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1. Only one connection with earth has been provided for the frame of A B switch. One more
separate and distinct connection with earth should be provided for frame of the A B switch.
2. Only one connection with earth has been providing for the frame of the H G fuse. One more
separate and distinct connection with earth should be provided for the frame of HG fuse.
3. The metal cover of the transformer (top cover) on which the HV and or LV busing are
housed should be looped to earth to avoid any fault current passing through fastening
bolts. I E R -29&5b.
4. The ear thing lead of the HV lighting arrester is not kept separate but it mixed with other
connections. The earthing lead from the HV lighting arrester should not be used for ear
thing any other gear and should be taken to a separate electrodes. IER-92.
5. The GI pipe enclosing the MV circuits on the secondary side of the transformer are not
earthed. This should be earthed .IER-51-1 b & 61 -3.
6. The earth lead from the HV lighting arrestor is taken through GI pipe. The above earth lead
should not pass through any iron steel pipes. IER-29&92.
7. The AB switch handle has not been earthed. The same should be earthed effectively.IER
8. Masonry through are not provided for the earth electrodes. Masonry through should be
provided for the earth eietrodes.IER-29
9. No name board has been provided for the substation. A name board with all particulars
should be providing. IER-29.
10. There is no fuse control on the secondary side of the transformer but only the outgoing
feeders are provided with fuse control. Porcelain fuse unit of adequate capacity should be
provided for the transformer on the secondary side and only from these fuse unit supply to
the outgoing feeders should be tapped.IER 50 1 b.
11. The handle of the AB switch has been fixed at a height of about 4-5 feet’s for easy
operation. IER-29.
12. The UN supported length of jumper in the transformer structure is more than5 feet. The
same should be restricted to a length of 5feet –IER 29.
13. All the open wiring on the secondary side of the transformer should be closed in conduits.
IER 51 1a & b.
14. The secondary control of porcelain fuse carrier is not housed in distribution box. They
should be housed in the distribution box. IER 29.
15. No breather has been provided for the transformer a breather should be provided for the
transformer. IER 29.
16. Some of the fuse units are broken. The broken fuse units should be replaced by fresh unit.
IER 29.
17. The feeders emanating from the secondary fuse control are not provided with separate fuse
unit individually. Further one feeder is tapped from another. There should not be any
tapping in the feeder and the entire emanating feeder should be provided with fuse units’
individually.IER 50 1b.
18. The providing pipe of the AB switch has not been earthed .The same should be earthed
effectively. IER 51 -1b.
19. Earthed called guarding has not been provided at the place where the HV/MV lines are
crossing the road. Suitable earthed cradle guarding should be provided for the road
crossing. IER 91.
20. The metal parts of the DP structure distribution box have rusted badly and requires
repainting. Repainting should be carried out to the above structure and should be
maintained properly. IER 29.
21. All the routine maintenance work on the transformer like testing of transformer oil etc
should be periodically and the result obtained should be recorded up to date in a separate
register.IER 29.
22. The earth electrodes provided should be tested periodically for satisfactory results and
results obtained should be recorded up to date in a separated resgiter.IER 29 & 61 b.
23. The HV jumpers connected on the tension side are to be connected to the slack side or U
loop connection on the line. IER 29.
24. No HV /LA (Lighting arrester) is provided for the protection of the transformer which should
be provided. IER29.
25. The metallic fittings of the insulators, strain dishes are to be looped to earth leads of
structurte.IER 51 -1b.
26. Bushes are not provided for the ends of conduit pipes enclosing MV wires on the secondary
sides. Bushes are to be provides for the ends of conduit pipes. IER 29.
27. The insulated wires on the secondary side of the transformer are deteriorated and they
should be replaced by healthy wire. IER 29.
28. Danger notices has been provided the transformer section. Danger notice is to be provided
for the transformer section. IER 35.
29. Oil leak in the LV bushing of the transformer should be attended.IER29.
30. The position of the HV/LV is to be shifted to the other side so that the clearance between
the live jumper and earthed metal parts should not less than12 inches.IER29.
31. The transformer base channel from ground is less than 7 feet and the clearance to HV live
point from ground is less than 12 feet. The above clearances are to be provided. IER 29.
32. The transformer neutral is provided with only one earthy. The neutral should be provided
with one more earth connection. IER 61-1a.
33. The transformer neutral earth lead is looped with body. The neutral earth leads should be
separated from the transformer body. IER 61 -1a.
34. The transformer body is earthed with signal earth connection. The transformer body should
be provided with two separate and distinct earth location.IER 61 -2
35. The fuses controlling the secondary side of the transformer are mounted on wooden board
which should be replaced by angle iron flat. IER 29.
36. The distribution box in which the secondary fuse control is mounted is not earthed and the
distribution box should be earthed. IER 51 -1b.
37. The metal parts of the open type fuse units are not earthed and the same should be
earthed.IER 51 -1b.
38. The operating handle of AB switch is not locked .It should be locked. IER-29.
39. The air gap setting of the 22KV horn gap fuse units are found abnormal .The air gap setting
should be checked up and set at (10” inch) for 22KV (,8” inch) for11KV operation. IER 29.
40. The HV, OH lines crossing different line. Provided with guarding and the same should be
provided. IER 91 (1).
41. Suitable bimetallic c lamps should be provided at the connection points where the jumper
ACSR conductor copper conductors are connected. IER 29.
42. Fuse unit are provided for the control on the secondary side of the 250 KVA transformer an
of adequate capacity should be provided instead of fuse units.IER 50 -1b.
43. The fencing is not earthed and should be earthed. IER 61.
44. Two number of transformer are controlled and protected by one number AB switch and one
set of HG fuse units .Each transformer should be provided with separate AB switch control
and separate HG fuse protection IER 50 -1a.
45. The ground clearance to the HV /MV live terminals of the transformer is less than 8.5 feet
for the plinth mounted transformer. A minimum ground clearance of 8.5 feet should be
provided to the live points of the transformer.IER 29.
46. GUY insulators are not provided to the stays of the DP structure. Guy insulator should be
provided to the stays of the DP structure at the height not less than 10 feet from the ground
level. IER 90 -2.
47. The earth electrodes are not maintained in good conduction. The earth electrodes should
be filled with a mixture of clay and charcoal powder and watered periodically. IER 29, 69.

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