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GD Topics

1-Asian Paints-"Consistency is a virtue of fools. Great men are pools of contradictions. Discuss."
2-Marico-1 page case based
3-Novartis-"Marketing vs. quality, which is needed for profitability?"
4-Times Group-Watch an ad and discuss which company that ad could probably refer to

Vedanta - GST boon or bane?

J and J --> ethical dilema

1. Airtel Genman- Case given related to revenues from various sources like data, voice, VAS. Problem: how to maximize ARPU
2. Reliance Genman: case was given and we needed to come up with the marketing strategy of a fuel retailer
3. UB: Promoting the company's product vs responsible drinking
4. Novartis: Technology is destroying human imagination
5. Times group: An ad was shown and we had to determine a probable brand whose ad it could be
6. Samsung: Should river water sharing be done or not
7. P&G BRM: Case related to high employee turnover and how to tackle it
8. Coca Cola: Group activity to make marketing strategy of men's heels
9. ITC: Case on how to rank the people responsible for a patient's death
10. Wipro: case on marketing strategy of a perfume brand
11. J&J: Clues were given to all and we had to solve 3 problems based on those clues
12. HUL: are indian MBAs overhyped

1 - Samsung - Trump vs Hillary

2 - United breweries' - Trump vs Hillary
3 - ITC - Case based GD on Leadership and Decision Making
4 - DBS - Rules are meant to be broken
5 - Airtel SCM - Case based GD on whether to hire consultant for Network Mangement, Customer Service, IT Services
6 - Mythra - Business Case
7 - CK Birla - Measures to be taken to reduce traffic on Bangalore roads
8 - Microsoft SMSG - Case based GD on office 365 selling for SMEs
9 - Times Group - TV Commercial based GD
10 - HUL S&M - Are CSR Activities for TAX Paying companies a burden?

1- Asian Paints IT - There are no good or bad soldiers, there are only good or bad generals.
2- UB- Smog in Delhi
3- Saint Gobain- Smart ideas for smart cities
4- ABI- Product(beer) launch
5- Marico- Case on whether to give a salesman his preferred location
6-Samsung- Trump vs Hilary
7- Airtel Fin- Balance sheet/ratios

1 - Airtel Finance - Case based GD

2 - Samsung - Should Cauvery water be shared between Karnataka & TN
3 - CK Birla - Peer pressure: Beneficial or harmful
4 - M&M - Indian strategic foreign policies towards Pak & China
5 - Saint Gobains - Effect of demonetization of 500 & 1000 Rs notes
6 - Shopclues - As company CEOs decide whether to invest in e-scooters or not
7 - Microland - Concept of digital cities

1-Uber Marketing-How should Uber communicate to riders that surge pricing is for the benefit of the riders?
2-KPMG(S&O)-Should India replicate the system similar to US presidential debates
3- HUL- Is the mandate on CSR by Indian government justified?
4-Wipro global- Getting India 50 gold medals in the olympics 2020(rule- you are supposed to oppose the point of the person w
5-Asian paints- Consistency is the attribute of fools, great men prefer contradiction
6-CK birla- Evaluate Modi government's report card
7-Vedanta group- Who is responsible for women's safety - herself, family,society or government?
8- J&J - a word puzzle was given with each participant given 7 pieces of the puzzle. Three questions were asked based on the p
9-Coca cola- Two groups of 10 people each. Each group as a fairness product company was asked to launch a tanning product.
10-Times group- An ad was shown on a laptop to 10 participants, then they were asked to discuss the ad, determine the prodc
11-AB InBev- Everyone was asked introductions, followed by random questions such as your biggest achievement, biggest drea

1. - Mahindra - Will Patanjali sustain its success

2. - Dr. Reddy's - Case-let ( Gave some facts current situation, Asked to divide to teams of manuf, SCM, Marketing etc and decid
3.Wipro100 - will success come to people who are busy not looking for it (in this GD, one has to disagree with the Point made b
4. ABG - Case let for 10 min & GD for 10min
5. Wipro Consumer Care - Case let. Gave 4 products, facts, current market share and want to diversify from current image of on
6. Vedanta - Abstract topic -
7. Saint Gobain - Abstract topic - Discuss US Elections
8. CK Birla - Abstract Topic -
9. AB InBev - Case based - divided to 3 groups, assigned roles and gave constraints on Market saturation, Demographics, Govt r
10. J&J IRDP - Case based - Ethical Dilemma. One employee comes forward(in drunk stage) and tell that because of his manage

1.Times group -showed an ad.had to discuss its communication,target audience,key message,tone and identify the brand
2.Asian paints IT -security lies in structure,challenge lies in chaos
3.Samsung -changing role of Indian media
4.Mondelz -case on 2 companies;where will you invest
5.Marico -case on increasing the face wash's awareness in the semiurban and rural areas
6.HUL-mba in India is overrated and it's not imparting managerial skills
7.hccb-the world needs trump
8.itc-case on who will u choose as the leader,given 5 options
9.Airtel SCM-case;decide on 3 parameters on the basis of which Airtel can decide whether to outsource their network services
10.UB-influence of big data on sales and marketing
11.KPMG DA-start-up evaluation:science or an art?
12.synergy consulting -case on the construction of mumbai-pune expressway;why international players didn't bid?

1 - Visa - How can technology (a new IT product) be used to curb the problem of black money? Discuss the issue, the main reas
2 - Mahindra and Mahindra - You are the representatives of the US citizens and have been assigned the task to prepare a list of
3 - RPG - Decide your topic (5 mins discussion on this). Then GD on the decided topic for 20 mins.
4 - HUL IT - Case based. Somewhat on the lines of whether the support of an IT system of a pharma company be in-house or ou
5 - Wipro Consumer Care - A new product (ready to drink energy drink) is to be launched. Do STP and also suggest packaging si
6 - Times Group - Showed a 1 min video. Gave 2 mins to think. Then 10 mins to discuss. The idea was to find out what the bran
7 - Alshaya - Which according to you is the biggest retailing brand in India?
8 - Reliance Industries - Case based. A petro refining company with 5% share in retailing wants to increase its market share in r
9 - Wipro Global - I have never learnt anything from a person who has always agreed with me. (Note - A very different format. E

1. ITC- Ethical dilemma, your airplane has crashed in a jungle, and you are 6 survivors, you have sent a SOS signal, but you are n
2. Novartis- Educated Indians lack national commitment.
3. Asian Paints- There are no good or bad soldiers, only good or bad generals.
4. HCCB- Hillary vs Trump and impact on Indian economy.
5. Saint Gobain- Smart ways to smart cities.
6. Reliance Genman- Case analysis about new petrol services provider competitor and ways to counter the same.
7. Airtel Finance- Case analysis about launching telecom services in India, Bangladesh and Africa and attractiveness of markets
8. Times group- Gave an advertisement, and task was to discuss it in detail and guess the brand. The brand given was Nissan.
9. Samsung- Banning of Pakistani actors due to terror attacks-your views.
10. M&M- Chairman GD with variety of topics on entertainment like selection of actors for a movie, economics like fighting infl

1. UB- Clinton vs Trump ' impact of Indian Economy'

2. Airtel SCM- Case based discussion of outsourcing projects
3. Asian Paints- The world is a stage
4. AB inBev- HR questions with task of deciding company strategy in various scenarios

1-kpmg-how to valuate a start up

2-jnj-ethical dilemma with four choices

1. St. Gobain - Is the banning of Rs 500/1000 notes a right step towards eradication of black money?
2. Novartis - Swacch Bharat, how to improve it, improve the impact which has been lagging of late
3. Asian Paints IT - (two topics) a. Do you think that the world we live in is a correct representation of the reality? b. (follow up)
4. P&G IT - Gave some case, how to design a new website that stores data of customers, and gives tailor made personalized ser

1-St. Gobain - China Pakistan Economic Corridor

2-DBS - Beauty and Brain don't go together
3-Alshaya - What is the future of retail? Online or Offline
4-Asian Paints - Fear is the mother of Morality
5-Vedanta - The protection of girls' is whose duty? Govt, Society, Family or Herself?
6-Samsung - Uniform Civil Code

1-Uber Operations-How will you ensure that Uber increases its profitability by reducing the amount spent in buying drivers and
2-Vedanta-Girl's safety, who's responsibility? Herself, society, family or government?
3-RPG Group - Financial Inclusion
4-Dr.Reddy's Fin - Case on improving the capacity utilization of manufacturing plants.
5-J&J IRDP-Cae onethical dilemma in handling a drug which is causing deaths due to improper dosage.
6-HUL IT-Case on implementing a new platform to replace existing platform with tight deadlines. Team should convince the sal study..for aquisition of 1 firm out of 5
2. J& strategy for a medicine which is life saving for childrens but kills infants in case of overdose
3. RPG...renewable enrgy
4. strategy for beer when legal regulations are at is not saturated and overall demographics

1. Times Group - Abstract video where we had to come up with brand or company name
2. Microsoft SMSG - Case GD where we had to make a marketing strategy to sell office 365 and our major competitor is Google
3. Airtel Genman - Case where they had given ARPU and other voice, data revenues for a quarter and we had to analyze how to
4. RPG - Should surrogacy be made legal
5. United Breweries - Smog effects in Delhi and how to cope up with the effects
6. AB inBev - Activity where each group member was assigned a role and we had to come up with strategy to sell our new beer
7. DBS - Digitization whether a concept or fad
8. JnJ - Simulation game
9. Vedanta - Apple good technology or status quo

1- Alshaya - Let sleeping dogs lie

2-Microsoft IDC - add any AI Based feature to any Office 365 App

1-Microsoft-Suggest two features to maximize Edge browsers market share

2-Visa-how can technology help achieve financial inclusion

1-HUL-Should CSR be mandatory for Tax paying companies

2-Uber marketing - As a service Uber should focus on one of the following i)more product options (Bike, chopper etc) ii) more c
3- Visa- Technology should be enabler for financial inclusion in India

1-RPG-Are GDs an effective way to gauge a student.

2-Vedanta-Are India going soft on insurgency by Pakistan
3-J&J-Case(A life saving drug if ODed leads to death. Some incidents of the same are reported. What recommendations would

Target segment for a green coffee

1-Reliance-a firm has setup the infrastructure for their 5G services and want to penetrate the rural school markets using digita
2-Samsung-Uniform Civil Code
3-P&G-attrition in an organization and how will you solve it in a short time frame.
4-Mahindra-There were several case scenarios to choose from across various sectors and each scenario had eight characters;
5-ABG-to select the best choice of company from a given list for an acquisition into a sector of interest, which in this case was
6-CK Birla-whether Facebook is good or evil
7-Alshaya-Should social network data influence recruitment?
8-Airtel-relaunch strategy of an already existing deodorant brand
9-J&J-Each of us were given few clue cards and a common problem statement
10-Saint Gobain-Smart ways for smart cities
11-HUL-MBA in India just a degree and no skill
12-TAS-It was a chairman style GD with separate cases for each member of the group.
13-Times Group - Advertisement based discussion
14- Microsoft - Market penetration strategy for office 360 products in the Indian startup and medium scale industries
1. KPMG(DA)- Is corporate governance helping only promoters or all stakeholders
2. Vedanta- Is the e-commerce in India a bubble burst?

1-Times group Given a video advertisement, we need to find out product name after discussing the following points: commun
2-Microsoft IDC-Develop any personal assistant tool for Indian market- individual task, 10 mins thinking and then the moderato
3-Airtel Genman- Given a case, discuss the solution to improve profits of Airtel
4-United Breweries- The dilemma of increasing the market share and aiming social responsible drinking
5-Samsung-India Pakistan situation, is banning artists from Pakistan a good idea?
6-Mondelez IT- Given a case, discuss the solution
7-CK Birla- Global warming is a myth
8-Marico- Given a case, discuss the solution
9-Vedanta- Is film marketing the real reason behind film success
10-Coca cola- 12 members, divided into teams of 6 each, given the problem statement in ppt, come up with the new product a
11-AB In Bev 9 members, divided into 2 teams (4 and 5) and given the situation, come up with new drink and marketing strat
12-DBS- Let the sleeping dogs lie
13-Wipro- given a statement, u have to agree that statement and disagree to the logic given by the person before u spoke, our
14- HUL IT - Given a case, discuss the solution
15-Saint Gobain The denomination of 500/1000 rupees notes to fight terrorism, corruption and black money, is it a good idea

1-Visa- How can technology play a role in financial inclusion ?

2- Microsoft IDC- Suggest some new feature in EDGE browser to increase its usage. Candidates were called in groups but judge
3- P and G (IT) - case based GD (case based on digital marketing strategy: options provided were a) social media b) developing
4- ABG - Case based GD ( case based on investing in one of the 5 companies, details of which were provided, it was a 2 page ca
5- RPG group - Candidates were asked to choose a GD topic of their own.
6- HUL(IT) - Case based GD ( case regarding going for a project or not given time constraints and impact on customers and how
7- J&J(IRDP) - Ethical Dilemma case based ( case regarding taking one of probable 4 actions <actions suggested were like involv
8- Saint Gobain - What should be the strategy adopted by India in order to ensure minimum 5 Gold Medals in Olympics 2019 ?

1-Microsoft IDC- How to use AI in Office 365 to improve user experience

2-Wipro Global 100 - Euthanasia is assisted suicide
3-United Breweries - Smog effect in Delhi

1-Samsung-Trump vs Clinton
2-M&M-Is GD the right way to choose candidates
3-HUL-Which indian state would you remove from India

1- Times Group - Video ad given: Discuss the tone, key message, communication message and other visual/sound effects and r
2 - Microsoft GSMO
3 - United Breweries - Dilemma of marketing: Increase market share or aim for socially responsible drinking
4 - Samsung - Changing Role of Indian Media
5 - Reliance - 1 page Case based: a) To come up with a marketing plan for a novel fabric made out of recycled PET bottles - one
b) How to increase reach of future 5G/6G services in Assamese population
6 - Airtel
7 - ABG - Activity 1: Group discussion and come to a consensus regarding which apparel brand to be acquired among 5 choices
Activity 2: Group activity - SPlit into 2 groups: asked to come up with some marketing plan - product mix, price and selling pitc
8 - ITC - Situation based: Flight crashed with 7 survivors in a jungle: Pilot, Botanist, Aristrocrat polo lover, Hunter, self made bus
9 - AbInbev - R1: 30 sec intro with follow up questions
R2: 1 minute answer to a question by them + follow up ( eg: Biggest risk you have taken so far, Biggest achievement, dream you
R3: 2 groups of 5 take on roles of VP people, VP commercial, VP Legal, CEO and Observer. Decide on marketing plan and pricing
10 - RPG - Topic of our choice: Social Media: Boon or Bane?
11 - Mahindra & MAhindra - You are political experts panel at the USA where you are to present pitfalls of Donald Trump and H
12 - Wipro Global - Given quote: " I have never in my life learned anything from anyone who agreed with me" - All need to agre
13 - CK Birla - There is more intellect than emotion in today's times
14 - HUL Sales and Marketing - Should social development & CSR be a responsibility of tax paying corporation
15. TAS - Chairman GD with 8 mini cases
16. DBS - Digital: Concept or Fad?
17. Johnson & Johnson - Solve a puzzle, clues given to 8 people, discuss and come up with answers for 3 questions ( something
18. Alshaya - Online Shopping is better than offline shopping ( 20 mins)

1. Airtel finance-given profit margins of different countries, what should be Airtel's strategy (where to expand or divest or do n
2. Samsung- is a ban on Chinese food beneficial for India?
3. Abinbev- given the environment in 3 places (legal, demographics etc) come up with an alcoholic beverage for the market and
4. India times group- shown an ad, figure out what is this ad about.
5. Wipro consumer care- given info about a premium perfume brand, what should the brand do in order to complete with low

Reliance Industries - They gave us a case that involved something a company that had set up 5G/6G and wanted to use Digital M

1-Airtel-Case based GD- realted to how to increase revenue

2-M&M-Trump vs Hilary
3-Mondelez-have launched a face wash its revenue in cities is high but in tier 2 xities it is not being sold, formulate strategy

1) Airtel Finance - Case Study on the selection of parameters to allow the company prioritising its operations in 3 countries bas
2) Times Group: Ad analysis of an old TNT channel "Press the button for Action" Ad. Discussion to be done on the basis of para
3) Samsung: Based on Current Affairs ( Don't remember exact topic)
4) HCCB: Trump is the President the world needs
5) Wipro Consumer Care: Case based GD regarding some company in the FMCG business with respect to their performance in
6) HUL: If you HAD to remove one state from India, which one would it be?
7) CK Birla: How to tackle the traffic problems in Bangalore
8) M&M: Is the growth of Patanjali sustainable in the long run ( be prepared to substantiate your argument with hard facts)
9) TAS: Chairman GD
10) UB: How to increase the company's market share keeping in mind the social consequences and impact.
11) Airtel SCM: Case based GD
12) Synergy Consultants: Case Based GD
13) ITC: Case based GD Shipwreck type
14) Mondelez: Case Based GD: Prioritization between 2 investment opportunities
15) Mytrah: Considering the present scenario, should the company focus on developing manufacturing capabilities or continue

1. Saint Gobain- Hillary Clinton vs Trump

2. Microsoft IDC- Develop some idea related to AI like converting text on photos(in any language) to words and then translate t
3. Ckb - Modi Government's report card
4. Alshaya - Online retail will take over offline retail in coming future
5. RIL - Case based- How to expand petrol pumps/ petrol retail chain in India
6. Times Group: Advertisement of GE (unknown to the participants) was shown and asked to comment on context, tone, comp
7. Kpmg - Ban on Ndtv for one day
8. Some company - Indo china commercial corridor through POK

<To increase the sales of electric stove in rural areas where ppl like the stove but have issues with the size of the burner>

1-Reliance - (Case Based) Your company is launching 5g technology. As a part of Digital India initiative, discuss measures to incr
2-Synergy Consulting - (Case Based) XYZ country is facing power crisis and has recently discovered oil reserves which they can h
3-Alshaya - Should the top 100 richest people of the world uplift the people living below poverty line?
4-Vedanta - (Random topics from the internet) Is marketing team role important for the success of a movie?
5-Microsoft - (Case Discussion) Suggest a feature that could be embedded into the web browser such that it may be useful for

How to evaluate a startup?, Should surrogacy be legalized?

1. UB- dilemma of marketing for a beer company to increase market share

2.Airtel Fin- financial planning for airtel using cash flow statements
3. CK Birla- Modijis report card
4. DBS - Trump- good or bad
5. Alshaya- which is the best retail brand in India

1.KPMG- is PM vision to make in India a dream or reality ?

2.C K Birla- is money the best motivation factor

Hilary vs Cliton, increasing marketshare of beer, case study to choose which business to invest in, should Pakistani actors be ba

1- Alshaya - Indian's biggest retail chain

2- Samsung - Uniform Civil Code
3- Novartis - Marketing vs Quality product
4- UB Group - Hillary vs Trump
5- Asian Paints IT - The world we live in is different for all..

1.-CK Birla Group-Is globalised world a dangerous world?

2.-Vedanta-Is movie marketing the real reason behind the success of a movie?
3.-Mahindra GMC-Is Patanjali a sustainable brand?
4.-M H Alshaya-Should capital punishment be abolished?

1. RPG - Surrogacy should be legalized

2. Saint Gobain - Smart ways for Smart cities
3. Vedanta - Should our national sport be changed to Cricket
4. J&J - Ethics Case

1 - RPG Group - Asked to choose among ourselves, so choose Financial Inclusion in India
2 - J & J - Case based
3 - DBS - Rules are meant to be broken
4 - Asian Paints - Should Cricket be replaced as National Sports?

simulation game(J&J), fear is the mother of morality, big companies are on their way out, airtel (case), reliance(road ahead for
Cyrus Mistry's ousting a case of failure of corporate governance, strategy for introducing juice plus energy drink mix(new produ

1 Microsoft Selling Office 365 to startups

2 DBS n HUL Hillary vs Trump
3 Asian Paints Conviction is more harmful than truth

1. VISA : related to ways money can be used in tier2 , tier3

2. Alshaya : Should hanging be allowed
3. Saint Gobain : related to NGO being ethical
4. RPG: who are leaders
5. Microsoft : case based to bring few features in google assistant/cortana/ in Indian context
6. Mondelez: cased based on supply chain to continue/ stop the production of a quality affected product

1-times group-ad analysis

2-coke-"six inch heels for men" make a marketing plan to sell this product, activity based, chart paper and color pens provided
3-samsung-how to make uniform civil code possible in India
4-novartis-quality or marketing? which one will help more to sell a product
5-ITC-situation analysis, a case was given titled 'who killed Mr John?', various individuals involved and their roles were given.

1-KPMG- Should PAK artist be banned in India as a response to pak sponsored terrorism.
2- Vedanta-Should cricket be declared as the national game
3-Saint Gobain- Demonetization good or bad

1-Times-Ad on Virgin airline was shown but without company name and ask to discuss about ad's stratergy, marketing compaig
3 gds were on Trump vs clinton
1 gd on currency demonetization

1.Samsung-Who is better for India,Hiliary Clinton or Donald Trump

Judges also asked some questions related to the same

or brand with different legal,demographics and market conditon. The panelists asked questions related to this.

ive products at each plant

be considered and how to execute) and pricing

ost of beer before GD)

re everyone etc

esent them to the citizens so that they may take an informed decision about their vote. (Note1 - GD format was changed from Chairman to
questionnaire with pointed questions towards individuals after the discussion got over.

ones, characters, etc.

or sales and promotions.

hy he agrees to the topic. The next person can only speak when he can agree to the line(as said before, u have to agree to it) but he will de

ou can either wait near wrecked aircraft for rescue teams, or head towards nearest civilization. Task is to select a leader from given options
ant to keep a time check while GD and make sure that group comes to a conclusion before time ends.)

ding the same or just leaving the issue as the matter is 3 year old> against an employee who had committed a mistake 3 years back but his
d in one page write up - choose a leader apart from yourself

ided) - observer then decides whether he would invest in the other teams beer based on their pitch

ould be helpful to the society and at the same time should be profitable.)

formance of the fragrances and variations across seasons).

Discuss the course of action that the government should adopt to mitigate the power generation gap.
ise a marketing plan to launch the product and convince the company board of directors
t was changed from Chairman to normal format due to paucity of time.) (Note2 - It was followed by a discussion involving the moderator in
ave to agree to it) but he will definitely have to disagree to the reason given by the first person and so on. Its confusing but this was the for

lect a leader from given options (Attributes of 6 persons will be given) as a group and come to a conclusion.
d a mistake 3 years back but his manager had to suffer for that)
ssion involving the moderator in which he was putting his views and then also asking some questions to get a better insight into our perspe
ts confusing but this was the format.)
et a better insight into our perspective.)

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