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Obligations of an Agent Obligations of a Principal

In accepting the contract of agency, the The principal must fulfill with all the
agent is binds himself to carry out the obligations, which the agent may have
agency, and is liable for the damages contracted within the scope of his
which, through his non-performance, the authority. As for any obligation wherein
principal may suffer. the agent has exceeded his power, the
principal not bound except when he
approves it expressly or implicitly.
In an event when a person declines an The principal is solidarily liable with the
agency, the agent is bound to observe agent if the principal allowed the agent
the diligence of a good father of a family to act as though he had full powers,
in the custody and preservation of goods even when the agent has exceeded his
forwarded to him by the owner until the authority.
latter should appoint an agent or take
charge of the goods.
If there is a stipulation in the contract The principal must also indemnify the
wherein that the agent should advance agent for all the damages, which the
the necessary funds, he shall be bound to execution of the agency may have
do so except when the principal is caused the agent, without fault or
insolvent. negligence on his part.
Upon the execution of the agency, the Until the principal effects the
agent shall act within the accordance of reimbursement and pays the indemnity,
the instructions of the principal. the agent may retain in pledge the
things, which are the object of the
If the execution of the agency would Shall be solidarily liable to the agent for
result to loss or damage the principal, the all the consequences of the agency, If
agent shall not carry out the agency. two or more persons have appointed an
agent for a common transaction or
The agent would be liable damages only When two persons contract with regard
if, there being a conflict between his to the same thing, one of them with the
interests and those of the principal, he agent and the other with the principal,
should prefer his own. and the two contracts are incompatible
with each other, which of prior date
shall be preferred.
If the agent has permitted to borrow The principal shall be liable in damages
money, he may himself be the lender at to the third person whose contract
the current rate of interest. If he has must be rejected, if the agent has acted
authorized to lend money at interest, in good faith.
he cannot borrow it without the consent
of the principal.

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