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110 KV SAMLAPATTY (Tied with SPC DEEP 110 KV Switch Yard))
Distance Relay Make and Type : ER, THR3PE1,
Total Line length. : 24.803 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : Panther
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 : (0.154 + j 0.387) / K.M,
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : (0.303 + j 1.409) / K.M
C.T. Ratio adopted : 600 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV SSREL Feeder (110 KV Line-3)
Name of the Con., in short line : Panther
Line length of the adj., short line : 1.796 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: Singarapet 230 KV SS (110 KV Line-2)
Line length of the longest line : 25.220 Kilo Meter
Name of the Cond., in longest line: Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.6
Singarapet 110 KV SS Samalpatty 110 KV SS SSREL110 KV SS
1.796 K.M Panther
Panther 24.803 K.M

230 KVSingarapet SS
25.220 K.M Panther

100 % Line primary Impedance Z1 : 24.803 x (0.154 + j 0.387)

: (3.8197 + j 9.5988)
100% Line Primary Impedance Z0 : 24.803 x (0.303 + j 1.409)
: (7.5153 + j 34.9474)
Kn =((ZoZ1)/(3xZ1)) =((7.5153+j34.9474)-(3.8197+j9.5988)/(3x(3.8197+j9.5988))

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: (3.6956 + j 25.3486) / (11.4591 + j 28.7964)
: (25.616 Ang 81.70 / (30.9926 Ang 68.30 )
Kn : 0.827
Kn Angle : 13.40
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Direction for Z1 : Forward
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (3.8197+ j 9.5988)
: (3.0554 + j 7.679)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.6 (3.0554 + j 7.679)
: (1.83324 + j 4.6074)
Zone 1 Impedance Z1 : 4.959 Angle 68.30
Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Direction for Z2 : Forward
Z2 Calculations : (3.8197 + j 9.5988) + ((0.5 x 1.796) x (0.154 + j 0.387))
: (3.9580 + j 9.9464)
Z2 Secondary : (3.9580 + j 9.9464) x 0.6
Z2 Secondary : (2.3748 + j 5.9678)
Zone -2 Impedance Z2 : 6.423 Angle 68.30
Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Direction for Z3 : Forward
Z3 Calculations :( 3.8197+ j 9.5988) + ((1.1 x 25.22) x (0.154 + j 0.387))
: (8.092 + j 20.335)
Z3 Secondary : (8.092 + j 20.335) x 0.6
: (4.8552 + j 12.201)
Zone -3 Impedance Z3 : 13.132 Angle 68.30
Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second
Direction for Z4 : Reverse
Zone 4 : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 which ever is less.
: 0.1 x 13.132 or 0.25 x 4.959
: 1.313 or 1.24
Zone -3 Impedance Z4 : 1.24 Angle 68.30

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Make and Type : ER, THR3PE1
Calculated Values.
Z1 Sec Impedance : (1.83324 + j 4.6074) : 4.959 Angle 68.30
Zone 2 Sec Impedance : (2.3748 + j 5.9678) : 6.423 Angle 68.30
Zone 3 Sec Impedance : (4.8552 + j 12.201) : 13.132 Angle 68.30
Zone 1 : A x GSelect A = 16 Select A = 16
G : ((Zone-1) / A): (4.959 /16) = 0.309 Select G = 0.32
Actual Zone 1 : 16 x 0.32 = 5.12
Select Angle Phase fault as well as Earth fault Angle = 60
Zone 2 : AxGxH
H = (6.423 / 5.12) = 1.254 Select H = 1.3
Actual Zone 2 : 16 x 0.32 x 1.3 = 6.656
Zone 3 :AxGxKxM Select M = 2
K = (13.132 / (16 x 0.32 x 2)) = 1.282 Select K = 1.3
Actual Zone 4 : 16 x 0.32 x 1.3 x 2= 13.312
Zone 3 Reverse : 1.2 x Z1(F)
: 1.2 x 5.12 = 6.144
PSB Forward : 1.5 x Z3 (F)
: 1.5 x 13.312 = 19.968
PSB Reverse : 1.5 x Z3(R)
: 1.5 x 6.144 = 9.216
EF compensation : ((B x F) / (A x G)) Select B = 16
F = ((16 x 0.32 x 0.827) /16)) = 0.264 Select F= 0.25
Actual E/F com = ((16 x 0.25) / (16 x 0.32) = 0.781
Z1 = 5.12 Angle 60 A = B = 16
Z2 = 6.656 Angle 60 G = 0.32 F=0.25
Z3 = 13.312 Angle 60 H = 1.3 P/F & E/F Angle : 60
Z3(R) = 6.144 Angle 60 K = 1.3 J (tz2) = 0.40
PSB(F)=20.16 Angle 60 M=2 L (tz3) = 1.00
PSB(R)= 9.216 Angle 60 R = 0.0
Earth Fault Compensation = 0.781

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110 KV ARANI I (Tied with Arani 230 /110 KV SS)
Distance Relay Make and Type : ER, THR4PE1
Total Line length. : 92.54 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : Leopard
Panther Leopard
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 : (0.154 + j 0.387) / K.M, (0.247 + j 0.421) / K.M
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : (0.303 + j 1.409) / K.M (0.395 + j 1.409) / K.M
C.T. Ratio adopted : 300 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV Chandavalsal Feeder
Name of the Con., in short line : Panther
Line length of the adj., short line : 11.84 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: 110 KV Sriperumbudur feeder
Line length of the longest line : 2.15 K.M Panther + 97.0 K.M Leopard
Name of the Cond., in longest line: Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.3
Singarapet 110 KV SS Arani 230 / 110 KV SS Chandavasal 110 KV SS
11.84 K.M Panther
Leopard 92.54 K.M

Sriperumbudur 110 KV SS
(2.15 K.M Panther+97.0 K.M Leopards)

100 % Line primary Impedance Z1 : 92.54 x (0.247 + j 0.421)

: (22.8574 + j 38.9593)
100% Line Primary Impedance Z0 : 92.54 x (0.395 + j 1.409)
: (36.5533 + j 130.3889)

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Kn =((ZoZ1)/(3xZ1)) =((0.395+j1.409) - (0.247 + j 0.421) / (3 x(0.247 + j 0.421))
: (0.148 + j 0.988) / (0.741 + j 1.263)
: (0.999 Ang 81.48 / (1.4643 Ang 59.60 )
Kn : 0.682
Kn Angle : 21.88
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Direction for Z1 : Forward
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (22.8574 + j 38.9593)
: (18.2859 + j 31.1674)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.3 (18.2859 + j 31.1674)
: (5.48577 + j 9.35022)
Zone 1 Impedance Z1 : 10.8407 Angle 59.60
Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Direction for Z2 : Forward
Z2 Calculations : (22.8574 + j 38.9593)+((0.5 x 11.84) x (0.154 + j 0.387))
: (23.8691 + j 41.2503)
Z2 Secondary : (23.8691 + j 41.2503) x 0.3
Z2 Secondary : (7.1607 + j 12.3751)
Zone -2 Impedance Z2 : 14.30 Angle 60.00
Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Direction for Z3 : Forward
Z3 Calculations:(22.8574+j38.9596)+((1.1(2.15x(0.154+j0.387)+97x(0.247+j0.421))
: (49.5765 + j 84.7955)
Z3 Secondary : (49.5765 + j 84.7955) x 0.3
: (14.8729 + j 25.4387)
Zone -3 Impedance Z3 : 29.467 Angle 59.68
Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second
Direction for Z4 : Reverse
Zone 4 : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 which ever is less.
: 0.1 x 29.467 or 0.25 x 10.836
: 2.9467 or 2.709
Zone -3 Impedance Z4 : 2.709 Angle 60.00

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Make and Type : ER, THR4PE1
Calculated Values.
Z1 Sec Impedance : (5.4834 + j 9.3462) : 10.836 Angle 59.60
Zone 2 Sec Impedance : (7.1607 + j 12.3751) : 14.30 Angle 60.00
Zone 3 Sec Impedance : (14.8729 + j 25.4387) : 29.467 Angle 59.68
Zone 4 Sec Impedance : 2.709 Angle 60.00
Zone 1 : A x GSelect A = 16 Select A = 16
G : ((Zone-1) / A): (10.836 / 16) = 0.6776 Select G = 0.68
Actual Zone 1 : 16 x 0.68 = 10.88
Select Angle Phase fault as well as Earth fault Angle = 60
Zone 2 : AxGxC
C = (14.30 / 10.88) = 1.314 Select C = 1.3
Actual Zone 2 : 16 x 0.68 x 1.3 = 14.144
Zone 3 :AxGxH
H = (29.462 / 10.88) = 2.7079 Select H = 2.7
Actual Zone 3 : 16 x 0.68 x 2.7 = 29.376
Zone 4 :AxGxKxM Select M = 1
K = (29.376 / (16 x 0.68 x 1)) = 2.7 Select K = 2.7
Actual Zone 4 : 16 x 0.68 x 2.7 x 1 = 29.376 Select N = 0.1
Zone 4 Reverse : 1.2 x Z1(F)
: 1.2 x 10.88 = 13.056
PSB Forward : 1.5 x Z4 (F)
: 1.5 x 29.376 = 44.064
PSB Reverse : 1.5 x Z4(R)
: 1.5 x 13.056 = 19.584
EF compensation : ((B x F) / (A x G)) Select B = 16
F = ((16 x 0.68 x 0.682) / 16)) = 0.463 Select F= 0.50
Actual E/F com = ((16 x 0.50) / (16 x 0.68) = 0.736
Z1 = 10.88 Angle 60 A = B = 16
Z2 = 14.144 Angle 60 G = 0.68 F=0.50
Z3 = 29.376 Angle 60 H = 2.7 P/F & E/F Angle : 60
Z4 (F) = 29.376 Angle 60

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Z4 (F) = 19.584 Angle 60 K = 2.7 J (tz2) = 0.40
PSB (F) = 44.064 Angle 60 M=1 L (tz3) = 1.00
PSB(R) = 19.584 Angle 60 R = 0.0
Earth Fault Compensation = 0.736 (tz4) =1.00

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110 KV ARANI II (Tied with Arani 230 /110 KV SS)
Distance Relay Make and Type : GE, D-30
Total Line length. : 92.54 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : ACSR Dog
Panther Dog Leopard
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 :(0.154+j0.387),(0.307+j0.415), (0.247+j0.421)/K.M
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : 0.303+j1.409),( 0.456+1.444), (0.395+j1.409)/K.M
C.T. Ratio adopted : 300 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV Chandavalsal Feeder
Name of the Con., in short line : Panther
Line length of the adj., short line : 11.84 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: 110 KV Sriperumbudur feeder
Line length of the longest line : 2.15 K.M Panther + 97.0 K.M Leopard
Name of the Cond., in longest line: Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.3
Singarapet 110 KV SS Arani 230 / 110 KV SS Chandavasal 110 KV SS
11.84 K.M Panther
92.54 K.M ACSR Dog

Sriperumbudur 110 KV SS
(2.15 K.M Panther+97.0 K.M Leopards)

100 % Line primary Impedance Z1 : 92.54 x (0.307+j0.415)

: (28.4098 + j 38.4041)
100% Line Primary Impedance Z0 : 92.54 x (0.456+1.444)
: (42.1982 + j 133.6278)

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Z0 / Z1 : (0.456 + 1.444) / (0.307+j0.415)
: (1.5143 Ang 72.47) / (0.5162 Ang 53.50)
: 2.93
Z0 / Z1 Angle : 18.97 or Say 19
Kn =((ZoZ1)/(3xZ1)) =((0.456 + 1.444) - (0.307+j0.415) / (3 x(0.307+j0.415))
: (0.149 + j 1.029) / (0.921 + j 1.245)
: (1.0397 Ang 81.76 / (1.5486 Ang 53.50 )
Kn : 0.67
Kn Angle : 28.16
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Direction for Z1 : Forward
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (28.4098 + j 38.4041)
: (22.7278 + j 30.7233)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.3 (22.7278 + j 30.7233)
: (6.8183 + j 9.217)
Zone 1 Impedance Z1 : 11.47 Angle 53.50
Z1 Direction : Forward
Shape : Quadrilateral
Z1 Reach : 11.47 Ang., 53
Quadrilateral right blinder reach. : (22.7278 + 20.00) x 0.3
: 12.82
Quadrilateral right blinder reach RCA : 85
Directional RCA : 53
Directional Compensation Limit : 90
Polarizing Current : Zero Sequence Current
Non Homogeny Angle : 0
Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Direction for Z2 : Forward
Z2 Calculations : (28.4098 + j 38.4041)+((0.5 x 11.84) x (0.154 + j 0.387))
: (29.3215 + j 40.6951)
Z2 Secondary : (29.3215 + j 40.6951) x 0.3
Z2 Secondary : (8.7965 + j 12.2085)

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Zone -2 Impedance Z2 : 15.05 Angle 54.22
Quadrilateral right blinder reach. Z2 : (29.3215 + 25.00) x 0.3
: 16.29
Delay Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Remaining Settings same as Z1.
Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Direction for Z3 : Forward
Z3 Calculations:(28.4098+j38.4041)+((1.1(2.15x(0.154+j0.387)+97x(0.247+j0.421))
: (55.1289 + j 84.24)
Z3 Secondary : (55.1289 + j 84.24) x 0.3
: (14.87 + j 25.434)
Zone -3 Impedance Z3 : 29.462 Angle 59.68
Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second

Delay Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second

Remaining Settings same as Z1.
Direction for Z3 : Forward
Shape : Quadrilateral
Z3 Calculations:(22.8475+j38.9425)+((1.1(2.15x(0.154+j0.387)+97x(0.247+j0.421))
: (49.5666 + j 84.7785)
Z3 Secondary : (49.5666 + j 84.7785) x 0.3
: (14.87 + j 25.434)
Zone -3 Impedance Z3 : 29.462 Angle 59.68
Quadrilateral right blinder reach. Z3 : (49.57 + 30.00) x 0.3
: 23.871
Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second
Remaining Settings same as Z1.
Direction for Z4 : Reverse
Shape : Quadrilateral
Zone 4 : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 which ever is less.
: 0.1 x 29.462 or 0.25 x 10.836
: 2.9462 or 2.709

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Zone -4 Impedance Z4 : 2.709 Angle 60.00
Quadrilateral Right blinder reach. Z4 : (1.8278 + 20.00) x 0.3
: 6.55
Quadrilateral Left blinder reach RCA : 85
Delay Time for Z4 : 1.0 Second
Remaining Settings same as Z1
Z1 Direction : Forward
Shape : Mho Circle
Z1 Reach : 11.47
Delay Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Z2 Direction : Forward
Shape : Mho Circle
Z2 Secondary : 15.05
Delay Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Z3 Direction : Forward
Shape : Mho
Z3 Secondary : 29.462
Delay Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second
Z4 Direction : Reverse
Shape : Mho
Z4 : 2.709
Delay Time for Z4 : 1.0 Second

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110 KV METTUR II (Tied with Karimangalam 230 /110 KV SS)
Distance Relay Make and Type : ABB, RAZOA
Total Line length. : 71.658 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : (32.181 K.M Leopard 38.644 K.M. ACSR DOG
+ 0.833 K.M Panther)
Panther Leopard ACSR Dog
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 :(0.154+j0.387)(0.247+j0.421)(0.307+j0.415) / K.M,
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : (0.303+j1.409)(0.395+1.409)(0.456+1.444) / K.M
C.T. Ratio adopted : 300 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV Karimangalam Feeder (110 KV SS)
Name of the Con., in short line : Leopard
Line length of the adj., short line : 0.76 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: 110 Krishnagiri Hosur Feeder
Line length of the longest line : 83.145 Kilo Meter
Name of the Cond., in longest line: 74.585 K.M Leopard 8.560 K.M. Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.3
Singarapet 110 KV SS Karimangalam 230 KV SS Karimangalam 110 KV SS
0.76 K.M Leopard
(32.181 K.M Leopard + 38.644 K.M ACSR DOG
+ 0.833 K.M Panther)

Hosur 230 KV
(74.585 K.M Leopard + 8.56 K.M Panther)

100 % Line primary Impedance Z1:((32.181x (0.247+j0.421))+(38.644x(0.307+j0.415))+(0.833x(0.154+j0.387)))

: (19.9407 + j 29.9078)
: 35.9459 Angle 56.30

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100% Line Primary Impedance Z0:(( 32.181x(0.395+j1.409))+(38.644x(0.456+j1.444))+(0.833x(0.303+j1.409)))

: (30.5856 + j 102.3187)
: 106.7923 Angle 73.35
100 % Line Secondary Impedance ZL: 0.3 (19.9407 + j 29.9078)
100 % Line Secondary Impedance Z1L : (5.9822 + j 8.9723)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL : 0.3 (30.5856 + j 102.3187)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL : (9.1757 + j 30.6956)
Kn : (((9.1757 + j 30.6956) - (5.9822 + j 8.9723)) / (3 x (5.9822 + j 8.9723)))
Kn : ((3.1935 + j 21.7233) / (17.9466 + j 26.9169))
: 21.9568 Ang 81.64 / 32.3512 Angle 56.30
Kn : 0.679
Kn Angle : 25.34
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Direction for Z1 : Forward
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (19.9407 + j 29.9078)
: (15.9526 + j 23.9262)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.3 (15.9526 + j 23.9262)
: (4.7858 + j 7.1779)
Zone 1 Impedance Z1 : 8.627 Angle 56.30
Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Direction for Z2 : Forward
Z2 Calculations : (19.9407 + j 29.9078) + ((0.5 x 0.76) x (0.247+j0.421))
: (20.0346 + j 30.0678)
Z2 Secondary : (20.0346 + j 30.0678) x 0.3
Z2 Secondary : (6.0104 + j 9.0203)
Zone -2 Impedance Z2 : 10.839 Angle 56.30
Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Direction for Z3 : Forward
Z3 Calculations:(19.9407+j29.9078)+((1.1(8.56x(0.154+j0.387)+74.585x(0.247+j0.421))
: (41.6555 + j 68.0921)
Z3 Secondary : (41.6555 + j 68.0921) x 0.3
: (12.4967 + j 20.4276)
Zone -3 Impedance Z3 : 23.947 Angle 58.54

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Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second
Direction for Z4 : Reverse
Zone 4 : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 which ever is less.
: 0.1 x 23.947 or 0.25 x 8.627
: 2.394 or 2.156
Zone -3 Impedance Z4 : 2.156 Angle 56.30


Calculated Zone Impedances

Z1 Sec Impedance : (4.7858 + j 7.1779) : 8.627 Angle 56.30
Zone 2 Sec Impedance : (6.0104 + j 9.0203) : 10.839 Angle 56.30
Zone 3 Sec Impedance : (12.4967 + j 20.4277) : 23.947 Angle 58.54
Loop resistance R1ml (Primary) : (80 % (RoL + 2 x R1L)) / 3 + R foot arc
: ((0.80 x (30.5856 + (2 x 19.9407)))/3) + 20.0
: 38.7912
R1 Py : (38.7912 / (1+Kn))
: (38.7912 / (1+0.679))
: 23.1038
R1 Sec : 23.1038x 0.3
: 6.9311
X1 Sec : 7.1779
When X1 3.2 f / In x 50 & R1 3.2 / In Assume a = b = 99 and calculate P1 and P11
and Choose lower among and round it off downwards
P1 = ((3.2 x f x a) / (In x50 x X1)
P11 = ((3.2 x b) / (In x R1))
P1 = ((3.2 x f x 99) / (In x50 x 7.1779)
P1 = ((3.2 x 50 x 99) / (1 x 50 x 7.1779))
P1 = 44.135 = 44 Select P1 = 44
P11 = ((3.2 x 99) / (In x 6.9311))
P11 = ((3.2 x 99) / (1 x 6.9311))
P11 = 45.70 = 45
P1 = 44.135 = 44 Select P1 = 44

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Calculation of a & b
a = ((X1 x In x P1 x 50) / (3.2 x f))
b =((R1 x In x P1) / 3.2)
a = ((7.1779 x 1 x 44 x 50) / (3.2 x 50))
= 98.699 Select a = 98
b = ((6.9311x 1 x 44) / 3.2)
= 95.30 Select b = 95
R1 Actual : ((3.2 x 95) / (1 x 44))
R1 Actual : 6.9091
X1 Actual : ((3.2 x 50 x 98) / (1 x 50 x 44)
X1 Actual : 7.1273
X2 : ((3.2 x 98)/ P2)
P2 : (313.6 / 9.0203) = 34.766 Select P2 = 34
X2 Actual : ((3.2 x 98) / 34)
X2 Actual : 9.2235
R2 Actual : ((R1 x X2)/ X1)
: ((6.9091 x 9.2235) / 7.1273)
R2 Actual : 8.9411
X3 : ((3.2 x 98) / P3)
P3 : (313.6 / 20.4277) = 15.352 Select P3 = 15
X3 Actual : ((3.2 x 98) / 15)
X3 Actual : 20.9067
R3 Actual : ((R1 x X3) / X1)
: (( 6.9091 x 20.9067) / 7.1273)
R3 Actual : 20.2667
Zone 4 = 1.25 x Z3 : 1.25 (20.2667 + j 20.9067)
: (25.3333 + j 26.1333) = 36.397 Ang 45.89
Z = 36 Angle 45.89

Z = ((C x N) / In)) Select, C = 6, N = 6

Z = ((6 x 6) / 1)) : 36.0

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Set Values in Main-II

Zone 1 : (6.9091 + j 7.1273) : 9.9264 Ang 45.89

Zone 2 : (8.9411+ j 9.2235) : 12.845 Ang 45.89
Zone 3 : (20.2667 + j 20.9067) : 29.118 Ang 45.89
Zone 4 : 36.0 Angle 45.89 : 36.0 Ang 45.89
a = 98
b = 95
P1 = 44
P2 = 34
P3 = 15
INS =2
N =6
Kn = 0.7
C =6
t2 = 4 x 100
t3 = 5 x 200
t4 = 3 x 400

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110 KV METTUR I ( Now Radially Operated some times Tied with Mettur 230 KV Auto SS)
Distance Relay Make and Type : ABB, RAZOA
Total Line length. : 106.908 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : 106.908 ACSR DOG
Panther ACSR Dog
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 :(0.154+j0.387) / K.M, (0.307+j0.415) / K.M,
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : (0.303+j1.409) / K.M, (0.456+1.444) / K.M,
C.T. Ratio adopted : 300 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV Malco I Feeder
Name of the Con., in short line : Panther
Line length of the adj., short line : 0.537 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: 110 Dam Power House 2
Line length of the longest line : 2.546 K.M Dog + 0.9 K.M Panther
Name of the Cond., in longest line: 2.546 K.M Dog 0.9 K.M. Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.3
Singarapet 110 KV SS Mettur 230 KV Auto SS Malco 110 KV SS
0.537 K.M Panther
106.908 K.M ACSR DOG

Hosur 230 KV
(2.546 K.M Dog + 0.9 K.M Panther)

100 % Line primary Impedance Z1 :( 106.908 x (0.307+j0.415))

: (32.8208 + j 44.3668)
: 55.1871 Angle 53.50
100% Line Primary Impedance Z0 :(( 106.908 x (0.456+j1.444)))
: (48.75 + j 154.375)

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: 161.8895 Angle 72.47
100 % Line Secondary Impedance ZL: 0.3 (32.8208 + j 44.3668)
100 % Line Secondary Impedance Z1L: (9.8462 + j 13.31)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL: 0.3 (48.75 + j 154.375)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL: (14.625 + j 46.3125)
Kn : (((14.625 + j 46.3125) - (9.8462 + j 13.31)) / (3 x (9.8462 + j 13.31)))
Kn : ((4.7788 + j 33.0025) / (29.5386 + j 39.93))
: 33.3467 Ang 81.76 / 49.6682 Angle 53.50
Kn : 0.671
Kn Angle : 28.26
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Direction for Z1 : Forward
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (32.8208 + j 44.3668)
: (26.2566 + j 35.4934)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.3 (26.2566 + j 35.4934)
: (7.877 + j 10.648)
Zone 1 Impedance Z1 : 13.2449 Angle 53.50
Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Direction for Z2 : Forward
Z2 Calculations : (32.8208 + j 44.3668) + ((0.5 x 0.537) x (0.154+j0.387))
: (32.8622 + j 44.4707)
Z2 Secondary : (32.8622 + j 44.4707) x 0.3
Z2 Secondary : (9.8587 + j 13.3412)
Zone -2 Impedance Z2 : 16.5886 Angle 53.54
Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Direction for Z3 : Forward
Z3 Calculations :( 32.8208 + j 44.3668)+((1.1(0.9x(0.154+j0.387)+2.546x(0.307+j0.415))))
: (33.833 + j 45.9122)
Z3 Secondary : (33.833 + j 45.9122) x 0.3
: (10.1499 + j 13.7737)
Zone -3 Impedance Z3 : 17.1095 Angle 53.61
Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second

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Direction for Z4 : Reverse
Zone 4 : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 which ever is less.
: 0.1 x 17.1095 or 0.25 x 13.2449
: 1.7109 or 3.311
Zone -3 Impedance Z4 : 1.7109 Angle 53.50


Calculated Zone Impedances
Z1 Sec Impedance : (7.877 + j 10.648) : 13.2449 Angle 53.50
Zone 2 Sec Impedance : (9.8587 + j 13.3412) : 16.5886 Angle 53.54
Zone 3 Sec Impedance : (10.1499 + j 13.7737) : 17.1095 Angle 53.61
Loop resistance R1ml (Primary) : (80 % (RoL + 2 x R1L)) / 3 + R foot arc
: ((0.80 x (48.75 + (2 x 32.8208)))/3) + 20.0
: 50.50
R1 Py : (50.50 / (1+Kn))
: (50.50 / (1+0.671))
: 30.22
R1 Sec : 30.22 x 0.3
: 9.0664
X1 Sec : 10.648
When X1 3.2 f / In x 50 & R1 3.2 / In Assume a = b = 99 and calculate P1 and P11
and Choose lower among and round it off downwards
P1 = ((3.2 x f x a) / (In x50 x X1)
P11 = ((3.2 x b) / (In x R1))
P1 = ((3.2 x f x 99) / (In x50 x 10.648)
P1 = ((3.2 x 50 x 99) / (1 x 50 x 10.648))
P1 = 29.752 = 29
P11 = ((3.2 x 99) / (In x 9.0664))
P11 = ((3.2 x 99) / (1 x 9.0664))
P11 = 34.942 = 34
P1 = 29 Select P1 = 29

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Calculation of a & b
a = ((X1 x In x P1 x 50) / (3.2 x f))
b = ((R1 x In x P1) / 3.2)
a = ((10.648 x 1 x 29 x 50) / (3.2 x 50))
= 96.49 Select a = 96
b = ((9.0664x 1 x 29) / 3.2)
= 82.16 Select b = 82
R1 Actual : ((3.2 x 82) / (1 x 29))
R1 Actual : 9.0483
X1 Actual : ((3.2 x 50 x 96) / (1 x 50 x 29)
X1 Actual : 10.5931
X2 : ((3.2 x 96)/ P2)
P2 : (307.2 / 13.3412) = 23.0264 Select P2 = 23
X2 Actual : ((3.2 x 96) / 23)
X2 Actual : 13.3565
R2 Actual : ((R1 x X2)/ X1)
: ((9.0483 x 13.3565) / 10.5931)
R2 Actual : 11.4087
X3 : ((3.2 x 96) / P3)
P3 : (307.2 / 13.7737) = 22.303 Select P3 = 22
X3 Actual : ((3.2 x 96) / 22)
X3 Actual : 13.9636
R3 Actual : ((R1 x X3) / X1)
: (( 9.0483 x 13.9636) / 10.5931)
R3 Actual : 11.9273
Zone 4 = 1.25 x Z3 : 1.25 (11.9273 + j 13.9636)
: (14.909 + j 17.4545) = 22.955 Ang 49.50
Z = 24 Angle 49.50
Z = ((C x N) / In)) Select, C = 4, N = 6
Z = ((4 x 6) / 1)) : 24.0

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Set Values in Main Relay:

Zone 1 : (9.0483 + j 10.5931) : 13.9315 Ang 49.50

Zone 2 : (11.4087 + j 13.3565) : 17.5657 Ang 49.50
Zone 3 : (11.9273 + j 13.9636) : 18.3642 Ang 49.50
Zone 4 : 24.0 Angle 49.50 : 24.0 Ang 49.50
a = 96
b = 82
P1 = 29
P2 = 23
P3 = 22
INS =2
N =6
Kn = 0.7
C =4
t2 = 4 x 100
t3 = 5 x 200
t4 = 3 x 400

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110 KV LINK 1 Feeder (Tied with Singarapet 230 KV SS)
Distance Relay Make and Type : ABB, RAZOA,
Total Line length. : 3.07 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : Panther
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 : (0.154 + j 0.387) / K.M,
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : (0.303 + j 1.409) / K.M
C.T. Ratio adopted : 600 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV Link-2 (Singarapet 110 KV SS)
Name of the Con., in short line : 3.6 K.M. Panther
Line length of the adj., short line : 3.6 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: 110 KV Thirupathur Feeder
Line length of the longest line : 32.28 Kilo Meter
Name of the Cond., in longest line: Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.6
Singarapet 110 KV SS Singarapet 230 KV SS Singarapet 110 KV SS
3.6 K.M Panther
3.07 K.M. Panther

Thirupathur 110 KV SS
32.28 K.M Panther

100 %Line primary Impedance Z1: ((3.07 x (0.154 + j 0.387))

: (0.4727 + j 1.1881)
100% Line Primary Impedance Z0: ((3.07 x (0.303 + j1.409))
: (0.93021 + j 4.3256)
100 % Line Secondary Impedance ZL: 0.6 (0.4727 + j 1.1881)

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100 % Line Secondary Impedance Z1L: (0.2836 + j 0.7129)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL: 0.6 (0.93021 + j 4.3256)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL: (0.5581 + j 2.5954)
Kn = ((X0X1) / (3 x X1)) :(( 4.3256 1.1881) / (3x 1.1881))
: (3.1375 / 3.5643)
: 0.88
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (0.4727 + j 1.1881)
: (0.3782 + j 0.9504)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.6 x (0.3782 + j 0.9504)
: (0.2269 + j 0.57024)
Z1 Reach : 0.614 Ang., 68.30
Z1 RCA : ANGLE 68.30
Delay Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Z2 Primary Impedance : 100 % Protected Line + 50 % Next Shortest line
: ((0.4727 + j 1.1881) + ((0.5 x 3.6) x (0.154 + j 0.387)))
: (0.7499 + j 1.8847)
Z2 Secondary : 0.6 x (0.7499 + j 1.8847)
Z2 Secondary : (0.4499 + j 1.1308)
Z2 Secondary : 1.217
Z2 RCA : ANGLE 68.30
Delay Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Z3 Primary Impedance : 100 % Protected Line + 110 % Next Longest line
:(( 0.4727+j1.1881) + ((32.28 x 1.1) x (0.3083 + j 0.4132))
: (11.4198 + j 15.86)
Z3 Secondary : (11.4198 + j 15.86) x 0.6
Z3 Secondary : (6.8519 + j 9.516)
Z3 Secondary : 11.7262
Z3 RCA : ANGLE 54.25
Delay Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second

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Z4 Direction : Reverse
Z4 (Reverse Direction) : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 Whichever is less
Z4 Reach : 0.10 x 11.7262 or 0.25 x 0.614
: 1.1726 or 0.1535
Select for Z4 Reach : 0.15
Z4 RCA : ANGLE 68.30
Delay Time for Z4 : 1.0 Second
Calculated Zone Impedances
1) Zone 1 : (0.2269 + j 0.57024) : 0.614 Angle 68.30
2) Zone 2 : (0.4499 + j 1.1308) : 1.217 Angle 68.30
3) Zone 3 : (6.8519 + j 9.516) : 11.7262 Angle 54.25
Kn = ((Xo X1) / 3 x X1)) : ((4.3256 1.1881) / (3 x 1.1881)) = 0.88
Loop resistance R1ml (Primary) : (80 % (RoL + 2 x R1L)) / 3 + R foot arc
: ((0.80 x (0.93021 + (2 x 0.4727))/3) + 5.0
: 5.30
R1 Py : (5.30 / (1+Kn))
: (5.30 / (1+0.88)
: 2.82
R1 Sec : 2.82 x 0.6
R1 Sec : 1.692
X1 Sec : 0.8 x 1.1881 x 0.6
X1 Sec : 0.5703
Minimum Z1 Parameter :( 1.692 + j 0.5703)
When X1 < 3.2 f / In x 50 & R1 < 3.2 / In Assume P1 = 99 and calculate a and b round it
off downwards. a = ((X1 x In x 50 x P1) / (3.2 x f))
= ((0.5703 x 1 x 50 x 99) / (3.2 x 50)
= 17.64 Select a = 17
Revise the value of P1 = ((3.2 x f x a) / (In x50 x 0.5703))
P1 = ((3.2 x 50 x 17) / (1 x 50 x 0.5703))
P1 = 95.38 Select P1=95
b = ((R1 x in x P1) / 3.2)
= ((1.692 x 1 x 95) / 3.2)
= 50.23 Select b = 50

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Actual Values of R1 = ((3.2 x b) / (P1 x In))
= ((3.2 x 50) / (95 x 1)
= 1.6845
Actual Value of X1 = ((3.2 x f x a) / (P1 x In x 50))
= ((3.2 x 50 x 17) / (95 x 1 x 50))
= 0.5726
Calculation of P2 = (X1 x P1) / X2
= (0.5726 x 95) / 1.1308
= 48.10 Select P2 = 48
Actual Value of X2 = (P1 x X1) / P2
= (95 x 0.5726) / 48
= 1.13327
Calculation of P3 = (X1 x P1) / X3
= (0.5726 x 95) / 9.516
= 5.716 Select P3 = 5
Actual Value of X3 = ((X1 x P1) / P3)
= ((0.5726 x 95) / 5)
= 10.879
Actual Value of R2 = ((R1 x P1) / P2)
= ((1.6845 x 95) / 48
= 3.3339
Actual Value of R3 = ((R1 x P1) / P3
= ((1.6845 x 95) / 5
= 32.00
Set Impedances
Z1 = (1.6845 + j0.5726) = 1.7792 Angle 18.77
Z2 = (3.3339 + j1.13327) = 3.5212 Angle 18.77
Z3 = (32.00 + j 10.879) = 33.799 Angle 18.77
Z Alpha = 1.25 x Z3 + 1.25 x 33.799 = 42 Angle 18.77
N Alpha = (Z alpha x In) / C = (42 x 1) / 6 = 7
Z Alpha = 7 x 6 Angle 18.77
Z Alpha Actual = 42 18.77 = (39.7664 + j 13.5143)

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Set Values in Main

Zone 1 : (1.6845 + j0.5726) = 1.7792 Angle 18.77

Zone 2 : (3.3339 + j1.13327) = 3.5212 Angle 18.77
Zone 3 : (32.00 + j 10.879) = 33.799 Angle 18.77
Zone 4 : (39.7664 + j 13.5143) = 42 Angle 18.77
a = 17
b = 50
P1 = 95
P2 = 48
P3 =5
INS =2
N =7
Kn = 0.9
C =6
t2 = 4 x 100
t3 = 4 x 200
t4 = 3 x 400

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110 KV LINK 2 Feeder (Tied with Singarapet 230 KV SS)
Distance Relay Make and Type : ABB, RAZOA,
Total Line length. : 3.6 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : Panther
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 : (0.154 + j 0.387) / K.M,
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : (0.303 + j 1.409) / K.M,
C.T. Ratio adopted : 600 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV Link-1 (Singarapet 110 KV SS)
Name of the Con., in short line : 3.6 K.M. Panther
Line length of the adj., short line : 3.6 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: 110 KV Thirupathur Feeder
Line length of the longest line : 32.28 Kilo Meter
Name of the Cond., in longest line: Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.6
Singarapet 110 KV SS Singarapet 230 KV SS Singarapet 110 KV SS
3.07 K.M Panther
3.6 K.M. Panther

Thirupathur 110 KV SS
32.28 K.M Panther

100 %Line primary Impedance Z1: ((3.6 x (0.154 + j 0.387))

: (0.5544 + j 1.3932)
100% Line Primary Impedance Z0: ((3.6 x (0.303 + j1.409))
: (1.0908 + j 5.0724)
100 % Line Secondary Impedance ZL: 0.6 (0.5544 + j 1.3932)

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100 % Line Secondary Impedance Z1L: (0.3326 + j 0.8359)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL: 0.6 (1.0908 + j 5.0724)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance ZL: (0.65448 + j 3.0434)
Kn = ((X0X1) / (3 x X1)) :(( 5.0724 1.3932) / (3x 1.3932))
: (3.6792 / 4.1796)
: 0.88
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (0.5544 + j 1.3932)
: (0.4435 + j 1.1146)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.6 x (0.4435 + j 1.1146)
: (0.2661 + j 0.6688)
Z1 Reach : 0.720 Ang., 68.30
Z1 RCA : ANGLE 68.30
Delay Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Z2 Primary Impedance : 100 % Protected Line + 50 % Next Shortest line
: ((0.5544 + j 1.3932) + ((0.5 x 3.07) x (0.154 + j 0.387)))
: (0.7908 + j 1.9873)
Z2 Secondary : 0.6 x (0.7908 + j 1.9873)
Z2 Secondary : (0.47448 + j 1.1924)
Z2 Secondary : 1.283
Z2 RCA : ANGLE 68.30
Delay Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Z3 Primary Impedance : 100 % Protected Line + 110 % Next Longest line
:(( 0.5544+j1.3932) + ((32.28 x 1.1) x (0.3083 + j 0.4132))
: (11.5015 + j 16.0651)
Z3 Secondary : (11.5015 + j 16.0651) x 0.6
Z3 Secondary : (6.9009 + j 9.6391)
Z3 Secondary : 11.8547
Z3 RCA : ANGLE 54.40
Delay Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second

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Z4 Direction : Reverse
Z4 (Reverse Direction) : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 Whichever is less
Z4 Reach : 0.10 x 11.8547 or 0.25 x 0.720
: 1.1854 or 0.18
Select for Z4 Reach : 0.18
Z4 RCA : ANGLE 68.30
Delay Time for Z4 : 1.0 Second


Calculated Zone Impedances
1) Zone 1 : (0.2661 + j 0.6688) : 0.7198 Angle 68.30
2) Zone 2 : (0.47448 + j 1.1924) : 1.2833 Angle 68.30
3) Zone 3 : (6.9009 + j 9.6391) : 11.8547 Angle 54.40
Kn = ((Xo X1) / 3 x X1)) : ((5.0724 1.3932) / (3x 1.3932)) = 0.88
Loop resistance R1ml (Primary) : (80 % (RoL + 2 x R1L)) / 3 + R foot arc
: ((0.80 x (1.0908 + (2 x 0.5544))/3) + 5.0
: 5.587
R1 Py : (5.587 / (1+Kn))
: (5.587 / (1+0.88)
: 2.972
R1 Sec : 2.972 x 0.6
R1 Sec : 1.783
X1 Sec : 0.8 x 1.3932 x 0.6
X1 Sec : 0.6687
Minimum Z1 Parameter :( 1.783 + j 0.6687)
When X1 < 3.2 f / In x 50 & R1 < 3.2 / In Assume P1 = 99 and calculate a and b round it
off downwards. a = ((X1 x In x 50 x P1) / (3.2 x f))
= ((0.6687 x 1 x 50 x 99) / (3.2 x 50)
= 20.68 Select a = 20
Revise the value of P1 = ((3.2 x f x a) / (In x50 x 0.5703))
P1 = ((3.2 x 50 x 20) / (1 x 50 x 0.6687))
P1 = 95.70 Select P1=95
b = ((R1 x in x P1) / 3.2)
= ((1.783 x 1 x 95) / 3.2)

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= 52.93 Select b = 52
Actual Values of R1 = ((3.2 x b) / (P1 x In))
= ((3.2 x 52) / (95 x 1)
= 1.7516
Actual Value of X1 = ((3.2 x f x a) / (P1 x In x 50))
= ((3.2 x 50 x 20) / (95 x 1 x 50))
= 0.6737
Calculation of P2 = (X1 x P1) / X2
= (0.6737 x 95) / 1.1924
= 53.674 Select P2 = 53
Actual Value of X2 = (P1 x X1) / P2
= (95 x 0.6737) / 53
= 1.2076
Calculation of P3 = (X1 x P1) / X3
= (0.6737 x 95) / 9.6391
= 6.639 Select P3 = 6
Actual Value of X3 = ((X1 x P1) / P3)
= ((0.6737 x 95) / 6)
= 10.6669
Actual Value of R2 = ((R1 x P1) / P2)
= ((1.7516 x 95) / 53
= 3.140
Actual Value of R3 = ((R1 x P1) / P3
= ((1.7516 x 95) / 6
= 27.7337
Set Impedances
Z1 = (1.7516 + j0.6737) = 1.8767 Angle 21.04
Z2 = (3.140 + j1.12076) = 3.334 Angle 19.64
Z3 = (27.734 + j 10.6669) = 29.715 Angle 21.04
Z Alpha = 1.25 x Z3 + 1.25 x 29.715 = 37.1438 Angle 21.04
N Alpha = (Z alpha x In) / C = (38 x 1) / 6 = 7
Z Alpha = 7 x 6 Angle 21.04
Z Alpha Actual = 42 21.04 = (39.7664 + j 13.5143)

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Set Values in Main

Z1 = (1.7516 + j0.6737) = 1.8767 Angle 21.04

Z2 = (3.140 + j1.12076) = 3.334 Angle 19.64
Z3 = (27.734 + j 10.6669) = 29.715 Angle 21.04
Zone 4: (39.7664 + j 13.5143) = 42 Angle 21.04
a = 20
b = 52
P1 = 95
P2 = 53
P3 =6
INS =2
N =7
Kn = 0.9
C =6
t2 = 4 x 100
t3 = 4 x 200
t4 = 3 x 400

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110 KV THIRUVANNAMALAI II (VINNAVANOOR) (Tied with Vinnavanoor 110 KV SS)
Distance Relay Make and Type : ABB, RAZOA
Total Line length. : 32.870 K.M.
Name of the Conductor : 32.870 K.M Leopard
Panther Leopard
Impedance Positive sequence Z1 :( 0.154+j0.387) / K.M, (0.247+j0.421)/ K.M,
Impedance Zero sequence Z0 : (0.303+j1.409) / K.M, (0.395+1.409) / K.M,
C.T. Ratio adopted : 600 / 1 A
P.T Ratio : 110 K.V / 110 V
Name of the adjacent short line : 110 KV Bannari Sugar Mill Feeder
Name of the Con., in short line : Panther
Line length of the adj., short line : 6.7 Kilo Meter.
Name of the adjacent longest line: 110 Thiruvannamalai Feeder
Line length of the longest line : 21.662 K.M Leopard
Name of the Cond., in longest line: 12.132 KM Leopard + 9.53 K.M Panther
CTR/PTR : 0.6
Singarapet 110 KV SS Vinnavanoor 110 KV SS 110 KV Bannari Sugar SS
6.7 K.M Panther
32.870 K.M Leopard

110 KV Thiruvannamalai SS
(12.132 K.M Leopard + 9.53 K.M Panther)

100 % Line primary Impedance Z1 :( 32.870 x (0.247+j0.421))

: (8.1189 + j 13.8383)
: 16.044 Angle 59.60
100% Line Primary Impedance Z0 :(( 32.870 x (0.395+1.409)))
: (12.9837 + j 46.3138)
: 48.099 Angle 74.34

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100 % Line Secondary Impedance ZL: 0.6 (8.1189 + j 13.8383)
100 % Line Secondary Impedance Z1L: (4.8713 + j 8.303)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance Z0: 0.6 (12.9837 + j 46.3138)
100 % Line Secondary Zo Impedance Z0: (7.7902 + j 27.7882)
Kn : ((X0 X1) / (3 x X1)) : ((46.3138 - 13.8383) / (3 x 13.8383))
Kn : (32.4755) / (41.5149)
: 33.3467 Ang 81.76 / 49.6682 Angle 53.50
Kn : 0.782 or say set as 0.80
Zone 1 is 80 % of protected line
Direction for Z1 : Forward
Z1 Primary Impedance : 0.8 (8.1189 + j 13.8383)
: (6.4951 + j 11.0706)
Z1 Secondary Impedance : 0.6 (6.4951 + j 11.0706)
: (3.8971 + j 6.6424)
Zone 1 Impedance Z1 : 7.7012 Angle 59.60
Time for Z1 : 0.0 Second
Direction for Z2 : Forward
Z2 Calculations : (8.1189 + j 13.8383) + ((0.5 x 6.7) x (0.154+j0.387))
: (8.6348 + j 15.1348)
Z2 Secondary : (8.6348 + j 15.1348) x 0.6
Z2 Secondary : (5.1809 + j 9.0989)
Zone -2 Impedance Z2 : 10.4705 Angle 60.34
Time for Z2 : 0.400 Second
Direction for Z3 : Forward
Z3 Calculations :( 8.1189+j13.8383) + (1.1((9.53x (0.154+j0.387)+12.132x(0.247+j0.421))))
: (13.0296 + j 23.8136)
Z3 Secondary : (13.0296 + j 23.8136) x 0.6
: (7.8178 + j 14.2882)
Zone -3 Impedance Z3 : 16.2871 Angle 61.31
Time for Z3 : 1.0 Second

Page 33 of 37
Direction for Z4 : Reverse
Zone 4 : 10 % of Z3 or 25 % of Z1 which ever is less.
: 0.1 x 16.2871 or 0.25 x 7.7012
: 1.6287 or 1.91253
Zone -3 Impedance Z4 : 1.62 Angle 61.31


Calculated Zone Impedances
Z1 Sec Impedance : (3.8971 + j 6.6424) : 7.7012 Angle 59.60
Zone 2 Sec Impedance : (5.1809 + j 9.0989) : 10.4705 Angle 60.34
Zone 3 Sec Impedance : (7.8178 + j 14.2882) : 16.2871 Angle 61.31
Loop resistance R1ml (Primary) : (80 % (RoL + 2 x R1L)) / 3 + R foot arc
: ((0.80 x (12.9837 + (2 x 8.1189))/3) + 20.0
: 27.7924
R1 Py : (27.7924 / (1+Kn))
: (27.7924 / (1+0.782))
: 15.5962
R1 Sec : 15.5962 x 0.6
: 9.3577
X1 Sec : 6.6424
When X1 3.2 f / In x 50 & R1 3.2 / In Assume a = b = 99 and calculate P1 and P11
and Choose lower among and round it off downwards
P1 = ((3.2 x f x a) / (In x50 x X1)
P11 = ((3.2 x b) / (In x R1))
P1 = ((3.2 x f x 99) / (In x50 x 6.6424)
P1 = ((3.2 x 50 x 99) / (1 x 50 x 6.6424))
P1 = 47.69 = 47
P11 = ((3.2 x 99) / (In x 9.3577))
P11 = ((3.2 x 99) / (1 x 9.3577))
P11 = 33.8544 = 33
P1 = 33 Select P1 = 33

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Calculation of a & b
a = ((X1 x In x P1 x 50) / (3.2 x f))
b = ((R1 x In x P1) / 3.2)
a = ((6.6424 x 1 x 33 x 50) / (3.2 x 50))
= 68.49 Select a = 68
b = ((9.3577x 1 x 33) / 3.2)
= 96.50 Select b = 96
R1 Actual : ((3.2 x 96) / (1 x 33))
R1 Actual : 9.3091
X1 Actual : ((3.2 x 50 x 68) / (1 x 50 x 33)
X1 Actual : 6.5939
Calculation of P2 = (X1 x P1) / X2
= (6.5939 x 33) / 9.0989
= 23.9148 Select P2 = 23
Actual Value of X2 = (P1 x X1) / P2
= (33 x 6.5939) / 23
= 9.4608
Calculation of P3 = (X1 x P1) / X3
= (6.5939 x 33) / 14.2882
= 15.229 Select P3 = 15
Actual Value of X3 = ((X1 x P1) / P3)
= ((6.5939 x 33) /15)
= 14.5065
Actual Value of R2 = ((R1 x P1) / P2)
= ((9.3091 x 33) / 23
= 13.3565
Actual Value of R3 = ((R1 x P1) / P3
= ((9.3091 x 33) /15
= 20.48
Zone 4 = 1.25 x Z3 : 1.25 (20.48 + j 14.5065)
: (25.60 + j 18.133) = 31.37 Ang 35.31
Z = 32 Angle 35.31
Z = ((C x N) / In)) Select, C = 4, N = 8
Z = ((4 x 8) / 1)) : 32.0

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Set Values in Main Relay:

Zone 1 : (9.3091 + j 6.5939) : 11.4078 Ang 35.311

Zone 2 : (13.3565 + j 9.4608) : 16.3677 Ang 35.31
Zone 3 : (20.48 + j 14.5065) : 25.0972 Ang 35.31
Zone 4 : 32.0 Angle 35.31 : 32.0 Ang 35.31
a = 68
b = 96
P1 = 33
P2 = 23
P3 = 15
INS =1
N = 16
Kn = 0.8
C =4
t2 = 4 x 100
t3 = 5 x 200
t4 = 3 x 400

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