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Sunday, June 18, 2017, Second Sunday After Pentecost

A Peek At The Sunday Sermon

Here is an excerpt from last weeks NASA press release:

Ten new potentially hazardous asteroids have been discovered in the

past year, along with 96 other newly spotted space rocks in our midst. The
risk is growing that Earth will be hit by an asteroid from a meteor stream
known as the Taurids.

Im fairly confident that we will have a worship service on Sunday and life
(as we know it) will go on! Chances of an earth-ending meteor strike are
remote. However, reading the article did get me to thinking; what if the
scientists are right? What if we are on the brink of a global catastrophe.
What should (or could) we do in preparation for this event?

The sermon title is Live With a Sense of Urgency! The text Im using
is from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 24. If youll read this passage and
prayerfully reflect on the words of Jesus, you will be ready for Worship and
any future, catastrophic event!
Matthew 24:32-35
New Living Translation (NLT)

32Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its
leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. 33 In the same way,
when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right
at the door. 34 I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the

scene until all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will disappear,
but my words will never disappear.

Beginning June 11th (Trinity Sunday) the altar colors are green.

Symbolizes the renewal of vegetation and generally of

lving things and the promise of new life! The colors
on the altar and pulpit will not change until Advent!

Our suggested Scripture reading from the 2017 UCC Church Calendar, is
found in Genesis 18:1-15.

Genesis 18:1-15
A Son Is Promised to Sarah
18 The LORD appeared again to Abraham near the oak grove belonging to Mamre. One day Abraham
was sitting at the entrance to his tent during the hottest part of the day. 2 He looked up and noticed
three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he ran to meet them and welcomed them, bowing
low to the ground.

3 My lord, he said, if it pleases you, stop here

for a while. 4 Rest in the shade of this tree while
water is brought to wash your feet. 5 And since
youve honored your servant with this visit, let
me prepare some food to refresh you before you
continue on your journey. All right, they
said. Do as you have said.

6 So Abraham ran back to the tent and said to

Sarah, Hurry! Get three large measures[ of your
best flour, knead it into dough, and bake some
bread. 7 Then Abraham ran out to the herd and chose a tender calf and gave it to his servant, who
quickly prepared it.8 When the food was ready, Abraham took some yogurt and milk and the roasted
meat, and he served it to the men. As they ate, Abraham waited on them in the shade of the trees.
9 Where is Sarah, your wife? the visitors asked. Shes inside the tent, Abraham replied. 10 Then

one of them said, I will return to you about this time next year, and your wife, Sarah, will have a

Sarah was listening to this conversation from the tent. 11 Abraham and Sarah were both very old by
this time, and Sarah was long past the age of having children. 12 So she laughed silently to herself
and said, How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my master
my husband is also so old? 13 Then the LORD said to Abraham, Why did Sarah laugh? Why
did she say, Can an old woman like me have a baby? 14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will
return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son. 15 Sarah was afraid, so she denied it,
saying, I didnt laugh. But the LORD said, No, you did laugh.

If you havent why not Like Us on

Facebook? Just click on the sign to the left
you will be transported to the Dearborn
Congregational Facebook Page! Maybe you
like to tweet? You can follow Pastor Kren on
Twitter: @william_kren.

The Sunday Sermon

is on YouTube!
Just click on the YouTube
image and you will be taken to
last weeks sermon!

Prayer Requests
Lois Clickner. Recovering from a serious fall.
Rev. Norman Kirsch. Serious medical concerns.
Edith Schwartz. Now home and in hospice care.
Irene Moxon. Serious medical problems.
Marilyn Beardsley. Continuing medical concerns.
Pat Stacho. Continuing medical concerns.
Shirley Fedraw. Medical concerns.
Phyllis Preston. Medical concerns.
Pauline Gourlay. Medical concerns.
David Allen. Medical concerns.
Grant MacKenzie. Continuing medical concerns.
Gail Waggoner. Health issues.
Jane Haling. Health issues.

Beginning June 30 through July 4, 2017,

thousands will be gathering in Baltimore,
Maryland for General Synod 31. Please
be in prayer for those who are
seeking Gods presence and His will
for the future of our denomination.

Something New and Exciting!

Coming to Dearborn Congregational something new and exciting! You
can help the Church and our new fundraiser. Just spread the word about
the DCC Farmers Market starting in July. Consider volunteering for a
few hours on a Saturday that works with your schedule. And, support the
local growers with a purchase!
Helping the Needy
We are now collecting non-perishable food
donations that will be delivered to the Fish &
Loaves food pantry, in Taylor. This organization
was first launched by an ecumenical group of
churches, led by St. Paul United Church of Christ
in Taylor and their Pastor, Rev. Geoff Drutchas.

Fish & Loaves offers needy families and individuals a wide range of canned
goods, refrigerated and frozen foods, dairy products, and seasonal produce
at no cost to clients. Since opening its doors in 2008, the Fish & Loaves
Pantry has assisted more than 9100 households and over 13,000 men,
women, and children. They distribute over two million pounds of food

Blog (noun) A regularly updated website or web page, typically one
run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or
conversational style.

Since arriving at Dearborn Congregational. Ive

been blogging about church work and my life
in the ministry. You can learn more about the
Pastor and how he thinks, by clicking on the
link (picture) to the right!

And Speaking of Blogs..

Im reprinting one of my blog postings from last week just in case you
missed it!
Here Is Why I Love the Pastorate!
During our May 28th Morning Worship Service, Pat Stacho, the President
of Womens Fellowship and the Members of this auxiliary, recognized
Marge Manspeaker for the years (no one is exactly sure how many) she
has served as the Treasurer.

In appreciation for her service, Marge was presented with a bouquet of

flowers and was given a warm tribute from Pat Stacho. I then led our
congregation in a prayer of thanksgiving. We are truly thankful for Marge!
It wasnt until I sat down to write a short
article about Mrs. Manspeaker that it
became apparent to me just how sweet and
humble a person, she is!

Everyone I spoke with had nothing but

praise and kind words for Marge. The
picture painted was one of an individual
who quietly went about her work, unselfishly
volunteered her services, spoke ill of no
one, faithfully supported the church,
exhibited a Christlikeness, and kept her
focus on Jesus regardless of the

Here is some of the information I gathered:

When I think of Greenfield Congregational

Church and, although I do recognize the
name has changed to Dearborn Congregational
Church, in my heart, it will always be Greenfield
I think ofI the
in my heart, it will always be Greenfield think of theOne
people. people. Oneimportant
of those of those
important people that often comes people
to my mind is Marjorie Manspeaker.
that often comes to my mind is Marjorie
I was but 3 or 4 years old when I first was introduced to Greenfield
I was but 3 or 4 years old when I first was
Congregational Church, and I was placed in the toddlers Sunday School
introduced to Greenfield Congregational
classroom taught by Mrs. Manspeaker. Apparently, I liked that Sunday School
Church, and I was placed in the toddlers
class. We sang songs; we played games, we had fun and, the one thing I do
Sunday School classroom taught by Mrs.
vividly remember is that we would snack on Nilla Wafer cookies. Of course, there
Manspeaker. Apparently, I liked that Sunday
are important things that one learns in Sunday School class even a toddler for
School class. We sang songs; we played
instance, we learn about Jesus, and we learn how to pray.
games, we had fun and, the one thing I do
When one turned Kindergarten age, vividly remember
it was time toismove
that from
we would snack on
the Toddlers
classroom, across the hall to the Nilla Wafer cookies.
Kindergarten classroom.OfApparently
course, there so I are
important things that one learns
told I liked Mrs. Manspeakers classroom so much that I cried and kicked and in Sunday
screamed and escaped from theSchool class even
Kindergarten a toddler
classroom for
back to instance, we
the Toddler
classroom. learn about Jesus, and we learn how to pray.

When one turned

Over the years, I always saw Mrs. Manspeaker beingKindergarten
dutifully busy age, it was
at the time
to move from the Toddlers classroom,
Marjorie Manspeaker is one of the reasons that so many things at Greenfield across
the hallFifty-five
Church magically would get done. to the Kindergarten
years and classroom.
she is still always
there! Apparently so I am told I liked Mrs.
Manspeakers classroom so much that I cried
Another members thoughts: and kicked and screamed and escaped from
the Kindergarten classroom back to the Toddler
During the time Marge taught the classroom.
Pre-School Class, her two sons were (at
different times) members of the class. When her one boy graduated to
Kindergarten, he decided he likedOver Momsthe class
I alwaysI saw Mrs. Manspeaker
happened to be in the
hallway when I observed Marge gentlybeing dutifullyher
escorting busy sonat out
the of
Church. Marjorie
her class and back
Manspeaker is one of the reasons
to the Kindergartners. Nothing was said but you knew who was in charge! that so many
things at Greenfield Church magically
Marge is a cat-lover! Doesnt that say get done. Fifty-five years and she is
it all?
still always there!
My good day with Marge was the last time I saw her at Church. Since then Ive
My good day with Marge was the last time I saw
her at Church. Since then Ive been ill and
homebound. But on that day we had lunch
together at the Henry Ford Village her treat.
It was a wonderful time of sharing stories and
enjoying each others company. Marge always
seems to be upbeat. Shes honest and
forthright! And she doesnt chat for the
chattings sake.

Finally, Ive been Marges pastor for three years

and have found her always to be positive, upbeat,
and smiling. When weve discussed the church
and ministry Marge is the most supportive and
Following our Worship Service encouraging person you could want! She quietly
and during the Fellowship Hour, goes about her work, seeking no praise and
we continued our tribute with serving with a humble heart. In 1 Peter 3:8, we are
cake! In all, it was a perfect day. admonished to:

.. be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and
sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.

Marge Manspeaker is living proof that this is possible.

The Buck Stops Here - or - What The Bible Says About

President Harry Trumans famous plaque on his Oval Office desk read,
The Buck Stops Here. In other words, whatever the blame or
responsibility that passed from one person to another, it ended with him!
Similarly, the Bible represents our final authority for knowing Gods will for
our lives. From the Book of Isaiah to St. Pauls Letter to the Colossians
this is going to be an exciting adventure.
Each week - a different topic for study. Are you ready to discover what the
Bible says about the many issues of importance in your life?

See youTuesday, July 11th at 7:00 PM!

Detroit Churches Tour

On Friday, June 23, we take our 6th annual tour of historic
churches. This year, we're heading to southwest Detroit for
two 1-hour tours of St. Francis d'Assisi Catholic Church and
Holy Redeemer Church.

St. Francis dAssisi Holy Redeemer

We will be meeting in our church parking lot at 10 am. From

there, we will carpool (or drive yourself).

The tour of St. Francis is at 10:30 am and the Holy Redeemer

tour at noon. Donations to each church are encouraged - the
amount is up to you.

We will eat lunch together at a Mexican restaurant in the

community afterward.

A HUGE thank you to our Moderator, John Peters for

organizing this event.
Circle the Date!

In preparation for this day of worship, This is the form that we will
distribute so that you can request your favorite hymn(s). Well try
to sing as many of the requests as possible and share a little
history on each song. Watch your Sunday bulletin for additional
information and for the request form.


Pastor Bill

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