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2012, Science Hu,

ISSN: 2153-649X, doi:10.5251/ajsir.2012.3.6.464.473

Earth, portals, parallel universes

Alexander A. Antonov
Research Center of Information Technologies TELAN Electronics
P. O. Box 73, Kiev, 03142, Ukraine
A new hypothesis of a structure of the Multiverse which is based on the theoretically and
experimentally established assumption the existence of hidden extra dimensions in our
Universe is suggested. The suggested hypothesis of the Multiverse, contrary to earlier
hypotheses of the Multiverse which were mostly developing the principles of the string theory
and many-world interpretation of quantum mechanics, ensues from principle to physical reality of
imaginary and complex numbers. Therefore such Multiverse allows for its experimental
verification and, most likely, really exists. The parallel Universes entering into it according to a
principle of similarity of the Universes are governed by the same laws of physics, in they there
are elementary particles, atoms and molecules, there are planets and stars, and even there are
reasonable inhabitants who, possibly, already found ways of visit of Earth. Therefore inhabitants
of Earth also can visit the adjacent parallel Universes through natural and artificial portals.
Possible mechanisms of portal formation are discussed.

Keywords: Complex numbers, Hidden extra dimensions, Universe, Multiverse, Parallel

Universes, Portals, Earth

INTRODUCTION Steinhardt and Turok 2009; Carr 2009; Lucash and

Mikheyeva 2010; Greene 2011). However in the
The term Multiverse was suggested in 1895 by William
physicist and cosmology their general fundamental
James (1842 1910), an American philosopher
lack total absence of any possibility of experimental
psychologist, and put into practice by Michael John
verification by detection of other parallel Universes
Moorcock (born 1939), a science fiction writer.
(Conley et al. 2007; Ellis 2011) is marked.
Hypotheses about Multiuniverse existence after
science fiction writers also experts in cosmology and The hypothesis suggested in the manuscript, based
astronomy, philosophy and physics, other scientists on the theoretically and experimentally established
recently began to offer. It turned out that descriptions principle of physical reality of complex numbers, as
of the Multiverse can be found even in some religions. well as the ensuing fact of presence of hidden extra
dimensions in our Universe, allows experimentally
In science, the term is usually understood as a
verifying existence of parallel Universes, and even
multitude of parallel universes the amount of which
describes the suggested mechanism of operation of
differs in various hypotheses, but most often is
portals between them.
infinitely large. The most substantial hypotheses are
described in (Lewis 1986; Linde 1990; Greene 1999; Proof of the principle of physical reality of
Deutsch 2002; Tegmark 2003; Ellis et al. 2004; complex numbers: Complex numbers discovered
Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2012, 3(6): 464-473

over 500 years ago have a complicated and dramatic The solutions of the characteristic algebraic equation
history first, their existence was denied by the are used to write down the time function describing
Inquisition, then by the special theory of relativity transition process. If the solutions of the characteristic
(STR). Even at present, these exemptions have not equation, e.g., of the second order equation, are
yet been overcome. However, below we give proof different real numbers, the transition process in
that complex numbers actually in nature really exist. question is aperiodic. If the solutions of the same
characteristic equation are real and equal (i.e.
Mathematic experiment: We can state that
multiple) numbers, the transition process is critical. If
oscillations are one of the most important processes in
the solutions of the same characteristic equations are
physics. They are present everywhere, in this or that
complex conjugate numbers, the transition process is
form. Indeed, without oscillations people would not be
oscillating. The solutions of characteristic algebraic
able to see or hear, warm up by the fire or measure
equations of higher degrees can be any combination
time, use modern communication means or electricity.
of the above particular cases, and, therefore, the
Neither our planet nor the Solar system, neither atoms
corresponding transition processes may include both
nor molecules would exist without oscillations, nothing
aperiodic and critical, as well as oscillation
would exist. in some religions.

To give mathematic description of oscillation All of the above is explained in detail in the respective
processes of any physical nature, differential textbooks. However, they do not explain why of the
equations are used. Processes in linear oscillation two variants of solving algebraic equations known
systems are described with linear differential even from the school course of algebra (on the set of
equations, the solutions of which, as is well known, are real numbers and on the set of complex numbers), the
a sum of two components the so called forced and theory of linear differential equations uses only one to
free components of response. They are found in a solve characteristic differential equations (on the set of
different way. complex numbers).

However, for the purpose of this report, we shall be This is an extremely important circumstance. The
interested only in the free component of response, matter is that quadratic characteristic equations
which is often referred to as a transition process. In the solved on the set of real numbers for the case of a
case when a pulse action takes place, it is also negative discriminant have no solutions. This result is
referred to as shock oscillation. A well known example illustrated by the graphic solution (see Figure 1) of the
of shock oscillations is a tsunami. equation as the absence of intersection points of the

Finding a concrete type of the free component of parabola y a2 p 2 a1 p a0 and the real numbers
response begins with creation of the so called
axis p . In all other cases, when the discriminant is
characteristic algebraic equation corresponding to the
initial differential equation, and solution it for variable positive or zero, the parabola y a2 p 2 a1 p a0
p , which, in the case when it takes values in the form
accordingly has two intersection points with the p
of complex numbers, is often referred to as complex
axis or concerns it.

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2012, 3(6): 464-473

set of real numbers

However, the same quadratic characteristic equation

solved on the set of complex numbers (see Figure 2)
always has solutions they are points of a contact of a

surface y a2 ( j )2 a1 ( j ) a0 and the

plane of complex numbers p .

Fig 1: Graphic solution of a quadratic equation on the

Fig 2: Graphic solution of a quadratic equation on the set of complex numbers

It is easy to see that these two solutions are mutually experiment. And such experiment is known for all. Let
exclusive for the case of a negative discriminant. us recollect in this respect that in the case of a
Consequently, only one of them can be true. But which negative discriminant, when the solutions of the
one? It is impossible to prove the validity of one characteristic equation are complex conjugate
solution and the falsity of the other in terms of pure numbers p j (also referred to as complex
mathematics. And therefore, without being able to frequencies of free oscillations), oscillation transitional
make a well founded choice, in algebra till now use processes always physically exist.
both algorithms.
However, for that same case, the solutions of the
In order to give an answer to this question, let us same equation on the set of real numbers do not exist
clarify the criterion of validity, i.e., let us define the (as in Figure 1, where the upper parabola does not
meaning of the words the solution exists or the intersect the p axis). Consequently, corresponding
solution does not exist. Where does it exist? The processes in the nature shouldn't exist.
answer is obvious in nature, in the physical world
However oscillatory transient processes in the nature
we live in. Thus, we are speaking about the solution
exist! This is, for example, a tsunami we mentioned
as a physical reality.
earlier. Therefore, physically real and existing in
Then it is logical to conclude that in order to answer nature solutions of algebraic equations are the
the question it is necessary to resort to a physical solutions in the form of complex

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2012, 3(6): 464-473

numbers p j , a particular case of which are but feel the real component. However, both
the solutions in the form of real numbers p . In components are explicitly mutually interrelated by the
other words, complex numbers are physically real. Euler formula

Thus, an unsolvable in terms of pure mathematics

ix cos x i sin x (1)
question on which of the two mutually exclusive ways
of solving algebraic equations is correct, turned out to
which can be obviously transformed into formula
be solvable with the help of common sense and a

i t e t cost i sint
reference to tsunami (Antonov 2010a; 2010b).
In this respect, it is appropriate to recollect a saying
by a prominent scientist, developer of operational This circumstance is an indirect possibility to get
calculus Oliver Heaviside (1850 1925): evidence of the existence of the imaginary component
Mathematics is an experimental science. of an oscillation process, since people do feel the real
Other proofs of a physical reality of complex numbers
(Antonov 1974; 2008; 2009; 2010c; 2011a) are Moreover, in the left part of formula (2) the exponent,
as can be seen, contains the number j , which
published also.
is complex frequency, and which is, as has been
Explanation of results of mathematic experiment:
proven above, a physically real complex number.
Due to the above, an obvious question arises: how
Thus, the right side of formula (2) is also a physically
shall we understand the statement on physical reality
real complex number. Furthermore, the statement is
of concrete (i.e., having a reference to a measurement
true even for the case 0 , i.e. with regard to
unit meter, gram, etc.) complex numbers? In other
sustained oscillations, as well.
words, how them to see or somehow differently to
feel? Oscillation processes, as is well known, take place
not only in the world we see without microscopes or
Unfortunately, we cannot. People do not have such
telescopes, but also in the macrocosm (e.g., rotation
sense organs. However, let us recollect that this is not
of celestial bodies around their stars) and in
a singular situation. People cannot see or touch the
microcosm (e.g., rotation of electrons around the
magnetic field, the electromagnetic radiation (except
atomic nucleus). onsequently, these worlds must
for the optical and thermal ranges), the electric
have their own physical realities (not yet discovered at
current (if it is small enough), the black holes, the
present, because they exist in parallel Universes
elementary particles, and many other things.
see below) measured by complex and imaginary
Nevertheless, people believe in their existence based
on the theoretical and experimental results obtained
by scientists. Finally, since concrete imaginary numbers are
physically real, they must measure something. In
And also it is necessary to believe in a physical reality
other words, they must correspond to certain
of complex numbers.
dimensions, which, according to the Euler formula,
The case under consideration, however, has an are supplementary to the dimensions measured with
important peculiarity people do not feel only the real numbers. However, as these measurements we
imaginary component of concrete complex numbers, don't see and in any way differently we do not feel,

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2012, 3(6): 464-473

they in essence are hidden extra dimensions have suggested their variants of correcting the STR in
(Antonov 2011b; 2011c; 2011d), similar in this respect order to explain the corresponding physical
to the hidden extra dimensions which are described in phenomena at superluminal speeds. However, in their
(Randall 2005) and which are supposed to be opened interpretations of the STR, similar to the traditional
during experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. But STR, the physical reality of complex numbers is still
the hidden extra dimensions described in the denied without any evidence. Both in the traditional
present paper are different from those expected to be interpretation of the STR and in the corrected
discovered at the Large Hadron Collider, as the latter interpretations of the STR mentioned above, this
exist only in the microcosm. statement is not justified, and results from the inability
to explain the physical meaning of complex numbers.
The real multiverse: Since the structure of the
Multiverse described below is defined in view of an The invalidity of this statement of the STR, including
experimentally established assumption the principle the corrected STR, has been proven above, both
of physical reality of complex numbers, there is theoretically and experimentally. The interpretation of
reason to believe that the suggested model of the the STR suggested herein, which accounts for the
Multiverse is also physically real. Therefore, it is quite physical reality of complex numbers, at
possible for people in this Multiverse to visit other v c coincides with the current interpretation, and at
parallel Universes (through portals see below). v c is quite explainable (Antonov 2011e; 2011f). Let
us demonstrate this. According to formulae of the STR
Comments to the OPERA and ICARUS
describing relativistic effects, the corresponding
experiments: In the context of research of the
physical values at v c will be measured by
Multiverse structure, it is hardly possible not to
imaginary numbers. For instance, in accordance with
mention the OPERA and ICARUS experiments.
the Lorentz-Einstein formula
On 22 Sept 2011 a report (Adam et al. 2011) was
published, stating that during the OPERA experiment m0
m (3)
(Oscillation Project with Emulsion tRacking Apparatus) 1 v c 2
superluminal neutrinos were registered. However,
later, on 16 Mar 2012, these results were disproved relativistic mass m of a physical object having rest
(Antonello et al. 2012) by the ICARUS experiment mass m0 at v c becomes an imaginary number.
(Imaging Cosmic And Rare Underground Signal).
However, it just means that as a result of exceeding
Nevertheless, regardless of which of the two the velocity of light by physical objects mentioned
experiments is correct, the current interpretation of above (e.g., by a neutrino), in accordance with the
the STR is erroneous, which was proven by other foregoing, they make a transition to a hidden extra
experiments (described above) performed before the dimension, or, in other words, to a tachyon Universe
OPERA and ICARUS (memento tsunami). of imaginary numbers. Moreover, this is possible only
in the case when their rest mass m0 is zero. Then,
It is interesting to note that, actually, this opinion is
their relativistic mass, due to the equality
shared by some theoretical physicists (Fox et al. 1969;
m im0 f v i 0 0 , is also zero, and, consequently,
Camenzind et al. 1970; Bers et al. 1971; Recami et al.
remains a real number. This is why these physical
2000; Liberati et al. 2002; Hill and Cox 2012), who
objects will be possible to register in our tardyon

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2012, 3(6): 464-473

Universe of real numbers. Other tachyons

having v c and m0 0 are unobservable from our
Universe of real numbers.
The Multiverse, parallel Universes:
Acknowledgement of the existence of the tachyon
Universe requires at least some basic principles of its
structure to be explained (Antonov 2011g; 2012). Let
us assume that the fundamental principle is the
similarity of the tachyon Universe of imaginary Fig 3: Graphs of function m f ( v ) for tardyon and
numbers and the tardyon Universe of real numbers, tachyon Universes, corresponding to the
i.e. let us suppose that tachyon Universe is governed Lorentz-Einstein formula (3)
by the same basic physical laws as our tardyon
Universe, and, therefore, it has its own rational beings m 0 v c (4)
1 v c 2
(who else can be the so called aliens?).
The tardyon, the tachyon and other Universes Formulae (3) and (4) can be merged into the formula
altogether form the Multiverse. (where n is a certain function of the argument v )
However, the Lorentz-Einstein formula (3), as well as
m m0
i n 0 v c (5)
other formulae describing relativistic effects in the
1 v c 2
STR, does not correspond to the adopted assumption
of similarity of Universes. Indeed, the graph (Figure 3) where n 0 for the tardyon Universe, and n 1 for
which corresponds to function (3) for argument v the tachyon Universe.
has a gap. Two of its branches, corresponding to the
Other formulae of the STR which describe relativistic
tardyon Universe (when 0 v c ) of real numbers
effects can be generalized in a similar way.
and the tachyon Universe (when v c ) of imaginary
Graph of function (5) is given in Figure 4. As is seen,
numbers look differently. Moreover, the tachyon
for the structure of the Multiverse to be complete, two
Universe corresponding to this graph, as can be seen,
more particular cases corresponding to n 2 and
is dynamically unstable, as all physical objects in it
n3 must be added to the graph. They are
have a superluminal speed v , and as the
described by the formulae
velocity v increases, their relativistic mass m
decreases down to zero. Consequently, this tachyon m0
m for which 0 v c (6)
Universe is physically unrealizable for physical 1 v c 2
objects with a non zero rest mass m0 .
According to the above principle of similarity of im0
m for which 0 v c (7)
Universes, the tachyon Universe should have the 1 v c 2
corresponding formula
where v is the local velocity for each Universe (but
this velocity, for instance, for the tachyon Universe,
measured, as in the OPERA experiment, from the
conjugate tardyon Universe, will already be

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2012, 3(6): 464-473

superluminal), since it is beyond the point of

i x 2 sin x i cos x (8)
singularity v c .
Further on, for n 4 once again we get the law (2a), for the tardyon Antiverse the form

i x cos x i sin x
which corresponds to the tardyon Universe, and so
for the tachyon Antiverse the form
Thus, eventually, the Multiverse includes:
our tardyon Universe, corresponding to formula (3); i x 3 2 x sin x i cos x (10)
the tachyon Universe, corresponding to formula (4); As can be seen, oscillations in adjacent universes are
the tardyon Antiverse, corresponding to formula (6); in quadrature to each other. However, it is quite
the tachyon Antiverse, corresponding to formual (7). possible that due to the physical reality of complex
numbers (not just real numbers alone and imaginary
Transition from one adjacent Universe to another is
numbers alone) intermediate variants of parallel
made as a result of mathematical transformations
universes also really exist (not just the tardyon, the
descried by formula (5) at points of singularity
v ( n 1 )c . tachyon and other universes mentioned above),
corresponding to a different phase shift in relation to
Portals: But real transitions from one Universe in
our tardyon universe. In this case, the number of
another for physical objects with non zero rest mass
parallel universes in the Multiverse will exceed four.

This statement seems to repeat the statement of

many world interpretation of quantum mechanics
about the infinitely large number of parallel universes,
about the transition of people from one parallel
universe into another literally at every step. This is not
so. In accordance with the suggested hypothesis,
people can move from one parallel universe into

Fig 4: Graphs of function m f ( v ) for the Multiverse, another only through portals which appear on Earth
quite seldom and exist for a relatively short time. This
corresponding to the formula (5)
m0 at points of singularity v c are physically is why most people live their lives with their families
and relatives, with their friends and colleagues in one
impossible, because for achievement of a velocity of and the same parallel universe.
light infinitely large energy is required to them.
What are the oscillations corresponding to formulae (1,
This is why in the Multiverse transition from one 8, 9, 10)? As we mentioned above, people live in the
Universe into another occurs in a different way to be world of many various oscillations. Thus, the answer
precise, through the portals. The principle of their is obvious: since parts of adjacent Universes which
operation may be explained by the Euler formula, open up for people on the surface of Earth through
which: the portals are relatively large and exist for quite a
for the tardyon Universe has the form (1), long period of time, these are infra low frequency
oscillations (mechanical, hydraulic, electromagnetic,
for the tachyon Universe the form
may be some other types of oscillations yet unknown)

Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2012, 3(6): 464-473

caused by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. In complex numbers, are always a measurement tool,
other words, these are resonance oscillations (they this allowed proving the existence of hidden extra
are confirmed by regular tides) of the Earths surface. dimensions in the Universe.

Moreover, in places of geotectonic dislocations of the Implementation of the principle of physical reality of
Earth surface, shock oscillations may appear at complex numbers allowed correcting the STR and
frequencies close to the resonance frequency. developing a hypothesis of the structure of the
Therefore the phase of sum (resonant and shock) of Multiverse, where, apart from our tardyon Universe,
fluctuations can sometimes appear considerably a three other Universes exist simultaneously. At that,
distinct from phase dominating on a surface of the the Lorentz Einstein formula (and other formulae of
Earth of fluctuations. It is due to this that an adjacent the STR describing relativistic effects) is not
tachyon Universe or tachyon Antiverse may appear applicable to these parallel Universes. Thus, a
on certain relatively small patches of the Earth surface. generalized formula which is true for all Universes is
And smooth borders of these patches on the surface suggested instead. It is shown that on Earth the
of Earth turn to be the portals which close after the physical transition from one Universe into another is
shock oscillations dampen; as a result, initial possible through the portals, and the principle of their
fragments of our tardyon Universe recover on these operation is explained.
Finally, we cannot rule out that in fact the Multiverse
Apart from the abovementioned natural portals under consideration includes a larger amount of
created by processes taking place on Earth, there parallel universes the coexistence of which can be
obviously can be artificial portals (including those in described with the help of hyper complex numbers
other frequency ranges) created by reasonable (Kantor and Solodovnikov 1989).
beings of parallel worlds who have learned the
processes of natural doorway formation. It is very
likely that UFOs are vehicles carrying on board Adam, T. et al. (2011). Measurement of the neutrino velocity

devices for artificial portal formation. with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam.

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