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Digital Photo Editing: Changes Made - Form


ORIGINAL File is saved as firstinitial+lastname_original (e.g. tkisicki_original) Format: JPEG

MODIFIED file is saved as firstinitial+lastname_modified (tkisicki_modified) Format: JPEG

Editing Requirements Explain what you did.

I cropped the image to reduce the head space in the

The image has been CROPPED
I used levels on two layers to help play with the
darkness of the picture, I used the Photo filter to
give a little more warmth to my skin, and I used
Change at least one of the options under
Channel mixer to help bring in some green. I also
used Burn, Dodge and blur to help the focus of the
picture and bring myself a little more into the
Change at least one of the options under
I used the Texturizer filter to give it a canvas look.
Add a new layer SHAPE I created an artistic layer for my initials I also added
[This could be an artistic addition to your photo,
background to text or CC License, or other creative use.] a box behind my text to help it stand out.
Add a new layer - TEXT to include your name I added a layer on the top left hand side for my
or initials name and position
Add a new layer - Creative Commons License I then add my CC free commons license on the
IMAGE bottom left corner

RESIZE your image I resized my image from 6x8 to an 8x10

Submit to the Blackboard Assignment: This COMPLETED Digital Photo Editing: Changes Made - Form (as
an attachment), along with your original and modified photos.

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