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the chakras and the nadis

the chakras (energy centers)

location: above crown of head
color: violet/golden/colorless
element: none
function: individual and universal consciousness
seed mantra: none

location: pineal gland
color: indigo
element: ether/space
function: intuition, perception, individuality
seed mantra: OM

location: throat
color: blue
element: ether/space
function: speech, self-expression
seed mantra: HAM

location: heart
color: green
the nadis (energy channels) element: air
function: devotion, love, compassion, healing
suum n seed mantra: YAM
(she who is most gracious)
the central energetic column maipra
runs along spine from perineum to (jewel city)
crown location: navel
color: yellow
i n element: re
(pale) function: power, control, freedom to be oneself, career
the left energetic channel seed mantra: RAM
runs along the spine from mldhra
cakra to j cakra, through left swdihna
nostril (own base)
associations: cold, feminine, the location: genitals
moon color: orange
element: water
pingala n function: emotion, sexual energy, creativity
(reddish) seed mantra: VAM
the right energetic channel
runs along the spine from mldhra mldhra
cakra to j cakra, through right (root support)
nostril location: perineum
associations: hot, masculine, the sun color: red
element: earth
function: instinct, survival, security
seed mantra: LAM

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