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uText 4. For Numbers 1 5.

It (1) My Birthday Party Last Week. My Family (2) .Me A Small Party. I (3) . My Best Friends To
The Party. There Were About 15 People In The Party (4) . My Parents, And My Sister, Putri. It Was
Great Surprise That My Uncle, Awang (5) .Come Too. He Works In A Small Company In Bengkulu,
1). A. Is B. Was C. Are D Were
2). A. Give B. Gives C. Gave D. Is Giving
3). A. Invite B. Inviting C. Invited D. Was Inviting
4). A. Include B. Included C. Can D. Could
5). A. Can C. Could B. May D. Might

For Numbers 6-8. Choose The Correct Answer!!

6). Tomorrow, My Aunt And My Uncle . In Jakarta.
A. Arrive B. Arrived C. Arrives D. Will Arrive
7). We Are Going To Have An Important Meeting With The Owner Of The Hotel . .
A. Now B. Yesterday C. At Present D. The Day After Tomorrow
8). The School Is Going To Send Some Children To The Mathematics Competition .
A. Now B. Since This Day C. Yesterday D. On The Next December

For Questions 9 And 11, Choose The Suitable Word To Complete The Dialogue!
Rosi : Do You Usually Have Breakfast Before Going To School?
Sita : Sure, I Usually Have Rice, An/A ...(8), And Meat. And You?
Rosi : I Dont Eat Rice For Breakfast. Only Two (9) Of Toast, And A Glass Of Milk.

9). A. Cucumber
B. Soup
C. Omelet
D. Cheese

10). A. Loaves
B. Bowls
C. Pieces
D. Plates

11). Teacher : ... Boys! You Disturb The Students.

They Are Having A Test.
Students : Sorry, Madam.
A. Sit Here
B. Open Up
C. Look At Me
D. Be Quiet

Text 2. For Numbers 12-18

Last Week, I And My Dad Went To A Store. We Went There To Buy Some Candies. In The Store, The
Candies Looked So Good. I Would Have Bought A Lot Of Them But My Dad Said I Could Only Have
Three. I Gave The Store Owner The Money For The Candies. As We Left The Store, I Ate One Of The
Candies. It Was Yummy. I Hope We Come Back Soon.
12). What Did The Writer Feel About The Candies? The Candies Were .
A. Bad B. Delicious C. Good D. The Best Candy

13). What Kind Of Text Is The Text Above?

A. Report B. Narrative C. Recount D. Descriptive

14). The Generic Structure Of The Text Is

A. Reorientation Events Orientation
B. Description Identification
C. Identification Description
D. Orientation Events Reorientation

15). I Would Have Bought A Lot Of Them But My Dad Said I Could Only Have Three. I Gave The Store
Owner The Money For The Candies. As We Left The Store, I Ate One Of The Candies.
The Sentences Is The Of The Text
A. Description B. Identification C. Orientation D. Events

16). Why Did They Want To Go To The Store?

A. The Writer Wanted Some Candies D. The Writer Liked The Candies
B. They Knew The Owner Well
C. The Candies Looked Good

17). Last Week, I And My Dad Went To A Store.

The Sentence Is The . Of The Text.
A. Description B. Events C. Orientation D. Identification

18). Who Went To The Store?

A. I And B. The Writer C. My Dad D. The Writer And His Dad.

For Numbers 19-20

To: Purwanti
Hi, Friends, I Would Like To Invite You To My Birthday Party.
Place: Kabasiran Hotel
Day/Date: Saturday, The 15th November 2008
Time: 7.00 P.M.
Be There And Enjoy The Fun In My 17th Birthday Party
See You ..! ( Nicole)
19). What Kind Of Text Is The Text Above?
A. Announcement B. Invitation C. Descriptive D. Recount

20). To Whom Is The Invitation Addressed?

A. Nicole B. Everybody C. Brad Pit D. Brads Friends

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