Organizing Quiz

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Name: __________________________________ Section: ______________ Date: _______________

I. Multiple choice. No erasures.

1. It is a line drawing that shows how the parts of an organization are linked.
a. Organizational structure c. Line organization
b. Organizational chart d. NOTA
2. It is the process of establishing formal authority.
a. Planning c. Directing
b. Organizing d. Controlling
3. Which among the following is not an element of organizing:
a. Staffing c. Budgeting
b. Scheduling d. Job descriptions
4. It is the process of conferring specified decision making to the lower levels of the
a. Decentralization c. Departmentation
b. Centralization d. NOTA
5. Taking full responsibility for the quality of work and behavior while engaged in the
practice of the profession.
a. Authority c. Responsibility
b. Accountability d. Power
6. The right to act or make decisions without approval of higher administrators.
a. Authority c. Responsibility
b. Accountability d. Power
7. The process of determining and providing the acceptable number and mix of
nursing personnel to produce a desired level of care to meet the patient’s demand.
a. Organizing c. Budgeting
b. Scheduling d. Staffing
8. Covers a designated number of weeks and is repeated thereon.
a. Centralized schedule c. Cyclical schedule
b. Decentralized schedule d. NOTA
9. One person, usually the Chief Nurse, assigns the nursing personnel to the various
units to the hospital.
a. Centralized schedule c. Cyclical schedule
b. Decentralized schedule d. NOTA
10.The shift and off-duties are arranged by the Supervising Nurse or Head Nurse of the
particular unit.
c. Centralized schedule c. Cyclical schedule
d. Decentralized schedule d. NOTA
11.It is a method of grouping patients according to the amount and complexity of their
nursing care requirements and the nursing time and skill they require.
a. Patient care assignment c. Patient care classification
b. Nursing care assignment d. NOTA
12.Depicts direct relationships in an organizational chart.
a. Straight lines c. Broken lines
b. Bold lines d. Solid lines
13.Shows coordinated relationships in an organizational chart.
a. Straight lines c. Broken lines
b. Bold lines d. Solid lines
14.Type of organization in which each position has general authority over the lower
positions in the hierarchy.
a. Line organization c. Staff organization
b. Informal organization d. Functional organization
15.Advisory to the line structure with no authority to put recommendations into action.
a. Line organization c. Staff organization
b. Informal organization d. Functional organization

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