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Mara Sol Torres


Intercultural Studies
Cowboys in Heaven
A Texas Tall Tale
Retold by S. E. Schlosser

After cow punching for nigh on fifty years, a Texas cowboy went on to his reward. There was considerable excitement in heaven when he reached
the pearly gates. The arrival of a real Texan cowboy was considered something of an event in heaven. Saint Peter himself came right over and
insisted on giving the cowpoke a tour. Things were right friendly-like until the cowboy spotted half-a-dozen cowpokes staked out like broncos.
"Why are all those men staked out?" he asked Saint Peter.
Saint Peter replied: "Those are cowboys from the Panhandle. Every time we let them loose, they try to go back to Texas!"
Cow punch: gather, keep or drive (animals) in a herd.
Nigh: nearly.
Cowpoke: cowboy or cowgirl.
Staked out: under surveillance.
Let (sb) loose: to let someone do what they want without controlling or watching them.
Bronco: an untrained horse or pony of western North America.
Panhandle: a narrow strip of land that projects from one state into another.
Mara Sol Torres

Products Practices Perspectives Communities Persons

Cowboys The Texas cowboy Since the 19th century, cowboys are Catholic religion The cowboys
clothes going to heaven as a considered highly responsible humans in community. representing one of
Saint Peter reward. the United States. They signify protection, The United States the most important
Heaven The Texas cowboy loyalty and honor because of their great community figure in American
Texas interaction with Saint work on earth that they have sacrificed (especially western culture.
Panhandle Peter. until every point even death. America). Saint Peter and
Bronco Saint Peter offering a The cowboys are actual heroes of America. Cowboys. heaven representing
Spoken tour to the Texas Cowboys are not someone who held the the Catholic faith
English cowboy. deer and are dressed cool, but they are beliefs that good
language The cowpokes being people who rode across the American people go to heaven
Institution of staked out. west and helped to settle this country. and are received by
religion. The cowpokes trying They braved Indian attacks, wild horses, Saint Peter because
to escape to Texas. stampedes and every other form of he has the keys to it.
The excitement horrible death imaginable. Therefore, this The cowpokes
shown in heaven for folk depicts that the cowboys wanted to go representing loyalty
the arrival of a back to Texas because they want to and responsibility
cowboy. resume their responsibilities. Moreover, because they want to
this folk also tells us that they cowboys are go back to Texas to
in heaven because of their hard work shield animals and
which now they will be rewarded for. protect the nation.
In addition, there is an underlying belief in
the Catholic faith by mentioning heaven
and Saint Peter. Saint Peter greets the
Texas Cowboy because he has the Keys of
the Kingdom of Heaven. Whats more, he
does it so because of the importance
granted to the figure of a cowboy in
America. They are so important that Saint
Peter directly greets them and does not let
them loose because of the fear of going
Mara Sol Torres

back to earth to shield animals and people

in danger.
Apart from that, the folktale manifests the
Catholic belief that if you are a good
person (like cowboys) you will go to
heaven and even be greeted by Saint Peter

Leyenda correntina del Gauchito Gil

por Mara de Hoyos y Laura Migale

Con los aos era tanta la cantidad de promesantes que iban a visitar la tumba del Gauchito Gil y le encendan velas, que el
dueo de la estancia sinti temor que le incendiaran el campo e hizo llevar su cuerpo al cementerio local. Dicen que este
estanciero era un hombre rico, con una familia sana y bien constituida. Pero desde el momento que decide sacar de all el
oratorio comenz a tener problemas econmicos, muere uno de sus hijos de una extraa enfermedad, la hacienda se enferme
y los campos se secaban. l mismo cae en cama y los mdicos no aciertan con el diagnostico.
Un da una curandera le dice al estanciero que iba a mejorar solo cuando volviera a traer el oratorio del Gauchito a su lugar.
Entonces, el estanciero construyo un mausoleo junto con una cruz tallada en fina madera en el sitio donde muri y cedi,
adems, un amplio espacio. A partir de este momento todo mejor para el dueo del campo. El Gauchito sigui enterrado
en el cementerio local pero el lugar de su muerte se convirti en centro de culto.

Products Practices Perspectives Communities Persons

Tomb The worshipers Underneath this legend, we can identify Gauchos. The healer that
Gauchos that visit el one of the most worshiped profane The worshipers of represents one of the
traditional Gauchito Gils figures in Argentina, El Gauchito Gil: a the Gauchito Gil. many fervent
clothes. tomb and light gaucho who lived in the countryside in Argentinian followers of the
Candles candles for him. Corrientes who was killed in the 1800 but community Gauchito.
Cattle ranch was innocent. From that moment
Mara Sol Torres

Animals The rancher that onwards, some people believe he (especially the The rancher who
Chapel takes the concedes wishes to those that worship Corrientes one). represents the
Bed Gauchitos body him and light a candle for him. Apart from Family and friends Catholic Church that
Healer to the cemetery this, since it is said that the Gauchito who worship him. does not believe in the
Countryside and takes out the worshiped San La Muerte (the Saint of Gauchito at the
Spoken Spanish chapel from his Death), the people that believe in el beginning.
language cattle ranch. Gauchito also pray to San La Muerte El Gauchito Gil
Institution of The ranchers son who supposedly concedes wishes as well. representing a figure
family and dying of a strange In addition, we can identify the worship of of loyalty, honesty and
religion. disease. a secular figure, which is El Gauchito Gil solidarity.
Wood cross. The animals since the Catholic Church does not
Cemetery. getting sick. recognize him as a catholic saint because
Mausoleum. The rancher it believes he was a robber who stole
himself getting ill. from the rich to give to the poor. In fact,
Religious cult.
The interaction the predominant religion in Argentina is
between the the Catholic one (72%) but many Catholic
rancher and the people believe in the Gauchito Gil as well.
healer. In addition, the Gauchito Gil is worshiped
The healers because in the fight for Independence,
advice to take the gauchos like him helped reaching it and in
Gauchitos chapel that way, influencing the Argentinian
back to his ranch. culture with their traditions. They are
The construction seen as kind and warm men who protect
of the mausoleum the countrys land and cattle. Moreover,
and the wood they are respected as symbols of
cross. Argentinian nationalism.
Mara Sol Torres

Legends/Myths Similarities Differences

Both display a predominant traditional figure of their The religious belief displayed in Cowboys in Heaven about the
respective countries. The cowboys in America and the existence of heaven and Saint Peter is supported by the
Cowboys in gauchos in Argentina. Catholic Church. Whereas the religious belief displayed in the
Heaven Both display a religious belief. legend of Gauchito Gil is secular and not supported by the
The main characters: Catholic Church.
o Work shielding cattle and they live in the countryside. The predominant traditional figure of each country is
o Are loyal, good and hard-working. different. In Argentina this is the gaucho and in America it is
o Are respected and well-known by the people of the the cowboy.
country in which they were born. There is a predominance of catholic supports in Argentina
Cowboys and gauchos helped settle their respective (72%) whereas in America, the majority of people (51%) are
countries at moments of difficulty and also, they protected protestant.
their land against robbers or Indians. Cowboys do not make miracles or concede wishes as gauchos
El Gauchito Gil supposedly do.

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