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Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 23, No.

2: 4150

Possibilities of Different Animal Milk Detection in Milk

and Dairy Products a Review


MILCOM, a. s, Dairy Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic


BORKOV M., SNELOV J. (2005): Possibilities of different animal milk detection in milk and dairy
products a review. Czech J. Food Sci., 23: 4150.

Adulteration of milk and dairy products with different types of milk, other than declared, presents a big problem for
food monitoring. The evidence of milk adulteration is a difficult task considering similar compositions of various
types of milk. The presented review is therefore focused on the study of the composition of milk from different animal
species. The aim is to find a useful marker component for the adulterant detection. The analysis of milk proteins is
a suitable solution of this problem. The techniques used for research in this area were also studied. As prospective
techniques, immunological techniques and techniques based on DNA analysis are especially considered. The first
ones are able to determine 0.5% of different milk adulterant, and the second ones even as little as 0.1%. Reverse-phase
high-performance liquid chromatography is successfully applied in the quantitative analysis of individual milk adulter-
ants in samples. The most frequent adulteration of ewe and goat milk is its replacement with less expensive and more
plentiful bovine milk. Not so typical adulteration is the presence of goat milk in ewe milk or the detection of bovine
milk as adulterant in buffalo mozzarella cheese.

Keywords: milk adulteration; adulterants; milk protein; dairy products; cow milk; ewe milk; goat milk

The adulteration of food products is a signifi- Marker components for the detection
cant problem in the food production. This is how of adulteration
fraudulent producers try to cheat consumers and
authorities. The adulteration affects all commodi- First of all, it is necessary to familiarise with the
ties in the food processing. Most frequently, such composition of individual milks from different spe-
products are adulterated that are produced in big cies and to find the suitable marker components for
quantities and further, the expensive products the detection of adulteration with other species.
whose adulteration brings a profit. The subject The basic chemical components of cow, ewe, goat
of this review is to summarise the data on sub- and buffalo milk are presented in Table 1.
stituting one milk type for another one. In the The determination of fat, crude protein, lactose,
literature, especially reported is the substitution ashes, and total dry matter in cow, ewe and goat
of ewe and goat milk by cow milk. Cow milk is buffalo milk and colostrum was dealt with by
frequently used for adulteration because of its HADJIPANAYIOTOU (1995). The highest contents
prevailing production in the world and its lower of fat, crude protein, ashes, and total dry matter
price as compared to other types. were found in ewe milk followed by goat milk, the

Supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Project No. QC1111.

Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150 Czech J. Food Sci.

lowest contents of these components having been peptides and amino acids whose analysis is fairly
discovered in cow milk (HADJIPANAYIOTOU 1995). complicated. The information on the occurrence
We also obtained the basic composition of buffalo and quantity of individual proteins or derived
milk (DRBOHLAV & VODIKOV 2001). Table 2 compounds is, for the reasons mentioned above,
presents the milk yields of individual animal spe- very important for the estimation of processing,
cies. It is apparent that the yield of cow milk is quality, and adulteration. Protein content in in-
significantly higher than those of other species. It dividual milks and their abundance in casein and
also follows from Table 2 that the highest content whey fractions is shown in Table 3.
of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) can be found in Many studies were published on bovine casein.
goat milk and the lowest one in cow milk. Its composition in both raw and processed milk
It follows from the literature that the detection is well known. However, few studies deal with the
of adulteration by the substitution of one milk composition of milk casein in other types of milk
type for another one is made by protein analysis (e.g. goat, ewe or buffalo). JENSEN (1995) stated
(STRANGE et al. 1992). This problem is a very that caseins make 82, 87, 80, and 77% of proteins in
complicated one as it is necessary to take into ewe, buffalo, bovine and goat milk, respectively.
account that the composition of milk and milk Casein micelles consist of four caseins: S1 -,
proteins is very variable (TIETZE & MAJEWSKI S2-, - and -caseins that occur in cow milk in
1997), both between individual types of milk and the ratio of 39:10:36:13 (DAVIES & LAW 1980).
within one type. It depends on the breed or on The distribution of individual casein fractions in
the lactation level. raw cow, ewe, goat, and buffalo milk according to
The quantitative determination of milk proteins BRAMANTI et al. (2003) is shown in Table 4. The
is complicated by the existence of genetic and non- main casein component in cow milk is S -casein.
genetic polymorphism, and by the technological This casein is also the main constituent of ewe
treatment and processing of milk (RECIO et al. and buffalo milk. -Casein is the dominant casein
1997b). Thermal denaturation or proteolysis, that component in goat milk.
is common with the manufacturing of many milk In milk are also present the products of proteoly-
products, incurs a risk of complex formation, the sis of all four primary caseins. -Casein and some
formation of insoluble new compounds, smaller proteoso-peptone compounds are fragments of

Table 1. Basic composition (in g/kg) of ewe, goat (HADJIPANAYIOTOU 1995) and bualo milk (DRBOHLAV & VODI-
KOV 2001)

Component Bovine Ewe Goat Bualo

Number of measurements 861 432 721
Total dry matter 112.0 0.35 162.2 1.08 132.1 0.50 182.3
Lipids 32.8 0.28 49.2 0.65 42.6 0.43 72.6
Crude protein 31.3 0.13 57.7 0.47 40.9 0.18 45.9
Ashes 7.4 0.02 9.4 0.04 8.3 0.02 7.9

Table 2. Output of cow, ewe, goat and bualo milks and their composition (HADJIPANAYIOTOU 1995)

Component Bovine Ewe Goat

Number of animals 44 30 30
Milk output (kg/day) 21.09 7.86 2.45 0.549 3.49 0.504
Fat (g/kg) 38.0 55.2 45.2
Crude protein (N 6.38) (g/kg) 33.0 58.0 41.1
NPN (g/kg) 2.18 2.70 2.91
NPN (expressed in % of crude protein) 7.43 4.66 7.13

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150

Table 3. Protein composition of bovine, ewe, goat (VEL- and BSA. In bovine milk, -Lg and -La occur ap-
EK 1999) and bualo milk (DRBOHLAV & VODIKOV proximately at a ratio of 3:1 (DE JONG et al. 1993).
2001) -Lg is the main whey protein in all types of milk
studied (Table 5). Its highest abundance was found
Component (g/100 g) Bovine Ewe Goat Bualo in ewe milk, the lowest one in goat milk. In ewe
Proteins 3.2 4.6 3.2 4.6 milk, immunoglobulins are contained in significant
Caseins 2.6 3.9 2.6 4.5 amounts; after -Lg they represent the second larg-
est fraction. In bovine and goat milks, the second
Whey proteins 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5
most represented whey fraction is -La.
The discovery of two variants of -lactoglobu-
-casein, originating from the action of plasmin, lin in cow milk by Aschaffenburg and Drewry in
the endogenous alkaline milk protease. -Caseins 1955 (MOIOLI et al. 1998) generated considerable
are presumably fragments of S1-caseins, having interest in the research of milk proteins. The poly-
also originated through plasmin cleavage. Glyco- morphism of milk proteins is caused either by the
macropeptides and para--caseins are fragments of substitution of amino acids or by their deletion.
-caseins emerging as a result of chymosin action All caseins and main whey proteins show genetic
(STRANGE et al. 1992). polymorphism that can affect milk composition
Whey proteins contain proteins soluble at pH 4.6 and some parameters of milk processing. For this
and 20C. To these proteins belong -lactoglobulin reason, genetic variants of milk proteins are con-
(-Lg), -lactoalbumin (-La), immunoglobulins sidered to be potential selection criteria in cattle
(IgG, IgA, IgM) and serum albumin (BSA). The fol- husbandry (VISSER et al. 1995).
lowing minor proteins are also present: lactoferrin, The identification of the genetic variant of milk
lactoperoxidase, enzymes, protein compounds of protein also enables the determination of adultera-
milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), proteoso- tion with various animal milk types. The variants
peptone compounds, and glycomacropeptides. of the main milk proteins found in the literature
Well known are the primary sequences -La, -Lg are summarised in Table 6.

Table 4. Representation of casein fractions in raw bovine, ewe, goat and bualo milk (BRAMANTI et al. 2003)

Milk type Bovine Ewe Goat Bualo

Total protein content (g/l) 27.8 2.2 59.4 3.3 33.4 1.6 49.2 1.9
Caseins relating to total protein content (%) 83 10 93 10 99 12 90 5
S1-casein (%) 37 7 33 8 10 6 31 2
S2-casein (%) 71 14 2 13 1
-casein (%) 42 8 30 5 63 11 28 2
-casein (%) 62 91 18 4 22 1
-casein (%) 94 14 2 82 71

Table 5. Composition and content of whey proteins in skimmed cow, ewe and goat milk (LAW 1995)

Component Bovine Ewe Goat

Whey proteins (g/l) 6.46 10.76 6.14
-lactoglobulin (%) 59.3 61.1 54.2
-lactalbumin (%) 16.2 10.8 21.4
Immunoglobulins (%) 15.0 20.0 11.5
Serum albumin/lactoferrin (%) 9.5 8.1 12.8

Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150 Czech J. Food Sci.

Table 6. Genetic variants of main milk proteins

Component Bovine (RECIO et al. 1997b) Ewe (AMIGO et al. 2000) Goat (MOIOLI et al. 1998)
A, B1, B2, B3, C, D, E, F, G,
S1-casein A, B, C, D, E A, B, C, D, E
S2-casein A, B, C, D A,B A, B, C
A1, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, X (named F 5P)
-casein A, B, C A, B, O
(VISSER et al. 1995)
-casein A, B, C, E none existing A, B
-lactalbumin A, B (VOELKER 1997) A, B A, B
-lactoglobulin A, B, C, D, E, F, G A, B, C A, B

Analytical methods for the detection of milk size. The advantage of this technique lies in the
adulteration by analysis of milk proteins fact that the individual groups of milk proteins
and their genetic variants are well separated and that the genetic protein
variants and the levels of their phosphorylation
For the detection of adulteration of one type of can be detected.
milk with another one, namely the following meth- TAMINE et al. (1999) proved the addition of
ods are used: electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing bovine milk (25% and more) into the goat Kish
(IEF), capillary electrophoresis (CE), reverse phase product by PAGE technique. The analysis was
high-performance liquid chromatography (RP HPLC) based on the mobility of bovine S1-casein. This
and ion exchange high-performance liquid chro- technique was also used for the identification of
matography (IE HPLC), hydrophobic interactive bovine milk in ewe yoghurt (KAMINARIDES &
chromatography (HIC), immunochemical methods KOUKIASSA 2002). The marker component was
(ELISA), PCR techniques, and mass spectrometry. bovine para--casein and 1% addition of bovine
In the subsequent part, we will only mention milk was successfully detected.
several examples of applications relevant to the For the detection of adulteration also SDS and
problems studied. urea electrophoresis can also be used. Urea and
Table 7 gives a summary of the techniques stud- anion solvent sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)
ied except PCR, and the protein marker analytes possess the ability of dissolving various types of
used. Owing to the orientation of our research, proteins and of decomposing polymer proteins
we will deal in detail especially with the HPLC to polypeptide components. SDS binds to indi-
technique. vidual protein molecules and gives them a strong
negative charge thus removing the differences in
Electro-migration methods the total charge. The electrophoretic separation
takes place only on the basis of their molecular
Electrophoresis. Electrophoresis plays a sig- weights. On the contrary, with the application of
nificant role in the research of milk proteins and urea, proteins are separated according to their
genetic variants of main milk protein components. charge.
The classification of caseins was carried out by TAMINE et al. (1999) used for the cow milk de-
electrophoretic analysis; minor casein compo- tection in goat Kish product besides the above
nents 1, 2, 3 and para- caseins were detected mentioned PAGE also SDS electrophoresis. A
(STRANGE et al. 1992). good separation was achieved of -, -, -caseins
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was of cow and goat milk. Nevertheless, the detec-
used for the analysis of milk proteins. This em- tion of adulterants was not successful due to the
ploys the separation of individual molecules both extensive proteolysis of the sample.
according to their electric charge and size. In By urea-PAGE electrophoresis, the presence of 5%
PAGE, the proteins have a negative or a positive and more of bovine milk in ewe and goat milk was
charge, depending on the buffer conditions. They detected. The detection was based on the analysis
migrate with a speed based on their charge and of bovine S -casein (VELOSO et al. 2002).

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150

Table 7. Summary of protein marker components used for detection of various types of animal milks

Techniques Marker components References


Electrophoresis bovine para--casein KAMINARIDES & KOUKIASSA (2002)

bovine S1-casein TAMIME et al. (1999)
bovine -casein VELOSO et al. (2002)
Isoelectric bovine 2 and 3-caseins reference method EU ANONYM (2001)
focusing goat and ewe para--casein MAYER et al. (1997)
Capillary goat -lactalbumin and bovine -lactoglobulin A CARTONI et al. (1999)
electrophoresis complete analysis of bovine caseins and whey proteins HERRERO-MARTNEZ et al. (2000)
complete analysis of bovine, ewe and goat caseins and
DE JONG et al. (1993)
whey proteins
bovine S1-casein LEE et al. (2001); CATTANEO et al. (1996)
Immunochemical methods
Indirect ELISA bovine -casein BITRI et al. (1993)
bovine immunoglobuline G HURLEY et al. (2004)
goat S2-casein HAZA et al. (1996)
bovine -casein PIZZANO et al. (2000)
bovine S1-casein ROLLAND et al. (1995)
Sandwich ELISA bovine -casein ANGUITA et al. (1997)
goat whey proteins GARCIA et al. (1993)
bovine -lactoglobulin LEVIEUX & VENIEN (1994)

RP HPLC bovine, goat and ewe -lactoglobulins FERREIRA & CAOTE (2003)

bovine -lactalbumin and -lactoglobulin B ROMERO et al. (1996)

bovine -casein VELOSO et al. (2002)
HIC bovine, goat and ewe S1-, S2-, - and -caseins BRAMANTI et al. (2003)
Mass spectrometry
MALDI-MS bovine -lactalbumin, -lactoglobulin A and B COZZOLINO et al. (2001)

Isoelectric focusing (IEF). The protein separa- IEF is an EU reference method for the determi-
tion according to their isoelectric points is espe- nation of the presence of cow milk and caseinate
cially suitable for the analysis of caseins that form in cheeses made from ewe, goat or buffalo milk
many genetic variants. For example, by using IEF or their blends. It is based on the identification of
instead of PAGE electrophoresis for the analysis of -caseins after plasminolysis. The method is suit-
the genetic variants of bovine -casein, the pro- able for the sensitive and specific detection of raw
cedure is significantly simplified. If for the same and thermally processed cow milk and caseinate
determination PAGE electrophoresis is to be used, in fresh and ripened cheeses made from ewe, goat
it has to apply both alkali and acid PAGE for the or buffalo milk or their blends. This detection is
differentiation of A variants from B, C and D, and based on 2- and 3-caseins determination. Their
A1, A2, and A3 variants (STRANGE et al. 1992). isoelectric points lie between pH 6.5 and 7.5. By

Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150 Czech J. Food Sci.

using two milk reference standards (with 0 and 1% in goat and ewe cheeses (HERRERO-MARTNEZ et
of cow milk), the samples positive for the presence al. 2000). The authors declare that the amount of
of cow milk can be detected. In the case, that the cow milk in goat and ewe cheese can be estimated
amounts of bovine 2-casein and 3-casein are equal with the relative standard deviation of 67%, based
or greater that their amounts in 1% standard, the on electroforegrams and statistical PLS (partial
presence of cow milk is confirmed. The method last squares) multivariable regression.
allows the detection of 0.5% addition (ANONYM
2001). The disadvantage is that it is impossible Immunochemical methods
to determine the adulteration with goat milk in
ewe milk and vice versa. This may be changed Immunochemical methods are suitable for the
by selecting an appropriate marker analyte, e.g. detection of specific fractions of bovine, ewe or
para--casein (MAYER et al. 1997). goat milk proteins. The principle of the immuno-
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) . Capillary elec- chemical methods resides in the reaction of the
trophoresis is a modification of electrophoresis antigen (transgenic protein) with the antibody.
that is carried out as a carrier-free electrophore- The immunoanalysis employs specific mono- or
sis via free capillary. CE is a quickly developing polyclonal antibodies that react with whey pro-
technique that enables a rapid casein and whey teins, the individual casein fractions, and peptide
protein separation with a high resolution and good fragments of caseins. Reactions were described
quantification (DE JONG et al. 1993). The use of of the antibodies with, e.g., bovine -Lg (LE-
CE resulted in the development of expedient and VIEUX & VENIEN 1994), bovine IgG (HURLEY et al.
automated analyses with a very high resolution 2004), bovine -casein (BITRI et al. 1993), bovine
and with the demand for only very small amounts -casein (ANGUITA et al. 1997), bovine S1-casein
of samples and buffers (RECIO et al. 1997a). (ROLLAND et al. 1995), and goat whey proteins
DE JONG et al. (1993) carried out a complete (GARCIA et al. 1993). By means of cross-reactions
analysis of caseins and whey proteins in bovine, with individual milk proteins, it was proved that
ewe and goat milk by capillary electrophoresis. the antibodies are highly specific and manifest
Based on this analysis, he succeeded in identify- minimum cross-interactions. The sensitivity of
ing adulterants (starting from 1%) of bovine, ewe these methods is less than 0.5%.
and goat milk in all milk blends. ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay).
The employment of capillary zone electropho- Immunochemical methods, as mentioned above,
resis in the detection of adulterants of cow milk are very specific. In the literature many examples
in ewe and goat milk is described in the paper of can be found of employing these techniques for
CATTANEO et al. (1996). s1-Casein fraction was the detection of milk adulteration. For this pur-
the marker component for the detection of cow pose, both indirect (competitive) and sandwich
milk and a successful detection was carried out (uncompetitive) ELISA was used. ELISA method
of the addition of cow milk to ewe or goat milk was used for the detection of the cow milk pres-
starting from 8%. LEE et al. (2001) used the detec- ence in goat, ewe, and buffalo milk (HURLEY et al.
tion of s1-casein fraction with this technique. The 2004), further in goat and ewe cheese (PIZZANO
authors succeeded in improving the detection and et al. 2000), and of the presence of goat milk in
they were able to determine 1% of adulterants in ewe milk (HAZA et al. 1996).
raw and reconstituted milk. For example, the addition of goat milk to ewe milk
Whey fraction was also studied for the detection was detected both by sandwich ELISA (from 0.5%)
of cow milk presence in goat milk and cheeses (GARCIA et al. 1993) and indirect ELISA, where
(CARTONI et al. 1999). As suitable marker analytes, 0.515% (v/v) of goat milk in ewe milk was detected
caprine -lactalbumine and bovine -lactoglobuline (HAZA et al. 1996). In the case of indirect ELISA,
A were determined. Minimal detectable amount a monoclonal antibody (MAb B2B) against goat
of cow milk was 2% in milk mixtures and 4% in s2-casein was used. For the detection of basically
cheeses. similar types of milk, such as bovine and buffalo, it
An unusual method using CE analysis of ethanol- seems to be prospective to use monoclonal antibody
water protein fractions with isoelectric iminodiace- against bovine immunoglobuline G. The reason
tic acid buffer was also described as a possibility is that immunoglobulines are not easily liable to
to fast identify and quantify cow milk adulterants proteolysis and are stronger immunogenes than

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150

caseins and other whey proteins. This way of the Reverse phase high-performance liquid chro-
detection of cow milk in goat, ewe and buffalo matography (RP HPLC). Reverse phase high-per-
milk using indirect ELISA was used by HURLEY et formance liquid chromatography is a technique
al. (2004) who were able to detect 0.1% of bovine of chromatographic separation of analytes on the
IgG in all types of milk. This test is suitable both basis of their hydrophobic properties.
for raw milk and pasteurised or frozen. It is not FERREIRA and CAOTE (2003) dealt in their
suitable for UHT or powdered skimmed milk due paper with the detection and quantification of
to denaturation of bovine IgG. blends of bovine, goat and ewe milk and cheeses
by RP HPLC determination of -lactoglobulins.
Techniques based on DNA analysis The determination was carried out by gradient elu-
tion under the following conditions: Chrompack P
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is used for the 300 RP column, mobile phase passage 0.5 ml/min,
amplification of DNA part situated between two column temperature 45C, gradient made of sol-
regions of a known sequence. It was found in the vents A (0.1% trifluoroacetic acid in water) and
literature that the PCR technique was used for the B (0.1% trifluoroacetic acid in 80% acetonitrile,
detection of cow milk in ewe (LPEZ-CALLEJA et v/v), UV detection at 215 nm.
al. 2004) and goat milk (BANIA et al. 2001), and Binary mixtures were analysed of bovine and
also in goat cheeses (MAUDET & TABERLET 2001) ewe or bovine and goat raw milk containing 1,
and in buffalo mozzarella cheese (BOTTERO et al. 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75 and 95% (v/v) of bovine
2002). In buffalo cheese, cow milk was successfully milk, and also binary blends of ewe and goat milk
detected if the cheese exclusively of buffalo origin. containing 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75 and 95% (v/v)
In ewe and goat milk and cheeses, the detection of ewe milk.
of the presence of cow milk was possible starting Of these model samples cheese was made by
from 0.1%. Cow milk in goat and ewe milk was traditional methods. Milk blends and fresh and
determined with the detection limits mentioned ripened cheeses made of them were analysed.
above not only in raw milk samples, but also in Different chromatographic profiles were obtained
pasteurised and sterilised samples (LPEZ-CALLEJA for bovine, ewe, and goat whey proteins. Every
et al. 2004). The advantage of DNA techniques milk species revealed different retention times for
lies in their considerable sensitivity. -lactoglobulin peaks. -Lg and -La were sepa-
For the detection of one type milk adulteration rated in all milks. In ewe milk was also identified
with another one, combined techniques of immu- the presence of -Lg A and B. In goat and bovine
nochemical and DNA methods were also used. Such milk, only the presence of B genetic variant of
an example is the PCR-LCR (Ligase Chain Action)- -Lg was identified.
EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay) technique (KLOTZ & The authors found that a linear relation exists
EINSPANIER 2001) based on the detection of one between the area logarithm of -lactoglobulin of
specific nucleotide presence in bovine milk (Bos the sample and the logarithm of relative percentage
taurus -casein gene, position 8411) and sheep, goat of bovine or ewe milk. In this way, the authors suc-
and buffalo milk. The first quantitative analysis of ceeded in identifying the addition of individual milk
the blend enabled to discover the presence of 5% species with the detection limit of 2%. Quantifica-
bovine DNA in sheep, goat and buffalo DNA. tion of milk species by this technique was carried
out in the range of concentrations of 595%. The
Chromatography method was successfully used for the determina-
tion of authenticity and quantity of individual milk
High-performance liquid chromatography in commercial ewe and goat cheeses.
(HPLC). Chromatographic methods find an exten- The detection of the addition of cow milk to goat
sive application in the isolation of milk proteins. and ewe milk by the analysis of whey proteins (-La,
The advantage of the HPLC technique is its speed, -Lg and BSA) using RP HPLC was also described
simplicity, and possibility of automation. The analy- (ROMERO et al. 1996). The determination was carried
sis of milk proteins can be carried out by means out on polymer reverse phase column (type PLRP-ES
of reverse phase, ion exchange (both anion and from the Polymer Laboratory, Church Stretton, UK)
cation), molecularly exclusive, and hydrophobic by gradient elution with the detection in UV range of
liquid chromatography. 205 nm. The detection of adulterants resulted from

Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150 Czech J. Food Sci.

the retention times of whey proteins and genetic out at 280 nm, gradient elution was used. The
variants (tr values in proteins are shown in Table 8). method is based on a rapid and easy dissolution
This technique enables the detection of adulterants of real raw samples by 4.0M guanidin thiocyanate
in amounts lower than 1%. Peaks of bovine -La and without the preliminary precipitation or casein
-Lg (B) in 9.37 min and 18.10 min, respectively, separation, and is completed by HIC analysis. The
manifest the presence of cow milk in ewe and goat method was applied on commercial casein blends
milk. A disadvantage of this method lies in the fact and for qualitative and quantitative analysis of
that it does not make any dierence between goat casein fractions in raw cow, ewe and goat milk
and ewe milk because their whey proteins have very (10 samples of every type), one sample of buffalo
similar retention times. milk, and further for commercial cheeses (mozza-
In the detection of different milk types by RP rella, robiola, ricotta and stracchino). Binary milk
HPLC, also VELOSO et al. (2002) were engaged. mixtures were analysed (cow/goat and cow/ewe)
Despite their obtaining various chromatographic and the relation was outlined between the areas
profiles of bovine, ewe and goat milk, they suc- of casein peaks ( S1 / , S2 /, / and S2 / S1 )
ceeded in detecting and quantifying the addition of which was later discussed from the point of view
merely 5 and more per cent of bovine milk in goat of the possibility of applying this method for the
milk. This detection was based on the presence of detection of milk adulterants. By means of these
-casein peak. Chromatographic conditions were model relations it was possible to estimate the
as follows: Chrompack P 300 RP column, gradient addition of 10% and more of cow milk into ewe
elution, detection 280 nm. and goat milk.
Ion exchange high-performance liquid chro-
matography (IE HPLC). Ion exchange chromato- Mass spectrometry
graphy is based on the separation by ion exchange
between the mobile and stationary phase. Recently, new technologies for the structural
Anion exchange FPLC (fast protein liquid chro- analysis of milk proteins have been developed based
matography) was used for identifying the authentic- on mass spectrometric methodologies (SICILIANO
ity of the goat Kish product. The authors succeeded et al. 2000). In particular, matrix-assisted laser
in the separation of caseins of bovine and goat desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry (MALDI-
milk, yet the sample separation was negatively MS) has shown to be a powerful analytical tool
influenced by its considerable proteolysis. It was in providing a valid fingerprint of milk protein
not possible to identify the adulterants (TAMIME profiles. This technique is fast, simple, and does
et al. 1999). This technique is possible for the not require any complicated preparation of milk
identification of bovine milk in goat milk by the samples. COZZOLINO et al. (2001) was dealing
detection of bovine S1-casein. with the detection of cow milk in ewe and buffalo
Hydrophobic interactive chromatography milk. The determination of the presence of cow
(HIC). The separation of substances takes place milk in ewe milk was based on the detection of
in the hydrophobic stationary phase by decreasing bovine -lactoglobulin A and B. Cow milk in buf-
the ionic power of the mobile phase. falo milk was detected by the presence of bovine
This technique was used for the separation and -lactalbumin; adulteration of 5% was possible to
determination of S1-, S2-, -and -caseins in detect. The authors consider this detection limit
bovine, ewe and goat milk, their blends and cheeses to be sufficient and they claim that, in the case of
(BRAMANTI et al. 2003). The Eichrom Propyl HIC adulteration, the adulteration with less than 5%
column was used. The UV detection was carried of cow milk is uneconomical.

Table 8. Retention times tr (min) of whey proteins given by ROMERO et al. (1996)

Component Goat Bovine Ewe

-lactalbumin 7.99 9.37 7.30

Serum albumin 13.91 12.30 13.50

-lactoglobulin 17.77 17.99 (A), 18.10 (B), 19.90 (C) 14.50 (A), 17.40 (B)

Czech J. Food Sci. Vol. 23, No. 2: 4150

Conclusion CATTANEO T.M.P., NIGRO F., GREPPI G.F. (1996): Analy-

sis of cow, goat and ewe milk mixtures by capillary
For detecting the replacement of one type milk zone electrophoresis (CZE): preliminary approach.
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