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Organization Science informs ®

Vol. 20, No. 3, May–June 2009, pp. 654–668 doi 10.1287/orsc.1090.0431

issn 1047-7039  eissn 1526-5455  09  2003  0654 © 2009 INFORMS

Social Reality, the Boundaries of Self-Fulfilling

Prophecy, and Economics
Teppo Felin
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INFORMS holds copyright to this article and distributed this copy as a courtesy to the author(s).

Marriott School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602,

Nicolai J. Foss
Center for Strategic Management and Globalization, Copenhagen Business School, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark, and
Department of Strategy and Management, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration,
N-5045 Bergen, Norway,

O rganizational scholars have recently argued that economic theories and assumptions have adversely shaped manage-
ment practice and human behavior, not only leading to the incorporation of trust-eroding market mechanisms into
organizations, but also unnecessarily creating self-interested behavior. A number of highly influential papers have argued
that the self-fulfilling nature of (even false) theories provides the underlying mechanism through which economics has
adversely shaped not just social science but also management practice and individual behavior. We question these arguments
and argue that there are important boundary conditions to theories falsely fulfilling themselves, boundary conditions that
have hitherto been unexplored in organizational research, and boundary conditions that question the underlying premises
used by organizational scholars and social scientists to attack economics. We specifically build on highly relevant findings
from social psychology, philosophy, and organizational economics to show how (1) objective reality and (2) human nature
provide two important boundary conditions for theories (falsely or otherwise) fulfilling themselves. We also defend orga-
nizational economics, specifically the use of high-powered incentives in organizations, and argue that self-interest (rightly
understood) facilitates in creating beneficial individual and collective and societal outcomes.
Key words: organization theory and social reality; organizational economics; philosophy of social science
History: Published online in Articles in Advance April 27, 2009.

Introduction few defenses of economic reasoning have been pub-

Organizational scholars have recently challenged the ap- lished in the organizational literature (see Williamson
plication and use of economics in management research 1996, Zenger and Hesterly 1997), and importantly, the
and practice. For example, in a recent award-winning more general logic of the self-fulfilling nature of (false
paper, Ferraro et al. (2005) argue that the language economic) theories has not been questioned or chal-
and assumptions of economics have adversely influ- lenged. Unfortunately, scholars directly implicated by
enced human behavior, specifically creating more self- these arguments—namely, scholars in economics and
interested behavior and also leading to the widespread other disciplines such as psychology and philosophy—
acceptance of trust-eroding market mechanisms and bad are unlikely to be aware of these discussions in manage-
management practices within organizations. Ghoshal and ment journals; and, even if they are, they may not have
Moran (1996) have made similar points by arguing that inclinations to write an article providing the other side of
the prescriptions and assumptions of economic theo- the argument.
ries have led to increased self-interest and bad manage- The specific goal of this paper, then, is to provide the
ment practice. Organizational scholars have also recently other side of the argument, that is, to defend organi-
argued that there are (both direct and indirect) causal zational economics and to, in part, question the appar-
links not just between the widespread acceptance, teach- ent consensus regarding economics adversely shaping
ing, and diffusion of economic theories and bad man- human behavior, management practice, and organiza-
agement practice, but also between the teaching of tional or social outcomes (e.g., Ferraro et al. 2005,
economics in business schools and recent corporate Ghoshal and Moran 1996; cf. Khurana 2007). Note, how-
ethics scandals (e.g., Adler 2002; Adler and Jermier ever, that the goal of this paper is not to defend all
2005; Ferraro et al. 2005; Ghoshal 2003, 2005; Gintis economic assumptions (for example, agent omniscience
and Khurana 2007; Harris and Bromiley 2007; Khurana or hyperrationality); rather, we focus on those elements
2007; Pfeffer 1997, 2005). of economic theory that have recently been highlighted
Organizational scholars have thus far spoken with a by management scholars as having adverse effects. We
seemingly unified voice in challenging economic theories specifically respond to these extant arguments by care-
in their role in adversely shaping human behavior and fully discussing the underlying theoretical and philo-
in adversely influencing management practice. Very sophical assumptions that organizational scholars have
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made when linking economic theories with the sug- is that there is a strong reflexive nature between theo-
gested adverse effects on human behavior and manage- ries and reality (Bloor 1991, Knorr-Cetina 1999, Kuhn
ment practice. That is, arguments related to theory (and 1970): theories and associated language and assump-
associated assumptions) shaping or determining human tions in effect shape, construct, and determine reality in
behavior in a self-fulfilling fashion (Ferraro et al. 2005, a self-fulfilling fashion rather than merely describing or
Ghoshal and Moran 1996) directly implicate disciplines explaining reality. In fact—and this will prove critical for
such as social psychology and philosophy. We therefore our subsequent arguments—the argument is not just that
cite and build on key theoretical and empirical insights theories influence reality in a self-fulfilling and reflexive
from these disciplines not only to question these argu- fashion (as organizational scholars we all indeed hope
ments, but also to highlight rather different conclusions. that this is the case), but rather, the “strong form” of the
Importantly, we explicate the boundaries for the self- argument is that even false theories and associated false
fulfilling nature of theories and highlight an alterna- specifications of reality in effect evoke behaviors, in a
tive interpretation for why and how (economic or other) self-fulfilling fashion, “which make the originally false
theories influence reality. Key insights from organiza- conception come true” (Merton 1948, p. 195, italics in
tional economics also feature prominently in our discus- original; FPS, p. 8).
sion. For example, we discuss the important role that It is this very tradition, specifically its strong form
self-interested behavior—that is, self-interest “rightly where even false theories also fulfill themselves, that
understood”—has in creating beneficial collective out- FPS builds on: the false prediction and assumption
comes. Furthermore, we discuss how self-interested of individual self-interest from economics creates self-
behavior scarcely precludes cooperation, trust, or any interested behavior in a self-fulfilling fashion, with
other human or organizational virtue. We also high- the theory diffusing into management practice via the
light the benefits associated with “markets in hierarchy” assumptions and language of economics.1 Put differ-
(Zenger and Hesterly 1997). ently, FPS argue that economic theories do not explain
Note that for purposes of parsimony we will concen- reality (at least initially); rather, the false expectation
trate largely on the arguments made by Ferraro, Pfeffer, of self-interested behavior by economic theories cre-
and Sutton (2005)—henceforth referred to as FPS in this ates self-interested behavior in a self-fulfilling fashion.
article—because this award-winning and already highly Economics, then, only “explains” reality and behavior
cited article is one of the latest, most sophisticated, and post hoc, that is, after its assumptions become widely
theoretically consistent and strong statements about the adopted and subsequently reflected in the behavior of
self-fulfilling nature of theories, specifically, the case individuals.
of economics adversely and “falsely” shaping human The idea that theorizing affects the objects of theo-
behavior, management practice, and social outcomes. We rizing—notions of self-fulfilling prophecy or “reflex-
thus recognize and note that there are a host of other ivity”—has been an important one in sociology since
papers published in a wide variety of management out- Thomas (1923) and Merton (1948) (e.g., Giddens 1990,
lets making broadly related arguments about economics Bourdieu 1992), and has become an anchoring foun-
adversely shaping behavior and more generally about the dation in the sociology of knowledge, particularly in
self-fulfilling nature of (even false) theories (e.g., Adler the literature on the social construction of knowledge
2002; Adler and Heckscher 2006; Astley 1985;Astley and reality, and the problem of “truth” (e.g., Barnes
and Zammutto 1992; Barley and Kunda 1992; Cannella and Bloor 1982, Bloor 1991, Kuhn 1970, Latour 1999).
and Paetzold 1994; Frey and Osterloh 2005; Ghoshal The reflexive and self-fulfilling nature of theories has
and Moran 1996; Ghoshal 2005; Green 2004; Khurana also been a reoccurring theme in economics (in connec-
2007; McKinley et al. 1999; Pfeffer 1997, 2005). tion with predictions and the modeling of expectations)
(Grunberg and Modigliani 1954, Lucas 1977), and it has
been treated by philosophers as well (Popper 1957).
The Relationship Between Theory and
Social Reality: Some Background The Need to Specify Boundaries for
The key mechanism that has been proposed as the the Self-Fulfilling Nature of Theories
underlying driver for the suggested adverse influence The strong forms of the self-fulfilling nature of theories
that economic theories (and associated assumptions and and language are sobering because, if true, they threaten
language) have on human behavior, management prac- the fundamental definition of science and theory as an
tice, and organizational outcomes is the self-fulfilling or attempt to understand and predict objective reality (see
reflexive nature of theories (FPS, Ghoshal and Moran Goldman 1999, Popper 1972, Psillos 1999). Specifically,
1996, Pfeffer 1997). That is, whereas theories have tra- the self-fulfilling nature of even false theories makes
ditionally been conceptualized as tools for understand- deeply problematic such traditional scientific notions
ing and explaining (a given) reality (Goldman 1999, as explanation, prediction, description, understanding,
Nagel 1961, Popper 1972), a relatively recent argument and control. To illustrate, the theoretically all-important
Felin and Foss: Crossroads
656 Organization Science 20(3), pp. 654–668, © 2009 INFORMS

“why” question (Popper 1972, cf. Nagel 1961)—for are objective facts and truths in the social world (inde-
example, why someone behaved or acted in a certain pendent of our theories about them), and that sci-
way—in a rather sobering twist, gets explained by the- ence, including organization and management science,
ories and associated language itself rather than being is fundamentally about explanation and understanding
based on any underlying realities or human universals (Goldman 1999, Popper 1972, Psillos 1999).2 Note that
that might explain that behavior (cf. Brown 1991). The this realist perspective scarcely precludes the fact that
strong form of the argument is also sobering because theories can and do shape social reality and behavior.
it makes scientists and scholars themselves (in some We will in fact delineate the reasons why and how
part) directly responsible for how individuals behave— true theories indeed affect the objects that they theo-
this indeed is the explicit argument by FPS with regard rize about, and discuss why and how theories influence
to the false assumptions of economics and the resultant, human behavior and management practice more gener-
self-fulfilling self-interested behavior (FPS, p. 15; see ally. However, our reasons for why and when theories
also Adler 2002, Ghoshal 2005, Pfeffer 2005). shape social reality will be fundamentally different from
However, a key problem in citing or evoking the self- the ones articulated by FPS (pp. 10–17).
fulfilling nature of theories and language is the lack of To highlight how objective reality provides an impor-
boundaries in making these arguments, that is, schol- tant boundary for the self-fulfilling nature of theories,
ars have not been clear about the “conditions that limit we discuss two key subpoints: (a) why and how theories
prophecy fulfillment” (Jussim 1986, p. 429; cf. Henshel affect reality, and (b) objective reality and assumptions
1982). It is not clear when exactly theories and asso- about rationality.
ciated language are self-fulfilling, and whether theories
Why and How Do Theories Affect and Shape Reality?
and associated language in all situations—again, even
Although this may seem simplistic and naive, we argue
when based on false premises, as is explicitly argued
that theories affect reality when they are true (see
by FPS in terms of economics—create and construct the
Bonjour 1998, Goldman 1999, Popper 1972). Or put
very reality that the theory seeks to explain. A natu-
differently, self-fulfilling prophecies based on true pre-
ral extension of FPS, and related strong forms of the
dictions, rather than false ones, affect reality. (We will
argument is that any (even false) reality can be cre-
also concurrently explicate how false theories may shape
ated through theory, language, and prophecy, which sub-
reality in the short term.) Theories then affect reality
sequently fulfills itself. Clearly, this does not sound
because they capture and explain underlying objective
plausible. Thus, an examination of the boundaries for
realities better than alternative conceptualizations of that
self-fulfilling prophecy is needed.
reality (Psillos 1999).
To illustrate our point, consider the Chicago Board of
Exchange (CBE) and the influence that the Black-Scholes
Boundaries for the Self-Fulfilling Nature model had on its operations. We specifically use CBE
of Theories: Objective Reality and and the Black-Scholes model as an example because FPS
Human Nature (pp. 12–13; Fourcade 2007a, p. 1025) argue that there
We discuss two important boundary conditions delimit- is “no clearer demonstration” of the self-fulfilling nature
ing the extent to which theories, particularly false ones, of economic theories (see also MacKenzie and Millo
are self-fulfilling: (1) objective reality and (2) human 2003, MacKenzie 2006). In short, FPS’s argument is that
nature. We highlight theoretical, logical, and empiri- rather than merely explaining the market or helping us
cal evidence, which shows that objective reality and understand markets and options prices, the Black-Scholes
human nature provide important boundaries for self- model corrected and constructed new market dynam-
fulfilling prophecy, boundaries that have yet to be articu- ics at CBE, specifically where, within days, the prices
lated in management research, and boundaries that make of options reflected the reality and assumptions of the
the strong forms of self-fulfilling prophecy tenuous to Black-Scholes model itself. The argument, then, is that
accept. We specifically utilize many of the same exam- financial models in effect cause or construct markets in
ples as FPS (from economics and social psychology) a “performative” fashion (see Callon 1998, MacKenzie
and explain how sensitivity to these boundary conditions 2006, MacKenzie and Millo 2003), rather than merely
fundamentally changes their underlying conclusions. helping us explain or understand them.
We agree that the Black-Scholes model affected reality,
The Boundary of Objective Reality specifically, option prices. But, the key question is, why?
An important boundary of self-fulfilling prophecy, with It is critical to note that the reason the Black-Scholes
momentous consequences for FPS’s argument, is objec- model affected reality was because the model helped bet-
tive reality. In discussing objective reality as the bound- ter explain—though not perfectly—the underlying real-
ary for self-fulfilling prophecy, we adopt the position ities about a “truer” value of option prices that existed
of “scientific realism,” that is, the argument that there (Black and Scholes 1973). Thus, not just any (false or
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other) prophecies and theoretical claims about option to truth than Newton’s theory, and Newton’s theory in
value could be made by these scholars. Rather, the under- turn offered a better approximation of truth than Kepler’s
lying realities that the model tapped into better explained theory” (Popper 1972, p. 59).
a more true value of options, and thus the model not To further illustrate how objective reality puts a
only helped explain options prices but also, in turn, boundary on the self-fulfilling nature of theories, con-
helped shape and change option prices themselves (cf. sider the question of why some assumptions of economic
MacKenzie 2006). The important point here is that theories have not fulfilled themselves, while others have.
because theories are better than alternative explanations Specifically, whereas FPS focus on the self-fulfilling
in terms of describing and explaining and approximating nature of the assumption of self-interest, neoclassical
truth or reality, they then in turn create associated real economics has traditionally also made strong assump-
value and are thus “self-fulfilling.” In the physical sci- tions of agent omniscience or hyperrationality. The
ences, similarly, we would not argue that Einstein some- assumption of hyperrationality means that agents have
how in a self-fulfilling fashion created or constructed full knowledge of (their own and other agents’) pref-
nature (or, that Pasteur created microbes;see this argu- erences and choices and the consequences of associ-
ment by Latour and Woolgar 1979; cf. Psillos 1999), ated actions; hence, for example, the assumption of fully
or, put even more strongly, that Einstein could have cre- efficient markets (cf. Friedman 1953). However, it is
ated just any false and arbitrary conceptions of nature quite clear that despite the dominance and power of
that would subsequently fulfill themselves. Rather, first, economics in the social sciences (FPS), the theoretical
Einstein’s correct (or rather, better) theories and models assumption of agent omniscience has not fulfilled itself.
about objective reality help us to understand and explain This raises the question, why do some aspects of eco-
objective reality, and second, his (more) correct theories nomic theory (or other theories for that matter) appear to
have been harnessed toward various (good and bad) uses be self-fulfilling (such as self-interest), whereas others
(see Boghossian 2006; Brown 1994, 2001; cf. Goldman are not (such as hyperrationality)?
1999). Thus, we certainly recognize that theories have a The answer is that objective reality intervenes: the
reflexive loop where they also shape reality and behav- boundary of objective reality means that not just any
ior, but they do so first and foremost when they are bet- false theoretical claims, assumptions, or prophecies can
ter (or “truer”) than alternative explanations at capturing be made, which would subsequently be fulfilled; some
underlying realities. things simply are not possible (cf. Popper 1972). Now,
In contrast, note that FPS specifically argue that the economists have traditionally pointed to “economic fun-
reason why economics has become self-fulfilling (or damentals” as objective social constraints, and these fun-
why it influences reality) is because economics “domi- damentals place constraints on self-fulfilling prophecy.
nates the discourse” (see FPS, p. 18; see also Fourcade For example, scarcity is everywhere; economizing is
2007b, Knorr-Cetina 1999; cf. Kitcher 2003). Thus, the imperative. However, economizing with scarce mental
reasons why the theory is influential specifically has resources precludes agent omniscience from becoming
more to do with social power and the widespread dif- a self-fulfilling prophecy (cf. Simon 1955). Specifically,
fusion and acceptance of the discipline of economics the economic assumption of agent omniscience is based
rather than any real reasons related to the accuracy of on a false and unrealistic conception of human decision-
economic theories themselves in capturing reality (FPS making capabilities, and thus has not fulfilled itself in
specifically cite Dumont 1977, Fourcade (2009) in mak- the real world despite being central to and pervasive in
ing this case; see also Bloor 1991, Callon 1998, Knorr- economics. The assumption of omniscience of course
Cetina 1999, Kuhn 1970). In fact, it is the explicit has been used as a convenient tool for simplifying argu-
argument of FPS that critical parts of economic the- ments and models regarding markets (although, also
ory are false.3 We of course do not question the fact challenged by many in economics, see Hayek 1945). But
that false theories propagate themselves; history provides the more important and instructive point to note here is
more than ample evidence that wrong theories have that agent omniscience has not fulfilled itself despite it
widely propagated themselves (Bloor 1991). However, being central to key strands of economics. The assump-
the readily evident historical and scientific accumula- tion of omniscience has specifically not fulfilled itself
tion of truths and objective facts suggests that theoretical because it is not true; thus, underlying objective real-
progress is the overall mode of science (Niiniluoto 1984, ities about human capabilities provide a boundary for
Popper 1972), specifically, where increasingly better, prophecy fulfillment. In other words, there is an objec-
more correct, or “truer” models and approximations of tive social reality that provides a boundary for prophecy
reality also then in turn help to shape that reality over fulfillment, or, conversely, an underlying real basis for
time (Psillos 1999; see also Boghossian 2006; Brown accepting the reasons why a particular prophecy or the-
1994, 2001; Goldman 1999). The natural sciences pro- ory might fulfill itself (cf. Boudon 1998).
vide an example of this progression toward “truth,” Objective Reality and Assumptions About Rationality.
where “Einstein’s theory offered a better approximation The arguments of FPS about the false fulfillment
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of prophecy reveals much about their underlying as- become available, thus correcting the initially false self-
sumptions about human rationality and information fulfilling facts and behaviors (cf. Henshel 1982, Kukla
availability: even false definitions of situations cause 1994). Individuals thus behave and take actions with
individuals to behave in an irrational manner and in the information that they have at that moment, based
collectively hurtful ways. This, in fact, FPS argue, is on reasoning and information that they find convincing
perhaps the most critical point of their paper: “Perhaps (Boudon 1998, 2003). These reasons may of course be
the most important implication of this paper is that theo- proven false post hoc (suggesting mindless behavior),
ries become dominant when their language is widely and but are reasons that a priori are rational on an individ-
mindlessly used and their assumptions become accepted ual basis given the information and time that is available
and normatively valued, regardless of their empirical (for an excellent overview, see McKenzie 2005).4
validity” (FPS, p. 21, italics added; see also Astley Implicit in our arguments, then, about objective real-
and Zammutto 1992). In other words, the strong focus ity providing a boundary for whether false prophecies
on the fulfillment of prophecy based on false premises and beliefs fulfill themselves is that we presume, counter
or ex ante, primed false beliefs and expectations sug- to FPS (p. 21), that individuals have abilities to judge
gests that humans are “mindless” and readily duped objective reality, that they seek truth and information
into false realities (see FPS, pp. 8–9, 21; Gilovich (Goldman 1999), and that they the are not necessarily
1991). Of course we recognize that individuals often do easily or mindlessly duped (at least in the long run) by
appear to behave mindlessly on what appear to be false just any false conceptions and beliefs. Individual con-
premises. However, the problem in part is that schol- ceptions of the environment and social reality, although
ars highlight systematically mindless behavior post hoc, potentially initially false given the lack of information,
but do not consider the extent to which these mind- uncertainty, or the lack of time to gather or process
lessly behaving individuals have the information needed that information (cf. McKenzie 2003), are dynamically
(or time or resources to gather additional information) to updated by individuals and organizations over time as
make accurate judgments about the objective facts and additional information is received and considered. In
about objective reality. short, allowing for an increased measure of rational-
To illustrate, consider the case of a run on a bank ity in human behavior is warranted (see McKenzie and
induced by a random rumor; the run on a bank indeed Mikkelsen 2007; McKenzie 2003, 2005; Oaksford and
provides the quintessential and original example of a Chater 1996; Funder 1987), and this increase in ratio-
false self-fulfilling prophecy (Merton 1948). In this case, nality questions whether people truly buy into false defi-
we may say that we have a false reality fulfilling itself— nitions of situations and thus behave “mindlessly” (FPS,
“false” because the bank in reality is not in trouble— p. 21), particularly on a systemic basis (though they may
and individuals are thus behaving “mindlessly” as they behave mindlessly on an idiosyncratic, individual basis;
pull out their money. But, note that it may be perfectly Stanovich 1999, Krueger and Funder 2004).5
rational on the part of individuals and agents to pull their
money from the bank given uncertainty and the sparse The Boundary of Human Nature
information that they have at that moment (cf. Banerjee Human nature provides the second boundary for the self-
1992, Vaugirard 2005), though it may appear that they fulfilling nature of theories. More generally, how human
are mindlessly following the false prophecy. Thus, the nature is specified is critical in social science research,
false prophecy fulfilling itself may better be attributed as forcefully noted by Simon (1985, p. 303): “nothing
to the lack of information on the part of individuals and is more fundamental in setting our research agenda and
agents rather than being attributed to mindless, irrational informing our research methods than our view of the
behavior and false prophecy fulfillment. nature of the human beings whose behavior we are
Note also that the “initially false definition of the studying.” Specifically, a key question, then, when cit-
situation evoking a behavior which makes the orig- ing the self-fulfilling nature of theories is whether there
inally false conception come true” (Merton 1948, are any constants or universals to human nature and
p. 195, italics in original; Merton’s classic definition of human behavior, or, as emphasized by FPS when mak-
self-fulfilling prophecy) may dynamically, in Bayesian ing their arguments (FPS, pp. 8–10; cf. Ghoshal and
fashion, self-correct itself over time as additional infor- Moran 1996), whether “our beliefs about human nature
mation becomes available about the underlying true [in self-fulfilling fashion] shape human nature itself”
objective realities of the situation, such as the solvency (Frank 1988, p. 237). Unquestionably both are true,
of the bank. It is thus critical to recognize a tempo- but the central question at stake when evoking self-
ral dynamic in false prophecy fulfillment, where indi- fulfilling prophecy, particularly its strong forms, is: to
viduals in Bayesian fashion update their expectancies what extent? Which of the two predominantly drives
(or the prophecies) and behaviors as additional informa- human behavior and performance: human nature itself
tion about underlying objective facts and truth over time or beliefs about it?
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FPS’s conception of human nature is one of strong Miller 1999). The work that FPS and others cite builds
situational and social malleability. This conception of on classic studies of self-fulfilling prophecy that look
human nature is rooted in a foundational “first principle” at the “Pygmalion” effect, for example, where teacher
of important strands of social science: Durkheim (1962, expectations and beliefs about student capability (primed
p. 106), for example, argues that “individual natures are in an experimental laboratory setting) determine student
merely the indeterminate material that the social factor outcomes (e.g., Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968, Dweck
molds and transforms,” or as put by Geertz (1973, p. 49), and Leggett 1988).
“[t]here is no such thing as human nature independent However, a different strand in social psychology also
of culture” (cf. Mead 1928, Brandts et al. 2004). Thus, exists and questions these findings, in particular the
social beliefs and expectations about human nature, effect sizes of these findings. This research explicitly is
rather than an underlying universal human nature itself, cognizant of human nature and has empirically tested
are given special emphasis in determining individual the extent to which other’s expectations and beliefs ful-
behavior. The argument of the malleability of human fill themselves in individual behavior versus the extent
nature is also an underlying (though implicit) foundation to which there are real underlying individual-level deter-
for the many bodies of research cited as support by FPS minants of behavior and performance. Theoretical and
for the falsely self-fulfilling nature of theories, specifi- empirical work by social psychologists such as Jussim
cally, research that notes the role that various external (1986, 1991), Funder (1987, 1995), and Kenny (1991;
contingencies play in shaping and determining human Kenny et al., 2001) has shown that other’s expecta-
behavior and perceptions of reality. These external con- tions and beliefs about individual behavior predict that
tingencies include others’ beliefs (Frank 1988), language behavior not because of self-fulfilling prophecy effects,
(Sapir 1911, 1929; Whorf 1956), expectations and per- but rather, because beliefs and expectations about oth-
ceptions (Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968), social stereo- ers’ behaviors are relatively accurate—that is, they are
types (Snyder et al. 1977), images (Miller 1999, cf. rooted in actual characteristics of human nature rather
Bloor 1991), and so forth (see FPS, pp. 8–15). than arbitrary or false beliefs about it. Furthermore,
Although we do not wish to question the importance
importantly, these expectations and beliefs about others,
of, for example, socialization processes, what is ques-
particularly when false, are dynamically updated over
tionable is whether human nature truly is as malleable
time (in a Bayesian fashion; McKenzie and Mikkelsen
as suggested by FPS’s thesis, where even false beliefs,
2007, Jussim 1991; see also Funder 1987, Jussim 1989).
conceptions, language, expectations, and priming of oth-
Scholars have also been able to study the relative
ers about human nature in essence change and deter-
magnitudes of human nature (e.g., various dispositional
mine human nature itself? Aren’t there universals and
characteristics) versus prophecy effects (e.g., beliefs
constants in human nature? What is the other side of
the argument? As discussed, the fact that the economic or expectations about dispositions or human nature)
assumption of agent omniscience or hyperrationality has through variance decomposition and through methods
not fulfilled itself of course provides one excellent exam- that compare findings between experimental laboratory
ple of human nature as a boundary for what theories studies versus natural real-life settings. In part, the arti-
and expectations actually do fulfill themselves; but there ficial environment of the experimental laboratory has, as
is now also a rich literature which has directly tested an artifact of the experimental method that has been used
this boundary and noted the importance of constants in in a majority of these studies, created the very types of
human nature. short-term self-fulfilling prophecy effects that FPS cite
Specifically, there is a large and ever-growing body of (Jussim 1986, 1989, 1991). That is, once appropriate
research that persuasively argues and shows that there controls related to human nature are introduced (such as
is an underlying universal human nature that deserves individual dispositions, behaviors, interests, preferences,
careful consideration (Chomsky 1957, 2003; Markoczy abilities, choices, and so forth), and once testing is done
and Goldberg 1998; cf. Pinker 2002)—in essence ques- in a natural environment rather than in a laboratory (or
tioning the strong malleability of human nature implied appropriate controls are included for the latter), and once
by FPS’s thesis.6 Recent theoretical and empirical work prophecy effects are studied over time, the prophecy
in fact has directly tested and measured the relative effects relative to human-nature-related effects become
effects of human nature versus prophecy. FPS indeed marginal to nonsignificant (see Jussim 1986, 1989, 1991;
cite one strand of this work and debate (see also Jussim and Harber 2005; Madon et al. 1997; Smith et al.
Ghoshal and Moran 1996), specifically highlighting the 1999). The significantly more important factors related
role that priming, expectancy, language, and various to human nature and reality, rather than the marginal and
other external contingencies and situational factors— short-term effects of others’ beliefs and prophecy about
for example, theories and assumptions that others have them, have now been shown to predominate, a finding
about an individual—play in determining individual that has been replicated in several meta-analyses (e.g.,
behavior and performance (e.g., Kay and Ross 2003, Funder 1995).
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660 Organization Science 20(3), pp. 654–668, © 2009 INFORMS

Of course, we do not want to completely dismiss Market Mechanisms in Organizations

self-fulfilling prophecy effects. However, what is impor- In a major application of their argument, FPS (pp. 11–22)
tant to note is that false beliefs about behavior, which question the benefits of infusing market mechanisms into
might fulfill themselves in the short term, importantly organizations, specifically “market-like mechanisms”
get dynamically corrected and updated in social con- such as incentives, competition, and so forth, or as
texts. False effects are small and dissipate rather quickly they put it, “American-style management practices” that
over time as individual behavior gives clues or sig- accentuate and create self-interest (FPS, pp. 11–17).
nals about actual factors and accurate beliefs related to They argue that an overarching market logic has crept
human nature (Smith et al. 1999). The more general into organizations, resulting in unnecessary downsizing,
point here is that false “prophecy effects” are dwarfed by the “commodification” of employees, and poor collective
accurate and correct assessment; that is, upon receiving and social outcomes (FPS, pp. 19–22). In general, the
further information we dynamically adjust and update authors paint a very gloomy picture of efforts to infuse
our models accordingly (cf. McKenzie 2005). A bet- market mechanisms into organizations, even explicitly
ter way, then, is to conceptualize beliefs and prophecy longing for the better times of yesteryear: FPS (p. 19)
effects with a “realistic accuracy model” (Funder 1987, specifically highlight the organizations of six decades ago
1995; Krueger et al. 2003; Krueger and Funder 2004; as meeting more of a “communal” or “familial” image
Kruglanski 1989). In short, prophecies do shape reality, and ideal (see also Adler 2001, Adler and Heckscher
and false prophecies only do so marginally, with these 2006). FPS (pp. 18–20) further argue that the rhetorical
marginal effects quickly dissipating over time. (cf. Barley and Kunda 1992, Eccles and Nohria 1992)
In all, human nature, then, provides a “limiting con- metaphor of organizations as “community” or “family”
dition of prophecy fulfillment” (Jussim 1986). Put dif- has been replaced by a self-interested market metaphor,
ferently, behavior itself is a cause of beliefs and expecta- a self-fulfilling “rationalized institutional myth” (Meyer
and Rowan 1977) with detrimental consequences for
tions rather than the other way around (Funder 1995).
management practice and social outcomes. Others have,
As discussed by Krueger and Funder (2004), scholars
along similar lines, explicitly argued that organizational
have fallen in the trap of overemphasizing situational
scholars should avoid “an economic approach to organi-
effects (self-fulfilling prophecy effects being the specific
zational analysis” and the “dangerous liaison with eco-
case in point; Jussim 1991) at the expense of variables
nomics” (Pfeffer 1997, p. 192).
related to human nature (cf. Jussim 1989). Thus, with
There are, however, very strong reasons to believe
reference to FPS’ critique of economics, it may be that that the infusion of market mechanisms into organi-
self-interest—rightly understood—in fact provides a real zations reflects an emerging reality with substantial
underlying human motivation, rather than one that is individual and collective benefits (Zenger and Hes-
falsely constructed. terly 1997), rather than a self-fulfilling rhetorical device
or myth with mostly negative consequences. Specifi-
Defending (Organizational) Economics: cally, the work of Zenger and many others shows that
there are significant benefits associated with the infu-
The Other Side of the Argument sion of “markets into hierarchy” (e.g., Zenger 1992,
FPS’s arguments about the self-fulfilling nature of 1994; Zenger and Hesterly 1997; Zenger and Lazzarini
theories, specifically its strong form where even false 2004; Zenger and Marshall 2000). For example, the
theories fulfill themselves, use economics as the prime use of the quintessential market-like mechanism—“high-
example. They specifically argue that the widespread powered incentives” (Zenger and Hesterly 1997)—in
acceptance, diffusion, and teaching of economics has, organizations has proven to be a powerful tool for lur-
in a self-fulfilling fashion, adversely shaped individual ing talent and motivating effort. As Zenger and Marshall
behavior and management practice (see also Adler 2001, (2000, p. 150) show in their empirical analysis, “higher
2002; FPS; Ghoshal and Moran 1996; Ghoshal 2005; incentive-intensity triggers higher effort, lures superior
Pfeffer 2005; Khurana 2007). However, FPS and oth- talent, and generally yields higher performance levels”
ers have unnecessarily caricatured economics. Whereas (see also Gerhart and Milkovich 1990, Teece 2003).
in the above sections we have established key bound- In fact, organizational performance suffers significantly
aries for the self-fulfilling nature of theories specifically if individual incentives (or “inducements and contribu-
using examples from economics and social psychology, tions”) are not properly aligned (March and Simon 1958,
in this section we more generally defend economics, p. 130). For example, Zenger’s (1994) work further
specifically organizational economics. We first argue, in shows how large organizations specifically “underincen-
response to FPS, that there are significant and real (indi- tivize” the highest-performing individuals (cf. Nickerson
vidual and collective and societal) benefits associated and Zenger 2008), resulting not only in the turnover of
with the infusion of market mechanisms into organiza- these individuals, but also resulting in the rather surpris-
tions (Zenger and Hesterly 1997), and thereafter we dis- ing “organizational diseconomies” where small organi-
cuss self-interest “rightly understood.” zations perform significantly better (by attracting better
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talent) given better incentive alignment and reward sys- Empson (2003), principal-agent problems and agency
tems (see Zenger 1994, Zenger and Lazzarini 2004). costs are better avoided in partnerships as individual
High-powered individual incentives of course are not interests, abilities, and effort naturally align themselves
a panacea. Specifically, as FPS note, the associated dis- with outcomes because the principal is the agent. And,
persion in pay and wages may also lead to overall dissat- more to the point, the partnership model clearly bene-
isfaction, social comparison, envy, productivity losses, fits from the infusion of market mechanisms into orga-
and a more general lack of collaboration in organizations nizations, or “superior incentive systems” (Greenwood
(Pfeffer and Langton 1993, Pfeffer 1997, Walster et al. and Empson 2003, p. 313); specifically, the tournament
1973). How, then, is this quandary resolved? Specifi- model (cf. Lazear and Rosen 1981) ensures that effort
cally, on the one hand, the negative consequences of and talent are properly rewarded, and property rights are
pay dispersion would suggest that incentives should be better linked to individuals in these knowledge-intensive
more homogeneous and collective (Pfeffer and Langton settings. As noted by Teece, “with better incentive align-
1993), whereas, on the other hand, the problems asso- ment” these partnership (and related) forms of organiza-
ciated with the misalignment of incentives for high per- tion “can begin a virtuous cycle of work freedom and
formers suggest that significant heterogeneity in pay is high reward” (2003, p. 908; Birch 1987).
warranted and needed to optimally induce effort (Zenger All in all, the infusion of markets into hierarchy, far
1992, 1994). from “commodifying” human capital, as suggested by
Recent market and organizational dynamics, however, FPS (p. 19), rather radically elevates the status of human
suggest some promising solutions to the above quandary; capital in better recognizing and rewarding individual
FPS (pp. 18–20) in fact strongly question the efficacy effort and ability. Thus, one might turn the tables on
of some of these market dynamics and emerging orga- FPS’s argument and say that their situational thesis—
nizational forms, though we believe that they have had particularly, rather than the thesis focusing on the ben-
significant individual and collective benefits (cf. Cappelli efits of market mechanisms in organizations (cf. Zenger
1999). Specifically, “organizational disaggregation” and and Hesterly 1997)—“commodifies” employees. That
associated advances in organizational design and forms is, whereas the markets-in-hierarchy intuition explicitly
have allowed for a better alignment of talent and inter- recognizes heterogeneity in human capital and focuses
ests with individual incentives (Zenger and Hesterly on appropriately rewarding individual effort and talent
1997; see also Foss 2003). The disaggregation of orga- (see Nickerson and Zenger 2008, Zenger 1994, Zenger
nizations means that individuals increasingly work in and Marshall 2000), FPS’s situational logic, on the
smaller organizational settings—thus, for example cir- other hand, logically implies a priori individual-level
cumventing problems of deindividuation (Festinger et al. homogeneity because all of the explanatory burden is
1952)—given improvements in measurement and tech- placed on situational- and organization-level determi-
nology (cf. Brynjolfsson et al. 1994). These smaller nants of individual competence and organizational per-
organizations and organizational units are not only sig- formance (Davis-Blake and Pfeffer 1989; cf. Cable and
nificantly better at aligning individual incentives with Judge 1994, 1996; Schneider 1987). In short, if orga-
individual expertise, talent, and effort (Bresnahan et al. nizations indeed are “strong situations,” as argued by
2002; see also Birch 1987), but the smaller size of dis- Davis-Blake and Pfeffer (1989) and clearly implied in
aggregated units also, in part, obviates issues of social the arguments of FPS, then matters such as turnover
comparison and envy (Nickerson and Zenger 2008). As and other individual-level factors (many of which are
put by Zenger and Hesterly, “small firms can simply link central to human capital) must be considered peripheral
pay to firm performance, deliver high-powered incen- theoretically (Felin and Foss 2005, Felin and Hesterly
tives, and largely avoid comparison issues altogether” 2007). Overall, FPS misspecify sources of underlying
(1997, p. 213). Furthermore, as shown by Cable and heterogeneity, failing to recognize nested, individual-
Judge (1994, 1996), individuals can and do increasingly level sources of heterogeneity.
self-select to interact with “similar others” based not Now, the markets-in-hierarchy intuition certainly does
only on their abilities, interests, and values (Schneider not suggest that individual-level incentives should be
1987) but also their own incentive-related preferences, the only focus—of course culture matters, relationships
and this self-selection mitigates against many of the matter, and trust matters (cf. Adler 2001, Williamson
problems (for example, by reducing the range of social 1993). And, of course misaligned incentives lead to
comparison) noted by FPS with regard to the use of detrimental collective outcomes (Gibbons 1998, Kerr
high-powered incentives in organizations. 1975, Prendergast 1999). But the more important point
Related to the disaggregation of organizations, in- here is that FPS’s (pp. 12–17) caricature of “American-
creasingly prevalent professional services and part- style” payment systems and high-powered incentives is
nership-type organizational forms also benefit directly extreme, particularly as incentives have been a central
from the infusion of market mechanisms into organiza- concept since the foundations of organization science and
tions (see Teece 2003). As discussed by Greenwood and theory, as is evident for example in March and Simon’s
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(1958, pp. 83–111) rather extensive discussion of “pay- by appealing to their benevolence but by appealing to
ments” and “inducements and contributions” (see also their self-interest. Smith’s invisible hand explanation of
Barnard’s (1938) discussion of incentives and the “orga- the micro–macro link has individuals self-select into
nizational equilibrium”; cf. Mahoney 2006, p. 15). And environments where they realize the best outcomes for
FPS’s caricature of incentives is also extreme because it themselves, but also, unintentionally, beneficially con-
does not recognize the many recent innovations in organi- tribute to collective and societal outcomes (Clark 2007,
zational forms, forms that in essence create better incen- pp. 145–147; Frydman and Phelps 1983). The context of
tive alignment leading to better individual, collective, and self-selection in labor markets perhaps provides an apt
societal outcomes (Zenger and Hesterly 1997; see also example of the “invisible hand.” Individuals select envi-
Greenwood and Empson 2003). ronments and organizations where they, in their own best
judgment, can best maximize the returns (not just eco-
Self-Interest, Rightly Understood nomic) from their knowledge and abilities, and this also
The picture of self-interest painted by FPS and oth- has wider-scale benefits for society (cf. Zenger 1992,
ers (e.g., Ghoshal 2005, Ghoshal and Moran 1996) 1994; see also Cable and Judge 1994, 1996; Schneider
is lopsided.7 Specifically, these scholars fail to recog- 1987; Teece 2003).
nize that self-interest, specifically self-interest “rightly In contrast, FPS focus wholly on the potentially
understood,” by no means precludes cooperation, orga- negative collective outcomes of individual self-interest.
nization, community-building, trust, or for that matter, Although no economist condones immoral or uneth-
any other individual, relational, or organizational virtue ical behavior, somehow organizational scholars have
(cf. Casson 1996; Jensen and Meckling 1998; Fehr and recently drawn explicit links between economics and
Gaechter 2000; Sobel 2005; Williamson 1993; Binmore self-interest and recent corporate ethics scandals, assert-
2006a, b). In fact, self-interest is required and pro- ing direct causal influences (e.g., Adler 2002, Pfeffer
vides an important underlying mechanism and driver 2005, cf. Harris and Bromiley 2007). For example,
for realizing improved individual-, organizational-, and Ghoshal (2005, p. 75) provocatively argues that “many
societal-level outcomes. The reason economists often of the worst excesses of recent management practices
exalt self-interest is not because they ascribe particular have their roots in a set of ideas that have emerged
moral virtue to self-interest (in fact, the type of “enlight- from business school academics over the last 30 years,”
ened” self-interest we have in mind should be com- specifically referring to ideas diffusing from economics
pletely decoupled from ethics), but rather because they into business schools (cf. Khurana 2007). However, no
recognize that, in the words of the British economist direct links have been established between the diffu-
D. H. Robertson, self-interest is needed to economize sion and acceptance of economics and unethical behav-
on “that scarce resource Love, which we know, just as ior that meet any standards of scientific rigor: defections
well as anybody else, to be the most precious thing in in game theory, based on experimental findings, simply
the world” (Robertson 1956, p. 23). The central idea do not equate with bad management practice or uneth-
is that because there are inherent limits to our capac- ical behavior (FPS, p. 14). Furthermore, the artificially
ity for reciprocating (time, cost, ability, and so forth) primed experimental situations where language is used
and limits to how far we can and will extend our to highlight self-interested economic behavior (see FPS,
personal obligations, we need to leave much, includ- p. 16; Liberman et al. 2004) can simply be interpreted as
ing the fulfillment of our material needs, to markets efforts by the subjects to get short-term cues for behav-
driven by self-interest—to individual judgments about ior rather than evidence for economics “falsely” creat-
what best maximizes one’s scarce resources such as time ing self-interested, unethical behavior (cf. Laband and
and effort. An even stronger argument asserts that even Beil 1999).
if “love” was universal, we would still need to rely Overall, given the relatively short history of the cor-
on self-interest and markets, because these are the best porate form and business education (cf. Khurana 2007),
known mechanisms for making use of dispersed knowl- without objective data (other than the particularly salient,
edge in society (Hayek 1945). Thus, entirely benevo- recent business scandals) and without a relative com-
lent and altruistic agents would still face the problem parison to previous periods, statements about economics
of making efficient use of dispersed knowledge; in con- falsely creating self-interest are premature. Surely self-
trast, markets driven by self-interest make efficient use interested behavior existed prior to the recent emergence
of dispersed knowledge. of the neoclassical model of economics. In idealiz-
Such arguments essentially link self-interest at the ing and advocating the organizational forms of decades
individual-level with beneficial outcomes at the col- ago and in assigning virtues to organizational forms of
lective level. The initial intuition for this, of course, the past (see FPS, p. 19; Adler and Heckscher 2006,
was provided by Adam Smith (cf. Werhane 1989), who pp. 14, 67–77), it seems that management scholars may
famously pointed out that we do not expect to get the have fallen in a similar type of trap of “retrospective
goods from the “butcher, the baker, and the brewer” idealization” as some anthropologists who long admired
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and advocated the peaceful, communal, and historical aspects of economics may well “hold sway” because
arrangements associated with tribal life—secluded from they build off of a clear and general core model of
markets, self, and competition. However, objective data human action and nature that is not that far removed
has revealed that the worst of human excesses, self- from real human action and nature (cf. Jensen and
interest, and violence occurred during those exact time Meckling 1998) and because economics has been fairly
periods (see Keeley 1996; cf. Pinker 2002). On the other successful with respect to identifying real mechanisms—
hand, it is after the introduction of market-promoting we have indeed highlighted recent work on the role of
and incentive-enhancing institutions that both individual high-powered incentives in organizations as an exam-
and societal welfare has radically improved on every ple and case in point (e.g., Zenger and Hesterly 1997,
measurable dimension (for an overview, see Clark 2007). Zenger and Marshall 2000).
We, of course, do not mean to suggest that economics In all, our effort here has been to provide the other
has all the answers. Scarcely so, we indeed have high- side of the argument in response to FPS (and many oth-
lighted some of the problematic assumptions of eco- ers), to explicate key boundaries for the self-fulfilling
nomics (e.g., hyperrationality) and noted problems with nature of theories, and to note many of the ben-
incentives (e.g., misalignment). But, our central point efits associated with the infusion of market mecha-
has been to highlight that there are vast benefits associ- nisms into organizations. We certainly recognize that
ated with both economic reasoning and market mecha- our arguments may be controversial to some, particu-
nisms more generally, and thus organizational scholars larly because discussions about why and how theories
should not be so quick to dismiss these positive elements influence reality closely mirror what appear to be funda-
of economics because they can significantly enhance our mentally irreconcilable epistemological debates in phi-
understanding of organizations. losophy (see Bloor 1991, Boghossian 2006, Bricmont
and Sokal 2004, Brown 1994, Kuhn 1970, Latour 1999,
Popper 1972). Nonetheless, given the rather one-sided
Conclusion recent discussions in management and social science
The purpose of this paper has been to respond to outlets about how some theories falsely fulfill them-
recent arguments concerning the role that economics selves and adversely shape human behavior—economics
purportedly plays in adversely shaping human behav- being the prime example—we have argued and shown
ior, management practice, and organizational and soci- that there is equally persuasive and voluminous support
etal outcomes (FPS). We have specifically addressed from the social sciences, philosophy, and organizational
the key mechanism used by many to highlight why economics for significantly different conclusions.
economics has unduly and adversely influenced human
behavior and management practice—that is, the self- Acknowledgments
fulfilling nature of (even false) theories. We have expli- The authors thank Peter Abell, Bill Hesterly, Brayden King,
cated two key boundary conditions for the self-fulfilling Peter G. Klein, Siegwart Lindenberg, Yuval Millo, Gerardo
nature of theories, that is, objective reality and human Okhuysen, Margit Osterloh, David Whetten, and Todd Zenger
nature. An understanding of the implications of these for helpful comments or conversations related to this paper.
two boundaries fundamentally changes the conclusions Special thanks to the EIC of Organization Science Linda
Argote and anonymous reviewers for their thorough feed-
of FPS, as well as associated arguments related to
back and guidance. The authors also appreciate the helpful
the “performativity” of theories (MacKenzie and Millo comments received from seminar presentations at the Mar-
2003). Specifically, theories do not “arbitrarily” influ- riott School, Brigham Young University, the David Eccles
ence behavior or practice (Callon 2007); rather, theo- School of Business, University of Utah, and the Free Univer-
ries tend to influence reality to the extent to which they sity, Amsterdam. All errors are the authors’ own.
approximate underlying objective reality, thus, for exam-
ple, requiring a correct specification of human nature. Endnotes
“True” approximations or theories of reality, then, in 1
FPS argue that the economic language of self-interest and
turn, also help shape reality, though the first-order role competition creates self-interested and competitive behavior,
of theory—from the perspective of scientific realism—is and more generally they argue that “language affects what
to help explain, predict, and understand reality (Popper people see, how they see it, and the social categories and
1972, Psillos 1999), and secondarily these more correct descriptors they use to interpret their reality. It shapes what
models shape reality and lead to scientific and social people notice and ignore and what they believe is and is not
important” (FPS, p. 9; see also Astley 1985, Bloor 1991,
progress. Latour 1999). However, FPS’s thesis of “linguistic determin-
Economics, then, may actually offer some broad truths ism,” originally conceived of in anthropology (specifically,
about human behavior, rather than merely being a rhetor- see Boas 1911; Sapir 1911, 1929; Whorf 1956; cf. Kay and
ical device or falsely self-fulfilling prophecy resulting Kempton 1984), has been directly challenged and questioned
in bad management practice and poor collective and by linguists and psychologists. For example, a vast body of
social outcomes, as is argued by FPS. That is, some research in psychology shows that despite large heterogeneity
Felin and Foss: Crossroads
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in color names and categories across languages, individuals “learns” the potential for, or existence of, some kind of cog-
nonetheless see reality (in this case, colors) in the same fashion nitive bias or error, they then can deliberately ensure that they
(see, e.g., Berlin and Kay 1969, Heider and Olivier 1972, Kay don’t “fall for it,” (presuming they have enough information
1999). In other words, this research shows that, independent on probabilities, etc.). Grunberg (1986, p. 476) points out that
of the language associated with colors, individuals nonetheless economists “were and apparently still are concerned mainly
see and experience reality in a similar fashion, thus provid- with self-defeating public prediction. Sociologists seem to be
ing support for an objective and universal reality. For a large interested more in self-fulfilling ones.” In sum, while Ghoshal
list of references (in numerous domains of psychology) and and Moran (1996), FPS, and Ghoshal (2005) highlight self-
an exhaustive overview of problems with the thesis of lan- fulfilling prophecies, prophecies may also be self-defeating or
guage strongly influencing behavior, thought, and perceptions self-negating (Elster 1989). When, how, and why one or the
of reality, see Pinker (2002, 2007). other occurs (self-fulfilling or defeating) is in part articulated
There are many variants of scientific realism (Bricmont and in our discussion of objective reality as a boundary (in partic-
Sokal 2004, Kitcher 2003, Popper 1972, Psillos 1999), but the ularly in our discussion of rationality) and also implied in our
contrast between these variants of realism and FPS’s under-
discussion of human nature.
lying epistemological approach (e.g., see their citations of 5
We are of course aware of research that has questioned
MacKenzie, Dumont) is large enough that making fine-grained
human rationality and highlighted its problems and biases
distinctions of realism is not necessary for our arguments. That
(e.g., Kahneman and Tversky 1996), and, as we have dis-
said, we might note that what we are advocating here reflects
a “moderate” scientific realism (cf. Haack 1998), which rec- cussed, hyperrationality or omniscience of course suggests an
ognizes that (1) theories of course can also be wrong (though, extreme that simply is not true. However, that said, recent the-
they get corrected over time and progress is the norm of sci- oretical and empirical research by social psychologists such as
ence), and (2) that theories are only approximations of reality McKenzie, Krueger, Oaksford, Funder, Stanovich, Gigerenzer,
rather than capital-T “Truth.” and numerous others has quite persuasively shown that an
The nature of economic theories and models themselves, it increased measure of rationality in human decision making is
is argued, then is explicitly (though this remains implicit in warranted; specifically, biases are efficient and smart heuris-
most work, see MacKenzie 2006) arbitrary in nature (i.e., tics in information-deprived situations. Furthermore, some of
their truth value is not of interest), specifically because it the problems of “mindless behavior” and human rationality in
is the social, technological, and political factors, rather than the past have had more to do with methodological misspeci-
the models themselves, that receive primacy in determining fications on the part of scholars than misspecification on the
whether a theory obtains. In line with this, Callon (2007, pp. part of the subjects that are being studied and labeled irra-
321–323) argues that economic models and theories are “arbi- tional (see Krueger and Funder 2004). That is, when looked
trary conventions.” at post hoc, it has appears as if people are quite irrational
To briefly dive more carefully into this point of how indi- and readily duped into behaving falsely and making poor deci-
viduals are falsely duped into behaving in certain ways, it sions, as the case of a run on a bank suggests. However,
is instructive to see how self-fulfilling false prophecies ver- recent calibrations and corrections to models of rationality
sus self-destroying false prophecies are used in the extant and decision making—specifically, calibrations that account
management literature. That is, an appeal to self-defeating for (a) information availability (at the time of the decision),
false prophecy suggests that individuals have an ability to (b) time, and (c) individual differences—have suggested that
judge objective reality and to make appropriate judgments— models highlighting systematic human irrationality need to be
to act counter to the false prophecy—whereas falsely self- amended, and decision making is driven by efficient heuristics
fulfilling prophecies suggest that individuals are, as noted by suited for the complex environments that individuals and orga-
FPS (p. 19), “mindlessly” duped into behaving falsely. So, nizations operate in (see Funder 1987; Gigerenzer et al. 1999;
a brief and rough analysis of the top organizational jour- Krueger and Funder 2004; McKenzie 2003, 2005; McKenzie
nals (in JSTOR, including the following management jour-
and Mikkelsen 2007; Oaksford and Chater 1996; Stanovich
nals: Organization Science, Administrative Science Quarterly,
1999; Stanovich and West 2000).
Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management 6
Taking human nature seriously has wide implications for
Journal) reveals that the term “self-fulfilling prophecy” is
strong forms of self-fulfilling prophecy where it is suggested
invoked over 2000+ times in these journals (adding the “Pyg-
malion effect” to this count would radically tip the scales even that socially constructed beliefs of others in essence create
further). Most always the connotation is that individuals have and construct human nature itself. However, there has been an
been falsely led to believe and act in certain ways that are increasing recognition in other disciplines about the need to
individually or collectively hurtful. On the other hand, “self- consider human nature, for example, in sociology (see Freese
defeating” (or “destroying” or “negating”) appears only 24 et al. 2003) and in anthropology (see, e.g., Freeman 1999;
times; self-defeating prophecies again are (largely) situations Malotki 1983; Martin 1986; Pinker 2002, 2007; Pullum 1991).
where individuals act against false beliefs and false expec- Note that here we do not cover the negative side of self-
tations, suggesting a measure of rationality. (We of course interest, specifically self-interest seeking “with guile,” given
understand that the concept of self-fulfilling versus destroying Williamson’s (1996) thorough response to this issue (cf.
prophecies can be used to make opposing arguments depend- Ghoshal and Moran 1996). That is, transaction cost economics
ing on whether the prophecies are specified as false or true, prescribes institutions to guard against collectively hurtful self-
though, most of the literature generally points to fulfillment interest-seeking behavior, given that some (not all) people
in the case of false situations.) So, when a scholar or subject indeed may act in collectively hurtful, unethical ways.
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Organization Science 20(3), pp. 654–668, © 2009 INFORMS 665

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