Fibonacci Golden Section

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Introduction to Culture Technology presentation



Golden Mask

Golden ratio of CT

Who is she?
 Fibonacci
 Golden section
 The relationship between Fibonacci and
Golden section
 What makes something stable?
 In culture industry
 Movie
 Design
 In Nature
 Conclusion
 Leonardo Fibonacci (1170 ~ 1250)
 Italian Mathematician (man)
 “The most talented mathematician of the Middle Ages”

 Best known for

 Book of Calculation, the Liber Abaci
 introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals to Europe
 Fibonacci sequence
 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, etc
 Golden ratio
 the closer two consecutive numbers divided by each other.
(1 : 1.618 or 0.618 : 1)
Fibonacci numbers

 A sequence of numbers named after

Leonardo of Pisa
 Liber Abaci
 Formula (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…..)
Fibonacci Spiral

 Fibonacci spiral

 Rectangle -> spiral -> turban shell

Use of Fibonacci

 Fibonacci searching
 Faster than binary search
 Fibonacci heap
 Fibonacci primes
Use of Fibonacci

Golden Ratio

approximately 1.6180339887…
Something between ‘them’

 rectangles with Golden Ratio

Something between ‘them’

 rectangles with Fibonacci

Something between ‘them’

 similar aren’t they

Something between ‘them’
division quiz solutions
F(1) ÷F(0) 1÷1=1
F(2) ÷F(1) 2÷1=2
F(3) ÷F(2) 3 ÷ 2 = 1.5
F(4) ÷F(3) 5 ÷ 3 = 1.666 …
F(17) ÷F(16) 2584 ÷ 1597 = 1.6180 …
F(18) ÷F(17) 4181 ÷ 2584 = 1.6180 …
F(19) ÷F(18) 6765 ÷ 4181 = 1.6180 …
Something between ‘them’

 Actually,

is equal to the Golden Ratio

I mean,
we are very pretty much likely to get
the Golden Ratio (nearly)
by the division of
two succeeding Fibonacci numbers large enough
… like F(161803) / F(161802)
Movie & Photography
of ‚Fibonacci and Golden section‛
Golden Ratio and Photography
Golden Ratio and Motion Picture
Art & Architecture
of ‚Fibonacci and Golden section‛

 Industrial Design
 Architecture
 Painting
Golden section in Industrial design

Golden Section Coffee Table BY LAUREL HOOVER

* The golden rectangle
* Fibonacci Spiral
Golden section in Industrial design
* German furniture style
in 19th century
Golden section in Industrial design
Golden section in Architecture
* ancient Egypt ‘s
Golden section in Architecture
* Acropolis, Athens.
Golden section in Painting

Leonardo's unfinished canvas Saint Jerome

Golden section in Painting

Mona Lisa by Da Vinci

Golden section in Painting

Michelangelo's Holy Family

Golden section in Painting

This self-portrait by Rembrandt (1606-1669)

Golden section in Painting
Georges Seurat.
Bathers at Asnières. 1883-84
‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

let’s find them

‘them’ in the Nature

5 leaves / 3 turn

8 leaves / 5 turn
‘them’ in the Nature

Why they take the Golden Ratio?

Good to maximize density
Good to maximize exposure to the sun
Fibonacci is a good integer approximation to
the Golden Ratio
Break the Golden Ratio
Break the Golden Ratio

 Does everything have to be stable?

 What if they do not follow the Golden ratio?

 Something that has creativity in art and

culture does not always looks stable

 Not stable art which means free and random

has possibility to attract someone’s attention
How do we have to think?

 Absolute Beauty?
 New Media?
 Digital aesthetics?
Think Digital !!!
Thank you.

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