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Name: Muhammad Syafiq bin Abdullah

ID: 2015102727


The movie is about a disillusioned with the intelligence community, Edward Snowden
(Joseph Gordon-Levitt) leaves his job at the National Security Agency. He now knows that a
virtual mountain of data is being assembled to track all forms of digital communication, not
just from foreign governments and terrorist groups, but from ordinary Americans. When
Snowden decides to leak this classified information, he becomes a traitor to some, a hero to
others and a fugitive from the law.

The scenes that were chosen feature some situation involving Ed Snowden, Hank Foster,
Corbin OBrian, Gabriel Sol and NSA officers.

The scene starts off with the boss Mr Corbin having Snowden as his interviewee. Then, Mr
Corbin congratulating Snowden on getting the job as the interview finished. This phatic
communication reflects the boss appreciation on his worker to be. This also functions as a
buffer that makes Snowden comfortable with him. They both show great interpersonal
communication skills. They both had an eye contact as the interview session goes on and
both are well dressed. In term of paralanguage, Corbins style of speaking is serious and
Snowden shows great confidence as he answered all the questions asked by Mr Corbin. The
next scene involves one to one communication. Snowden greets Mr Hank (Nicholas Cage)
at his first day of work as he accidentally met him. Snowden starts talking about the
computer and machines and Mr Hank starts to feel interested and comfortable with
Snowden. In the next scene, Snowden stood up from chair and shake hand with the NSA
officers when the officers visit the workplace. The made eye contact and involves facial
expression body posture.

The personality of Gabriel Sol is that he is not a trustworthy worker as he showed Snowden
the classified program that he has been in charged on by the NSA even though he knows
Snowden did not have an authorization to use it. The conflict started when Gabriel Sol offer
Snowden to look at the confidential program under his supervision. Gabriel Sol shows a
negotiation skill in this scene where he openly offer Snowden to look or not to look at the
program. Mr Hank (Nicholas Cage) shows an unprofessional behaviour at the workplace
where he smoking. The last scene feature Snowden in a meeting room talking with Mr
Corbin through screen. His boss being sarcastic saying Must be nerve-wracking working
with that condition to Snowden.
The recommendations that I propose for the cons stated are the personality of Gabriel
should not be followed by anyone. As a person working in an agency that believes secrecy
bring to security should know how to keep things confidential when needed. The next one is
Mr Hank should have not smoking in a workplace. He should show proper work etiquette to
his worker. Next is the scene of Mr Corbin sarcastically said to Snowden that working in an
illness condition must be nerve-wracking. That word may have offended any worker who
needed comfort words the most.

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