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The world of psychiatric and mental health. Those who were considered divine were
worshipped and those seen as demonic where
This unit introduces you to parts of this world that may punished.
be new to you. It will help you explore how patients
think, feel, and behave. Aristotle developed a theory that explains that
mental disorders are related to physical disorders.
It will suggest that you think about people in terms of
their overall functioning and adaptation rather than by According to him, imbalance of the 4
the symptoms of their specific illness. substances/humors (blood, water, yellow and black bile)
cause mental disorders because these 4 humors control
Most importantly it will define for you the emotion. Treatment is aimed at restoring the balance by
responsibilities you have as a health care provider. I bloodletting, starving and purging.
hope you ready to begin your journey and I wish your
curiosity about human nature, openness to new ways of Mentally ill human beings are banished and/or
thinking, and delight in the process of learning. confined.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STUDENTS: Priest performed exorcisms to take away evil spirits.
When they failed, they used more severe and brutal
1. Avoid making assumptions about any clients medical measures, such as imprisonment, battering and
or psychiatric history. starving.
2. Dont hesitate to approach your clinical instructors or During Renaissance, people with mental illness but
a staff members with questions about your assigned harmless were allowed to wander the country side or
clients need or plan of care. live in rural communities, but those who are dangerous
3. Feel free to discuss with your instructor any feelings or harmful were put imprison, chained, and starved.
that you have about your assigned client. In 1547, the Hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem was
4. Take time to adjust to a slower pace. officially declared a hospital for the insane. However,
inmates were treated as animals than human. Visitors
5. Dont become frustrated with a client who refuses to were allowed to view and ridicule the inmates for a
speak to you. charge or fee.

6. Be patient with a client who requires repeated Period of Enlightenment

prompting to complete a task.
ASYLUM= a place of safety or sanctuary; an institution
7. Recognize that listening, observing and self- for the care of the mentally ill.
awareness are important tools that you must posses
when providing care. Philippe Pinel-Liberator of the Insane

PSYCHIATRY William Tuke-established the York Retreat-a private

facility with moral treatment like occupational therapy
branch of medicine dealing with the study, and they are living in a peaceful and familial
treatment and prevention of mental disorders. environment.

PSYCHODYNAMICS Period of Scientific Study

understanding the reasons behind human behavior. Sigmund Freud

PSYCHOPATHOLOGY -Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist

part of psychodynamics dealing with understanding -Founder of psychoanalysis

abnormal human behavior
-THEORY OF MOTIVATION (The psychological
HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING: feature that arouses an organism to action
toward a desired goal; the reason for the action;
Ancient Period
that which gives purpose and direction to
Historically, people believed that sickness was a behavior).
punishment for sins and wrongdoings. People with
-He also developed a theory that dreams are an
mental illness were considered as either divine or
unconscious representation of repressed
demonic, depending on their presenting behaviors.
desires, especially sexual desires. In 1900 he
published his greatest work, The Interpretation
of dream.
Emil Kraepelin

-pioneer in the development of psychiatric as a scientific Mental Health - balance in a persons

discipline internal life and adaptation to reality

-classification of Mental Disorder according to their -World Health Organization defines mental
symptoms health as "a state of well-being in which the
individual realizes his or her own abilities, can
-all mental illness has an organic cause. cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
Eugene Bleuler-coined the term Schizophrenia productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community
Period of Psychotropic Drugs
in contact with reality and the environment in
Lithium (1950) =antimanic, first drug ever developed ways that are in accord with oneself and
possess the ability to love, work and resolve
Chlorpromazine (1950)=antipsychotic drug
conflicts within a framework of reasonability
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (1952) =
-individual has psychobiological resilience
Elements of Mental Health
Haloperidol (1957)= antipsychotic
1. self-acceptance/self-esteem- characterized by a
Tricyclic Antidepressant (1958) =antidepressants
positive evaluation of oneself and ones past
Benzodiazepines (1960) =)-miracle drug-antianxiety experiences; process which the nurse gains
recognition of his/her own feelings, beliefs, and
Period of Community Mental Health attitudes

GOAL: Deinstitutionalization refers to the depopulating 2. personal growth - reflected in ones sense of
of state mental hospital -a shift in the location of continued psychological growth and
treatment from large public hospitals to community development
3. sense purpose and meaning
PSYCHIATRICNURSING PRACTICE 4. positive relations with others
5. environmental mastery the capacity to manage
Linda Richards effectively in the surrounding world
6. autonomy-a sense of self-determination andthe
The first American psychiatric nurse
ability to control ones own life.
Believed that the mentally sick should be at INFLUENCES OF MENTAL HEALTH
Individual factors include a persons biologic
least as well cared for as the physically sick.
makeup, sense of harmony in life, vitality, ability
Books: to find meaning in life, emotional resilience or
hardiness, spirituality, and positive identity.
1. Nursing Mental Diseases-by Harriet Bailey=first Interpersonal factors include effective
nursing book. communication, ability to help others, intimacy,
2. Interpersonal Relations in Nursing by Hildegard and a balance of separateness and connection.
Peplau the most Influential book. Social / cultural factors include a sense of
community, access to adequate resources,
Hildegard Peplau:
intolerance of violence, and support of diversity
-Described the therapeutic nurse-client relationship among people.
-Wrote extensively about anxiety
-Interpersonal dimensions-forms the foundation of THE MENTAL HEALTH NURSE
practice today
Major role: advancing safe and quality care that
June Mellow -Psychosocial needs and strengths restores the clients level of function to a higher one

STANDARD OF CARE Primary prevention:

ASSESSMENT Identify high-risk groups
DIAGNOSIS Provide health education
PLANNING Secondary prevention
IMPLEMENTATION Client respond to interventions and health is
Prevention of deleterious effects of mental
Tertiary prevention
Prevent disability
Promote rehabilitation and health maintenance Foundation of exploring nurses reactions to
specific clients and clinical situations.
2. Social Agent Psychiatrist
3. Ward Manager Internist or Primary care provider
4. Counselor Substitute Psychiatrist nurse
5. Mother Psychiatric social worker
Mental health worker or psychiatric Aide
1. THERAPEUTIC USE OF SELF: Occupational therapist
Forming a trusting relationship Clinical psychology
Provision of comfort, safety, and acceptance of
Active listening, self-awareness, mutuality, and Adaptive: Healthy
effective communication.
Approaches with genuine interest and concern Adaptive coping
and continues throughout treatment.
Reality oriented
Implies a sense of Openness, Realness and Interacts with real environment
lack of defensiveness.
Socially acceptable behavior
Associate with respect, acceptance, and
Maladaptive coping
positive regard for client in distress.
It imparts consistency, kindness, patience, and Psychotic
caring for the client.
Foster the expression of feelings and thoughts Hallucination / delusion
in distressed clients.
Bizarre behavior
Share and experience the feelings of the
Conveys: I
Am with you, and I have a sense of what you
are experiencing .
Facilitates a deeper understanding of the
clients situation while it helps the client move
toward self-awareness, feelings, and their

-blurs boundaries between the nurse and the client.
-feeling or sharing the identical concerns of another.
-encourages dependency.

5. Acceptance
Create environments that encourage
expression of feelings, thoughts, and
Suggest neither approval nor
disapproval but tolerance and appreciation of
the client.
Client attributes are received without


Ability to tolerate differences be

Denotes that the nurse is aware of personal
responses to given or potential uncomfortable
Be responsive to client needs.

7. Self-awareness

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