Who May Execute A Legacy

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CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY Human Body not a property; cannot be appropriated; it is

a tangible or corporeal being
- considered as an object which may be Organ Donation Act (RA 7170 or An Act Authorizing the
appropriated (Art. 414) Legacy or Donation of All or a Part of a Human Body
- Includes intangible things like rights or credits After Death for Specified Purposes)
Branch of Civil Law which classifies and defines Who may execute a Legacy
the different kinds of appropriated objects Any individual, at least 18 years of age and of
CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY sound mind may give by way of legacy, to take
1. Mobility and Non- Mobility movable effect after his/her death, all or part of his/her
(personal); immovable (real) body for any specified purposes.
2. Ownership public dominion; private Who may execute a Donation
dominion 1. Spouse
3. Alienability within the commerce of man; 2. Son/Daughter
outside the commerce of man 3. Either parent
4. Existence present property (res 4. Brother/Sister
existentes); future property (res futurae) 5. Guardian
5. Materiability or Immateriability tangible Manner of Executing a Legacy
(corporeal); intangible (incorporeal) Will, which becomes effective upon testators
6. Dependence or Importance principal; death without waiting for the probate of the will.
accessory Donation shall be respected by
7. Capability of Substitution fungible; non- 1. Executor
fungible 2. Administrator
8. Nature or Definiteness generic; specific 3. Heirs
9. Whether in the custody of court or free 4. Assign
free property; custodial egis 5. Successors-in-Interest
CHARACTERISTICS OF PROPERTY 6. Al members of the family
a. Utility for satisfaction of moral or economic
wants Interests any right in nature less than title
b. Susceptibility of appropriation Estate totality of interests which a person has from
c. Individuality or substantivity absolute ownership down to naked possession
Thing ______________________________________________
Includes both appropriable and non-appropriable ART. 415. The following are immovable property:
Examples: planets, stars, sun 1) Lands, buildings, roads and constructions of all
CLASSIFICATION OF THINGS: kinds adhered to the soil
1. Res Nullius belonging to one Land: IM even if moved by an extraordinary happening
Reason: things have not yet been or catastrophe; shovelful of land: M since it is no
appropriated or such was abandoned longer adhered to the soil
Wild animals, fishes still swimming in Buildings: IM provided they are more or less of a
the ocean, pebbles lying in the permanent structure, substantially adhering to the
seashore land, and not mere barong-barongs, and provided
2. Res Communes belonging to everyone there is an intent of permanent annexation
Air, wind, light, starlight
3. Res Alicujus belonging to someone 2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are
______________________________________________ attached to the land or formed an integral part of
ART. 414. All things which are or may be the object of an immovable
appropriation are considered either: 1) immovable or real Trees and Plants: RP by nature if they are
property OR 2) movable or personal property spontaneous products of the soil, and by incorporation
if they were planted through labor / / / if detached, they
Importance of Classification of Properties becomes PP except in the case of uprooted timber if
Different provisions of law govern the acquisition, the land is a timber land /// trees blown by a typhoon
possession, disposition, loss and registration of still remains oart of the land upon which they rest and
movables and immovables are still RP
Ownership of real property may be acquired by Growing crops on ones own land: RP by
prescription although there is BF in 30 years; incorporation // BUT, may be a PP if subject to a
whereas acquisition in BF of personal property mortagage
needs only 8 years Growing crops on anothers land: RP // once
Transactions of real property must be recorded in severed, PP na
the Registry of Property to affect 3rd persons
3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed
Mixed or Semi-Movables refers to movable properties manner, in such a way that it cannot be separated
which under certain conditions may be considered therefrom without breaking the material or
immovable by virtue of being attached to an immovable for deterioration of the object
certain specified reasons For the incorporated thing to be considered RP, the
injury or breakage or deterioration in case of
Reclassification act of specifying how agricultural lands separation must be SUBSTANTIAL
shall be utilized for non-agricultural uses Examples: A fixed fire escape stairway firmly
embedded in the walls of a house, an aqueduct or a
Conversion act of changing the current use of a piece of sewer or a well
land of agricultural into some other use, as approved by
DAR 4) Statutes, reliefs, paintings, or other objects for
use or ornamentation, placed in buildings or on
lands by the owner of the immovable in such a
manner that it reveals the intention to attach them Waters itself = PP
permanently to the tenements Canals, rivers, lakes, and other parts of the sea =
Examples: A fixed statue in the garden of a house, a RP
permanent painting on the ceiling, a picture embedded
in the concreted walls of a house, a rug or carpet 9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are
fastened to the floor, as in the case of a wall to wall intended by their nature and object to remain at a
carpeting fixed place on a river, lake or coast
If placed by the owner/agent = RP Floating House: if tied to a shore or bank post and
If placed by the tenant = PP used as residence = RP, considering that the waters
on which it floats are RP
5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or Accessory follows the principal principle applies
implements intended by the owner of the Vessels: PP; if mortgaged, it must be recorded at the
tenement of an industry or works which may be Collector of Customs Port of Entry // they partake to a
carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and certain extent of the nature and conditions of a RP
which tend directly to meet the needs of the said because of their value and importance in the world of
industry or works commerce
a. Placing must be made by the owner of the 10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes and
tenement, his agent or duly authorized legal other real rights over immovable property
representative Rights = RP
b. The industry or works must be carried on in the
building or on the land. ______________________________________________
c. The machines etc., must tend directly to meet the
needs of said industry or work ART. 416. The following things are deemed to be personal
d. The machines must be essential and principal property:
elements in the industry and not merely incidental
(cash registers, typewrites, calculators, 1) Those movables susceptible of appropriation
computes, fax machines usually found and used which are not included in the preceding article
in hotels, restaurants are merely incidental and Fountain pen, piano, animals
should not be considered immobilized by
destination) 2) Real property which by any special provision of
Examples: machineries pf breweries used in the law is considered personalty
manufacture of liquor and soft drinks used in the Growing crops for the purposes of Chattel Mortgage
manufacture of liquor and soft drinks, though movable Law
by nature, are immobilized because they are essential
to said industries 3) Forces of nature which are brought under the
Par. 5 refers to RP by destination or purpose control by science; and
Effect of Separation: If the machine is still in the Electricity, gas, light, nitrogen
building , but is no longer used in the industry
conducted therein, the machine reverts to the 4) In general, all things which can be transported
condition of a chattel. // if it is needed for the industry, from place to place without impairment of the real
but separated temporarily, the property continues to be property to which they are fixed
immovable, inasmuch as par. 5 refers, not to RP by Machinery not attached to the land nor needed for the
incorporation, but to RP by destination or purpose carrying on of an industry conducted therein
Portable radio, laptop, computer, diploma hanging on
6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish the wall
ponds or breeding places of similar nature, in Tests to Determine whether a Property is PP or RP
case their owner has placed them or preserve a. Capable of being carried from place to place
them with the intention to have them permanently (Test by Description)
attached to the land, and forming a permanent b. If such change in location can be made without
part of it; the animals in these places are included injuring the real property to which it may in the
Animals are temporarily outside: RP, as long as the meantime be attached (Test by Description)
intent to return is present c. If the object is not one of those enumerated under
Alienated animal: PP, unless the building or Art. 415 (Test by Exclusion)
tenement is also alienated
Temporary Structure of Cages: PP; birds inside are Other Incorporeal Movable patent, copyright, right to an
also PP invention

7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land Personal Effects include tangible property as applied to
Those still in the barn or ground, but wrapped inside a person and cannot include automobiles, although they are
some newspapers or any other coverings = PP, PP
Reason: they have not been actually used yet or ______________________________________________
spread over the land ART. 417. The following are also considered as personal
8) Mines, quaries and slag dumps, while the matter
therefrom forms part of a bed, and waters wither 1) Obligations and actions which have for their
running or stagnant object movables or demandable sums; and
Mines: including the minerals attached thereto are RP Ex: recovery of a car; promissory notes
// when extracted = PP
Slag Dump: dirt and soil taken from a mine and piled 2) Shares of stock of agricultural, commercial and
upon the surface of the ground. Inside the dump, industrial entities, although they may have real
minerals can be found estates
Waters under Par. 8: those which are still attached to All shares in all juridical persons should be considered
or running through the soil or ground as PP for there is no reason to discriminate between
shares in a corporation and shares in other juridical Patrimonial Property: State property which is not
persons devoted for public service, public use or the
Shares of Stocks: peculiar kind of PP which can only development of national wealth
exist or be enforced where the corporation is organized Examples: friar lands, San Lazaro estate, properties
and has its place of business and can exist only as an obtained by the State through escheat proceedings
incident to and connected with the corporation, and (no legal heir of a decedent is existing); or those
this class of property is inseparable from the domicile inherited by or donated to the government; a
of the corporation itself municipal-owned waterworks system
Money: a LEGAL TENDER, not a Merchandise; PP // ______________________________________________
If it is taken out of domestic circulation, it may now be ART. 422. Property of public dominion, when no longer
considered as M or commodity, subject to forfeiture intended for public use or for public service, shall form part
______________________________________________ of the patrimonial property of the State.
ART. 418: Movable property is either consumable or non- ______________________________________________
consummable. To the first class belong those movable ART. 423. The property of provinces, cities and
which cannot be used in a manner appropriate to their municipalities is divided into property for public use and
nature without their being consumed; to the second class patrimonial property.
belong all the others.
______________________________________________ Reclaimed Lands: these are the result if the
ART. 419. Property is either of public dominion or of private intervention of man just like in the extraction of mineral
ownership resources
______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
ART. 420. The following things are of public dominion: ART. 424. Property for public use, in the provinces, cities
1) Those intended for public use, such as roads, and municipalities consist of the provincial roads, city
canals, rivers, torrents, ports, and bridges streets, municipal streets, the squares, fountains, public
constructed by the State, banks, shores, waters, promenades, and public works for public service
roadsteads, and others of similar character; paid for by said provinces, cities or municipalities
2) Those which belong to the State, without being
for public use, and are intended for some public All other property possessed by any of them is patrimonial
service or for the development of the national and shall be governed by this Code, without prejudice to the
wealth provisions of the special laws.
Public Dominion: ownership by the State in which the ART. 425. Property of private ownership, besides the
latter has control and administration; ownership by the patrimonial property of the State, provinces, cities and
public in general municipalities, consists of all property belonging to private
Kinds of Public Dominion: persons, either individually or collectively.
1. For public use ______________________________________________
2. For public service ART. 426. Whenever by provision of the law, or an
3. For the development of national wealth individual declaration, the expression immovable things or
And others of similar characters: public streams, property or movable things or property, is used, it shall be
natural beds of rivers, river channels, waters of rivers, deemed to include, respectively, the things enumerated un
creeks Chapter 1 and in Chapter 2.
Creek: a recess or arm extending from a river and
participating in the ebb and flow of the sea Whenever the word muebles or furnitures is used alone,
Shore: space alternately covered and uncovered by it shall bit be deemed to include money, credits, commercial
the movement of the tide securities, stocks, and bonds, jewelry, scientific or artistic
Foreshore Lands: the riparian or littoral owner has collections, books, medals, arms, clothing, horses, or
preferential rights over the foreshore area // to qualify carriages and their accessories, grains, liquids and
as a FL, it must be shown that the land lies between merchandise, or other things which do not have as their
the high and low water marks and is alternately wet principal object the furnishing or ornamenting of a building,
and dry according to the flow of the tide except where from the context of the law, or the individual
Torrent: amount of water which in case of heavy rains declaration, the contrary clearly appears.
gather in deep places or canals where it is supposed
to flow afterwards
Rivers: if non-navigable = not PD // if navigable = PD
Characteristics of a PD
1. Outside the commerce of man, and cannot be
leased, donated, sold, or be the object of a
2. Cannot be acquired through prescription no
matter how long the possession of the property
has been
3. They cannot be registered under LRA and be the
subject of a torrens title
4. Cannot be levied upon by execution nor can be
5. Can be used by everybody
Can be either RP or PP
ART. 421. All other property of the State, which is not of the
character stated in the preceding article, is patrimonial
TITLE II: OWNERSHIP vendor, vendee or other person of any land
or building is being unlawfully withheld after
ART. 427. Ownership may be exercised over things or the expiration or termination of the right to
rights. hold possession, by virtue of any contract,
express or implied // refusal to vacate must
Ownership: is the independent and general right of a be unlawful // demand is needed // 1 yr
person to control a thing particularly in his possession, prescriptive period from the day
enjoyment, disposition, and recovery, subject to no possession becomes unlawful
restrictions except those imposed by the State or
private persons, without prejudice to the provisions of If there is a fixed period for the lease
law termination = lease ends automatically
Kinds of Ownership without demand
1. Full Ownership dominium or jus in re propia
It includes all rights of the owner If there reason is non-fulfillment of the
2. Naked Ownership nuda proprietas conditions = 1yr period is counted from the
This is ownership where the right to the use and date of the demand to vacate
the fruits have been denied
2. Accion Publiciana plenary action to recover
NO + Usufruct = FO better right of possession // 10 year PP // Issue is
U = FO-NO possession de jure
3. Sole Ownership ownership is vested to only - Action to rescind contract in fraud of creditors is
one person AP
4. Co-Ownership ownership is vested to 2 or
more persons Kinds:
______________________________________________ a. Entry was not obtained through FISTS =
ART. 428. The owner has the right to enjoy and dispose of can be brought as soon as possible without
a thing, without other limitations than those established by waiting for the lapse of 1 year // failure to
law. make state that deprivation was caused by
FISTS would make the action not one of FE
The owner has also a right of action against the holder and but AP
possessor of the thing in order to recover it. b. Where the 1 yr period for bringing FE or UD
has already expired
Rights of the Owner: enjoy, dispose, recover
Right to Enjoy: possess, use, right to the fruits 3. Accion Reivindicatoria action to recover
Right to Dispose: consume or destroy or abuse, ownership over real property
encumber or alienate
It may be brought within 10 or 30 years as the
Rights of the Owner under the Roman Law
case may be depending on whether the other
1. Jus Possidendi right to possess // right to
party seeks to obtain ownership by ordinary or
hold a thing or to enjoy a right
extraordinary prescription
2. Jus Utendi right to use // includes the right
to exclude any person from the enjoyment
4. Writ of Preliminary Injunction may be availed
and disposal thereof
of in the original case of forcible entry, and during
3. Jus Fruendi right to fruits // right to the 3
the appeal, in the case of unlawful detainer
kinds of fruits: natural, civil, industrial
4. Jus Abutendi right to consume, transform
5. Writ of Possession an order directing the
or abuse //
sheriff to place a successful registrant under the
5. Jus Dispodendi right to dispose // includes
Torrens System in possession if the property
the right to donate, sell, pledge or mortgage
covered by a decree in court
6. Jus Vindicandi right to recover

Actions to Recover


Provisional remedy where the complainant
prays for the recovery of the possession of
a PP
Applicant must give a bond, double the
amount of the value of the property

1. Forcible Entry or Unlawful Detainer (Accion

Forcible Entry summary action to recover

material or physical possession of RP when
a person originally in possession was
deprived thereof by force, intimidation,
strategy, threat or stealth // 1 yr
prescriptive period from the day of the

Unlawful Detainer action that must be

brought when possession by a landlord,

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