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The Mooreland Leader



Board Adopts Bond Election

Resolution, Hires Personnel
Mooreland School Board mem- Minutes of the May 8 regular
bers adopted a resolution calling meeting were approved and the
for a bond election to construct a WUHDVXUHUVUHSRUWDQGDFWLYLW\IXQG
new high school during a regular report were okayed as presented.
meeting Monday, June 12. General fund 2016-17 encum-
The resolution authorizes the brances in the amount of $39,-
calling of a special election open 048.06; building fund 2016-17
to school district patrons. encumbrances in the amount of
This decision was one of several $3,158.54 and child nutrition
made in a lengthy agenda which fund 2016-17 encumbrances in
included hiring of support person- the amount of $6,726.74 were all
nel for the 2017-18 school year, approved as presented.
approval of hiring a new teacher Board members approved a
and approval of three resignations. quote from Oklahoma Schools
The meeting ran for an hour and Insurance Group in the amount
40 minutes from 7:00 to 8:40 p.m. of $64,520 for building, proper-
Present at the meeting were ty, auto and liability insurance;
board members Brett Bates, Sam- and also a quote from Oklahoma
my Stubbs and Troy White, Super- School Assurance Group for work-
intendent Terry Kellner, Minutes PDQVFRPSHQVDWLRQLQVXUDQFHLQ
Clerk Chris Callison and Jordan the amount of $15,938.38.
Smith with Stephen L. Smith Corp. Resignations from Melinda
It was noted the agenda and Arney, part time high school
meeting notice were posted as teacher; Kylea Cartwright, part
required and the Open Meeting
Law for a regular meeting was met. (continued on page 8)

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Mooreland Leader



SCHOOL er, library aide; Tina Smith, high
school aide; Sarah Singhisen,
Odyssey Ware and Algebra II over
IETV and contextual science credit
0008 (continued from page 1) elementary aide; Penny Jones, through Anatomy and Physiology
time elementary teacher, and Sue elementary aide; Sarah Persons, WKURXJK+HDOWK&DUHHUV&HUWLFD-
resized Kellner, part time library aide were elementary aide; Taressa Kaup, tion Program.
52% accepted by the board. aide/lunch room, library; Carla The board voted to hire Stacy M
Bond obligations No action Thomas, piano accompanist (part Purviance as elementary teacher S
From was required as the board presi- time); Angie Longhofer, elemen- for the 2017-18 school year. The m
0001 dent and clerk were present at the tary aide; Rachel Scarborough, board also accepted and signed a N
meeting. elementary aide; Britany Jones, contract with Northwest Physi- (
Jordan Smith of Stephen L. elementary aide; Sarah Eilers, cal Therapy & Sports Rehab for I
Smith Corp. presented the resolu- elementary aide. physical therapy services and F
tion for the bond election before Secretaries Andrea Frazier, Lifeworks Therapy Solutions for P
it was approved as stated above. high school; Melissa Thompson, occupational therapy services
After discussion the board voted elementary. during the 2017-18 school year.
to relinquish control of the cafe- Board members also approved The following contracts were
teria personnel to Keystone Food and signed the following contract approved and signed as present-
Service. addendums: Tim Callison, summer ed for the 2017-18 school year:
The board went into executive driver education; Kendra Mitchell, Gabbart Communications for web
session to discuss employment summer custodian; Lesa Mitchell, hosting services and Alert Now
of support personnel. After the summer custodian; Kelly Masoner, Services from Blackboard for
session, the board voted to return summer custodian; Tina Hensley, school district student and parent
to open session. summer custodian; Frank Howard, QRWLFDWLRQV\VWHP
Executive Session Clerk Terry summer custodian; Luke Thomp- Superintendent Kellner stated
Kellner stated the board discussed son, summer custodian. there was no new business and the
employment of support personnel An agreement with OPSUCA for meeting was adjourned.
with no votes taken during the unemployment services through
f executive session. Oklahoma State School Board As-
Board voted to employ the fol- sociation (OSSBA) was approved Mooreland's W
lowing support personnel: as presented.
&HQWUDO2IFH&KULV&DOOLVRQ Stubbs was voted to become a 7-Day Forecast
payroll and encumbrance clerk; member of the OSSBA. THURSDAY Today w
secretary and board clerk; Cynthia The board approved as presented Partly Cloudy chance
Pierce, activity fund custodian, a contract with The Center for Edu- High: 89 Low: 70 of 89,
secretary and treasurer. cation Law for basic legal services. to 15 m
Maintenance Heath Persons, Superintendent Kellner in- FRIDAY is 110
Isolated T-storms tonight
head maintenance/transportation; formed the board that the OSSBA
High: 88 Low: 69 thunder
Lesa Mitchell (part time) elemen- State Conference will be held in southea
tary school; Tina Hensley, athletic Oklahoma City August 25-27. The SATURDAY tonight
facilities. board members signed administra- Partly Cloudy
Route Bus Drivers Lesa Mitch- tive, teacher and support contracts High: 90 Low: 69
ell, Kelly Masoner, Tina Hensley, for July payroll. SUNDAY
Tina Smith (vo-tech), Frank How- Board members also gave ap- Partly Cloudy
ard (lunch bus), Melissa Thomp- proval of students receiving credits High: 90 Low: 77
Mon, 6/
son, Kendra Mitchell, Rose Moore, from High Plains Technology Cen- Tue, 6/6
ter using virtual software novaNet, MONDAY Wed, 6/
Luke Thompson (lunch bus). Thu, 6/
Teacher Aides Kelly Mason- Partly Cloudy
High: 96 Low: 85 Fri, 6/9
Sat, 6/1

Th Y

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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