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I am sharing with the memebrs a reply I had given in the Yahoo answers, with few additions

relevant to homeopathy and how and why it works.

" Chakras are energy centres which swirl or rotate when they are activated. Purification of the
chakras is the secret to activation. What is purification? Spiritually speaking it is the sins attached
to it from this birth and previous births. Materially speaking, they are the plaques of your
thoughts, deed, actions which has disfigured the Chakras. There are seven major chakras and
around 259 minor chakras. They are the energy centres where Homeopathic medicines act
which would clarify homeo medicines connection with the Ayurvedic as the sub-atomic system of
medicines called Thadharthakari Chiktisa that was practised during the period of Charaka and
Shushrutha and before. What I meant is to tell you that there is possibility of a Chakra opened to
be closed incase of difficulty by use of homeopathic medicines.

Now, talking about Chakra, which exhibits the properties of celestial bodies i.e. rotation have the
same functon inside the body, because of its rotation, it can exist suspended in the air like any
celestial body creating those kinds of forces we understand as gravitation, electricity, magnetism
and many other unknown forces.
Talking about cleaning, the main force behind the cleaning is the Mind, the Soul, the Thought
which is made from element Ether which is same as God. The attribute of this Ether is Will
power. Anything can be possible through Will power. When you want to do anything
metaphysical, the focusing of the Will becomes important. When one say concentrate on the red
object at the the Mooladhara or the orange ball at Swadhistana, the Mind or the Soul is focused
there, the ether moving through the body at the command of the mind/thought/soul which is the
nucleaus of ether in the body, flows down to the area to where the mind is focused.

How to clean and what is the vehicle for cleaning? Just like a car engine is first cleaned by Air
pressure and then by water and soap and water and then again by Air pressure., in the same
way the best equipment human being can have for cleaning the inside of their body is air. It is by
different variety of breathing simultaneously concentrating on the point of cleaning that we
achieve cleaning inside the body.

The teqchniques: The prescribed techniques are called Kapala Bhatti, Bhastrika Pranayama,
(Pranayama means controlled breath controlling Prana or soul, or in other words, mind
controlling soul and soul controlling mind, where soule is the life in us and mind is the senses
and the data collected through the senses including memory).

Bhastrika Pranayama: Is the fast breathing technique which focused on the particular region will
clean up the region. The Yogic Sushma Vyayam (Microexercises in yoga) very specifically and
clearly differentiate how each portion to be focused and cleaned. The process is like Smarana
Shakthi vikasik (means to improve the power of memory by concentrating and breathing at the
virtex of the head which is smarana mandal i.e. the base of memory cerebrum.) thus the whole
body can be cleaned. In the case of Chakras, the cleaning should start from the base chakra
which is called Moola-adhara-chakra(In other words it could be defined as the Chakra which is
causative to the existence of the being. The colours of the vibgyor are attached to it and to a
beginner a reversed order ROYGBIR (which also corresponds the sound as Seven Swaras) are
the order of concentration. Ether should be seen as white light all pervading the body and
envoloping the chakras to clean it while force from the air is acting agent. i.e. if you want to clean
anything you will normally put a cleaning agent like surf or something, but it needs also a force
like rubbing with hand or sandpaper or something to clean it. Similarly, here ether is the agent for
cleaning and the force is Air.

In the case of 4th 5th 6th and 7th Chakras Kapalabhatti is effectively used in addition to
Bhastrika, in kapalabhatti only breathing out is concentrated upon, that is the way how the toxin
accumulated is thrown out. These two methods only clean the four elements the fifth element is
Earth in the body, that element can be cleaned up by using Anuloma Viloma Kriaya or breathing
through alternate noses.

These kriyas with correct understanding focusing if done will clean all the major chakras. The
Chakras automatically opens up when they perfectly clean. Since Ether is doing the cleaning the
perfection is achieved which human being cannot do.

What happens when Chakras are opened? The first thing the chakras do when they are opened
is they rotate. When they rotate centri petal forces are formed and those centri petal forces throw
out all the debris from inside the body which were lying as toxins. Skin ailments can happen but
will be immediately cured by the body to perfection. The body becomes ideally Healthy. No
diseases can happen to that body. Homestasis prevails. Which means body is in harmony with
its surrounding and all metaphysical and physical elements in the body is in harmony with all
metaphysical and physical elements outside the body that it becomes possible for the mind and
the elements in the body to communicate or travel with and or within the outside body. The mind
and thoughts are raised to different level of understanding and consciousness. What happens
beyond that can be more experienced than said and told.

There are many pitfalls. Should be done with the blessings and presence of a Guru. There are
many dead ends on the way where the Guru can take your fingers and cross you through. To
attempt opening of Chakras alone or with the help of net and all may prove dangerous. with best

You might have now had an idea how the Vibgyor reversed focusing can clean all the Chakras
and also the significance of vibgyor, white colour, seven chakras, seven swaras in music and
such interrelations. There are also seven important medicines which some of them we use in
homeopathy which are responsible for correcting these Chakras. As I have said there are 259
chakras or energy centres in the body and those chakras or energy centres in the body are the
main area of function of homeopathic medicines. But the seven chakras are also directly
activated by some homeopathic medicines, they are :

Mooladhara Chara - 1. Withania Somnifera (Physalis Flexosa)

2. Harithaki Myrobalan (Trminalia Chebula)
Terminalia Reticula)

2. Swadhistana Chakra 1. Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum)

2. Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare)

3. Manipura Chakra 1. Hydrastis canedensis

2. Mellisa Officianalis.

4. Anahata Chakra 1. Crocus Sativus

2. Ruta Graviolensis.

5. Vishuddhi Chakra 1. Cloves (Caryophyllus Aromaticus,

Syzegium Aromaticum)
2. Vervain ( Verbana Officianalis)

6. Anha(agya)chakra or
Bindu Chakra 1. Sandalwood (Sanjalam Album)
2. Elecampane (Inula Helenium)
7. Sahashrara Chakra 1. Gotukola (Centella Asiatic)
2. Nut meg (Myristica Frgrans)

The fact that homeopathy do not have all these medicines potentised while Ayurveda had the
knowledge of each of these medicines in ayurvedic forms as well as thadharthakari chikitsa (like
cure like) method practised then, depending upon the kind of ingestion required according to the
depth of the disease finely establish the perfection of medical science of vedic and beyond
periods and their understanding of the human body vis-a-vis the cosmic body.

If we look at the combination medicines in homeopathy and if they does work, it should also
mean that the best homeopathic elixir which could activate all the seven chakras and achieve
homeo-stasis could be a combination of all these seven medicines. I think that should be a break
through. The scope that this understanding opens up in quantum physics is unlimited. I would
like the comments from other members of the forum. with regards, udaya

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