09 - Implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX - Engagement SOW Final

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Implementing Microsoft Dynamics AX

Work Order

IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO PARTNERS: Use this template as a guide in defining your Planning Services
engagement with your Software Assurance customer. This template is provided as guidance only for your Microsoft
Planning Services consulting engagements. While it is not required to use this template, it is highly recommended
you provide the customer a clear understanding of what is included in this engagement.

Prepared for Prepared by

{Customer Company} {Partner}
Customer Name Name
Customer Title Title
{Date} Microsoft Dynamics AX Deployment
Version Planning Services Partner

1. Place the cursor in front of {Customer Company} or {Partner}.

2. Type the actual Customer and/or Partner name.
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rest of the document might not work
5. Press CTRL A and then F9.
6. Select Update entire table and OK in the pop up box that appears.
7. All instances of {Customer} and {Partner} will now be updated with the new names
Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

Table of Contents

Objectives............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Scope and Approach........................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Service Areas within Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Service Areas Out of Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Key Service Deliverables........................................................................................................................................................... 8

Project Roles and Responsibilities............................................................................................................................................ 10

General Customer Responsibilities........................................................................................................................................... 11

Project Assumptions...................................................................................................................................................................... 12

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the body of the document!]

[Step 2 - delete the 2 tables of contents you don't need. Make sure NON-PRINTING CHARACTERS are showing to remove the page

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

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Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

This Work Order reflects the required activities, requirements and duration of the services Error: Reference source not found will
perform for Error: Reference source not found as part of the Microsoft Dynamics AX Deployment Services Engagement that was chosen
by the customer according to the table below:

Error: Reference source not found will provide a Microsoft Dynamics AX Deployment Planning Services Engagement which include the
offering below:

Only include the sub-Offering text bullet points below for those sub-Offerings which are in the scope of the services that you will be
providing according to required activities of the length of the engagement you will deliver the customer

Pre-engagement assessment including pre-engagement questionnaire filled up by the Error: Reference source not found and
reviewed and analyzed by Error: Reference source not found as a preparation to the assessment and process documentation

Requirements and Process Documentation workshop: Identifies or reviews the high-level requirements and analyzes selected 1 or
few business processes that should be in the scope of a potential deployment of Microsoft Dynamics AX and document the
processes using Dynamics Life Cycle Services.

High Level Solution Architecture: Designed to provide you with an assessment of and guidance for the production infrastructure
regarding a potential deployment of a Microsoft Dynamics AX solution.

High Level Fit Gap Analysis and Scoping Assessment:

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order
o Designed to identify any gaps in the customers Standard Operating Environment (SOE) and how Microsoft Dynamics
AX fits the customer business requirements and how much customization will be required to meet them
implementing the identified one or few business processes.
o [optional] The objective of solution scoping is to provide with the high-level analysis of the scope and outline for how
to approach and implement the recommended requirements for a potential deployment of a Microsoft Dynamics AX
solution, including but not limited to an estimation of the high-level cost impact, a high-level project plan, and a
discussion of the potential risks to be considered during your decision-making process.
Proof of Concept: Designed to provide you with demonstration of a partially configured one or few business processes with
Microsoft Dynamics AX in the LCS Windows Azure hosted environment on your selected business processes, which pertains to a
potential deployment of a Microsoft Dynamics AX solution.

Any timelines, dates, and delivery schedules provided here are estimates only and are subject to change.

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

Scope and Approach

Service Areas within Scope
Using a bulleted list, identify specific areas that are in scope for this engagement. This section also includes a description of the overall
project approach, including, by project phase, Microsoft partner responsibilities, Customer responsibilities, and key deliverables.

Please list activities that the Customer must accomplish during each phase, in addition to any prerequisites that must be accomplished
prior to the beginning of the phase.

Partner will provide the following services:

3 Days Engagement
The following section will be used for the 3-day engagement, consisting of the Assessment phase including pre-engagement assessment,
Microsoft Dynamics AX overview and Business Process Review and documentation workshops

Partner will provide the Microsoft Dynamics AX Deployment Planning Services as described below. The Dynamics AX Deployment
Planning Services are a consulting Solution provided by Partner.

The Solution described in this Work Order delivers an assessment of the customers existing business processes and choose one or few
processes that can documented using Dynamics Lifecycle Services and be used in planning a deployment. This Solution utilizes
Microsoft tools and technologies to provide the necessary analysis of the customer environment, which may provide a basis for future
design, planning and deployment efforts.

This phase can include during the workshop an overview of Microsoft Dynamics AX according to the readiness and knowledge of the
customer of Dynamics AX. Content will be delivered according to the pre-engagement assessment results.

Gather Pre-Engagement Information

Partner will provide customer with a pre-engagement assessment questionnaire, few days before the engagement is schedule to
start. Partner will require customer to complete and return the questionnaire to us within # days, along with data regarding
existing architectural design deployed at your site.

Partner will analyze the design data provided by customer, as well as your responses to the assessment questionnaire, and respond
with any necessary clarification. If necessary a conference call will be held to close any open issues.

Business Processes Review and Documentation Workshops

Gathering and documenting the customers processes and requirements is an essential activity that is implemented in the Analysis
phase of the Implementation for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The process involves a Requirements Analysis and Process Review and
Documentation Workshop that are conducted with the customers subject-matter experts (SMEs), resulting in the customer
requirements being captured and business processes documented and prioritized using Dynamics Life Cycle Services.

Workshop Name Business Process or Scenario Required SMEs or Location of Number of Duration of
Covered Participants Workshops Workshops Workshop
Requirements Review List content according to
customer needs

Process Review and List content according to

Documentation customer needs

Table 4 Requirements analysis scope

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

Workshop - Deliverables
Business Processes and Requirement Review

The following review activities will be completed during the Requirements and Process Review workshop:

Review business challenges and goals, review business processes and ensure that they can be supported by Microsoft Dynamics
AX. Prioritize the business processes which will be documented, implemented and show case the benefits during this engagement.

Review of the customer-provided and -prioritized list of high-level functional and integration requirements to be supported by the
implementation of Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Review of the customer provided and prioritized list of high-level business processes to be supported by the implementation of
Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Documentation of prioritized one or few business processes flow, using Dynamics Life Cycle Services Business Process Modeler.

Validate additional functional, business and integration requirements to ensure they can be met

Additional information collected during the assessment, as time allowed, might include:

Functional requirements and fit or suitability to Microsoft Dynamics AX

Information about integration and interfaces
Information about data migration
Information about quality and testing
Technical assessment
Infrastructure inventory
Customer pain areas
Infrastructure and non-functional requirements
The Dynamics AX overview Workshop might include Initial demonstration to client:
Demonstrate the out-of-the-box capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Gather basic information about any desired additional functionality for Microsoft Dynamics AX that the customer can
readily identify during the demonstration

Documentation of Findings and Recommendations

Delivery of an Assessment Report highlighting the reviewed processes, critical and non-critical issues identified during the review,
including recommendations and workarounds where possible.
Providing a recorded of the document flow of critical business process

A final Review Findings presentation summarizing the results of the review, its findings and recommendations, and next steps.

Any timelines, dates, and delivery schedules provided here are estimates only, and are subject to change.

5 Days Engagement
The following section will be used for the 5-day engagement, consisting of fit-gap analysis and high level scoping for the prioritized
business processes

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

Prioritized Business Processes High Level Fit Gap Analysis

The objective of Fit-Gap assessment is to determine the degree of fit of the Microsoft Dynamics solution with the Error: Reference
source not found business requirements of the identified business process (or a few), as well as to determine the amount of
configuration and customization required for these processes, and how the system will be used by Error: Reference source not found.
Validation of the level of fit between Error: Reference source not found requirements and Microsoft Dynamics AX
Review of the level of customization and configuration will be required for the identified processes
Identify a potential implementation strategy and its associated Project Phases
Create a fit gap assessment for the identified processes document in LCS

A fit gap Excel report generated by LCS for the documented processes

Scoping Assessment
Based on the analysis done on the first 3 days of the engagement of Error: Reference source not found functional business
requirements, non-functional requirements and proposed solution architecture and fit gap approach, the partner will provide:
A High-Level Costing Worksheet model which will allow what-if analysis about the type of resources used, the impact
on costs and expenses considering where they are sourced, and the impact on costs and expenses of varying the
configuration and customization effort estimates
Development of a High-Level Implementation Plan document which reviews and compares the various implementation options,
summarizes the High-Level Costing Worksheet analysis based on key project activities, resource allocation, and anticipated durations,
and provides suggested high-level project plans and a possible resource plan. Additionally, the Implementation Plan identifies possible
risks to be considered

10 Day Engagement

The following section will be used for the 10-day engagement, consisting of High-Level Solution Architecture Design Review for the
prioritized business processes

This phase will be conducted with Error: Reference source not found staff to provide architectural design review related to a solution,
assessment and recommendation how out of the box capabilities of the solution can meet your requirement and business processes,
high level assessment of customization needed, as well as scoping assessment that will provide the customer with details about the
cost, resources and timeline to complete the recommended solution implementation.

High-Level Solution Architecture Design

This section of the engagement should assess the fit of the solution to the customer requirements; review a suggested solution
architecture design, and prescriptive guidance about technical and functional requirements and infrastructure requirements for a
Microsoft Dynamics AX deployment. The objective of the Solution Architecture Design Review is to show the customer what type of
Microsoft infrastructure is required to support their Microsoft Dynamics AX business system and what it will take to implement the
solution for their processes in their environment.

Based on the analysis of customers requirements and process as well as their current environment the partner will provide
customer with an initial, rough review of the Solution Architecture Design.

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order
Partner will hold a workshop to discuss the suggested architecture and collect customer feedback on the rough draft of the
Architecture Assessment Report and to answer questions.
Based on the workshop partner will deliver a finalized version of the high-level solution architecture design and a final report which
will includes high level description and requirements for Microsoft Dynamics AX architectural recommendations for the identified
Microsoft Dynamics AX architecture recommendations for the identified one or few business processes
Microsoft Dynamics AX server recommendations
Infrastructure design recommendations for the identified one or few business processes
The final report should include high-level implementation plan:

Any timelines, dates, and delivery schedules provided here are estimates only, and are subject to change.

The deliverable to Error: Reference source not found will include:

Several implementation options for consideration

A cost model that allows the client to do what-if analysis on resource allocation and changes in project scope

A benefits analysis comparing and contrasting the two most appropriate implementation options

A summary of the findings built into an implementation plan, giving the client clear guidance on how to move forward

15 Day Engagement
The following section will be used for the 15-day engagement consisting of implementation of Proof of Concept

Note: Make sure you set clear boundaries for the Proof of Concept. You should address the specific scope of the Proof of Concept and
include boundaries and specific scope as it pertains to areas such as number of business processes (1 or few), number of business
requirements, configurations, customizations, time boxed efforts, and so on. It is recommended to define the scope to specific
requirements and associated efforts outlined from the Requirements and Process Review service and the Fit Gap and Solution

The Proof of concept deployment Solution will demonstrate to Error: Reference source not found how they can reduce costs, improve
operational efficiencies, and drive business agility by delivering an integrated Microsoft Dynamics AX Deployment that is built using
industry-leading architectural components and principles.

The Solution described in this Work Order delivers a Proof of Concept using Life Cycle Services Windows Azure-based workspace that
provides a Microsoft hosted online environment for implementing the PoC [partner can recommend an on-premises PoC if the
customers environment is suitable], and demonstrates how a Microsoft Dynamics AX can provide [list the benefit you expect the
customer to gain of the recommended solution and architecture]. This scenario uses a definitive methodology for implementing Microsoft
technology on a limited scale, in order to demonstrate the technical capabilities of the Solution.

For the PoC phase the partner will suggest a subset of the business process to be implemented by the PoC for Microsoft Dynamics AX
offering # business processes [partner should mentioned how many processes and requirements will be covered by the PoC and list which
Configuration of Dynamics AX PoC using LCS Windows Azure hosted environment
This phase of the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX offering begins with the configuration of the working prototype of the
PoC using Microsoft Dynamics AX which is implemented in Windows Azure hosted environment as part of LCS (or at the customer site,
if more suitable for customer). The following steps are executed:

Configuration of Microsoft Dynamics AX to provide high-level support for the business processes that are defined through
discussions with the client

Loading of a characteristic subset of the customer data

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order
Installation of the Microsoft Dynamics AX client on a standalone desktop

Dry run of the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX Offering is conducted with the Project Sponsor to validate that the
Offering addresses the key points that need to be demonstrated with business and IT decision makers.
Feedback from the meeting is incorporated into the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX offering before the formal Proof
of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX presentation to the business and IT decision makers.

Conducting the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX offering presentation

Demonstration of relevant components of Dynamics AX functionality

A walkthrough of the business process flow charts within the scope of the engagement and a discussion of how Dynamics AX
would work within those business processes
A review of the business requirements to determine how they will be addressed in the offering

Prioritization of the processes and requirements identified before and during the workshops

Update of supporting documentation and identify resulting actions

After the presentation about the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX Offering, the following actions should occur so that the
results are mapped back to associated supporting documentation dependent activities:
Make updates to the Solution Architecture and Scoping Analysis for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Document any issues resulting from the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX Offering and identify recommended actions.

Describe action items that were identified as a result of the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX Offering and designate
resources to be responsible for the action item.

Final Report
Review the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX offering reports with your designated Business Project Sponsor and include
feedback where appropriate.
Updated Scoping analysis, Solution Architecture and high-level Implementation Plans and next steps

Results and benefits of the Proof of Concept for Microsoft Dynamics AX Offering.

Service Areas Out of Scope

Using a bulleted list, identify specific areas that are out of scope for this engagement.

Any area that is not explicitly listed as within scope is out of scope for this engagement. The areas that are out of scope for this
engagement include, but are not limited to, the following:

Establishment or deployment of core central services that do not currently exist at the customer environment. Other Service
Offerings are available for this purpose, such as email, networking, and so on.

Custom development for line of business applications

Racking and cabling hardware or servers

Customized virtual machine images

Customization of host deployment

Sourcing or procurement of hardware

Key Service Deliverables

Following is a list of key project service deliverables that will be delivered within this Work Order:

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order
DELIVERABLES THAT cannot be modified, and need to be CHANGED to black.] To record this Offering for purposes of your compensation
plan, you must include at least one of the Project Phases listed in the following table (for example, Envision, Plan, Develop, or Stabilize).

To receive credit for a Project Phase, you must include all deliverables that are identified as mandatory for the Project Phase, each of which
is identified in red text below.

Any deliverables that are not marked as mandatory can be deleted, if appropriate. Be sure to verify whether modifications to the
deliverables listed below require corresponding modifications to the Service Areas within Scope section.

The 3-day engagement will include the following.

Following is a list of key project service deliverables that will be delivered within this Work Order:

Phase Deliverable Name Service Deliverable Description

Assessment Requirement and Process Review This workshop will include a discussion-based assessment of
Workshop requirement and process review and documentation using
Dynamics Life Cycle Services

Final Report Analysis of Requirements This report will include the partner analysis of the information
and Process Review, documentation and gathered during the workshops and will include summary of
Recommendations process documented and their prioritizations and
recommendations for the next phase of Dynamics AX
Implementation in customer environment.

The 5-day engagement will include the following.

Following is a list of key project service deliverables that will be delivered within this Work Order:

Phase Deliverable Name Service Deliverable Description

Solution High Level Architectural Design This workshop will include a discussion-based assessment,
Architecture Workshop architectural discussions and design discussions

The 10-day engagement will include the following.

Following is a list of key project service deliverables that will be delivered within this Work Order:

Phase Deliverable Name Service Deliverable Description

Fit Gap Fit Gap Analysis Partner will deliver assessment to determine the degree of fit of
Analysis the Microsoft Dynamics AX with the customers business
requirements, as well as to determine the amount of
configuration and customization required, and how the system
will be used by customer.

Scoping Assessment A report describing the different implementation options and a

high-level Implementation Plan for moving forward.

The 15-day engagement will include the following.

Following is a list of key project service deliverables that will be delivered within this Work Order:

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order
Phase Deliverable Name Service Deliverable Description
Proof of Microsoft Dynamics AX The PoC will be deployed on a limited scale using LCS Windows Azure hosted
Concept Extended PoC environment where Microsoft Dynamics AX will be implemented in a test
environment (or test environment of the customer), using customer data and
illustrating three or more prioritized business process and requirements
identified in early stages as well as illustrating benefits of the Microsoft
Dynamics AX Offerings

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order

Project Roles and Responsibilities

Role Responsibility
Delivery organization Manage the engagement.
Engagement Manager
Provide delivery organization resources as necessary.

Help resolving engagement issues.

Delivery organization Sign off on project deliverable-specific documents.

Manage and update project plan.
Present the Kickoff Presentation.

Lead the discussions and meetings.

Drive subject content on specific areas of expertise including the actual design.

Prepare documentation.

Prepare and configure the PoC or limited Pilot infrastructure.

Prepare weekly status updates to Microsoft or delivery organization and customer.

Customer Technical Leads Assist delivery organization during discussions and meetings.

Provide input during discussions and meetings.

Assist delivery organization during the Hyper-V Cloud PoC or limited Pilot project.

Assist delivery organization in setting up the PoC or limited Pilot.

Assist delivery organization in validating the PoC or limited Pilot environment.

Have the ultimate responsibility for the project.

Customer Project Sponsor Ensure technical resources are available when needed.

Make key project decisions.

Assign key customer technical lead.

Responsible for review of delivery organization deliverables.

Sign off on scope for project.

Ensure facilities are available as needed.

Resolve critical-path issues in a timely manner.

Sign off on delivery organization documents and change control requests.

Accept and sign off in a timely manner on documents that pertain to the delivery organization
Work Order, and which are critical to the success of the engagement.

Customer Project Manager Sign off on Project deliverable-specific documents.

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

Microsoft Dynamics AX DPS Work Order
Please provide a brief overview of key project roles and responsibilities.

General Customer Responsibilities

Please customize and add or delete sections as appropriate for your engagement.

The following are the responsibility of Error: Reference source not found
Project management and assigning project manager or managers (owners) as needed, to specific technical initiatives.

Overall technical direction for customer IT infrastructure, and how it affects the Solution.

Ensuring availability of any required hardware and software.

Provision of workspace, including desk, phone with internal and external access, network connection, print services, computer
space, and an additional line (analog) for remote access to communicate with internal corporate network or virtual private network
(VPN) access through customers corporate Internet connection.
Provision of access to customers facilities and systems while maintaining appropriate levels of security.

Provision of timely access to people, documentation, and systems as required for successfully implementing and completing this
Provision of clear goals and objectives mapped to customers business and IT strategies. Joint goals and objectives need to be
created and reviewed on a project-by-project basis.
Provision of access to customers management and planners. To be successful, Partner team will need regular access to IT
leadership to be able to provide input on customers strategic business and IT directions as they relate to the use of Microsoft
products and technologies.

In addition to any customer activities identified elsewhere in this Work Order, Error: Reference source not found will perform or provide
the following:

Please describe specific Customer responsibilities.

In performing our services under this work order and any applicable work order, we will rely upon any instructions, authorizations,
approvals, or other information provided to us by your Project Manager or personnel duly designated by your Project Manager.

Project Assumptions
The services, fees, and delivery schedule for this project are based upon the following assumptions:
The availability of your representatives to perform their roles on the project team.

The availability of all the information required for properly envisioning and designing the Solution.

Timely availability of the hardware, software, and physical space for the Solution PoC or production Pilot environment.

Product licenses. Product licenses (Microsoft or non-Microsoft) will not be provided under this work order. Customer is
responsible for acquiring all necessary product licenses required as a result of this work order.

Source code review. Customer will not provide the delivery organization with access to any type of source code information. For any
code, services will be limited to analysis of binary data only, such as a process dump or network monitor trace

Microsoft Dynamics Planning Services

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