Hanley Castle Parish Council

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Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday, 18th May 2017
following the Parish Meeting at Hanley Swan Village Hall, starting at 21:05.

Present: Councillors: Sue Roberts (Chairman), Bob Lamb, John Taverner, Alex Walker,
Wendy Roberts-Powell, Sarah Darwent, Sue Adeney & Alison Bolton

Apologies: Peter Goodyear & Marjorie Nelson (PPW), DCllr Mike Morgan, Graham
Holmes (Playing Field Warden)

In Attendance: Mrs Rebecca Abunassar (clerk), DCllr Andrea Morgan, Gigi Field
(Pond Warden) Tony Atkinson (Village Hall Representative) 1

61/17 Election of Chairman 2017/18 Cllr Roberts asked if there were any
nominations for Chairman of the Parish Council. Cllr Walker nominated Cllr Roberts
who was seconded by Cllr Bolton and carried by all. Cllr Roberts signed the
Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked the Council for its support.

62/17 Welcome: The Chairman welcomed all present to the Annual Meeting of the
Parish Council. She accepted the apologies submitted to the Clerk.

63/17 Declarations of Interest & Dispensation Requests from Councillors

a) Register of Interests: Councillors were reminded that they should have updated
their register of interests and sent them to the Monitoring Officer at MHDC.
b) To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their
nature: None Declared
c) To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature:
None Declared
d) To consider and agree all requests from Councillors for the Council to Grant a
Dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) None Received

64/17 Election of Vice Chairman 2017/16 - Cllr Roberts asked if there were any
volunteers or nominations for the role of Vice Chairman. She proposed Cllr Taverner,
Cllr Roberts-Powell seconded the proposal and all others were in favour.

65/17 Election of Representatives The roles were discussed and the election of
representatives were:

Staffing Committee Cllrs Taverner, Roberts-Powell & Darwent

Environmental Working Group Cllrs Adeney, Taverner & Darwent
Worcestershire CALC Cllrs Roberts & Taverner
Village Hall Committee - Tony Atkinson
Bus Passenger/Transport Representative - Cllr Adeney
Lead Finance Member Cllr Taverner
Lead Neighbourhood Plan Member Cllr Lamb
Business Liasion Member Cllr Taverner
Upton Library Representative Cllr Roberts
Speeding/Traffic Committee Cllrs Darwent, Taverner & Adeney
Phone Box Working Group Cllrs Bolton & Walker
Planning Focused Member Cllr Darwent

Closure of the meeting to allow parishioners present to speak on any matters
relating to the Parish. No comments were made as discussions had taken place at
the earlier meeting.

66/17 Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th April 2017 had been
previously circulated and the minutes were approved and signed.

67/17 Matters Arising & Progress Reports not Listed elsewhere on the
Min 98c/15: Speed Check on Welland Road & Min 88b/16: The issues around the Pond,
Coverfield & the Green: It had been confirmed earlier by Gerry Brienza that the knee
rails for the pond had arrived and he was waiting for the workman to be able to install
them. Cllr Adeney asked that he was contacted and it was confirmed that Mr Fullee had
passed on his notes to Mr Brienza so that he would have knowledge of where they were
to be installed. It was agreed that Cllrs Adeney & Roberts would meet on site with
Highways and with the pond warden to ensure that they were located in the correct
ACTION: The Clerk to contact Mr Brienza with regard to the knee rails and
their location and Mr Fulles handover notes.
Min 124/16: Royal British Legion Subsidence Claim The Clerk had informed the
Insurance Company that the Parish Council did not want to cut down the oak trees and
had asked what the next step would be following this decision. They had responded to
say that they would be placing an order to request that the work was undertaken and
that the Parish Council might be held negligible if they did not undertake the work. The
insurance company would have to apply to MHDC. The Clerk suggested contacting the
Parish Councils own insurance company to seek their advice.
ACTION: The Clerk to continue to liaise with both Insurers.
MIN 129e/16: APP/E1855/X/16/3147848 - Waste Incinerator, Hangmans Lane, Hanley
Castle. Cllr Lamb had been in contact with Mr Styles who assured that the site had been
fenced. Cllr Darwent confirmed that fencing had been installed around the building so it
was an improvement. Cllr Darwent offered to regularly check the site to ensure the
fence remains in place. Mr Styles had informed Cllr Lamb that he had looked at the NHP
suggestion that the site was used for light industrial activity but he had been advised
that there was not a need for that type of use in that area. Therefore he was pursuing
its use as an incinerator and was in discussions with two companies. He said that he
was willing to meet with the Parish Council to discuss its future and Cllr Lamb agreed to
arrange a meeting with him and when a date was known if Cllrs Roberts, Taverner or
Walker were available one or two of them would also attend.
Mr Styles had also asked whether the retired Councillor Mr Harcombe had declared his
interest in the site at Parish Council meetings. Cllr Roberts confirmed that he had and
that he read out a statement detailing his interests prior to any discussions and did not
take part in any voting or discussions related to the site other than updating the Council
on action that he was taking as an individual and not as a Parish Councillor.
ACTION : Cllr Lamb to arrange a meeting with Mr Style; the Clerk to check
back through the old minutes to reassure that a declaration of interest was
made by Cllr Harcombe prior to any business regarding the site being
Min 151a/16: BT Phone Box Adoption The Clerk had received the contract back from
BT and was awaiting details of it decommissioning. Cllr Walker and Bolton had not
managed to meet with the Andrea (the parishioner who will look after the box) but they
hoped to meet up shortly to come up with ideas for use.
ACTION: Cllr Alex Walker and Cllr Alison Bolton to meet with Andrea (resident
who will look after the Box) to discuss options Books/Tourist

68/17 Finance:
a) Payment of Accounts: Members approved the payments of accounts as in the
presented schedule in Appendix 1.
b) Notification of receipts received: None Received
c) Q4 Report/End of year Finances & External Audit Declarations - Report received at
the Parish Meeting. The Governance statement was read out and completed
accordingly. A meeting was to be arranged with the Internal Auditor for June.

69/17 Planning:
a) To Consider the following applications referred by MHDC for consultation:

Location Proposal
Hanley Castle High School,
Replacement of existing pitched roof coverings and local
17/00304/LB Church End, Hanley Castle,
timber repairs.
Worcester, WR8 0BL
No Objections raised
Demolition of one dwelling and outbuildings. Erection of five
Shalimar, Welland Road,
dwellings with garages and formation of private drive and
17/00112/FUL Hanley Swan,
turning head.
Worcestershire, WR8 0DA
Whilst the Parish Council commended the reduction in the number of 4 bedroomed properties but they would
still prefer the application to have all as 3 bedroomed properties as a demand for this type of housing was
evident from the emerging neighbourhood plan rather than larger executive properties. The previous
comment regarding access/road were confirmed.
Land rear of Chapmans
Outline application for 20 houses and 4 apartments with all
17/00382/OUT Orchard, Hanley Swan,
matters reserved except for access
Worcester, WR8 0AN
The Parish Council raised concern that this application was for 24 homes. The land had been allocated 20
houses within the SWDP and 4 were already under construction. Councillors were concerned with the
application as it stands as they feel it should be for 16 properties. The main concern was that the increased
number of properties would lead to additional traffic within an area that has speeding and other issues being
investigated by Safer Roads Partnership, the Police, the County Council and the Parish Council. They
commended the retention of the view of the Malvern Hills and the mix of the housing with 40% affordable
considered good. However, they raised concerns over the drainage of the site and its potential to flood the
neighbouring school and requested that this be addressed.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to MHDC planning and pass onto DCllr A Morgan

b) To consider under the Scheme of Delegation any Planning Applications received

between the publication of the agenda and the Meeting:

17/00290/LB Associated Ref:17/00289/HP 27 Church End, Hanley Castle,

Extension and Internal alterations to create new ground floor wet room with level
access, new glazed openings either side of the chimney. No objections were raised to
this application but Cllr Lamb requested more time to review the documents.
ACTION: Cllr Lamb to provide his comments to the Clerk on reviewing the

c) Details of Decision Notices Received to-date: -

Location Proposal Status
Mere End Cabin, Little
17/00620/NMA Merebrook, Hanley Swan, Construction of 2 log cabins for holiday use. Refused
Worcester, WR8 0EH
Erection of single storey study extension to side
7 Westmere, Hanley Swan,
17/00138/HP elevation and small cloakroom extension to front Approved
Worcester, WR8 0DG
elevation and single storey rear extension
Brick infill panels on the two gable ends to be
27 Church End, Hanley replace with oak lath, lime plaster and sheep's
17/00109/LBC Castle, Worcestershire,WR8 wool. Pentice boards to be installed on the north Approved
0BL east gable. Removal of an internal stud wall in
sitting room to reveal a timber framed wall
Cygnet Lodge, Worcester Construction of detached double garage and
17/00167/HP Approved
Road, Hanley Swan, workshop with store over.

d) Details of enforcement action: None

e) Details of Appeal Notices Received to-date: None

70/17 Highway Matters

a) Works for the Lengthsman - Cllr Taverner reported that the VAS had a problem and
it was suspected that it had been hit by an object and asked the Clerk to contact SWARCO.
Reports: The safety surface at the Holloway still needed replacing; requests had been
made in the past but nothing had happened.
ACTION : The Clerk to write and request resurfacing & Contact SWARCO re the
Work by Tara, Roberts End - It was agreed to order 4 plastic posts to prevent vehicle
erosion. Cllr Darwent had reported it via the Hub as a drainage issue and was awaiting a
ACTION: The Clerk to order the plastic posts & Cllr Taverner to establish the
time frame for works to be carried out by the Lengthsman.
b) Gilberts End The surface appeared to have been swept but the Councillors were not
happy with this solution as it did not solve the issue of the poor workmanship and the
deterioration of the road surface.
ACTION: Clerk to speak to Gerry Brienza.
c) Bowling Green to Church End The footpath was in a very poor state and it was
asked that it should be reported again and the number of school children who use the
route should be stressed. Cllr Walker to provide photos of the potholes.
ACTION: The Clerk to speak to Gerry Brienza at Highways and Cllr Walker to
provide photos of the potholes

71/17 District & County Councillors Reports

a. District Cllr Morgan: Report received in the Parish Meeting
b. County Cllr Tom Wells: Member not present.

72/17 Report of the:

a. Parish Paths & Tree Warden Report received in the Parish Meeting
b. Playing Field Warden (Graham Holmes) Report received in the Parish Meeting. The
acquiring of the Kickboard was still ongoing.
ACTION: Cllr Roberts to investigate if it could be built locally.
c. Local Police - Report received in the Parish Meeting
73/17 Environmental Matters
Report of the Environmental Working Group: No Update

74/17 Neighbourhood Development Plan Cllr Bob Lamb advised that the
consultation period had opened and would run until the 12th June; it was open to
residents and statutory bodies. The documents were available on the Hanleys website
as well as the County Council Myparish website. He had received a lovely email from a
visitor who had seen the consultation notices and he read the email out.

75/17 Correspondence
a) Three Counties Tickets The draw had been made and winners notified. Cllr
Roberts-Powell passed a list of winners to the Clerk. The list would be placed on the
noticeboard at the Village Hall.
b) Projects to be referenced in Contributions from planning application 17/00382/OUT
(approx. 66,000). Jo Cross email was discussed and unfortunately the restrictions
from the public open spaces criteria meant the projects relating to the speed and traffic
calming initiatives could not be considered. As suggestions were needed imminently the
NHP would be referred to and the creation of a cycle route from Hanley Swan to the
High School would be put forward along with the purchase of a community wood.
ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Jo Cross
c) Rural Communities Programme Claire Vaughans email (SA & SD)
Cllrs Darwent & Adeney were happy to be involved in the Rural Communities
ACTION: The Clerk to email Claire Vaughan with their details.
d) Safe Guarding at the High School Cllr Roberts had received a letter from Sarah
Anderson-Kirby who was the Lead Safeguarding Officer at Hanley Castle High School.
Cllr Roberts read the letter out; it advised that the school would be closing access for
the public to the Glebe during school hours to ensure their safe guarding duties were
met. The public footpath at the bottom of the Glebe would not be closed but people
would not be allowed to walk elsewhere on the field. An issue was raised over a few
properites that had access to their homes at the side of the Glebe and Cllr Roberts said
that she had suggested that the school talk direct to them.

76/17 Topics raised by Councillors, Committees, Clerk & Parishioners

a) Cllr Darwent asked if an Action Log could be created to assist with ensuring
actions are identified and dealt with.
ACTION: The Clerk to produce an action log in the days that follow each

77/17 Councillors reports and items for future agenda: Review of Standing
Orders & Welcome Pack

60/17 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting: 15th June 2017

Signed Date: 15th June 2017


Appendix 1: Schedule of Payments & Receipts 18th May 2017

Payment of Accounts: The under mentioned accounts were approved:

1494 BT Kiosk Adoption 1.00

New Farm Ground
1495 Maintenance May Cuts 693.60

1496 Rebecca Abunassar April & May Clerk Duties 820.00

1497 Ocen Blue Graphics NHDP Banner 133.20
1498 Sue Adeney NHDP Advert 58.86
TOTAL 1706.66

Signed Date: 15th June 2017



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