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Class Exercise

1. Who has the authority to dismiss the Parliament?

A The Yang Di-Pertuan Agong

B Prime Minister
C Chief Minister
D Yang Di-Pertua of the House of Representatives
E None of the above.

2. Which of the following is TRUE about the selection of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong

I Only kings can be nominated

II Only kings are able to vote
III The power to appoint the YDPA lies in the hands of the Prime Minister
IV The selection is done based on turn-taking

A I, II and III
B I, II and IV
C I, III and IV
D II, III and IV
E All of the above.

3. Malaysia and many other countries from Asia, Africa and Latin America are members
of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Which of the following best describes NAM
when it was first established?

A Progress for third world countries

B Neutral policy that is, not pro-West or Anti-communism
C Developing trade among third world countries
D Promotion of democracy
E Providing financial aid to poorer countries

4. What was the main objective of the National Operations Council (NOC)?

A Independence
B Unity among the different ethnic groups
C Economic development
D Eradicating of poverty
E Rural development

5. The following organizations operated in Malaya during World War II EXCEPT


A British Military Administration (BMA)

B Malayan Peoples Anti Japanese Army (MPAJA)
C Force 136
D Malayan Communist Party
E All of the above
6. Which of the following is NOT the area of jurisdiction for a court?

A The power to interpret the Constitution

B The power to interpret a law
C The power to proclaim a written Federal or State law invalid
D The power to declare a government action as invalid in the eyes of the law
E The power to grant pardon for offences

7. Who heads the Juvenile Court?

A A Magistrate Court judge

B A Session Court judge
C A High Court judge
D A Chief judge
E A District officer

8. Which of the following statements shows the objectives of the National Cultural

I Strengthening the race and country through culture.

II Instilling and preserving the national identity that grows out of the national
III Enriching and improving the quality of humanity and spirituality, balanced
with socio-economic development.
IV Enhancing the peoples status and quality of lives through education, training,
health, infrastructural facilities and others.

A I, II and III
B I, II and IV
C I, III and IV
D II, III and IV
E All of the above.

9. The London Conference (1956) granted independence to the Federation of Malaya

proposed the setting up of a commission for drafting the new constitution for the
Federation. What was the name of the Commission?

A The Briggs Commission

B The Reid Commission
C The Templer Commission
D The Cobbold Commission
E The United Nation Commission
10. The main role of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the process of making the draft of law
in the Parliament is ________________ .

A making the drafts of the law

B approving the drafts of the law
C debating the drafts of the law
D appointing the judges
E Both B and C.

11. The Straits Settlements was headed by a ________________ .

A High Commissioner
B Resident General
C Resident Consular
D Consulate
E Governor

12. In Malaysia, the important bases of unity and national integration are

I sharing of political power

II democratic government
III sound economic development
IV cultural tolerance

A I and II
B I, II and III
C I, III and IV
D II, III and IV
E All of the above.

13. Choose the CORRECT pairings of British officers and the Malay States where they
performed their duties?

A Francis Light - Melaka

B J.W.W. Birch - Sarawak
C Sir Hugh Low - Pinang
D Hugh Clifford - Perak
E Stamford Raffles Singapore

14. The functions of X commission was responsible for the appointment, confirmation of
position, permanent shift of its staffs and to take discipline action towards the staffs in
public service. X is referring to the ________________________ Commission.

A Public Service
B Education Service
C Judiciary and Law Service
D Police Service
E Election
15. Which of the following is one of the Non Federated Malay State?

A Singapore
B Kelantan
C Melaka
D Penang
E Sarawak

16. Federation of Malaysia which was established in year 1963 practice administrative
system in form of __________________.

A Feudal
B Monarchy
C Republic
D Feudal System
E Parliamentary Democracy

17. What are the fundamentals of public administration in Malaysia?

I Contitutional Monarchy
II Parliamentary Democracy
III Absolute Monarchy System
IV Pure Doctrine of Separation of Power

A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D III and IV
E II and IV

18. The Constitution of Malaysia serves as _______________ .

A the supreme law of the country

B a national ideology
C the government transformation plan
D an outline of the ideals of Malaysian government
E the government integration plan

19. The following statements are true about elections EXCEPT ________________ .

A The Elections Commission is a body free from influence from other parties
B The winning party is given the mandate to rule
C All citizens who fulfill the conditions are eligible to vote
D Bribery is done to get a majority
E All votes are confidential
20. Which of the following is NOT a principle which underlines the National Cultural

A Its core culture should be the culture of the people of this region.
B Suitable elements of other cultures should be accepted.
C Islam is an important element in its formation.
D Western culture should be integrated to speed up modernization.
E None of the above.

21. The Federation of Malaysia which consisted of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei
was founded on ____________________.

A 31 August 1963
B 13 September 1963
C 16 September 1963
D 13 May 1965
E 16 August 1965

22. As soon as Parliament is dissolved, the election must be held within

_____________day in Peninsular Malaysia and within _____________days in Sabah
and Sarawak.

A 60 : 90
B 90 : 60
C 60 : 60
D 90 : 90
E 60 : 120

23. The New Economic Policy (NEP) was introduced to ____________.

A solve political conflicts

B establish a national culture
C restructure the economic level of all races
D urbanize society
E update the constitution

24. The countries involved in MAPHILINDO were?

I Malaysia
II Indonesia
III Brunei
IV the Philippines

A I, II and III
C I, II and IV
D II, III and IV
E All of the above.
25. Singapore was excluded from the Federation of Malaysia in the year 1965 due to
issues on _______________ .

A politics
B economy
C social
D religion and language
E none of the above.

26. The Indonesian confrontation almost prevented the formation of _______________.

A Malayan Union
B Reid Commission
C Malaysia
D Cobbold Commission
E Federation of Malaya

27. What is the name of our current Yang di-Pertuan Agong?

A Sultan Ahmad Shah

B Sultan Abdul Halim
C Sultan Iskandar
D Sultan Salahuddin
E Sultan Sulaiman


Which court comprises all of the above components?

A Low Court
B High Court
C State Court
D Special Court
E Superior Court

29. Who leads the cabinet?

A Yang di-Pertuan Agong

B Prime Minister
C Head of State
D Lawyer
E Chief Minister
30. The proclamation and election of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is held every ____

A 3
B 4
C 5
D 6
E 7

31. This association includes Malaysia, Thai, the Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia,
Brunei, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. This association is ________.


32. Before the arrival of the western colonials, the strongest and most influence power in
the South East Asia has been ________.

A China
B India
C Japan
D Europe
E Africa

33. How does globalization leave a negative impact on a country in terms of international

A The world will be colonize.

B The world will be without barriers.
C All the countries will lose their sovereignty.
D The region of a country can be eliminated by the action of the United States of
E Globalisation may impede the freedom its own decision in carrying out the
agenda of the country.

34. Johore became a major and mature power under the leadership of Sultan Abdul Jalil
Shah III.

A True
B False

35. Negaraku is the Malaysia national anthem.

A True
B False
36. Portuguese attack on July 24, 1511 led by Alfonso De Albuquerque.

A True
B False

37. The first general election of Malaya was held on 27th July 1958.

A True
B False

38. Bruneis reluctance in joining the 1963 Federation of Malaysia was due to several
demands that were not approved by the Malayan government such as Brunei was only
given 10 Parliamentary seats, domination of all oil revenues and Bruneis wish to
form the North Kalimantan government.

A True
B False

39. The Legislative body is the official body with the most superior position. It is made
up of the nine Sultans and the four state governors.

A True
B False

40. The Cabinet is responsible for implementing policy.

A True
B False

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