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Physical I keep myself in pretty good physical health.

Intense Side Stretch try to go to the gym 3 times a week.
Trap Stretch However, I still find myself physically tense
Lounges most of the time.
Ankle Rolls I find I often am most tense in my hips, legs,
Neck Rolls and neck.
The intense side stretch helps to start
loosening my arms, hips, and legs. Then
lounges help to wake up the lower half of my
After lounges I do ankle rolls to release the
bad tension I hold by my feet, due to my
plantar fasciitis.
Then I stretch my shoulder and neck muscles
by doing my trap stretch, followed by neck
rolls, and a full body shake down.

Breath I dont find breath to be a problem area for

Folded leaf me, however, I like to warm up my breath
Body tension survey because it can only help me perform even
2 sighs of release better.
Release inhale on sss I love the folded leaf because it is also a
physical work out and creates a nice transition
from physical to breath work out.
I then like to stand and do a full body tension
survey. I like to not time or rush this. I find it
very important to be aware of my being and
how I feel and what my limbs feel like, as
I drop my breath down into my stomach,
sense the pool of vibration that lives there and
release two sighs of release-one on breath,
one on sound. This allows me to engage
breath and drop into a lower part of myself.
I then release my breath on an sss and if
needed, a zzz.

Jaw/Tongue The jaw is a huge spot of tension for me. I

Hands to face, massage jaw need to focus more attention to this part of the
Stretch jaw with animal yawm exercise.
Chew big Massaging the jaw helps to relieve the insane
Clasp hands in front of body, shake to release tension I hold. After physically massaging I
jaw like to stretch my jaw as wide as possible and
Shake tongue on breath stick out my tongue. This releases the tension
in my tongue, as well.
Similarly to the stretching jaw, I like to chew
as big as I can and shift around the jaw and
muscles to warm them up.
Then, clasping my hands in front of my body
I shake my hands to allow my jaw to be
completely detached from my face.
I then shake my tongue out on breath to
engage that muscle.

Gather Sound Finding the middle pitch in my vocal register,

Gather sound in skull on very open hum I hum that pitch, close my mouth, and open
while rolling head from 7th vertebrae my jaw. While doing that I roll my head all
the way around 360. This allows to begin to
easily release some sound while stretching my

Stretch/Enliven Instrument This is really good for me when I am still

K Breathing-in a squat breath in and out on a having tension in my legs/lower body. This
Kah with face in animal roar stretches the lower body muscles while also
using my soft palate.

Resonators Resonators are my biggest vocal issue. I am

Face to ceiling creating channel, release jaw easily able to switch into my mouth and mask
and face resonators, but I have difficultly quickly and
Pound on chest to release a low pitched ah effectively dropping into my chest resonator.
Massage nasal labial folds By creating a channel with my dace to ceiling
Go back and forth between mask resonators to it helps to drop into the lowest, richest parts
mouth of my chest resonator. Pounding out the
sound is just an extra help.
My sinuses are often bothered because I get
sick often and allergies bad. It is nice to
massage these folds and release and open up
that mask.
After opening the mask resonator it is
important to go back and forth between
resonators to help really access all areas.

Extend Resonator Ladder Sirens allow for me to access each resonator,

Sirens gradually and collectively.
Zoo Wohh Shaw GOUGH Maaa Fuh Huhhh Zoo Wohh allows me to separate each
Bae DAe Payyy KIH RREE resonator and focus on how to shift my
resonance back and forth between them.
Release Voice This is very important for me. I have trouble
K Breathe in, then call out Hey dropping my tongue down and gathering a
ball of sound from my chest resonator and
releasing it energetically in the space. This
will help me to practice doing that more until
it becomes second nature.

Articulators I love the Berry exercise because it forces me

Berry Exercise Boo Bow Baw Bah Bae Bee to really focus on the vowels and how to
Sir B space my mouth and lips to clearly articulate
the sounds.
Sir B is great for improving diction,
dynamics, and causing a brain stimulation.

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