The Environment We Are Living in Is in Danger Due To Various Problems So Who Do U Think Should Be Responsible For Solving It? Is It The Governments, Organization or Each Individual?

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The environment we are living in is in danger due to various

problemsso who do u think should be responsible for solving

it? Is it the governments, organization or each individual?

Environment is the very important issue around the world now days, where they started focusing
from Kyoto protocol 1992 to recent environmental summit at copeghnegan. We are making
environment danger in many ways, like pollution from water, noise, air, and sewage. Environment to
be saved and thats a sole responsibility of each and everybody. Only by saving the environment we
can leave behind a life to the next generation to sustain, absence of doing so creates more harmful

Government is handling an environment issue in a good approach through segregation of wastages,

avoiding of plastics, and separation bio-degradable materials. Government creating a more policy
and they themselves involving the international summit to understand the process of reducing CO2
emission, on same National Green Tribunal, Environment impact assessment, Swach Bharat kind of
policy has been introduced to make the atmosphere clean. On other side their approach is very slow
in execution that makes the people to leave the project half-a-way.

On other hand, Public and private organisation discharge the more industrial wastages, where
products are depend upon the typology of industry. Presently Tamilnadu government faces lot of
issues due to proposed industries in southern part of tamilnadu where more agriculture potential
zone is there. This kind of organisation forgetting to organise the discharge from industries.

Individual has a lot of carelessness to protect the environment, where they can give a small
contribution to protect the environment by making the surrounding clean. And most importantly
creating an awareness to all regarding environment. Only by change from individual will leads to the
change in the country. So its a sole responsibility of individual to make sure our environment is out
of danger.

To conclude, all the individuals, government and organisation to show their responsibility on
protecting the environment, and save the oxygen for their children.

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