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Arlene B.

BS Economics


Title: Drink moderately. Walwal once in a while.

Specific Speech Purpose: To persuade my audience that there are benefits of being walwal.
Statement: Being walwal has benefits which contributes to character building and adds up to
your life experience.

I. Attention Step

If you dont drink, how will your friends know you love them at 2 in the morning?
Have you ever got drunk and just let go? Let go of everything. No inhibitions. All of
your what ifs are now put into reality. Seems scary, right? But when you are with
the right company, being scared is not an option.

II. Clarification Step

What exactly is walwal? Ive asked people what it meant to them. Someone
told me that its a short term for walang-wala. It means to get wasted. Similarly,
most of the people I have asked said that it is drinking to intoxicate at levels beyond
personal tolerance. While some defined it as socializing with others and doing
activities you would otherwise not do under normal circumstances and not
necessarily getting drunk. I think it is synonymous to YOLO (You Only Live Once), or
better yet, YOLO is the umbrella term, and walwal is under it.

I. It helps you to be sane.
a. It is an avenue to release stress.
b. It is a mood booster.
i. You dance like no ones watching.
ii. You treat yourself.
II. You get to do things impulsively.
a. Its easier to release emotions, instead of keeping them bottled up inside.
i. You get to say what you really want to say.
III. You learn to trust people.
a. You become more connected to your peers.
b. Drunk talk is real talk.
i. Drunken conversations can offer a refreshing sense of sincerity and
IV. You learn more about yourself.
a. At the end of the night/day, you get to know yourself a little bit better.
i. You get to know your limitations.
ii. You get to know that you can connect to people in different ways.
iii. You get to see yourself in a new perspective.

I. Summary Step
There are times that you will regret the stupid things you did the morning after,
but what is worse is that you did not take a risk. You did not take the chance when it
is right there at the tip of your nose. I am not encouraging you to be an alcoholic,
but what is one night for you to just get real and let go of things to the all of the days
of your life lived sober. Remember this: Drink moderately. Walwal once in a while.


Time: 7-10 minutes

- You learn to trust people.
- You forget all the problems for a while.
- You get to do things impulsively. Without any hesitations. Its easier to release
emotions, instead of keeping them bottled up inside.
- You learn more about yourself.
- Stress release.
- Mood boost.
- Real talk.
- You are being true to yourself.
- You become more connected to people.

Definition of walwal:
- Forgetting all my problems for a while
- Part of life
- To socialize with others (doesnt necessarily mean to get drunk)
- Bonding with alak
- Taking in more alcohol than what you can take
- Drinking irresponsibly
- To do activities you would otherwise not do under normal circumstances (doesnt
necessarily mean getting drunk)
- Drinking to intoxicate at levels beyond personal tolerance
- Uminom beyond the point of tipsy
- Walang-wala
- Ewan feel ko naman everyone has experienced walwal? Like you might walwal everyweek or pwede
rin once in a while lang. Pero feel ko at least once in your lifetime kailangan mo siya iexperience
- Kasi some people it's already part of them like walwal is life for them
- But some people they don't like, or they're scared to try. Feel ko they have to at least try it once para
they know diba
- Kasi why do you not like something when you haven't even tried it????
- Also feel ko naman every person has a different version of walwal
- It might be drinking, partying. Kasi that's the normal definition of walwal eh
- But i think walwal isn't just that. Feel ko it's something that makes you relaxed or makes you feel
- Walwal is forgetting about your responsibilities (or life, in general) and indulging in hedonistic

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