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Fall 2011

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Marc Meyer

Office: ZH-110 Phone (909) 652-6282
e-mail: '
Facebook: "Meyer Anthropology" ^
OFFICE HOURS: Monday & Wednesday 8:00AM- 9:30AM
Friday 8:00AM- 9:00AM

CLASS: -S6tkr66?tt^ TTII 9.30AM lOi^O.VM Room SS-

Section66718 TTH 11:00AM- 12:20AM Room S S - 1 0 5
FINAL EXAM: -Section 66716 Tliuisda>, Dec 1-5 - ' S Q I V T Y M - ^ 1:15x\
Section 66718 Thursday, Dec 13 11:30AM- 2:00PM
.MottdayrDec 12 9:30AM - 11:30AM
- y l ^ ^ f n c s d a y , Dec 13 . . > ^=^nm\ mm^
TEXTBOOKS: 1. Conformity and Conflict: Readings in Cultural Anthropology
Custom Edition by Spradley and McCurdy. Pearson Publishing
[required] The bookstore will buy this back at the end of the
2. Cultural Anthropology Lecture Notes & Workbook
by Marc Meyer. Cengage Publishing [required]
3. iClicker [required] (available at the bookstore) The bookstore
will buy this back at the end of the semester.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Social/Cultural Anthropology investigates the social

dynamics of recent and modem human groups. This course will also explore the
meaning of culture from an anthropological perspective. We will be looking at examples
of human cultural variation from different societies around the world. With this "cross-
cultural" viewpoint, cultural/behavioral adaptations, trends, and tendencies that social
groups display in their environments will be explored. We will also take a critical look at
your own culture here in the United States. On occasion, potentially sensitive images
may be displayed and topics will be discussed, and such as (but not limited to) gender,
homosexuality, marriage, human evolution, indigenous nudity, human anatomy,
circumcision, beliefs and religion. I encourage you to ask questions and participate in
discussions during the term.
EXPECTATIONS: You must be on time, organized, and prepared for each class
meeting. You are expected to learn the material well enough to accurately summarize,
explain, synthesize, and apply the terms and concepts used in this course. You should
review lecture and reading materials regularly during the semester (several times per
week at minimum). You are expected to be able to answer my questions during class,
and to participate in discussions. You are expected to treat your fellow students with
respect. Be prepared to work hard, study, and learn this semester. No ear/headphones
may be worn in class. No cell phone or text device use will be tolerated in class.
IClicker: You must bring your iClicker to each and every class meeting. If you do not
bring your iClicker you will not receive any credit for that day's quiz. You are
responsible for insuring that your iClicker is working properly before class begins.
Midterm Exam 1 (18% of final grade)
Midterm Exam 2 (18% of final grade) "
Final Exam (18% of final grade) r.
iClicker quizzes (20% of final grade)
15 Written Essays on Reading Assignments (18%) of final grade)
Term Paper - Whale Rider (5% of final grade) - r
Classwork: preparation, attentiveness, discussions etc. (3%) of final grade)
Grade Schedule:
90=A- 92.5=A 97.5=A+
80=B 82.5=B 87.5= B+
70=C 77.5 C+
60=D- 62.5=D 67.5=D+
59 and lower = F

Examinations will cover the lectures, PowerPoints, readings, films and class discussions.
The exams are NOT cumulative; however, each section builds on the previous theoretical
and knowledge base. The exams will consist of any combination of multiple-choice, short
answer, matching, or true/false questions. You may not use books, notes, note cards,
PDAs, cell phones, or any other memory aids during the exams. , ,
Make-up Exam Policy: There will be no make-up exams given except for medical
reasons. To be eligible for a make-up exam the Instructor must receive (1) an email prior
to the missed class session explaining your absence, and (2) a signed medical note upon
your return to class. Failure to do so will result in grade forfeiture. A make-up exam will
be scheduled for the next class period and will consist of several long form essays.
EXTRA-CREDIT: There is no extra-credit in this course. You are required to commit
yourself to the regular credit. If you have extra time, then use that time to study even
ATTENDANCE AND WITHDRAWAL: You are expected to attend every class
meeting. Get the notes from a classmate or from the Instructor if you are absent. You are
responsible for your own attendance. Three late arrivals (arriving more than 5 minutes
late) equal one absence. After 4 absences / lack of academic progress / the Instructor
may withdraw you from the class. You are responsible for confirming that you have
been officially withdrawn from the course. Do not rely on the instructor to meet your
withdrawal deadlines. See the current Schedule of Classes for deadlines.
CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM: Cheating on an exam or any other assignment is
illegal and will not be tolerated. No memory aids of any kind may be used during exams.
Any student who is suspected of cheating by the Instructor will have their exam
confiscated, receive an "F" grade (score of zero) for the exam, and will be referred to the
administration for disciplinary action. Plagiarism, an unlawfial act that is defined as the
misrepresentation of the published ideas, concepts, or words of another as one's own, will
not be tolerated in Chaffey College courses. Plagiarism on any exam or assignment will
result in an "F" grade (score of zero) for that particular exam/assignment; the student will
be referred to the adminisfration for disciplinary action. See the current Chaffey College
Catalog or the Chaffey College Student Handbook for a discussion of the official campus
CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: You are expected to conduct yourself in an adult and
professional manner at all times. Please be courteous to your Instructor and especially to
your fellow students. Do not engage in private conversations during lecture periods. The
Instructor may withdraw students for lack of serious academic effort or for behavior
deemed detrimental to the class.
NEED HELP? Numerous resources are available to you as a student. Your instructor is
available during office hours. An Anthropology tutor is available at the Main Campus
Success Center. Also available in the Success Center are people who can provide
assistance with study skills and many other student-oriented tasks that could help you in
all of your classes. The Writing Center in the Main Library can provide assistance with
written assignments and writing skills. Additional student services may be found in the
Schedule of Classes and the Chaffey College Catalog.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a documented disability and wish to
discuss academic accommodations, then please contact the Instructor, or the Disability
Programs and Services (DPS) office, as soon as possible, preferably during the first two
weeks of class. Please be sure to allow adequate time to arrange an appropriate

Reading # in&
Date Meyer Topic Conflict Class Activity
^16- 1. Introduction Syllabus Review
^ 8/18 2. Cultural Anthropology
-> 8/23 3. Culture/Ethnography 2
^8/25 4. Culture & Belief Chagnon Film
8/30 5. The Human Race
9/1 6. Culture as Adaptation 10
9/6 7. Society & Inequality 23
9/8 8. Cultural Characteristics 4,5
9/13 Synthesis & Review Practice Exam 1
Thur 9/15 Midterm Exam I Bring Scantron and # 2 Pencil
9/20 9. Language 6
9/25 10. Social Communication 1
9/27 11. Language & Identity 8
9/29 12. Ecology & Subsistence 11
10/4 13. Social Exchange 13
10/6 14. Sex & Marriage
10/11 15. Kinship 17
10/13 16. Descent 18
10/18 Synthesis & Review Practice Exam 2
Thur 10/20 Midterm Exam II Bring Scantron and # 2 Pencil
10/25 17. Status & Power
10/27 18. Social Roles
11/1 Social Roles - The Veil 20
11/3 19. Religion & Ritual E-Pritchard Film
11/8 20. Supernatural Beliefs
11/10 Rationality & Magic 28
11/15 21. Globalization 33 Whale Rider pt.i
11/17 Cultural Revival Whale Rider pt.2
11/22 Independent Research
11/29 22. Cultural Imperialism Ishi Film
12/1 23. Summary Lecture !Kung Film
12/6 Synthesis & Review Practice Exam 3
12/8 Final Paper Submission
FINAL EXAM: W^, Dec 14 S.45AivI 11
Bring Scantron and # 2 Penci
Schedule of Written Assignments

Due Date Written Assignment

Aug 23 #2
Sept 1 10
Sept 6 23
Septs 4, 5
Sept 13 Practice Exam 1
Sept 20 6
Sept 251'3L 7
Sept 27 8
Sept 29 11
Oct 4 13
Oct 11 17
Oct 13 18
Oct 18 Practice Exam 2
Nov 1 20
Nov 10 28
Nov 15 33
Dec 6 Practice Exam 3
Dec 8 Term Paper - Whale Rider

All written assignments must be submitted on the due date at the beginning of
class. No late submissions will be accepted. Assignments can be hand-written,
but please check your papers carefully for proper grammar, spelling, complete
sentences, etc. Grammar and content are important for your grade on these
assignments. If you need help see me or visit the Chaffey Writing Center.
This course requires one written analysis of the film Whale Rider. The film will be
shown in class. This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.
The paper is due on Thursday, Dec 8. Late papers will not be accepted. Papers must be
submitted in person - no emailed papers will be accepted.

1) Your paper should be six paragraphs in total, carefully addressing each of the
topics below.
2) Your paper should be no longer than five pages, typed, double spaced using
Times New Roman font, with a 12-point font size, and 1 inch margins.
3) Please check your paper carefully for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation,
complete sentences, etc. Grammar and content are important for your grade on
this assignment. If you need help see me or visit the Chaffey Writing Center.

Paragraph 1: According to the film what is the origin story of the Maori people in the
fihn? Who or what do the whales represent in the mind of the Maori?
Paragraph 2: What are the different roles each gender plays in Maori society? How does
Paikea upset traditional gender roles in this culture?
Paragraph 3: In Maori society whose status is ascribed? Whose is achieved? How does
Paikea upset traditional status roles in this culture?
Paragraph 4: In what ways has Maori culture changed from the ancient times? In what
ways has it been preserved?
Paragraph 5: What does the rope symbolize in the film? Who fixes it? What do you
think this means?
Paragraph 6: Why do you think Dr. Meyer showed this film?

Warning: Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment. Do not use Wikipedia or
any other online source to complete this assignment. I will be checking every paper carefully
against these sources through turn-it-in detection software. Even one plagiarized sentence will
result in a failing grade for the assignment -so don't even think about it.
iClicker Info
Dr. Meyer uses a classroom response system using hand-held iClicker remote
transmitters. iClickers will constitute an important component of your classroom
experience and a large part your grade.

1) You will need to buy a classroom response transmitter or "clicker" from the
bookstore prior to the second class meeting. The clicker must be the iClicker
brand as shown below. No other clicker will work.

iClicker package at the bookstore iClicker remote transmitter

2) Next, you must register your clicker's serial number at the iclicker website: You will also need to provide your student ID
number (no lettersjust the ID numbers should be used) Your student ID is
assigned to you by Chaffey College.

3) Then, bring your iClicker to each class meeting. Questions will be presented a
few times each class meeting. You will have a set amount of time to answer the
each question. During this time period, you can change your answer, but only the
last answer you click during the time period will be recorded. Your responses are
automatically graded and stored on the instructor's computer.

(turn over for tips)

Your clicker ID (or remote ID) is a series of 8 numbers and letters on the
white sticker on the bottom of your clicker, just below the iClicker
INSTRUCTIONS located at the back of the remote. NOTE: Your clicker
ID may contain the number zero, but will not contain the letter O.
Cover the ID number located on the back of your clicker with a piece
of clear tape. This will help to minimize the numbers from wearing off
over time. You should also record your clicker's ID number and keep it
in a safe place.
If you buy a used iClicker, you must register it in your name immediately
to overwrite the previous owner's information. Therefore, there is no
problem in acquiring a pre-owned iClicker and registering it to yourself
If you use the iClicker in another class in the future it is suggested you re-
register your iClicker at the start of each semester to ensure the accuracy
of your registration.
WARNING! Purchasing clickers online or by other means runs the risk of
buying one with the ID number partially worn or worn off completely.
Make sure your clicker remote ID # is clearly visible!
Keep an exfra set of 3 AAA batteries always available. A flashing red
"low battery" light indicates that you have approximately 10 hours of
battery power remaining.
Believe it or not, there are a few online web sites where you can order a
custom skin for your iClicker. Such sites include
and www

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