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DATE : 01st April 2017







Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 3
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION.................................................................... 4
ENGINEERS ROLES TOWARD ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION................................................. 7
METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).................................................................. 10
PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................................... 11
SYSTEM TOOLS.................................................................................................................................. 13
RESULT............................................................................................................................................... 14
GREEN BUILDING INDEX....................................................................................................................... 15
PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................................... 17
RATING SYSTEM................................................................................................................................. 19
RESULT............................................................................................................................................... 21
DISCUSSION.............................................................................................................................................. 22
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................. 24
ATTACHMENT............................................................................................................................................ 25
REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................. 30

Figure 1.The Three Pillars of Construction Sustainability ........................................................................... 4

Figure 2.Sustainable Construction connection........................................................................................... 5
Figure 3.General Criteria Development: The Green Building Criteria Framework ..................................... 9
Figure 4.LEED Assessment Criteria........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5. LEED Rating System.................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6.Sample Checklist to calculate point for New Construction........................................................ 13
Figure 7. Calculation sample For LEED Rating........................................................................................... 13
Figure 8.LEED Certificate........................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9.LEED Certificate........................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10.GBI Malaysia Assessment Criteria............................................................................................ 16
Figure 11.GBI Rating system for Residential and Non Residential........................................................... 17
Figure 12.GBI Rating Forms....................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 13.GBI Certificate........................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14.GBI Certificate........................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 15.A Comparison of the Green Building Criteria by Various Green Building Councils. Note-
Numbers in brackets are percentages...................................................................................................... 22
Figure 16.Sustainable Construction based buildings................................................................................ 27
Figure 17.Sustainable Construction based buildings................................................................................ 28
Figure 18.Sustainable Construction based buildings................................................................................ 29


Sustainability is a broad term describing a desire to carry out activities without depleting
resources or having harmful impacts, defined by the Brundtland Commission as 'meeting the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. (Brundtland Commission, 1987)

Sustainable Construction aims to apply this principle to the construction industry by providing
ways of buildings that use less virgin material and less energy, cause less pollution and less
waste but still provide the benefits that construction projects have brought us throughout
history. (, n.d.)

Sustainable constructions industry is defined as all who produce, develop, plan, design, build,
alter, or maintain the built environment, and includes building materials manufacturers and
suppliers as well as clients and end use occupiers. Clients and end use occupiers also have key
roles to play in delivering sustainable construction (Constructing Excellence, 2006)


Sustainable construction involves issues such as the design and management of buildings;
materials performance; construction technology and processes; energy and resource efficiency
in building, operation and maintenance; robust products and technologies; long-term
monitoring; adherence to ethical standards; socially-viable environments; stakeholder
participation; occupational health and safety and working conditions; innovative financing
models; improvement to existing contextual conditions; interdependencies of landscape,
infrastructure, urban fabric and architecture; flexibility in building use, function and change; and
the dissemination of knowledge in related academic, technical and social contexts. (Dhamani,

Figure 1.The Three Pillars of Construction

Furthermore, sustainable construction goes beyond green building practices, where structures
are designed to have a lower environmental impact over their entire lifetime, while providing a
normal level of comfort, durability and functionality for occupants. In business situations, this
allows companies to grow, without growing at the expense of the environment. (Marian Keeler,
2016).Developing sustainable buildings minimizes the use of water, materials, carbon and
energy, land and etc. It also reduces emissions, waste and pollution in the environment and
protects employees health.

Figure 2.Sustainable Construction connection

For An Example:-

If businesses continue to rely on traditional building practices, communities will be at
risk of water shortages. Sustainable buildings, on the other hand, feature systems,
appliances, and landscapes that require less water.

Raw Materials
Instead of depleting natural resources, developers of sustainable constructions use less
raw materials and more environmentally-responsible products, such as recycled or
renewable resources. They also look for the most durable options to delay the need for
replacements and repairs for as long as possible. Lastly, they recycle construction debris
to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.


Sustainable buildings include energy-saving appliances that lower carbon emissions and
reliance on fossil fuels.

Even the choice of land plays a role in sustainable construction. Properties are built in
areas where construction will lead to the least possible land degradation and
deforestation while promoting healthy landscaping and preventing erosion.

Sustainable construction has significant long-term effects, allowing businesses to play their part
in protecting the environment on a daily basis. Creating such workplaces also makes further
sustainability efforts much easier, which can benefit both local communities and society as a
whole. (Sustainability-Certification, 2015)


Engineers have an important and signifi cant role to meet the sustainability. They
work to enhance the welfare, health and safety, with the minimal use of natural
resources and paying att enti on with regard to the environment and the
sustainability of resources. Their work is infl uenced by the opportuniti es and
challenges that bring the sustainability. Engineers are the providers of opti ons and
soluti ons to maximize social value and minimize environmental impact. There are
some pressing challenges because of the adverse effects of environmental
polluti on, depleti on of resources, rapid populati on growth and damage to
ecosystems. A purely and environment friendly approach is insuffi cient and
increasingly engineers are required to take a wider perspecti ve including poverty
alleviati on, social justi ce and local and global connecti ons (Dhamani, 2015).

Sustainable development is the applicati on of these resources to enhance the

safety, welfare, and quality of life for all of society. Civil engineers shall be
committ ed to the following ( American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 2016):-

Do the Right Project. A proposed project's economic, environmental and social effects
on each of the communities served and affected must be assessed and understood by all
stakeholders before there is a decision to proceed with a project. Consider non-
structural as well as structural (built) solutions to the needs being addressed

Do the Project Right. The civil engineer shall actively engage stakeholders and secure
public understanding and acceptance of a projects economic, environmental and social
costs and benefits. To move toward conditions of sustainability, engineers must design
and deliver projects that address sustainability holistically (from concept to demolition
or reuse) rather than adding a variety of "green" features onto a conventional project

Perform Life Cycle Assessment from Planning to Reuse. Project participants should use
rigorous life cycle methodologies that quantify the economic, environmental and social
effects of the project
Use Resources Wisely - Minimize Use of Non Renewable Resources. Sustainable
development shall include progressive reductions in resource use for a given level of
service and resiliency. The feasibility of restoration, or return of depleted resources, shall
be evaluated by the civil engineer

Plan for Resiliency - Sustainability requires planning for the impact natural and man-
made disasters and changing conditions can have on economic, environmental and
social resources

Validate Application of Principles - Civil engineers must guide project development and
validate the application of these principles by using metrics and rating tools.


The concept of Sustainable Construction can be interpreted in many different ways, but at its
core is an approach to development that looks to balance different, and often competing, needs
against an awareness of the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society.
Sustainable Construction is about ensuring that a certain welfare level can be sustained over
time (Brunner, 2009). In recent years, many countries have been developing studies and
financial tools with the main purpose of implementing Sustainable construction and
disseminating a new mentality into the marketplace. Many of these studies are based on tools
to assess sustainability which are divulged in a country and tailored to its reality, such as LEED
(leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), Envision TM Rating System, Neighborhood
Development Rating System, One Planet Living (OPL), the South East England Development
Agency (SEEDA), SPeAR (Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine), VicUrban Masterplanned
Community Assessment tool. (Almeida, 2007), Green Building Index (Malaysia) and etc.

In this paper, we are about to discuss two most famous systems/tools to measure sustainability
of construction, which is

a. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

b. Green Building Index

Figure 3.General Criteria Development: The Green Building Criteria Framework

a. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

One of the most popular green building certification programs used worldwide. Developed by
the non-profit U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) it includes a set of rating systems for the
design, construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings, homes, and
neighborhoods that aims to help building owners and operators be environmentally responsible
and use resources efficiently.

LEED encompasses ten rating systems for the design, construction and operation of buildings,
homes and neighborhoods. Five overarching categories correspond to the specialties available
under the LEED professional program. LEED suite consists:

1. Green Building Design & Construction

2. Green Interior Design & Construction

3. Green Building Operations & Maintenance

4. Green Neighborhood Development

5. Green Home Design and Construction

Figure 4.LEED Assessment Criteria

LEED uses a point-scoring system for certification of a Sustainable Construction to one of four
different levels (goodway, n.d.):
Certified (40-49 points)
Silver (50-59 points)
Gold (60-79 points)

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Platinum (80+ points)


LEED certification process:

Figure 5. LEED Rating System

To pursue LEED Certification:-

1. Get all your stakeholders in the project involved to discuss timelines, costs and benefits.
Involving owners, engineers, architects, contractors, tenants or occupants and even your
banks at the beginning of the process will greatly enhance your chance of success.

2. Register your project with the LEED program. The newest version of LEED enables you to
perform just about all of the LEED-related project administration online. Select the level
and category of certification you will seek.

3. Each LEED certification combination has its own paperwork and documentation
requirements. Making sure they are fully and accurately completed will help ensure the
smooth progress of the certification process.

The next seven criteria all relate to the actual project and how LEED awards points. Each of
these sections has baseline prerequisites that must be met to qualify for LEED but will not

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warrant any points unless you go above and beyond that requirement. Consult the USGBC for a
complete listing of criteria and points available.

4. Sustainable Sites (up to 26 points) Points are awarded for site selection and
management methods such as groundwater control and the restoration of the grounds
after construction is completed.

5. Water-Efficiency (up to 10 points) Points are awarded for reduced water consumption

in landscaping and for designs that will reduce the need for potable water by building
occupants during normal building operations, as compared to established standards.

6. Energy and Atmosphere (up to 35 points) Points are awarded for both reduced energy
use as compared to standards and for the use of alternative-energy sources such as solar
panels or wind.

7. Materials and Resources (up to 14 points) The reuse of existing materials and the use

of recycled building materials are both ways to earn points in this section.

8. Indoor Air Quality (up to 15 points) Points are awarded for the use of low-emitting

materials such as sealants, adhesives and floor- or wall-coverings. Additional points can
be earned for enhanced levels of thermal comfort.

9. Design Innovation (up to 6 points) Innovative and unusual designs that achieve the
desired goals in a unique or more aesthetically pleasing manner may earn points toward

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Figure 6.Sample Checklist to calculate point for New Construction.

Figure 7. Calculation sample For LEED Rating

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Figure 8.LEED Certificate

Figure 9.LEED Certificate

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The Green Building Index (GBI) is Malaysias industry recognized green rating tool for buildings
to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise awareness among Developers,
Architects, Engineers, Planners, Designers, Contractors and the Public about environmental
issues and our responsibility to the future generations.

The GBI rating tool provides an opportunity for developers and building owners to design and
construct green, sustainable buildings that can provide energy savings, water savings, a
healthier indoor environment, better connectivity to public transport and the adoption of
recycling and greenery for their projects and reduce our impact on the environment.

GBI is developed specifically for the Malaysian-tropical climate, environmental and

developmental context, cultural and social needs and is created to (Green Building Index, n.d.):

Define green buildings by establishing a common language and standard of

Promote integrated, whole-building designs that provides a better environment for all
Recognize and reward environmental leadership
Transform the built environment to reduce its negative environmental impact
Ensure new buildings remain relevant in the future and existing buildings are refurbished
and upgraded to improve the overall quality of our building stock

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Figure 10.GBI Malaysia Assessment Criteria

GBI uses a point-scoring system for certification of a Sustainable Construction to one of four
different levels

Certified (50-65 points)

Silver (66-75 points)

Gold (76-85 points)

Platinum (86+ points)

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Figure 11.GBI Rating system for Residential and Non Residential

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1. Application & Registration

Complete and submit the GBI Application Form with the Applicants contact details, project
information and supporting documents to Green Building Index Sdn.Bhd (GSB). The Registration
Fee will be set depending on the size of the project. Upon payment of the fees, a GBI
registration number will be given and the GBI Terms and Conditions will be signed between the
Applicant and GSB. A GBI Certifier will then be appointed for the project.

2. Design Assessment (DA)

When the Applicant is ready he may then submit the project for GBI Design Assessment (DA)
either directly or through an appointed GBI Facilitator. Submission should be done when all key
criteria of the design are finalized and preferably before the commencement of construction so
as to enable the project to be monitored and assessed in its entirety. The GBI Certifier will then
undertake the Design Assessment for GSB. This may involve a presentation by the Applicant and
their Project Design Team or by the GBI Facilitator. The GBI Certifier will upon completion, table
the assessment report to the GBIAP to register and award the certification. The provisional GBI
Design Assessment certification will then be issued with the accompanying GBI score sheet to
show the scores achieved.

3. Completion & Verification Assessment (CVA)

Upon completion of the project, the Applicant should submit for the Completion and
Verification Assessment (CVA). This is to be done within 12 months after the completion of the
building or when the building becomes 50 percent occupied, whichever is the earlier. The final
GBI award will be issued by the GBIAP upon completion of this CVA assessment. Buildings are
awarded GBI - Platinum, Gold, Silver or Certified ratings depending on the scores achieved.
Buildings will have to be re-assessed every three years in order to maintain their GBI rating to
ensure that the buildings are well-maintained.

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Figure 12.GBI Rating Forms

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Figure 13.GBI Certificate

Figure 14.GBI Certificate

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Figure 15.A Comparison of the Green Building Criteria by Various Green Building Councils.



Plenty of clean air, daylight and outdoor spaces; healthier, more comfortable employees
and patients

Healthy working environment built to standards that minimize ecological damage

Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Create a healthy indoor environment

Reduce costs of energy and natural resources.


Difficult & expensive to do on your own

For some, costs may outweigh the benefits

For others, meeting the requirements might be impossible

Isolated evaluation of a buildings design, which ignores context and performance.

Represents a conceptual framework that, while better than the status-quo, does not
encourage forward-thinking design

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Construction costs are the same as a standard building and sometime they cost a little
bit more as they require special materials to be built.

Green buildings dont know the meaning of wasted, they recycle rain water and grey
water and use them for toilet flushing for instance.

These buildings save energy more than those built out of bricks. They only depend on all
renewable energy resources such solar power, hydro-power and wind power which are
used for heat and electricity and help improve the indoor air quality.

Green buildings are built from natural, non-toxic and recycled materials that dont cost
much and Eco-friendly such as bamboo, straw, recycled metal or concrete and etc.


Many believe the costs associated with green building make the building methods cost-

Since these buildings depend on sun for energy, they need to be located in position that
will have the best sun exposure which may demand placing them opposite to other
neighborhood homes.

The materials to build such buildings can be hard to find especially in urban areas where
preserving the environment is not the peoples first option. So shipping these materials
can then cost a lot than a standard building.

These buildings run on heat to generate power, so they are not designed for hot areas as
they do not have any ventilation systems, so air conditioners will be required which will
make these buildings anything but Eco-friendly

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The main aim of these two methods is to encourage the mass of building stock towards higher
levels of environmental performance. The two methods have their own pro and cons, they are
improving and updating their judging criteria with legislative developments and current best
practices. Since the main differences between the two systems arise from their policies and the
bureaucratic environment of their origins, it is somehow unreasonable to praise one over the
other and the decision to choose one over the other highly depends on the background and
regional conditions of the projects. All of the comparisons of different assessment tools proves
that building certification in each country idealistically should be done by the countrys specific
certification system. These building sustainability assessment tools are supposed to adapt the
local political, regional standards and laws, social and climatic conditions of each country.
Therefore the awareness in the concept of sustainability in buildings in Malaysia is increasing
and some of these organizations are willing to have discussions for the possibility of integrating
some of these rating tools. The housing developers in Malaysia are however only moderate in
terms of their readiness to develop greenhouses as opposed to CIDB and JKR who are more
committed in environmental sustainability for their projects.

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GBI Tools and Design Reference guide

GBI Explanation Video


ISO International Organization for Standardization

EN European Standards

'Vienna Agreement' between ISO and CEN for parallel development of

International standards
ISO and CEN have separate standards on sustainable construction - but share
The approach on sustainability without major contradictions

ISO 15392 Sustainability in building construction General principles

ISO 21929-1 Sustainability in building construction Sustainability indicators
Part 1: Framework for the development of indicators and a core set of indicators
for buildings
ISO 21930 Sustainability in building construction - Environmental declaration
of building products
ISO 21931-1 Sustainability in building construction Framework for methods
of assessment of the Environmental performance of construction works Part 1:
EN 15643-1 Sustainability of construction works Sustainability assessment
of buildings Part 1: General framework

25 | P a g e
EN 15643-2 Sustainability of construction works Assessment of buildings
Part 2: Framework for the assessment of environmental performance
EN 15643-3 Sustainability of construction works Assessment of buildings
Part 3: Framework for the assessment of social performance
EN 15643-4 Sustainability of construction works Assessment of buildings
Part 4: Framework for the assessment of economic performance
EN 15804 Sustainability of construction works Environmental product
declarations Core rules

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Figure 16.Sustainable Construction based buildings

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Figure 17.Sustainable Construction based buildings

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Figure 18.Sustainable Construction based buildings

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