Kircheis' Sheets

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Sis Nes Bacsoures BArwnst Shun acuve BCnar SB Guar Gur BDmowcr Dinas Dever a Dwcusr Bkscare Aen ony BHanow Anwar Dew Biismutoace A kxomnrnce (aeanaye i Ksomsoce (asxzoen)* CD komen: (excceuNe)* knomrocr (erocean) A kxostrner (sro B knomoce (ocat)* Okyomieocr (errr) Ti knowucoxic (xvaLT) TD knomuoce (ran)? icxomence (ucI08)+ Bixcusrese BPrcrmox LY Brevom OPeromt i PRoresioN" ‘wProresion HEI Ro Sense Mons Stren oF Hane Bsc Sr 3: ise hse Macc: Devices Beuase: *Tamoer Coxoresn Mone as ‘ATATADER RPG CHARACTER SHEET E 2 | nooouoooon% ooooo00000 ¢ a é 3 para? \ooo00000000 Jo0o0 000000: DOMARNATECIALTY SaHOO AS ene Lmao a a Pathfinder Society Organized Play Ancient City Con 2016 Boon #1 Payer Nome ee te you. you have become sult lkeraure, oF learning Payehie Dilettante: Although mast psychic techniques remain ult Adventures 394) and proficient in a siagle peychic skill through experimentation, po tN unlock (Pathfinder RPG ough You had the Psychic Sesitv ly obsersinga master at work. Choose one psvehic second it belom; you ean now ase that sll unlock 3¢ Payehie Skill Unlock Selected: Y= ‘For GM Only: ale LA Doe SESS iNT ren cone starting x? AP Gained «aon final XP Total =! init Psi tle Ya¢ ‘in var SoU SOVEREIGN COURT Through diplomacy, intrigue, deception, and the occasional act of sabotage, the Sovereign Court aims to Unite the nobles of the inner Sea, and eventually forge a new, glorious empire. Although recruiting like-minded nobles is its hest priority, the faction benefits from enlisting capable diplomats, spies, and enforcers, Many monarchs would view the Sovereign Court as a rival if ‘not a criminal operation, so it is important thet agents avoid publicizing the faction’s existence and goals except when dealing with potential recruits. CONFIDANTE (2+ goals): Twice per adventure, you can call upon your contacts, either allowing you to attempt a Knowledge ‘check as though you had a number of ranks in that skill equal to your number of ranks in Diplomacy or gain you a +2 bonus ‘on the check. Calling in a favor takes 1 minute, and when not in an urban environment requires two uses of this ability. CONSwHieTO (4+ goals): Your contact can now perform any of the following services when called: pay any Prestige Point costs ‘associated with getting you out of jail, recover your body and equipment for free if you died in an urban setting, or purchase and deliver to you any item worth up to 10 gp per faction goal you have accomplished (returned at the end of the adventure). sey MAstex (7 goals): Once per adventure, you can coach up to seven other creatures in the use of a skill that you select when you use this ability. For the duration of the adventure, those creatures gain a +4 competence bonus on checks using ‘that skill and halve theit armor check penalty when using the skill, ‘Once per adventure when you accomplish one of the following goals, you may check 2 box that precedes it. Once all of a ‘goal’s boxes are checked, the goal is complete. You earn special rewards based on the number of goals you have completed. ei a Recruit a named NPC aristocrat, noble, ambassador, of similar figure to cooperate with the faction with a successful Diplomacy ox Knowledge (nobility) check (OC = 14 + your character level + 3 for each ofthis goa's checked boxes), ruta servant of a named NPC aristocrat, noble, ambassador, or similar figure who is not a member of the Sovereign ‘Court. Doing so requires a successful Diplomacy or Knowledge (local) check with a DC equal to 15 plus your character level. g Recover blackmail or incriminating evidence against a named NPC aristocrat, noble, ambassador, or similar figure. € ‘Sponsor another PC to join your fection. To fulfill this goal that PC must then join the Sovereign Court by spending only LX 1 Prestige Point per character level (one-third the normal cost). The PC must have at least 6 XP and at least three ranks In any combination of the following skill: Blutt, Diplomacy, Disguise, Knowledge (nobility), or Sense Motive. fll one of the goals above without revealing your faction affiliation to anyone other than a present or future member of the Sovereign Court. Checking one of this goat's boxes doesn't prevent you from checking one box for a (© different goal. {Ey Possess a numberof ranks in one of the following sls equal to your character level (minimum 4): slut Diplomacy, Disguise, Knowledge (nobility), or Sense Motive, [Ey Complete a mission (by completing both the primary and secondary success conditions) tied directly to enhancing or preserving the reputation of the Pathfinder Society in the eyes of another nation or organization. DOOD £2 the 6M for an adventure'that grants 1 or more XP, and apply credit andthe Chronicle sheet to this character. Completing this goal counts as two goals for the purpose of earning faction rewards. e . * ° ‘ * ° e bebe bebsaansex ced Obm a erdb-b ew ° ° ° * + + * ° ° * * once per adventure when you accomplish one of the following goals, you may check 2 box that precedes it. Once all of 3 {goals boxes are chackac, the goal is complete. You earn special rewards based on the number of goa's you have completed. COC Pasta named we arise, noble, amasadoy smi figure to cooperate withthe facton with 9 succes Diplomacy or Krowledge (nobility) check (OC = 14 - your character level » 3 foreach ofthis gra’s checked boxes). 1 recover blackmail cr incriminating evidence against a named NPC aristocrat, noble, ambassador or similar figure. Fulfill ono of the gcals above withewt oventing your faction affiliation to anyone other than a present or prospective TA member of the sovereign court. checking one of this goals boxes doesn’t prevent you from checking one box for a different goal. Resove an encounter with 2 gene theugh diplomacy. ticker bribery, of 2 sila tac if yu convince gene to provide you with a non-corrupted wish (as detailed in 0 scenario), you can check both of this goals boxes. ¢ fora» yourwntinetoreinforce your lta connections. Doing so eques a ucesfl knowledge (ova or knowledge PLE (aobilty) check (0¢= 15 + your character level) SEY possess a number of ranks in one of the following skills equal to your character level (minimum 4): Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Knowledce (nobility), or Sense Motive. 2K Gain access to an item on your Chronicle sheet with a value of at least three times the maximum gold you could have ‘earned for that adventure using the standard advancement track (minimum 2,000 gp)- Serve ai the GMM for an adventure that grants 1 of more KF, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character. TID /TO checking 3 boxes counts 2s one oal for earning faction rewards; checking all couns as two goals. Pathfinder Society Organized Play _ awewconies S-C-A-R-A-B 2016 Boon #7 hronicle sheet grants access tothe fllowing: Paychic Awakening: You can infuse one of your items with payehic energy granting it more powerazd FARM significance ever time, Choose one weapon or armor ofa least masterwork quality. one wand, or one ‘wondrous item thatcan be upgraded, suca asa coal of resistance 7. To imface the item with peychic energy, perform one of the following tasks, as appropriate forthe item type. Once per adventure afler performing this task, you may check off one of the 10 boxes on this Chronicle sheet. ‘Armor: Wear the armor during at least one combat encounter ‘Wand: Activate the wand, using atleast one charge ‘Weapon: Make atleast one successfil attack rll against an opponent during an encounter. ‘Other Item: Proclaira the item's greatness or significance before attempting a skill check or attack roll, Alternatively, use the item asin additional focus winen casting. spell. ou mast be wearing the item prominently or helding it in your hand in order to infuse it with psychic energy ‘Once you check of the soth box on this Chronicle sheet, you have fully infused your item with psycbie energy Ifthe itern is nota wand, you may expend thie peychic energy to reduce the cost of ene fature upgrade tothe item by 20%. This discount docs not stack with other discounts, and it can provide a maximum price reduction of z0o gp per character level. The discount reduce fr the item, but it does not reduce the market price ofthe item for the purpese of having enough Fame to | quality forthe purchase Tf the peychically infused item is s wand, yom may expend the psychic energy between scenarios to | cecharge the wand, You may restore up 5 charges of 10a wand ofa gtr-level spell, up co 10 charges toa wand of «31d-level spell, up to 25 charger to wand of: andclevel spell, and up to 30 charges toa wand ofaustlevel spell. A wand cannot hold more than so charges, and the number of changes you restore £0 | tie wand canaot increase is elective market price by mare that 200 gp per character level. Once yeu | cecharge the wand once. the remaining psychic energy dissipates he price you ps ‘Acharacter can only benefit from this boom once, even if multiple copies are applied to the same PC Bee foe SAAB Scacaes - GZ, lefeos USL aA Pokcsticcssgraure——~*E Pahinde Sly # Elemental Blast: You may harness the energy of an element to attack a target within 3o feet with a kinetic blast, using your character level as your effective kineticist level. You may perform one of the blasts detailed below, Once you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle shect Air, Earth, or Wiser You may call forth s blast of at, earth, or water ar a standard action. This blast ‘sa ranged touch attack that deals an amount of damage equal to 14601 « your Constitution moditier, phs an additional wl6-t points af damage for every 2 levels you possess beyond ast Ix damage type is bludgeoning. anes you select earth, in which ease ite damage type is bladgeoning, piercing, o slashing Cold, Electric, or Fire: You may call frth a blast of cold, electriity, office. This blastixaranged touch attack that deals an ammount of damage equal to 1d6 + (2 your Constitution modificr, plus an additional 146 points of damage for every 2 levels you possess beyond ist. The cold blast deals cold damage, the clectricity bast deals electricity damage, and the fre blast deals ire damage. This blast is subject to spell resistance Ifyou are a kinetic atleast 7h level, youn you can apply metakinesis and infusions to this! yy se this boon to unleash a composite hiast with this blasts element as one of t you are a kinetiist of its components For more details about kinetic bast, see page 11 of Pathfinder RPG Oceult Adventures: senate — L650 1/18] Io BN Even Coe ‘asters Sgnatare Pathfinder Society Organized Play _cssuaerconite® S-C-A-R-A-B 2016 Boon #8 = Feesige Gained fm oe Prestige Spent Liar’s Blade, Pirate’s Honor, The Wizard's Mask, King of Chaos The Croke Cais Tat | lets cats =f SEL i" te. Each ofthe fellowing boons may be wed once per player for any ofhis or her characters and a boon may only be used aera GM has initialed the box next to that Pathfinder Tales title to indicate that the player has brought a copy of the book to a sanctioned Pathfinder Society erent. After a boom has been uted, check the box net tothe GM's initial to indicate thatthe boon has been expended, Once all four boxes have been initialed, the player may apply the Prolige Reader boon toany one othis other characters ‘Lae’s Beave by Tim Pratt Lave Intultion: The mere thoroughly you dupe your enemies, the more thoroughly you can see ‘hrouph theic ies. For the duration of ane seenao, you gn 4+ citcumstance Donat on Sense Motive any creature that you hove euccetully deceived aaing the laff bill. For ‘an only benefit Bares nono yc jnken Sect ets hors cai ri a oe eas ed ip Skvesboale truley tsmeresn Seotusoessmataes Soremieians mene aetaa ea Wizato's Masxby Ed Greenwood Veiled otrigue: When several powerfl orgusisations veck yo—cithero punish yo or conc you at ‘serving thetzimeresti—soretimes the best option isto lie low and reassess Your options. Fr idaet hours yu gin «+3 bom om Diagulae and Stealth cheche Ifyou ase either of these skills daring ‘huge the bonus increases by 2. Activating this Deon s+ adard ston that doesnot prove attacks of oppartuny. Ke oF Chaos by Dave Gross Demonbane: Both Kelide and crusaders hive their reqpective tricks for dapatching demons snd you ‘ave learned rm thems bow to strike down Abyial oes quickly and efiently.Asarwif ation you may perform a foarih, enter stance, or recite sprayer that grams Yous +1 bomus on your next galas aceeatuce withthe demoa aibtype oon your next caster eel check to overcome a demon resistance This henedit must be applied beote the endo your next re i sae. Prolific Reader: Choose one of the foxr boone below. Ifthe boon normally aet for ane scenario, it ie now rue ‘Permanent. fhe boom has 2 duration of less than one scenario, it may now be used once per scenario, ‘ Lux teromox Varun terrae = i Morter Came Dawownane fect F wan «EVENT CODE aE Game Master Sigrative ea Pander Say Pathfinder Society Organized Play Gateway 2012 GM Boon Scenaro Chronice as Completed th Seana BE ters Found During This Scenario “Perea leg etal ens im ome Neps-Bleoded: Yoo can (ead FUP Ing 50 Keg Aa jong homeland ‘ou may ply a nagay character (dswner Race Gude T9S-or-Deagon Papi Ca beginning st level 1 ssomoefil Other than acces o this additional rag@>al, Tmyeieal, miniature humanoids You may phy a fon rules arethe same asthoseoatlined ia the Guide 1 Pathfinder Society Organite Pay. Valpine-Blooded: Your ancestors come (kom a rave of shapechanging fox folk, know throughout the Dragon Empites for thelr love of ae, heamy. and whimsical trickery You may play 2 Kitsune character (Adaneed Race Gul 192 oF Dragon Empires Gazctice 9), Deginning at level + as normal, Other than access to this additional race, all character ctestion rales are the ame 3s those otlined in the Guide lo Pathfinder Society Organize Pay. This Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character, and you _must brings copy ofone of the above-listed rulesbooks to all sessions in which you play this characters if acess to this ace selection were granted by the Additional Resouces list ast ln the StS Tar ae 8B A PATHFINDER MODULE: THE GODSMOUTH HERESY Kienche 297 He Computed This Seana Pharasma's Blessing: Pharasna bleses you for your service tothe Godsmouth Cathedral. You smayeeroll any ingle stack rol tarpting ature or ty cng saving threw szinat Inundead creatures ability oretfet always aking the result of he second rll You must ake er bie th el othe in ae now Parana youd you receive +4 bonus on four reroll. Once this ability has been used, cou ofthe Chronicle races efarmar + (3,000 BP) Hise of ove 50 ep) Feather eke, bird (00 gp) Feather taken whip (600 89) Potion afeagl’s splendor (300 ge) Sera of gh! touch (50 gp) Sera of remove disease (57549) Serall of remove prays (50 59) Sera of shatter (so 09) Stheirn medallion (860 gp; while worn, xSthedron madalon grants wear ‘bonus onal saving throws. Once per day, it may be commanded to bestow the effects of false eo the wearer (CL 5th/—thene efletsend'the redallion is removed. Paced onthe neck fs dead body, the Sthadron medallion preserves the body indefinitely with geile repae Wend fiommand undead (1 charges 3.1700) Wand of drapt undead (30 charge, 28589) soe fe] ~ oF Gnet oro + Paieernen 573 ror vat oF rs 0.0 Tora. cos ors Bouck 3 idl dt eo he SA Boe B Tal For GM Only 16 fesenincrrs 3203 a0 EVENT EVENT CODE Game Masters Signature GM Palbfinder Society # err Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-12: Destiny of the Sands, Part 1: A Bitter Bargain This Chronicle sheet grants access tothe following: al) checks regarding Kaer Mags, and can make WaCyour Chronicle sheet to rerellasingle Bluf, your plans. You have developed a reputation as one who seeks Torch’s Wo always successful Amenopheus believes is very clove at hand. Having this boon contributes to eveats later in ‘ofthe Sandi storyline and does not grant any benefits at this time. Subtle Revenge: You chose to undermine Torck's schemes in Osirion, and it seems he never found ‘out about your sabotage. This may lead him to miscalculate a risk or fail at an important scheme ia the future Destiny = | Prestive Gained (atone Corman ning of earth elemento command (casts {roll of gentle repose (375 ap) ‘met with stone [1 5th) once per day on command, SRMAL Se visibly (150 00) fully activating the ning may require a special task ‘Sell of Peak with dod (375 gp) and the expendtue of additonal gold 5,400 96) Wand of shore Memacy (10 charges, 900 gp, iit Scrol offlse te (150 96) Litmate Megi 238) ‘cell of eit (150 5p) Wand of shore memory (3 charges, 450 gp, bt Patntinder RPG uinmate Magic 238) enna 3 216-4 Sh4ey WENT EVENT coor Signature ‘Ga Pathog socety F Pathfinder Society Special Siege of the Diamond City |___] _chasactet Cheoniele # Mieke 2552-2 _SC Playei Name havacter Karme athfindor Society # action aie res Ai iit TSS “Pi : eS eee eee Pm ete yp al pe foment You extn one of the following boons, depending upon the result ofthe siege. Cross out the rest Defender of Nerosyan (Neay Defeat): The tity of Nerosyan still itands in part because of your actions, but all of its resources will additional benefit Af bas taken note. While in Mendev or the Woddwound, redace the cost of While omide of 2 vealemertt of g 000 reviderits de morc by > (Impressive Defense): The city of Nerosyan stands in part because of your actions, and Queen Galftey fereeif has laken note, While in Mendev or the Worldwound, reduce the cost of purchasing a Presylge Award while outside ofa settlement of s,oco residents or more by 3, You pain s 5% Aiscount om any Ahagleal items that require a spell with the Good descriptor as a spell presequisite. This diaust dant cachet dacrunts enero eroys9 Cervtcining Veto) They of Nero Sands in pat eevee of your actions fees hersetbas Caken nate, While in Mendey or the Worldwound, reduce the cost of purchasing 1 PrestigeAWERe while outside of 2 settlement of 5.000 residents or more by 4. You gain a 10% ‘Giscommtion any magica! items that require » spell with the Good descriptor as 2 spell prerequisite, This inccunt docs not stack with other discounts and Queen Galfiey be purchasing a Prestige Defender of Net e Z For Git Only * Bax PATHFINDER SOCIETY SPECIAL: psy (VS en ass x ——— This Cheeni Cosi That —, [Dirt 2893-2. torrie ‘ance Homa alas aan ees fecal ne a Ce See ee mau rehes Cha of reste 4,000) Paton of cats rce(20 99) Pen of ser esterson 909 gp) Sol shat (0 gp) Seal ef shied oer (30g) endef man mont C. yd 9 charges) (Ue 5) 2 ‘istsa chronicle sheet a document tht cf records your pation aa pec Pthfinder Sct scenario rin hn can the Fee RPG Day reduc adertre, Yor receives erence fe sucessly completing 2 senaria. you wie a continu ping your pregenented choracterin Patinder Sexy Onpiced Fay, sen dovrond and prints ronie see rom ‘ and kept with your rew character As nted in the max gol section seve you receve {29 pies fr your character ip paying is avert You can download the fee Guide 10 Petfinder Sect Oguniel Pay 3 pizacamipstfinderocety and lear abot everything fom curate eretion eho tera ascent thom became ' Pande Secty Gare Maser. Stop bythe Pathfinder Secey mesageScads ad lets now j tow wee doing. Ovr community salvos ready te ante your quesons about Paes extng coxpanaed paymega-campaign See you thre! === a ———— —— ea roma unr reson ee | Perret em } aa ‘Gi Pioder sew SCENARIO 23: TIDE OF MORNING ‘his Chesil Caien That) |yostia Kaignt kurchois ae a | = =a Amalet of natura armor +3 (Cost 2.000 pt) Tot Alu oF rows S40 | F | tomcoer or mens moucir Mtnanvcntenevsicsn | __ Fh [ere ware lgfaort Ange pee ‘tase ENT Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-1 Scions of the Sky Key, Part 1: On Sharrowsmith’s Trail ] core campaign Character Cronide # eT wealth from the Bandu Hills in Sargava. As onicle sheet in liew of expending vp to 350 gp worth of adjacent ally casts ve secured an advantageous deat with th Fansporting goods. Once per scenario, you can use th teanspertation of 35 gp oF less. You may cross this boon off your Chronicle syset Before attempting a Day Job check to automatically geta result of 35, Golden Gromn Company, which sp boom to waive any customs fee oF ex PO OMMEIOIN FSi | bunnnenst nse unove Equipment 207), bet tes nat detect 3b Stor ore xh | TWEETS] — magento detect mone and simi denatins + AURA none (beh 0 nic or a abdlion, the hererad fests most we and tea lnc bythe plea} COT verre tas badness 5 and 20 pens * ‘Gat Wondrous tem, mogk eva secret chest etc af re brea (130000) 11 shodow stud leather ermer (492500) B chat of ton (250%) cit of peszsien (500) cae De hammer ofighining (509 $9, unctons a jeveln [i Prete Gained (oun tights) | ‘potion of cure moderate wounds (300 6p) ‘Shorrowsmith’s handy haversack (4,000 9p) stone salve (4,000 op) Frenuge spent x 114 Wa 6 Gained xxaer SO ee ay Je (0 we AP od Spent Ben EVENT COOE ‘OaTE Caine Master ETE Gan atid Soc # 27179 fori only a Caen baer SLIOS— Os S roe Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-14: Coaarter ence + Scions of the Sky Key, Part 2: Kaava ae : ! bac le Fave You have earned the 6 yous +3 bots ygntion of the Krihicik tribe In the Kaava Lands granting Iuarisma-based checks made to inthe pple, ta adi ncosjunction with other bons to grant one oF mote ofyour characters access to potion of care mederate wounds (300 9¢) condie of woth (2,500 99) potion of invsity (300 9p) potion of bul’ strength (300 gp) seep erow (132 99) ‘9pe of lending (2,000 9p) tte feather token (40096) wand of bask (12 charges 1980 gp, lint 1) Fors only Gromecen, S325 G02) i —— Sarg alalags. We csetben— — aimee 8 Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-16: owe owe Scions of the Sky Key, Part 3: . The Golden Guardian Li core compoig 25813 > 2 SC This ionic sheet grant cress bo te flloming ‘Scholar f Ashuchall (Grand Lodge fiction} Studying the murals of Adhkurhall opened your sibconscious mind to ancient duarven secrets. Whenever you are examining architecture objects. or writing aidan origin, you either gain a oi bonus on any Appraise. Knowledge, ot Linguistics check invobed, or you can substitute your Perception wrsiense Matin hoaus fr the check. You can cross this boon olf yur Chronicle shect as Geeaction in oder tsapply tsbenefis when examining architetare, abject or writing ofany origin oc the duration of the senarin. ‘ky Rey Compencat(Sargara You have recovered one ofthe five lost components ofthe strange relicknown asthe Sky Key. This piece once belonged to Sigri, who founded the now ahandonet settlement of Askurhall inthe Bands Hills Stiakeqes Eien Piping wihre domeniclc bails hertrh- yout be carfintarormd crete ith |e FE ~esntitbocie onesie tice in asad the paenretieets ‘Vanes Fiend: You have befriended Vanet Thaskin, who now works as an informant for the Pathfinder Society Once per cena you can reall nfoemationVanet provided in oderto reroll ied BAMEDIOMAE ifthe sccand check fats cross this boon off your | (Chose rere ee an nme on compen reed tobecee [tae ofthe ager ad] 935 575 [SOT none er Tweet ik [oa Alodes of te open oadave lngsmords specticaly crafted to stike againet the Aspe Consortium. A lesser blade of the open rood is a +1 longsword With 2 Glyph of the Open Road strmped into ks it. A blade of the epen road is 3 +1 Aspls bone longsword, Against agents ot the Aspis Consortium and creatures directly employed. by the Ass Consortium, the weapon's enhancernent bousis 2 higher than its actual bonus, and the weapon deals Craft Magkal arms and armor deat knell, summon monster an ext the epen road has ll of he properties ata blade of the apen road 2nd gains the ominous and heortieeker weapon special ables agsnst Asp Consortium agents and the Consortue’s employees. Any wayfinder the wieler cares grants 2¥2 cicumstance borus on all Survival checks, not just checks to avoid becoring ont. A blade ofthe open road and greeter blade of the apen rood increase this berms tively, Between scenatios, the wielder can enhance a lesser blade ofthe open roadto become abiade ofthe open roa and atx ito»greoter fade ofthe open road by paying the difterence in price between the two ites. i 246 points of damage. A greater bode of bask exact (600 gp; when applied te 2 cesture blode ofthe open road (19715 gp) thethas been petifled by 2 bask’ gre for no pation of bears endurance (300 96) more than ¥ hou the creature srestredta lsh a¢ pation of bul’s strength (300 go) theugh thud been coated with feshbesiise blood) potion of spider climb (300 gp) fesse ode ofthe apen rod (2.515 9p) wand of bee's endironce (16 charges 1.440 gp, init 1) potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp) Dotan of misty (300 gp) potion of lesser resteration (390 gp) ns (52 charges; 180 gp, eit 1) wand of cure ight wo Ste os Ibe ot lol» ee Bret VENT COOE SCENARIO 2-13: MURDER ON THE THROATY MERMAID ‘This Chronicle Crtbes That 25579 J Pathinder Society Releo charster Name Belladonna (160 gp; limit one dose) Cloak ofreitance + (,000 gp) Hunter urchin venom (60, Potion of delay piven (300 gp) Wand of purify food and drink a4 charges; 180 gp) Line through all items but those held by the marderer Eafe = mit one dose) _Bakestenternenpe me ai)” ran Pation of ere moderse wows (00 gy Killk ny) Patients 0c gp: Azneaie onl) — err oaT Giant wasp poison (210 gp; limit one dose) Potion of cure moderate wounds (s00 gp) Spear urchin venom (5p init one dose) Wand of puri food and drint (395 ep) ‘Line through all items bat those hel by the murderer Feather oles, swan boa (450 gp: Killik only) -4- Potion ofcure serious wounds (50 gp Killik only) Potion sf insibbity soc gp; Thrrmzerstomty)— Scroll of spat with dead (375 gp; Killi only) ie eit oaly ee ee ae Fee ams Found Dring This Seen ip Serrano Chonice ‘Sanne | 4a XP OF TEMS SOD. - Subtotal, : (3 raise to the “tems Sold” Box Bo *h e : TY ct ae sk th 277 want EVENT eODE Bate “Gorns Masters Signe ‘Gea PabfnderSocey Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-09: _cuswcveniies By Way of Bloodcove Mang Exports (The Exchange Faction: Your faction's ability to import goods to and export goods ‘from the Mvangi Expanse without the Aspis Consortiumn'’s oversight makes it possible to undercut the competition. I's only a matter oftime before the authorities in Bloodcove catch on and take additional ‘precautions, but in the meantime you enjoy cheaper prices on Garundi products. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet when purchasing an item found on one of your Chromtcbe-sheeta to reduce its. scoot DYIO%: Lf you use this boon with another ability that allows you to reduce an item's cost, the two ffects stack to a maximum reduction of 5%. ‘Aare maodesate divination and evocation L120) ‘ot wove; Price $00 gp; CL 120; Weight — ‘We orbiting a ceatue’s head, this un stone provides its Bearer a +? enhancement borus en Survival checks to raid becoming lost. Once pe day, ts wer can use it to cast now direction. When slotted into a woyfinder the stone causes the wayfinder’s needle to point toward the nearest hematite sphere oun stone, no matter the distance, enabling bearer to lecate one another actos: 3 city or even across a ‘ontnent. When an lou stone ofthis ype comes in contact with another hematite sphere oun stone, one ofthe twa stones fades inte a dull ray oun stone, wale the othe stone begins to home in on the next nearest stone. Requirements Colt Wondrous term, know direction, sending; Cest 250 op +1 seeking arrow (1679p lit 2) +1 shock erow (167 gp sit 4) ‘black adder venom (110 gp mi 1) look oresstonce + (9,900 96) ‘racked hemetie sphere ion stone (500 9) Yremachem (grade M; 750 gp, mitt; Pothinder ‘potion of barkskin (CL Sth $00 gp, Ht 1) Compoign SetingYechoology Guide 34) ire (200 gp, mit; Pohinder Campaign setting: Techoology Gulde 4) wollsbane poison (500 9p limit § doses) ‘FOLGM Only: Mildred's Running Online! 66647 August 31, 2015 Mildred G. Cady 2a202 ar “HOT OE we ‘Gare Maser gota Gi fetter Bey F wa Sitch@is _ 2S a —— Hes Completed Tis Sco. 5. Aveed Manting: By saving the ball courtesan Marko Rooms in Ars, you gal a Lucene! Muyttade his poltial ior for any aon-magical tem worth op to goo gp. ncladiogoat “A aq oot lisnited to masterwork weapons and armor and courtier clothing and jewelry. i WUD) Master of Blades Saved: By saving the life of fimed adventurer and former Master of Blades Vonran ilk you have earned a permanent place i the Puiifuder Chroies, You saina +4 citcumstance bonus on Diplomeyiand Taide checks when dealing with embers ofthe Pathfinder Soi ofyour level or lower when you mention this boon {Usa Stigma Yourrattretcover np the Society's mvlvementin the Midnigh Males surde:s have resuked na black mark un yout Rame aithia stairs You tae Permanent ~2 penalty on all Diplomacy cbecks to Influence Ustalavic NPCs unless you fist -sucered i DC 20 Bluff r Disguise check to hide your invelemet in the seal killings lai of tumbling (50 gp) Potion of cre serious wounds (250 gp) Potion f eagle’ splendor (300 gp) ‘Sword of station (1,686 gp: this decorative sword and scabbard occupies the belt slot and grants a +2 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks. Theee times per day, the wearer may draw the sword and delivera single-word command, as per the spell [CLat} The blunt and poorly balanced sword is trested as am improvised club when lused as a weapon in combat) Woifebane (seo gp: Himit x dose) me eee 2353 sys! poe a ee iam ef eue fous woh 50 5p) Sword of sin, greater (ao gp 8 & sword of sation bet proving +5 competence Tora, YAW OF TEMS $0L0 Ad tale tot hes Sl Bow | K Payer Name Character Name Pathfinder Society ¢ Feetlon 3?) Re a bomus on Sense Motive checks) cs 2 Gained om oar 13 Fal XP Toul CP Grined ono +e 6 | Beiter |b | items Sold f | HE For GM Only Bo ww — $e viable ZEA): Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-0 To Judge a Soul Part 1: The Lost Legacy Kron Kitehe Iss- 2 xX ana —K 5 esting of Malikeen: You gained a statuette of seth cradling 4 child that has abrorbed paychic energy from Males Heartsong, which you can discharge to protect yourself from the dangers af igh mountains. You may activate the Bgutine asa standard action to guin the effects of thei ‘alee spe st 6 aif and to tet your attde none a one category lower-—that i, ote 1 high peak zone a8 alow peak zone, and alow peak zone as 2 low pass altitude zone (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebok 43), The beneits of this boom last until the end ofthe scenario. Whea you use toon, ross iff roar Chronicle Sheet. I Pathnder Scie Scenario 3-08: Karma Regained isthe next a ‘sboon during that scenario withoat crossing ike abilities joumnay activated +1 Jmellor(cotber) onmer(1,21099, Pthlinder 8°61 esser designating shuren (366 gp each, nit & ‘timate Combet 129) Pathhinder B96 Ultmote Equipment 40) +1 Inning shorten (166 gp each, hei 4 Pathinder +1 naginara (2.335 gp, Pottnder RPG timate 206 ultimate fqupmest 45) Combat 131) +1 thot rie-1ng breatsword (4,015 gp, Utimote look ofresistonce +1 (1,000 gp) Combat 191) leven cham (5,150 90) ‘esse talismon of heedom (300 9, Pothtinder 266 greater tolsmen of heedom (7,000 gp, Futhinder RPE cult Adventures 263) Occult Adventures 263) ‘masterwork naginta (335 gp, Uimete Combat 31) potion of bur (300 gp) sexo of contact ether plane (1325 99) potion of cue moderate wounds (300 9p) wand of mindink (5 changes; 2259p, init; cult wand of thoumatue cle (5 charges 2.100 go, hi ‘Adventures 171) Occult Adventures 189) harcter Cnc # l tore comp [ise Creat 630 | 1n00 pis Clee een CE Prestige Gained a nn Prestige Spent 2p | Day 1 tu on Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-08: urate uence + To Judge a Soul, Part 2: Karma Reclaimed IMIS tam Dusta:-baKTexa _kucho’s iSo7.- a x os | rasa] Player Name’ Character Name Pathleder Soc reaien ee (Split Past ou con channel the spirit of one of Sharabeen' pas lives. you donot have medium chss levels, you can cross this boom of the Chronicle sheet to use the medion: shared seance ability for a legend of your choice: Ifyou area medism, you form a particularly strong connection with one of the samssran's Iegendary incarnations. Recor the name of one ofthe six mediurn legends. You can always choose to channel this spirit regardless of your location. Aditionally, you ean check the box net tothe legend's mame to increase your spet bows wth that een by 1 for ag hours. C) Legend Selected: 3,617 | 3,234 i stew Clima CT The leather cove of this formula book depicts 0 whee! with five spokes. one for each ofthe five elements-fre, rth, meta, woter, ond weod. tts lour corners are tienmed with siver tvackets, each containing a tiny vol ot aly water. Yale 3.240 6P Formuta ‘th—deoth ward, re shield 2d—cute serious wounds, remove curse undeed anatomy nde ers endurance, dartvsion, fab le, hasty dsgulse™, lesser restoration 'st-anticipate pert, comprehend lonqueges, cure hght wounds, detect secret doves, detect undead, kent, Pa "ay of Seng) Each dy you pepave exacts orf BOOK, you Gn aply he Binding Bomb dang (Pattinder RPG timate Meg 151 one ol your bombs you already hee the Mlndng bom scorer oe Can seo apt the sania bomb dscovery (timate Mag +2 nginata (8 335 gp; Pathiinder ROG Uitimote Combat 131) boots ofthe winterlands (2.500 9p) Conftuace of the Fre flements (3340 gp of 2055 99 and PP) Death’ Gentle coves (400 gp; You can spe 10 minutes evewing this necemanti: tome to eceive 3 2 ‘rumsterce bonus on knowledge (eile) checks to entity undead ot detect haunts for 24 hous) (esse iofsmon of reedom (03 gp, Fatiinder RPG Occult Adventures 263) lesser otsman of wore’ courage (450 9p: Ocul ‘Adventures 263) proye beods of boance (5.600 op, 3,600 gp and 8 PP thes trond of prayer beads ilodes.a bead of Messing and a bead of focus. The wearer an activate the bead of i focus V4 5.9 standed action t regain 2 mts ok, up to is pos maximum. Anyone with 21H pool can activate these beads. (Stet none, Awa cate coniraton: CLT) scrol ot nimate deed (5 H0; 825 9p, ent 1 S10 of spel mogic (730 9p) rol of undeod anatoeny (700 gp; Uline Magi 248) ‘fo. Gm only SOOG ‘underworld eorthbreoker (20,335 gp, 01 1,210 9p and 27 P; ths +1 flaming buest earth breaker made thom an underworld dagon’s had igores hardness Jess than 5, and its bearer can use the Dazzling Display teat 1/409) wand of holy shield (5 charges: 600 gp, tit 1: vhimote Magic 223) ‘2 viaous noginata (18.335 gp, imete Combat 131) oak of restonce +1 (1,609 9p) ‘rear tlisman of war's courage (4560 gp: occult Adventures 263) ‘beodband of vastintligence Ay) (000 96) ‘potion of borksin (6; 600 gp) ‘potion of bur (30069) _solf of onimate dead (CL 9,10 MO; 1125 gp, ht 1) scrall of cue serious wounds (315 99) irl of clapel magic (C9; 675 9p, Unit 1) ‘x¢oll of undeed anatomy (1125 gp: ulimate ‘Magic 244) A ee es ie co) sags! Ze GP Gained con omer) 19073 ‘at Pater Society # Pathfinder Society Special #6-97 ge of Serpents res Depending an the final outcome of the adventure, you gain up to two af the fall Th Pathfinders Eactlence (Comba: Befire making an alich, yon may check one ofthe bones preceding oan in ordet tes attack twite and take the better rédille (the attack is ag: inst member oC the Aapis Consortium er someone directly in the Consortium’s employ, the critical threat range ofthe attack doubles; this benefit doesnt stack with any other ef of weapon (such at the Impeoved Critical feat). Once you check the act box, cross this entire hoon off your Chronicle sheet, (Co pathfinder’ Excellence (Magic) Before casting a spell or using «spell-like ability, you ean check hat expands the threat range | resistance and ng caster level or concentration checks made to cast fire spell underwater or a plane with the, cor foes ditectly in the temporary hit points last foro minutes andj you haveatleasts oth embers of you can check som Las box, cross this entire boon off your Chronicle sheet Pathfinders Excellence {Skill Before attempting 4 skill check, you can check one of the boxes preceding TIS Too Ta check twice and take the beter rest the skill check is one (mpted during an encounter in which you are directly opposing a member ofthe Aspis Consortium fifa remaining, you also have DR 3/— against attacks made by ium and anyone in their direct employ. Alternatively, a a standard action, ability score. Once you check the ‘oF someone in their employ, you gain a bonus tothe check equal to half your character level (minima +1). Once you cheek the last box, eross this entire hoon off your Cho Sosclics ‘an Paihinder Sooty The Sky Key Solution Dustin Bratt .na _Kicheis Player Mame ‘Character Name emders: While icervewing the Aslan genera Keahaalisrs arsed the oeston ofan Anant site that mist bar sued micas or Wagey and letng Waenee sieeaa wea Champion of Time: You survived the Society’ ill-advised jaunt through time and survived. You gain ‘one ofthe following boons depending on your role inthe victory. Each references traits that sppear on ages 527-390 of Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide. Record the number of'the chafactet who esmne ‘this trait below, and include a copy of this Chronicle sheet with that character. Baer as a “Bina ofthe Harhingssof Ser Wi AIG and ll WOT Weapon jaa the Pathfinder Sorey You may edison hen nainguncy Palade Sdetyhaneciapatieaces asp o cf " cs Ke pets, or killer. a ~ Councilor of Time: Yous kindness and compassion granted Lady Arodeth a moment's peace before she actificed herself to save the Pathfinders, and your compassion attracts members of the Harbingers of Fate with intellect and care for others to join the Society. You may use this boon when making a new fre character one othe lowing ar bonus alee, Hood agate an unceasing horde OTT four 7 acts member gers of Fete and reliability te join incer Soeiéty. You may use YRTF bom making a new P th ait: ‘coynifeous, indomitable faith, or resent. Tit Cheeses Yor Bae Ta thrveph te ancient serpenttol city of Sevsegishoss and Tineloat inessed the fll Of The Starstone, granting you a remarkable perspective Of Golations history ten thin permanet fon ecks from your first-hand koowledge. Once pet sensi ou may ln the ace foe fed by your espenne tei ag ate inne: gretnes, granting you i morale Bouts single dofollow must declate your use of he ‘power before the soll is made. 7 Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-00: EXPERIENCE AL Lt = E ~~ SATHFINDER SCENARIO 2-21: THE DALSINE AFFAIR 3 Gri ei het: $$$ AKA - Player Nome Character Name Pathfoder Society Faction Has Completed This Seenasio, HEE oes ofare modest wands 300) Potion oftesser restoration (300 gp) Scroll feats gece (50 69) ‘Scroll of invesibility (so gp) ‘Scroll of minor image (650 Rp) Shadow Lodge signet (10 gp: this onyx signet ring grants the wearer a «4 circumstance ‘bonus on Disguise checks to masquerade as a member of the Shadow Lodge) a2. Bracers of armor + (1.000 89) Scrolt of acid arow (50 g9) Seo ofalter sl 50 gp) Amulet of natural armor + (3.000 80) Bet of ughty constitution 72 (4,000 29) Cloak of resistance + (006 pp) Pest of power, 1st lev (1,000 89) ‘Serall of ispel magi (375 89) Serol of frebll(395 go) Serotof haste (395 ) Sera of een edge (395 Bp) Srl of major image (375g) Serolt fstow (35 69) Serf f vampiric touch (375 €9) MeL OFTENG SOD [ TOPAL COT OF ms BOUGHT 4 _PAGained Bening ems Said ‘Subtest ‘Sobral Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-11: AaracietChrnicle # Ancients’ Anguish C tore campaign 313 - a MG Dus Player Name Kitcleis Character Name AKA Pathlinder Society + Fecion mel This Chronicle sheet grants access to the fllowing pos Setter Dead Than Despailed (Scarab Sages faction): Al knowledge ctscied. but lore better destoyed i ev oemal ‘hs tated it. So to have you orswortretewal TE he cost undeath. You delay any eect such asthe create ] spawn abit that would cause You to animate as aT undead creature for $ how. You can 10s this boon off your 2786 Chronicle sheet when you would be klled to instead be reduced Yo. Nit polit and gsin $0 temporary hit points ‘Alteqid rounds, you de, and your body crumbles to ash ony resurTéeuan or more powerful magk can restore you toile. S Ouroboros Rebirth (Scarab Sages faction): The serpeatne toweropiefented rebirth and eternity—evenin the face ‘of hardship, sinubotephe5 augt you howto eat Geath and continue yout essential work Asan immediate ‘action when you would be reduced to 0.0 fewer hitpoints, yoU May cess this boon aff your Chronicle sheet to recover 348+5 ht pets before dying or fling unconscious. ARernativey, you can cvs ths boon off your Chronicle sheet hen you Geto force your soul linger in eur body for a few crucial moments: the spell eat ‘of fie can estore you to Me so long 28 you died within the past 1441 rounds Sacred Scorpion Tattoo: You have earned the ust and respect of Anabita and Ardshie. The girtablily siblings offer 1 tatoo 2 xorpon erryoucaum, shoulder, or neck using cactus awe. ink and. scorpions stinger. you choose ‘not tobe tattooed, «10:5 this boon ol yeucchforicle sheet. Whenever the tattoo is visible, you gain scorpion empathy (as wild empathy iking your character leva 3F-youc affective dud level, save tha it works enly on ‘xorpions) and a7 bonus on Diplomacy checks fo influence grtablls, Howeves, you suter a permanent -2 penalty on Fortitude saves agpns!sirtabliy and scoxpion venom. 4 uo) Final 1 Total a ‘amulet of natura ermer +2(8,000 gp) 20,000 96; 5 APE UIteMOTe 54, Finder a Ute agi 62) met of ight (4900 9) Aho of estan 2 (4000 9) Aiorilo pve. a ce: 19000 99) —~ anol of «tei tomes 2000, Utimote Fquipment 24s) = sng of protection» (008 9p > son Orreor ecranment(e-10,. ages: 1 4p ns} = wind Feed OTA mes. 2940 op, toi —_e nd ofleserrsomtor(tchoges 1260901) wand of searing light (C\. 6th, 13.chaiges, 3.53099, ery ond of shel ooh (3 cae SE 1) — 3 for GM Only Delt of incredible dexterity +2 (4000 gp) look of existance +3 (9,000 sp) “restore ones (00099) mig oF protection °2 800 9) ond of seang Tah (1a, 13 Charges $850 gp ‘ii - ad Rug: fer. _ 3905 pf Revorernr) boca me AEE er Prose Fame Gold Spent tot gd Pathfinder Society Scenario #7-15: The Deepmarket Deception character tronic # ass 2 Pathfinder Society Dustn K euicne> ‘character Kame CER Curious Ptpefox: Yeishi the pipefox wishes to continue adventuring with you. A spellcaster of at least 7th level may take Yrishi asa familiar with the Improved Familia fat. You mast provide a copy of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary gas i pipefones were available as in the Additional Resources document ast Instead of taking Yrishi asa familiar, you can ask her to perform research for you. Cross the boon off pens your Chronicle sheet before attempting a Knowledge (history or religion) check to teat your cesul as if frm ltwere 25, even ifyou are not trained in the skill Alternatively, you may gain a 45 bonas on the check. ‘Yelai Deithhand’s Marvel Yeksi Deathhand invented the flast of rconcection, a device that duplicates potions. With his notes, you can refine his invention over time. The flask grows {in power as you gain levels. Ifyou purchase this iter, you earn less treasure to compensate for its increased abilities. Soong as you own the flask, reduce all gold you earn on Chronicle sheets by 5% (rounded dowr) until you reach 14th level ‘The listed price assumes that you are rd or «th level. Ifyou purchase the item when you are higher level, pay the cost listed for your level in the bauble celumn on page 60 of Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained instead of y00 gp. Likewise, ‘fyou sell the item, use the corresponding value to calculate its effective market price. See page Go of Pathfinder Unchained for information about scaling magic items. _antiplague (50 gp Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 182) ook of resistance +1 (1,000 96) ‘Mast ef reconcoction (price varies) lesser sword of subtlety (9310 90) ‘potion of remeve disease (750 90) ‘rple worm polson (700 gp; tit 1) shadow essence (256 op; linit 3) ‘meting sas (25 gp; Advanced Player's Guide 182) wand of shocking grasp (CL at, 12 charges: 720 9p, Tent 2 Marmaris Blade You defeated To a Maroriss gifted to he, You may perchavea Peet Aleser won of sob eS at provides aa boom ers ach ppdapenatemteieia making 1 seak acl with i fy played this scenario in Subtier 6Feyou may purchase either a leser sword of subtlety or swont of subilty. This ask con hold single ounce of qu fa potion of 3 tt- level spell i poured into the flask, the Mas’ interior enayzes 6 the potion. Ifthe wilder drinks 2 potion dec ren the ask, the Mask bubbles, a5 sienge cuagents mu within R. Alter 1 week, the flask produces 2 new potion of the same tstlevel sped at minimum caster level. anyone empties the fssk before the week i ove, they gain no benefit and the fask stops recreating the potion The sk con reconccct a prin of 2nd tere spelina week tthe owner at last th evel orn .2dey f the owners 2 least Tot evel. The flask can recent Bed kevel potion in 2 week if ts owner sot east 12th evel, (nin a day fits ower i atleast 1th lve EE se] aft Wondrous item, alchemical allcation™® avert Seige (ay }6 Starting oF fey so AQ Day Job oo on) + vient shorsword (8,310 gp; Pthander RPG Monster Codex 177) lesser selective metomagic 1d (3,900 gp; Pethtinder PG Advanced Player's Guide 295) rightmare vapor (injury poison; 1,800 gp, it 1) ‘ilo dispel magic (750 gp) _poton of cure serious wounds (750 gp) sword of subtlety (22,310 9p) ‘wand of heroism (5 chages, 1125 gp) ‘wand of shocking grasp (Cth, 12 charges, 720 gp, Fenit2) Foc sM only. BN age LHL CE ae GM Pe ” FX tine Sovescign Court to the Wy ofthe Kirin, a coveet organization active in Tian Xia that is dedicated Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-13: Of Kirin and Kraken Inns of the Kitin (Sovereign Court faction} You hare demonstrated the righteousness determination of to justice As a fice seton, yon ean eross this boon off your Chronicle sheet in order to chatinel the infallbidty of the Kirin for 5 rounds, ducing which tieye yoo gain electricity resistance 49, spell resistance 29:4gsinst spells cant by evil creatates, and a ry2acted Yonus.on any one Dipletnacy check you attempt before the effect ends. Alternatively, yuu cam cross ths bogs offto earn Lady Mositlis accolades, ‘cestofimp 2 Prestige Points you had aleeads expended. +1 focus nine-tieg beadsword (315 ge Pander APG Utmete Eyipert 33) +1 at tosutcetiono yore (6,840 gp Ulinote Equipment ¥9) + stock katana (8350 gp timate Equipment 30) ing of precio +1 2,000 9) shooting robe (100 9p timate Squipoent 213) wand of enersotion {cae 1580 9p, Ait 1) wand of resist ener (Yi, 10 charge: 2.100 ge, tit +1 shocking bos} keane (18,350 gp, trae Sqoipment 30) 2 Focus nineving broadsward (Xe:3%5 yp; Vimate Equipment $3) 12 light lreicsvcne-9010} {38880 gp; Ubinote Fauipmeat 13) thundecea ce (yee hocking robe that grants ‘sk resistance, das sic damage, ad augests ‘pels tthe sent deseo: 1,000 gs inate Fauipeent 2 Wand of enecvatoa (10 cies: 4308 yp Wit 1) wand af resist energy (Cc XU, $6 atges 3300 gp nt 1) 6000 Gots spent SCENARIO 20: paces KING XEROS OF OLD AZLANT —— This Chronicle Cartes That MMB seco ceo +3 lint mail Cost:930 69) pe ere Potore] Cloves of dexterity +2 Cost: 4000 gp) Thralls of the Shattered God 9 5<-) Puthinder 8 cha ing 5050 gold pitees and 4 Pr Meartwood Restored: You recovered and Valaie's Wi hace tricks for resisting demonic puri the hetood fed canpurchate t You helped Valais oerome Lathar’s ent Yo Gils sei throw aainstademens open or pearson ef yo can com hisbeon of your onesie Mctiry e Sel er Crate ton You fms gmap ores ae a Sipe the wopkip ol demon Youajnas onde ct eee oh NPce aoe sae ito You caren his ida of we Capcie shes Neo dorea ee ssa cnr easy cake el You mad a pdens SEE oer mite a i to Feten, she taught you some of influence. When, PRE 2700 Pathfinder Society Scenario #7- 17: Quractet Ovonic # [ > Gained won WaloHT sh ston ransomtatdh [er jhe sf ratecl ii skined wd wt was epomy (leon cbt oh deg xd ted Say. [ gett rs best ee ss Use taptegtin lenge bor chet the saab vc fone by a tears Coc, resign el), be ey ere eared deel aN drwaed a gow TNs al aleve tthe tienes se extonge SLs we perks sine ound ent sos hewpey) (> thugs), wood shape {1 charge), speak with plonts Se pints ces hia apretuotod (cree), pan gout (Coane coh ents Boe elt on ely at hy Sa Byipekng he baie ee Sem caren eer taba oat 7 Adie the lt Yee torn, ois me GS ie lO ting sets Hort erates that 3 wth 29 WL RT bed Oi wow weal hare, adh ld’ uh certs te tem many touts ra, Genet PH OE 2 cane) and wala tks alga: Strat mics snooty {Sechage} effets sch ay dase and negate lee SE rts] wot sooer thar no a enesh plots, rode Mame, mall of lp WT ane, Kut 2 8,883)/975766 | a Player Name Character Name faction EY Csiow Snormat River Kingdom Notort merald Spire have reached the ears of Echo ‘Woode' local pewexbrokers, and they have granted you an opportunity to claim land to develop as you see fit atthe low cost of2 Prestige Points. Referto the “Land Rush Chronicle sheet, select a parcelofland ‘that is adjacent to another parcel you owa, and List the selected plot of land below. You immediately gain anybonuces tied to the land. Yous frst parcelofland mustbe the hex marked “A." Vou may only purchase ‘one plot ofland with this boon, but each additional Chronicle sheet awarded as part of The Emerald Spire Supendungeon allows you to purchase more land. y: Tales of your adventures in the Hex Selected:______ Benesit,____ ate __ Chapter of the Damned: the Darmeé, a treatise on fiends of ll kinds. You shay use the book in variety of ways. As a free action, you can increase your effective caster level by 2 when casting a spell with the evil descriptor. Av a frce Action you ean gain a +4 bonus on a Chariems-based ‘creature, As a standard action up to three times per scenario, you can cast one ofthe following as 2 spell- like ability with a caster level equal te your level: desecrate, leser planar binding (lawl evil creatures only; DCs), orders wrath (DC 38), summen monster IV (lawful evil creatures only), of unkoly bight (DC 38), You ‘may spend ao Prestige Points to piece together a more complete copy ofthe text, which permanently adds the following tothe list of spel-Lke abilities, chough using any of these checks three boxes ral {just one (ee below): empowered orders wrath (DC 18), planar binding (lawful evil creatures only: DC 20), ‘summon monster VI (lawl evil creatures only), or empowered unholy dight(DC 38) Each time you use one of the text's abit (DC ag + for every box checked) to resist your alignment permanently shifting one step toward lawful evil. Ifyou hate checked all ofthe boxes provided below, you automatically fall this save, You can undo the effects of one such aligament s with an evil alignment, report You may ross this entire bocn off your Chronicle sheet to destroy the text ané spare the world its evil. Doing so allows you to recover s previously spent Prestige Point, though it does not increase yous Fame opoonoo0nooooo0coocod Sadlstc lly: You aided the tiny kyton auger (Puhfinder RPG Bester 5172)Aor by recovering ts master’s romaine, Hiving contluded ite corruption ofthe revived Hellenigh,ithataflared ite services to you You must be awful neutral, have He Tmpeaved Familiar feat, and be a spelleaster of at least 7t level to take Aoz as a familiar, [fyoudo not have a class featire that grants you a familiar, you can instead spend 2 Prestige Pointe ecaze Aor vervces (eto ifyou had gained theaugur's services visa sucess casting of ser plenar all) fr the duration of one game session. You have recovered an incomplete copy of the vile text known 2s the Book of 25 + BS TFS XP Gained (at ow) or check when interseting with a laefal evil than, es, check one of the boxes below and then attempt a Will save A by being subject to an atonement spell Ifyou end an adventure nar character a8 dead fags Starting TEN Byes ree Gained cuow a chaotic outsider saying arrow (2.282 gp Day Job enon bal of giant strength +2 (4,000 gp) vnand of shield (22 changes: 30 gp, ima ) @ 749g Want ot Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-20: Words of the Ancients This Chronicle Certifies That Scenano chronicle # leser silent metamagic rot 000 gp) Mays “. pause pearl of poster (ond-level spell)(,060 gp) Potion of eure moderate wounds (300 gp) ring of pel knowledge 16,000 gps Pathfinder RPG Ubivate Eyuipment) serell of align weapen (5 8 serell of cue critical wounds ep) rar of power (ih-level spel) (26,060 gp) ing of spell newledge 111 (3,5c0 gp; Ultimate Equipment) Sihadean se feroicTTSOORD) silent meiamegic rad (13,00 gp) arrotsoe coon <8 Ths dakimage oe Shey eesoupded by atcare runes seems to move is tattoo on your body (or J otheraise moves ey ‘psig ‘Requirements insibe Magee Tatteo™, summon monsler | Cox 5,000 @p (1) 8750 6p (2) (ioe a6 1/2 thal tate -Rems Sl ton Tora cos oF ts eect For GM only SARAB tN an Foes _i/bsfr ime ‘Gld Pathfinder Secioty # PATHFINDER SOCIETY SCENARIO #3-17 RED HARVEST i LOU tgtelesi39 Ns This Chroniale Conige that e. at Licteis 15593 7 Seanatio Chronicle st PL se cold ie en 8 Toit sont age te inscribing or transport fey tae ore tos amar: Your time text known asthe Lois Anes saea rene thera bons enany Kove on atacolle ard © belt of giant strength 2 (4,000 gp bal of incredible dexterity +2(1,000 89) afresissance +3 (3,000 9p) potion fy (756 ap) For GIA Only SCATAR 7 __ 70382 1/|sf2e7 EVENT EVENT CODE ATE PATHFINDER SOCIETY SPECIAL: YEAR OF THE SHADOW LODGE “Ths Chonile Ceres That 2 Kich ls 25873 2 xX 7 Has Completed This Steno. fe Séetaio Crenicle ne est one boon-—line through the others ‘Combat Boon: 3s 30 imrsedite tion, you m Siterinined. 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SC +1 vicious heavy pick (8.208 gp) Rod of metal end minerel detection (.se0 gp) sa vicious edarsantine hexey pisk(o3.308 gp) 20-31) Bots offrienly terrain (mountaing\ (Advanced Player's Guide 301, 2.400 €P) Headband of mensal prowess +2 (Wisdom and Chrisma)(16,c00 gp) Tome of Memery (grants a sie circumstance bonus on Knowledge (history or religion) checks regarding Aroden and his faith: .50¢ gp) Scenario Chronic # wa ‘e109 wn rere ia a PR Ganado ony Tiral Total Tang + 384] [Rep @? Gainedionouey i Bo f : ee Trems Bougrt SS i aes FoeGM Only 80h sfne/1-2 aes BENT EVENT CODE DATE Gime Masers Sigratre LOBaFY ‘Gh Patitinder Socey

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