reactor are
absorbed by?
A. Heavy water
B. long rods of Cd
C. cubical blocks made of graphite
D. a pile of blocks made of graphite
Answer is = C
25. Nuclear power reactors are operated at low temperature and consequently
with lower efficiency because?
A. nuclear heat is carried by ordinary steam
B uranium is difficult to heat
C. the walls of nuclear reactors can not withstand high temperature
D. high pressure in side the reactor reduces the temperature
Answer is = C
26. The energy emitted from the sun is supposed to be due to
A. Nuclear fission
B. Nuclear fusion
C. combustion of hydrogen
D. radioactive disintegration
Answer is = B
27. in a hydrogen bomb, hydrogen is converted into?
A. Barium
B. uranium
C. uranium 238
D. helium
Answer is = D
28. When to ice cubes are pressed over each other they unit to from one cube.
Which of the following force is responsible for holding them together?
A. Vander walls forces
B. covalent attraction
C. hydrogen bond formation
D. dipole dipole attraction
Answer is = C
29. The high boiling point of water is due to?
A. weak dissociation of water molecule
B. hydrogen bonding among water molecules
C. its high specific heat
D. its high dielectric constant
Answer is = B
30. Ice has an open structure compared
to water due to which it floats on water
and occupies a greater volume of space.
The open structure of ice is due to?
A. Solid state of ice
B. its low density
C. crystalline nature
D. hydrogen bonding
Answer is = D
31. A gas can be liquefied by pressure alone when its temperature is?
A. Higher than the critical temperature
B. Lower than its critical temperature
C. equal to its critical temperature
D. Equal to its critical temperature
Answer is = B
32. Gases can be compressed to a greater extent because?
A. Molecules are elastic
B. there is no gap between molecules
C. these are lighter than liquids
D. there is a large space between the molecules
Answer is = D
33. The cooling caused by the expansion
of a compressed gas below its in inversion
temperature without doing external work is called?
A. Joule Thomson effect
B. Adiabatic diamagnetism
C. Faraday Tyndall effect
D. Compton effect
Answer is = A
34. Which of the following solution will have the highest boiling point?
A. 1 % glucose in water
B. 1 % sucrose in water
C. 1 % NaCl in water
D. 1 % CaCl 2 in water
Answer is = D
35. Sea water is converted into fresh water by sunig the phenomenon of
A. Plasmolysis
B. Sedimentation
C. Reverse osmosis
D. Diffusion
Answer is = C

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