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ACI 363R-92

(Reapproved 1997)

State-of-the-Art Report on High-Strength Concrete

Reported by ACI Committee 363
Henry G. Russell Jaime Moreno
Chairman Secretary

Arthur R. Anderson Anthony N. Kojundic Kenneth L Saucier*

Jack O. Banning Brian R. Mastin* Surendra P. Shah*
Irwin G. Cantor* William C. Moore J. Craig Williams*
Ramon L. Carrasquillo* Arthur H. Nilson* John Wolsiefer, Sr.
James E. Cook William F. Perenchio J. Francis Young
Gregory C. Frantz Francis J. Principe Paul Zia
Weston T. Hester

l Members responsible for individual chapters

ACI Committee 363 Members Balloting 1992 Revisions

Kenneth L Saucier William F. Perenchio

Chairman Secretary

Pierre Claude Aitcin Weston T. Hester+ Henry G. Russell

F. David Anderson Nathan L Howard Michael T. Russell
Claude Bedard Anthony N. Kojundic Surendra P. Shah
Roger W. Black Mark D. Luther Bryce P. Simons
Irwin G. Cantor Heshem Marzouk Ava Szypula
Ramon L. Carrasquillo Brian R. Mastin Dean J. White, II
Judith A. Castello William C. Moore J. Craig Williams
James E. Cook Jaime Moreno John T. Wolsiefer
Kingsley D. Drake Arthur H. Nilson Francis J. Young
Gregory C. Frantz Clifford R. Ohwiler Paul Zia
Thomas G. Guennewig

Currently available information about high-strength concrete is summar-

ized. Topics discussed include selection of materials, concrete mix pro-
portioning, batching miring, transporting placing, control procedures,
Chapter l-Introduction, pg. 363R-2
concrete properties, structural design, economics, and applications. A
bibliography is included. 1.l-Historical background
1.2-Committee objectives
Keywords: bibliographies; bridges (structures); buildings; conveying;
economics; high-strength concretes; mechanical properties; mixing; mix
proportioning; placing; quality control; raw materials; reviews; structural design. Chapter 2-Selection of materials, pg. 363R-3
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, 2.3-Chemical admixtures
and Commentaries are intended for guidance in design- 2.4-Mineral admixtures and slag cement
ing, planning, executing, or inspecting construction and
in preparing specifications. Reference to these docu-
ments shall not be made in the Project Documents. If Copyright Oc 1992, American Concrete Institute.
items found in these documents are desired to be part All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by
of the Project Documents, they should be phrased in any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any elec-
mandatory language and incorporated into the Project tronic or mechanical device, printed or written or oral, or recording for sound or
visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device,
Documents. unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.


2.5-Aggregates 7.2-Cost studies

2.6-Water 7.3-Case histories
2.7-Cited references 7.4-Other studies
7.5-Selection of materials
Chapter 3-Concrete mix proportions, pg. 363R-8 7.6-Quality control
3.1-Introduction 7.7-Areas of application
3.2-Strength required 7.4-Conclusion
3.3-Test age 7.9-Cited references
3.4-Water-cement ratio or water-cementitious ratio
3.5-Cement content Chapter 8-Applications, pg. 363R-44
3.6-Aggregate proportions 8.1-Introduction
3.7-Proportioning with admixtures 8.2-Buildings
3.8-Workability 8.3-Bridges
3.9-Trial batches 8.4-Special applications
3.10-Cited references 8.5-Potential applications
8.6-Cited references
Chapter 4-Batching, mixing, transporting, placing,
curing, and control procedures, pg. 363R-16 Chapter 9-Summary, pg. 363R-48
4.2-Batching Chapter 10-References, pg. 363R-49
4.5-Placing procedures CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION
4.7-Quality assurance 1.1-Historical background
4.8-Quality control procedures Although high-strength concrete is often considered a
4.9-Strength measurements relatively new material, its development has been gradual
4.10-Cited references over many years. As the development has continued, the
definition of high-strength concrete has changed. In the
Chapter 5-Properties of high-strength concrete, pg. 1950s, concrete with a compressive strength of 5000 psi
363R-22 (34 MPa) was considered high strength. In the 1960s,
5.1-Introduction concrete with 6000 and 7500 psi (41 and 52 MPa) com-
5.2-Stress-strain behavior in uniaxial compression pressive strengths were used commercially. In the early
5.3-Modulus of elasticity 1970s, 9000 psi (62 MPa) concrete was being produced.
5.4-Poissons ratio More recently, compressive strengths approaching 20,000
5.5-Modulus of rupture psi (138 MPa) have been used in cast-in-place buildings.
5.6-Tensile splitting strength For many years, concrete with compressive strength in
5.7-Fatigue strength excess of 6000 psi (41 MPa) was available at only a few
5.8-Unit weight locations. However, in recent years, the applications of
5.9-Thermal properties high-strength concrete have increased, and high-strength
5.10-Heat evolution due to hydration concrete has now been used in many parts of the world.
5.11-Strength gain with age The growth has been possible as a result of recent de-
5.12-Freeze-thaw resistance velopments in material technology and a demand for
5.13-Shrinkage higher-strength concrete. The construction of Chicagos
5.14-Creep Water Tower Place and 311 South Wacker Drive con-
5.15-Cited references crete buildings would not have been possible without the
development of high-strength concrete. The use of con-
Chapter 6-Structural design considerations, pg. 363R- crete superstructures in long span cable-stayed bridges
29 such as East Huntington, W.V., bridge over the Ohio
6.1-Introduction River would not have taken place without the availability
6.2-Axially-loaded columns of high-strength concrete.
6.3-Beams and slabs
6.4-Eccentric columns 1.2-Committee objectives
6.5-Summary Since the definition of high-strength concrete has
6.6-Cited references changed over the years, the committee needed to define
an applicable range of concrete strengths for its activities.
Chapter 7--Economic considerations, pg. 363R-41 The following working definition was adopted: The im-
7.1-Introduction mediate concern of Committee 363 shall be concretes

have specified compressive strengths for design of 6000 knowledge regarding material selection and provides a
psi (41 MPa) or greater, but for the present time, con- baseline for the subsequent discussion of mix proportions
siderations shall not include concrete made using exotic in Chapter 3.
materials or techniques.
The word exotic was included in the definition so that
the committee would not be concerned with concretes
such as polymer-impregnated concrete, epoxy concrete,
or concrete with artificial normal and heavy-weight ag-
Although 6000 psi (41 MPa) was selected as the lower
limit, it is not intended to imply that there is a drastic
change in material properties or in production techniques
that occur at this compressive strength.
In reality, all changes that take place above 6000 psi
(41 MPa) represent a process which starts with the lower-
strength concretes and continues into high-strength con-
cretes. Many empirical equations used to predict prop-
erties of concrete or to design structural members are
based on tests using concrete with compressive strengths
less than about 6000 psi (41 MPa). The availability of
data for higher-strength concretes requires a reassess-
ment of the equations to determine their applicability
with higher-strength concretes. Consequently, caution
should be exercised in extrapolating data from lower- Fig. 2.1-Effects of cement on concrete compressive
strength to high-strength concretes. If necessary, tests strength. 2.2
should then be made to develop data for the materials or
applications in question. 2.2-Cements
The committee also recognized that the definition of The choice of portland cement for high-strength con-
high-strength concrete varies on a geographical basis. In
regions where concrete with a compressive strength of strength is the objective, such as in prestressed concrete,
9000 psi (62 MPa) is already being produced commercial- there is no need to use a Type III cement. Furthermore,
ly, high-strength concrete might be in the range of 12,000 within a given cement type, different brands will have dif-
to 15,000 psi (83 to 103 MPa) compressive strength. ferent strength development characteristics because of
However, in regions where the upper limit on commer- the variations in compound composition and fineness that
cially available material is currently 5000 psi (34 MPa) are permitted by ASTM C 150.
concrete, 9000 psi (62 MPa) concrete is considered high Initially, silo test certificates should be obtained from
strength. The committee recognized that material selec- potential suppliers for the previous 6 to 12 months. Not
tion, concrete mix proportioning, batching, mixing, trans- only will this give an indication of strength characteristics
porting, placing, and control procedures are applicable from the ASTM C 109 mortar cube test, but also, more
across a wide range of concrete strengths. However, the importantly, it will provide an indication of cement uni-
committee felt that material properties and structural formity. The cement supplier should be required to re-
design considerations given in this report should be con- port uniformity in accordance with ASTM C 917. If the
cerned with concretes having the highest compressive tricalcium silicate content varies by more than 4 percent,
strengths. The committee has tried to cover both aspects the ignition loss by more than 0.5 percent, or the fineness
in compiling this state-of-the-art report. by more than 375 cm2/g (Blaine), then problems in main-
taining a uniform high strength may result.2.1Sulfate
(SO,) levels should be maintained at optimum with varia-
CHAPTER 2-SELECTION OF MATERIALS tions limited to 0.20 percent.
Although mortar cube tests can give a good indication
2.1-Introduction of potential strength, tests should be run on trial batches.
The production of high-strength concrete that con- These should contain the materials to be used in the job
sistently meets requirements for workability and strength and be prepared at the proposed slump, with strengths
development places more stringent requirements on determined at 7, 28, 56, and 91 days. The effect of
material selection than for lower-strength concretes. cement characteristics on water demand is more notice-
Quality materials are needed and specifications require able in high-strength concretes because of the higher
enforcement. High-strength concrete has been produced cement contents.
using a wide range of quality materials based on the re- High cement contents can be expected to result in a
sults of trial mixtures. This chapter
I cites the state of high temperature rise within the concrete. For example,

the temperature in the 4 ft (1.2 m) square columns used mixtures with sufficient retarder dosage to give the desir-
in Water Tower Place which contained 846 lb cement/yd 3 able rate of hardening under the anticipated temperature
(502 kg/m3), rose to 150 F (66 C) from 75 F (24 C) conditions.
during hydration. 2.2 The heat was dissipated within 6 days Since retarders frequently provide an increase in
without harmful effects. However, when the temperature strength that will be proportional to the dosage rate, mix-
rise is expected to be a problem, a Type II low-heat-of- tures can be designed at different doses if it is expected
hydration cement can be used, provided it meets the that significantly different rates will be used. However,
strength-producing requirements. there is usually an offsetting effect that minimizes the
A further consideration is the optimization of the variations in strengths due to temperature. As tempera-
cement-admixture system. The exact effect of a water- ture increases, later age strengths will decline; however,
reducing agent on water requirement, for example, will an increase in retarder dosage to control the rate of
depend on the cement characteristics. Strength develop- hardening will provide some mitigation of the tempera-
ment will depend on both cement characteristics and ce- ture-induced reduction. Conversely, dosages should be
ment content. decreased as temperatures decline.
While providing initial retardation, strengths at 24
2.3-Chemical admixtures hours and later are usually increased by normal dosages.
2.3.1 General-Admixtures are widely used in the pro- Extended retardation or cool temperatures may affect
duction of high-strength concretes. These materials in- early (24-hour) strengths adversely.
clude air-entraining agents and chemical and mineral 2.3.4 Normal-setting water reducers (ASTM C 494,
admixtures. Air-entraining agents are generally surfac- Type A-Normal setting ASTM C 494 Type A conven-
tants that will develop an air-void system appropriate for tional water-reducing admixtures will provide strength
durability enhancement. Chemical admixtures are gener- increases without altering rates of hardening. Their
ally produced using lignosulfonates, hydroxylated car- selection should be based on strength performance. In-
boxylic acids, carbohydrates, melamine and naphthalene creases in dosage above the normal amounts will gener-
condensates, and organic and inorganic accelerators in ally increase strengths, but may extend setting times.
various formulations. Selection of type, brand, and dos- When admixtures are used in this fashion to provide re-
age rate of all admixtures should be based on perfor- tardation, a benefit in strength performance sometimes
mance with the other materials being considered or results.
selected for use on the project. Significant increases in 2.3.5 High-range water reducers 2.4,2.5 (ASTM C 494,
compressive strength, control of rate of hardening, ac- Types F and G-High-range water reduction provides
celerated strength gain, improved workability, and dur- high-strength performance, particularly at early (24-hour)
ability are contributions that can be expected from the ages. Matching the admixture to the cement, both in type
admixture or admixtures chosen. Reliable performance and dosage rate, is important. The slump loss character-
on previous work should be considered during the selec- istics of a high-range water reducer (HRWR) will deter-
tion process. mine whether it should be added at the plant, at the site,
2.3.2 Air-entraining admixtures (ASTM C 260)-The or a combination of each.
use of air entrainment is recommended to enhance dura- Use of a HRWR in high-strength concrete may serve
bility when concrete will be subjected to freezing and the purpose of increasing strength at the slump or in-
thawing while wet. As compressive strengths increase and creasing slump. The method of addition should distribute
water-cement ratios decrease, air-void parameters im- the admixture throughout the concrete. Adequate mixing
prove and entrained air percentages can be set at the is critical to uniform performance. Supervision is im-
lower limits of the acceptable range as given in ACI 201. portant to the successful use of a HRWR. The use of
Entrained air has the effect of reducing strength, parti- superplasticizers is discussed further in ACI SP-68.
cularly in high-strength mixtures, and for that reason it 2.3.6 Accelerators (ASTM C 494, Types C and E)-Ac-
has been used only where there is a concern for durabili- celerators are not normally used in high-strength con-
ty. See also Section 5.12. crete unless early form removal is critical. High-strength
2.3.3 Retarders (ASTM C 494, Types B and D)-High- concrete mixtures can provide strengths adequate for ver-
strength concrete mix designs incorporate high cement tical form removal on walls and columns at an early age.
factors that are not common to normal commercial con- Accelerators used to increase the rate of hardening will
crete. A retarder is frequently beneficial in controlling normally be counterproductive in long-term strength de-
early hydration. The addition of water to retemper the velopment.
mixture will result in marked strength reduction. Further, 2.3.7 Admixture combinations-Combinations of high-
structural design frequently requires heavy reinforcing range water reducers with normal-setting water reducers
steel and complicated forming with attendant difficult or retarders have become common to achieve optimum
placement of the concrete. A retarder can control the performance at lowest cost. Improvements in strength
rate of hardening in the forms to eliminate cold joints gain and control of setting times and workability are
and provide more flexibility in placement schedules. Pro- posstble with optimized combinations. In certain cir-
jects have used retarders successfully by initially designing cumstances, combinations of normal-setting or retarding

water-reducing admixtures plus an accelerating admixture is 10 to 20 lb/ft3 (160 to 320 kg/m3); however, it is also
have also been found to be useful. available in densified or slurry forms for commercial
When using a combination of admixtures, they should application.
be dispensed individually in a manner approved by the Silica fume, because of its extreme fineness and high
manufacturer(s). Air-entraining admixtures should, if silica content, is a highly effective pozzolanic material.
used, be dispensed separately from water-reducing ad- The silica fume reacts pozzolanically with the lime during
mixtures. the hydration of cement to form the stable cementitious
compound calcium silicate hydrate (CSH). The availabili-
2.4-Mineral admixtures and slag cement ty of high-range water-reducing admixtures has facilitated
Finely divided mineral admixtures, consisting mainly the use of silica fume as part of the cementing material
of fly ash and silica fume, and slag cement have been in concrete to produce high-strength concretes.2.29 Nor-
widely used in high-strength concrete. mal silica fume content ranges from 5 to 15 percent of
2.4.1 Fly ash-Fly ash for high-strength concrete is portland cement content.
classified into two classes. Class F fly ash is normally pro- The use of silica fume to produce high-strength
duced from burning anthracite or bituminous coal and concrete increased dramatically in the 1980s. Both labor-
has pozzolanic properties, but little or no cementitious atory and field experience indicate that concrete incor-
properties. Class C fly ash is normally produced from porating silica fume has an increased tendency to develop
burning lignite or subbituminous coal, and in addition to plastic shrinkage cracks. 2.29 Thus, it is necessary to
having pozzolanic properties, has some autogenous ce- quickly cover the surfaces of freshly placed silica-fume
mentitious properties. In general, Class F fly ash is avail- concrete to prevent rapid water evaporation. Since it is
able in the eastern United States and Canada, and Class a relatively new material to the concrete industry in the
C fly ash is available in the western United States and United States, the user is referred to several recent
Canada. symposia and publications for additional information on
Specifications for fly ash are covered in ASTM C 618.
Methods for sampling and testing are found in 2.4.3 Slag cement - Ground slag cement is produced
ASTM C 311. Variations in physical or chemical proper- only in certain areas of the United States and Canada.
ties of mineral admixtures, although within the tolerances Specifications for ground granulated blast furnace slag
of these specifications, may cause appreciable variations are given in ASTM C 989. The classes of portland blast
in properties of high-strength concrete. Such variations furnace slag cement are covered in ASTM C 595. Slag
can be minimized by appropriate testing of shipments appropriate for concrete is a nonmetallic product that is
and increasing the frequency of sampling. ACI 212.2R developed in a molten condition simultaneously with iron
provides guidelines for the use of admixtures in concrete. in a blast furnace. When properly quenched and pro-
It is extremely important that mineral admixtures be test- cessed, slag will act hydraulically in concrete as a partial
ed for acceptance and uniformity and carefully investi- replacement for portland cement. Slag can be inter-
gated for strength-producing properties and compatibility ground with cement or used as an additional cement at
with the other materials in the high-strength concrete the batching facility. Blast furnace slag essentially consists
mixture before they are used in the work. of silicates and alumino-silicates of calcium and other
2.4.2 Silica fume - Silica fume and admixtures contain- bases. Research using ground slag shows much promise
ing silica fume2.8 have been used in high-strength con- for its use in high-strength concrete.
cretes 2.9, 2.10 for structural purposes and for surface ap- 2.4.4 Evaluation and selection - Mineral admixtures
plications and as repair materials in situations where and slag cement, like any material in a high-strength con-
abrasion resistance and low permeability are advanta- crete mixture, should be evaluated using laboratory trial
geous. Silica fume is a by-product resulting from the re- batches to establish the optimum desirable qualities.
duction of high-purity quartz with coal in electric arc Materials representative of those that will be employed
furnaces in the production of silicon and ferrosilicon al- later in the actual construction should be used. Particular
loys. The fume, which has a high content of amorphous care should be taken to insure that the mineral admix-
silicon dioxide and consists of very fine spherical par- ture comes from bulk supplies and that they are typical.
ticles, is collected from the gases escaping from the Generally, several trial batches are made using varying
furnaces. cement factors and admixture dosages to establish curves
Silica fume consists of very fine vitreous particles with which can be used to select the amount of cement and
a surface area on the order of 20,000 m 2/kg when admixture required to achieve the desired results.
measured by nitrogen adsorption techniques 2.29 The When fly ash is to be used, the minimum requirement
particle-size distribution of a typical silica fume shows is that it comply with ASTM C 618. Although this specifi-
most par-titles to be smaller than one micrometer (1 cation permits a higher loss on ignition, an ignition loss
m) with an average diameter of about 0.1 m, which is of 3 percent or less is desirable. High fineness, uni-
approximately 100 times smaller than the average cement formity or production, high pozzolanic activity, and com-
particle. The specific gravity of silica fume is typically 2.2, patibility with other mixture ingredients are items of pri-
but may be as high as 2.5. The bulk density as collected mary importance.

2.5-Aggregates gregate should be clean, cubical, angular, 100 percent

2.5.1 General - Both fine and coarse aggregates used crushed aggregate with a minimum of flat and elongated
for high-strength concrete should, as a minimum, meet particles. 2.13
the requirements of ASTM C 33; however, the following Because, as stated earlier, bond strength is the limiting
exceptions may be beneficial. factor in the development of high-strength concrete, the
2.5.2 - Grading mineralogy of the aggregates should be such as to pro- Fine aggregate - Fine aggregates with a mote chemical bonding. Some work has been done with
rounded particle shape and smooth texture have been artificial material such as portland and aluminous cement
found to require less mixing water in concrete and for clinkers and selected slags.2.14,221 The long-term stability
this reason are preferable in high-strength concrete2.11 2.12 of the clinkers is in question, however. Harris2.22 states
The optimum gradation of fine aggregate for high- that Moorehead measured a potential silica-lime bond of
strength concrete is determined more by its effect on at least 28,000 psi (193 M Pa). Presumably many siliceous
water requirement than on physical packing. One re- minerals would prove to have good bonding potential
port 2.10 stated that a sand with a fineness modulus (PM) with portland cement. This would appear to be a promis-
below 2.5 gave the concrete a sticky consistency, making ing area for further research.
it difficult to compact. Sand with an FM of about 3.0 2.5.3 Absorption -Curing is extremely important in the
gave the best workability and compressive strength. production of high-strength concrete. To produce a
High-strength concretes typically contain such high cement paste with as high a solids content as possible,
contents of fine cementitious materials that the grading the concrete must contain the absolute minimum mix
of the aggregates used is relatively unimportant com- water. However, after the concrete is in place and the
pared to conventional concrete. However, it is sometimes paste structure is established, water should be freely
helpful to increase the fineness modulus. A National available, especially during the early stages of hydra-
Crushed Stone Association report2.13 made several re- tion 2.14,2.23 During this period, a great deal of water
commendations in the interest of reducing the water re- combines with the cement. All of this water loses approx-
quirement. The amounts passing the No. 50 and 100 imately of its volume after the chemical reactions are
sieves should be kept low, but still within the require- completed. This creates a small vacuum that is capable of
ments of ASTM C 33, and mica or clay contaminants pulling water short distances into the concrete which, at
should be avoided. Another investigation2.13 found that this time, is still relatively permeable. Any extra water
the sand gradation had no significant effect on early which can enter the structure will increase the ultimate
strengths but that at later ages and consequently higher amount of hydration and, therefore the percent of solids
levels of strength, the gap-graded sand mixes exhibited per unit volume of paste, thereby increasing its strength.
lower strengths than the standard mixes. If the aggregates are capable of absorbing a moderate Coarse aggregate amount of water, they can act as tiny curing-water reser-
voirs distributed throughout the concrete, thereby pro-
compressive strength with high cement content and low viding the added curing water which is beneficial to these
water-cement ratios the maximum size of coarse aggre- low water-cement ratio pastes.
gate should be kept to a minimum, at in. (12.7 mm) or 2.5.4 Intrinsic aggregate strength-It would seem ob-
H in. (9.5 mm). Maximum sixes of in. (19.0 mm) and vious that high-strength concrete would require high-
1 in. (25.4 mm also have been used successfully. Cordon strength aggregates and, to some extent, this is true.
and Gillespie 2.19 felt that the strength increases were However, several investigators2.24,2.25 have found that, for
caused by the reduction in average bond stress due to the some aggregates, a point is reached beyond which further
increased surface area of the individual aggregate. Alex- increases in cement content produce no increase in the
ander 2.20 found that the bond to a 3 in. (76 mm) aggre- compressive strength of the concrete. This apparently is
gate particle was only about l/10 of that to a -in. (13 not due to having fully developed the compressive
mm) particle. He also stated that except for very good or strength of the concrete but to having reached the limit
very bad aggregates the bond strength was about 50 to 60 of the bonding potential of that cement-aggregate com-
percent of the paste strength at 7 days. bination.
Smaller aggregate sixes are also considered to produce
higher concrete strengths because of less severe concen- 2.6-Water
trations of stress around the particles, which are caused The requirements for water quality for high-strength
by differences between the elastic moduli of the paste concrete are no more stringent than those for conven-
and the aggregate. tional concrete. Usually, water for concrete is specified to
Many studies have shown that crushed stone produces be of potable quality. This is certainly conservative but
higher strengths than rounded gravel. The most likely usually does not constitute a problem since most concrete
reason for this is the greater mechanical bond which can is produced near a municipal water supply. However,
develop with angular particles. However, accentuated an- cases may be encountered where water of a lower quality
gularity is to be avoided because of the attendant high must be used. In such cases, test concrete should be
water requirement and reduced workability. The ideal ag- made with the water and compared with concrete made

with distilled water, or it may be more convenient to 2.13. High Strength Concrete, Manual of Concrete
make ASTM C 109 mortar cubes. In either case, speci- Materials-Aggregates, National Crashed Stone Associa-
mens should be tested in compression at 7 and 28 days. tion, Washington, D.C. Jan. 1975, 16 pp.
If those made with the water in question are at least 2.14. Perenchio, W.P., An Evaluation of Some of the
equal to 90 percent of the compressive strength of the Factors Involved in Producing Very High-Strength Con-
specimens made with distilled water, the water then can crete, Research and Development Bulletin No. RD014,
be considered acceptable to U.S. Army Corps of En- Portland Cement Association, Skokie, 1973, 7 pp.
gineers requirements2.26 and ASTM C 94. 2.15. Methods of Achieving High Strength Concrete,
For more detailed information on specific contamin- ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 64, No. 1, Jan. 1967, pp.
ants refer to the literature in References 2.27, 2.28, and 45-48.
2.29. Test methods for water for special situations are 2.16. Fowler, Earl W., and Lewis, D.W., Flexure and
given in AASHTO T26. Compression Tests of High Strength, Air-Entraining Slag
Concrete, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 60, No. 1, Jan.
2.7-Cited references 1963, pp. 113-128.
(See also Chapter 10-References) 2.17. Harris, A.J., High-Strength Concrete: Manufac-
2.1. Hester, Weston, High Strength Air-Entrained ture and Properties, The Structural Engineer (London),
Concrete, Concrete Construction, V. 22, No. 2, Feb. 1977, V. 47, No. 11, Nov. 1969, pp. 441-446.
pp. 77-82. 2.18. Walker, Stanton, and Bloem, Delmar L., Effects
2.2. High Strength Concrete in Chicago High-Rise of Aggregate Size on Properties of Concrete, ACI
Buildings, Task Force Report No. 5, Chicago Committee JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 57, No. 3, Sept. 1960, pp. 283-
on High-Rise Buildings, Feb. 1977, 63 pp. 298.
2.3. Freedman, Sydney, High-Strength Concrete, 2.19. Cordon, William A, and Gillespie, H. Aldridge,
Modern Concrete, V. 34, No. 6, Oct. 1970, pp. 29-36; No. Variables in Concrete Aggregates and Portland Cement
7, Nov. 1970 pp 28-32; No. 8, Dec. 1970, pp. 21-24; No. Paste Which Influence the Strength of Concrete, ACI
9, Jan. 1971, pp. 15-22; and No. 10, Feb. 1971, pp. 16-23. JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 60, No. 8, Aug. 1963, pp. 1029-
Also, Publication No. IS176T, Portland Cement Associa- 1052.
tion. 2.20. Alexander, K.M., Factors Controlling the
2.4. Superplasticizing Admixtures in Concrete, Pub- Strength and Shrinkage of Concrete, Constructional
lication No. 45.030, Cement and Concrete Association, Review (North Sydney), V. 33, No. 11, Nov. 1960, pp.
Wexham Springs, 1976, 32 pp. 19-28.
2.5. Eriksen, Kirsten, and Nepper-Christensen, Palle, 2.21 Tentative Interim Report of High Strength
Experiences in the Use of Superplasticizers in Some Concrete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 64, No. 9, Sept.
Special Fly Ash Concretes, Developments in the Use of 1967, pp. 556-557.
Superplasticizers, SP-68, American Concrete Institute, 2.22. Harris, A.J., Ultra High Strength Concrete,
Detroit, 1981, pp. 1-20. Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 12, No. 1, Feb.
2.6. Developments in the Use of Superplasticizers, SP-68, 1967, pp. 53-59.
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1981, 572 pp. 2.23. Klieger, Paul, Early High Strength Concrete for
2.7. Wolsiefer, John, Ultra High-Strength Field Place- Prestressing, Proceedings, World Conference on Pre-
able Concrete with Silica Fume Admixture, Concrete In- stressed Concrete, San Francisco, 1957, pp. A5-1-A5-14.
ternational Design & Construction, V. 6, No. 4, Apr. 1984, 2.24. Burgess. A. James; Ryell, John; and Bunting,
pp. 25-31. John, High Strength Concrete for the Willows Bridge,
2.8. Malhotra, V.M., and Carette, G.G., Silica Fume, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 67, No. 8, Aug. 1970, pp.
Concrete Construction, V. 27, No. 5, May 1982, pp. 443- 611-619.
446. 2.25. Gaynor, Richard D., High Strength Air-En-
2.9. Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and other Mineral trained Concrete, Joint Research Laboratory Publication
By-Products in Concrete, SP-79, American Concrete Insti- No. 17, National Sand and Gravel Association/National
tute, Detroit, 1983, 1196 pp. Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Mar.
2.10. Blick, Ronald L., Some Factors Influencing 1968, 19 pp.
High-Strength Concrete, Modern Concrete, V. 36, No. 12, 2.26. Requirements for Water for Use in Mixing or
Apr. 1973, pp. 38-41. Curing Concrete, (CRD-C 400-63), Handbook for Con-
2.11. Wills, Milton H., Jr., How Aggregate Particle crete and Cement, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Shape Influences Concrete Mixing Water Requirement Experiment Station, Vicksburg, 2 pp.
and Strength, Journal of Materials, V. 2, No. 4, Dec. 2.27. Concrete Manual, 8th Edition, U.S. Bureau of
1967, pp. 843-865. Reclamation, Denver, 1975, 627 pp.
2.12. Gaynor, R.D., and Meininger, R.C., Evaluating 2.28. McCoy, W.J., Mixing and Curing Water for
Concrete Sands: Five Tests to Estimate Quality, Con- Concrete, Significance of Tests and Properties of Concrete
crete International Design & Construction, V. 5, No. 12, and Concrete-Making Materials, STP-169A, American
Dec. 1983, pp. 53-60. Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1966, pp.

515-521. tors, inspection agencies, and environmental conditions.

2.29. Silica Fume in Concrete, preliminary report by All factors which will affect the variability of strengths
ACI Committee 226, Materials Journal, American and strength measurements should be considered when
Concrete Institute, Detroit, V. 84, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1987. selecting mix proportions and when establishing the stan-
2.30 Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Natural Pozzolans dard deviation acceptable for strength results. Materials
in Concrete, SP-91, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, and proportions used for qualifying the mixture should
1986, 1628 pp. not be more closely controlled than is planned for the
2.31 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Con- proposed work. Kennedy and Price have identified fac-
densed Silica Fume in Concrete, CANMET, Montreal, tors which contribute to the variability of measured com-
Canada, May 1987. pressive strengths of concretes in lower strength
2.32 Proceedings of the Third International Conference ranges. 3.3,3.4
on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, and Natural Pozzolans in Hester identified sources of measured strength vari-
Concrete, SP-114, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, ations in high-strength concretes. 3.5 High-strength con-
1989. crete is recognized to be more difficult to test accurately
than normal strength concretes. Testing difficulties may
contribute to lower measured values or higher variability.
A high variance in test results will dictate a higher
CHAPTER 3 - CONCRETE MIX PROPORTIONS required average strength. If variability is predicted to be
relatively low, but proves to be higher, the frequency of
test results below the specified strength may be unaccept-
Concrete mix proportions for high-strength concrete ably high. Therefore, when selecting a target standard
have varied widely depending upon many factors. The deviation the concrete producer should submit the most
strength level required, test age, material characteristics, appropriate test record. A higher required average
and type of application have influenced mix proportions. strength may be difficult or impossible to attain when
In addition, economics, structural requirements, manufac- producing high-strength concretes because mix propor-
turing practicality, anticipated curing environment, and tions may already be optimized.
even the time of year have affected the selection of mix ACI 318 recognizes that some test results are likely to
proportions. Much information on proportioning con- be lower than the specified strength. The most common
crete mixtures is available in ACI 211.1 and ACI design approach has been to limit the frequency of tests
SP-46. 3.1 Included in ACI publication SP-46 is the paper allowed to fall below the specified strength. The concrete
Proportioning and Controlling High Strength Concrete has been judged acceptable if the following requirements
(SP-46-9). are met:
High-strength concrete mix proportioning is a more a) The average of all sets of three consecutive strength
critical process than the design of normal strength con- test results shall equal or exceed the required fc'.
crete mixtures. Usually, specially selected pozzolanic and b) No individual strength test (average of two cylin-
chemical admixtures are employed, and the attainment of ders) shall fall below fc' by more than 500 psi (3.4 MPa).
a low water-cementitious ratio is considered essential. However, some designers have specified higher or
Many trial batches are often required to generate the lower overdesign strengths than called for in ACI 318
data that enables the researcher to identify optimum mix regardless of established performance.
proportions. Schmidt and Hoffman3.7 report that they do not auto-
maticalIy order removal of concrete which is represented
3.2-Strength required by cylinders 500 psi (3.4 MPa) below specified strength
3.2.1 ACI 318- The ACI Building Code Requirements but do order adjustment of the mixture and correction of
for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318) describes concrete the deficiency. This is because the ACI 318 Section 4.7.4
strength requirements. Normally the concrete has been was established for concretes with strengths in the range
proportioned in such a manner that the mean average of of 3000 to 5000 psi (21 to 34 MPa). High-strength con-
compressive strength test results has exceeded the spe- cretes continue to gain considerable strengths above and
cified strength fc' by an amount sufficiently high to beyond design requirements with the passage of time,
minimize the relative frequency of test results below the more than lower-strength concretes. While the percen-
specified strength value. tage gain of compressive strength of high-strength con-
An average value can be calculated for any set of cretes from 7 days to 90 days may be equal to or lower
measurement data. The amount that individual test val- than concretes in lower strength ranges, the order of
ues deviate from the average is usually quantified by magnitude of strength gain expressed in psi is actually
calculation of the standard deviation. Calculation of much higher. For example, a mixture which averages
standard deviation on concrete test histories can be a 2500 psi (17.2 MPa) in 7 days may average 4200 psi (29
valuable aid in predicting future test result variability. MPa) in 90 days. It would have gained strength equal to
Many factors can influence the variability of the test 68 percent of the 7-day strength, or 1700 psi (11.7 MPa)
results, including the individual materials, plants, contrac- at the age of 90 days. A mixture averaging 7300 psi (50.3

MPa) in 7 days could average 10,000 psi (69 MPa) in 90 in lower strength ranges not requiring early strengths or
days. That would be an increase of only 37 percent, but early evaluation. High-strength concretes gain consider-
it would have gained 2700 psi (18.6 MPa), a full 1000 psi able strengths at later ages and, therefore, are evaluated
(6.9 MPa) higher total gain than the lower-strength at later ages when construction requirements allow the
mixture. concrete more time to develop strengths before loads are
ACI 318 allows mix designs to be proportioned based imposed. Proportions, notably cementitious components,
on field experience or by laboratory trial batches. When have usually been adjusted depending upon test age.
the concrete producer chooses to select high-strength 3.3.3 Later age-- High-strength concretes are frequently
concrete mix proportions based upon laboratory trial tested at later ages such as 56 or 90 days. High-strength
batches, confirming tests results from concretes placed in concrete has been placed frequently in columns of high-
the field should also be established. rise buildings. Therefore, it has been desirable to take
3.2.2 ACI 214-- Once sufficient test data have been advantage of long-term strength gains so that efficient
generated from the job, a reevaluation of mix propor- use of construction materials can be achieved. This has
tions using Recommended Practice for Evaluation of often been justified in high-rise buildings where full
Compression Test Results of Concrete (ACI 214) may loadings may not occur until later ages.
be appropriate. Analyses affecting reproportioning of In cases where later-age acceptance criteria have been
mixtures based upon test histories are described in specified, it may be advantageous for the concrete sup-
Sections 4.8.1 and 4.8.2. plier to develop earl -age or accelerated tests to predict
3.2.3 Other Strength Requirements--In some situations, later-age strengths.3.8 The ACI publication SP-56, Accel-
considerations other than compressive strength may in- erated StrengthTesting, provides information on acceler-
fluence mix proportions. Detailed discussion of material ated testing. 3.9 Of course, historical correlation data must
properties including flexural and tensile strengths is given be developed relative to the materials and proportions to
in Chapter 5. be used in the work. These tests may not always accur-
ately predict later-age strengths; however, these tests
3.3- Test age could provide an early identification of lower-strength
The selection of mix proportions can be influenced by trends before a long history of non-compliance is
the testing age. This testing age has varied depending realized. Later-age acceptance criteria can leave suspect
upon the construction requirements. Most often the concrete in question for a long time.
testing age has been thought to be the age at which the Test cylinders have been held for testing at ages later
acceptance criteria are established, for example at 28 than the specified acceptance age. In cases where the
days. Testing, however, has been conducted prior to the specified compressive strength fc' was not achieved, sub-
age of acceptance testing, or after that age, depending sequent testing of later-age or hold cylinders has some-
upon the type of information required. times justified the acceptance of the concrete in question.
3.3.1 Early Age-- Prestressed concrete operations may 3.3.4 Test age in relationship to curing- When selecting
require high strengths in 12 to 24 hours. Special appli- mix proportions, the type of curing anticipated should be
cations for early use of machinery foundations, pavement considered along with the test age, especially when de-
traffic lanes, or slip formed concrete have required high signing for high early strengths. Concretes gain strength
strengths at early ages. Post-tensioned concrete is often as a function of maturity, which is usually defined as a
stressed at ages of approximately 3 days and requires function of time and curing temperature.
relatively high strengths. Generally concretes which de-
velop high later-age strengths will also produce high 3.4- Water-cement ratio or water-cementitious ratio
early-age strengths. However, the optimum materials 3.4.1 Nature of water-cement ratio in high-strength con-
selected, and therefore the mix proportions, may vary for crete- The relationship between water-cement ratio and
different test ages. For example, Type III cement and no compressive strength, which has been identified in low-
fly ash have been used in a high early-strength design, strength concretes, has been found to be valid for higher-
compared to Type I or II cement and fly ash for a later- strength concretes also. Higher cement contents and
age strength design. Early-age strengths may be more lower water contents have produced higher strengths.
variable due to the influence of curing temperature and Proportioning larger amounts of cement into the con-
the early-age characteristics of the specific cement. crete mixture, however, has also increased the water
Therefore, anticipated mix proportions should be evalu- demand of the mixture. Increases in cement beyond a
ated for a higher required average strength or a later test certain point have not always increased compressive
age. strengths. Other factors which may limit maximum
3.3.2 Twenty-eight days- A very common test age for cement contents are discussed in Section 3.5.3. When
compressive strength of concrete has been 28 days. Per- pozzolanic materials are used in concrete, a water-cement
formance of structures has been empirically correlated plus pozzolan ratio by weight has been considered in
with moist-cured concrete cylinders, usually 6 x 12 in. place of the traditional water-cement ratio by weight. Fly
(152 x 305 mm) prepared according to ASTM C 31 and ash meeting requirements of ASTM C 618 with a loss on
C 192. This has produced good results for concretes with- ignition of less than 3.0 percent and ASTM C 494 types

A, D, F, and G chemical admixtures have usually been particular pozzolan employed has varied and has gener-
used. 3.10 ally increased with increasing fineness of the pozzolan.
Of course the slump of the concrete is related to the Often water requirements for fly ash concrete are lower
water-cementitious ratio and the total amount of water than for portland cement. This helps to lower the water-
in the concrete. While 0 to 2 in. slump concrete has been cementitious ratio of the mixture.
produced in precast operations, special consolidation ef- Perenchio 3.15 has reported variable compressive
forts are required. Specified slumps for cast-in-place con- strength results at given water-cement ratios in laboratory
cretes not containing high-range water reducers have prepared concretes, depending on the aggregates used. In
ranged from 21/2 to 41/4 in. (64 to 114 mm). Field-placed addition, these results have differed from results achieved
nonplasticized concretes have had measured slumps aver- in actual production with materials from the same area.
aging as high as 43/4 in. (121 mm). 3.10 A range of typical strengths reported at given water-
The use of high-range water reducers has provided cementitious ratios is represented in Fig. 3.2. Trial
lower water-cementitious ratios and higher slumps.3.11 batches with materials actually to be used in the work
Water-cementitious ratios by weight for high-strength have been found to be necessary. Generally, laboratory
concretes typically have ranged from 0.27 to 0.50. The trial batches have produced strengths higher than those
quantity of liquid admixtures, particularly high-range strengths which are achievable in production, as seen in
water reducers, sometimes has been included in the Fig. 3.33.2
water-cementitious ratio.
3.4.2 Estimating compressive strength-- The compressive
strength that a concrete will develop at a given water-
cementitious ratio has varied widely depending on the
cement, aggregates, and admixtures employed.
Principal causes of variations in compressive strengths
at a given water-cementitious ratio include the strength-
producing capabilities of the cement and potential for Krxo
pozzolanic reactivity of the fly ash or other pozzolan if
used. Different types and brands of portland cement have
produced different compressive strengths as shown in Fig.
3.1. Compressive Compressive
Strength , Strength,
psi MPa

Strength ,

Water - Cementitious Ratio

Fig. 3.2-- Strength versus water-cement ratios of various

mixtures 3.2,3.10,3.15,3.16
3.5-Cement content
The cement quantity proportioned into a high-strength
Fig. 3.1-- Effects of various brands of cement on concrete mixture has been determined best by the fabrication of
compressive strength trial batches. Common cement contents in high-strength
concrete test programs range from 660 to 940 lb per yd 3
Specific information pertaining to the range of values (392 to 557 kg/m3). In evaluating optimum cement
of compressive strengths of cements has been published contents, trial mixes usually are proportioned to equal
in ASTM C 917 and Peters.3.13 Fly ashes may vary in consistencies, allowing the water content to vary accord-
pozzolanic activity index from 75 percent to 110 percent ing to the water demand of the mixture.
of the portland cement control, as defined in 3.5.1 Strength-For any given set of materials in a
ASTM C 618. Proprietary pozzolans containing silica concrete mixture, there may be a cement content that
fume have been reported to have activity indexes in produces maximum concrete strength. The maximum
excess of 200 percent.3.14 The water requirement of the strength may not always be increased by the use of

. Agg. No. I
. Agg. No. 2
. Agg. No.3
50 -

Reduction in Comp. 40
Strength Below
8000 Non-A.E. Concrete 30
Compressive Compessive of Some W/C, %
Strength, Strength,
psi MPo
6000 40

Points Represent Avg.

of ?-and 28-Day Tests
0 2 4 6 6 IO
Added Air , percent

2000 Fig. 3.4--Strength reduction by air entrainment 3.26

the completeness of the testing programs, but particular

1 1
-11 attention has been given to evaluation of the brand of
28 56 90
cement to be used with the class and source of pozzolan,
Age , days if a pozzolan is to be used. Prior to 1977, Chicago high-
strength experience was based on concretes using Class
Fig. 3.3--Laboratory-molded concrete strengths versus F fly ash, while other high-strength work has been done
ready-mixed field-molded concrete strengths for 9000 psi (62 in Houston using Class C fly ash. 3.2,3.10 Class C fly ash
MPa) concrete. 3.2 has been used in Chicago since 1977.
The strength efficiency of cement will vary for differ-
cement added to the mixture beyond this optimum ce- ent maximum size aggregates at different strength levels.
ment content. The strength for any given cement content Higher cement efficiencies are achieved at high strength
will vary with the water demand of the mixture and the levels with lower maximum aggregate sixes. -* Fig. 3.5
strength-producing characteristics of that particular illustrates this principle. For example, a maximum ag-
cement as shown in Fig. 3.1. The Standard Method of gregate size of less than % in. (9.5 mm) yields the highest
Evaluation of Cement Strength Uniformity from a Single cement efficiency for a 7000 psi (48.3 MPa) mixture.
Source (ASTM C 917) may prove useful in considering
cement mill sources. 3.13 Mortar cube compressive
strength data of cements at ages of up to 90 days have
been evaluated when proportioning cement in high-
strength mixtures.
The strength of the concrete mixture will depend upon
the gel-space ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the
volume of hydrated cement paste to the sum of the vol-
umes of the hydrated cement and of the capillary
pores. 3.17 This is particularly true when air-entraining 6
Strength Efficiency,
admixtures are employed. Higher cement contents in air-
p i / l b o f c e m e n t / c u Yd
entrained concrete have not been found to be useful in
producing strengths equivalent to, or approaching, r/ /
strengths attainable with non-air-entrained concretes.
Incorporation of entrained air may reduce strength at a
ratio of 5 to 7 percent for each percent of air in the mix = 3.8 to 5.8 in.
as shown in Fig. 3.4. = 28 days, Moist

3.5.2 Optimization-- A principal consideration in est-

ablishing the desired cement content will be the iden-
tification of combinations of materials which will produce
optimum strengths. Ideally, evaluations of each potential
No. 4
source of cement, fly ash, liquid admixture, and aggregate + $ It 3 6
Maximum Size Aggregate , in.
in varying concentrations would indicate the optimum ce-
ment content and optimum combination of materials. Fig. 3.5-- Maximum size aggregate for strength efficiency en-
Testing costs and time requirements usually have limited velop. 3.2

3.5.3 Limiting factors-There are several factors which requirements even though the net volume of the sand
may limit the maximum quantity of cement which may be remains the same.
desirable in a high-strength mixture. The strength of the The gradation of the fine aggregate plays an important
concrete may decrease if cement is added above and role in properties of the plastic as well as the hardened
beyond a given optimum content. The maximum desir- concrete. For example, if the sand has an overabundance
able quantity of cement may vary considerably depending of the No. 50 and No. 100 sieve sixes, the plastic work-
upon the efficiency of dispersing agents, such as high- ability will be improved but more paste will be needed to
range water reducers, in preventing flocculation of compensate for the increased surface area. This could re-
cement particles. sult in a costlier mixture, or if the paste volume is in-
Stickiness and loss of workability will be increased as creased by adding water, a serious loss in strength could
higher amounts of cement are incorporated into the mix- result. It is sometimes possible, although not always prac-
ture. Combinations of cement, pozzolans, and sand tical economically, to blend sands from different sources
should be evaluated for the effect of cementitious con- to improve their gradation and their capacity to produce
tent upon mixture placeability. Incorporation of an air- higher-strength concrete.
entraining admixture may necessitate reevaluation of the Low fine aggregate contents with high coarse aggre-
effect of the cement upon mixture workability. gate contents have resulted in a reduction in paste re-
The maximum temperature desired in the concrete quirements and normally have been more economical.
element may limit the quantity or type of cement in the Such proportions also have made it possible to produce
mixture. 3.2,3.18 Modification of the mixture with ice, set higher strengths for a given amount of cementitious ma-
retarders, or pozzolans may be helpful. terials. However, if the proportion of sand is too low,
Cement-rich mixtures frequently have very high water serious problems in workability become apparent.
demands. Therefore, it is possible that special pre- Consolidation by means of mechanical vibrators may
cautions may be necessary to provide adequate curing help to overcome the effects of an undersanded mixture,
water, so that sufficient hydration can occur. It may be and the use of power finishing equipment can help to
preferable to reduce the amount of cement in the mix- offset the lack of trowelability.
ture and to rely upon more careful selection of aggre- Particle shape and surface texture of fine aggregate
gates, aggregate proportions, etc., optimizing the use of can have as great an effect on mixing water requirements
other constituents. as those of coarse aggregate. Tests made by Bloem
The amount of slump loss experienced, with attendant and Gaynor 3.22 show that concrete-mixing water require-
increase in retempering water, and the setting time of the ments for each cubic yard of concrete change 1 gal. (3.8
concrete has varied depending upon the type, brand, and L) for each change of 1 percent in the void content of
quantity of cement use. Lower cement contents, within the sand. Following the work by Bloem and Gaynor, the
limits, are desirable in order to enhance the placement NSGA-NRMCA Joint Research Laboratory has simpli-
capabilities of the mixture, provided that adequate fied the procedure for conducting the void content test
strengths can be achieved. of sand and a modified gradation is now used. The new
procedure is described in Reference 2.12.
3.6-Aggregate proportions 3.6.2 Coarse aggregates-The optimum amount and
In the proportioning of high-strength concrete, the size of coarse aggregate for a given sand will depend to
aggregates have been a very important consideration a great extent on the characteristics of the sand. Most
since they occupy the largest volume of any of the particularly it depends on the fineness modulus (FM) of
ingredients in the concrete. Usually, high-strength the sand. This is brought out specifically in Table 3.1,
concretes have been produced using normal weight ag- which is taken from ACI 211.1. One reference 3.23 sug-
gregates. Shideler3.19 and Holm 3.20 have reported on gests that the proportion of coarse aggregate shown in
light-weight high-strength structural concrete. Mather3.21 Table 3.1 might be increased by up to 4 percent if sands
has reported on high-strength high-density concrete using with low void contents are used. If the sand particles are
heavyweight aggregate. very angular, then it is suggested that the amount of
3.6.1 Fine aggregates-In proportioning a concrete mix- coarse aggregate should be decreased by up to 4 percent
ture, it is generally agreed that the fine aggregates or from the values in the table. Such adjustments in the
sand have considerably more impact on mix proportions proportion of coarse aggregate and sand have been in-
than the coarse aggregates. tended to produce concretes of equivalent workability,
The fine aggregates contain a much higher surface although such changes will alter the water demand for a
area for a given weight than do the larger coarse ag- given slump. When more or less water is needed in a
gregates. Since the surface area of all the aggregate given volume of concrete, to preserve the same consis-
particles must be coated with a cementitious paste, the tency of paste, it is also necessary to adjust the amount
proportion of fine to coarse can have a direct quan- of cement or cementitious materials if a given water-
titative effect on paste requirements. Furthermore, the cement ratio is to be maintained.
shape of these sand particles may be either spherical, Another possible expedient in the proportioning of
subangular, or very angular. This property can alter paste coarse aggregates for high-strength concrete is to alter

Table 3.1-Volume of coarse aggregate per unit of ment content. In those cases where a net increase in the
volume of concrete* absolute volume of the cementitious materials was exper-
ienced due to the addition of a pozzolan, a correspond-
I Volume of dry-rodded
coarse aggregate
per unit volume of concrete for
ing decrease in the absolute volume of the sand was usu-
ally made.
different fineness moduli of sand The use of fly ash has often caused a slight reduction
in the water demand of the mixture, and that reduction
in the volume of water (if any) has been compensated for
by the addition of sand. The opposite relationship has
been found to be true for other pozzolans. Silica fume,
for example, dramatically increases the water demand of
the mixture which has made the use of retarding and
superplasticizing admixtures a requirement. Proprietary
*Table 3.1 Taken from ACI 211.1.
+Volumes are based on aggregates in dry-rodded condition as described in products containing silica fume include carefully balanced
ASTM C 29 for Unit Weight of Aggregate.
These volumes are selected from empirical relationships to produce concrete
chemical admixtures as wel13.14
with a degree of workability suitable for usual reinforced construction. For less 3.7.2 Chemical admixtures
workable concrete such as required for concrete pavement construction, they
may be increased about 10 percent. For more workable concrete see Section Conventional water-reducers and retarders-
The amount of these admixtures used in high-strength
concrete mixtures has varied depending upon the parti-
cular admixture and application. Generally speaking, the
the amount of these aggregates passing certain sieve sixes tendency has been to use larger than normal or maxi-
from the amounts shown in ASTM C 33. This method is mum quantities of these admixtures. Typical water re-
described in Reference 3.24 and 3.25 as a means of ductions of 5 to 8 percent may be increased to 10 per-
avoiding particle interference, thus permitting a greater cent. Corresponding increases in sand content have been
amount of coarse aggregate and less total sand. This has made to compensate for the loss of volume due to the
helped to reduce the paste requirements or permit the reduction of water in the mixture.
use of a more viscous paste, resulting in a higher Superplasticizers or high-range water-reducing
strength. admixtures-Adjustments to high-strength concrete made
3.6.3 Proportioning aggregates-The amounts of coarse with high-range water reducers have been similar to
aggregate suggested in Table 3.1 (which is Table 5.3.6 of those adjustments made when conventional water re-
ACI 211.1) are recommended for initial proportioning. ducers are used. These adjustments have typically been
Considerations should be given to the properties of the larger due to the larger amount of water reduction, ap-
sand (FM, angularity, etc.) which may alter the quantity proximately 12 to 25 percent. Corresponding increases in
of coarse aggregate. In general, the least sand consistent sand content have been made to compensate for the loss
with necessary workability has given the best strengths for of volume from reduction of water in the mixture.
a given paste. Mechanical tools for handling and placing Some designers have simply added high-range water
concrete have helped to decrease the proportion of sand reducers to existing mixtures without any adjustments to
needed. As previously stated, the use of the smaller sixes the mix proportions to improve the workability of that
of coarse aggregate are generally beneficial, and crushed concrete.
aggregates seem to bond best to the cementitious paste. Sometimes cement or cementitious content has been
reduced for reasons of economy or to achieve a reduc-
3.7-Proportioning with admixtures tion of the heat of hydration. Usually, however, in
Nearly all high-strength concretes have contained ad- high-strength concretes high-range water reducers are
mixtures. Changes in the quantities and combinations of used to lower the water-cementitious ratio. These ad-
these admixtures affect the plastic and hardened proper- mixtures have been effective enough to both lower the
ties of high-strength concrete. Therefore, special at- water-cementitious ratio and increase the slump. Due the
tention has been given to the effects of these admixtures relatively large quantity of liquid that has been added to
(described in Sections 2.3 and 2.4). Careful adjustments the mixture in the form of superplasticizing admixture,
to mix proportions have been made when changes in ad- the weight of these admixtures has sometimes been in-
mixture quantities or combinations have been made. Ma- cluded in the calculation of the water-cementitious ratio.
terial characteristics have varied extensively, making Air-entraining agents- Although sometimes
experimentation with the candidate materials necessary. required, air-entraining agents have been found to be
Some of the more common adjustments are described in very undesirable in high-strength concretes due the dra-
Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2. matic decrease in compressive strength which occurs
3.7.1 Pozzolanic admixtures- Pozzolanic admixtures are when these admixtures are used. Modifications to lower
often used as a cement replacement. In high-strength the water-cementitious ratio and adjust the yield of the
concretes they have been used to supplement the port- concrete by reduction of sand content have been made.
land cement from 10 to 40 percent by weight of the ce- Larger dosage rates of air-entraining admixture have

been found to be required in high-strength concretes, time placement procedures, vibration techniques, and
especially in very rich low-slump mixtures and mixtures scheduling have been established since they greatly affect
containing large quantities of some fly ashes. the end product and will influence the apparent place- Combinations- Most but not all high- ability of the mixture.
strength concretes have contained both mineral and 3.8.3 Flow properties and stickiness-Slumps needed for
chemical admixtures. It has been common for these mix- almost any flow can be designed for the concrete; how-
tures to contain combinations of chemical admixtures as ever, full attention must be given to aggregate selection
well. High-range water reducers have performed better and proportioning to achieve the optimum slump. Elon-
in high-strength concretes when used in combination with gated aggregate particles and poorly graded coarse and
conventional water reducers or retarders. This is because fine aggregates are examples of characteristics that have
of the reduced rate of slump loss experienced. It is not affected flow and caused higher water content for place-
unusual for portland-pozzolan high-strength concretes to ability with attendant strength reduction.
contain both a conventional and high-range water Stickiness is inherent in high-fineness mixtures re-
reducer. quired for high strengths. Certain cements or cement-
pozzolan or cement-admixture combinations have been
3.8-Workability found to cause undue stickiness that impairs flowability.
Workability is defined in ACI 116R Cement and Con- The cementitious content of the mixture normally has
crete Terminology as that property of freshly mixed been the minimum quantity required for strength devel-
concrete . . . which determines the ease and homogeneity opment combined with the maximum quantity of coarse
with which it can be mixed, placed, compacted, and aggregate within the requirements for workability.
finished. Mixtures that were designed properly but appear to
3.8.1 Slump- ASTM C 143 describes a standard test change in character and become more sticky can be con-
method for the slump of portland cement concrete which sidered suspect and quickly checked for proportions, pos-
has been used to quantify the consistency of plastic, co- sible false setting of cement, undesirable air entrainment,
hesive concretes. This test method has not usually been or other changes. A change in the character of a high-
considered applicable to ultra-low and ultra-high slump strength mixture could be a warning sign for quality con-
concretes. Other test methods such as the Vebe consist- trol and, while a subjective judgment, may sometimes be
ometer have been used with very stiff mixes and may be more important than quantitative parameters.
a better aid in proportioning some high-strength con-
cretes. 3.9- Trial batches
High-strength concrete performance demands a dense, Frequently the development of a high-strength con-
void-free mass with full contact with reinforcing steel. crete pro ram has required a large number of trial
Slumps should reflect this need and provide a workable batches. 3.2,3.10 In addition to laboratory trial batches,
mixture, easy to vibrate, and mobile enough to pass field-sized trial batches have been used to simulate typ-
through closely placed reinforcement. Normally a slump ical production conditions. Care should be taken that all
of 4 in. (102 mm) will provide the required workability; material samples are taken from bulk production and are
however, details of forms and reinforcing bar spacing typical of the materials which will be used in the work.
should be considered prior to development of mix de- To avoid accidental testing bias, some researchers have
signs. Slumps of less than 3 in. (76 mm) have made sequenced trial mixtures in a randomized order.
special consolidation equipment and procedures a 3.9.1 Laboratory trial batch investigations- Laboratory
necessity. trial batches have been prepared to achieve several goals.
Without uniform placement, structural integrity may They should be prepared according to Standard Method
be compromised High-strength mixes tend to lose slump of Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the
more rapidly than lower-strength concrete. If slump is to Laboratory (ASTM C 192). However, whenever possible,
be used as a field control, testing should be done at a timing, handling, and environmental conditions similar to
prescribed time after mixing. Concrete should be dis- those which are likely to be encountered in the field
charged before the mixture becomes unworkable. should be approximated.
3.8.2 Placeability-- High-strength concrete, often Selection of material sources has been facilitated by
designed with % in. (12 mm) top size aggregate and with comparative testing, with all variables except the can-
a high cementitious content, is inherently placeable pro- didate materials being held constant. In nearly every
vided attention is given to optimizing the ratio of sand to case, particular combinations of materials have proven to
coarse aggregate. Local material characteristics have a be best. By testing for optimum quantities of optimum
marked effect on proportions. Cement fineness and par- materials, the investigator is most likely to define the best
ticle size distribution influence the character of the combination and proportions of materials to be used.
mixture. Admixtures have been found to improve the Once a promising mixture has been established, fur-
placeability of the mixture. ther laboratory trial batches may be required to quantify
Placeability has been evaluated in mock-up forms the characteristics of those mixtures. Strength charac-
prior to final approval of the mix proportions. At that teristics at various test ages may be defined. Water

demand, rate of slump loss, amount of bleeding, seg- Companys Experience with Class C Fly Ash, Publication
regation, and setting time can be evaluated. The unit No. 163, National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association,
weight of the mixture should be defined and has been Silver Spring, Apr. 1981, 11 pp.
used as a valuable quality control tool. Structural 3.11. Hester, Weston, T., and Leming, M., Use of
considerations such as shrinkage and elasticity may also Superplasticizing Admixtures in Precast, Prestressed
be determined. While degrees of workability and Concrete Operations.
placeability may be difficult to define, at least a 3.12. High Strength Concrete, National Crushed
subjective evaluation should be attempted. Stone Association, Washington, D.C., Jan. 1975, 16 pp.
3.9.2 Field-production trial batches- Once a desirable 3.13. Peters, Donald J., Evaluation of Cement
mixture has been formulated in the laboratory, field Variability-The First Step, Publication No. 161,
testing with production-sized batches is recommended. National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver
Quite often laboratory trial batches have exhibited a Spring, Apr. 1980, 9 pp.
strength level significantly higher than that which can be 3.14. Wolsiefer, John, Ultra High-Strength Field
reasonably achieved in production as shown in Fig. 3.3 3.2 Placeable Concrete with Silica Fume Admixture, Con-
Actual field water demand, and therefore concrete yield, crete International: Design & Construction, V. 6, No. 4,
has varied from laboratory design significantly. Ambient Apr. 1984, pp. 25-31.
temperatures and weather conditions have affected the 3.15. Perenchio, William F., and Khieger, Paul, Some
performance of the concrete. Practicality of production Physical Properties of High Strength Concrete, Research
and of quality control procedures have been better eval- and Development Bulletin No. RD056.01T, Portland
uated when production-sized trial batches were prepared Cement Association, Skokie, 1978, 7 pp.
using the equipment and personnel that were to be used 3.16. Freedman, Sydney, High-Strength Concrete,
in the actual work. Modern Concrete, V. 34, No. 6, Oct. 1970, pp. 29-36; No.
7, Nov. 1970, pp. 28-32; No. 8, Dec. 1970, pp. 21-24; No.
3.10-Cited references 9, Jan. 1971, pp. 15-22; and No. 10, Feb. 1971, pp. 16-23.
(See also Chapter l0-References) Also, Publication No. IS176T, Portland Cement Associa-
3.1. Proportioning Concrete Mixes, SP-46, American tion.
Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1974, 240 pp. 3.17. Neville, A.M., Properties of Concrete, 3rd Edition,
3.2. Blick, Ronald L.; Petersen, Charles F.; and Pitman Publishing Limited, London, 1981, 779 pp.
Winter, Michael E., Proportioning and Controlling High 3.18. Bickley, John A, and Payne, John C., High
Strength Concrete, Proportioning Concrete Mixes, SP-46, Strength Cast-in-Place Concrete in Major Structures in
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1974, p. 149. Ontario, paper presented at the ACI Annual Conven-
3.3. Kennedy, T.B., Making and Curing Concrete tion, Milwaukee, Mar. 1979.
Specimens, Significance of Tests and Properties of 3.19. Shideler, J.J., Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete
Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials, STP-169A, for Structural Use, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 54, No.
American Society for Testing and Materials, Phila- 4, Oct. 1957, pp. 299-328.
delphia, 1966, pp. 90-101. 3.20. Holm, T.A., Physical Properties of High
3.4. Price, Waller H., Factors Influencing Concrete Strength Lightweight Aggregate Concretes, Proceedings,
Strength, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 47, No. 6, Feb. 2nd International Congress on Lightweight Concrete
1951, pp. 417-432. (London, Apr. 1980), Ci8O, Construction Press,
3.5. Hester, Weston T., Testing High Strength Con- Lancaster, 1980, pp. 187-204.
cretes: A Critical Review of the State of the Art, 3.21. Mather, Katharine, High Strength, High Density
Concrete International Design & Construction, V. 2, No. Concrete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 62, No. 8, Aug.
12, Dec. 1980, pp. 27-38. 1965, pp. 951-962. Also, Technical Report No. 6-635, U.S.
3.6. Gaynor, Richard D., Mix Design Submission Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station.
Under ACI 318 and ACI 301--(or Which Test Record 3.22. Bloem, Delmar L., and Gaynor, Richard D.,
Should I Use?), NRMCA Technical Information Letter Effects of Aggregate Properties on Strength of Con-
No. 372, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, crete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 60, No. 10, Oct.
Silver Spring, May 8, 1980, 7 pp. 1963, pp. 1429-1456.
3.7. Schmidt, William, and Hoffman, Edward J., 9000 3.23. Tobin, Robert E., Flow Cone Sand Tests, ACI
psi Concrete-Why? Why Not?, Civil Engineering- JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 75, No. 1, Jan. 1978, pp. l-12.
ASCE, V. 45, No. 5, May 1975, pp. 52-55. 3.24. Ehrenburg, D.O., An Analytical Approach to
3.8. Gaynor, Richard D., An Outline on High Gap-Graded Concrete, Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates,
Strength Concrete, Publication No. 152, National Ready V. 2, No. 1, Summer 1980, pp. 39-42.
Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, May 1975, pp. 3.25. Tuthill, Lewis H., Better Grading of Concrete
3, 4, and 10. Aggregates, Concrete International Design & Construc-
3.9. Accelerated Strength Testing, SP-56, American tion, V. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1980, pp. 49-51.
Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1978, 328 pp. 3.26. Gaynor, Richard D., High Strength Air-En-
3.10. Cook, James E., A Ready-Mixed Concrete trained Concrete, Joint Research Laboratory Publication

No. 17, National Sand and Gravel Association/National cold miring water effects a moderate reduction in con-
Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Mar. crete placing temperature. The use of ice is more effec-
1968, 19 pp. tive than cold water; however, this will require ice
making or chipping equipment at the batch plant.
4.2.3 Charging of materials-Batching procedures have
CHAPTER 4- BATCHING, MIXING, important effects on the ease of producing thoroughly
TRANSPORTING, PLACING, CURING, mixed uniform concrete in both stationary and truck
AND CONTROL PROCEDURES mixers. The uniformity of concrete mixed in central
mixers is generally enhanced by ribbon loading the aggre-
4.1-Introduction gate, cement, and water simultaneously. However, if
The batching, mixing, transporting, placing, and con- truck mixers are being used, ribbon loading will prevent
trol procedures for high-strength concrete are not dif- delayed miring, which is sometimes used to prevent hy-
ferent in principle from those procedures used for con- dration of the cement during long hauls. This procedure
ventional concrete. Thus ACI 304 can be followed. Some involves stopping the mixer drum after aggregates and
changes, some refinements, and some emphasis on criti- three-quarters of the water are charged and before the
cal points are necessary. Maintaining the unit water con- cement is loaded and not starting the drum again until
tent as low as possible, consistent with placing require- the job site is reached. Slump loss problems may thus be
ments, is good practice for all concrete; for high-strength minimized. High-range water-reducing admixtures are
concrete it is critical. Since the production of high- another consideration. These admixtures are very likely
strength concrete will normally involve the use of rela- to be used in the production of high-strength concrete.
tively large unit cement contents with resulting greater According to the guidelines in the Canadian Standards
heat generation, some of the recommendations given in Associations Preliminary Standard A 266.5-M 1981, tests
Chapter 3 on Production and Delivery and Chapter 4 on have shown that high-range water-reducing admixtures
Placing and Curing in ACI 305R, Hot Weather Con- are most effective and produce the most consistent
creting, may also be applicable. results when added at the end of the mixing cycle after
In addition, the production and testing of high- all other ingredients have been introduced and tho-
strength concrete requires well-qualified concrete pro- roughly mired. If there is evidence of improper mixing
ducers and testing laboratories, respectively. and nonuniform slump during discharge, procedures used
to charge truck and central mixers should be modified to
4.2 - Batching insure uniformity of mixing as required by ASTM C 94.
4.2.1 Control, handling and storage of materials- The
control, handling, and storage of materials need not be 4.3- Mixing
substantially different from the procedures used for con- High-strength concrete may be mixed entirely at the
ventional concrete as outlined in ACI 304. Proper stock- batch plant, in a central or truck mixer, or by a combin-
piling of aggregates, uniformity of moisture in the ation of the two. In general, mixing follows the recom-
batching process, and good sampling practice are essen- mendations of ACI 304. Experience and tests 4.0,4.2 and
tial. It may be prudent to place a maximum limit of 170 standards documents of the Concrete Plant Manufactur-
F (77 C) on the temperature of the cement as batched in ers Bureau have indicated that high-strength concrete can
warm weather and 150 F (66 C) in hot weather. Where be mired in all common types of mixers.4.3,4.4,4.5 It may
possible, batching facilities should be located at or near prove beneficial to reduce the batch size below the rated
the job site to reduce haul time. capacity to insure more efficient mixing.
The temperature of all ingredients should be kept as 4.3.2 Mixer performance- The performance of mixers
low as possible prior to batching. Delivery time should be is usually determined by a series of uniformity tests
reduced to a minimum and special attention paid to (ASTM C 94) made on samples taken from two to three
scheduling and placing to avoid having trucks wait to locations within the concrete batch being mixed for a
unload. given time period.4.6 Some work 4.2,4.7 has indicated that
4.2.2 Measuring and weighing- Materials for produc- due to the relatively low water content and high cement
tion of high-strength concrete may be batched in manual, content and the usual absence of large coarse aggregate,
semiautomatic, or automatic plants. However, since the efficient mixing of high-strength concrete is more
speed and accuracy are required, ACI 304 recommends difficult than conventional concrete. Special precautions
that cements and pozzolans be weighed with automatic or procedures may by required. Thus, it becomes more
equipment. Automatic weigh batchers or meters are re- important for the supplier of high-strength concrete to
commended for water measurement. To maintain the check mixer performance and efficiency prior to produc-
proper water-cement ratios necessary to secure high- tion mixing.
strength concrete, accurate moisture determination in the 4.3.3 Mixing time- The mixing time required is based
fine aggregate is essential. A combination of warm upon the ability of the central mixer to produce uniform
weather and high cement content often requires the concrete both within a batch and between batches. Man-
cooling of mixing water. ACI 305R notes that the use of ufacturers recommendations, ACI 304, and usual specifi-

cations, such as 1 min for 1 yd 3(0.75 m3) plus /4 min for discharge gate and vibrators mounted on the body are
each additional yd 3of capacity, are used as satisfactory provided at the point of discharge. An apparatus that
guides for establishing mixing time. Otherwise, mixing ribbons and blends the concrete as it is unloaded is
times can be based on the results of mixer performance desirable. However, water is not added to the truck body
tests. The mixing time is measured from the time all in- because adequate mixing cannot be obtained with the
gredients are in the mixer. Prolonged miring may cause agitator.
moisture loss and result in lower workability,4.8 which in 4.4.4 Pumping- High-strength concrete will in many
turn may require retempering to restore slump, thereby cases be very suitable for pumping. Pumps are available
reducing strength potential. that can handle low-slump mixtures and provide high
4.3.4 Ready-mixed concrete-High strength concrete pumping pressure. High-strength concrete is likely to
may be mixed at the job in a truck mixer. However, not have a high cement content and small maximum size ag-
all truck mixers can mix high-strength concrete, especially gregate--both factors which facilitate concrete pumping.
if the concrete has very low slump. Close job control is Chapter 9 of ACI 304 provides guidance for the use of
essential for high-strength ready-mixed concrete opera- pumps for transporting high-strength concrete. In the
tions to avoid causing trucks to wait at the job site due to field, the pump should be located as near to the placing
slow placing operations. (Note Section 4.7.) Retarding areas as practicable. Pump lines should be laid out with
admixtures are used to prolong the time the concrete will a minimum of bends, firmly supported, using alternate
respond to vibration after it has been placed in the lines and flexible pipe or hose to permit placing over a
forms. Withholding some of the mixing water until the large area directly into the forms without rehandling.
truck arrives at the job site is sometimes desirable. Then Direct communication is essential between the pump op-
after adding the remaining required water, an additional erator and the concrete placing crew. Continuous pump-
30 revolutions at mixing speed are used to incorporate ing is desirable because if the pump is stopped, move-
the additional water into the mixture adequately. (See ment of the concrete in the line may be difficult or
ACI 304.) When loss of slump or workability cannot be impossible to start again.
offset by these measures, complete batching and miring 4.4.5 Belt conveyor- Use of belt conveyors to trans-
can be conducted at the job site. If a high-range water- port concrete has become established in concrete con-
reducer is added at the site, a truck mounted dispenser struction. Guidance for use of conveyors is given in ACI
or an electronic field dispenser is usually required. 304.4R. The conveyors must be adequately supported to
obtain smooth, nonvibrating travel along the belt. The
4.4-Transporting angle of incline or decline must be controlled to elim-
4.4.1 General considerations- High-strength concrete inate the tendency for coarse aggregate to segregate from
can be transported by a variety of methods and equip- the mortar fraction. Since the practical slump range for
ment, such as truck mixers, stationary truck bodies with belt transport of concrete is 1 to 4 in. (25 to 100 mm),
and without agitators, pipeline or hose, or conveyor belts. belts may be used to move high-strength concrete only
Each type of transportation has specific advantages and for relatively short distances of 200 to 300 ft (60 to
disadvantages depending on the conditions of use, mix- 90 m). Over longer distances or extended time lapses,
ture ingredients, accessibility and location of placing site, there will be loss of slump and workability.4.9 Enclosures
required capacity and time for delivery, and weather con- or covers are used for conveyors when protection against
ditions. rain, wind, sun, or extreme ambient temperatures is
4.4.2 Truck-mixed concrete- Truck miring is a process needed to prevent significant changes in the slump or
in which proportioned concrete materials from a batch temperature of the concrete. As with other methods of
plant are transferred into the truck mixer where all transport for high-strength concrete, proper planning,
mixing is performed. The truck is then used to transport timing, and control are essential.
the concrete to the job site. Sometimes dry materials are
transported to the job site in the truck drum with the 4.5-Placing procedures
miring water carried in a separate tank mounted on the 4.5.1 Preparations- Preparations for placing high-
truck. Water is added and mixing is completed. This strength concrete should include recognition at the start
method, which evolved as a solution to long hauls and of the work that certain abnormal conditions will exist
placing delays, is adaptable to the production of high- which will require some items of preparation that cannot
strength concrete where it is desirable to retain the be provided readily the last minute before concrete is
workability as long as possible. However, free moisture in placed. Since workability time is expected to be reduced,
the aggregates, which is part of the mixing water, may preparation must be made to transport, place, consoli-
cause some cement hydration. date, and finish the concrete at the fastest possible rate.
4.4.3 Stationary truck body with and without agitator- This means, first, delivery of concrete to the job site must
Units used in this form of transportation usually consist be scheduled so it will be placed promptly on arrival, par-
of an open-top body mounted on a truck. The smooth, ticularly the first batch. Equipment for placing the con-
streamlined metal body is usually designed for discharge crete must have adequate capacity to perform its func-
of the concrete at the rear when the body is tilted. A tions efficiently so there will be no delays at distance

portions of the work. There should be ample vibration 4.6-Curing

equipment and manpower to consolidate the concrete 4.5.1 Need for curing- Curing is the process of main-
quickly after placement in difficult areas. All equipment taining a satisfactory moisture content and a favorable
should be in the first class operating condition. Break- temperature in concrete during the hydration period of
downs or delays that stop or slow the placement can ser- the cementitious materials so that desired properties of
iously affect the quality of the work. Due to more rapid the concrete can be developed. Curing is essential in the
slump loss, the strain on vibrating equipment will be production of quality concrete; it is critical to the pro-
greater. Accordingly, provision should be made for an duction of high-strength concrete. The potential strength
ample number of standby vibrators, at least one standby and durability of concrete will be fully developed only if
for each three vibrators in use. A high-strength concrete it is properly cured for an adequate period prior to being
placing operation is in serious trouble, especially in hot placed in service. Also, high-strength concrete should be
weather, when vibration equipment fails and the standby water cured at an early age since partial hydration may
equipment is inadequate. make the capillaries discontinuous. On renewal of curing,
4.5.3 Equipment- A basic requirement for placing water would not be able to enter the interior of the con-
equipment is that the quality of the concrete, in terms of crete and further hydration would be arrested.4.14
water-cement ratio, slump, air content, and homogeneity, 4.5.3 Type of curing- Water curing of high-strength
must be preserved. Selection of equipment should be concrete is highly recommended4.14 due to the low water-
based on its capability for efficiently handling concrete of cement ratios employed. At water-cement ratios below
the most advantageous proportions that can be consoli- 0.4, the ultimate degree of hydration is significantly
dated readily in place with vibration. Concrete should be reduced if free water is not provided. Water curing will
deposited at or near its final position in the placement. allow more efficient, although not complete, hydration of
Buggies, chutes, buckets, hoppers, or other means may be the cement. Klieger4.15 reported that for low water-
used to move the concrete as required. Bottom-dump cement ratio concretes it is more advantageous to supply
buckets are particularly useful however, side slopes must additional water during curing than is the case with
be very steep to prevent blockages. High-strength con- higher water-cement ratio concretes. For concretes with
crete should not be allowed to remain in buckets for water-cement ratio of 0.29, the strength of specimens
extended periods of time, as the delay will cause sticking made with saturated aggregates and cured by ponding
and difficulty in discharging. water on top of the specimen was 850 to 1000 psi (5.9 to
4.5.3 Consolidation- Proper internal vibration is the 6.9 M Pa) greater at 28 days than that of comparable
most effective method of consolidating high-strength con- specimens made with dry aggregates and cured under
crete. The advantages of vibration in the placement of damp burlap. He also noted that although early strength
concrete are well established. The provisions of ACI 309 is increased by elevated temperatures of mixing and
must be followed. Hi h-strength concrete can be very curing, later strengths are reduced by such temperatures.
sticky" material. 4.1,4.10 indeed, effective consolidation However, work by Pfieffer 4.16 has shown that later
procedures may well start with mix proportioning. Coarse strengths may have only minor reductions if the heat is
sands have been found to provide the best workability.4.10 not applied until after time of set. Others 4.1,4.17 have
The im ortance of full compaction cannot be overstated. reported that moist curing for 28 days and thereafter in
Davies 4.11 has shown that up to 5 percent loss in strength air was highly beneficial in securing high-strength con-
may be sustained from each 1 percent void space in con- crete at 90 days.
crete. Thus, vibration almost to the point of excess may 4.5.3 Methods of curing- As pointed out in ACI 308,
be required for high-strength concrete to achieve its full the most thorough but seldom used method of water
potential. curing consists of total immersion of the finished con-
4.5.4 Special considerations- Where different strength crete unit in water. Ponding or immersion is an excel-
concretes are being used within or between different lent method wherever a pond of water can be created by
structural members, special placing considerations are a ridge or dike of impervious earth or other material at
required. To avoid confusion and error in concrete place- the edge of the structure. Fog spraying or sprinkling with
ment in columns, it is recommended that, where practi- nozzles or sprays provides satisfactory curing when im-
cal, all columns and shearwalls in any given story be mersion is not feasible. Lawn sprinklers are effective
placed with the same strength concrete. For formwork where water runoff is of no concern. Intermittent
economy, no changes in column size in the typical high- sprinkling is not acceptable if drying of the concrete
rise buildings are recommended.4.12 In areas where two surface occurs. Soaker hoses are useful, especially on
different concretes are being used in column and floor surfaces that are vertical. Burlap, cotton mats, rugs, and
construction, it is important that the high-strength con- other coverings of absorbent materials will hold water on
crete in and around the column be placed before the the surface, whether horizontal or vertical. Liquid mem-
floor concrete. With this procedure, if an unforeseen cold brane-forming curing compounds retain the original
joint forms between the two concretes, shear strength will moisture in the concrete but do not provide additional
still be available at the column interface.4.13 moisture.

4.7-- Quality assurance mum elapsed time of 11/2 hr after the cement has entered
4.7.1 Materials- Once the high-strength concrete mix- the drum until completion of discharge is frequently spe-
ture has been proportioned, the concrete supplier or cified (See ASTM C 94). Reduction to 45 minutes may
sampling and testing program is recommended to assure be necessary under hot weather conditions or where
the physical properties required. The use of ASTM severe slump loss is experienced. For extreme job tem-
Standard Method for Evaluation of Cement Strength peratures, field production trial batches are often made.
Uniformity from a Single Source (ASTM C 917) with ap-
propriate limits will provide the proper basis for such 4.8-Quality control procedures
uniformity. It is desirable that the aggregates and ad- 4.8.1 Criteria- The first consideration for selecting
mixtures specified in the mixture be uniform and come quality control procedures is determining that the dis-
from the same source for the duration of the project. tribution of the compressive strength test results follows
4.7.2 Control of operations4.10- Effective coordination a normal distribution curve. It has been suggested4.18 that
and control procedures between the supplier and the a skew distribution may prevail due to the mean ap-
contractor are critical to the operations. The supplier proaching a limit. This may be the case for very-high-
normally has full control of high-strength concrete until strength concrete, 15,000 psi (103 MPa) or higher. How-
it is placed in the forms. Control of the slump, time on ever available data4.19,4.20 indicate that in the range of
job, mixing, and mixture adjustments is under the juris- 6000; to 10,000 psi (41 to 69 MPa) normal distribution is
diction of the supplier. The contractor must be prepared achieved. Thus ACI 214 will normally be a convenient
to handle, place, and consolidate the concrete promptly tool for quality control procedures for high-strength
as received. Cement hydration, temperature rise, slump concrete. Another point which needs consideration both
loss, and aggregate grinding during mixing all increase in the quality control and the design phase is the ques-
with passage of time; thus it is important that the period tion of the age at the time of testing for acceptance for
between initial mixing and delivery be kept to an abso- high-strength concrete. Compressive strength tests show
lute minimum. The dispatching of trucks is coordinated that a considerable strength gain may be achieved after
with the rate of placement to avoid delays in delivery. 28 days in high-strength concrete. To take advantage of
When elapsed time from batching to placement is so long this fact, several investigators 4.10,4.13,4.20 have suggested
as to result in significant increases in mixing water that the specification for compressive strength should be
demand, or in slump loss, mixing in the trucks is delayed modified from the typical 28-day criterion to either 56 or
until only sufficient time remains to accomplish mixing 90 days. This extension of test age would then allow, for
before the concrete is placed. example, the use of 7000 psi (48 MPa) concrete at 56
4.7.3 Communication equipment- Equipment for direct days in lieu of 6000 psi (41 MPa) at 28 days for design
communication between the supply and placement loca- purposes. In this case the same mixture could be used to
tions for use by the inspection force is essential. The meet this criterion. High-strength concrete is generally
need for other equipment such as signaling and identi- used in high-rise structures; therefore, the extension of
fying devices depends on the complexity of the project the time for compressive strength test results is reason-
and the number of different concrete mixtures employed. able since the lower portion of the structure will not
The project engineer will normally advise the contractor attain full dead load for periods up to one year and
of the equipment that is necessary and require him to longer.
present plans or descriptions of the equipment for review 4.8.2 Method of evaluation - To satisfy strength perfor-
well in advance of the start of placement. mance requirements, the average strength of concrete
4.7.4 Laboratoy 4.10-- A competent concrete laboratory must be in excess of fc', the design strength. The amount
must be available for testing the concrete delivered to the of excess strength depends on the expected variability of
job site. This laboratory should be inspected regularly by test results as expressed by a coefficient of variation or
the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) standard deviation and on the allowable proportion of
and conform to the requirements of ASTM E 329. A low tests. Available information4.14,4.19,4.20 indicates that
minimum of one set of cylinders is normally made for the standard deviation for high-strength concrete be-
each 100 yd 3 (76 m3) of concrete placed, with at least comes uniform in the range of 500 to 700 psi (3.5 to 4.8
two cylinders cast for each test age; that is, 7, 28, 56, and MPa), and therefore, the coefficient of variation will
90 days. actually decrease as the average strength of the concrete
4.7.5 Contingency plans-Plans need to be developed increases. This, of course, may be the result of increased
to provide for alternate operations in case difficulty is vigilance and quality assurance on the part of the pro-
experienced in the basic placing concept. Backup equip- ducer. Thus, the method of quality control is closely re-
ment is essential, especially vibrators. Batch sixes are lated to the factors noted in Section 4.7. Assuming that
reduced if placing procedures are slowed. For truck- the producer will devote a reasonable effort to proper
mixed concrete, rush hour traffic delays can cause serious quality assurance measures, the standard deviation meth-
problems. It may be desirable to reduce the elapsed time od of evaluation appears to be a logical quality control
between contact of the cement and water (mixing and procedure. Consider, for example, that good quality con-
transporting), especially during warm weather. A maxi- trol may be expected on a job where an fc' of 10,000 psi

(69 MPa) is required. A required average strength fc' of majority of concrete being placed today. Designers gen-
only 11,000 psi (76 MPa) is thus required with a standard erally assume 6 x 12 in. (152 x 305 mm) specimens as the
deviation of 645 psi (4.4 MPa) standard for measured strengths. Recently some 4 x 8 in.
(102 x 204 mm) cylinders have been used for determining
fCI = f,+ 134s compressive strength. 4.18,4.19 However, 4 x 8 in. (102 x 204
= 10,000 + 1.34 x 645 mm) cylinders exhibit a higher strength and an increase
= 10,864 psi (75 MPa) (4-la) in variability compared to the standard 6 x 12 in. (152 x
305 mm) cylinder.4.23,4.24 Regardless of the specimen size,
or as the compressive stress is transferred through the
loading platen-specimen interface, a complex, triaxial dis-
f, = f,+ 2.33s - 500 tribution of stresses in the specimen end may develop
= 10,000 + 2.33 x 645 - 500 which can radically alter the specimen failure mode and
= 11,000 psi (76 MPa) (4-lb) affect results.
4.9.3 Testing apparatus- Testing machine character-
s = standard deviation. istics that may affect the measured compressive strength
Of course, a close check of the field results and main- include calibration accuracy, longitudinal and lateral
tenance of records in the form of control charts or other stiffness, stability, alignment of the machine components,
means are necessary to maintain the desired control. type of platens, and the behavior of the platen spherical
Early-age control of concrete strength such as the accel- seating. Testing machines should meet the requirements
erated curing and testing of compression test specimens of ASTM C 39 when used for testing compressive
according to ASTM C 684 is often used, especially where strength of cylindrical specimens. Overall testing machine
later-age (56 or 90 days) strength tests are the final ac- design including longitudinal and lateral stiffness and
ceptance criterion. machine stability will affect the behavior of the specimen
at its maximum load. The type of platens and behavior of
4.9 - Strength measurements the spherical seating will affect the level of measured
4.9.1 Conditions-since much of the interest in high- compressive strength.4.23
strength concrete is limited to strength only in com- Sigvaldason 4.25 recommended a minimum lateral stiff-
pression, compressive strength measurements are of ness of 10 xl0 4 lb/in. (17.5 x l0 6 N/m), and a longi-
primary concern in the testing of high-strength concrete. tudinal stiffness of 10 x l06 lb/in. (17.5 x l06 N/m). He
Standard test methods of the American Society for Test- reported that a longitudinally flexible machine would
ing and Materials (ASTM) are followed except where contribute to an explosive failure of the specimen at the
changes are dictated by the peculiarities of the high- maximum stress, but that the actual stress achieved was
strength concrete. The potential strength and variability insensitive to machine flexibility. However, he also noted
of the concrete can be established only by specimens that a machine which is longitudinally stiff but laterally
made, used, and tested under standard conditions. Then flexible deleteriously influences the measured compres-
standard control tests are necessary as a first step in the sive strengths. Sigvaldason and Cole4.26 reported that use
control and evaluation of the mixture. Curing concrete of proper platen size and design is critical if strengths are
test specimens at the construction site and under job to be maximized and variations reduced. The upper
conditions is sometimes recommended since this is con- platen must have a spherical bearing block seating and be
sidered more representative of the curing applied to the able to rotate and achieve full contact with the specimen
structure. Tests of job-cured specimens may be highly under the initial load and perform in a fixed mode when
desirable and are necessary when determining the time approaching the ultimate load. Cole demonstrated that
of form removal, particularly in cold weather, and when a testing machine with a spherical bearing block seating
establishing the rate of strength development of struc- (able to rotate under load) measured increasingly er-
tural members. They should never be used for quality roneous results for higher strength concretes, with
control testing. Strength specimens of concrete made or reductions as high as 16 percent for 10,000 psi (69 MPa)
cured under other than standard conditions provide addi- cubes.
tional information but are analyzed and reported separ- The diameters of the platen and spherical bearing
ately. ASTM C 684 requires that a minimum of two socket are critically important.4.23 Ideally, the platen and
cylinders be tested for each age and each test condition. spherical bearing block diameters should be approximate-
4.9.2 Specimen size and shape- ASTM standards speci- ly the same as the bearing surface of the specimen.
fy a cylindrical specimen 6 in. (152 mm) in diameter and Bearing surfaces larger than the specimen will be re-
12 in. (305 mm) long. This size specimen has evolved strained (due to size effects) against lateral expansion will
over a period of time, apparently from practical con- probably not expand as rapidly as the specimen, and will
siderations. It is about the maximum weight one person consequently create confining stresses in the specimen
can handle with reasonable effort and is large enough to end. Bearing surfaces and spherical seating blocks smaller
be used for concrete containing 2 in. (50 mm) maximum in diameter than those of the specimen may result in
size aggregate and smaller, which encompasses the portions of the specimens remaining unloaded and bend-

ing of the platen around the socket with a consequent strengths for the concrete specimen. Gaynor 4.30 and
nonuniform distribution of stresses. Saucier 4.31 indicate that concrete strengths up to 10,000
4.9.4 Type of mold-- The choice of mold materials, and psi (69 MPa) may be determined using high-strength cap-
specify construction of the mold regardless of the types ping materials, including sulfur mortar, which have
of material used, can have a significant effect on strengths in the range of 7000 to 8000 psi (50 to 60
measured compressive strengths. A given consolidation MPa), if the cap thickness is maintained at approximately
effort is more effective with rigidly constructed molds, l/4 in. (6 mm). For expected compressive strengths above
and sealed waterproofed molds reduce leakage of mortar 10,000 psi (69 MPa), the ends are usually formed or
paste and inhibit the dehydration of the concrete. ground to tolerance.
Blick 4.15 compared high-strength specimens cast in steel
and high-quality paper molds and reported that use of 4.10- Cited References
the rigid steel molds increased strengths approximately 13 (See also Chapter l0-- References)
percent but that use of either mold material did not con- 4.1. Saucier, K.L.; Tynes, W.O.; and Smith, E.F.,
sistently affect variability of the measured strengths. High-Compressive-Strength Concrete-Report 3, Sum-
Hester 4.7 evaluated a number of mold materials used mary Report, Miscellaneous Paper No. 6-520, U.S. Army
under actual field conditions. Measured compressive Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
strengths achieved with properly prepared specimens Sept. 1965, 87 pp.
were compared. Specimens cast in steel molds achieved 4.2. Saucier, K.L., Evaluation of Spiral-Blade Con-
approximately 6 percent higher strengths but had a crete Mixer, Shelbyville Reservoir Project, Shelbyville,
slightly higher coefficient of variation compared to Illinois, Miscellaneous Paper No. 6-975, U.S. Army
specimens cast in tin molds. Specimens cast in steel Engineer, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg,
molds achieved approximately 16 percent higher strength Mar. 1968, 17 pp.
than specimens cast in plastic molds. 4.3. Strehlow. Robert W., Concrete Plant Production,
4.9.5 Specimen preparation- For many years concrete Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau, Silver Spring,
technologists have recognized the need to cap or grind 1973, 112 pp.
the ends of cast concrete test specimens prior to testing 4.4. Concrete Plant Standards of the Concrete Plant
for compressive strength. The detrimental effects of non- Manufacturers Bureau, 7th Revision, Concrete Plant
planeness, irregulari din and grease, etc., have been Manufacturers Bureau, Silver Spring, Jan. 1, 1983, 11 pp.
well documented.4.23 For high-strength concrete the 4.5. Concrete Plant Mixer Standards of the Plant
strength of the cap, if used, is another consideration. Mixer Manufacturers Division, Concrete Plant Manufac-
Troxell,4.27 Wemer, 4.28 and other have compared the rel- turers Bureau, 5th Revision, Concrete Manufacturers
ative merits of sulfur mortars, gypsum plaster, high- Bureau, Silver Spring, July 18, 1977, 4 pp.
alumina cements, and other capping materials. If the 4.6. Concrete Manual, 8th Edition, U.S. Bureau of
compressive strength or modulus of elasticity of the Reclamation, Denver, 1975. 627 pp.
capping material is less than that of the specimen, loads 4.7. Saucier, K.L., Evaluation of a 16-cu-ft Laboratory
applied through the cap will not be transmitted uni- Concrete Mixer, Miscellaneous Paper No. 6-692, U.S.
formly. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Section,
Sulfur mortar is the most widely used capping mater- Vicksburg, Jan. 1965.
ial. Most commercially available sulfur mortar capping 4.8. Bloem, Delmar L., High-Energy Mixing, Techni-
compounds are combinations of sulfur with inert minerals cal Information Letter No. 169. National Ready Mixed
and fillers and, when properly prepared, are economical, Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Aug. 1961, pp. 3-8.
convenient to apply, and develop a relatively high 4.9. Saucier Kenneth L., Use of Belt Conveyors to
strength in a short period of time. However, these mater- Transport Mass Concrete, Technical Report No. C-74-4,
ials are sensitive to the material formulations and U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
handling practices. Kennedy4.29 and Werner investigated Vicksburg, 1974, 42 pp.
the effect of the thickness of sulfur mortar caps on com- 4.10. Blick, Ronald L., Some Factors Influencing
pressive strengths of moderate strength concretes. Cap High-Strength concrete, Modern Concrete, V. 36, No. 12,
thicknesses in the range of 1/16 to /s in. (1.5 to 3 mm) Apr. 1973, pp. 38-41.
are desirable for use on high-strength concrete. However, 4.11. Davies, R.D., Some Experiments on the Com-
caps consistently thinner than Ya in. (3 mm) are difficult paction of Concrete by Vibration, Magazine of Concrete
to obtain. Kennedy4.26 and Hester4.23 note that the prin- Research (London), V. 3, No. 8, Dec. 1951, pp. 71-78.
cipal problems with thin caps are air voids at the spe- 4.12. Schmidt, William, and Hoffman, Edward J.,
cimen-cap interface and cracking of the specimen cap 9000-psi ConcreteWhy?-Why Not?, Civil Engineering
under load. Caps with a thickness of / in. (6 mm) are -ASCE, V. 45, No. 5, May 1975, pp. 52-55.
apparently satisfactory. Low-strength thick caps may 4.13. High-Strength Concrete in Chicago High-Rise
creep laterally under load and therefore contribute to Buildings, Task Force Report No. 5, Chicago Committee
increased tensile stresses in the specimen ends and con- on High-Rise Buildings, 1977, 63 pp.
sequently substantially reduce measured compressive 4.14. Neville, A.M., Properties of Concrete, 2nd Edition,

John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1973, 686 pp. periment Station, Vicksburg, Apr. 1972, 51 pp.
4.15. Klieger. Paul, Early High Strength Concrete for
Prestressing, Proceedings, World Conference on Pre-
stressed Concrete, San Francisco, 1957, pp. A5-l-A5-14.
4.16. Pfieffer, D.W., and Ladgren, J.R., Energy Ef- CHAPTER 5-PROPERTIES OF
ficient Accelerated Curing of Concrete-A Laboratory HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETE
Study for Plant-Produced Prestressed Concrete, Tech-
nical Report No. 1, Prestressed Concrete Institute, 5.1-Introduction
Chicago, Dec. 1981. Concrete properties such as stress-strain relationship,
4.17. Price, Walter H., Factor Influencing Concrete modulus of elasticity, tensile strength, shear strength, and
Strength, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 47, No. 6, Feb bond strength are frequently expressed in terms of the
1951, pp. 417-432. uniaxial compressive strength of 6 x 12-m. (152 x 305-
4.18. Mather, Brant, Stronger Concrete, Highway mm) cylinders. Generally, the expressions have been
Research Record No. 210, Highway Research Board, 1967, based on experimental data of concrete with compressive
pp. l-28. strengths less than 6000 psi (41 MPa). Various properties
4.19. Day, K.W., Quality Control of 55 MPa Concrete of high-strength concrete are reviewed in this chapter.
for Collins Place Project, Melbourne, Australia, Concrete The applicability of current and proposed expressions for
International Design & Construction, V. 3, No. 3, Mar. predicting properties of high-strength concrete are
1981, pp. 17-24. examined.
4.20. Cook, James E., Research and Application of
High-Strength Concrete Using Class C Fly Ash, Concrete 5.2-Stress-strain behavior in uniaxial compression
International: Design & Construction, V. 4, No. 7, July Axial-stress versus strain curves for concrete of com-
1982, pp. 72-80. pressive strength up to 12,000 psi (83 MPa) are shown in
4.21. Fortie, Douglas A, and Schnoreier, P.E., Four- Fig. 5.1. The shape of the ascending part of the stress-
by-Eight Test Cylinder Are Big Enough, Concrete Con- strain curve is more linear and steeper for high-strength
struction, V. 24, No. 11, Nov. 1979, pp. 751-753. concrete, and the strain at the maximum stress is slightly
4.22. Wolsiefer, John, private communication with higher for high-strength concrete.5.5-5.6 The slope of the
ACI Committee 363, 1982. descending part becomes steeper for high-strength con-
4.23. Hester, Weston T., Field Testing High-Strength crete. To obtain the descending part of the stress-strain
Concretes: A Critical Review of the State-of-the-Art, curve, it is generally necessary to avoid the specimen-
Concrete International Design & Construction, V. 2, No. testing system interaction; this is more difficult to do for
12, Dec. 1980, pp. 27-38. high-strength concrete. 5.3,5.5,5.8
4.24. Carrasquillo, Ramon L.; Nilson, Arthur H.; and A simple method of obtaining a stable descending part
Slate, Floyd O., Properties of High-Strength Concrete of the stress-strain curve is described in References 5.3
Subject to Short-Term Loads, ACI JOURNAL, Proceed-
ings V. 78, No. 3, May-June 1981, pp. 171-178.
4.25. Sigvaldason, O.T., The Influence of Testing
Machine Characteristics Upon the Cube and Cylinder
Strength of Concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research
(London), V. 18, No; 57, Dec. 1966, pp. 197-206.
4.26. Cole, D.G., Some Mechanical Aspects of Com- Stress,
pression Testing Machines, Magazine of Concrete ksi
Research (London), V. 19, No. 61, Dec. 1967, pp. 247-
4.27. Troxell, G.E., The Effect of Capping Methods
and End Conditions Before Capping Upon the Compres-
sive Strength of Concrete Test Cylinder, Proceedings,
ASTM, V. 41, 1941, pp. 1038-1052.
4.28. Werner, George, The Effect of Type of Capping
Material on the Compressive Strength of Concrete
Cylinder, Proceedings, ASTM V. 58, 1958, pp. 1166-1186.
4.29. Holland, Terrence C., Testing High Strength
Concrete, Concrete Construction, June 1987, pp. 534-536.
4.30. Godfrey, K.A., Jr.,"Concrete Strength record Strain, percent
Jumps 36%, Civil Engineering, Oct. 1987, pp. 84-88.
4.31. Saucier, K.L., Effect of Method of Preparation
of Ends of Concrete Cylinders for Testing," Miscellaneous
Paper No. C-72-12, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Ex- Fig. 5.1 -Complete compressive stress-strain curves 5.I

and 5.7. Concrete cylinders were loaded in parallel with (see Fig. 5.3) was reported in Reference 5.19 as
a hardened steel tube with a thickness such that the total
load exerted by the testing machine was always increas- = 40,000 K + 1.0 x l06 psi
ing. This approach can be employed with most conven- Ec
for 3000 psi < f,< 12,000 psi
tional testing machines. An alternate approach is to use
a closed-loop testing machine.. In a closed-loop testing (EC = 3320 & + 6900 M P a
machine, specimens can be loaded so as to maintain a for 21 MPa c<f, < 83 MPa) (5-l)
constant rate of strain increase and avoid unstable
failure. Other empirical equations for predicting elastic modu-
High-strength concrete exhibits less internal micro- lus have been proposed.5.17,5.18 Deviation from predicted
cracking than lower-strength concrete for a given im- values are highly dependent on the properties and pro-
posed axial strain. 5.9 As a result, the relative increase in portions of the coarse aggregate. For example, higher
lateral strains is less for high-strength concrete (Fig. values than predicted by Eq. (5-l) were reported by
5.2).5.10 The lower relative lateral expansion during the Russell,5.20 Saucier,5.21 and Pfeiffer. 5.22
inelastic range may mean that the effects of triaxial
stresses will be proportionally different for high-strength 5.4-Poissons ratio
concrete. For example, the influence of hoop reinforce- Experimental data on values of Poissons ratio for
ment is observed to be different for high-strength con- high-strength concrete are very limited. Shideler5.23 and
crete.5.11 It was reported that the effectiveness of spiral Carrasquillo et al5.2 reported values for Poissons ratio of
reinforcement is less for high-strength concrete.5.11 lightweight-aggregate high-strength concrete having uni-
axial compressive strengths up to 10,570 psi (73 MPa) at
28 days to be 0.20 regardless of compressive strength,
age, and moisture content. Values determined by the dy-
namic method were slightly higher.
On the other hand, Perenchio and Klieger5.24 reported
values for Poissons ratio of normal weight high-strength
concretes with compressive strengths ranging from 8000
to 11,600 psi (55 to 80 MPa) between 0.20 and 0.28. They
concluded that Poissons ratio tends to decrease with in-
creasing water-cement ratio. Kaplan5.25 found values for
Poissons ratio of concrete determined using dynamic
measurements to be from 0.23 to 0.32 regardless of com-
pressive strength, coarse aggregate, and test age for con-
cretes having compressive strengths ranging from 2500 to
Fig. 5.2-- Axial stress versus axial strain and lateral strain 11,500 psi (17 to 79 MPa).
for plain normal weight concrete Based on the available information, Poissons ratio of
high-strength concrete in the elastic range seems compar-
5.3-Modulus of elasticity able to the expected range of values for lower-strength
In 1934, Thoman and Raede 5.12 reported values for concretes.
the modulus of elasticity determined as the slope of the
tangent to the stress-strain curve in uniaxial compression 5.5-Modulus of rupture
at 25 percent of maximum stress from 4.2 x l06 to 5.2 x The values reported by various investigators 5.23,5.26-5.28
l06psi (29 to 36 GPa) for concretes having compressive for the modulus of rupture of both lightweight and nor-
strengths ranging from 10,000 (69 MPa to 11,000 psi (76 mal weight high-strength concretes fall in the range of 7.5
MPa). Many other investigators5.4,5.13-5.18 have reported
values for the modulus of elasticity of high-strength con- &r to 12 g where both the modulus of rupture and
cretes of the order of 4.5 to 6.5 x l0 6 psi (31 to 45 GPa) the compressive strength are expressed in psi. The fol-
depending mostly on the method of determining the lowing equation was recommended 5.2 for the prediction
modulus. A comparison 5-19of experimentally determined of the tensile strength of normal weight concrete, as
values for the modulus of elasticity with those predicted measured by the modulus of rupture f,from the com-
by the expression given in ACI 318, Section 8.5 for pressive strength as shown in Fig. 5.4
lower-strength concrete, based on a dry unit weight of
145 lb/ft 3(2346 kg/m 3) is given in Fig. 5.3. The ACI 318 fr = 11.7 &r psi
expression overestimates the modulus of elasticity for for 3000 psi < f,< 12,000 psi
concretes with compressive strengths over 6000 psi (41
MPa) for the data given in Fig. 5.3.
A correlation between the modulus of elasticity Ec and c- = 0.94 &r MPa
the compressive strength fc' for normal weight concretes for 21 MPa < f, < 83 MPa) (5-2)
C 81
- \\


q, MPa q,MP*
0 2 4 6 8 1O 0 2 4 6 8
I I I I / I
f,.MPo t; I MPa
0 20 40 60 80
4-x6" (102mm r203mml


Tensile 800

Strength t;p
Modulus Modulus of
psi 600
Rupture Rupture
f; , psi f, , MPa

I I 1 I
OO 2000 6000 10000 14000
Cylinder Strength t; . psi
I I / / I I L

0 20 40 R.psi 8o 100 120

Fig. 5.5-Tensile strength based on split cylinder test 5.2

jected to repeated load varied between 66 and 71 percent

Fig. 5.4-- Tensile strength based on modulus of rupture of the static strength for a minimum stress level of 1250
test 5.2 psi (8.6 MPa). The lower values were found for the
higher-strength concretes and for concrete made with the
5.6-Tensile splitting strength smaller-size coarse aggregate, but the actual magnitude
Dewar 5.27 studied the relationship between the indirect of the difference was small. To the extent that is known,
tensile strength (cylinder splitting strength) and the com- the fatigue strength of high-strength concrete is the same
pressive strength of concretes having compressive as that for concretes of lower strengths.
strengths of up to 12,105 psi (83.79 MPa) at 28 days. He
concluded that at low strengths, the indirect tensile 5.8-Unit Weight
strength may be as high as 10 percent of the compressive The measured values of the unit weight of high-
strength but at higher strengths it may reduce to 5 per- strength concrete are slightly higher than lower-strength
cent. He observed that the tensile splitting strength was concrete made with the same materials.
about 8 percent higher for crushed-rock-aggregate con-
crete than for gravel-aggregate concrete- In addition, he 5.9-Thermal properties
found that the indirect tensile strength was about 70 per- The thermal properties of high-strength concretes fall
cent of the flexural strength at 28 days. Carrasquillo, within the a proximate range for lower-strength con-
Nilson, and Slate 5.2 reported that the splitting strength cretes. Quantities that have been measured are
did not vary much from the usual range shown in Fig. specific heat, diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and co-
5.5, although as the compressive strength increases, the efficient of thermal expansion.
values for the splitting strength fall in the upper limit of
the expected range. The following equation for the pre- 5.10-Heat evolution due to hydration
diction of the tensile splitting strength &, of normal The temperature rise within concrete due to hydration
weight concrete was recommended5.2 depends on the cement content, water-cement ratio, size
of the member, ambient temperature, environment, etc.
= 7.4 K psi Freedman 5.15 has concluded from data of Saucier et al.
f SP'
in Fig. 5.6 that the heat rise of high-strength concretes
for 3000 psi c f, < 12,000 psi will be approximately 11 to 15 F/l00 lb of cement/yd 3 (6
(fJp = 0.59 g MPa to 8 C per 59 kg/m 3 of cement). Values for temperature
for 21 MPa < f,< 83 MPa) (5-3) rise of the order of 100 F (56 C) in high-strength con-
crete members containing 846 lb of cement/yd 3 (502
5.7-Fatigue strength kg/m3) were measured in a building in Chicago as shown
The available data on the fatigue behavior of high- in Fig. 5.7.
strength concrete is very limited. Bennett and Muir.5.29
studied the fatigue strength in axial compression of high- 5.11-Strength gain with age
strength concrete with a 4-in. (102-mm) cube compressive High-strength concrete shows a higher rate of strength
strength of up to 11,155 psi (76.9 MPa) and found that gain at earl a es as compared to lower-strength con-
after one million cycles, the strength of specimens sub- crete5.1,5.2,5.13,5.15but at later ages the difference is not

strength concrete and 0.7 to 0.75 for lower-strength c o n -

crete, while Carrasquillo, Nilson, and Slate5.2,5.9 found
typical ratios of 7-day to 95-day strength of 0.60 for
low-strength, 0.65 for medium-strength, and 0.73 for
Temp. , high-strength concrete. It seems likely that the higher
rate of strength development of high-strength concrete at
early ages is caused by (1) an increase in the internal
curing temperature in the concrete cylinders due to a
40 - higher heat of hydration and (2) shorter distance between
hydrated particles in high-strength concrete due to low
0 20 40 60 80 100 water-cement ratio.
Time, hours
5.12-Freeze thaw resistance
Fig. 5.6-Temperature rise of high-strength field-cast 10 x Information about air content requirement for high-
20 x 5-ft (3 x 6 x 1.5-m) blocks strength concrete to produce adequate durability is
contradictory. For example, Saucier, Tynes, and Smith5.21
concluded from accelerated laboratory freeze-thaw tests
that, if high-strength concrete is to be frozen under wet
conditions, air-entrained concrete should be considered
despite the loss of strength due to air entrainment. In
150 C o l u m n c3 i contrast, Perenchio and Klieger5.24 obtained excellent
resistance to freezing and thawing of all of the high-
strength concretes used in their study, whether air en-
yeroture. ,oo
,- trained or non-air-entrained. They attributed this to the
greatly reduced freezable water contents and the in-
1 creased tensile strength of high-strength concrete.

Little information is available on the shrinkage be-
havior of high-strength concrete. A relatively high initial
rate of shrinkage has been reported, 5.26,5.30 but after
0 I
5 10
15 20
drying for 180 days there is little difference between the
Age, days
shrinkage of high-strength and lower-strength concrete
made with dolomite or limestone. Reducing the curing
Fig. 5.7-- Measured concrete temperatures at Water Tower period from 28 to 7 days caused a slight increase in the
Place. 5.16 shrinkage. 5.26 Shrinkage was unaffected by changes in
water-cement ratio5.15 but is approximately proportional
to the percentage of water by volume in the concrete.
Other laboratory studies 5.31 and field studies 5.16,5.22,5.28

100 -
have shown that shrinkage of high-strength concrete is
similar to that of lower-strength concrete. Nagataki and
Yonekuras 5.32 reported that the shrinkage of high-
Compressive Strength strength concrete containing high-range water reducers
Compressive Strength was less than for lower-strength concrete.
at 95 days

5.14-- Creep
Parrott 5.26 reported that the total strain observed in
sealed high-strength concrete under a sustained loading
of 30 percent of the ultimate strength was the same as
that of lower-strength concrete when expressed as a ratio
0 7 28 95 of the short-term strain. Under drying conditions, this
Age, days
ratio was 25 percent lower than that of lower-strength
concrete. The total long-term strains of drying and sealed
Fig. 5.8-- Normalized strength gain with age for moist-cured high-strength concrete were 15 and 65 percent higher, re-
limestone concretes 5.2 spectively, than for a corresponding lower-strength con-
crete at a similar relative stress level. Ngab et a1.5.31
significant (see Fig. 5.8). Parrott 5.26 reported typical found little difference between the creep of high-strength
ratios of 7-day to 28-day strengths of 0.8 to 0.9 for high- concrete under drying and sealed conditions. The creep

of high-strength concrete made with high-range water Stress-Strain Curves of Normal and Lightweight
reducers is reported 5.32 to be decreased significantly. The Concrete in Compression, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V.
maximum specific creep was less for high-strength con- 75, No. 10, Nov. 1978, pp. 603-611.
crete than for lower-strength concrete loaded at the same 5.4. Kaar, P.H.; Hanson, N.W.; and Capell, H.T.,
age. 5.16,5.20,5.31 An example is shown in Fig. 5.9. 5 . 2 8 Stress-Strain Characteristics of High-Strength Concrete,
However, high-strength concretes are subjected to higher Douglas McHenry International Symposium on Concrete
stresses. Therefore, the total creep will be about the and Concrete Structures, SP-55, American Concrete Insti-
same for any strength h concrete. No problems due to tute, Detroit, 1978, pp. 161-185. Also, Research and
creep were found 5.22 in columns cast with high-strength Development Bulletin No. 051.01D, Portland Cement
concrete. As is found with lower-strength concrete, creep Association.
decreases as the age at loading increases,5.31 specific 5.5. Shah, S.P.; Gokoz, U.; and Ansari, F., An
creep increases with increased water-cement ratio,5.24 and Experimental Technique for Obtaining Complete Stress-
there is a linear relationship with the applied stress.5.31 Strain Curves for High Strength Concrete, Cement,
This linearity extends to a higher stress-strain ratio than Concrete and Aggregates, V. 3, No. 1, Summer 1981, pp.
for lower-strength concrete. 21-27.
Some additional information on properties of high- 5.6. Shah, S.P., High Strength Concrete-A Work-
strength concrete can be obtained from References 5.33 shop Summary, Concrete International Design & Con-
to 5.42. struction, V. 3, No. 5, May 1981, pp. 94-98.
5.7. Shah, S.P.; Naaman, A.E.; and Moreno, J., Effect
1.75 ,- Unsealed
of Confinement on the Ductility of Lightweight Con-
- Sealed crete, International Journal of Cement Composites and
Lightweight Concrete (Harlow, Essex), V. 5, No. 1, Feb.
1983, pp. 15-25.
yft;=48DD psi
5.8. Holm, T.A., Physical Properties of High Strength
Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Proceedings, 2nd Inter-
national Congress on Lightweight Concrete (London,
Apr. 1980) Ci80, Construction Press, Lancaster, 1980,
I.00 pp. 187-204.
Cc 5.9. Carrasquillo, Ramon L.; Slate, Floyd 0.; and
Nilson, Arthur H., Microcracking and Behavior of High-
075 Strength Concrete Subject to Short-Term Loading, ACI
JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 78, No. 3, May-June 1981, pp.
0.50 5.10. Ahmad, Schuaib, and Shah, Surendra P.,
Complete Triaxial Stress-Strain Curves for Concrete,
1000 psi = 6.895 M PO
= 0.45 in All Cases
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 108, ST4, Apr. 1982, pp. 728-742.
5.11. Ahmad, S.H., and Shah, S.P., Stress-Strain
Age at Loading = 2 Days
Curves Of Concrete Confined by Spiral Reinforcement,
After 28 Days Curing
0 , I I I ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 79, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1982,
0 15 30 45 60 75 pp. 484-490.
5.12. Thoman, William H., and Raeder, Warren, Ulti-
Time After Loading, days
mate Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of High
Fig. 5.9-- Relationship between creep coefficient and time Strength Portland Cement Concrete, ACI J OURNAL ,
for sealed and unsealed concrete specimens 5.31 Proceedings V. 30, No. 3, Jan-Feb. 1934, pp. 231-238.
5.13. Smith, E.F.; Tynes, W.O.; and Saucier, K.L.,
5.15-Cited references High-Compressive-Strength Concrete, Development of
(See also Chapter 10-References) Concrete Mixtures, Technical Documentary Report No.
5.1 Wischers, Gerd, Applications and Effects of RTD TDR-63-3114, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Ex-
Compressive Loads on Concrete, Betontechnische periment Station, Vicksburg, Feb. 1964, 44 pp.
Berichte 1978, Betone Verlag GmbH, Dusseldorf, 1979, 5.14. Nedderman, Howard, Flexural Stress Distri-
pp. 31-56. (in German) bution in Very-High-Strength Concrete, MSc thesis,
5.2. Carrasquiho, Ramon L.; Nilson, Arthur H.; and University of Texas at Arlington, Dec. 1973, 182 pp.
Slate, Floyd O., Properties of High Strength Concrete 5.15. Freedman, Sydney, High-Strength Concrete,
Subjected to Short-Term Loads, ACI JOURNAL , Proceed- Modern Concrete, V. 34, No. 6, Oct. 1970, pp. 29-36; No.
ings V. 78, No. 3, May-June 1981, pp. 171-178, and 7, Nov. 1970, pp. 28-32; No. 8, Dec. 1970, pp. 21-24; No.
Discussion, Proceedings V. 79, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1982, pp. 9, Jan. 1971, pp. 15-22; and No. 10, Feb. 1971, pp. 16-23.
162-163. Also, Publication No. lS176T, Portland Cement Associ-
5.3. Wang, P.T.; Shah, S.P.; and Naaman, A.E., ation.

5.16. High-Strength Concrete in Chicago High-Rise pression, Magazine of Concrete Research (London), V.
Buildings, Task Force Report No. 5, Chicago Committee 19, No. 59, June 1967, pp. 113-117.
on High-Rise Buildings, Feb. 1977, 63 pp. 5.30. Swamy, R.N., and Anand, K.L., Shrinkage and
5.17. Teychenne, D.C.; Parrott, L.J.; and Pomeroy, Creep of High Strength Concrete, Civil Engineering and
C.D., The Estimation of the Elastic Modulus of Con- Public Works Review (London), V. 68, No. 807, Oct. 1973,
crete for the Design of Structures, Current Paper No. pp. 859-865, 867-868.
CP23/78, Building Research Establishment, Garston, 5.31. Ngab, A.S.; Slate, F.O.; and Nilson, A.H.,
Watford, 1978, 11 pp. Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Under Sustained
5.18. Ahmad, S.H., Properties of Confined Concrete Compressive Stress, Research Report No. 80-2, Depart-
Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loading, PhD thesis, ment of Structural Engineering, Cornell University,
University of IIIinois at Chicago Circle, Mar. 1981. Ithaca, Feb. 1980, 201 pp. Also, PhD dissertation, Cornell
5.19. Martinez, S.; NiIson, AH.; and Slate, F.O., University, 1980, and Shrinkage and Creep of High
Spirally-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Columns, Strength Concrete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 78,
Research Report No. 82-10, Department of Structural No. 4, July-Aug. 1981, pp. 255-261.
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, Aug. 1982. 5.32. Nagataki, S., and Yonekura, A., Studies of the
5.20. Russell, H.G., and Corley, W.G., Time- Volume Changes of High Strength Concretes with Super-
Dependent Behavior of Columns in Water Tower Place, plasticizer, Journal, Japan Prestressed Concrete
Douglas McHenry International Symposium on Concrete Engineering Association (Tokyo), V. 20, 1978, pp. 26-33.
and Concrete Structures, SP-55, American Concrete 5.33. Ahmad, S.H. and Shah, S.P. Behavior of Hoop
Institute, Detroit, 1978, pp. 347-373, Also, Research and Confined Concrete Under High Strain Rates, ACI
Development Bulletin No. RD052.01B, Portland Cement JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 82, No. 5. Sept.-Oct. 1985, pp.
Association. 634-647.
5.21. Saucier, K.L.; Tynes, W.O.; and Smith, E.F., 5.34. Research Needs for High-Strength Concrete,
High Compressive-Strength Concrete-Report 3, Sum- reported by ACI Committee 363, ACI Materials Journal,
mary Report, Miscellaneous Paper No. 6-520, U.S. Army Proceedings V. 84, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1987, pp. 559-561.
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, 5.35. Proceedings of Symposium on Utilization of High-
Sept. 1965, 87 pp. Strength Concrete, Stavanger, Norway, June 15-18, 1987,
5.22. Pfeifer, Donald W.; Magura, Donald D.; Russell, Tapir, Publishers, N-7034 Trondheim-N7H, Norway, 688
Henry G.;, and Corley, W.G., Time Dependent Defor- PP.
mations in a 70 Story Structure, Designing for Effects of 5.36. Yogendram, Langan, Hagne and Ward, Silica
Creep, Shrinkage, Temperature in Concrete Structures, Fume in High Strength Concrete, ACI Materials Journal,
SP-37, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1971, pp. V. 84, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1987, pp. 124-129.
159-185. 5.37. Carrasquillo, P., and Carrasquillo, R., Current
5.23. Shideler, J J., Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete Practice in Evaluation of High Strength Concrete,
for Structural Use, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 54, ACI Materials Journal, V. 85, No. 1, Jan.-Feb., 1988, pp.
No. 4, Oct. 1957, pp. 299-328. 49-54.
5.24. Perenchio, William F., and Khieger, Paul, Some 5.38. Smadi, M.M., Slate, F.O., and Nilson, A.H.,
Physical Properties of High Strength Concrete, Research Shrinkage and Creep of High, Medium, and Low
and Development Bulletin No. RD056.01T, Portland Strength Concretes Including Overloads, ACI Materials
Cement Association, Skokie, 1978, 7 pp. Journal, Proceedings V. 84, No. 3, May-June 1987, pp.
5.25. Kaplan, M.F., Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, 224-234.
Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity, Poissons Ratio and the 5.39. Smadi, M.M., Slate, F.O., and Nilson, AH.,
Strength of Concrete Made with Thirteen Different High, Medium, and Low Strength Concrete Subject to
Coarse Aggregates, RILEM Bulletin (Paris), New Series Sustained Loads-Strains, Strengths and Failure
No. 1, Mar. 1959, pp. 58-73. Mechanisms, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 82, No. 5,
5.26. Parrot, LJ., The Properties of High-Strength Sept.-Oct. 1985, pp. 657-664.
Concrete, Technical Report No. 42.417, Cement and 5.40. Ahmad, S.H., and Shah, S.P., Structural
Concrete Association, Wexham Springs, 1969, 12 pp. Properties of High Strength Concrete and Its Impli-
5.27. Dewar, J.D., The Indirect Tensile Strength of cations on Precast and Prestressed Concrete, Journal of
Concretes of High Compressive Strength, Technical Prestressed Concrete Institute, Nov.-Dec. 1985.
Report No. 42.377, Cement and Concrete Association, 5.41. Ahmad, S.H., and Shah, S.P., High Strength
Wexham Springs, Mar. 1964, 12 pp. Concrete-A Review, Proceedings of International Sym-
5.28. Kaplan, M.F., Flexural and Compressive posium on Utilization of High Strength Concrete,
Strength of Concrete as Affected by the Properties of the Stavanger, Norway, June 15-18, 1987.
Coarse Aggregates, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 55, 5.42. Shirley, T. Scott, Burg, G. Ronald, and Fiorato,
No. 11, May 1959, pp. 1193-1208. E. Anthony, Fire Endurance of High Strength Concrete
5.29. Bennett, E.W., and Muir, S.E. St. J., Some Slabs, ACI Materials Journal, Mar.-Apr. 1988, pp. 102-
Fatigue Tests of High-Strength Concrete in Axial Com- 108.



High-strength concretes have some characteristics and

engineering properties that are different from those of
lower-strength concretes. Internal changes resulting from 1,s -60 c,
short-term and sustained loads and environmental factors M PO M PO

are known to be different. Directly related to these inter-

nal differences are distinctions in mechanical properties
that must be recognized by design engineers in predicting
the performance and safety of structures. These distinc-
tions are increasingly important as strengths increase.
Tests of unreinforced high-strength concrete have shown, -2-o

for example, that such material in many cases may be

closely characterized as linearly elastic up to stress levels
approaching the maximum stress. Thereafter, the stress- O? JO
0 02 04 06
strain curve of high-strength concrete decreases at a
much greater rate than lower-strength concretes.6.1-6.10 Strain, percent

Extensive experimentation at several research centers Fig. 6.1-- Concrete and steel stress-strain curves
has provided a fundamental understanding of the be-
havior of high-strength concrete. While substantial infor- The steel reaches its yield point at about the same strain
mation is now available on many aspects, some final re- in this case; thus, concrete is at its maximum stress, steel
commendations must await the results of current and is at fy, and the strength of the column is predicted by
future work.
In this chapter, the emphasis will be placed on design P = 0.85 fc' Ac + fy As (6-l)
of members and structures.6.11 Where recommendations
are made, they are based on the best current experi- where fc' = cylinder compressive strength of the con-
mental information and in most cases must be considered crete
tentative. fy = yield strength of steel
Ac = area of concrete section
6.2-Axially-loaded columns As = area of steel
Few columns in practice are subjected to truly axial
loads. Bending moments, due to eccentric application of The factor 0.85 is used to account for the observed dif-
load or associated with rigid frame action, are usually ference in strength of concrete in columns compared with
superimposed on axial loads. ACI 318-83 requirements concrete of the same mix in standard compression-test
for design and ACI 318R-83 reflect this. However, it is cylinders.
useful to look first at the behavior of columns carrying A similar analysis holds for high-strength concrete
axial load only. columns, except the steel will yield before the concrete
6.2.1 Strength contribution of steel and concrete-The reaches its peak strength. However, the steel will con-
attribute of main interest is the ultimate strength. Present tinue to yield at essentially constant stress until the
design practice, in calculating the nominal strength of an concrete is fully stressed. Prediction of strength may
axially loaded member, is to assume a direct addition law therefore still be based on Eq. (6-l). Experimental
summing the strength of the concrete and that of the documentation also supports use of the factor 0.85 for
steel. The justification for this is seen in Fig. 6.1, which high-strength concrete.6.12-6.13
superimposes typical stress-strain curves in compression 6.2.2 Effects of confinement steel-Lateral steel in
for three concretes with that for reinforcing steel having columns, preferably in the form of continuous spirals, has
60,000 psi (414 MPa) yield strength (the last curve is two beneficial effects on column behavior: (a) it greatly
drawn to a different vertical scale for convenience). The increases the strength of the core concrete inside the
usual assumption is made that steel and concrete strains spiral by confining the core against lateral expansion
are identical at any load stage. under load, and (b) it increases the axial strain capacity
For lower-strength concrete, when the concrete of the concrete, permitting a more gradual and ductile
reaches the range of significant nonlinearity (about 0.001 failure, i.e., a tougher column.6.12-6.16
strain), the steel is still in the elastic range and con- The basis for design of spiral steel under the 1977 and
sequently starts to pick up a larger share of the load. later versions of ACI 318 is that the strengthening effect
When the strain is close to 0.002, the slope of the con- of the spiral must be at least equal to the column
crete curve is nearly zero and it can be thought of as de- strength lost when the concrete shell outside of the spiral
forming plastically, with little or no increase in stress. spalls off under load. The ACI 318 equation for mini-

mum volumetric ratio of spiral is associated with increasing spacing of the spiral
wires. 6.13,6.17 Thus an improved version of Eq. (6-3a) is
f' z - fc, = 4.Of, (1 - s/d,) (6-3b)
ps = 0.45 2 - 1 -L P-2)
i E I4
Fig. 6.2 shows the results of the Cornell tests on
where ps = ratio of volume of spiral reinforcement to columns using different strength concretes. It is clear that
volume of concrete core the strength gain predicted by Eq. (6-3b) is valid for nor-
= gross area of concrete section mal weight concrete of all strengths for confinement
= area of concrete core stress up to at least 3000 psi (21 MPa). A similar plot
r: = cylinder compressive strength of concrete based on Eq. (6-3a) shows a somewhat unconservative
6 = yield strength of spiral steel prediction for higher confinement stresses, but it can be
shown that typical confinement stresses for practical
The increase in compressive strength of columns pro- column spirals are seldom more than about 1000 psi (7
vided by spiral steel is based on an experimentally MPa). For this range Eq. (6-3a) gives good results. From
derived relationship for strength gain the strength viewpoint, the present ACI 318 equation for
minimum spiral steel ratio can be used safely for high-
strength normal weight columns as well as for lower-
x - fcl = 4.oJy (6-3a)
strength concrete columns.
Fig. 6.2 also shows that a spiral has much less con-
where x = compressive strength of spirally reinforc- fining effect in lightweight concrete columns. The light-
ed concrete column weight concrete tends to crush under the spirals at heavy
f, = compressive strength of unconfined con- loads, relieving the confining pressure.6.13 For lightweight
crete column spirally reinforced columns, Martinez has suggested that
f.2' = concrete confinement stress produced by Eq. (6-3a) be replaced by
spiral z - fcl = 1.8fi (6-4a)
This relationship can be shown to lead directly to Eq. and Eq. (6-3b) be replaced by
(6-2). The concrete confinement stress produced by spiral
f2' is calculated on the basis that the spiral steel has x - fcl = 1.8 f2 (1 - s/d,) (6-4b)
yielded, using the familiar hoop tension equation.
This important difference in behavior means that Eq.
(6-2) found in ACI 318 must be reexamined. It appears
that lightweight concrete columns would require about
or 2.5 times more spiral steel than corresponding normal
2J4 f weight columns to satisfy strength requirements after the
f2' = ds
cover spalls off, a requirement that is not reflected in
ACI 318. Whether or not such heavy spirals are practical
where ASP = area of spiral steel may be questioned.
4 = diameter of concrete core There is not yet general agreement on the effective-
S = pitch of spiral ness of spiral steel for improving the ductility of high-
strength concrete columns, that is, for increasing the
and other terms are as already defined. strain limit and flattening the negative slope of the
Recent work by Ahmad and Shah 6.14 has shown that stress-strain curve past the point of peak stress. A paper
spiral reinforcement is less effective for columns of by Ahmad and Shah 6.14 indicates that confining spirals
higher-strength concrete and for lightweight concrete are about as effective in flattening the negative slope of
columns. They found also that the stress in the steel the stress-strain curve for high-strength concrete columns
spiral at peak load for high-strength concrete columns as for lower-strength concrete columns. However, the
and lightweight concrete columns is often significantly Cornell work 6.13 showed significant differences. Fig. 6.3
less than the yield strength assumed in the development shows experimental stress-strain curves for different
of Eq. (6-2). strengths of normal weight concrete columns with varying
These conclusions are consistent with results of experi- spiral reinforcement. Three groups of curves are identi-
mental research at Cornell University.6.13 In the Cornell fied by the three concrete strength levels studied. Each
research, an effective confinement stress f2 (1 - s/dc) of these groups consists of three sets of curves corres-
was used in evaluating results, where f2 is the confine- ponding to three different amounts of lateral reinforce-
ment stress in the concrete, calculated using the actual ment. Indicated in each set of curves with a short hori-
stress in the spiral steel, often less than fy . The term (1 - zontal line is the average unconfined column strength
s/dc) reflects the reduction in effectiveness of spirals corresponding to that particular set of confined columns.

Effective Confinement Stress f,(l- s/d,) , MPa

0 5 IO 15 20
t I I I I I
Normal Weight Concrete
12 -
A High- Strength - 80
. Medium - Strength
l Low- Strength
10 -
Lightweight Concrete
A High- Strength - 60
a Medium - Strength
Strength Strength
o Low- Strength
Incrememt Increment
T,- f; , Tc-f , )
ksi 6 - MPa

fc= f;t l.Bfe(l-s/d,) - 2 0

4 x 16 - in. (102 x 406 -mm) Cylinder

Stroke Rote: 12,000 p-in (0.30 mm)/min.
I 0
2000 3000
Effective Confinement Stress 1,(1-s/d,) , psi

Fig. 6.2-Strength increment provided by spiral reinforcement action on 4 x 16-in. columns

Normal Weight Spiral Columns

4 x 16 - in. (102 x 406 -mm) Cylinder
Stroke Rate: 12.000 p-in.(O 30mmtlnun
1; = Unconfined Column Strength
(2500) = Effective Ccnfinement
stress L, t- l/d&
Axial Axial
Stress, Stress ,
ksi M Pa

Axial Strain , in. / in.

Fig. 6.3-Experimental stress-strain curves of 4 x 16-in. normal weight spiral columns

Referring to Fig. 6.3, the curves for high-strength predicted well by present equations, but that their pro-
concrete columns NC167 that had an effective confine- perties past peak stress may be deficient compared with
ment stress of 767 psi (5 MPa) are compared with the lower-strength columns. The design of lightweight con-
curves for lower-strength concrete columns NC163 with crete columns with spiral steel should be approached very
an effective confinement stress of 800 psi (6 MPa). Dif- carefully. 6.13,6.17
ferent behavior for comparable confinement stress is Another interesting and important observation relating
evident. Not only is the strain at peak stress much less to spirally reinforced columns generally is that the level
for high-strength concrete, but the stress falls off sharply of confinement stress corresponding to spirals designed
just past the peak value. This last fact is seen to be true by ACI 318 is rather low for all columns. The confine-
even for columns NC169 with a very high confinement ment stress becomes significantly lower for larger dia-
stress of 2500 psi (17 MPa) (probably not attainable in meter columns, assuming that the cover requirements re-
practical columns). main constant. This follows directly from Eq. (6-2). For
Based on the available evidence, one may conclude larger columns, the ratio Ag/Ac becomes much smaller;
that normal density high-strength concrete columns with consequently the required spiral steel ratio becomes
spiral steel show strength gain due to the spirals that is smaller and the effective confinement stress becomes

proportionately smaller. Confinement stress produced by strains associated with these stresses have a profound ef-
spirals designed to ACI 318 for lower-and high-strength fect on the structural behavior. Such strains are directly
concrete, for 15 and 50 in. column core diameters are related to long-term deflection, losses in prestress force,
compared in Table 6.1. and cracking. Column strength may be reduced due to
sustained loading of high intensity. It may also be in-
Table 6.1-Confinement stress produced by spirals creased because of the capability of a concrete structure
designed by ACI 318 to adjust itself to local high over-stresses through creep.
Creep may be described either in terms of the creep
4. f(1 - s/a, s, coefficient
in. (mm) A, /A Ps* psi (MPa) in. (mm)
f, = 3000 psi (21 MPa) (#3 spiral bar)
Cc = creep strain
15(38) ;:;: 0.0099 238 (1.64) 2.96 (75) (6-5)
50( 172) 0.0028 83 (0.57) 3.17 (81) initial elastic strain
f: = 10,000 psi (69 MPa) (#5 spiral bar)
or by the coefficient of specific creep (unit creep coef-
0.0330 825(5.69) 2.50(64)
5 0 ( 1 2 7 ) 0.0093 263(1.81) 2.67(68) ficient)
*Ratio of volume of spiral reinforcement to total volume of core
(out-to-out of spirals). 6, = creep strain per unit stress (6-6)

The two can be related through the modulus of elasticity

Tests show that for lower-strength concrete even the
reduction in confinement stress from 238 to 83 psi (1.64 cc = E,6, (6-7)
to 0.57 MPa) obtained under ACI 318 wilI produce a col-
umn with very large strain capacity without significant There is general agreement that creep of high-strength
loss of resistance. For high-strength concrete, the concrete is significantly less than that of a lower-strength
reduction of confinement stress from 825 to 263 psi (5.69 concrete6.7,6.24-6.27 The most recent information, for con-
to 1.81 MPa) produces a column with virtually no post- cretes with strength up to about 10,000 psi (69-MPa), in-
peak strain capacity. Even the higher confinement stress dicates that high-strength concrete has a specific creep
of 825 psi (5.69 MPa) produces a column with the unde- only about 20 percent that of lower-strength concrete and
sirable characteristic of a sharp drop-off of resistance a creep coefficient about 30 percent as high.6.27
immediately after peak stress.6.13 As a result, for axially loaded high-strength concrete
While some experimental data are available at this columns, creep shortening at a given stress level will be
time for high-strength concrete columns using lateral ties less than that of lower-strength columns, a fact of pos-
rather than spirals,6.18,6.19 more work must be done for sible significance in high-rise concrete structures.6.30 In
such members. addition, the distribution of load between concrete and
6.2.3 Repeated loading-High-strength concrete is rela- steel of high-strength concrete columns will be less sub-
tively free of internal microcracking, even close to ulti- ject to change with the passage of time. Elastic distri-
mate load, when loaded monotonically.6.1 On the other bution of stresses may be more nearly maintained. Loss
hand, high-strength concrete is reported to be more of stress in a prestressed member due to creep shorten-
brittle than lower-strength concrete,6.2 lacking much of ing will be much less at a given concrete stress level, but
the ductility that accompanies progressive crack growth. this advantage may be largely canceled if higher sustained
Some experimental research indicates that fatigue load stresses are permitted.
strength is essentially independent of compressive
strength.6.20 Recent research indicates that failure of 6.3-Beams and slabs
concrete subject to repeated loading can be approximate- The material properties described in Chapter 5 and in
ly predicted by the concept of the envelope curve, di- Section 6.2 may effect the characteristic behavior of high-
rectly related to the short-term monotonic stress-strain strength concrete beams.6.31-6.34 In some cases, improve-
curve. 6.21 For high-strength concrete, each load appli- ments are seen; in other cases less satisfactory behavior
cation causes relatively less incremental damage. How- will result. In many ways, high-strength beams may be-
ever, the number of cycles to failure may not be neces- have according to essentially the same rules that have
sarily larger because of the greater negative slope of the been used to describe behavior of beams made of lower-
post-peak envelope curve. strength concrete. However, some questions remain to be
While important work has been done,6.20,6.22,6.23 it is answered.
clear that additional research is needed on all aspects of 6.3.1 Compressive stress distribution-The compressive
high-strength concrete, with and without confinement stress distribution in beams is directly related to the
steel, subject to various repeated load regimens, before shape of the stress-strain curve in uniaxial compression.
design recommendations can be made. Consequently, for high-strength concrete, which displays
6.2.4 Sustained loading-In most structures, concrete differences in that shape, as shown in Fig. 6.1, it is
is subjected to sustained loads. The time-dependent reasonable to expect differences in flexural compressive

stress distribution, particularly at loads approaching For ordinary design purposes, it is convenient to work
ultimate. with an equivalent rectangular compressive stress distri-
In present U.S. practice as in ACI 318 and ACI 318R, bution, shown in Fig. 6.4(b), with magnitude of compres-
proportioning of beam sections is generally based on con- sive resultant and line of action the same as before. Such
ditions at a hypothetical state of incipient collapse at an equivalent distribution is specifically referenced and
factored loads. Fig. 6.4(a) shows the generally parabolic permitted in ACI 318 and its Commentary, ACI 318R.
shape of the compressive stress distribution in a beam With the uniform value of concrete compression assumed
made of lower-strength concrete. The nominal resisting equal to 0.85fc', a single parameter PI is sufficient to
moment may be calculated knowing the internal forces T define both magnitude and line of action.
and C and the internal lever arm between them. The act- For high-strength concrete, the stress-strain curve is
ual shape of the compressive stress distribution at in- more linear than parabolic. Therefore, there is reason to
cipient failure, always highly variable even within a given suspect that the stress block parameters may be different.
range of concrete strengths, may be considered irrelevant Experimental research has confirmed that differences do
if one knows (a) the magnitude of the compressive resul- exist, and alternatives to the rectangular stress block have
tant C, and (b) the level in the beam at which it acts. been proposed, such as in Fig. 6.4(c).6.34 However, differ-
These may be established in terms of three parameters ences in calculated strength values for beams and eccen-
characteristic of a given stress distribution [see Fig. tric columns depend on steel ratios and other factors.
6.4(a)]. ACI 318R suggests, based on an equivalent rectangu-
lar stress block, that the nominal flexural strength of a
k 1 = ratio of average to maximum compressive stress singly reinforced beam that is under-reinforced can be
in beam calculated by
k 2 = ratio of depth to compressive resultant to neutral
axis depth
k 3 = ratio of maximum stress in beam to maximum
stress in corresponding axially loaded cylinder
where Mn = nominal moment strength at section,
= area of tension reinforcement, in.2
; = specified yield strength of reinforcement,
C=k,k,f;bc d = distance from extreme compression fiber
to centroid of tension reinforcement, in.
= ratio of tension reinforcement
if = specified compressive strength of con-
crete, psi
-> T = Asfs The coefficient 0.59 can be shown to be equivalent to
k2/k1k3. The experimental variation of k2/k1k3 with con-
crete compressive strength based on research at several
centers is shown in Fig. 6.5. 6.6,6.31-6.35 While a detailed
study of the separate k values indicates that significant
C-O.85 f,ab
differences in the separate values exist depending on
concrete strength, it is clear from Fig. 6.5 that the
differences are compensative and that the combined coef-
ficient is well-represented by the constant value 0.59. This
statement is reinforced by the results shown in Fig. 6.6,
which compares flexural strength predictions obtained
using the usual rectangular stress block, a triangular
stress block, and a distribution based on experimentally
derived stress-strain curves with test data for beams of
varying reinforcement ratios and concrete strengths to
drp- C=$.f;bc
11,000 psi (76 MPa). Test values were best predicted
using actual stress-strain curves, but either the rec-
tangular or triangular distributions gave acceptable lower
bounds to the experimental and theoretical values.6.36
Based on these and similar studies, it appears that, for
T=A,f, under-reinforced beams, the present ACI 318 methods
can be used without change, at least for concrete
Fig. 6.4-Concrete stress distributions for rectangular beams strengths up to 12,000 psi (83 MPa). For over-reinforced

Concrete Strength , M Pa
Concrete Strength , M Pa
0 20 40 60 80 l00 120
0.005 r I I 1 I I I



- & - - - - A - - - - 0.500
- -
k, Rectangular
0001 t

0 I I I I I
0 4 8 12 16 20

Concrete Strength , ksi

L t I 1 I
0 4 8 I2 16 20
Fig. 6.7-- Ultimate concrete flexural strain Q, versus con-
Concrete Strength , ksi crete compressive strength

Fig. 6.5-- Stress block parameter k2/k1k3 versus concrete energy release from the testing equipment. Fig. 6.76.5
strength shows the variation of concrete strain at failure at the
extreme compression face of singly reinforced concrete
beams or eccentrically loaded columns without lateral
Test Dato 0 confinement steel. The constant value of strain at ex-
ACI Cods -4.- treme concrete compression fiber of 0.003 prescribed by
Stress Block --*-
ACI 318 is seen to represent satisfactorily the experi-
Theoretical I*-- mental results for high-strength as well as lower-strength
concrete, although it is not as conservative for high-
100 strength concrete.
6.3.3 Influence of confinement steel and compression
Steel-Considering the more limited strain capacity of
high-strength concrete in compression, it is necessary to
evaluate the ductility of beams made of high-strength
60 concrete. Deflection ductility index /1 will be defined
here as
4 0

0.5 I 2 3
Reinforcement Ratio p ,%
4 = beam deflection at failure load
Fig. 6.6-- Comparison of flexural strength Mu , of beams for 4, = beam deflection at the load producing yielding
several compressive stress distributions of tensile steel
Tests by Pastor et al of beams made of relatively high-
beams, which are not allowed by ACI 318, or for strength concrete are summarized in Table 6.2 (Series A)
members combining axial compression and bending, and Table 6.3 (Series B). Beams of Series A were singly
important differences may occur. 6.33 reinforced with no compression steel and no confinement
6.2.3 Limiting compressive strain-While high-strength steel. The series includes beams with concrete strengths
concrete reaches its peak stress at a compressive strain from 3700 to 9265 psi (26 to 64 MPa). For the high-
slightly higher than that for lower-strength concrete, the strength beams, tensile steel ratio varied from 0.29 &, to
ultimate strain is lower for high-strength concrete, both 1.11 pb where ,,b = reinforcement ratio for balanced
in uniaxial compression tests and in beam tests. 6.13,6.34 It strain conditions.
has been suggested that this result apparently is due to The results show a lower ductility for the beams with

the higher concrete strengths. Based on these results, the

second series summarized in Table 6.3 was performed. PmfJl = 7 for fy in psi
These beams included varying amounts of compression Y

steel (50 to 100 percent of tensile steel area) and lateral P#&= 1.7 for 4 in MPa (6.10)
confinement steel in the form of closed hoops at spacing Y
of 3, 6, and 12 in. (7.6, 15.2, and 30.5 mm). All beams
were of high-strength concrete and comparable to Beam is derived on the basis that the resisting moment of the
A4 of the first series, which had no ties and no com- cracked section should be at least as great as the moment
pression steel. that caused the member to crack, based on the modulus
of rupture. Since the latter is known to be greater for
Table 6.2-Deflection ductility index for Series A high-strength concrete than for lower-strength con-
beams 6.34 crete, 6.2,6.12 it is evident that the strength of concrete
should be included in a revised version of Eq. (6.10).
With modulus of rupture taken at 7.5 &r (0.62 q), it
can be shown that

_ i-7 $r (6.11)
Pmi?a 2 m/ly (1.38/f,)
*Ratio of tension reinforcement divided by reinforcement ratio producing would be an appropriate equation for all concrete
balanced strain conditions.
strengths from 3000 to 12,000 psi (21 to 83 MPa).6.28
6.3.5 Shear and diagonal tension-In current US. prac-
tice, design for shear is based on conditions at factored
Table 6.3-Deflection ductility index for Series B loads. The total shear resistance is made up of two parts:
b e a m s 6.34 Vs provided by the stirrups and Vc, nominally the con-
crete contribution. The nominal concrete contribution
T Ductility
includes, in an undefined way, the contributions of the
Beam psi p/p, WA.
still uncracked concrete at the head of a hypothetical
Bl 8534 0.57 2.36
diagonal crack, the resistance provided by aggregate
8605 0.55 2.64 interlock along the diagonal crack face, and the dowel
i: 8578 0.57 4.88
8478 0.59 8.32
resistance provided by the main reinforcing steel.
E 8516 0.56 5.61 High-strength concrete loaded in uniaxial compression
B6 8466 0.58 6.14
fractures suddenly and, in so doing, may form a failure
surface that is smooth and nearly a plane. 6.1-6.3 This is in
contrast to the rugged failure surface characteristic of
lower-strength concrete. In beams controlled by shear
From Beams Bl and B2, compared with Beam A4, it strength, the state of stress is biaxial, combining diagonal
can be concluded that ties at 12 in. (30.5 mm) increased compression in the direction from the load point to the
the ductility index, but not significantly. Ductility index support with diagonal tension in the perpendicular direc-
increased markedly when the tie spacing was reduced to tion. Diagonal tension cracks in high-strength concrete
6 in. (15.2 mm) in Beams B3 and B4, but showed no up- beams can be expected to have a smooth surface, likely
ward trend when the spacing was further reduced to 3 in. to be deficient in aggregate interlock.
(7.6 mm). Tests confirm that aggregate interlock decreases as
A comparison between Beams B3 and B4 indicates a concrete strength increases. Thus, a shear strength
beneficial effect in adding more compression steel, al- deficiency may be produced which is not accounted for
though this trend is not clearly reflected in a comparison by present design equations. Data from Frantz 6.38,6.39 at
of Beams B5 and B6. the University of Connecticut have indicated that the cal-
6.3.4 Minimum tensile steel ratios-ACI 318 sets an culated concrete contribution Vc is ade uate for high-
upper limit on the tensile steel ratio for beams at 75 strength concrete. Data byNilson 6.40,6.41 at Cornell
percent of the balanced ratio to insure that failure, University indicates that current design methods are not
should it occur, will be a gradual, yielding type. A lower conservative for high strength concrete. Experimental re-
limit of tensile steel ratio is set to guard against sudden search by Ahmad et al. 6.42,6.43 indicates that the shear
failure of very lightly reinforced beams upon concrete strength contribution of the concrete is conservatively
cracking, when the tension formerly carried by the con- predicted by ACI 318-83 Eq. (11-3) for shear-span ratios
crete is transferred to the steel reinforcement. of 2.5 or less, but for higher ratios, more typical in
The present ACI 318 expression for minimum steel ordinary construction, and for relatively low steel ratios,
ratio the ACI equation may be unconservative. It was further

shown by their research that the more complex ACI 318- Chapter 5 may be used unless actual values of modulus
83 Eq. (11-6) is unconservative for high-strength concrete are known.
beams with low steel ratios. Recent research by Russell
and Roller6.37 indicates that, for beams with high flexural
Ec = 40,000 K + 1.0 x 106 psi
steel ratios, the current ACI Code equations are safe.
The beneficial effects of high-strength concrete for pre- (Ec = 3320 K + 6900 MPa) (6-12)
stressed beams was demonstrated, using an analysis based
on truss models, by Kaufman and Ramirez.6.44 Higher Eq. (6.12) should be modified by the correction factor
strength concrete increases the strength of the diagonal (w/c/145)1.5 [for SI units (wc/2300)1.5 for concrete densities
truss members, resulting in increased efficiency of the other than 145 lb/ft3 (2320 kg/m 3). 6.2,6.13,6.46
web reinforcement through the mobilization of more stir- The modulus of rupture has been discussed in Section
rups as well as increased load-carrying capacity of the
6.3.7. For prediction of deflections a value of 7.5 E
struts themselves. Currently, no research data are avail-
may be used to calculate the flexural cracking moment of
able regarding the minimum requirement of web reinfor-
cement to prevent brittle failure resulting from the the beam. The eauation for effective moment of inertia
formation of a critical diagonal crack. Ie included in the ACI 318 is
6.3.6 Bond, anchorage, and development length-
Present ACI 318 methods of design for development
length and anchorage of tensile steel are based on tests, (6-13)
generally using concretes with compressive strengths not
greater than about 4000 psi (28 MPa). Although some in-
formation has recently become available for high-strength where
concrete, not enough data have been obtained to permit Mcr = cracking moment
recommendations. Ma = maximum moment
6.3.7 Cracking-The modulus of rupture, which is the Ig = gross moment of inertia of section
appropriate measure of concrete tensile strength for use Icr = moment of inertia of cracked transformed
in predicting flexural cracking load, has been reported in section
Chapter 5 to be 11.7 K for normal weight concretes
This provides a basis for beam deflection calculation that
with strengths in the range from 3000 to 12,000 psi (21 to
appears valid for high-strength concrete as well as normal
83 MPa). It thus appears that the ACI 318 value of 7.5
concrete beams, based on information currently avail-
g is too low. However, for curing conditions such as ablee 6.34,6.47,6.48
seven days moist curing followed by air drying, a value of 6.3.9 Time-dependent deflections-Time-dependent de-
7.5 K is probably fairly close for the full strength flections of beams due to creep and shrinkage are
range. It may, therefore, be recommended with no presently calculated by applying multipliers to
o computed
change. The assumption of a modulus of rupture lower elastic deflections. This procedure is generally valid for
than the actual value for a flexural member is neither high-strength concrete members, but experimental data
conservative nor unconservative but simply results in an indicates that the multipliers may be significantly less
inaccurate prediction of cracking load. This will result in because of the lower creep coefficient typical of high-
inaccurate estimation of both elastic and creep deflec- strength concrete. According to ACI 318, additional long-
tions. term deflections are obtained using the following multi-
The direct tensile strength is seldom measured but is plier
of interest in studying web-shear cracking in prestressed
concrete members, for one example. Both modulus of f
rupture and tensile splitting strength of high-strength 1 + 5Op
concrete are well above the corresponding values for
lower-strength concrete. In this respect, at least, em- where
pirically derived equations for flexural shear and torsional = reinforcement ratio for nonprestressed
shear strength could be used for high-strength concrete compression reinforcement
calculations based on the lower-strength material. How- = time-dependent factor
ever, other aspects of concern are discussed in Section
6.3.5. The time-dependent factor is given by Fig. 6.8, taken
6.3.8 Elastic deflections--The main uncertainties in from ACI 318R.
predicting elastic deflections of reinforced concrete Research in progress,6.47,6.48 providing an indication of
beams are (a) elastic modulus Ec; (b) modulus of rupture long-term multipliers and their variation with time, is
fr; and (c) effective moment of inertia, which depends on summarized in Fig. 6.9. Results are currently available up
the extent of cracking of the beam. to about 1 year loading age, and clear trends are evident,
For the elastic modulus, the following equation of as follows:

ample, for high-strength beams with no compression

steel, the value of 0.55 at 1 year is only 40 percent of the
ACI 318 value and 65 percent of the experimental value
for lower-strength concrete.
c. The influence of compression steel may be less im-
portant for high-strength concrete beams than for lower-
strength beams. For beams of lower-strength concrete,
addition of compression steel having an area equal to
that of the tensile steel reduces l-year deflections by 41
percent. For high-strength concrete, the beam with com-
pression steel shows about 35 percent reduction. This
0 1 3 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 could be expected because the role of compression steel
is mainly to reduce the creep of the concrete in the com-
Duration of Load , months
pression zone under sustained loads, the high-strength
Fig. 6.8-ACI 318R Commentary multiplier for long-time concrete with lower creep coefficient needs less help in
deflections of beams this respect.
Deflection measurements are continuing in the re-
search described. Results over a longer period of time
will be available as well as information for beams with
compressive strengths fc' to 12,000 psi (83 MPa). Con-
crete strength should appear as a parameter in equations
to predict long-term deflections. Concrete strength not
only influences long-term deflections directly because of
the lower creep coefficient but also influences the effect-
iveness of compression steel.
fc=36w psi
6.3.10 Repeated Loading-With reference to Section
0 I I
0 l00 200 300 6.2.3, it appears that high-strength concrete, because of
Duration of Load, days its relative freedom from internal microcracking at ser-
vice loads, would be more resistant to repeated loading
consisting of a large number of cycles at relatively low
stress ranges such as in bridges. If ductility is an im-
portant consideration, as is the case in seismic resistant
design, it would be important to include lateral confine-
ment steel in the form of closed hoop stirrups as well as
f;=6500 psi
compression reinforcement. While the subject has been
I 1 1 thoroughly studied for lower-strength concrete,6.20,6.22,6.23
100 200 300 little information on high-strength concrete beams subject
Duration of Load, days to repeated loads is available at this time.
6.3.11 Prestressed concrete beams-Characteristics of
high-strength concrete, discussed previously in this
chapter in the context of axially loaded members and
Multiplier reinforced concrete beams, affect the behavior of pre-
stressed concrete beams in corresponding ways. Special
/ 1 I
mention must be made, however, of the effects of a very
l00 200 300
low creep coefficient.
Duration of Load, days At the same concrete stress levels, time-dependent
deflection of high-strength beams will be less. On the
Fig. 6.9-- Multipliers for long-term deflections for different other hand, low concrete creep may have little effect on
strength concrete beams prestressed beam deflections because upward creep de-
flection due to prestress is, in many cases, canceled by
downward creep deflection due to sustained loads. This
a. For 3600 psi (2.5 MPa) concrete beams, l-year mul- results in only very small net deflections associated with
tipliers of 0.85, 0.60, and 0.50 for beams with p/p, re- all sustained loads.
spectively, equal to 0, 0.5, and 1.0 are less than the ACI For a given level of concrete stress, loss of prestress
318 l-year values of 1.40, 1.10, and 0.80, which were force due to creep could be expected to be much smaller
determined for lower-concrete strengths. for prestressed beams using high-strength concrete.
b. For high-strength concrete beams, deflection multi- Higher sustained concrete stress would negate this ad-
pliers are still lower than the ACI 318 values. For ex- vantage.

6.4-Eccentric columns
6.4.1 Compressive stress distribution-It was pointed out
in discussing beams in Section 6.3.1 that the shape of the
compressive stress distribution in high-strength concrete
beams is apt to be different from that in lower-strength
concrete beams, reflecting the different shape of the
compressive stress-strain curve as shown in Fig. 6.1. For
under-reinforced concrete beams, with strength con- 2000
trolled by the yield strength of the reinforcement, the Nominal Axial
Load Strength
actual shape of the compressive stress block used in cal- at given
culation of the nominal flexural strength is of little Eccentricity
importance so long as the internal lever arm to the com- P n, kips

pressive resultant is close to the true value. The con- 1000

ventional rectangular stress block and equations for de-
termining nominal flexural strength based on the rec-
tangular stress block will normally be satisfactory. Over-
reinforced beams are not permitted according to ACI
318, and so one concludes that present procedures will 0
produce adequate results for all beams designed under 0 200 400 500

provisions of ACI 318, whether lower- or high-strength Nominal M o m e n t Strength Mu,ff-klp

concrete is used.
In the case of combined bending and axial load, i.e., Fig. 6.10-- Comparative interaction diagrams for high-
eccentric columns, members failing in flexural compres- strength concrete column
sion cannot be avoided. For members with relatively low
eccentricity, failure will be initiated by the concrete strain limit in compression of 0.003. It has been shown in
reaching its limiting strain, while the steel on the far side Section 6.3.2 that this is less conservative for high-
of the column may be well below tensile yielding or may strength concrete than for lower-strength concrete. In the
remain in compression at the failure load. For such cases, presence of effective lateral confinement, such as provid-
a more accurate representation of the concrete compres- ed by continuous spirals in normal weight concrete col-
sive stress block could be important. umns, the effective strain limit is larger than this value,
6.4.2 Interaction diagram for strength of short columns- and strain compatibility analysis can be based on 0.003
Limited analytical studies have been made of eccentric strain. However, there is no apparent justification for in-
columns comparing the predictions of the current ACI creasing limiting strain assumptions above present values.
318R Commentary approach based on the equivalent rec- 6.4.3 Slenderness effects-The moment magnification
tangular stress block, with a trapezoidal concrete stress method for dealing with slenderness effects in reducing
distribution.6.49 The general shape of the trapezoid would the strength of reinforced concrete columns appears to
vary, ranging from nearly rectangular for lower-strength be generally valid for high-strength concrete. An excep-
concrete to nearly triangular for very-high-strength as tion may be in the equations for calculating effective
discussed in Section 6.3.1. Fig. 6.10 shows a comparison flexural rigidity. Two alternative equations are given in
of the strength interaction diagram relating axial load ACI 318 for flexural rigidity, both of which include fac-
capacity Pn and flexural capacity Mn for a 14 x 14 in. tors to account for the effect of concrete creep in an
column made of 12,000 psi (83 MPa) strength concrete. approximate way. The validity of these equations for
Reinforcement is provided by four No. 11 comer bars high-strength concrete may at least be questioned, recog-
having yield strength fy = 60,000 psi (414 MPa). Strength nixing the significantly lower creep coefficient for high-
under combined axial load and bending was computed strength concrete. No experimental information is avail-
first using the conventional rectangular stress block (solid able at this time. In addition, calculations should
line), then using a variable-proportioned trapezoid incorporate estimates of Ec as given by Eq. (6-12).
(dashed line).
For relatively large eccentricities, when moment dom- 6.5-Summary
inates and failure is initiated by tensile reinforcement 6.5.1 Review-A brief summary has been given of the
yielding, the two curves are almost indistinguishable. For special characteristics of high-strength concrete as they
intermediate to small eccentricities, ACI 318 results in bear upon the behavior and design of reinforced concrete
larger values for both moment and axial force at a given members and structures.
eccentricity at failure than those obtained by the more For axially loaded columns, the direct addition of con-
exact calculation. Differences of up to 15 percent in the crete and steel strength contributions is generally valid,
interaction diagram relating moment to axial load have as for lower-strength concrete members. Lateral steel
been found based on comparative calculations.6.49 plays a particularly important role in that it is necessary
ACI 318 procedures in corporate an assumed concrete to improve ductility and toughness. Of special concern is

the sharp drop-off of load after peak stress and the 6.3. Carrasquillo, Ramon L.; Slate, Floyd 0.; and
apparent diminished effectiveness of lateral steel in Nilson, Arthur H., Microcracking and Behavior of High
increasing ductility compared with lower-strength con- Strength Concrete Subject to Short-Term Loading, ACI
crete columns. Further studies are needed. High-strength JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 78, No. 3, May-June 1981, pp.
concrete columns will exhibit less shortening under load 179-186.
than lower-strength concrete columns because of the 6.4. High Strength Concrete in Chicago High-Rise
higher elastic modulus and lower creep coefficient. Buildings, Task Force Report No. 5, Chicago Committee
For beams, use of the conventional equivalent rec- on High-Rise Buildings, 1977, 63 pp.
tangular stress block appears to give satisfactory results 6.5. Kaar, P.H.; Hanson, N.W.; and Capell, H.T.,
for under-reinforced members required by ACI 318 pro- Stress-Strain Characteristics of High-Strength Concrete,
cedures. The compressive strain limit is less than found Douglas McHenry International Symposium on Concrete
for lower-strength concrete but still may be taken at and Concrete Structures, SP-55, American Concrete Inst-
0.003. Confinement steel and compressive steel should be itute, Detroit, 1978, pp. 161-185. Also, Research and
used in designing concrete beams where ductility is im- Development Bulletin No. RD051.01D, Portland Cement
portant as for seismic resistant structures. Changes have Association.
been recommended for ACI 318 values for minimum ten- 6.6 Perenchio, William F., and Klieger, Paul, Some
sile steel ratio to reflect the influence of concrete Physical Properties of High Strength Concrete, Research
strength, as well as in the modulus of elasticity to be used and Development Bulletin No. RD056.01T, Portland
in deflection calculations. Significant changes should also Cement Association, Skokie, 1978, 7 pp.
be considered in the calculation of long-term beam 6.7. Shah, S.P., Editor, Proceedings, National Science
deflections to reflect the much lower creep coefficient Foundation Workshop on High Strength Concrete, Uni-
and reduced effectiveness of compression steel in the versity of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Dec. 1979, 226 pp.
case of high-strength concrete beams. 6.8. Wang, P.T.; Shah, S.P.; and Naaman, A.E.,
The calculation of eccentric column strength may be Stress-Strain Curves of Normal and Lightweight Con-
influenced by the shape of the compressive stress block crete in Compression, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 75,
used, particularly for columns with relatively small ec- No. 11, Nov. 1978, pp. 603-611.
centricity with neutral axis at failure close to an edge. 6.9. Research Needs for High-Strength Concrete,
Limited trial calculations comparing rectangular stress reported by ACI Committee 363, ACI Materials Journal,
block with trapezoidal stress block indicate only small Proceedings V. 84, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1987, pp. 559-561.
differences. In determining slenderness effects, special 6.10. Proceedings of Symposium on Utilization of High-
consideration should be given to the lower creep coef- Strength Concrete, Stavanger, Norway, June 15-18, 1987,
ficient for high-strength concrete, as it affects the Tapir Publishers, N-7034 Trondheim-NTH, Norway, 688
effective flexural rigidity used in the calculations, and to pp.
improved values of modulus of elasticity. 6.11. Nilson, A.H., Design Implications of Current
6.5.2 Research needs-The material of Chapter 6 Research on High-Strength Concrete, High-Strength
should be considered to be subject to revision based on Concrete, SP-87, American Concrete Institute, Detroit,
future research results. Areas in which information is 1985, pp. 85-118.
lacking include shear, diagonal tension, torsion, bond, 6.12. Martinez, S., Nilson, AH., and Slate, F.O.,
anchorage, development length, and the effects of re- Spirally-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Columns,
peated loading. Research programs are now in progress Research Report No. 82-10, Department of Structural
in several centers that are aimed at filling some of these Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, Aug. 1982.
gaps. In this way, the research base will be expanded so 6.13. Martinez, S., Nilson, AH., and Slate, F.O.,
that the many advantages of high-strength concrete may Spirally-Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Columns,
be used safely and with confidence based on thorough ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 81, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1984,
documentation of material properties and behavioral pp. 431-442.
characteristics of members. 6.14. Ahmad, S.H., and Shah, S.P., Stress-Strain
Curves of Concrete Confined by Spiral Reinforcement,
6.6-Cited references ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 79, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1982,
(See also Chapter l0--References) pp. 484-490.
6.1. Carrasquillo, Ramon L.; Nilson, Arthur H.; and 6.15. Fafitis, A., and Shah, S.P., Lateral Rein-
Slate, Floyd O., Microcracking and Engineering Pro- forcement for High-Strength Concrete columns, High-
perties of High-Strength Concrete, Research Report No. Strength Concrete, SP-87, American Concrete Institute,
80-1, Department of Structural Engineering, Cornell Detroit, 1985, pp. 213-232.
University, Ithaca, Feb. 1980, 254 pp. 6.16. Yong, Y.K., Nour, M.G., and Nawy, E.G., Be-
6.2. Carrasquillo, Ramon L.; Nilson, Arthur H.; and havior of Laterally-Confined High-Strength Concrete
Slate, Floyd O., Properties of High Strength Concrete Under Axial Loads, Journal of Structural Engineering, V.
Subject to Short-Term Loads, ACI JOURNAL , Proceed- 114, No. 2, Feb. 1988, pp. 332-351.
ings V. 78, No. 3, May-June 1981, pp. 171-178. 6.17. Slate, F.O., Nilson, A.H., and Martinez, S.,

Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Lightweight Dependent Behavior of Columns in Water Tower Place,
Concrete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 83, No. 4, July- Douglas McHenry International Symposium on Concrete
Aug. 1986, pp. 606-613. and Concrete Structures, SP-55, American Concrete Insti-
6.18. Vallenas, J.; Bertero, V.V.; and Popov, E.P., tute, Detroit, 1978, pp. 347-373. Also, Research and
Concrete Confined by Rectangular Hoops and Subjected Development Bulletin No. RD052.01B, Portland Cement
to Axial Loads, Report No. UCB/EERC-77/13, Earth- Association.
quake Engineering Research Center, University of Cali- 6.31. Leslie, Keith E.; Rajagopalan, K.S.; and Everard,
fornia, Berkeley, 1977. Noel J., Flexural Behavior of High-Strength Concrete
6.19. Sheikh, S.A. and Uzumeri, S.M., Strength and Beams, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 73, No. 9, Sept.
Ductility of Tied Concrete Columns, Journal of Structur- 1976, pp. 517-521.
al Division, ASCE, V. 106, No. ST5, May 1980, pp. 1079- 6.32. Nedderman, H., Flexural Stress Distribution in
1102. Very-High Strength Concrete, MSc thesis, University of
6.20. Bennett, E.W., and Muir, S.E. St. J., Some Texas at Arlington, Dec. 1973, 182 pp.
Fatigue Tests on High Strength Concrete in Uniaxial 6.33. Zia, Paul, Structural Design with High Strength
Compression, Magazine of Concrete Research (London), Concrete, Report No. PZIA-77-01, Civil Engineering
V. 19, No. 59, June 1967, pp. 113-117. Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
6.21. Ahmad, S.H., Properties of Confined Concrete Mar. 1977, 65 pp.
Subject to Static and Dynamic Loading, PhD thesis, 6.34. Pastor, J.A.; NiIson, A.H.; and Slate, F.O.,
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Mar. 1981. Behavior of High Strength Concrete Beams, Research
6.22. Bertero, V.V.; Bresler, B.; and Liao, H., Report No. 84-3, Department of Structural Engineering,
Stiffness Degradation of Reinforced Concrete Members Cornell University, Ithaca, Feb. 1984.
Subject to Cyclic Flexural Moments, Report No. EERC- 6.35. Wang, Pao-Tsan; Shah, Surendra P.; and
69/12, University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1969. Naaman, Antoine E., High Strength Concrete in Ulti-
6.23. Bresler, B., and Bertero, V.V., Influence of High mate Strength Design, Proceedings, ASCE, V. 104, ST11,
Strain Rate and Cyclic Loading Behavior of Unconfined Nov. 1978, pp. 1761-1773.
and Confined Concrete in Compression, Proceedings, 6.36. Discussion of Flexural Behavior of High-
2nd Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Strength Concrete Beams by Keith E. Leslie, K.S.
Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, Rajagopalan, and Noel J. Everard, ACI JOURNAL , Pro-
Hamilton, June 1975, pp. 15-1 - 15-38. ceedings V. 74, No. 3, Mar. 1977, pp. 140-145.
6.24. Ngab, AS.; Slate, F.O.; and NiIson, A.H., 6.37. Russell, H., and Roller, J.J., Shear Strength of
Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Under Sustained High-Strength Concrete Beams, accepted for publication
Compressive Stress, Research Report No. 80-2, Depart- in ACI Structural Journal.
ment of Structural Engineering, Cornell University, 6.38. Mphonde, A.G., and Frantz G.C., Shear Tests
Ithaca, Feb. 1980, 201 pp. of High and Low Strength Concrete Beams Without
6.25. Ngab, Ali S.; NiIson, Arthur H.; and Slate, Floyd Stirrups, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 81 No. 4, July-
O., Shrinkage and Creep of High Strength Concrete, Aug. 1984.
ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 78, No. 4, July-Aug. 1981, 6.39. Mphonde, A.G., and Frantz G.C., Shear Tests
pp. 255-261. of High- and Low-Strength Concrete Beams with Stir-
6.26. Ngab, Ali S.; Slate, Floyd 0.; and Nilson, Arthur rups, High-Strength Concrete, SP-87, American Concrete
H., Microcracking and Time-Dependent Strains in High- Institute, Detroit, 1985, pp. 179-196.
Strength Concrete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 78, No. 6.40. El-Zanaty, AH., Nilson, AH., and Slate, F.O.,
4, JuIy-Aug. 1981, pp. 262-268. Shear Capacity of Prestressed Concrete Beams Using
6.27. Smadi, M.M.; Slate, F.O.; and NiIson, A.H., High-Strength Concrete, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V.
Time-Dependent Behavior of High-Strength Concrete 83, No. 3, May-June 1986, pp. 359-368.
Under High Sustained Compressive Stresses, Research 6.41. El-Zanaty, A.H., Nilson, A.H., and Slate, F.O.,
Report No. 82-16, Department of Structural Engineering, Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using
Cornell University, Ithaca, Nov. 1982. High-Strength Concrete, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V.
6.28. Smadi, M.M., Slate, F.O., and Nilson, A.H., 83, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1986, pp. 290-296.
Shrinkage and Creep of High-, Medium-, and Low- 6.42. Ahmad, S.H., Khaloo, A.R., and Poveda, A.,
Strength Concretes, Including Overloads, ACI Materials Shear Capacity of Reinforced High-Strength Concrete
Journal Proceedings V. 84, No. 3, May-June 1987, pp. Beams, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings, V. 83, No. 2, Mar.-
224-234. Apr. 1986, pp. 297-305.
6.29. Smadi, M.M., Slate, F.O., and Nilson, A.H., 6.43. Ahmad, S.H., and Lue, D.M., Flexure-Shear
High-, Medium-, and Low-Strength Concrete Subject to Interaction of Reinforced High-Strength Concrete
Sustained Overloads--Strains, Strengths, and Failure Beams, ACI Structural Journal, V. 84, No. 4, July-Aug.
Mechanisms, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 82, No. 5, 1987, pp. 330-341.
Sept.-Oct. 1985, pp. 657-664. 6.44. Kaufman, M.K., and Ramirez, J.A., Re-eval-
6.30. Russell, H.G., and Corley, W.G., Time- uation of the Ultimate Shear Behavior of High-Strength

Concrete Prestressed I-Beams, ACI Structural Journal, amount of reinforcing steel equal to 4 percent of the
Proceedings V. 85, No. 3, May-June 1988, pp. 295-303. column area for a given load, whereas the same column
6.45. Treece, R.A., and Jima, J.O., Bond Strength of in 9,000 psi would require only 1 percent steel-the
Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Bars, ACI Materials Journal, minimum allowed by code."7.3
V. 86, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1989.
6.46. Pauw, Adrian, Static Modulus of Elasticity of 7.2-Cost studies
Concrete as Affected by Density, ACI JOURNAL , Pro- The Material Service Corporation 7.4 conducted a
ceedings V. 57, No. 6, Dec. 1960, pp. 679-688. pricing study that dramatically demonstrated the cost
6.47. Leubkeman, C.H., Nilson, A.H., and Slate, F.O., advantage of replacing percentages of steel with high-
Sustained Load Deflection of High-Strength Concrete strength concrete in short tied columns. This 1983 study
Beams, Research Report No. 85-2. Department of Struc- was made for a column supporting a design load (1.4D
tural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, Feb. 1985, + 1.7L) of 1000 kips (4.45 MN) and based on the follow-
164 PP. ing prices:
6.48. Paulson, K.A., and Nilson, A.H., Deflections of
High-Strength Concrete beams Under Sustained Reinforcing steel $760/ton in place
Loading, Research Report (in preparation), Department 7000 psi concrete $80/yd3 in place
of Structural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca. 9000 psi concrete $85/yd3 in place
6.49. Garcia, D.T., and Nilson, AH., A Comparative 11,000 psi concrete $104/yd 3 in place
Study of Eccentrically Loaded High-Strength Concrete 14,000 psi concrete $129/yd 3 in place
Columns, Research Report (in preparation), Department Formwork $280/yd 3 in place
of Structural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca.
As Fig. 7.1 shows, using high-strength concrete with a
minimum of steel is the most economical solution.
Compressive Strength , MPa
60 80
30 I I
As earlier chapters have demonstrated, high-strength
concrete is a state-of-the-art material, and like most
state-of-the-art materials, it commands a premium price. Cost of 40 x 40 in.
In some instances, the benefits are well worth the addi- Column per Foot of 20 -
Length per 1000
tional effort and expense; in others they are not. Before kips of Design Load
the cost/benefit trade-offs in specific applications are (1.4 D+l.7L), $ 10 _
discussed, the economic considerations regarding the use
of high-strength concrete generally will be examined.
In many areas and for many uses, the benefits of high- 0, 1 I I
strength concrete more than compensate for the in- 6 8 IO 12 14

creased costs of raw materials and quality control. Compressive Strength , ksi
Basically, high-strength concrete will carry a compression
load at less cost than any lower-strength concrete.7.1 Fig. 7.1-- Cost of columns
Chicago-based structural engineers William Schmidt and
Edward S. Hoffman compiled charts indicating the cost 7.3-Case histories
of supporting 100,000 lb (445 kN) of service load comes Two examples might help translate this savings into
to $5.02 per story with 6000 psi (41 MPa) concrete, $4.21 actual dollars.
with 7500 psi (52 MPa), and drops to $3.65 with 9000 psi 7.3.1 Case history No. 1-In 1968, Philadelphias first
(62 MPa) concrete (which the authors report they had no high-rise office building using 6000 psi (41 MPa) concrete
difficulty obtaining in the Chicago area).7.2 was designed. To meet the span requirements [approxi-
While the figures reflect 1975 costs, the ratio should mately 30 ft (9m) square bays] while avoiding unaccept-
remain similar. The reason for these economies is that, able oversized columns on the lower floors, the columns
although the concrete itself is more costly than lower- of the first three floors were built of structural steel.
strength mixtures, the cost differential is offset by sig- However, a comparison study made by the designing en-
nificant reduction in the given member size. This capa- gineers for 8000 psi (55 MPa) concrete showed that
bility is particularly attractive for use in columns. With the same column sixes as the original
Since column size is so important for architectural and unacceptable sixes, a 60 percent reduction in reinforcing
rental reasons, the ability to limit the sixes for taller steel with the 8000 psi (55 MPa) concrete would have
structures often allows the use of a concrete solution in been made. This would also have resulted in 24 fewer
lieu of one of structural steel. splices per column, a side benefit in labor and time cost
In 1976, Architectural Record noted that ". . . a 30 x savings.
30-in. column of 6,000 psi concrete might require an 7.3.12- With the same amount of reinforcing used

as in the original column, the column size could have high-rise buildings is limited by the required large
been reduced from 36 x 46 in. (915 x 1170 mm) to 30 x columns if they were to be built with ordinary low-
30 in. (760 x 760 mm). This size would have been ac- strength concrete. Real estate properties in prime loca-
ceptable to the architect and owner and would have tions had to be developed with maximum rental floor
eliminated the need for an additional trade-structural area. Architectural layout of apartment or condominium
steel-on the job. units demanded flexibility, which is restricted by large
Rough calculations show that 8000 psi (55 MPa) con- columns. High-strength concrete satisfied this condition
crete for the lower-floor columns with a stepped strength by allowing column sixes to be reduced to a minimum.
reduction, as the building reached the upper floors, to
3000 psi (21 MPa) concrete at the top would have result- 7.4-Other studies
ed in a column size that met the demands of the archi- In Ontario, Canada, the Richmond-Adelaide Centers
tect, owner, and rental agent. This would have saved use of high-strength concrete columns enabled the arch-
close to $530,000 in 1968 dollars. itect to increase the use of the underground parking
7.3.2 Case history No. 2-- The economies of high- garage by approximately 30 percent.7.6 In times when all
strength concrete were more dramatically demonstrated building construction is difficult to capitalize, a material
in the construction of New York Citys first building that both reduces construction costs and substantially
using 8000 psi (55 MPa) concrete, The Palace Hotel built increases the amount of revenue-gathering space within
in 1979. The building was originally conceived using a building can be a tremendous factor in the decision to
structural steel for the lower floors, designated for build.
ballroom and restaurant functions, with a reinforced
concrete superstructure for the hotel facilities. However, 7.5-Selection of materials
the engineers were able to convert the entire design, The economic consequences of requiring fly ash may
except for two columns on the lowest four levels, to vary. On The Royal Bank Plaza Project in Ontario, Can-
reinforced concrete through the use of 8000 psi (55 MPa) ada, a 43-story building constructed from 1973-1976 (one
concrete. These ballroom and restaurant areas required of the first to use fly ash in high-strength concrete), all of
large column spacing. The common limitations of 6000 the various strength concrete mixtures on the project
psi (41 MPa) concrete would have made the columns were converted to local fly ash. This resulted in a saving
prohibitively large and uneconomical. A presentation to of approximately $100,000 over the contract and pro-
the New York City Building Department about the val- duced concretes with extremely good fresh and hardened
ues of high-strength concrete, together with the proposed properties. 7.6
controls to insure quality, resulted in its acceptance for The Scotia Plaza-A 68-story building in Toronto,
use in New York. Canada, constructed in 1988--is one of the first buildings
Concrete with compressive strengths of 8000 and 7000 to employ the use of silica fume in concrete as an ele-
psi (55 and 48 MPa) was used in the columns of the ment in increasing strength. Strengths of up to 10,000 psi
building only. Lightweight concrete with compressive have been achieved. Two Union Square in Seattle em-
strength of 3500 psi (24 MPa) was used for floor slabs, ploys 19,000-psi concrete containing silica fume-the
and 5000 to 6000 psi (34 to 41 MPa) concrete was used highest strength used to date in a conventional building.
in wall construction. On the lower five levels of the hotel,
column sixes were reduced by approximately 25 percent. 7.6-Quality control
Approximately 10 percent less reinforcing steel was used While selection of materials will influence costs, an-
because of the strength of the concrete. In addition, No. other factor, and one more exclusively the result of the
11 reinforcing bars remained a viable size, avoiding the use of high-strength concrete, is the cost of the increased
need for mechanical connections between the reinforcing testing, quality control, and inspection that the use of
bars, thus considerably reducing the floor-framing time high-strength concrete requires. The quality and consis-
requirements. Further economies were realized by mini- tency of the concrete is crucial, and additional steps must
mixing changes in column sixes and reducing column be taken to insure that quality and consistency.
reinforcement on the upper floors. In the Royal Bank Plaza Project, a number of precau-
The ability to reduce the amount of costly reinforcing tions were necessary. The supplier had to have a quality
steel without sacrificing strength is an attractive benefit control person at the site to control both the scheduling
to owners, builders, and engineers, but the use of high- of trucks and the consistency of the concrete at the time
strength concrete in building columns has a corollary it was delivered. For this central plant project, the suppli-
economic benefit. It enables the lower floors of high-rise er agreed that there would be no water added to the
buildings to maintain an acceptable column size, while at trucks after they had come onto the site and that any
the same time increasing the number of possible minor adjustments would be made prior to sending the
stories7.1 truck to the site. Regular visits were made to the batch
This is a case of a relatively new material meeting the plant to check batching procedures and to obtain the test
needs of market economics. The Chicago Committee samples. Furthermore, a full-time technician was employ-
study7. 5 noted The potential number of stories in ed to carry out sampling and testing on site. This was

found to be an essential feature of quality control. premium material such as high-strength concrete for
On a later project, Richmond-Adelaide Center, Phase slabs or beams.
II, Ontario, Canada, 1977-1979, by the same engineers, Long-span bridges are another area where the quali-
not only did the supplier maintain full-time inspection on ties of high-strength concrete are proving themselves
the site to insure that the delivered material met require- economically attractive. High-strength concretes com-
ments but the engineers employed by the owner also paratively greater compressive strength per unit weight
maintained full-time inspection and regularly inspected and unit volume allows lighter, more slender bridge piers.
the batch plant. Often this type of stringent quality This provides improved horizontal clearances. In addi-
control is required by regulation. For The Palace Hotel, tion, the increased stiffness of high-strength concrete is
the New York City Building Department stipulated that advantageous when deflections or stability govern the
at least two suppliers of concrete prequalify the concrete bridge design. Increased tensile strength of high-strength
mixtures to strengths up to 8000 psi (55 MPa). The pre- concrete is helpful in service load design in prestressed
qualification was to be performed by an independent concrete. 7.9
testing laboratory, and a full-time professional engineer In bidding to build a cable-stayed bridge across the
would be required to continuously inspect the progress of Ohio River, a concrete deck proposal beat steel by 29
the work, performing no other work during the construc- percent-roughly $10 million. The two-lane crossing be-
tion.7.7 For hot weather concreting, the engineers re- tween Huntington, West Virginia, and Proctorville, Ohio,
quired mixing water limited to no more than 50 F (10 C) includes the first major asymmetrical stayed-girder struc-
and the truck drums to be hosed down if standing in ture in the United States. The bridge has a main span of
direct sunlight. Further, all trucks were limited to 10 yd 3 900 feet over one pier. The three bids to construct the
(7.6 m 3) loads, despite capacities of 16 yd3(12.2 m3 ). bridge using concrete ranged from $23.5 million to $29.7
While the professional inspection does add to cost, the million, all well below the lowest steel bid ($33.3 million).
continuing education of the suppliers and concrete sub- The designer, Arvid Grant Associates, specified box gir-
contractors in the areas of quality control should ul- ders only 5 ft (1.5 m) deep cast of 8000 psi (55 MPa)
timately create better concretes of all strengths and result high-strength concrete.7.8
in better and more economical use of materials.
7.7-Areas of application The economic benefits of high-strength concrete are
In general, the economic advantages of high-strength just now becoming fully apparent. Certainly as the use of
concrete are most readily realized when the concrete is high-strength concrete increases, additional and possibly
used in the columns of high-rise buildings. In this appli- even greater benefits will be realized. In any case, those
cation, engineers may take full advantage of its increased projects that have led the way in the use of high-strength
compressive strength: reducing the amount of steel, re- concrete have clearly demonstrated its economic advan-
ducing column size to increase usable floor space, or al- tages. For now, it allows the profession to engineer most
lowing additional stories without detracting from lower cost effectively and space effectively. In the future, those
floors. These benefits overshadow the increased quality considerations may tip the balance on whether certain
control costs and possible higher cost of raw materials projects are constructed at all.
discussed earlier. Yet the use of high-strength concrete
has also spread to other applications, primarily slabs, 7.9-Cited references
beams, and long-span bridges. The economic considera- (See also Chapter 10--References)
tions of these uses should also be examined. 7.1. High Strength Concrete--Costs More in the
Parking garages, bridge decks, and other installations Truck, Costs Less in the Structure, PCA Concrete Tech-
requiring improved density, lower permeability, and in- nology Today, No. 4, Dec. 1980, p. 3.
creased resistance to freeze-thaw and corrosion have 7.2. Schmidt, William, and Hoffman, Edward S.,
become prime candidates for consideration of the use of 9,000-psi Concrete-Why?, Why Not?, Civil Engineering
high-strength materials. -ASCE, V. 45, No. 5, May 1975, pp. 52-55.
The primary advantage of high-strength concrete in 7.3. High-Strength Concrete Allows Bigger Loads on
slabs is the resulting reduction in dead load.7.8 However, Smaller Columns, Architectural Record, V. 159, No. 7,
as Schmidt and Hoffman point out, significant economies June 1976, pp. 133-135.
can be achieved only by reducing the thickness that is 7.4. Private correspondence from J. Moreno of
required for stiffness; the additional reinforcement Material Service Corp. to Irwin G. Cantor, May 12, 1983.
required may offset the concrete savings. Used for rec- 7.5. High-Strength Concrete in Chicago High-Rise
tangular beams, T-beams, and one-way slabs, high- Buildings, Task Force Report No. 5, Chicago Committee
strength concrete yields reduced section width or thick- on High-Rise Buildings, Feb. 1977, 63 pp.
ness and allows for longer spans, but (as with slabs) less 7.6. Bickley, John A., and Payne, John C., High
expensive lightweight concrete continues to perform this Strength Cast-in-Place Concrete in Major Structures in
job satisfactorily. Presently, there is no economic justi- Ontario, paper presented at the ACI Annual Conven-
fication, under normal circumstances, for the use of a tion, Milwaukee, Mar. 1979.

7.7. Private correspondence from J. T. Walsh, Depart- 8.2-Buildings

ment of Buildings, New York, to Irwin G. Cantor, Aug. The largest application of high-strength concrete in
11, 1977. buildings has been for columns of high-rise structures.
7.8. Concrete Beats Steel by 29%, Engineering The history of high-strength concrete columns in the
News-Record, V. 206, May 14, 1981, p. 16. Chicago area has been described in Task Force Report
7.9. Carpenter, James E., Applications of High No.58.1 of the Chicago Committee on High-Rise Build-
Strength Concrete for Highway Bridges, Public Roads, ings. Since 1972, more than 30 buildings in the Chicago
V. 44, No. 2, Sept. 1980, pp. 76-83. area have been constructed with columns having a design
compressive strength of 9000 psi (62 MPa). The develop-
ment of concrete for use in two buildings in Toronto has
CHAPTER 8-APPLICATIONS been reported by Bickley and Payne. 8.2 Other applica-
tions have been reported in New York,8.3 Houston, 8.4,8.5
Minneaplis,8.6 Melbourne, Australia,8.7 Dallas, 8.25 and
Some specific applications of high-strength concrete Seattle.8.26 Information obtained from these and other
are described in this chapter. Separate sections describe sources is summarized in Table 8.1.
applications in buildings, bridges, and special structures.
The applications are not all-inclusive but demonstrate a 8.3-Bridges
range of applications of high-strength concrete. Some po- There have been many applications of high-strength
tential applications for high-strength concrete are also concrete in precast prestressed bridge girders. However,
discussed. published information on actual structures is limited.

Table 8.1-- Buildings with high-strength concrete

Total strength,
Building Location Year* psi
S.E. Financial center Miami 1982 53 7000
Petrocanada Building Calgary 1982 34 7250
Lake Point Tower Chicago 1965 70 7500
1130 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago 7500
Texas Commerce Tower Houston 1981 75 7500
Helmsley Palace Hotel New York 1978 53 8000
Trump Tower New York 68 8000
City Center Project Minneapolis 1981 52 8000
Collins Place Melbourne 44 8000
Larimer Place Condominium Denver 1980 31 8000
499 Park Avenue New York 27 8500
Royal Bank Plaza Toronto 1975 43 8800
Richmond-Adelaide Center Toronto 1978 33 8800
Midcontinental Plaza Chicago 1972 50 9000
Water Tower Place Chicago 1975 79 9000
River Plaza Chicago 1976 56 9Qw
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chicago 1982 40 g@m
Columbia Center Seattle 1983 76 9500
Interfirst Plaza Dallas 1983 72 10,000
Eugene Terrace Chicago 1987 44 11,000
311 S. Wacker Drive Chicago 1988 70 12,000 ss
900 N. Michigan Annex Chicago 1986 15 14,000
Two Union Square Seattle 1987 62 14,000**
225 W. Wacker Drive Chicago 1988 30 14,000
Scotia Plaza Toronto 1988 68 10,000
* Year in which high-strength concrete was cast.
t Avo experimental columns of 11,000 psi strength were included.
$ Two experimental columns of 14,000 psi strength were included.
l * 19,000 psi indirectly specified to achieve a high modulus of elasticity.

Table 8.2-- Bridges with high-strength concrete

Maximum strength,
Year span, ft psi
1967 158 6,000
1981 750 6,000
San Diego to Coronado California 1969 140 6,000 L*
Linn Cove Viaduct I North Carolina 1979 180 6,000
Pasco-Kennewick Intercity Washington 1978 981 6,000
Coweman River Bridges 8.14 Washington 146 7,000
Huntington to Proctorville W. Va. to Ohio 1984 900 8,000
Annicis Bridge British Columbia 1986 1526 8,000
Nitta Highway Bridge Japan 1968 98 8,500
Kaminoshima Highway Bridge Japan 1970 282 8,500
Tower Road Washington 1987 161 9,000
Fukamitsu Highway Bridge Japan 1974 85 10,000
Ootanabe Railway Bridge Japan 1973 79 11,400
Akkagawa Railway Bridge Japan 1976 150 11,400
* Lightweight concrete
Metric equivalent: 100 psi = 6.895 MPa

The effect of using high-strength concrete in four concrete that would withstand the harsh exposure. Actual
different solid-section girders has been described by compressive strengths of concrete were reported 8.15 to be
Carpenter. 8.8 For integral deck bulb tees, span capability considerably higher than 9000 psi (62 MPa).
for closely spaced girders increased with increase in The use of 10,000 psi (69 MPa) concrete for pre-
concrete strength. For wider spaced girders, capability stressed concrete poles produced by spinning has been
increased when concrete strength was increased up to described by Skrastins8.16 m 1970. High-strength concrete
8000 psi (55 MPa). Above 8000 psi (55 MPa) compres- was selected to reduce the size of the poles.
sive strength, span capability did not increase because Copen 8.17 has indicated that the use of 10,000 psi (69
sufficient prestress forces could not be provided. Similar MPa) concrete in thin arch dams would usually result in
results were obtained for other cross sections. greater economy through reduced volume of concrete.
For post-tensioned box girder bridges, Carpenter re- High-strength concrete would tend to reduce deflections
ported that high-strength concrete can be used to in- in a dam and may improve strength of construction joints
crease span capability. However, for higher-strength con- and permit earlier removal of formwork. Disadvantages
cretes, maximum available prestress force again limited of high-strength concrete listed by Copen include de-
maximum spans. For segmental box girder bridges, he velopment of stress concentrations, particularly in the
showed that high-strength concrete is feasible in regions foundation for the dam; tendency toward more cracking
where member thickness is controlled by stress. However, in concrete; increased temperature control problems; and
where thickness is controlled by other factors, high- complications involved with openings through the dam
strength concrete may not be beneficial. and railways over the dam.
Some actual bridges in which the use of high-strength The application of high-strength concrete in two
concrete has been reported are listed in Table 8.2. Per- grandstand roofs has been described by Bobrowski8.18
haps the most significant application in the United States Lightweight concrete with a density of 118 lb/ft3 (1.89
is the Huntington, West Virginia, to Proctorville, Ohio, Mg/m 3) and a minimum cube strength of 7500 psi (52
crossing for which a compressive strength of 8000 psi (55 MPa) at 28 days was used in the roof beams at Don-
MPa) was specified.8.9 The bridge consists of an asym- caster racecourse, England. Roof beams at Leopardstown
metrical stayed-girder superstructure with a main span of racecourse, Ireland, had 28 day cube compressive
900 ft (274 m). strengths between 7200 and 8850 psi (50 and 61 MPa)
The use of concrete with compressive strengths up to and an average density of 115 lb/ft3 (1.84 Mg/m3).
11,000 psi (76 MPa) in railway bridges in Japan has also Anderson has reported8.19 the use of high-strength
been reported. 8.10,8.11 Nagataki8.11 reports that strengths concrete in piles for marine foundations in northwestern
of 11,400 psi (79 MPa) can be easily obtained in the field United States. Measured 28 day compressive strengths
in Japan. ranged between 7900 and 9900 psi (55 to 68 MPa). High-
strength concretes with compressive strengths up to 9400
8.4-Special applications psi (65 MPa) have also been used for decks of dock
In 1948, concrete with a specified compressive strength structures in the northwestern United States.
of 9000 psi (62 MPa) was used for precast panels for a In 1984, the Glomar Beaufort Sea I8.27 was placed in
powerhouse at Fort Peck Dam, Montana. High-strength the arctic, This exploratory drilling structure contains
concrete was specified to provide an extremely dense about 12,000 yd3 (9200 m3) of high-strength lightweight

Table 8.3-- Corrosion resistance data for selected high-strength concrete (data from reference 8.29)

Strength hficrosilicat Chloride Electrical 18 month Corrosion Data

(psi) (mpa) (wt. %) Permeability* Resistivity %orl~ 4
(Coulombs) ( (mv) ( pohm/cm)
5,160 35.6 0 3,663 8 -456 22
7,360 50.8 15 198 95 -26 4
8,580 59.2 15 98 118 -53 4
9,290 64.1 8 132 74 -3 1
12,120 83.6 15 75 161 +53 4
t By weight of portland cement.
* Measured by AASHTO-T-227 rapid chloride permeability tat at 28 days age.
$ Corrosion potential measured with respect to a copper sulfate reference electrode.
Q F$ is the polarization current; its reciprocal is a measure of the rate of corrosion.

concrete with unit weights of about 112 lb/ft 3 (1794 LeMessurier 8.21 proposed the use of high-strength con-
kg/m3) with 56-day compressive strength of 9000 psi (62 crete to satisfy the need for a high modulus of elasticity.
MPa) and about 6500 yd3 (5000 m3) of high-strength nor- Similarly, high-strength concrete can be used in slabs to
mal-weight concrete with unit weights of about 145 lb/ft3 allow early removal of formwork and avoid reshoring.8.22
(2323 kg/m3) and 56-day compressive strengths of about This takes advantage of both the high modulus of elasti-
10,000 psi (69 MPa). city and lower creep of high-strength concrete. Ander-
Field placements of high-strength, low-permeability, son 8.19 had suggested that the low creep of high-strength
and chemical-resistant concretes for industrial manufac- concrete should be taken into account when considering
turing applications were reported by Wolsiefer.8.20 Spe- prestress losses. Since most of the prestress loss is at-
cial applications have included several modular bank tributable to creep and shrinkage, prestress losses for
vaults placed at slumps of 9 in. (230 mm) with measured high-strength concrete members should be less than for
compressive strengths of 12,000 psi (83 MPa) at 45 days. lower-strength concrete members.
The protection of reinforcing steel from corrosion can Rabbat and Russell 8.23 have reported that the maxi-
be expected to be enhanced when high-strength concrete mum span capability of solid-section girders can be in-
is used. The resultant low porosity should increase the creased by 15 percent when the concrete compressive
electrical resistivity and reduce the rate at which oxygen strength is increased from 5000 to 7000 psi (34 to 48
reaches the steel, both of which will reduce corrosion MPa). Finally, Manning 8.24 has suggested that the rela-
rates. Moreover, the ease with which chloride ions from tionship between high-strength concrete and high-quality
deicing salts can reach the steel and initiate corrosion is concrete may make high-strength concrete attractive not
also reduced. for its strength but for its long-term service performance.
Although there are many studies evaluating the corro- More recently, high-strength concrete has been speci-
sion of steel embedded in regular strength concrete, no fied for applications in warehouses, foundries, parking
systematic studies in the influence of concrete strength garages, bridge deck overlays, dam spillways, and heavy
appear to have been reported. Published data for high- duty industrial floors. In these applications, high-strength
strength concrete can be extracted from studies investi- concrete is being used to provide a concrete with im-
gating other factors, particularly the influence of silica proved resistance to chemical attack, better abrasion re-
fume. The conclusions obtained with regular concretes sistance, improved freeze-thaw durability, and reduced
are also applicable to high-strength concrete: namely, permeability.
there is an increase in electrical resistivity 8.28,8.29 and a
reduction in chloride permeability 8.29,8.30 with increased 8.6-Cited references
strength. Data linking these parameters with laboratory (See also Chapter 10-References)
corrosion data are given in Table 8.3. The corrosion be- 8.1. High-Strength Concrete in Chicago High-Rise
havior of a very high-strength mortar has also been re- Buildings, Task Force Report No. 5, Chicago Committee
ported.8.31 Useful discussions regarding the factors af- on High-Rise Buildings, Feb. 1977, 63 pp.
fecting the corrosion of steel in concretes with silica fume 8.2. Bickley, John A., and Payne, John C., High-
are to be found in references.8.31,8.32,8.33 Strength Cast-in-Place Concrete in Major Structures in
Ontario, paper presented at the ACI Annual Conven-
8.5-- Potential applications tion, Milwaukee, Mar. 1979.
Most applications of high-strength concrete have used 8.3. New York City Gets Its First High-Strength
the strength property of the material. However, high- Concrete Tower, Engineering News-Record, V. 202, Nov.
strength concrete may possess other characteristics that 2, 1978, p. 22.
could be used advantageously in concrete structures. 8.4. Pickard, Scott S., Ruptured Composite Tube

Design for Houstons Texas Commerce Tower, Concrete crete International Design & Construction, V. 6, No. 4,
International: Design & Construction, V. 3, No. 7, July Apr. 1984, pp. 25-31.
1981, pp. 13-19. 8.21. Fischer, R.E., Round Table--Concrete in Archi-
8.5. Cook, James E., Research and Application of tecture: A Current Assessment, Architectural Record,
High-Strength Concrete Using Class C Fly Ash, Concrete Nov. 1982.
International Design & Construction, V. 4, No. 7, July 8.22. Nilson, AH., Structural Design Considerations
1982, pp. 72-80. for High Strength Concrete, Proceedings, National
8.6. Venema, T.P., and Regnier, H.J., Placement, Science Foundation Workshop on High Strength Con-
Batching, and Tests of High Strength Concrete for crete, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Dec. 1979.
Minneapolis City Center Project, submitted to ACI for 8.23. Rabbat, Basile G., and Russell, Henry G., Op-
publication. timized Sections for Precast, Prestressed Bridge Girders,
8.7. Day, K.W., Quality Control of 55 MPa Concrete Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 27, No. 4,
for Collins Place Project, Melbourne, Australia, Concrete July-Aug. 1982, pp. 88-104.
International Design & Construction, V. 3, No. 3, Mar. 8.24. Young, F.J., and Russell, H.G., Session V--
1981, pp. 17-24. Summary of Floor Discussion, Proceedings, National
8.8. Carpenter, James E., Applications of High Science Foundation Workshop on High Strength Con-
Strength Concrete for Highway Bridges, Public Roads, crete, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Dec. 1979.
V. 44, No. 2, Sept. 1980, pp. 76-83. 8.25. Tower Touches Few Bases, Engineering News-
8.9. Concrete Beats Steel by 29%, Engineering Record, V. 210, No. 24, June 16, 1983, pp. 24-25.
News-Record, V. 206, May 14, 1981, p. 16. 8.26 Godfey, K.A., Jr., Concrete Strength Record
8.10. Stronger Concrete, EngineeringNews-Record, V. Jumps 36%, Civil Engineering, V. 57, No. 10, Oct. 1987,
189, June 8, 1982, p. 12. pp. 84-88.
8.11. Nagataki, Shigeyoshi, On the Use of Superplasti- 8.27. Fiorato, A.E., Person, A, and Pfeifer, D.W.,
cizers, Seminar on Special Concretes, 8th FIP Congress The First Large-Scale Use of High Strength Lightweight
(London, 1978), Federation Intenationale de la Pre- Concrete in the Arctic Environment, Second Symposium
contrainte, Wexham Springs, 1978, 15 pp. on Artic Offshore Drilling Platforms, Houston, Texas, Apr.
8.12. Concrete Box Girder Span Establishes U.S. 1984.
Record, Engineering News-Record, V. 208, No. 1, Jan. 7, 8.28. Vennesland. O., and Gjorv, O.E., Silica Con-
1982, pp. 22-25. crete-- Protection Against Corrosion of Embedded Steel,
8.13. Pfeifer, Donald W., Development of the Con- Fly Ash, Silica Fume and Other Mineral By-Products in
crete Technology for a Precast Prestressed Concrete Concrete, ACI SP-79, V. 2, 1983, pp. 719-730.
Segmental Bridge, Journal, Prestressed Concrete Insti- 8.29. Burke, N.S., and Weil, T.G., Corrosion Protec-
tute, V. 27, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1982, pp. 78-99. tion Through the Use of Concrete Admixtures, Supple-
8.14. Hurlbut, Roger, 146-ft Long Precast Prestressed mentary Paper, Proceedings, 2nd International Confer-
Bridge Girders in Washington State, Journal, Prestressed ence on Performance of Concrete in the Marine Environ-
Concrete Institute, V. 24, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1979, pp. 88- ment, St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, Aug.
92. 1988.
8.15. Unusual Strengths Attained in Precast Slabs 8.30. Preece, C.M., Frolund, T., and Bager, D.H.,
Used for Facing Power House Walls, Concrete, V. 57, Chloride Ion Diffusion in Low Porosity Silica Cement
No. 5, May 10, 1949, pp. 9-10. Paste, Condensed Silica Fume in Concrete, Report BML
8.16. Skrastins, Janis I., Toward High-Strength Con- 82.610, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim,
crete, Modern Concrete, V. 34, No. 1, May 1970, pp. 44- 1982, pp. 51-58.
48. 8.31. Preece, C.M., Frolund, T., and Bager, D.H.,
8.17. Copen, Merlin D., Problems Attending Use of Electrochemical Behavior of Steel in Dense Silica-
Higher Strength Concrete in Thin Arch Dams, ACI Cement Mortar, Fly Ash, Silica Fume and Other Mineral
JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 72, No. 4, Apr. 1975, pp. 138 By-Products in Concrete, ACI SP-79, V. 2, 1983, pp. 785-
140. 796.
8.18. Bobrowski, J., and Bardham-Roy, B.K., Struc- 8.32. Fidjestol, P., Reinforcement Corrosion and the
tural Assessment of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, Use of CSF-Based Additives, Concrete Durability, ACI
Concrete (London), V. 5, No. 7, July 1971, pp. 229-234. SP-100, V. 2, 1987, pp. 1445-1458.
8.19. Anderson, Arthur R., Research Answers Needed 8.33. Scali, M.J., Chin, D., and Burke, N.S., Effect of
for Greater Utilization of High Strength Concrete, Microsilica and Fly Ash Upon the Microstructure and
Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 25, No. 4, Permeability of Concrete, Proceedings, Ninth Inter-
July-Aug. 1960, pp. 162-164. national Conference on Cement Microscopy, Internation-
8.20. Wolsiefer, John, Ultra High-Strength Field al Cement Microscopy Association, Texas, 1987, pp. 375-
Placeable Concrete with Silica Fume Admixtures, Con- 397.

CHAPTER 9-- SUMMARY of elasticity of high-strength concrete is lower than would

have been predicted from data on lower-strength con-
The objective of this report was to present state-of- cretes. However, values of Poissons ratio appear to be in
the-art information on concrete with strengths in excess the expected range, based on lower-strength concretes.
of about 6000 psi (41 MPa) but not including concrete The modulus of rupture for high-strength concretes is
made using exotic materials or techniques. This section higher than would have been anticipated. However, the
of the report presents a summary of the material con- tensile splitting strength values appear to be consistent
tained in the previous chapters. with lower-strength concretes. Unit weight, specific heat,
All materials for use in high-strength concrete must be diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and coefficient of ther-
carefully selected using all available techniques to insure mal expansion have been found to fall generally within
uniform success. Items to be considered in selecting ma- the usual range for lower-strength concretes. High-
terials include cement characteristics, aggregate size, ag- strength concrete has shown a higher rate of strength
gregate strength, particle shape and texture, and the ef- gain at early ages as compared to lower-strength con-
fects of set-controlling admixtures, water reducers, silica crete, but at later ages the difference is not significant.
fume, and pozzolans. Trial mixtures are essential to in- Information on creep and shrinkage of high-strength con-
sure that required concrete strengths will be obtained crete has indicated that the shrinkage is similar to that
and that all constituent materials are compatible. for lower-strength concrete. However, specific creep is
Mix proportions for high-strength concrete generally much less for high-strength concretes than for lower-
have been based on achieving a required compressive strength concretes.
strength at a specified age. Depending on the appropriate In the area of structural design, it has been found that
application, a specified age other than 28 days has been axially loaded columns with high-strength concrete can be
used. Factors included in selecting concrete mix propor- designed in the same way as lower-strength columns. It
tions have included availability of materials, desired has also been identified that high-strength concrete col-
workability, and effects of temperature rise. All materials umns exhibit less shortening under load than lower-
must be optimized in concrete mix proportioning to strength columns because of the higher modulus of elasti-
achieve maximum strength. High-strength concrete mixes city and lower creep coefficients. For beams, use of the
have usually used high cement contents, low water- conventional equivalent rectangular stress block appears
cement ratios, normal weight aggregate, and chemical to give satisfactory results for under-reinforced concrete
and pozzolanic admixtures. Required strength, specified members. The compressive strain limit of 0.003 appears
age, material characteristics, and type of application have to be acceptable. However, changes have been recom-
strongly influenced mix design. High-strength concrete mended for present code values for minimum tensile
mix proportioning has been found to be a more critical steel ratio, modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity,
process than the proportioning of lower-strength concrete shear strength, and development length. Changes are also
mixes. Laboratory trial batches have been required in needed in the area of calculating long-term beam de-
order to generate necessary data on mix design. In many flections.
cases, laboratory mixes have been followed by field pro- The economic advantages of using high-strength con-
duction trial batches. crete in the columns of high-rise buildings have been
Batching, mixing, transporting, placing, and control clearly demonstrated by applications in many cities. The
procedures for high-strength concrete are not essentially ability to reduce the amount of reinforcing steel in
different from procedures used for lower-strength con- columns without sacrificing strength and to keep, the
cretes. However, special attention is required to insure a columns to an acceptable size has been an economic
high-strength uniform material. Special consideration benefit to owners of high-rise buildings. Consequently,
should be given to minimizing the length of time between concrete with compressive strengths in excess of 6000 psi
concrete batching and final placement in the forms. De- (41 MPa) has been used in the columns of high-rise
lay in concrete placement can result in a subsequent loss buildings in cities throughout North America. Studies
of long-term strength or difficulties in concrete place- have also indicated advantages in the use of high-strength
ment. Special attention should also be paid to the testing concrete in long-span concrete bridges. However, this ap-
of high-strength concrete cylinders since any deficiency plication has yet to be fully implemented. There have
will result in an apparent lower strength than that actu- also been applications where high-compressive-strength
ally achieved by the concrete. Items deserving specific concrete has been needed to satisfy special local re-
attention include manufacture, curing, and capping of quirements. These have included dams, prestressed con-
control specimens for compressive strength measure- crete poles, grandstand roofs, marine foundations,
ments; characteristics of testing machines; type of mold parking garages, bridge deck overlays, heavy duty indus-
used to produce specimens; and age of testing. In many trial floors, and industrial manufacturing applications.
instances, strength measurements at early ages have been Although high-strength concrete is often considered a
made even though the compressive strength has not been relatively new material, it is becoming accepted in more
specified until 56 or 90 days. parts of North America as shown by the many examples
Some research data have indicated that the modulus of its usage. At the same time, material producers are

responding to the demands for the material and are C 150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement
learning production techniques. As with many devel- C 192 Standard Method of Making and Curing Con-
opments of new materials, research data supporting the crete Test Specimens in the Laboratory
growth has also increased. However, the need for C 260 Standard Specification for Air-Entraining
additional research has been documented in ACI 363.1R. Admixtures for Concrete
Some research projects are underway to satisfy these C 311 Standard Methods of Sampling and Testing Fly
needs. However, further work is needed to fully use the Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use as a Mineral
advantages of high-strength concrete and to affirm its Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete
capabilities. This report has documented existing C 494 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures
knowledge of high-strength concrete so that the direction for Concrete
for future development may be ascertained. C 595 Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic
C 618 Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or
Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral
CHAPTER 10-REFERENCES Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete
C 684 Standard Method of Making, Accelerated
10.1-Recommended references Curing, and Testing of Concrete Compression
The documents of the various standards-producing or- Test Specimens
ganizations referred to in this document are listed below C 917 Standard Method for Evaluation of Cement
with their serial designation. Strength Uniformity from a Single Source
C 989 Standard Specification for Ground Iron Blast-
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Furnace Slag for use in Cement and Mortars
Officials E 329 Standard Recommended Practice for Inspection
T-26 Quality of Water to be Used in Concrete and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and
Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction
American Concrete Institute
116R Cement and Concrete Terminology
20l.lR Guide for Making a Condition Survey of Con- Canadian Standards Association
crete in Service A 266.5-M1981 Guidelines for the Use of Super-
211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for plasticizing Admixtures in Concrete
Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete
212.2R Guide for Use of Admixtures in Concrete
214 Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau
Strength Test Results of Concrete Concrete Plant Manufacturers Standards of the Plant
304 Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Mixer Manufacturers Division
Placing Concrete
304.4R Placing Concrete with Belt Conveyors
305R Hot Weather Concreting The above publications may be obtained from the fol-
308 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete lowing organizations:
309 Guide for Consolidation of Concrete
318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced American Association of State Highway and Transporta-
Concrete tion Officials
318R Commentary on Building Code Requirements 333 N Capitol St. N.W.
for Reinforced Concrete Suite 225
Washington, D.C. 20001
American Society for Testing and Materials
C 31 Standard Method of Making and Curing Con- American Concrete Institute
crete Test Specimens in the Field P.O. Box 19150
C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates Detroit, MI 48219
C 39 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength
of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens American Society for Testing and Materials
C 94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Con- 1916 Race Street
crete Philadelphia, PA 19103
C 109 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength
of Hydraulic Cement, Mortars (using 2 in. or Canadian Standards Association
50 mm cube specimens) 178 Rexdale Blvd.
C 143 Standard Test Method for Slump of Portland Rexdale, Ont.
Cement Concrete Canada M9W 1R3

Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau Proceedings V. 77, No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 1980, pp. 59-73.
900 spring St. 10.12. Bertero, Vitelmo V., Inelastic Behavior of
Silver Spring, Md. 20910 Structural Elements and Structures, Proceedings, Na-
tional Science Foundation Workshop on High Strength
10.2-- Cited references Concrete, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1979,
Cited references are provided at the end of each Report E-l, 70 pp.
chapter. 10.13. Bickley, J.A., Concrete Optimization, Concrete
International: Design & Construction, V. 4, No. 6, June
10.3-- Bibliography 1982, pp. 38-41.
The purpose of this bibliography is to call attention to 10.14. Billington, C.J., Underwater Repair of Con-
literature on high-strength concrete in addition to that crete Offshore Structures, Proceedings, 11th Annual Off-
listed at the ends of chapters in this report. The entries shore Technology Conference (Houston, 1979), Offshore
are organized alphabetically by author. Anonymous refer- Technology Conference, Dallas, 1979, V. 2, pp. 927-937.
ences are listed alphabetically according to their titles. 10.15. Bloss, D.R.; Hubbard, S.J.; and Gray, B.H.,
10.1. Abeles Paul W., Experience with High-Strength Development and Evaluation of a High-Strength Poly-
Concrete in Combination with High-Strength Steel in ester Synthetic Concrete, Technical Report No. M-2, U.S.
Precast Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Materials Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory,
and Structures, Research and Testing (RILEM Paris) V. 6, Champaign, Mar. 1970, 70 pp.
No. 36, Nov.-Dec. 1973, pp. 464-472. 10.16. Bremer, F., Prestressed Concrete Pressure Ves-
10.2. Ahmad, S.H., and Shah, S.P., Complete Stress- sels for Nuclear Reactors, Technical Session on Design
Strain Curve of Concrete and Nonlinear Design, Progress and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants, 7th FIP Con-
Report, National Science Foundation Grant PFR 78 gress (New York, 1974), Federation Internationale de la
22878, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Aug. 1979, Precontrainte, Wexham Springs, 1975, pp. 34-40.
29 pp. Also, Nonlinear Design of Concrete Structures, Uni- 10.17. Bromham, S.B., Superplasticizing Admixtures
versity of Waterloo Press, 1980, pp. 61-81. in High Strength Concrete, Symposium on Concrete in
10.3. Aitcin, Pierre-Claude, How to Produce High Engineering: Engineering for Concrete (Brisbane, Aug.
Strength Concrete, Concrete Construction, V. 25, No. 3, 1977), National Conference Publication No. 77/8, Insti-
Mar. 1980, pp. 222-230. tution of Engineers, Australia, Brisbane, 1977, pp. 17-22.
10.4. Albinger, John, and Moreno, Jaime, High- 10.18. Brooks, J.J., and Neville, AM., Predicting
Strength Concrete, Chicago Style, Concrete Construction, Long-Term Creep and Shrinkage from Short-Term
V. 26, No. 3, Mar. 1981, pp. 241-245. Tests, Magazine of Concrete Research (London), V. 30,
10.5. Alexander, K.M.; Bruere, G.M.; and Ivanusec, I., No. 103, June 1978, pp. 51-61.
The Creep and Related Properties of Very High- 10.19. Brown, Colin B., A Discussion on the Micro-
Strength Superplasticized Concrete, Cement and Con- mechanics of Achieving High Strength and Other Super-
crete Research, V. 10, No. 2, Mar. 1980, pp. 131-137. ior Properties, National Science Foundation Workshop
10.6. Anderson, Arthur R., Some Examples of Energy on High Strength Concrete, University of Illinois at
and Resource Conservation Utilizing High-Strength Con- Chicago Circle, Dec. 1979, Report No. B-l, 5 pp.
crete, presented at the ACI Annual Convention, Mil- 10.20. Carrasquillo, R.L.; Nilson, A.H.; and Slate,
waukee, Mar. 1979. F.O., High-Strength Concrete: An Annotated Biblio-
10.7. Bache, H.H., Compression Failure in Brittle graphy 1930-1979, Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates, V.
Materials. Fracture Hardening (Trykbrud I Skore Materi- 2, No. 1, Summer 1980, pp. 3-19.
aler), Nordisk Betong (Stockholm), No. 1, 1977, pp. 7-10. 10.21. Carrasquillo, R.L.; Nilson, A.H.; and Slate,
(in Swedish) F.O., The Prediction of High-Strength Concrete, Report
10.8. Bazant, Z.P., High Strength Concrete: Discus- No. 78-1, Department of Structural Engineering, Cornell
sion on Material Behavior Under Various Types of Load- University, Ithaca, May 1978, 91 pp. Also, MSc thesis,
ing, Proceedings, National Science Foundation Workshop Cornell University, Ithaca, May 1978, 90 pp.
on High Strength Concrete, University of Illinois at 10.22. Carrasquillo, R.L.; Nilson, A.H.; and Slate,
Chicago Circle, 1979, Report D-l, 13 pp. F.O., Very High-Strength Concrete-An Annotated Bib-
10.9 Bennett, E.W., Fatigue in Concrete, Concrete liography 1930-1976, Report No. 367, Department of
(London), May 1974, pp. 43-45. Structural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, Apr.
10.10. Berntsson, L.; Hedberg, B.; and Malinowski, R., 1977, 46 pp.
Triaxial Deformations by Uniaxial Load on Heat-Cured 10.23. Carrasquillo, Ramon L., and Slate, Floyd O.,
and High-Strength Concrete (Triaxiala Deformationer Micro-cracking and Definition of Failure of High- and
Till Foljd av Enaxlig Tryckbelastning pa Varmerhardad, Normal-Strength Concretes, Cement, Concrete, and Ag-
hoghallfast betong), Cement-och-Betonginstitutet, V. 45, gregates, V. 5, No. 1, Summer 1983, pp. 54-61.
No. 2, May 1970, pp. 205-224. (in Swedish) 10.24. Chernobaev, V.I., Investigation of the Carrying
10.11. Berry, E.E., and Malhotra, V.M., Fly Ash for Capacity of High Strength Concrete Flexible Columns
Use in Concrete-A Critical Review, ACI J OURNAL , (Issledovanie Nesush-ehei Sposobnosti Gibkikh Kolonn

Iz Vysokoprochnykh Betonov), Beton i Zhelezobeton Consistency, Setting, and Strength Gain Characteristics
(Moscow), No. 4, Apr. 1975, pp. 9-11. (in Russian) of a Low Porosity Portland Cement Paste, Cement and
10.25. Chung, H.; Hayashi, S; and Kokusho, S., Concrete Research, V. 8, No. 5, Sept. 1978, pp. 613-621.
Experimental Study on the Shear Strength of High 10.39. Dikeou, J.T.; Kukacka, L.E.; Backstrom, J.E.;
Strength Concrete Beams, Transactions, Japan Concrete and Steinberg, M., Polymerization Makes Tougher Con-
Institute, Tokyo, V. 2, 1980, pp. 233-240. crete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 66, No. 10, Oct.
10.26. Chung, H.; Hayashi, S.; and Kokusho, S., 1969, pp. 829-839.
Reinforced High Strength Concrete Columns Subjected 10.40. Erntroy, H.C., and Shacklock, B.W., Design of
to Axial Forces, Bending Moments and Shear Forces, High Strength Concrete Mixes, Reprint No. 32, Cement
Transactions, Japan Concrete Institute, Tokyo, V. 2, 1980, and Concrete Association, London, 1954.
pp. 335-342. 10.41. Federal Complex Strikes Low-Key Note,
10.27. Colaco, Joseph P.; Ames, Jay B.; and Dubinsky, Building Design and Construction, V. 22, No. 11, Nov.
Eli, Concrete Shear Walls and Spandrel Beam Moment 1981, pp. 92-94.
Frame Brace New York Office Tower, Concrete Interna- 10.42. FIP 7th Congress (New York, 1974), Proceed-
tional Design & Construction, V. 3, No. 6, June 1981, pp. ings, V. 2, Lectures and General Reports, Federation
23-28. Internationale de la Prewntrainte, Wexham Springs,
10.28. Collepardi, Mario, and Corradi, Mario, Influ- 1975, 137 pp.
ence of Naphthalene-Sulfonated Polymer Based Super- 10.43. Fintel, Mark, Creep, Shrinkage and Tempera-
plasticizers on the Strength of Ordinary and Lightweight ture Effects in Tall Buildings, Concrete Industry Bulletin,
Concretes, Superplasticizers in Concrete, SP-62, American V. 14, No. 3, Mar. 1974, pp. 4-11.
Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1979, pp. 315-336. 10.44. French, P.J.; Montgomery, R.G.J.; and Robson,
10.29. Collins, A.R., The Principles of Making High- T.D., High Concrete Strength Within the Hour, Con-
Strength Concrete, Civil Engineers Review, V. 4, May- crete (London), V. 5, No. 8, Aug. 1971, pp. 253-258.
June 1954, pp. 172-176, 203-206. Also, Civil Engineering 10.45. Fukuchi, Toshio, and Ohama, Yoshihiko, Pro-
and Public Works Review (London), V. 45, No. 524, Feb. cess Technology and Properties of 2500 kg/cm2--Strength
1950, pp. 110-112, and No. 525, Mar. 1950, pp. 170-171, Polymer-Impregnated Concrete, Proceedings, 2nd Inter-
180. national Congress on Polymers in Concrete (Austin, Oct.
10.30. Concrete Strength Secret: Dry Mix, En- 1978), University of Texas at Austin, 1979, pp. 45-56.
gineering News-Record, V. 189, June 15, 1972, p. 3. 10.46. Fukuchi, Toshio, et al., Effect of Course
10.31. Coppetti, G.; Cambini, F.; and Tognon, G., Aggregate on Compressive Strength of Polymer-Impreg-
Use of Very High-Strength Concrete for the Manufac- nated Autoclaved Concrete, Proceedings, 22nd Japan
ture of Centrifuged Piles (Impiego Di Calcestruzzi Ad Congress on Materials Research (Kyoto, Sept. 1978),
Altissime Resistenze Per la Producione De Pali Centri- Society of Materials Science, Kyoto, 1979, pp. 373-376.
fugati), Industria Italiana del Cemento (Rome), V. 50, 10.47. Funakoshi, M., and Okamoto, T., The Shear
No. 2, Feb. 1980, pp. 121-130. (in Italian) Strength of Prestressed Beams for which Very High
10.32. Craven, M.A., High-Strength and Lightweight Strength Concrete is Employed, Transactions, Japan
Concretes for Prestressing, New Zealand Concrete Con- Concrete Institute, Tokyo, V. 2, 1980, pp. 271-278.
struction (Wellington), V. 11, No. 3, Mar. 1967, pp. 40-41. 10.48. Gallagher, J.E., Acrylic-Latex Additives Create
10.33. Cross, Hardy, Design of Reinforced Concrete Extra Strength New Concretes, Architectural Record,
Columns Subject to Flexure, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings Mar. 1967, pp. 199-200.
V. 26, No. 2, Dec. 1929, pp. 157-169. 10.49. Galwey, AK., et al., Relatively High Strength
10.34. Crow, L.J., and Bates, R.C., Strengths of Sul- of a Chalk-Aggregate Concrete, Journal of Applied
fur-Basalt Concretes, Report Investigations No. 7349, U.S. Chemistry, May 1966, pp. 159-162.
Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C., 1970, 21 pp. 10.50. Garas, F.K., Research and Development in
10.35. Dawson, P., Design and Construction of a Pre- Support of the Design of a Prestressed Concrete Pressure
stressed Concrete Pressure Vessel for a Working Pres- Vessel for a Working Pressure of 69 N/mm2 (10,000 psi),
sure of 69 N/mm2 (10,000 psi), Transactions, 4th Inter- International Journal of Pressure Vessels Piping, V. 8, No.
national Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor 3, May-June 1980, pp. 233-244.
Technology (San Francisco, Aug. 1977) Committee of the 10.51. Gaynor, R.D., Producing High Strength Air-
European Communities, Luxemburg, 1977, Volume H, Entrained Concrete, unpublished discussion paper. For
Paper H l/5, 13 pp. detailed information of the test data, see Gaynor,
10.36. Desov, A.E., Basic Principles of High Strength Richard D., High Strength Air-Entrained Concrete,
Concrete, Transportation Research Record No. 504, Joint Research Laboratory Publication No. 17, National
Transportation Research Board, 1974, pp. 37-42. Sand and Gravel Association/National Ready Mixed Con-
10.37. Development of Prestressed Concrete High crete Association, Silver Spring, Mar. 1968, 19 pp.
Strength Concrete, Concrete and Constructional En- 10.52. Ghosh, R.S., and Malhotra, V.M., Use of
gineering (London), V. 57, No. 7, July 1962, p. 268. Super-plasticizers as Water Reducers, Cement, Concrete,
10.38. Diamond, Sidney, and Gomez-Toledo, Carlos, and Aggregates, V. 1, No. 2, 1979, pp. 56-63.

10.53. Givens, J.J., Jr., and Carter, G., Rehabilitation Site Concrete Preventing from Cracking Due to Shrink-
of Offshore Platforms, Civil Engineering-- ASCE, V. 40, age and Creep, Transactions, Architectural Institute of
No. 4, Apr. 1970, pp. 47-49. Japan (Tokyo), V. 215, Jan. 1974, pp. 13-30. (in Japanese
10.54. Golikov, A.E., The Effect of High-Strength with English abstract)
Concrete Moulding Technology on the Physico-Mech- 10.70. Innovation in Concrete, Progressive Arch-
anical Properties, Beton i Zhelezobeton (Moscow), No. 9, itecture, V. 59, No. 5, May 1978, pp. 100-109.
1967, pp. 34-35. (in Russian) 10.71. In Sub-Freezing Weather: Bridge Deck
10.55. Green, Arthur N., Low Dosage Super Water Repaired with Quick-Set Gunned Concrete, Better
Reducer, presented at the International Symposium on Roads, V. 45, No. 5, May 1975, p. 44.
Superplasticizers in Concrete, Ottawa, May 1978. 10.72. James, Robert M., High-Strength Concrete
10.56. Gupchup, V.N.; Jayaram, S.; and Kulkarni, J.A., Does Have Its Problems, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings, V.
Effect of Admixtures on Properties of High-Strength 75, No. 2, Feb. 1978, p. N8.
Concrete Mixes, Indian Concrete Journal (Bombay), V. 10.73. Johnston, Colin D., Fifty-Year Developments
53, No. 12, Dec. 1979, pp. 331-335. in High Strength Concrete, Proceedings, ASCE, V. 101,
10.57. Guy, I.N., Editor, Advances in Concrete (Sym- C04, Dec. 1975, pp. 801-818.
posium Proceedings, University of Birmingham, Sept. 10.74. Kageyama, H.; Nakagawa, K.; and Nagafuchi,
1971), The Concrete Society, London, 1972. T., High-Strength Concrete Made With Special Cement
10.58. Hanson, J.A, Shear Strength of Lightweight Admixture, Zairyo, V. 29, No. 318, Mar. 1980, pp. 220-
Reinforced Concrete Beams, ACI JOURNAL , Proceed- 225. Also, abstract in Chemical Abstracts, V. 93, No. 3,
ings V. 55, No. 3, Sept. 1958, pp. 387-403. Aug. 11, 1980, p. 371.
10.59. Harris, Alan, Optimization of Concrete Hulls, 10.75. Kar, Anil K., Underwater Structures, Bulletin,
Proceedings, Conference on Concrete Ships and Floating International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
Structures (Berkeley, Sept. 1975), University of Califor- (Madrid), No. 50, Dec. 1972, pp. 49-56.
nia, Berkeley, 1976, pp. 270-273. 10.76. Karlsson, Inge, High-Strength Concrete (Hog-
10.60. Hattori, Kenichi, Experiences with Mighty hallfast Betong), Nordisk Betong (Stockholm), No. 4,
Superplasticizer in Japan, Superplasticizers in Concrete, 1977, pp. 19-22. (in Swedish)
SP-62, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1979, pp. 10.77. Kemi, Toroa, et al., Experiment of Grouting by
37-66. Special Super High Early Strength Cement Paste, Review
10.61. Hattori, K., Properties of Admixtures for High of the 31st General Meeting-Technical Session, Cement
Strength Concrete and Their Water Reducing Meehan- Association of Japan, Tokyo, May 1977, pp. 218-221.
ism, Concrete Journal (Tokyo), V. 14, No. 3, 1976, pp. 10.78. Kennedy, Henry, High Strength Concrete, Pro-
12-19. (in Japanese) ceedings, 1st United States Conference on Prestressed
10.62. Hester, Weston T., High Strength, Superplasti- Concrete, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam-
cized Concrete: The Significance of Mix Water-Cement bridge, 1951, pp. 126-135.
Ratio, Mortar-Aggregate Bond and Cement Efficiency, 10.79. Klieger, Paul, High Strength Concrete, pre-
presented at the ACI Annual Convention, Atlanta, Jan. sented at the 3rd Symposium on Modern Concrete Tech-
1982. nology, Caracas, Nov. 1976, 29 pp.
10.63. High-Strength Concrete, Building (London), 10.80. Kobayashi, Masaki, and Tanaka, Hiroshi, On
V. 211, No. 6436, 1966, pp. 129-130. Frost Resistance of High-Strength Concrete, Review of
10.64. High-Strength Concrete-Crushed Stone Ag- the 28th General Meeting- Technical Session, Cement Asso-
gregate Makes the Difference, National Crushed Stone ciation of Japan, Tokyo, 1974, pp. 173-174.
Association, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1974, 31 pp. 10.81. Krishna, Raju N., Compressibility and Modulus
10.65. Hognestad, E., and Perenchio, W.F., Devel- of Rupture of High-Strength Concrete, Journal of the In-
opments in High-Strength Concrete, Proceedings, 7th stitute of Engineering (India), Civil Engineering Division,
FIP Congress (New York, 1974), Federation Inter- V. 52, No. 3, Part C12, Nov. 1971, pp. 98-101.
nationale de la Prewntrainte, Wexham Springs, 1975, V. 10.82. Law, Sheldon M., and Rasoulian, Masood, De-
2, Lectures and General Reports, pp. 21-24. sign and Evaluation of High Strength Concrete for Gir-
10.66. Hollister, S.C., Urgent Need for Research in ders, Report No. FHWA/LA-80/138, Louisiana Depart-
High-Strength Concrete, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. ment of Transportation, Baton Rouge, 1980, 50 pp. Also,
73, No. 3, Mar. 1976, pp. 136-137. PB81-151 623, National Technical Information Service.
10.67. How Super are Superplasticizers?, Concrete 10.83. Lawrence, C.D., The Properties of Cement
Construction, V. 27, No. 5, May 1982, pp. 409-415. Paste Compacted Under High Pressure, Research Report
10.68. Hughes, B.P., Temperature Rises in Low-Heat No. 19, Cement and Concrete Association, Wexham
Cement Concrete, Proceedings, ASCE, V. 97, ST12, Dec. Springs, June 1969, pp. 1-20.
1971, pp. 2807-2823. 10.84. Lobanov, A.T., et al., Practice of Prefabrication
10.69. Ikenaga, Hirotake, and Oshima, Hisaji, Study of High-Strength Concrete Columns for Buildings (Opyt
on the Relation between an Age of Concrete and Shrink- Izgotovleniya Kolonn Iz Vysokoprochnyky Betonov Dlya
age, Creep, and Strength--Study of Mixing Design of Zhilykh Domov), Beton i Zhelezobeton (MOSCOW ), No.

12, Dec. 1976, pp. 14-15. (in Russian) Properties of Concrete with Pressured Hydrocarbons
10.85. Machida, F.; Nakahara, S.; Hirose, T.; and Seawater, Proceedings, 8th Annual Offshore Tech-
Kumonda, T.; Miyasaka, T.; and Ishikawa, H., Design nology Conference, Houston, May 1976, paper OTC2662,
and Execution of Prestressed Concrete Girder Using V. 3, pp. 507-512.
High Strength Concrete, Journal, Japan Prestressed 10.99. McBee, William C., and Sullivan, Thomas A.,
Concrete Engineering Association (Tokyo), V. 16, No. 4, Development of Specialized Sulphur Concretes, Report
1974, pp. 30-36, and No. 5, 1974, pp. 36-45. (in Japanese) No. 8346, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D.C., 1979,
10.86. MacInnis, Cameron, and Kosteniuk, Paul W., 21 pp.
Effectiveness of Revibration and High-Speed Slurry 10.100. Melnik, R.A., and Patsula, A.Y., Investigation
Mixing for Producing High-Strength Concrete, ACI of the Nonlinear Creep of High Strength Concrete (Issle-
J OURNAL , Proceedings V. 76, No. 12, Dec. 1979, pp. dovanie Nelineinoi Polzuchesti Vysokoprochnykh
1255-1265. Betonov), Beton i Zehelzobeton (Moscow), No. 3, Mar.
10.87. MacInnis, Cameron, and Thomas, Donald V., 1973, pp. 39-40. (in Russian)
Special Techniques for Producing High Strength Con- 10.101. Mix Design for Pre-Mixed Concrete 50-55
crete, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 67, No. 12, Dec. MPa, Boral Resources (Vic) Pty Limited, Boral Con-
1970, pp. 996-1002. crete, Abbotsford, Australia, 11 pp.
10.88. Malhotra, V.M., Development of Sulphur-ln- 10.102. Moe, Johannes, Feasibility Study of Pre-
filtrated High-Strength Concrete, ACI JOURNAL, Pro- stressed Concrete Tanker Ships, ACI JOURNAL , Proceed-
ceedings V. 72, No. 9, Sept. 1975, pp. 466-473. ings V. 71, No. 12, Dec. 1974, pp. 617-626.
10.89. Malhotra, V.M., Superplasticizers in Concrete, 10.103. Moreno, Jaime, Sixteen Years of High-
Modern Concrete, V. 41, No. 12, Apr. 1978, pp. 38-43. Strength Concrete in the Chicago Area, presented at the
10.90. Malhotra, V.M.; Painter, K.E.; and Soles, J.A., ACI Annual Convention, Atlanta, Jan. 1982.
Development of High-Strength Concrete at Early States 10.104. Morgan, Austin H., High-Strength Ready-
Using a Sulphur Infiltration Technique, Mines Branch Mixed Concrete, National Ready Mixed Concrete Asso-
Internal Report No. MPI (A) 74-4, CANMET, Depart- ciation, Silver Spring, Jan. 1971, 18 pp.
ment of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, July 10.105. Morin, A.L.; Tkachuk, V.M.; and Korytnyuk,
1974, 13 pp. Y.V., Investigation of the Eccentrically Compressed
10.91. Mather, Bryant, High-Compressive-Strength Structural Components Built by Using High-Strength
Concrete, A Review of the State of the Art, Technical Concrete (Issledovaniya Vnetsen-trenno Szhatykh Ele-
Documentary Report No. AFSWC-TDR-62-56, Air Force mentov Iz Betonov Vysokikh), Beton i Zhelezobeton
Special Weapons Center, Kirtland Air Force Base, Aug. (Moscow), No. 1, Jan. 1974, pp. 39-41. (in Russian)
1962, 90 pp. 10.106. Muguruma, Hiroshi, and Tanaka, Shinzo,
10.92. Mather, Bryant, High Strength Concrete, Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Concrete,
Seminar on Control of Quality of Concrete and Construc- Review of the 27th General Meeting-Technical Session,
tion Practice, ACI Canadian Capital Chapter, Ottawa, Cement Association of Japan, Tokyo, May 1973, pp. 140-
1968, 56 pp. 143.
10.93. Mather, Bryant, Tests of High-Range Water- 10.107. Nagataki, S., The Properties of High-Strength
Reducing Admixtures, Superplasticizers in Concrete, Concrete, Concrete Journal (Tokyo), V. 14, No. 3, 1976,
SP-62, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1979, pp. pp. 38-41. (in Japanese)
157-166. 10.108. Nagataki, S., and Imai, M., Some Experiments
10.94. Mather, Katharine, High Strength, High Den- on High-Strength Concrete, 27th Annual Meeting, Japan
sity Concrete, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 62, No. 8, Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, 1972, pp. V-187-190.
Aug. 1965, pp. 951-962. (in Japanese)
10.95. Matsumoto, Y., et al., Precast Prestressed 10.109. Nasser, George D., Are We Headed Towards
Concrete Truss Railway Bridge Using Extremely High Very High-Strength Concretes?"Concrete Products, V. 70,
Strength Concrete, Final Report, 10th IABSE Congress Oct. 1967, pp. 53-54.
(Tokyo, 1976), International Association for Bridge and 10.110. Nasser, George D., Bibliography on High
Structural Engineering, Zurich, 1976, pp. 433-438. Strength Concretes, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 64,
10.96. Matsushita, H., Studies on High-Strength Con- No. 10, Oct. 1967, pp. 690-691.
crete with Superplasticizer, Abstract of 31st General 10.111. Nilson, A.H., and Slate, F.O., Properties of
Meeting, Cement Association of Japan, Tokyo, 1977, pp. High Strength Concrete, presented at the Session on
191-192. (in Japanese) Inelastic Response of Normal, Lightweight, and High-S
10.97. Mattison, E.N., and Beresford, F.D., Studies of trength Concrete, ASCE Fall Convention, Chicago, Oct.
the Production of High Strength Concrete, 4th Symposi- 1978.
um on Concrete Research and Development 1970-1973, 10.112. Nilson, A.H., and Slate, F.O., Structural
National Conference Publication No. 73/6, Institution of Properties of High-Strength Concrete, presented at the
Engineers, Australia, Sydney, 1973, pp. 5-10. ACI Annual Convention, Milwaukee, Mar. 1979.
10.98. Maxson, Orwin G., and Achenbach, Gary D., 10.113. Nishi, H.: -Ohshio, A.: and Fukuzawa, K.,

Autoclave-Cured High Strength Concrete and Piles, JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 32, No. 4, Mar.-Apr. 1936, pp.
Cement and Concrete, No. 299, Cement Association of 459-472.
Japan, Tokyo, 1972, pp. 23-29. (in Japanese) 10.128. Roy, Della M., and Gouda, G.R., High
10.114. Okada, Kiyoshi, and Azimi, M. Azam, Strength Generation in Cement Pastes, Cement and
Strength and Ductility of Reinforced High Strength Concrete Research, V. 3, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1973, pp.
Concrete Beams, Memoirs, Faculty of Engineering, 807-820.
Kyoto University, V. 43, Part 2, Apr. 1981, pp. 304-318. 10.129. Roy, D.M.; Gouda, G.R.; and Bobrowsky, A.,
10.115. Okada, Kiyoshi, and Kobayashi, Kazuo, Ef- Very High Strength Cement Pastes Prepared by Hot
fects of Addition of Gypsum and Super Water-Reducing Pressing and Other High Pressure Techniques, Cement
Agent on Mechanical Properties of Blast-Furnace Slag and Concrete Research, V. 2, No. 3, May-June 1972, pp.
Cement Mortar, Proceedings, 21st Japan Congress on 349-366.
Materials Research (Tokyo, Oct. 1977), Society of 10.130. Ryaboshapko, Y.I.; Vaslavskii, V.F.; and
Materials Science, Kyoto, 1978, pp. 209-213. Olginskii, A.G., Experience in the Application of High-
10.116. Parrot, L.J., High-Strength Concrete, Con- Strength Concrete with Acid FIy Ash Admixture (Opyt
crete (London), V. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1970, pp. 83-84. Primeneniya Vysokomarochnogo Betona S Prisadkoi Kis-
10.117. Parrot, L.J., The Production and Properties of loi Zoly-Unosa), Beton i Zhelezobeton (Moscow), No. 5,
High-Strength Concrete, Concrete (London), V. 3, No. May 1974, pp. 12-13. (in Russian)
11, Nov. 1969, pp. 443-448. 10.131. Ryell, John, High Strength Concrete, Tenth
10.118. Parrott, L.J., The Selection of Constituents Annual School of Concrete Technology, Ready Mixed
and Proportions for Producing Workable Concrete with Concrete Association of Ontario, Toronto, Apr. 1969, 19
a Compressive Cube Strength of 80 to 110 n/mm 2 (11,600 pp.
to 15,900 lbf/in2), Technical Report No. 416, Cement and 10.132. Ryell John, High Strength Concrete, Can-
Concrete Association, Wexham Springs, 1969, 12 pp. adian Pit and Quarry (Don Mills), Jan. 1970, pp. 16-19,
10.119. Pastor, J.A.; Nilson, A.H.; and Slate, F.O., and Feb. 1970, pp. 26-28.
Strength and Deformation of High Strength Reinforced 10.133. Saito, T.; Ohshio, A.; Goto, Y.; and Omori, Y.,
Concrete Beams, Research Report, Department of Struc- High Strength Concrete. Part 2, Strength Properties,
tural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca (in pre- Durability, and Thermal Characteristics, Journal of
paration). Research, Onoda Cement Co., V. 28, 1976, pp. 12-27. (in
10.120. Perenchio, W.F.; Whiting, D.A.; and Kantro, Japanese)
D.L., Water Reduction, Slump Loss, and Entrained Air 10.134. Saucier, Kenneth L., High-Strength Concrete,
Void Systems as Influenced by Superplasticizers, Super- Past, Present, Future: Concrete International Design &
plasticizers in Concrete, SP-62, American Concrete Insti- Construction, V. 2, No. 6, June 1980, pp. 46-50.
tute, Detroit, 1979, pp. 137-155. 10.135. Saucier, Kenneth L., Determination of Prac-
10.121. Pollet, Henri M., Attainment of Very High tical Ultimate Strength of Concrete, Miscellaneous Paper
Strength Concrete-eater than 1000 kg/cm 2 (Reali- No. C-72-16, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
sation de Betons a Tres Haute Resistance-Supreiure a Station, Vicksburg, June 1972, 29 pp.
1000 kg/cm2), Annales, Institut Technique du Batiment 10.136. Savage, E.S., Deep-Bed Filtration Lengthens
et des Travaux Publics (Paris), No. 214, Oct. 1965, pp. Filter Runs, Lowers Backwash Water Needs, American
1425-1426. (in French) City, V. 88, No. 1, Jan. 1973, p. 44.
10.122. Popovics, Sandor, Strength Relationships for 10.137. Schrader, Ernest K., and Munch, Anthony V.,
Fly Ash Concrete, ACI, JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 79, No. Fibrous Concrete Repair of Cavitation Damage, Pro-
1, Jan.-Feb. 1982, pp. 43-49. ceedings, V. 102, C02, June 1976, pp. 385-399.
10.123. Precasting Efficiency Pays Off on Long 10.138. Shah, S.P., and Ahmad, S.H., Effective Con-
Bridge," Construction Equipment, V. 64, No. 1, Aug. 1981. finement on High-Strength Concrete, presented at the
10.124. Pyachev, V.A.; Pyachev, G.E.; and Kokhaev, ACI Annual Convention, Atlanta, Jan. 1982.
N.F., Raw Materials in Cement Manufacture for Produc- 10.139. Shah, S.P.; Gokoz, UIker; and Ansari, Farhad,
ing High-Strength Concrete (Tsementy Dlya Vysokopro- Experimental Technique for Obtaining Complete Stress-
chniykh Betonov), Tsement (Leningrad), No. 1, Jan. Strain Curves for High Strength Concrete, Cement,
1974, pp. 21-22. (in Russian) Concrete, and Aggregates, V. 3, No. 1, Summer 1981, pp.
10.125. Rayner, Johnathan, Floating Docks in Van- 21-27.
couver Need Continuous Pour of New High-Strength 10.140. Schukla, S.N., and Mittal, M.K., Short-Term
Concrete, Engineering and Contract Record (Don Mills), Deflection in Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs After
V. 89, No. 9, Sept. 1976, pp. 22-24. Cracking, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. 73, No. 7, July
10.126. Reigstad, Gordon H., Energy Conservation in 1976, pp. 416-419.
Buildings: A Prestressed Concrete System, Professional 10.141. Slate, F.O., and Nilson, A.H., High-Strength
Engineer, V. 47, No. 4, Apr. 1977, pp. 27-28. Concrete-Preliminary Results on Microcracking and
10.127. Richart, F.E., A Study of the Economics of Creep, presented at the ACI Annual Convention,
High Strength Concrete in Building Construction, ACI Milwaukee, Mar. 1979.

10.142. Southworth, George, and Scott, Norman L., 10.159. Undersea Restaurant Uses 25,500-psi Con-
Special Concretes, Concrete Construction, V. 26, No. 3, crete, Engineering News-Record, V. 190, July 13, 1972, p.
Mar. 1981, pp. 229-233, 275-279. 17.
10.143. Soviet Concrete Not So Tough?, Engineering 10.160. Valore, R.C.; Kudrenski, W.; and Gray, D.E.,
News-Record, V. 166, No. 22, June 1, 1961, p. 47. Application of High-Range Water Reducing Admixtures
10.144. Stachiw, J.D., Concrete Deep Submergence in Steam Cured Cement-Fly Ash Concretes, Superplasti-
Hollow Shell Structures, Proceedings, ASCE, V. 95, ST cizers in Concrete, SP-62, American Concrete Institute,
12, Dec. 1969, pp. 2931-2954. Detroit, 1979, pp. 337-373.
10.145. Stamenkovic, Hrista, Causes, Mechanisms and 10.161. Vivesaraya, H.C.; Desay, P.; and Babu, Shri
Control of Surface Voids, Concrete (London), V. 7, No. K.H., High Strength Concrete Mix Design, A Case
7, July 1973, pp. 45-48. Study, Special Publication No. SP-2, Cement Research
10.146. Structural Trends in New York City Build- Institute of India, New Delhi, Mar. 1970, 28 pp.
ings, Civil Engineering-- ASCE, V. 53, No. 1, Jan. 1983, 10.162. Walz, K., The Production of High Strength
pp. 30-37. Concrete, Translation Tech. No. 2037/R39, Cement and
10.147. Superplasticizers in Concrete, SP-62, American Marketing Company Limited, London, June 1966, p. 7.
Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1979, 436 pp. 10.163. Wang, Pao-Tsan; Shah, Surendra P.; and
10.148. Swamy, R.N., and Anand, K.L., Shrinkage and Naaman, Antoine, High-Strength Concrete in Ultimate
Creep Properties of High Strength Structural Concrete, Strength Design, Proceedings, ASCE, V. 104, ST11, Nov.
Civil Engineering and Public Work Review (London), V. 1978, pp. 1761-1773.
68, No. 807, Oct. 1973, pp. 859-868. 10.164. Wantanabe, A., et al., Fatigue Behavior of
10.149. Swamy, R.N., and Anand, K.L., Structural Be- High-Strength Concrete, Abstract of 31st General Meet-
havior of High Strength Concrete Beams, Building ing, Cement Association of Japan, Tokyo, 1977, pp. 221-
Science, V. 9, No. 2, June 1974, pp. 131-141. 222. (in Japanese)
10.150. Swamy, R.N., and Ibrahim, A.B., Shrinkage 10.165. Water-Tower Place-High-Strength Con-
and Creep Properties of High Early Strength Structural crete, Concrete Construction, V. 21, No. 3, Mar. 1976,
Lightweight Concrete, Proceedings, Institution of Civil pp. 102-104.
Engineers (London), V. 55, Sept. 1973, pp. 635-646. 10.166. Wittman, F.H., Micromechanics of Achieving
10.151. Swamy, R.N.; Ibrahim, A.B.; and Anand, K.L., High-Strength and Other Superior Properties, Proceed-
The Strength and Deformation Characteristics of High ings, National Science Foundation Workshop on High-
Early Strength Structural Concrete, Materials and Strength Concrete (Dec. 1979), University of Illinois at
Structures, Research and Testing (RILEM, Paris), V. 8, Chicago Circle, 1979, Report A-l, 22 pp.
No. 48, 1975, pp. 413-423. 10.167. Woolgar, G., and Oates, D-B., Fly Ash and
10.152. Symposium on Concrete for Engineering, En- the Ready-Mixed Concrete Producer, Concrete Interna-
gineering for Concrete (Brisbane, Aug. 1977), National tional: Design & Construction, V. 1, NO. 11, NOV. 1979,
Conference Publication No. 7718, Institution of Engineers, pp. 34-40.
Australia, Brisbane, 1977. 10.168. Yamamoto, Y., and Kobayashi, M., Use of
10.153. Tapping Concretes Potentials, Building Mineral Fines in High Strength Concrete-Water Re-
Design and Construction, V. 20, No. 10, Oct. 1979, pp. quirement and Strength, Concrete International Design
63-93. & Construction, V. 4, No. 7, July 1982, pp. 33-40.
10.154. Thaulow, Sven, Tensile Splitting Test and 10.169. Young, J.F.; Berger, R.L.; and Breese, J.,
High Strength Concrete Test Cylinders, ACI JOURNAL , Accelerated Curing of Compacted Calcium Silicate Mor-
Proceedings V. 53, No. 7, Jan. 1957, pp. 699-706. tars on Exposure to CO2, Journal of the American Cer-
10.155. The Worlds Tallest Concrete Buildings- amic Society, V. 57, No. 9, Sept. 1974, pp. 394-397.
Today and Yesterday, Concrete Construction, V. 28, No. 10.170. Zaitsev, Y.B., and Wittman, F.H., Simulation
2, Feb. 1983, pp. 91-100. of Crack Propagation and Failure of Concrete, Materials
10.156. Tognon, G.; Copetti, G.; and Ursella, P., Very and Structures, Research and Testing (RILEM, Paris), V.
High Strength Concretes for Precasting: Production 14, No. 83, Sept.-Oct. 1981, pp. 357-365.
Technology and Characteristic Properties, Proceedings, 10.171. Zia, Paul, Review of ACI Code for Design
9th International Congress of the Precast Concrete with High-Strength Concrete, Concrete International
Industry (Vienna, Oct. 1978), BIBM, Linz/Donau, 1978, Design & Construction, V. 5, No. 8, Aug. 1983, pp. 16-20.
pp. 1-39-I-46. 10.172. Zorich, A.S., Bearing Capacity of Eccentri-
10.157. Tognon, G.; Ursella, P.; and Copetti, G., cally Tensioned Reinforcing Elements of Ordinary and
Design and Properties of Concretes with Strength over High-Strength Concrete Under Transversal Forces (Ne-
1500 kg/cm2, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 77, No. 3, sushchaya Sposobnost Vnetsentrenno Rastyanutykh Za-
May-June 1980, pp. 171-178. helezobetonnykh Elementov Iz Obychnogo I Vysoko-
10.158. Towles, Thomas T., Advantages in the Use of prochnogo Betonov Pri Deistvii Poperechnykh Sil):
High Strength Concretes, ACI JOURNAL , Proceedings V. Beton i Zhelezobetotn, No. 11, Nov. 1976, pp. 34-37. (in
28, No. 9, Apr. 1932, pp. 607-612. Russian)

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