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8-Year-Old Boy Commits Suicide After Being Bullied at School

Gabriel Taye, 8, took his own life two days after being allegedly kicked and struck by his classmates at
his public school in Cincinnati, OH, according to the surveillance footage obtained by attorneys.
According to a report obtained by The Cincinnati Enquirer, homicide detective Eric
Karaguleff described the scene from the video as several students attacking Taye and leaving him
unconscious in one of the restrooms at Carson Elementary School on January 24.
For many minutes, many students step over, point, mock, nudge, kick, said Karaguleff in the email. I
witnessed behavior that in my belief is bullying and could even rise to the level of criminal assault.
On January 26, two days after the altercation, Taye hung himself with a necktie from his bunk bed.
On the day of the assault, his mother Cornelia Reynolds had no idea of what really happened to her
son. After being found on the floor by the assistant principal then the school nurse, the third-graders
mother was contacted and she was informed that she son had fainted. She picked him up and after
vomiting twice at home, she took him to Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center. Doctors
diagnosed his pain as a stomach virus.
The following day the child returned to school and when he returned home he locked himself in his
room. That evening, this mother found him hung from the bed.
I just feel like enough is not being done, and I feel like stuff is being swept under the rug, Reynolds
told local news WLTV.
According to the report, the video shows a child assaulting one child when Taye enters the lavatory,
thats when he tries to shake hands with the primary agitator, he grabs him and throws him violently
against the wall. The boy is then unconscious for seven and a half minutes.
If the school had told her what had happened to him in the bathroom, that he was unconscious for
such a long period of time, she would have taken to the hospital immediately, reported that to the
medical professionals, and she would have called the police, said the mothers attorney Jennifer
Branch. Thats why this is so frustrating for her, not knowing what really happened in that school.
Family and friends have created a GoFundMe page in hopes to help his family cope after such a tragic
Tena 8 aos, sufra bullying y se suicid: dos das antes haba recibido una golpiza

registrada en video
Gabriel Taye fue uno de los tantos nios que padeca el acoso de sus pares. No supo cmo salir de
ese siniestro laberinto. Las fallas de la institucin y los mensajes a su madre
Cuando el 24 de enero Gabriel Taye, de apenas 8 aos, ingres al bao de su colegio, no saba que sera
golpeado brutalmente por varios compaeros y que quedara tendido en el suelo, inconsciente, durante
cinco minutos. En esa interminable tortura se burlaron de l, continuaron patendolo e insultndolo, sin
que pudiera escapar de ellos. Todo eso ocurri hasta que un responsable escolar pudo detenerlos. Dos
das despus, se suicidara.
Su madre, Cornelia Reynolds siempre sospech que el pequeo Gabe haba sufrido bullying y que
atormentado decidi terminar con su vida. Pero no tena ninguna prueba. Nada que pudiera conectar sus
especulaciones con la muerte de su pequeo. Pero ahora, meses despus de la prdida, Cornelia busca
respuestas tras conocerse el video que muestra cmo fue salvajemente herido en el interior del bao de la
escuela de Cincinnati, Estados Unidos.
Fue en ese bao donde padeci la paliza que segn su madre pudo conducirlo a colgarse con su propia
corbata personalizada en su habitacin, dos das despus. Fue Cornelia quien lo encontr muerto. Pero
recin hoy supo sobre esa golpiza. Pasaron cuatro meses desde entonces y la institucin nunca le haba
dicho nada al respecto.
Ayer, la oficina del sheriff Lakshmi Sammarco confirm que reabri la investigacin para conocerse las
circunstancias de la muerte de Gabriel. La oficina de Escuelas Pblicas de Cincinnati al principio se
negaba a hacer pblica la grabacin, pero luego de que el Inquirer diera a conocer su existencia, cambi
de parecer y la publicar en los prximos das. Eso s, cuidar la identidad de los menores que golpearon
a la vctima hasta que la investigacin termine.
El distrito escolar defiende a la institucin y dice que el video no es tan crudo como lo relata la abogada de
la familia, Jennifer L. Branch. Sealaron que se siguieron todos los protocolos y que la madre fue
advertida por una enfermera del colegio sobre lo sucedido y que incluso le recomendaron que lo llevara a
un hospital. Cornelia neg esto ltimo. Su hijo pasaba varias horas en la enfermera de la escuela y en
ocasiones no quera concurrir. Prefera quedarse en casa.
Esa noche, al contarle a Gabriel que se haban comunicado con ella, el nio tuvo nuseas y vomit. Su
madre lo llev a una guardia hospitalaria, pero nada raro haba en l. Al da siguiente, no fue al colegio.
Regres el 26 de enero, dos das despus de la golpiza. Al regresar a su vivienda, nadie sabe por qu,
subi a su habitacin y se quit la vida. "Fue a la escuela pero no tenemos idea de qu sucedi",
seal Branch.
El detective Eric Karaguleff, de la Unidad de Homicidios de la Polica de Cincinnati vio el video das
despus de la muerte del nio de ocho aos. "Observ comportamiento que para m es bullying y
podra incluso llegar a un nivel criminal por asalto", indic en un correo electrnico enviado a las
autoridades de la institucin. La abogada de la familia de Gabriel quiere que los dems padres puedan
observar el video para que sepan qu ocurre en el edificio al que envan a sus hijos. "Cubrirlo y pretender
que nada ocurre no es bueno para nadie", indic la letrada.
"Creo que no supo cmo decirme lo que estaba ocurriendo. Yendo a la enfermera o no queriendo ir
a la escuela, era su forma de tratar de comunicarse conmigo. No quera decir 'ma, alguien me est
acosando'. Simplemente no supo cmo decrmelo", explic Cornelia.

Same quotes used. The extension is different, the Spanish piece of news is
They are both against bullying. longer.
They both use the same diction and The level of detail is wider in the Spanish piece of news that in
vocabulary to refer to the same the English one.
events. Some of the information does not coincide. For example, the
The titles used for the piece of news English piece of news states that the boy was unconscious for
are the same. 7 minutes whereas the Spanish one states that he was in that
state only for 5.
The Spanish piece of news contains more opinions stated
than the English one as well as facts.
The English piece of news appears to be more objective than
the Spanish one. The latter feels more like a narrative
involving the readers response to the event rather than being
a descriptive text.

3) To begin with, Im against bullying in all of its forms: verbal and physical. Moreover, I feel impotent
towards the topic because its something which is not spoken of regularly at schools or at home.
Additionally, it makes me feel pity and sadness for the victims. However, I also feel a little bit of pity for the
bullies because they are people who have low self-stem and try to feel better by attacking others. Its a
shame that many times the children express their feelings to their teachers and family and they do not give
it the importance it deserves. Worst of all is the fact that many children commit suicide because of bullying.
It would have never crossed my mind that a child that is supposed to be full of happiness, cheer and
imagination would feel the pressure to kill himself.
4) I feel this way because this is what my parents taught me throughout my childhood and they still do.
They always told me to defend myself against bullies and to talk to the teachers or to them if someone was
bothering me. Therefore, I think these feelings are related to the moral values my family transmitted to me.

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