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Im now 70 years old, but, if I can, I plan to continue to do what I do for at

least another 25 to 30
years. Warren Buffet is still running Berkshire Hathaway at 86 and his partner,
Charlie Munger is
still effective and 92. So I plan to do the same.

Effective this year I am required to take social security income and a minimum
distribution, but I do so reluctantly. Why? Because I absolutely love what I do.
Its my passion.
Furthermore, I have a great staff who likes to do the things that I no longer want
to do, so I basically
spend my days working on raising my consciousness, being creative, and doing as
much as I can to
help people. I love to travel, so I try to take at least four trips each year.
Its an incredible life. I just
finished doing three days of our Mental Strategies of Great Traders Workshop, and
had numerous
people tell me theyd gotten huge paradigm shifts and about how much I was
impacting their lives.
So, whats not to love?

Earlier this year I did a life history review for a second time. This is one of
the exercises Super
Trader students must complete. Perhaps in a few months, when I feel that project is
totally complete
for me, Ill write an article about it. However, Id like to tell you a little bit
about it now. During such a
life history exercise, you basically write down as many memories as you can think
of for each year
of your life. And if you organize yourself well, you can probably get at least 10-
20 memories for each
year. When I did this task, I divided my life into 8 sections as follows:

* The early years and Japan (ages 1 through 6). I lived in Japan for three
years between 1948
and 1951.
* My years in England. I lived in England for 10 years and at one time had a
British accent.
* High school, college and the US Army Years.
* Graduate school and my early research years.
* Forming my business up until I married my present wife, Kala.
* My early years with Kala until I went through a lawsuit because one of my
clients was a super
con artist.
* The period up until I became a Oneness Blessing giver.
* And the years up to the present, my awakening years.

The life history Ive produced so far is well over 100 pages and is full of
interesting pictures. What
was insightful was the fourth period listed above graduate school and my early
research period. I
now call this my dead period. My happiness score was about zero during that time
and its usually
over 80 now (the range is -55 to +85).

Whats surprising is that when I recalled all of the events that happened during my
dead period,
there were no huge negative events except for some trading losses. But somehow the
period just
seemed dead compared with the later years. I think the reasons were because 1) I
didnt believe in
God; 2) I didnt have any purpose in life; 3) I hated my early research work (it
didnt simulate me at
all); 4) I wasnt working on myself and constantly growing; 5) I rebelled against
behaviorism and
what the field of psychology was doing to become a science and 6) life didnt have
much meaning
for me. As I recalled my memories from those years, some of that feeling of
purposeless came back
and I wondered why? Again, no significant negative events that I can remember
happened during
that period.

I now think that the main reason was that I wasnt growing and I hadnt found my
purpose in
life. One of my favorite models for my life, and Id like to think that Im at
least a little like him, is
Joseph Campbell. One of Campbells favorite sayings is that your purpose in life is
to follow your
bliss. I hadnt found my bliss and I wasnt following it.

I chose to study psychology because I wanted to model success. But psychology at

that time was
about behaviorism, which treated a human being like a black box. You didnt pay any
attention to
what went on inside the box because that was too subjective. Psychology, it seemed,
wanted to be
a science and only study the objective. As a result, psychologists measured how to
stimulate an
organism (human, rat, or cat) and provide reinforcement (positive or negative) and
then measured
the subsequent behavior. To me all of that just missed the point. For one thing,
they didnt realize
that the mere fact of observing their subjects amounted to the subjectivity they
want to avoid. But
more importantly, I wanted to know what people did to become really successful and
really happy,
and that involved looking inside the black box. But in those days, success and
happiness were not
even suitable subjects for study.

Approximately 35 years ago, however, I discovered a lot of things in a very short

period of time. I
didnt believe in God as the deity in the sky who passed judgment over humans for
their sins. But
then it dawned on me that that was just a metaphor put out by some elements of
religion. I didnt
have to accept that, but I could select my own metaphor. So, I started to see God
as the energy of
the universe and I started to see and that energy could be used and channeled by
human beings. If
your thoughts were negative, then you produced negativity in your life. But if you
understood the
power of thoughts, you could produce a life of total magnificence.

I lost money several times in the market, and I started to realize that the problem
was probably me
and thus there was probably something I could do about it. Some people made money
in the
markets so why couldnt I and why couldnt I help others do the same thing.

Around the same time, I also discovered NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) which was
touted as
the science of modelling. I suddenly had something that I could use to study how
investors became successful and start to using it myself.

In taking NLP courses, I discovered all sorts of things that I could do to improve
my life and help
others improve their lives. Suddenly, I had a number of passions:

* Figuring out how to model successful people.

* Improving myself.
* Teaching others how to improve themselves.
* And developing a business where I didnt work for the government doing
research. One where
I didnt have to answer to the status quo about the direction I wanted to move in.
I absolutely
loved having my own business and working for myself to help others.

In the process of developing my business, there were many times during the early
growth years
when if it was going to get done, I was the one who had to do it. There were a
period of years when
I was somewhat burnt out. But that hasnt happened for a long time. As all of you
know, I have a
great staff. Ive found people who love to do the things that I dont want to do
and who revel in
hearing about the transformations we help produce in peoples lives as much as I
do. As a result, I
get to do all the things I love to do. I own the business so no one can force me
out. So why would I
ever consider retiring as long as Im healthy and effective. My plan is to work
perhaps 20 or 30 more
years and help as many people as I can to change their lives.

How the Future at VTI Looks to Me:

I get excited about the newest technological innovations so you can expect us to do
our best to
keep up as we have over my 35 years of working as a trading coach and NLP modeler.

* I plan to continually look for new things to model to help people become more
traders and investors. And what we are working on now is doing everything we can
to make
the Super Trader Program, which I think is already unique and the best in the
world, even
better. Right now Im studying the differences between those who thrive in the
program and
those who get stuck. I think we have the answers and we made some significant
changes to
the program last year.
* We have about 10 open slots in the Super Trader Program for 2017. Wed like
to make sure
that everyone who wants to join this year can get in at the current rate, which
goes up after
July 31st.
* As a result, for those who qualify*, we are running a one month special on
the program.
* Right now the price of the program is $52,500 for the first three years. It
will go up to $60,000
for the first three years in August 2017.

In July well be offering the following specials;

o A lump sum one-time payment of $50,000 (less applicable discounts**), which

will save
people $10,000 over the new price.
o Or the option to make the current payment of $52,500 (less applicable
discounts**) in
three installments, each six months apart. This still saves $7,500 over the new
price and
gives you the option to spread the cost out, which I dont normally do.
o For more information about the program click here and see our new video here!

* Im working on a new book that has the tentative title: Systems and Matrix
Thinking: Moving
from Force to Power to Awakening. Einstein was one of the first people to introduce
thinking to the analytical/reductionist world of science and I personally think
that Matrix
Thinking is one step further. Well also be giving a workshop of the same name in
this year. Few people are even capable of systems thinking (perhaps 20% of the
but were going to teach you to go beyond that to Matrix thinking which will give
you the power
to totally change your life.
* There are now 108 Tharp Think Principles. Fifty-five of those are given in my
book Trading
Beyond the Matrix (which you can still get for free just pay the postage).
However, another
53 principles have been introduced for our Super Traders to improve the program. We
going to produce a video on one the first principles, teaching you the principle
and showing
you how to get it into your neurology. It will then be followed by weekly podcasts
in which RJ
Hixson and I explain them all to you. These will be free for everyone.
* In addition, within the next 3-6 months well be introducing five new
websites based on clusters
of professions that make up a large portion of our client base.

o Trading for financial professionals

o Trading for health professionals
o Trading for engineers
o Trading for IT professionals
o And trading for business owners and other professionals

* The websites will link to our primary website, but will have articles
specific to your profession to
help you move into trading.
* In addition, well be offering a new online trading game in which you can
compete with others
in your profession, and in all five professions, to see who can do the best job
with position
sizing to win the game. The trading will be automatic, but youll get an email each
day with
your results and standings plus a new Tharp Think principle. In addition, if you
dont like how
you are performing you can place a trade manually or change your trading algorithm.
will be prizes for the top five players plus the top person in each profession. We
think it will go
viral and be a lot of fun and very educational. It will be like the marble game
that we play in our
How to Develop a Winning System that Fits You workshop in that you will have to
earn your
high level R-multiples and not just be able to draw them out of a bag. Stay tuned
for more
* When I finish the new book mentioned above, I will then produce a sixth
volume of the Peak
Performance Course for Traders and Investors entitled: Propulsion Systems for
Traders and it
will cover how to motivate yourself to get ahead in the trading world. However, we
are probably
talking 2-3 years into the future before this will be produced.
* Im also excited about the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence. Right
now I have all of the main
technologies that I know about. I have a Google Home machine; an Amazon Echo; and,
course, Siri on my iPhone and iPad. Im watching the new developments in all three.
If you
know about other new developments, please let me know. My goal will be to
incorporate AI
into making Super Traders, even though I have no idea yet how well do that.

* The way to qualify to apply to the program is to

attend Peak Performance 101 or the Oneness
Awakening workshop. This allows to me
personally assess your openness to the
psychological, self-work, part of the program, and
to gauge your level of commitment. There is one
more qualifying workshop that you can still attend
in July before the price increase.

**Additional credits apply to the program cost

based on your other activity with VTI. For
example, if you already attended a workshop or
purchased a home study, which will be part of the
program, you'll get a 50% credit for the amount
you have spent already, further reducing the cost
of the program.

The Role of This Course and The Super Trader Program

If you are interested in applying for admittance to the Super Trader Program, this
workshop is a
qualifying event. The first stage of the Super Trader program is very much about
working on the
self, rather than working on systems or trades. Since this course focuses on your
inner-growth and
self-work, Dr. Tharp is willing to allow candidates to use the course in a similar
manner to those that
attend the Peak Performance 101 workshop, and motivated traders are able to apply
to the program
after attending either one. At $495, this course is also the most cost effective
way to take a
qualifying workshop to apply to the Super Trader Program.

The price of the Super Trader Program will increase after July 31, 2017. This is
the last qualifying
workshop before the price increase.

Reach A Higher Level of Consciousness: A Special Event With Van Tharp

How could a higher level of consciousness help a trader? Most people have had the
experience of
watching someone who is really great at what they do. Whether it's a sports star in
the game or a
masterful craftsman, there is an element of effortlessness that comes from their
ability to be "in the
moment." Many people have had this experience themselves, in some aspect of their
lives for a
few seconds or even a few minutes. The moments may be fleeting, but you know when
you've had
one. It's at these times when we can recognize these people are in a high state of
Participating in the Oneness Awakening Course is an extraordinary opportunity to
benefit from some
of the most important journeys Dr. Tharp has taken to transform his life, and to
cultivate this
awareness in your day to day life.

The Oneness Awakening Weekend course has become a fundamental tool in helping Dr.
accomplish his mission of transformation and ultimately help each of his clients
succeed. Students
who attend this two-day intensive workshop will walk away with tools to help them
awareness in their life, and they will also experience an immediate and tangible
shift in perception.
As a result of this experience, traders can expect to naturally become more aware,
positive, calm,
and centered. By extension, they will also experience a shift in how they perceive
the market. When
a trader sees the market as it really is, rather than what they want to see, the
act of trading becomes
more relaxed and they become more confident and successful. Does this sound like
the type of
experience you want trading to be? While this two-day course is not a technical
course about
trading, we have seen amazing results in the traders who experience the benefits of
being more
'awake' and aware, calmer and more centered. Why? Because the person themselves are
the primary instrument, even before the technical skills of trading are engaged.
Just like the athlete
with impressive skills, traders can also utilize the phenomenon of tapping into
their awareness to
achieve premium results. Keen awareness, in turn, opens up new possibilities.
Another great thing
about the concepts and experiences in this course is that they have benefits that
apply throughout
students' lives, not just in their trading endeavors. Time and time again, traders
tell us that their
trading improved after taking this course, but also their personal lives as well!

If you would like to know more about this workshop, or talk with someone to see if
this workshop is
right for you, we invite you to call or email Rebecca Price. Rebecca is a certified
Oneness Trainer.
She has been teaching with Dr. Tharp for 3 years, and is enthusiastic about helping
others to dive
into their own transformation. Call 919-466-0043 or email

Workshop Schedule

July 2017

Oneness Awakening
Presented by Van Tharp and
Rebecca Price

July 8-9

VTI Facility, Cary, NC

August 2017

Day Trading Systems

Presented by Ken Long

August 5-7
VTI Facility, Cary, NC

LIVE Day Trading Systems

Presented by Ken Long

August 8-9

VTI Facility, Cary, NC

Dr. Ken Long begins his Day Trading Systems workshop by teaching you two day
trading systems
called the Frog and RLCO. Through his action-packed lectures students will gain an
of each systems beliefs, rules, and variations.

Ken has been a long-time active trader and observer of the markets. He's noticed
the consistent
habit of prices for particular issues to move a certain amount. Much like a frog
jumps when it hears
a loud noise, prices tend to move a certain amount before they pause or move again.
Different frogs
are able to jump different distances, but each one tends to jump about the same
distance as it did
last time. Would it be possible to know about how far a stocks price would move on
any given day?

After attending this three-day workshop you qualify to stay on and live trade these
same systems for
the next two days alongside Ken. Plus attendees will receive follow up assistance
in Ken's ongoing
Chatroom for Traders.

Special Bonus: Free Membership in Powerful 'Chatroom' Plus Three Coaching Calls

Inspired by the powerful networking Ken has seen develop over the years at VTI,
both through the
Super Trader program and workshop attendees, he created and leads a group of
traders with a
shared interest in swing trading and intraday trading which he calls the Chatroom.

Ken and his chatroom members have been developing a daily community of practice to
a healthy and helpful environment to support each members' development as a trader.
And, as a way to maintain the spirit of cooperation experienced at the workshops
after you are
headed back home, you get free membership and access to this chatroom forum. And
while this
membership is free to workshop attendees, the value of this ongoing interaction and
learning is
likely as valuable the workshop itself.
Learn More...

NEW! Sideways Market

Presented by Kim Andersson
Profit When Price Goes Nowhere: How
to Successfully Trade Sideways Markets
In Every Time Frame

August 11-13

VTI Facility, Cary, NC

Attend both August Workshops

and save $1,000

Announcing An Exclusive New Trading Workshop:

Sideways Market Strategies
Profit When Price Goes Nowhere:
How to Successfully Trade Sideways Markets In Every Time Frame

Kim Andersson covers a few objectives of the new Sideways Market Strategies course
in this short video above.

Did you realize that no matter what time frame you trade or what method you use to
measure them,
Sideways markets happen between 59% and 65% of the time!

And yet scant attention is given to this market type. When you encounter them the
task of trading
becomes much more challenging, stressing your systems and your psychology beyond
your normal
comfort zone. This new workshop is the antidote to this under appreciated, and
least understood
market type.


As an extra added bonus, Kim Andersson has agreed to provide additional support to
all Sideways
Market Strategies attendees for the remainder of 2017! This is no small offer.
Your class will get
four monthly calls (1 hour each), as well as ongoing email support for months after
the workshop.
She will offer her feedback and expert guidance for any sideways trading issues you
may have for
the rest of 2017. This way you know that you can be fully prepared to trade in
Sideways conditions
and get your follow up questions answered.

For more extensive information about what will be presented click here to review
now. Learn More...

September 2017

Peak Performance 101

Presented by Van Tharp with co-
presenter RJ Hixson

September 15-17

VTI Facility, Cary, NC

NEW! Systems Thinking for

Presented by Van Tharp with co-
presenter RJ Hixson
(more information coming soon)

September 19-21

VTI Facility, Cary, NC

October 2017 LONDON, ENGLAND

Peak Performance 101

Presented by Van Tharp with co-
presenter RJ Hixson

October 13-15

London, England

How to Develop Winning

Trading Systems That Fit
Presented by RJ Hixson
and Van Tharp

October 17-19

London, England

The New Infinite Wealth

Presented by Van Tharp

October 21-23

London, England
November 2017

Forex Trading Systems

Presented by Gabriel

November 10-12

VTI Facility, Cary, NC

Live Forex Trading

Presented by Gabriel

November 13-14

VTI Facility, Cary, NC

See full workshop schedule, discounts, pricing, logistics, etc.

The Super Trader Summit is in December, dates to be announced.

Trading Tip

Tech Wreck FANG Stocks Dive

by D.R. Barton, Jr.
Click here to resolve formatting problems
Curiouser and curiouser! Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the
moment she
quite forgot how to speak good English). ? Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland &
Through the Looking-Glass

The Tech Wreck Not that Big of a Deal

I remember a hugely hyped event back in 1986 and maybe a lot of you do, too.
Geraldo Rivera
was going to open Al Capones vault, live, on national prime time television.
Workers had found a
hidden subterranean chamber at Chicagos Lexington Hotel, Al Capones former base
of operations,
when preparing for a renovation.

A TV show was built around a live demolition of the wall leading into the mystery
chamber and was
hyped relentlessly leading up to the event. For 2 hours, 30 million people watched
the lead up to the
big moment Would bodies be found? Would they find a huge hoard of cash and jewels?
Much to
the dismay of the viewing audience, the vault only held a pile of dirt and a few
empty bottles.

All that hype and no follow through.

I couldnt help but feel that same way as the great stocks of our day had a true
swoon last Friday,
June 9. Goldman Sachs had issued a warning that the top tech stocks were in a
"Valuation Air-
Pocket (meaning that they were overvalued). Led by the so-called FANG stocks
Amazon, Netflix and Google) and Apple, most other tech stocks joined the ride down.
Mind you, a
drop of 4% in a stock like Apple or Amazon is nothing to sneeze at. Then on Monday,
a second tier
firm downgraded Apple to help fuel a subsequent day of selling in the worlds
largest company.

At 9:58 on Monday night, CNBC called me on the comfy confines of my couch to ask if
I could give
an interview at 11:15 p.m. about the Tech Wreck. I had to scratch my head wondering
why people
were freaking out. There was no panic in the markets the rest of the indexes
really didnt even
care about the drop in the Nasdaq. I told the CNBC viewers as much, but there was a
lot more to
the situation than I could share with them in that brief segment. Lets take a look
at some of the

What if You Gave a Panic Party and No One Came?

Even as the tech giants tanked on Friday, the Russell 2000 small cap index was
actually up pretty
strongly most of the day. Heres what that looked like 1 hours before the close
on Friday:
So while the Nasdaq was getting hammered, the Dow was up a touch. The S&P was down
a touch
but it looked like all the money rushing out of tech was actually rushing into
small caps?!? The
reactions of the other indexes did not signal any panic.

As tech continued to sell-off on Monday, the other indexes ignored techs decline
and were basically
flat for the day:

Other Signs of Panic?

OK, so techs stumble actually led to risk on type behavior in the other indexes.
What about other
indicators? How did the fear gauge the VIX fare?

Hmmm the VIX barely moved on Friday and ticked up slightly on Monday. Then it
said, No
worries at all on Tuesday. Thats not how a panic looks.

Well then, surely traders were piling into gold. Many traders classically think of
gold as inflation
hedge but it actually trades much more like an uncertainty hedge and is a go-to
place early in risk
off moves. Heres how gold fared Friday through Tuesday

As Alice would say, Curiouser and Couriouser indeed.

I was left with only one conclusion: This was just the normal breathing of the
market not a panic.
Before Friday, the FANG stocks were up between 23% and 35% for the first half of
2017 an
impressive run, for sure. But after an amazing run up, I believe investors and
traders were looking
for a chance to take profits:

With the fundamentals and cultural trends providing a strong tailwind for all of
these names, theres
reason to believe that price dips are just good opportunities to buy.

A Word on Fed Day

By the time you read this, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC or the Fed) will
have raised
interest rates by 25 basis points. That act in and of itself will not be much of a
market mover. Why
not? Almost everyone on planet earth is expecting just that (hyperbole anyone?).
See what the
Chicago Mercantile Exchanges Fed Fund Watch page showed on Wednesday morning based
trading of Fed Funds futures:

I circled three numbers on this graphic. Near the top is the astonishing 99.6%
probability that the
Fed will raise its target rate by 25 basis points. Below left is the 0.0% chance
that the Fed will keep
rates the same. This means that everyone trading Fed Funds futures thinks there
will be a rate hike
today. Lastly, the bottom right circle highlights the 30.8% chance of no rate
increase from one
month back. I believe the world of the FOMC and central banks is one of the most
esoteric out

If the fully expected rate increase will have no effect, what could move markets
afternoon? Two things the wording of the FOMC prepared statement or Dr. Yellens
answers in
the Q&A session. In the wording, analysts will be looking to see if the Fed removed
or revised the
phrase transitory weakness used in last months statement to describe first
quarter economic
health in the U.S. Also, analysts and traders will look for clues on how many more
rate increases we
might expect this year (can anyone get enough of those thrilling dot plots?) and
when the Fed might
start unwinding its massive balance sheet.

A fun afternoon for sure

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