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Bio: Gustav Klimt


Gustav Klimt was born on July 14, 1862, in Baumgarten, Austria, the
second seven children, the son of a poor jewelry engraver, It is only at
the age of fourteen, after he enters the University of Plastic Arts in
Vienna, that he begins developing his talent as an artist; he studied at
the University until graduating at the age of twenty, at which time he
had been commissioned to create several decorative works, making use
of his training in modernist craftsmanship. He then founded the
Knstlercompanie (Company of Artists) studio with his brother Ernst,
and Franz Matsch, a fellow student. The three found much success as
mural painters, getting contracts from museums, theaters, and other
decorative artwork for wealthy patrons. The company eventually
ceased to exist, following the death of Ernst, and a falling out with
Franz Matsch.

During his years as a decorator, Klimt finely honed his personal style,
which was a product of his artistic training, and the engraving skills his
father had taught him. Klimt's paintings often included gold and silver
paint, metal, and ceramics, and as much attention was given to
ornamental details as to their subjects. Very few of Klimt's paintings
were done on canvases, as he preferred to paint murals. Klimt also
found inspiration in Byzantine mosaics, which he discovered while
exploring Vienna.

In 1897, Gustav Klimt took an interest in politics and rallied other

artists to found the Vienna Sezession, a Art Nouveau movement whose
goal was to give young, innovative artists a chance to get exposure,
and to revolt against the conservative attitudes of the academic art
world. He organized several exhibits, attracting thousands from
around the world to view their revolutionary art, and even published
"Ver Sacrum", a monthly magazine about the movement and its artists.
His own personal style came to represent the movement's aesthetics,
and in 1902, he painted the "Beethoven Fries", a mural for the
Sezession building.
In 1905, following a series of disagreements with other members of the
Sezession several others leave the group, and form a new association
called the Kunstschau (Art Show). His famous painting, The Kiss, was
created between 1907 and 1908, but it is still associated with the
Sezession. Klimt was a very popular artist, but he was also quite
controversial. He was renowned for his womanizing, and often used
prostitutes as models. Many of his works were considered too sensual
for the mores of early 20th Century Vienna, and even his more
historical, or mythical works featuring nudes were often criticized for
being too erotic. Fortunately, the scandals only served to heighten
Klimt's international recognition, if not his notoriety.

In addition to women, Klimt often traveled to the outskirts of Vienna,

and the Italian countryside, finding inspiration in nature, particularly
autumnal landscapes, which already showed the rich golden hues of his
own decorative designs. From the opulence of the Viennese
Bourgeoisie to the mythological, from eroticism to the simple beauty
of nature, Klimt's artwork always maintained its highly stylized feel,
but what remains one of its most fascinating traits is that while
concentrating on the superficial, its depth cannot be ignored.

In 1917, he was made an honorary member the Viennese Academy of

Fine Arts. On January 11th of the following year, at the age of 55,
Gustav Klimt suffered a stroke while working in his apartment.
Weakened from the stroke, and suffering from pneumonia, he died less
than a month later, on February 6th, 1918.

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