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ar and
d Voca
y Unit 6
ammar Countable
C and unco
ountable nouns
n / cant for permission and ab
bility 5 Match 16
6 with AF to
o make senttences.
1 Theress C A much meat.
1 Complete
C the s with can or cant .
e sentences
2 There are
a ___ B any caarrots?
Sam can use my dictio onary. 3 There issnt ___ C some jam.
1 He says I ____________ come in. 4 There arent
a ___ D any water?
2 Millie ____ ends.
_______ playy with her frie 5 Is there
e ___ E a lot of
o desserts.
3 We _____ ______ use our
o mobile ph hones in 6 Are there ___ F any veegetables.
4 Georgina _ ___________ have any sn nacks.
5 Luis _____ ________ go
o to the partyy.
V ary
6 They ____ ________ goo home early today. Food

2 Write
W the que
estions starrting with Ca
an 6 Complete the food iteems with a, e,
e i, o or u.
1 you / ride a horse / ? 1 b e a ns
s 5 ch _ ckp
c _ _s
Can you riide a horse? 2 b_ _f 6 _ n _ ons
2 your brother / cook / ? 3 ch _ _ s _ 7 m_shrr_ _ms
________ __________ ___________
__ 4 ch _ ck _ n 8 y _ gh
h _ rt
3 your sisterr / swim / ?
________ __________ ___________
__ 7 Complete the table wiith words frrom exercise
e 6.
4 your parennts / speak French
F /? Pulses Meatt Dairy
y Vegeta
________ __________ ___________
__ beans ________ ______
__ _____
5 I / watch T
TV / ? ________ ________ ______
__ _____
________ __________ ___________
6 you and yo our brother / sing ?
________ __________ ___________
__ At
A the mark
3 Match
M answe
ers AF to questions
q 1
6 in exercis
se 8 Find words to compleete the defin
A Yes, they ccan. ___ You weear a cap on yyour head.
B No, we cant. ___ 1 You putt a _______________ in your
y torch.
C Yes, I can. 1 2 You putt _______________ on yo our hair.
D Yes, he caan. ___ 3 You putt _______________ on yo our nails.
E No, she caant. ___ 4 You keeep money in your ______ _________.
F No, you caant. ___ 5 You rea
ad _______________.
6 You weear _______________ around your necck or
musst / mustn
nt for oblig
gation and
d on yourr hands.
prohibition 7 You eatt an _______________.

4 Choose
C the c
correct optio
on to compllete the Ordering
O in
n a restaurrant
chool rules..
Y must / m
mustnt use your
y mobile phone.
p 9 Number th
he lines in th
he correct order
o to mak
ke a
1 You must / mustnt do o your homework.
2 You must / mustnt ruun in the classsroom. A And to drink?
d ___
3 You must / mustnt ea at in class. B Yes, pleease. ___
4 You must / mustnt make
m a noise.. C Ill have
e the fish andd chips, pleas
se. ___
5 You must / mustnt lissten to the otther studentss. D Are you u ready to ordder? 1
E Water, please. ___
F What ca an I get you?? ___

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