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Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461

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Tide-factor anomalies from observations of well level in the Sichuan Province

prior to the great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008
Chenglong Liu a,b,c , Guangcai Wang b,c, , Zheming Shi b , Yinju Xu b , Huina Fang b , Jinwei Wang b
Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100029, China
MOE Key Laboratory of Groundwater Circulation and Evolution, School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We systematically calculated the tide-factors of M2 and O1 waves of the earth tide using water level data
Received 3 August 2011 from 16 wells in the Sichuan Province acquired 2 years prior to the great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008.
Received in revised form 16 July 2012 Our purpose was to extract anomalies in the tide-factors and analyze their variations in time and space.
Accepted 23 September 2012
The results indicate that these anomalies are related to the Wenchuan quake of 2008. The numbers of
Available online 2 October 2012
wells that exhibited anomalies of the O1 wave tide-factor increased gradually as time approached the
occurrence of the quake. These anomalies were distributed in space in a discontinuous manner. In terms of
such signals, it is possible to exclude the interferences from other factors such as rainfall and exploitation
Water level
to some extent when we attempt to use anomalous well level variations to predict future earthquakes.
Great Wenchuan earthquake 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction from mainland China (Yan, 2009a; Yang et al., 2008). A number
of researchers have suggested that water level anomalies occurred
Anomalous variations of groundwater level have been reported before this event at the following wells in the Sichuan Province:
to appear prior to earthquakes (e.g., Chia et al., 2008; King et al., Beichuan, Pujiang 11, Xiaojin Chuan 07, Deyang Chuan 08, Luzhou
2006). Such anomalies are, however, usually very complicated Chuan 13 and Qionglai Chuan 22 (Cheng et al., 2011; Lan and Chi,
because of the effects of rainfall, atmosphere, solid tide and arti- 2010; Liu et al., 2011; Yan, 2009b). Most of these studies focused on
cial interference (Kmpel, 1991; Matsumoto et al., 2003; Woith dynamic changes in water level. Because of the interference from
et al., 2011). Some researchers regard solid tide as contributing to rainfall, water exploitation and other factors, the correct method
noise in water level data and make corrections to it (Cutillo and for the evaluation of these anomalies is controversial.
Ge, 2006; Reoloffs et al., 2003). Several studies analyzed the rela- This work attempts to study the tidal effects of micro dynamic
tionship between tidal changes derived from well water levels and variations in the water level. We systemically analyzed the vari-
earthquakes and found that anomalies of tidal variations seemed to ations of tidal-factors of M2 and O1 waves in the water levels of
occur in the well levels prior to some quakes (Igarashi and Wakita, 16 wells in the Sichuan Province in the 2 years prior to the 2008
1991; Zhu et al., 1997). The tidal effects in the well water level are Wenchuan event. Our purpose is to extract anomalies of the tidal-
primarily the responses to the volumetric strain of the aquifer in the factors and analyze their variations in time and space, migration
subsurface, which are usually not subjected to interference by rain- in space and its relation to the fault. The major goal is to exam-
fall, discharge and other factors. Therefore, to some extent, we can ine whether observable tidal anomalies, represented by minute
study tide anomalies from well level observations prior to earth- changes in the well water level, exist prior to large earthquakes.
quakes without the inuence of these sources of noise (Akita and
Matsumoto, 2004; Li and Jiao, 2001; Riedel et al., 2010; Taniguchi, 2. Seismotectonic setting
There are several studies on the coseismic responses to the On 12 May 2008, the M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake (with epi-
great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 using well water level data center geographic coordinates of 30.986 N, 103.364 E) struck
Wenchuan, Beichuan, and Qingchuan Counties, Sichuan Province,
China. The earthquake event took place beneath the steep east-
Corresponding author at: MOE Key Laboratory of Groundwater Circulation and
ern margin of the Tibetan plateau, a tectonically active region with
Evolution, School of Water Resources & Environment, China University of Geo-
frequent major quakes that occur on active faults. The earthquake
sciences, Beijing 100083, China. generated 240 km rupture zones along the Longmenshan fault, with
E-mail addresses:, (G. Wang). a maximum displacement of 6.5 0.5 m (Xu et al., 2009). The event

0264-3707/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Liu et al. / Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461 55

Fig. 1. Map showing the locations of the wells for water level observations in the Sichuan Province.

ruptured the Longmenshan. Reverse and right-slip components The study area is located in the Sichuan Province of China,
were of comparable magnitude along the southwestern portion of which has a geographic coordinate of 97109 E, 2535 N. The
the rupture, but right-slips dominated the northeastern portion. study area includes the Sichuan Basin and the eastern Tibetan
This event occurred within the context of a long-term uplift and plateau. Rocks exposed in the Sichuan Basin are mainly of Cre-
eastward enlargement of the Tibetan plateau, which is hampered taceous and, locally, of Jurassic age. Eocene rocks are folded and
by the rigid Sichuan Basin in the east. Such a context in geodynam- exposed in active anticlines that form ridges in the southwestern
ics is associated with the far-eld effect of the IndiaAsia collision part of the basin and are unconformably overlain by Pleistocene
(Burchel et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2008). conglomerates and sandstone. Between the folds, Eocene and
56 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461

Quaternary strata are generally subhorizontal. Quaternary strata 4. Extraction of tide-factor anomalies
are present only in the southwestern part of the Sichuan Basin,
southwest of the Longchuan anticline. These strata are typically The groundwater level in a closely conned aquifer can change
<100 m thick and are ponded behind the rising anticlines (Burchel even if the deformation in the crust is small (Bodvarsson, 1970). The
et al., 2008). Longmenshan fault, which is the seismogenic fault of response sensitivity of water level changes to the crust deforma-
the great Wenchuan quake, marks the tectonic contact between tion is called strain sensitivity. Water level changes caused by the
the low-elevation Sichuan Basin to the east and the high-elevation earths tides are usually known as tide-factor, which is calculated as
eastern Tibetan plateau to the west (Burchel et al., 1995). Global the ratio between the measured amplitude of water level changes
positioning system (GPS) measurements indicate that shorten- (caused by the earths tide) and the theoretical gravity tidal ampli-
ing across the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau appears to tude. The value of the tide-factor does not change much when the
have been relatively minor (<3 mm/year) (Zhang et al., 2004). stressstrain eld is steady. Thus, we can detect the stressstrain
In addition to the Longmenshan thrust belt, other active faults anomalies by analyzing the tide-factor. In this paper, we use the
in the study area include the Xianshuihe and Anninghe faults. T Tide program to obtain the tide-factor (Pawlowicz et al., 2002).
The northwest-striking Xianshuihe fault is a sinistral strike-slip We have chosen well water level data from the 2 years prior to
fault that dates from at least the Quaternary period (Allen et al., and post the Wenchuan event, i.e., from 0:00 h on 1 May 2006 to
1991). The Xianshuihe fault accommodates a left-lateral strike- 23:00 h on 31 December 2008. Before conducting the tidal analysis
slip motion related to the clockwise rotation around the Eastern (Woith et al., 2011), we rst imputed the missing data using the
Himalayan Syntaxis, and geodetic studies indicate a cumulative triple spline interpolation method and then removed the inuence
displacement rate of 10 mm/year relative to the South China of barometric pressure from the raw data using a regression analy-
Block (Larson et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2004). The northsouth sis (Nathanial and Todd, 2007; Quilty and Roeloffs, 1991). We used
trending Anninghe fault is also a sinistral strike-slip fault sit- the hourly water level data of each well to conduct harmonic anal-
uated along the southwest edge of the Yangtze craton. Due to yses in order to calculate one tide-factor from a dataset of 30 days.
the complex tectonic setting and active deformation, the study The subsequent sliding of this dataset backward by 2 days yields a
region also shows the highest level of seismicity in mainland China new tide-factor. This procedure was repeated until 31 December
(Li et al., 2009). Considering the past century as an example, an 2008. The effects of barometric pressure uctuations on the water
M7.3 event occurred at Diexi in August 1933 (Kan et al., 1977), levels of the conned wells were further removed
and an M7.2 doublet event occurred at Songpan in August 1976 This process began on 1 December 2006 for well 5-Zk1, 9 May
(Molnar and Deng, 1984), both located only approximately 100 km 2007 for well Beichuan, and 1 December 2007 for well Lugu lake.
northwest of the Longmenshan fault system. Recent studies have The purpose of choosing a time span of 2 years was to extract
shown that the minimum recurrence rate of a major earthquake is intermediate- and short-term anomalies. We calculated the tide-
every 23003000 years, while the recurrence interval may be only factors of two primary subwaves, i.e., the semi-diurnal wave (M2
10001200 years for the Beichuan-Yingxiu fault (Lin et al., 2010; wave) and diurnal wave (O1 wave) of the Moon. Next, we com-
Ran et al., 2010). puted their average values (), variance and standard deviations
(). In terms of these values, we determined the baseline as two
standard deviations (2) above the average value ( 2). The
deviations exceeding this line were viewed as anomalies. Taking
3. Observation wells the Chuan 02 well as an example, the average tidal-factor value
of M2 was 1.55; the upper and lower limits were 2.05 and 1.05,
Two years before the Wenchuan quake, the underground water respectively. As shown in Fig. 2, the values of M2 were abnormal
levels of 16 wells were under observation. The locations of these in April, May and June of 2008. The value of O1 was also abnormal
wells are shown in Fig. 1. The descriptions of these wells are listed during the same periods (Fig. 2). Similar methods have been used
in Table 1. for data processing for all of the other wells. The occurrence times
Most of the observational wells are situated on the NE- of tide-factor anomalies from M2 waves and O1 waves at each well
trending Longmenshan and Huayingshan faults and the NS-striking are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
Anninghe fault. The distance of the wells to the epicenter of the
2008 Wenchuan M8.0 event ranges between 70 km (Chuan 22 at
Qinglai) and 530 km (Chuan 06 and Chuan 18 at Huili) (see Table 1). 5. Temporalspatial distribution of tide-factor anomalies
All of the wells penetrated the aquifers and were cased and
screened in order to monitor the groundwater in the conned Fig. 3 shows the temporary distribution of the number of wells
aquifers. There are two types of wells, artesian and non-artesian bearing M2 and O1 wave tide-factor anomalies from June 2006 to
wells. The well water level in the artesian wells (in which water December 2008.
can freely ow out of the well) is referred to as the dynamic level, Fig. 3 shows that the total numbers of wells with M2 and O1 wave
while the well water level in the non-artesian wells is termed the tide-factor anomalies in May 2008 were seven and ten, respec-
static level. All dynamic and static well water levels were continu- tively. Among these wells, the numbers of wells before and after
ously recorded by an LN-3A digital instrument, with an accuracy of the M8.0 earthquake event with M2 wave anomalies were one and
1 mm and sampling frequency of 1 min. LN-3A digital instruments six (12 May 2008), respectively. There were ve wells with O1 wave
have been widely used to record the water level in the China Seis- anomalies before and after the earthquake event.
mic Subsurface Fluids Observation Network. The instrument has a As shown in Fig. 3, in August 2006, prior to the M8.0 Wenchuan
resolution of 1 mm, a stability of 0.25% FS/half year, and a measur- earthquake, M2 wave tide-factor anomalies appeared in four wells,
ing range of 10 m. The instruments (probes) were usually placed at which is the most that has been seen. The next was July 2006 with
a depth of several meters below the water tables, depending on the three wells. In the rest of time prior to the event, for 7 months two
historical water level uctuation. For water level measurements in wells had anomalies, for 8 months one well had an anomaly, and
the artesian wells, a special pipe was installed at the well mouths for other 7 months, no anomalies occurred in any well.
to lengthen the wells, and a lateral outlet was set up in the lower For the O1 wave, in April 2008, prior to the Wenchuan earth-
part of the pipe, so that the water level could be measured as in the quake, six wells appeared with tide-factor anomalies, which was
non-artesian wells. the highest number of anomalous wells observed concurrently,
Table 1
Descriptions of observation wells in the Sichuan Province.

Well name Geographical Level type Geological setting Water Water Well depth Casing depth Permeability Aquifer lithology Distance (km)
location temperature ( C) chemical type (m/d) type

Chuan 2 Wajiao, Dynamic Xianshuihe fault 3841 HCO3 K + Na 501.17 25.97 Fissured conned 210
Shimian water in granite
Chuan 3 Taihe, Xichang Static middle Anninghe 20 HCO3 Na 765.60 105 0.01030.345 Fissured conned 360
fault water in granite
Chuan 5 Renhe Dynamic Yalongjiang fault 24 Cl Na 200.06 19.54 0.14 Fissured conned 520
water in granite
Chuan 6 Huili Static intersection of 20 HCO3 K + NaMg 600.26 14.90 0.0135 Fissured conned 530
Mopanshan-Xigeda water in
fault and Ninghui sedimentary rock

C. Liu et al. / Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461

Chuan 7 Xiaojin Static near top of Jintang 15 HCO3 MgCa 100.53 15.82 0.177 Fissured conned 90
arc-like structure water in sandstone
Chuan 8 Deyang Dynamic southeast of Cl Na 3072.00 1937.03 Fissured conned 110
Longmenshan fault water in sandstone
Chuan 10 Jiangyou Static southeast of 4076.50 4075.20 Fissured conned 160
Longmenshan fault water in sandstone
Chuan 11 Pujiang Static Longmenshan fault 1688.50 108.34 Fissured conned 80
water in sandstone
Chuan 12 Nanxi Static Huayingshan fault 20 Cl K + Na 105.54 6.10 0.41 Fissured conned 270
water in sandstone
Chuan 13 Luzhou Static Huayingshan fault 21 HCO3 K + NaCa 300.60 6 0.62 Fissured conned 310
water in sandstone
Chuan 18 Huili Static intersection of 20 HCO3 K + Na 523.28 10 0.1457 Fissured conne 530
Mopanshan-Xigeda water
fault and Ninghui
Chuan 20 Chengguan, Dynamic north section of 20 HCO3 CaMg 400.14 79.34 Fissured conned 220
Shimian Anninghe fault water in granite
Chuan 22 Qionglai Static ank of 19 HCO3 NaCa 175.78 18.5 Fissured conned 70
Sanhechang water in sandstone
5-ZK1 Static middle section of 24 HCO3 NaMg 760 Unknown 360
Anninghe fault
Beichuan Beichuan Static Longmenshan fault 101.14 39 Fissured conned 140
Lugu lake Lugu lake Static HCO3 NaCa 200.07 74.12 0.135 Fissured conned 430

Note: Distance is from a well to the epicenter of the 2008 Wenchuan M8.0 event; level type: the dynamic indicates that the water table is higher than the ground surface, and water can automatically ow out of the well; static
indicates that the water table is lower than the ground surface, and water cannot freely ow out of the well.

58 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461

Fig. 2. Changes in M2 and O1 with anomalies in the Chuan 02 well.

accounting for 40% of the total number of observational wells. The six wells each with M2 wave anomalies in 1331 May and June
next highest occurred in March and 111 May of 2008, where of 2008; the numbers of wells with O1 wave anomalies were ve
ve wells had anomalies, representing 33% of the total. During and six in 1331 May and June of 2008, respectively. Eventually,
5 months, i.e., October 2006, May and June of 2007 and February the numbers of wells with anomalies decreased gradually. As the
and May of 2008, anomalies occurred in two wells. For 2 months, tide-factor was closely related to the properties of aquifer materials
two wells exhibited anomalies, and for 7 months, only one well (Elkhoury et al., 2006; Rhoads and Robinson, 1979), the evolution
exhibited an anomaly. No anomaly was present in the 4 months of the above anomalies may suggest that aquifer materials suffer
period. changes from the processes of development and the occurrence of
The M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake occurred on 12 May 2008. The earthquakes.
number of the wells that exhibited anomalies of the tide-factor Table 4 and Fig. 4 show the occurrence times of O1 wave tide-
(especially that of the O1 wave) increased gradually as the time factor anomalies in relation to faults. The May 2008 data were
approached the occurrence of the quake. The numbers of wells with truncated on the 11th of the month, the day on which the large
O1 wave anomalies were three, ve, six, and ve in February, March, event occurred. The data collected after this date were excluded
April and 111 May of 2008, respectively, forming the peak of well from the analysis.
anomalies during the 2 years. The numbers of wells with anoma- As stated previously, most of the observational wells were
lies remained high for 2 months following the event. There were located on faults. Tide-factor anomalies were primarily present at

Table 2
Occurrence times of M2 wave tide-factor anomalies in wells.

Well JuneDecember 2006 JanuaryDecember 2007 JanuaryDecember 2008

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chuan 02
Chuan 03
Chuan 05
Chuan 06
Chuan 07
Chuan 08
Chuan 10
Chuan 11
Chuan 12
Chuan 13
Chuan 18
Chuan 20
Chuan 22
Lugu lake

Total 2 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 2 1 2 7 6 2 2 4 2 1 2

Note: denotes no data; means anomaly, blank indicates with data but no anomaly; total, total number of wells with anomaly.
C. Liu et al. / Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461 59

Table 3
Occurrence times of O1 wave tide-factor anomalies in wells.

Well JuneDecember 2006 JanuaryDecember 2007 JanuaryDecember 2008

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chuan 02
Chuan 03
Chuan 05
Chuan 06
Chuan 07
Chuan 08
Chuan 10
Chuan 11
Chuan 12
Chuan 13
Chuan 18
Chuan 20
Chuan 22
Lugu lake

Total 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 5 6 10 6 1 3 3 2 0 1

Note: denotes no data; means anomaly, blank indicates with data but no anomaly; total, total number of wells with anomaly.


number of wells with anomalies

anomaly of m2 wave
anomaly of o1 wave

06-06 06-08 06-1 0 06-1 2 07-02 07-04 07-06 07-08 07-1 0 07-1 2 08-02 08-04 08-06 08-08 08-1 0 08-1 2
time (year/month)

Fig. 3. Number of wells with anomalies of M2 and O1 waves versus times (year/month) (e.g., 0606 = June 2006).

the NE trending Longmenshan and Huayingshan faults as well as 6. Mechanism of tide-factor anomalies
the NS striking Anninghe fault. The anomalies appeared earlier on
the Huayingshan fault and were notable and faint, without a trend The tidal force refers to the difference between the gravitational
toward enhancement. The latest but strongest anomalies occurred force of the Moon, Sun or another planet on a unit mass body on
on the Anninghe fault, were roughly continuous, and were the the earth and that on a unit mass at the earths center. The tidal
largest in amount and proportion of all anomalous wells. On the force also refers to the composite force of the inertial centrifugal
Longmenshan fault, tide-factor anomalies were also rather conspic- force caused by the Earths motion around the mass center of the
uous, particularly for January to April 2008, less than 5 months prior EarthMoon (Sun) system and the gravitational force of the Moon
to the Wenchuan event. This probably implies that changes in the (Sun). Such tidal forces can generate periodic deformations of solid
stress state of the Longmenshan fault led to variations in volumet- earth, known as solid tide.
ric strain, which further altered the porosity of the rocks, resulting The response of the groundwater level to solid tide is known
in anomalies of tide-factors derived from well level observations. as the tidal effect, which can be derived from observations of well

Table 4
Occurrence times of O1 wave tide-factor anomalies in relation to faults.

Fault 2006 2007 2008 N

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4

Longmenshan 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 6
Anninghe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 4 6
Zemuhe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Huayingshan 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2

Note: N, number of observation wells.

60 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461

Fig. 4. The numbers of abnormal wells of O1 wave changes with time in different faults.

water levels. Mechanistically, the tidal force can produce a bulk of stress. For example, when the aquifer is subjected to extension,
dilation of the aquifer, leading to a change in the well water level. the porosity n becomes larger, volumetric strain increases and the
For an idealized model of the aquifer system, which is innite tide-factor becomes smaller. On the contrary, as the aquifer is com-
in extent and consists of a porous, permeable material, a dilatation pressed, the porosity decreases, volumetric strain decreases and the
of the aquifer will cause a change in water level within the well. tide-factor increases. In summary, tide-factor changes can reect
The change in pore pressure results from the dilatation of the variations of the stress state of an aquifer. Therefore, it is likely
aquifer and can be expressed as (Rhoads and Robinson, 1979): that the variations in the temporalspatial distribution of the tide-
factor derived from well water level data presented previously are

dp =   (1) indicative of changes in the stressstrain in the aquifer during the
((1 n)/Em ) + (n/Ew ) development and occurrence of the earthquake. After the earth-
where dp is the change of pore pressure in the aquifer,  is the quake, the number of tide-factor anomalies gradually decreased.
dilation of the aquifer, n is the porosity of the aquifer, and Em and
Ew are the bulk modulus of the rock matrix and water in the aquifer. 7. Discussion
Eq. (1) can be rewritten as:
(1) There are only a few previous studies concerning the appli-
g cation of tide-factor of well water level for the prediction of
dp = (2)
Ss earthquakes. There are no studies of stress state change using
where migration of the tide-factor anomalies in space. This work is an
 (1 n) n
 attempt to address these gaps.
Ss = g + (3) (2) Certain factors, such as rainfall and articial exploitation, can
Em Ew
produce considerable variations in the well water level. How-
and Ss is the specic storage of the aquifer,  is water density, and ever, these interferences have no signicant effect on the
g is gravity acceleration. tide-factor of the well water level. Furthermore, the inuence of
Thus, the relationship between the water level change and the meteorological factors such as barometric pressure is mainly on
aquifer dilation can be written as: the tidal constitutes of K1 and S2 waves (Hsieh et al., 1987; Liao
 et al., 2011). After the barometric pressure effects are removed,
dh = (4) the anomalies of the tide-factor, derived from the well water
level data, can be utilized to detect possible precursory signals
where dh is the water level change in the aquifer. According to the associated with major quakes.
denition of tide-factor, the expression equation of the tide-factor (3) The results of this study indicate that the tide-factor of the pri-
can be written as: mary component, the M2 wave, did not exhibit any evident
dh 1 1 anomalies before the Wenchuan M8.0 event of 2008. However,
= = =
 Ss g[((1 n)/Em ) + (n/Ew )] the tide-factor anomalies of the O1 wave seemed to become
relatively concentrated as time approached the occurrence of
Em Ew
= (5) the event. The mechanistic basis of this event requires further
g [Ew + n(Em Ew )] study.
According to Eq. (5), when the water density and gravity accelera-
tion are constant, the tide-factor is a function of the bulk modulus 8. Conclusions
Em of solid grains and bulk modulus Ew of uids. For a specic
aquifer, Em and Ew are considered to be constant. Thus, the tide- This study attempts to use the tide-factor anomalies derived
factor reects the change in the porosity n of the aquifer. Variations from observations of well water level. This effort is based on the
of n are the result of volumetric strains, which represent the effects following theory: when an aquifer is stressed, its ssures will be
C. Liu et al. / Journal of Geodynamics 63 (2013) 5461 61

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