Ap Biology Course Outline 2017

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AP Biology

Ms. Martel

Teacher: Miss Martel

E-mail : Danielle.martel@sd41.bc.ca
Website: www.msdmartel.weebly.com

The AP Biology program (Biology 11H & Biology 12 H) focuses on building enduring,
conceptual understandings of the Biological Sciences. Students will develop scientific
skills such as planning, data collection, analyzing, making connections and communicating
scientific discoveries through inquiry based activities.

AP Biology is structured around four big ideas, the enduring understandings within the big
ideas and the essential knowledge within the enduring understandings.

Big idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.

Big idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and
to maintain dynamic homeostasis.

Big idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes.

Big idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex

Text Books

Biology OpenEd Textbook found @ http://open.bccampus.ca/find-open-textbooks/

AP Edition Campbell Biology 9th ed.

AP Biology Lab Manual

Summer Review July & August

Organisms & Populations

Ecology - Unit 8 Reading/Notes Campbell OpenEd

Ecological interactions biotic vs abiotic Chapter 52 8-1
Population dynamics growth & regulation Chapter 53 8-2
Communities & Ecosystems, energy levels & flow, Chapter 54 8-3
cycles, symbiosis & impact on evolution
Human influences positive & negative Chapter 55, 56 8-4
AP Biology
Ms. Martel

I highly recommended using the reading guides from this website

Complete Ecology Inquiry Assignment (bring to school in September):
Choose an ecosystem that you can visit during summer break (backyard, park, beach, forest, etc)
Why did you choose this spot?
Draw or take photos of your ecosystem
Describe and classify your ecosystem
Describe the abiotic factors
Describe the biological community (biotic factors) producers, primary consumers, secondary
consumers, tertiary consumers.
Describe how the biological community is linked (predator prey, food webs, energy flow, trophic
levels, symbiotic relationships)
Choose one organism and spend 10 minutes making observations. Describe and classify the
organism. How does your chosen organism fit into the ecosystem?
Observe and make note of any human impact affecting the ecosystem.

Complete Investigation 10: Energy Dynamics in Lab Duotang (bring to school in September)

Investigation 10: Energy Dynamics (see link above)
Investigation 12: Pill Bug Behavior (done in class)

Biology 12H (2017/2018) Starting in September

A. Introduction to Biology
Summer Ecology Project Presentations & Camping Trip planned Sept/Oct
Learning Strategies
Science Journaling and Research Techniques
The Attack on Science
Scientific Method

B. Molecules Campbell OpenEd

Polarity of water & its importance to biological systems Chapter 2, 3 1-2
Cohesion, adhesion, specific heat of water & its
importance to biological systems
Acids, bases and buffers
Carbons role in the molecular diversity of life
Monomers, polymers & reactions involved in building and Chapter 4, 5 1-3
breaking them down considering polar/nonpolar
Various levels of structures in protein and carbohydrates
Enzymes Chapter 8 2-3
Identifying macro-molecules

C. History of Life
AP Biology
Ms. Martel

Theories of how macro-molecules joined to support Chapter 6

origin of life

D. Cells
Explain similarities, differences & evolutionary Chapter 6 2-1
relationships between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells
Cell communication Chapter 11 2-6
Cell membrane transport structure & function Chapter 7 2-2

E. Molecular Basis of Inheritance

DNA structure & replication Chapter 16 3-4

RNA structure & function
Protein Synthesis 3-5
Biotechnology, Recombinant DNA, PCR, Gel Chapter 20 3-7
Applications of DNA technology

F. Cell Energy
ATP structure and function Chapter 8 2-3
Cellular Respiration, ETC, chemiosmosis Chapter 9 2-4
Photosynthesis Chapter 10 2-5
Activation energy & specificity
Mitochondria form & function

F. Immunity

Innate vs. Acquired Response Chapter 43 7-10

G. Animal Diversity

Characteristics (body plans & systems) of vertebrates Chapter 34, 40 7-1, 5-8
Basic anatomy principles
Analysis of structure & function of body systems
Digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, endocrine, Chapter 41-50 Unit 7
nervous, muscular, reproductive systems

May AP exam (after 2nd year of Senior biology)

May & June Inquiry Projects

AP Biology
Ms. Martel

Investigation 4: Diffusion & Osmosis
Investigation 5: Photosynthesis
Investigation 6: Cellular Respiration
Investigation 9: Biotechnology Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
Investigation 13: Enzyme Activity

Biology 11H (2018/2019) The following year

A. Introduction to Biology

B. Mitosis & Meosis Campbell OpenEd

Cell cycle mechanism & control Chapter 12 2-7
Sexual vs. asexual reproduction
Meiosis Chapter 13 3-1
Genetic variation

C. Mendelian Genetics
Patterns of inheritance Chapter 14 3-2
Predicting genetic outcomes Chapter 15 3-3
Gene linkage & mapping

D. Molecular Genetics
Regulation of gene expression Chapter 18 3-6
Viruses Chapter 19 5-1

E. Evolutionary Biology
Darwins explorations and theory of natural selection Chapter 22-25 Unit 4
Evidence for evolution
Phylogeny & systematics
Evolution of populations
Hardy-Weinberg Law

F. Biological Diversity & Microbiology

Early life on Earth Chapter 26-28 5-2
Evolution of prokaryotes & eukaryotes

G. Plants Diversity
How plants colonized land Chapter 29-30, 5-5, 5-6
35-39 Unit 6
Evolution of seed plants
Structure, growth, & development
Plant responses to internal & external stimuli
AP Biology
Ms. Martel

Plant nutrition
Angiosperm reproduction

H. Animal Diversity
Characteristics (body plans & systems) of invertebrates Chapter 32, 33 5-7, 5-8

Investigation 1: Artificial Selection
Investigation 2: Mathematical Modeling: Hardy-Weinberg
Investigation 3: Comparing DNA Sequences to Understand Evolutionary Relationships
Investigation 7: Cell Division Mitosis & Meiosis
Investigation 8: Biotechnology Bacterial Transformation
Investigation 11: Transpiration

After completing 2 years of Biology (Biology 11H & AP Biology 12), students are encouraged to
write the AP Biology Exam in May.

You will have a variety of opportunities to communicate your understanding of the course material. Your
reports will be divided into the following three categories:

Participation: Work habits

Be attentive - Be a contributor - Be engaged
Be present - Be accountable - Be helpful

Performance: Understanding of Concepts & Demonstration of Skills

Written tests, assignments & projects collected in portfolios
Daily Quizzes collected in duotangs
Lab work collected in portfolios
Verbal presentations & discussion done frequently in small and large groups

Progress: Improvement
Better participator
Better performance

Attendance & Being Late to Class

Excused absences known in advance: bring me your form/note to sign.
Excused & Unexcused absences: all missed work must be completed in a timely fashion. Depending on the nature of the
missed class, alternative work may be assigned.
Unexcused absences & frequently being late will impact your participation mark.
Our class work will be posted on my blog. Refer to the following site to determine what you need to make up/complete
when absent: msdmartel.weebly.com

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