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Offshore Oil and Gas Industry - Abbreviations and Acronyms

Courtesy of DMAR Engineering, Inc. (pdf file downloadable from

A&G Administrative And General Expenses
AADE American Association Of Drilling Engineers
AAGR Average Annual Growth Rate
AAPG American Association Of Petroleum Geologists
AAQS Ambient Air Quality Standards
AAR After Action Reviews
AAV Annulus Access Valve
ABAN Abandonment
ABF Aquatic Base Flow
ABS American Bureau Of Shipping
ABSA Alberta Boilers Safety Association
AC Alternating Current
ACA Annual Charge Adjustment
ACHE Air Cooled Heat Exchanger
ACOU Acoustic
ACP Annular Casing Pressure
ACP Area Contingency Plan
ACQU Acquisition Log
ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System
ADIOS Automated Data Inquiry For Oil Spills
ADIT Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes
ADROC Advanced Rock Properties Report
ADT Applied Drilling Technology
AF Arctic Floater
AFE Authorization For Expenditure
AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam
AFP Active Fire Protection
AFV Annular Flow Valve
AGRU Acid Gas Removal Unit
AHBDF Along Hole (Depth) Below Derrick Floor
AHD Along Hole Depth
AI Artificial Island
AIChE American Institute Of Chemical Engineers
AIME American Institute Of Mining, Metallurgical, And Petroleum Engineers
AIRG Airgun
AIRRE Airgun Report
AIS Automatic Identification System
AIT Array Induction Tool
AIT Auto Ignition Temperature
AIV Alternate Isolation Valve
AL Appraisal Licence
AL Artificial Lift
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
ALC Aertical Seismic Profile Acoustic Log Calibration
ALR Acoustic Log Report
AMDEA Activated Methyldiethanolamine
AMNI Associate Member Of The Nautical Institute
Amp Ampere
AMS Auxiliary Measurement Service Log
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
AMV Annulus Master Valve
AMVER US Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue
ANACO Analysis Of Core Logs Report
ANARE Analysis Report
ANP Brazil'S National Petroleum Agency
ANPR Advance Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOF Absolute Open Flow

AOFP Absolute Open Flow Potential

AOPL Association Of Oil Pipe Lines
APCD Air Pollution Control District
APD Application For Permit To Drill
API American Petroleum Institute
APM Application For Permit To Modify
APPRE Appraisal Report
APS Active Pipe Support
AQ Air Quality
AQAP Air Quality Attainment Plan
AQMD Air Quality Management District
ARACL Array Acoustic Log
ARB Air Resources Board
ARCS Admiralty Raster Chart Service
ARESV Analysis Of Reservoir
ARI Azimuthal Resistivity Image
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aids
ARRC Array Acoustic Report
ART Actuator Running Tool
ART Alternate Response Technologies
AS Array Sonic Processing Log
ASBA Association Of Ship Brokers And Agents
ASCE American Society Of Chemical Engineers
ASCSSV Annulus Surface Controlled Sub Surface Valve
ASME American Society Of Mechanical Engineers
ASP Array Sonic Processing Report
ASPO Asociation For The Study Of Peak Oil & Gas
ASR Atmosphere Supplying Respirator
ASRO Australian Shipping Registration Office
ASTM American Society For Testing And Materials
ASV Annular Safety Valve
ATD Application To Drill
atm Atmosphere, A Unit Of Pressure
AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
AV Annular Velocity Or Apparent Viscosity
AVO Amplitude Variation With Offset (Seismic)
AVO Amplitude Versus Offset (Geophysics)
AWB/V Annulus Wing Block/Valve (Xt)
AWO Approval For Well Operation
BA Brazos Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
BA Bridging Agreement
BARS Borehole Acoustic Reflection Survey
BAST Best Available And Safest Technology
Bbbl Billion Barrels
Bbl Barrel(S) Of Oil
BBS Behavioral Based Safety
BBSM Behaviour Based Safety Management
BC Code Of Safe Practice For Solid Bulk Cargoes
BCD Barrels Per Calendar Day
Bcf Billion Cubic Feet (Of Natural Gas)
Bcfd Billion Cubic Feet Per Day
Bcfe Billion Cubic Feet Of Gas Equivalent
BDF Below Derrick Floor
BDI Baltic Dry Index
BDL Bit Data Log
BDV Blow Down Valve
BFI Baltic Freight Index
BFOE Brent, Forties, Oseberg, And Ekofisk (Oil Fields)
BFPD Barrels Of Fluid Per Day
BGL Below Ground Level (Used As A Datum For Depths In A Well)
BGL Borehole Geometry Log
BGS British Geological Survey DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 2/40


BGT Borehole Geometry Tool

BGWP Base Of Ground Water Protection
BH Bloodhound
BHA Bottomhole Assembly
BHC Bhc Gamma Ray Log
BHCA Bhc Acoustic Log
BHCP Bottomhole Circulating Pressure
BHCS Bhc Sonic Log
BHCT Bottomhole Circulating Temperature
BHFP Bottomhole Flowing Pressure
BHL Borehole Log
BHL Bottomhole Location
BHP Bottom Hole Pressure
BHPRP Borehole Pressure Report
BHSRE Bottom Hole Sampling Report
BHSS Borehole Seismic Survey
BHST Bottomhole Static Temperature
BHT Bottomhole Temperature
BHTV Borehole Television Report
BIMCO Baltic And International Maritime Council
BIOR Biostratigraphic Range Log
BIORE Biostratigraphy Study Report
BIVDL Bi/Dk/Wf/Casing Collar Locator/Gamma Ray Log
BLI Bottom Of Logging Interval
BLP Bridge Linked Platform
BLPD Barrels Of Liquid Per Day
BM Bay Marchand Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
BML Below Mud Line
BMPs Best Management Practices
BO Back Off Log
BO Biological Opinion
BOB Back On Bottom
BOD Basis of Design
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
boe Barrels Of Oil Equivalent
BOEM US Bureau Of Ocean Energy Management
BOEPD Barrels Of Oil Equivalent Per Day
boepd, boe/d, boed Barrel Of Oil Equivalent Per Day
BOM Bill Of Materials
BOP Blowout Preventer
BOP Bottom Of Pipe
BOPD Barrels Of Oil Per Day
BOPE Barrels Of Oil Per Day Equivalent
BOPE Blowout Preventer Equipment
BOPM Barrels Of Oil Per Month
BOREH Borehole Seismic Analysis
BOSIET Basic Offshore Safety Induction And Emergency Training
BOSVA British Offshore Support Vessel Owners Association
BOTHL Bottom Hole Locator Log
BOTTO Bottom Hole Pressure/Temperature Report
BP Boiling Point
BP Bubble Point
bpd Barrels Per Day
BPFL Borehole Profile Log
BPH Barrels Per Hour
BPI Baltic Panamax Index
BPLUG Baker Plug
BPV Back Pressure Valve
BR Barge
BROA British Rig Owners Association
Brown Fields Fields Beyond Their Production Plateau But Still Producing
BRPLG Bridge Plug Log
BRS Bulgarian Register Of Shipping DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 3/40


BRT Below Rotary Table

BS Breton Sound Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
BS&W Basic Sediment & Water
BSDV Boarding Shutdown Valve
BSEE US Bureau Of Safety And Environmental Enforcement
BSL Below Sea Level
BSL Burner Safety Low
BSML Below Sea Mean Level
BSR Bend Strength Ratio
BSR Blind Shear Ram
BSR Blind Shear Rams (Blowout Preventer)
BSR Bottom Simulating Reflector
BTEX Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene
BTHL Bottom Hole Log
BTI British Trade International
BTO/C Break To Open/Close (Valve Torque)
BTU British Thermal Unit
BU Bottom Up
BUL Bottom Up Lag
BUR Build Up Rate
BV Bureau Veritas
BVO Ball Valve Operator
BWOC By Weight Of Cement
BWOW By Weight Of Water
BWPD Barrels Of Water Per Day
C (cent.) Centigrade
C&E Well Completion And Equipment Cost
C&K Choke And Kill
C&S Cased And Suspended
C/P Consumption/Production (Ratio)
C1 Methane
C2 Ethane
C3 Propane
C4 Butane
C6 Hexanes
C7+ Heavy Hydrocarbon Components
CA Core Analysis Log
CAA Clean Air Act
CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments
CAD Computer Assisted Design
CAER Community Awareness And Emergency Response
CALI Calliper Log
CALOG Circumferential Acoustic Log
CALVE Calibrated Velocity Log Data
CAODC Canadian Association Of Oilwell Drilling Contractors
CAP Condition Assessment Program Survey
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CAPP Canadian Association Of Petroleum Producers
CART Cam Actuated Running Tool (Housing Running Tool)
CART Cap Replacement Tool
CAS Casing Log
CATS Central Area Transmission System
CB Core Barrel
CBI Computer Based Information
CBI Confederation Of British Industry
CBIL Cbil Log
CBL Cement Bond Log
CBM Choke Bridge Module
CBM Coalbed Methane
CBM Coalbed Methane
CBM Conventional Buoy Mooring
CBT Computer Based Training DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 4/40


CCA Clean Carribbean & Americas

CCC Carrier Container Council
CCHT Core Chart Log
CCL Casing Collar Locator
CCLP Casing Collar Locator Perforation
CCLTP Casing Collar Locator Through Tubing Plug
CCP Controllable Pitch Propeller
CCS Carbon Capture And Storage (Or Sequestration)
CCS China Classification Society
CD Core Description
CDA Common Data Access
CDATA Core Data
CDIS Cdi Synthetic Seismic Log
CDP Common Depth Point (Geophysics)
CDP Comprehensive Drilling Plan
CDR Chemical Data Reporting Rule
CDRCL Compensated Dual Resistivity Cal. Log
CDU Control Distribution Unit
CECAN Cec Analysis
CEME Cement Evaluation
CEN European Committee For Standardization
CENELEC European Committee For Electro Technical Standardization
CEPA Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
CERCLA US Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation And Liability Act
CERE Cement Remedial Log
CES Coast Earth Station
CESMA Confederation Of European Union Shipmasters Associations
CET Cement Evaluation Tool
CF Completion Fluid
Cf Cubic Feet
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFR Code Of Federal Regulations
Cfs Cubic Feet Per Second
CG Center of Gravity
CG Coast Guard
CGBF Concrete, Gravity Based Structure
CGL Core Gamma Log
CGPH Core Graph Log
CGR Condensate Gas Ratio
CGT Capital Gains Tax
CGTL Compact Gas To Liquids
CH Cased Hole
CH Charlotte Harbor Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
CHCNC Chcnc Gamma Ray Casing Collar Locator
CHDTP Calliper Hdt Playback Log
CHECK Checkshot And Acoustic Calibration Report
CHESM Contractor, Health, Environment And Safety Management
CHKSR Checkshot Survey Report
CHKSS Checkshot Survey Log
CHOPS Cold Heavy Oil Production With Sand
CHP Casing Hanger Pressure
CHROM Chromatolog
CHRT Casing Hanger Running Tool
CIBP Cast Iron Bridge Plug
CILD Conduction Log
CIMV Chemical Injection Metering Valve
CIRM International Radio Maritime Committee
CIT Chartered Institute Of Transport
CITHP Closed In Tubing Head Pressure (Tubing Head Pressure When The Well Is Shut In)
CIV Chemical Injection Valve
CL Core Log
Class Category In Classification Register
CLC International Convention On Civil Liability For Oil Pollution Damage DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 5/40


CLG Core Log And Graph

CLUP Coastal Land Use Plan
CM Choke Module
CMP Coastal Management Program
CMP Common Midpoint (Geophysics)
CNCF Field Normalised Compensated Neutron Porosity
CND Compensated Neutron Density
CNFDP Cnfd True Vertical Depth Playback Log
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CNGR Compensated Neutron Gamma Ray Log
CNL Compensated Neutron Log
CNLFD Cnl/Fdc Log
CO Carbon Monoxide
CO Change Out
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COA Contract Of Affreightment
COC Certificate Of Conformance
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
COFR Certificate Of Financial Responsibility
COL Collar Log
Colreg International Convention On Collision Regulations
COMAN Compositional Analysis
COML Compaction Log
COMP Composite Log
COMPR Completion Program Report
COMPU Computest Report
COMRE Completion Record Log
CONDE Condensate Analysis Report
CONDR Continuous Directional Log
COOGER California Offshore Oil And Gas Energy Resources
CORAN Core Analysis Report
CORE Core Report
CORG Corgun Log
CORIB Coriband Log
CORLG Correlation Log
COROR Core Orientation Report
COS Center For Offshore Safety
CoSWP Code Of Safe Working Practices For Merchant Seamen
COTP Captain Of The Port
COW Crude Oil Washing
COXY Carbon/Oxygen Log
CPI Chemical Process Industries
CPI Consumer Price Index
CPI Cpi Log (Computer Processed Interpretation)
CPI separator Corrugated Plate Interceptor
CPICB Cpi Coriband Log
CPIRE Cpi Report
CPS Cycles Per Second
CPU Cavern Point Unit
CRA Corrosion Resistant Alloy
CRET Cement Retainer Setting Log
CRP Common/Central Reference Point (Subsea Survey)
CRP Control Riser Platform
CRS Croatian Register Of Shipping
CRT Clamp Replacement Tool
CS Chandeleur Sound Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
CsF Caesium Formate
csg Casing
CSHN Cased Hole Neutron Log
CSI Csi Log
CSMT Core Sampler Tester Log
CSO Complete Seal Off
CSPG Canadian Society Of Petroleum Geologists DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 6/40


CSS Code Of Ship Management Standards

CSS Cyclic Steam Stimulation (Method)
CSTAK Core Sample Taken Log
CSUG Canadian Society For Unconventional Gas
CT Coiled Tubing
CT Complex Total
CT Compliant Tower
CT Corporation Tax
CTCO Coiled Tubing Clean Out
CTD Coiled Tubing Drilling
CTLF Coil Tubing Lift Frame
CTLF Compensated Tension Lift Frame
CTM Coil Tubing Measurement
CTOD Crack Tip Opening Displacement
CTRAC Cement Tracer Log
CTU Cargo Transport Unit
CTU Coiled Tubing Unit
CUP Conditional Use Permit
CUT Cutter Log
CUTTD Cuttings Description Report
CWA Clean Water Act
CWI Certified Welding Inspector
CWOP Complete Well On Paper
CWOR Completion Work Over Riser
CYBD Cyberbond Log
CYBLK Cyberlook Log
CYDIP Cyberdip Log
CYDN Cyberdon Log
CYPRO Cyberproducts Log
CZMA US Coastal Zone Management Act
CZMP Coastal Zone Management Program
D Day
D&C Drilling And Completions
DAC Dipole Acoustic Log
DARCI Darci Log
DART Days Away, Restricted Work, Or Job Transfer
DAT Wellhead Housing Drill Ahead Tool
DAZD Dip And Azimuth Display
dBA Decibles
DBB Double Block And Bleed
DC Desoto Canyon Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
DC Direct Current
DC Drill Centre
DC Drill Collar(S)
DCAL Dual Caliper Log
DCP Driller'S Control Panel
DD Directional Driller Or Directional Drilling
DD Dustin Dome Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
DDBHC Ddbhc Waveform Log
DDET Depth Determination Log
DDM Derrick Drilling Machine (A.K.A. Top Drive)
DDNL Dual Det. Neutron Life Log
DDPT Drill Data Plot Log
DEAL Digital Energy Atlas & Library
DECC Department For Energy And Climate Change (Uk)
DECT Decay Time
DEFSU Definitive Survey Report
DELTA Delta T Log
Delta Difference Between Plan And Performance
DEN Density Log
DEPAN Deposit Analysis Report
DEPC Depth Control Log DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 7/40


DESFL Deep Induction Sfl Log

DEV Development Well, Lahee Classification
DEVLG Deviation Log
DEXP D Exponent Log
DF Derrick Floor
DFR Drilling Factual Report
DFT Dry Film Thickness
DGP Dynamic Geohistory Plot (3D Technique)
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DH Drilling History
DHC Depositional History Curve
DHPTT Downhole Pressure/Temperature Transducer
DHSV Downhole Safety Valve
DIBHC Dis Bhc Log
DIEGR Dielectric Gamma Ray Log
DIF Drill In Fluids
DIL Dual Induction Log
DILB Dual Induction Bhc Log
DILL Dual Induction Laterolog
DILLS Dual Induction Log Lss
DILSL Dual Induction Log Sls
DIM Directional Inertia Mechanism
DINT Dip Interpretation
DIP Dipmeter Log
DIPAR Dipole Acoustic Report
DIPBH Dipmeter Borehole Log
DIPFT Dipmeter Fast Log
DIPLP Dip Lithology Pressure Log
DIPRE Dipmeter Report
DIPRM Dip Removal Log
DIPSA Dipmeter Soda Log
DIPSK Dipmeter Stick Log
DIRS Directional Survey Log
DIRSU Directional Survey Report
DIS Draft International Standard
DISFL Disfl Dbhc Gamma Ray Log
DISO Dual Induction Sonic Log
DL Development Licence
DLat Difference In Latitude
DLIST Dip List Log
DLL Dual Laterolog
DLong Difference In Longitude
DLS Dogleg Severity
DLT Digital Linear Tape
DMA Dead Man Anchor
DMDO Distillate Marine Diesel Oil
DMR Discharge Monitoring Report
DNC Digital Nautical Chart
DNHO Downhole Logging
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DO Division Order
DOA Delegation Of Authority
DOC Document Of Compliance
DOCD Development Operations Coordination Documents
DOE US Department Of Energy
DOI US Department Of Interior
DOL US Department Of Labor
DOO Designation Of Operator
DOT US Department Of Transportation
DOWRE Downhole Report
dP Delta Pressure
DP Dewpoint DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 8/40


DP Drill Pipe
DP Dynamic Positioning
DPDV Dynamically Positioned Drilling Vessel
DPL Dual Propagation Log
DPLD Differential Pressure Levitated Device (Or Vehicle)
DPO Dynamic Positioning Operator
DPP Development And Production Plan
DPRES Dual Propagation Resistivity Log
DPS Dynamic Positioning System
DPT Deeper Pool Test, Lahee Classification
DQLC Dipmeter Quality Control Log
DR Dead Reckoning
DR Delay Rental
DR Drilling Report
DR Dummy Run Log
DRI Drift Log
DRLCT Drilling Chart
DRLOG Drilling Log
DRLPR Drilling Proposal/Progress Report
DRPG Drilling Program Report
DRPRS Drilling Pressure
DRREP Drilling Report
DRYRE Drying Report
DS Deviation Survey, (Also Directional System)
DS Drillship
DSC Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes And Containers
DSCAN Dsc Analysis Report
DSI Dipole Shear Imager
DSPT Cross Plots Log
DSS Decision Support System
DST Drill Stem Test
DSTG Dstg Log
DSTL Drill Stem Test Log
DSTND Dual Space Thermal Neutron Density Log
DSTPB Drill Stem Test True Vertical Depth Playback Log
DSTRE Drill Stem Test Report
DSTSM Drill Stem Test Summary Report
DSTW Drill Stem Test Job Report/Works
DSV Diving Support Vessel
DT Day Tortugas Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
DTPB Cnt True Vertical Depth Playback Log
DTT Depth To Time
DW Deep Water
DWH Deepwater Horizon
DWOP Deepwater Operations Plan
DWOP Drilling Well On Paper
DWQL Dual Water Quicklook Log
DWRRA US Deep Water Royalty Relief Act
DWSS Dig Well Seismic Surface Log
DWT Deadweight Tons
DXC Dxc Pressure Pilot Report
E Young'S Modulus
E&A Exploration And Appraisal
E&P Exploration And Production
E/W East/West
EA Environmental Assessment
EA Environmental Assessment
EAGE European Association Of Geoscientists & Engineers
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, And Amortization
EC European Commission
ECC Emergency Control Center
ECD Equivalent Circulating Density DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 9/40


ECDIS Electronic Chart Display And Information System

ECGD Exports Credits Guarantee Department
ECHA European Chemicals Agency
ECITB Engineering Construction Industry Training Board
ECP External Casing Packer
ECRD Electrically Controlled Release Tool
ECS Electronic Chart System
EDP Emergency Disconnect Package
EDP Exploration Drilling Program Report
EDR Exploration Drilling Report
EDRC Effective Daily Recovery Capacity (Of Oil Skimmers)
EDS Emergency Disconnect Sequence
EEHA Electrical Equipment In Hazardous Areas
EEP Emergency Evacuation Plan
EER Emergency Escape And Refuge (System)
EERA Escape, Evacuation, And Rescue Analysis
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
EFH Essential Fish Habitat
EFL Electrical Flying Lead
EFR Engineering Factual Report
EGMBE Ethylene Glycol Mono Butyl Ether
EHT Electric Heat Trace
EHV Extra High Voltage
EI Eugene Island Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA US Energy Information Administration
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EL Electric Log
EL Exploration Licence
EL The Elbow Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
ELT Economic Limit Test
EM Electromagnetic
EM Emop Log
EMF Electro Magnetic Fields
EMG Equivalent Mud Gradient
EMI Electromagnetic Inspection
EMOP Emop Well Site Processing Log
EMP Electromagnetic Propagation Log
EMT Electrical Metallic Tubing (Conduit)
EMW Equivalent Mud Weight
EN European Standard
EN PI Enhanced Productivity Index Log
ENC Electronic Navigation Chart
ENG Engineering Log
ENGF Engineer Factual Report
ENGPD Engineering Porosity Data
Eni Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi S.P.A. (Italy)
ENJ Enerjet Log
EOFL End Of Field Life
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
EOS Equation Of State
EOT End Of Tubing
EOW End Of Well Report
EP Exploration Plan
EPA Environmental Protection Act
EPA US Environmental Protection Agency
EPCI Engineering, Procurement, Construction, And Installation
EPCU Electrical Power Conditioning Unit
EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System
EPIDORIS Exploration And Production Integrated Drilling Operations And Reservoir Information System
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 10/40


EPT Electromagnetic Propagation

ER(D) Extended Reach (Drilling)
ERA Environmental Risk Assessment
ERC Emergency Response And Control
ERD Extended Reach Drilling
ERNS Emergency Response Notification System
EROEI Energy Returned On Energy Invested
ERP Emergency Response Plan
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ERT Emergency Response Team
ERT Emergency Response Training
ESA US Endangered Species Act
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESD Emergency Shut Down
ESP Electric Submersible Pump
ESP Expected Surface Pressure
ESPcc Expected Surface Pressure For The Completion Case
ETA Estimated Time Of Arrival
ETA Event Tree Analysis
ETAP Eastern Trough Area Project
ETD Estimated Time Of Departure
ETO Electro Technical Officer
ETSF Electronic Trading Standard Format
ETSI European Telecommunications
ETTD Electromagnetic Thickness Test
ETU Electrical Test Unit
EU European Union
EUR Estimated Ultimate Recovery
EVARE Evaluation Report
EVI Equipment Verification Inspection
EWR End Of Well Report
EWTA Eglin Water Test Area
FAC Factual Report
FACHV Four Arm Calliper Log
FANAL Formation Analysis Sheet Log
FAT Factory Acceptance Testing
FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy
FBHP Flowing Bottomhole Pressure.
FC Float Collar
FCC Fully Cellular Containership
FCF Fishermen'S Contingency Fund
FCO Financed, Constructed And Operated
FCO Foreign And Commonwealth Office
FCP Final Circulating Pressure
FCVE F Curve Log
FDC Formation Density Log
FDP Field Development Planning
FDS Functional Design Specification
FEED Front End Engineering And Design
FEL From East Line
FER Field Equipment Room
FERC US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FEWD Formation Evaluation While Drilling
FFAC Formation Factor Log
FFM Full Field Model
FG Fracture Gradient
FGEOL Final Geological Report
FH Full Hole Tool Joint
FI Final Inspection
FI(M) Free Issue (Materials)
FID Final Investment Decision
FINST Final Stratigraphic Report DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 11/40


FINTP Formation Interpretation

FIP Flow Induced Pulsation
FIR Failure Investigation Reports
FIT Fairing Intervention Tool
FIT Fluid Identification Test
FIT Formation Integrity Test
FIT Formation Integrity Test
FIT Formation Interval Tester
FIV Flow Induced Vibration
FIV Formation Isolation Valve
FLAP Fluid Level Above Pump
FLET Flowline End Termination
FLIV Flowline Isolation Valve
FLMPI Full Length Magnetic Particle Inspection
FLMT Flowline Manifold Termination
FLOPR Flow Profile Report
FLOT Flying Lead Orientation Tool
FLOW Flow And Buildup Test Report
FLRA Field Level Risk Assessment
FLS Fluid Sample
FLT Fault (Geology)
FLUT Full Length Ultrasonic Inspection
FM Flowmeter
FMA Finnish Maritime Administration
FMEA Failure Modes And Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Modes, Effects, And Criticality Analysis
FMI Formation Micro Imaging Log
FMP Facility Measurement Point
FMP Formation Microscan Report
FMS Formation Multi Scan Log; Formation Micro Scan Log
FNL From North Line
FNOS Final Notice Of Sale
FO Fuel Oil
FOET Further Offshore Emergency Training
FOIP Freedom Of Information And Protection Of Privacy Act
FONSI Findings Of No Significant Impact
FOSC Federal On Scene Coordinator
FOSV Full Opening Safety Valve
FP Frac Pack
FPDM Fracture Potential And Domain Modelling/Mapping
FPF Floating Production Facility
FPIT Free Point Indicator Tool
FPL Flow Analysis Log
FPLAN Field Plan Log
FPS Floating Production System
FPSO Floating Production Storage And Offloading System
FPU Floating Processing Unit
FR Full Requirements
FR US Federal Register
FRA Fracture Log
FRARE Fracture Report
FRES Final Reserve Report
FRSB Fast Response Spill Boat
FRU Fast Response Units
FS Fail Safe
FSA Formal Safety Assessment
FSB Flowline Support Base
FSI Flawless Start Up Initiative
FSL From South Line
FSO Floating Storage Offloading Vessel
FSRU Floating Storage And Regasification Unit
FT Flow Transmitter
Ft Foot (Feet) DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 12/40


FT Formation Tester Log

FTA Fault Tree Analysis
FTC US Federal Trade Commission
FTM Fire Team Member
FTP Flowing Tubing Plug
FTP Flowing Tubing Pressure
FTRE Formation Testing Report
FULDI Full Diameter Study Report
FV Funnel Viscosity Or Float Valve
FVF Formation Volume Factor
FWHP Flowing Wellhead Pressure
FWKO Free Water Knock Out
FWL Free Water Level
FWL From West Line
FWR Final Well Report
FWV Flow Wing Valve
G&G Geology And Geophysics
G/C Gas Condensate
G/L Gas/Liquid
GA General Arrangement (Of Offshore Equipment)
Gal Gallon
GAPP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAS Gas Log
GASAN Gas Analysis Report
GBS Gravity Based Structure
GBT Gravity Base Tank
GC Gas Chromatography
GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
GCAT Government Compliance Action Team
GCLOG Graphic Core Log
GDAT Geodetic Datum
GDIP Geodip Log
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GDT Gas Down To
GE Condensate Gas Equivalent
GE Ground Elevation
GEOCH Geochemical Evaluation
GEODY Geo Dys Log
GEOEV Geochemical Evaluation Report
GEOFO Geological & Formation Evaluation Report
GEOL Geological Surveillance Log
GEOP Geophone Data Log
GEOPN Geological Well Prognosis Report
GEOPR Geological Operations Progress Report
GEORE Geological Report
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
GGRG Gauge Ring
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GIIP Gas Initially In Place
GIS Geographic Information System
GJ Gigajoule
GL Gas Lift
GL Germanischer Lloyd
GL Ground Level
GLM Gas Lift Mandrel
Glonass Global Navigation Satellite System
GLR Gas Liquid Ratio
GLV Gas Lift Valve
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress And Safety System
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GNOME General NOAA Oil Modeling Environment
GOC Gas Oil Contact DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 13/40


GOC General Operators' Certificate

GOM Gulf Of Mexico
GOMR Gulf Of Mexico Region
GOP Geological Operations Report
GOR Gas Oil Ratio
GOSP Gas Oil Separation Plant
GP Gravel Pack
GPIT Inclinometry Tool Log
GPLT Geol Plot Log
GPRA The US Government Performance And Results Act
GPS Global Positioning System
GPSL Geo Pressure Log
GR Gamma Ray
GR Ground Level
GRAD Gradiometer Log
GRC Galvanized Rigid Conduit
GRE Ground Elevation
GRLOG Grapholog
GRN Gamma Ray Neutron Log
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
GRSVY Gradient Survey Log
GRV Gross Rock Volume
GS Gas Supplier
GS Gel Strength
GT Gross Tonnage
GT&C General Terms And Conditions
GTL Gas To Liquids
GTW Gas To Wire
GUI Graphical User Interface
GUN Gun Set Log
GW Gigawatt
GWC Gas Water Contact
Gwh Gigawatt Hour
GWI Gross Working Interest
GWREP Geo Well Report
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
HA Hazard Analysis
HAPs Hazardous Air Pollutants
HARP Hot Spots Analysis And Reporting Program
HARP Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Program
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
HAZCOM Hazard Communications
HAZID Hazard Identification
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials Response Division Of Noaa
HAZOP Hazard And Operability (Analysis)
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations And Emergency Response
HBL Hydrostatic Balanced Loading
HC Hydrocarbons
HCA High Consequence Areas
HCA Host Control Area
HCCS Horizontal Clamp Connection System
HCM Horizontal Connection Module
HCRF Hydrographic Chart Raster Format
HDA Helideck Assistant
HDT High Resolution Dipmeter Log
HEA Habitat Equivalency Analysis
Heavy oil Crude Oil With Api Gravity Of 20 Or Less
HEC Hydroxyethylcellulose
HEP Habitat Evaluation Procedure
HES Health, Environment, And Safety
HEXT Hex Diplog
HFE Human Factors Engineering DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 14/40


HFL Hydraulic Flying Lead

HGE Harmonization Group On Ecdis
HGS High (Specific )Gravity Solids
HHI Hirschman Herfindahl Index
HHP High Holding Power (Anchors)
HHP Hydraulic Horsepower
HIPPS High Integrity Pressure Protection System
HISC Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking
HKSR Hong Kong Shipping Register
HL Hook Load
HLID Hydrocarbon Leak And Ignition Database
HLO Heavy Load Out (Facility)
HLO Helicopter Landing Officer
Hmax Maximum Wave Height
HO Hydrographic Office
HP High Pressure
HP Horsepower
HP Hydrostatic Pressure
HP/IP High Pressure And/Or Intermediate Pressure
HPGAG High Pressure Gauge
HPHT High Pressure, High Temperature
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit
HPWBM High Performance Water Base Mud
HQI Habitat Quality Index
Hs Significant Wave Height
HSC Health & Safety Commission
HSE Health, Safety And Environment
HSWA Health And Safety At Work Act
HT High Temperature
HTHP High Temperature, High Pressure
HTM Heideck Team Member
HUD Hold Up Depth
HUET Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
HVI High Viscosity Index
HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe
HYPJ Hyperjet
HYROP Hydrophone Log
Hz Hertz (Cycles Per Second)
I3P Independent Third Party
IACS International Association Of Classification Societies
IADC International Association Of Drilling Contractors
IAIN International Association Of Institutes Of Navigation
IALA International Association Of Lighthouse Authorities
IAPH International Association Of Ports And Harbors
IASST International Association For Sea Survival Training
IBC Intermediate Bulk Container
IBCS Integrated Bridge Control System
IBIA International Bunker Industry Association
IBOP Inside Blowout Preventer
IC Incident Commander
IC Information Collection
ICAB International Cargo Advisory Bureau
ICAP Installed Capacity
ICD Inflow Control Device
ICE Intercontinental Exchange
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Coordination Association
ICoTA Intervention And Coiled Tubing Association
ICP Intermediate Casing Point
ICS Incident Command System
ICS Institute Of Chartered Shipbrokers
ICS International Chamber Of Shipping DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 15/40


ICSU Integrated Commissioning And Start Up

ICV Integrated Cement Volume
ICV Interval Control Valve
ID Inner Diameter
IDC Intangible Drilling Costs
IDLH Immediately Dangerous To Life Or Health
IEA International Energy Agency
IEEE Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
IEL Induction Electrical Log
IEP Initial Exploration Plan
IEP/DOCD IEP and Development Operations Coordination Documents
IER Incremental Energy Rate
IF Internal Flush Tool Joint
IFO Intermediate Fuel Oil
IFSMA International Federation Of Ship Masters' Associations
IFTPA International Forest Product Transport Association
IGO Inter Governmental Organization
IGS Inert Gas System
IGU International Gas Union
IHB International Hydrographic Bureau
IHMA International Harbor Masters' Association
IHO International Hydrographic Organization
IHR Incremental Heat Rate
IHV Integrated Hole Volume
IICL Institute Of International Container Lessors
IIMS International Institute Of Marine Surveyors
IIRT Initial Incident Response Team
IJC International Joint Commission
IJL Injection Log
IL Induction Log
ILI In Line Inspection
ILO International Labor Organization
ILOGS Image Logs
ILTA International Liquid Terminals Association
IMAG Image Analysis Report
IMarE Institute Of Marine Engineers
IMB International Maritime Bureau
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association
IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMLA International Maritime Lecturers Association
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMPA International Marine Purchasing Association
IMPA International Maritime Pilots' Association
IMT Intermediate Metal Conduit
in Inch
INC Incident Of Non Compliance
INCRE Incline Report
INDWE Individual Well Record Report
INGAA Interstate Natural Gas Association Of America
INJEC Injection Falloff Log
Inmarsat International Marine Satellite Organization
INSUR Inrun Survey Report
Intercargo International Association Fo Dry Cargo Ship Owners
INTERTANKO International Association Of Independent Tanker Owners
INVES Investigative Program Report
IOC Independent Oil Company
IOC International Oil Company
IOLT Institute Of Logistics And Transport
IOPC International Oil Pollution Fund
IOR Improved Oil Recovery
IP Intellectual Property
IP Intermediate Pressure DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 16/40


IP Internet Protocol
IPAA Independent Petroleum Association Of America
IPC Installed Production Capacity
IPE International Petroleum Exchange
IPF Impact Producing Factors
IPO Initial Public Offering
IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control
IPR Inflow Performance Relationship
IR Inland Revenue
IR Inspection Report
IR Interpretation Report
IRC Inspection Release Certificate
IRS Indian Register Of Shipping
ISDP Integrated Ship Design And Production
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISGOTT International Safety Guide For Oil Tankers And Terminals
ISM IMO'S International Safety Management (Code)
ISMA International Ship Managers' Association
ISO International Standards Organization
ISSA International Ship Supplies Association
ISU International Salvage Union
ITB Invitation to Bid
ITF International Transport Workers Federation
ITL Industry Leadership Team (Part Of Pilot)
ITOPF International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation
ITP Inspection And Test Plan
ITS Influx To Surface
ITT Invitation To Tender
IUA International Underwriting Association
IUR Inventory Update Reporting
IWCF International Well Control Federation
IWCF International Well Control Forum
IWCF certification IWCF Blowout Prevention & Well Control Certification
IWOCS Installation/Workover Control System
J&A Junked And Abandoned
JAS Joint Association Survey
JB Junk Basket
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
JIP Joint Industry Project
JIT Just In Time
JITF Joint Industry Task Force
JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee
JOA Joint Operating Agreement
JRP Joint Review Panel
JSA Job Safety Analysis
JT Joule Thomson (Effect/Valve/Separator)
JU Jack Up Drilling Rig
JU Jackup
JV Joint Venture
JVP Joint Venture Partners/Participants
KB Kelly Bushing
KBE Kelly Bushing Elevation
KBG Kelly Bushing Height Above Ground Level
KD Kelly Down
kh Permeability Thickness (K Permeability, H Height)
kHz Thousand Hertz (Cycles Per Second)
KOP Kick Off Plug
KOP Kick Off Point Directional Drilling
KOP Kickoff Point
KPI Key Performance Indicator
kpsi Thousand Pounds Per Square Inch DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 17/40


KR (or KRS) Korean Register Of Shipping

KRP Kill Rate Pressure
KV Kilovolt
KVA Kilovolt Ampere
KVNR Dutch Register Of Shipping
Kw Kilowatt
KWH Kilowatt Hour
LACT Lease Automatic Custody Transfer
LAH Lookahead
LAOT Linear Activation Override Tool
LARS Launch & Recovery System
Lat Latitude
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
lbf Pounds Force
lbm Pounds Mass
LBP Length Between Perpendiculars
LBS Lifeboat Stations
LCB Longitudinal Centre Of Buoyancy
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCF Longitudinal Centre Of Flotation
LCL Lethal Dose (Low)
LCM Lost Circulation Material
LCV Level Control Valve
LD Lay Down (Tubing, Rods, Etc.)
LD50 Median Lethal Dose
LDT Light Displacement Tonnage, Lost During Trans Shipment
LEAKL Leak Detection Log
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEEA Lifting Equipment Engineers Association
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
LEM Lower Explosive Mixture
LEO Low Earth Orbit (Satellite Configuration)
LFL Lower Flammable Limit
LGR Liquid Gas Ratio
LGS Low (Specific )Gravity Solids
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LIFT Licence Information For Trading
LINCO Liner And Completion Progress Report
LIOG Lithography Log
LIT Lead Impression Tool
LKO Lowest Known Oil
LL Laterolog
LMAP Location Map
LMRP Lower Marine Riser Package
LMT Local Mean Time
LMV Lower Master Valve
LN Land
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LO Lubricating Oil
LOA Length Over All
LOA Letter Of Authorisation/Agreement
LOC Letter Of Credit, Letter Of Compliance
LODF Line Outage Distribution Factor
LOE Lease Operating Expenses
LOGGN Logging Whilst Drilling
LOGGS Lincolnshire Offshore Gas Gathering System
LOGIC Leading Oil And Gas Industry Competitiveness
LOGRS Log Restoration Report
LOGSM Log Sample
LOL Limitation Of Owner'S Liability
LOLE Loss Of Load Expectation
LOLER Lifting Operations And Lifting Equipment Regulations DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 18/40


LOP Line Of Position

LOPA Layers Of Protection Analysis
LOR Letter Of Readiness
LOS Law Of The Sea
LOS Line Of Sight
LOT Leak Off Test
LOT Linear Override Tool
LOT Lock Open Tool
LOTO Lock Out Tag Out
LP Limited Partnership
LP Liquid Petroleum
LP Low Pressure
LPC London Processing Centre
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPH Litres Per Hour
LPWHH Low Pressure Well Head Housing
LQ Living Quarters
LR Lloyd'S Register
LRDP Long Range Development Plan
LRP Lower Riser Package
LSA Life Saving Appliances
LSBGR Long Spacing Bhc Gr Log
LSD Land Surface Datum
LSFO Loss Sulfur Fuel Oil
LSH Level Safety High (Sensor)
LSL Level Safety Low (Sensor)
LSSON Long Spacing Sonic Log
LST Local Standard Time
LT Linear Time Or Lag Time
LTI(FR) Lost Time Incident (Frequency Rate)
LUMI Luminescence Log
LVEL Linear Velocity Log
LVI Low Viscosity Index
LVOT Linear Valve Override Tool
LW Low Water
LWD Logging While Drilling
LWL Length On Water Line
LWOP Logging Well On Paper
LWR Lazy Wave Catenary Riser
m Metre
M&R Measurement And Regulation
M/V Mobile Vessel
MAASP Maximum Acceptable [Or Allowable] Annular Surface Pressure
MAC Multipole Acoustic Log
MACL Multiarm Caliper Log
MAGST Magnetostratigraphic Report
MAOP Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
MARA Maralog
Marisat Maritime Satellite System
MARPOL International Convention For The Prevention Of Pollution From Ships
MARSEC Maritime Security
MASP Maximum Allowable Surface Pressure
MASP Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure
MASPcc Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure For The Completion Case
MAWOP Maximum Allowable Wellhead Operating Pressure
MAWP Maximum Actual Working Pressure
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
Mbbls Thousand Barrels
Mbbls/d Thousand Barrels Per Day
Mbd Thousand Barrels (Of Oil) Per Day
Mbod Thousand Barrels Of Oil Per Day DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 19/40


Mboe Thousand Barrels Of Oil Equivalent

Mboe/d Thousand Barrels Of Oil Equivalent Per Day
MBRO Multi Bore Restriction Orifices
MBT Methylene Blue Test
MCA Marine Coastguard Agency
MCC Master Control Center
MCC Molded Case Circuit Breaker
MCD Mechanical Completion Dossier
MCE Maximum Credible Earthquakes
Mcf Thousand Cubic Feet (Of Gas)
MCFD Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
Mcfe Thousand Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas Equivalent
MCFPD One Thousand Cubic Feet Of Gas Per Day
MCHE Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger
MCM Manifold Choke Module
MCP Manifold Compression Platform
MCS Manifold & Connection System
MCS Master Control Station
MD Measured Depth
MD Measurements/Drilling Log
mD Millidarcy, Measure Of Permeability, With Units Of Area
MDEA Methyl Diethanolamine (Amdea)
MDL Methane Drainage Licence
MDO Marine Diesel Oil
MDSS Measured Depth Sub Sea
MDT Modular Formation Dynamic Tester
MEA Monoethanolamine
MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol
MEM Mechanical Earth Model
MEO Medium Earth Orbit (For Satellite Configuration)
MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee
MEPRL Mechanical Properties Log
MERCR Mercury Injection Study Report
MERG Merge Fdc/Cnl/Gamma Ray/Dual Laterolog/Micro Sfl Log
MERSAR Merchant Ship Search And Rescue Manual
MEST Mest Log
MF Marsh Funnel (Mud Viscosity)
MFCT Multifinger Calliper Tool
Mgd Million Gallons Per Day
MGL Magnelog
MGN Marine Guidance Note
MGO Marine Gas Oil
Mgy Million Gallons Per Year
MH Methane Hydrate (Methane Clathrate, Or Fire Ice)
MHA Major Hazards Analysis
MI Matagorda Island Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
MI Mechanical Integrity
MI Mineral Interest
MIFR Mini Frac Log
MINL Minilog
MIPAL Micropalaeo Log
MIRU Move In And Rig Up
MIS Management Information System
MIST Minimum Industry Safety Training
MIYP Maximum Internal Yield Pressure
MJ Megajoule
mKB Meters Below Kelly Bushing
ML Microlog, Or Mud Log
ML Multilateral
MLF Marine Loading Facility
MLH Mud Liner Hanger
MLL Microlaterolog
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 20/40


MM Million
MM Mitigation Measure
MMbbl(s) Million Barrels
MMbd Million Barrels Per Day
MMbod Million Barrels Of Oil Per Day
MMboe Million Barrels Of Oil Equivalent
Mmboepd Millions Of Barrels Of Oil Equivalent Per Day
mmBtu Million British Thermal Units
MMcf Million Cubic Feet (Of Natural Gas)
MMcf/d Million Cubic Feet Per Day
MMcfd Million Cubic Feet Day
MMcfe Million Cubic Feet (Of Natural Gas Equivalent)
MMCRP Mitigation Monitoring And Compliance Reporting Program
mmHg Millimeters Of Mercury (A Unit Of Pressure)
MMO Marine Mammal Observer
MMP Mitigation Monitoring Program
MMPA Marine Mammals Protection Act
MMPA US Marine Mammal Protection Act
MMS Minerals Management Service
MMscf Million Standard Cubic Feet
mmscfd Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day
mmstb Million Stock Barrels
MMTPA Millions Of Metric Tonnes Per Annum
MNI Member Of The Nautical Institute
MNP Merge And Playback Log
MO Mobile
MOC Management Of Change
MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
MOF Marine Offloading Facility
MOP Mobile Offshore Production
MOPU Mobile Offshore Production Unit
MOT Materials/Marine Offloading Terminal
MOTEMS Marine Oil Terminal Engineering And Maintenance Standards
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
MOU Mobile Offshore Unit
MP Main Pass Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
MPA Micropalaeo Analysis Report
MPD Managed Pressure Drilling
Mpd Thousand Barrels Per Day
MPFM Multiphase Flowmeter
MPK Merged Playback Log
MPN Most Probable Number
MPP Multiphase Pump
MPQT Manufacturing Procedure Qualification Test
MPS Manufacturing Procedure Specification
MPV Multi Purpose Vessel
MQ Marqesas Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
MQC Multi Quick Connection Plate
MR Marine Riser, (Morning Report)
MRCC Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
MRCV Multi Reverse Circulating Valve
MRIRE Magnetic Resonance Image Report
MRR Material Receipt Report
MS Mass Spectrometry
MSA Master Service Agreement
MSC Management System Coordinator
MSC Marine Safety Committee
MSC Master Services Contract
Mscf Thousand Standard Cubic Feet
MSCT Msct Gamma Ray Log
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
MSFL Micro Sfl Log
MSI Mechanical And Structural Inspection DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 21/40


MSIPC Multi Stage Inflatable Packer Collar

MSL Mean Sea Level
MSL Micro Spherical Log
MSP Maximum Source Pressure
MSRC Marine Spill Response Corporation
MSS Magnetic Single Shot
MST Mst Exp Resistivity Log
MT Magnetotellurics
MT Metric Tons
MTBE Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTLP Mini Tension Leg Platform
MTR Material Test Reports
MTSRU Maritime Transportation System Recovery Unit
MTT Mtt Multi Isotope Trace Tool
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MU Mustang Island Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
MUD Mud Log
MUDT Mud Temperature Log
MuSol Mutual Solvent
MUX Make Up Crossover [Crossover X]
MVA Megavolt Amperes
MVB Master Valve Block On Xmas Tree
MW Megawatts
MW Mud Weight
MWA Military Warning Area
MWCC Marine Well Containment Co.
MWD Measurement While Drilling
MWDRE Measurement While Drilling Report
MWS Marine Warranty Survey
N Newton
N/S North/South
N02 Nitrogen Dioxide
N0X Nitrogen Oxides
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NACE National Association Of Corrosion Engineers
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NAPF Non Aqueous Phase Fluid
NAVIG Navigational Log
NAVTEX Navigational And Meteorological Warning Broadcast Service
NB Nominal Bore
NCOB No Cargo On Board
NCP US National Oil And Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan
NCR Nonconformance Report
NDE Non Destructive Examination
NDT Nondestructive Testing
NE Northeast
NEB National Energy Board
NEPA US National Environmental Policy Act
NEUT Neutron Log
NFI No Further Investment
NFTZ Non Free Trade Zone
NFW New Field Wildcat, Lahee Classification
NG Natural Gas
NGDC National Geoscience Data Centre (United Kingdom)
NGH Natural Gas Hydrate (Methane Clathrate, Or Fire Ice)
NGL Natural Gas Liquids
NGLQT Ngt Ql Log
NGO Non Governmental Organisation
NGPL Natural Gas Pipeline
NGR Natural Gamma Ray
NGRC National Geological Records Centre (United Kingdom)
NGS Ngs Log DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 22/40


NGSS Ngs Spectro Log

NGT Ngt Log
NGTLD Ngt Ldt Ql Log
NGTR Ngt Ratio Log
NHDA National Hydrocarbons Data Archive (United Kingdom)
NHPV Net Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
NI The Nautical Institute
NIHQ Nautical Institute Headquarters, London
NIOSH National Institute For Occupational Safety
NITC Normal Incremental Transfer Capability
NK or NKK (or ClassNK) Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japan'S Ship Classification Society)
NM Nautical Mile
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Services (Noaa Fisheries)
NMHC Non Methane Hydrocarbons
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NMVOC Non Methane Volatile Organic Compounds
NNR National Nature Reserve
NNS Northern North Sea
NO Nitric Oxide
NOAA National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
NOC National Oil Company
NOD Notice Of Determination
NOGEPA Netherlands Oil And Gas Exploration And Production Association
NOI Notice Of Inquiry
NOI Notice Of Intent
NOIA National Ocean Industries Association
NOISL Noise Log
NOP Notice Of Preparation
NOR Notice Of Readiness
NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
NOW Non Hazardous Oilfield Waste
NOX Nitrogen Oxides
NP Non Producing Well (As Opposed To P Producing Well)
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPFC US National Pollution Funds Center
NPR Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking
NPREP National Preparedness For Response Exercise Program
NPS Nominal Pipe Size (Sometimes Ns)
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
NPT Nonproductive Time
NPV Net Present Value
NPW New Pool Wildcat, Lahee Classification
NRC National Response Center
NRDA National Resource Damage Assessment
NRI Net Revenue Interest
NRT National Response Team
NRV Non Return Valve
NSA Norwegian Shipowners' Association
NSDG North Sea Decommissioning Group
NT Net Tonnage
NTE Not To Exceed
NTHF Non Toxic High Flash
NTL Notice To Lessees And Operators
NTO National Training Organization
NTP National Toxicology Program
NTSB US National Transportation Safety Board
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
NUMAR Magnetic Resonance Image Log
NUMAST National Union Of Marine, Aviation & Shipping Transport Officers
NWI Net Working Interest
NWR National Wildlife Refuge DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 23/40


NYMEX New York Mercantile Exchange

O&G Oil And Gas
O&M Operations And Maintenance
O/B On Board
OAPEC Organization Of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
OB Overbalanced
OBC Ocean Bottom Cable (Seismic Collection)
OBCS Ocean Bottom Cable System
OBDTL Obdt Log
OBEVA Obdt Evaluation Report
OBM Oil Based Mud
OBO Ore/Bulk/Oil Carrier
OCA Offshore Contractors Association
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OCL Quality Control Log
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
OCSLA Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
OCTG Oil Country Tubular Goods
OD Outer Diameter
ODT Oil Down To
OECD Organization For Economic Co Operation And Development
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OES Office Of Emergency Services
OFST Offset Vertical Seismic Profile
OG Oil And Gas Directorate
OGITF Oil & Gas Industry Task Force
OGML Oil, Gas And Mineral Lease
OGP International Association Of Oil & Gas Producers
OH Open Hole
OH Openhole Log
OHC Open Hole Completion
OHGP Openhole Gravel Pack
OIAC Oil Industry Advisory Committee
OIM Offshore Installation Manager
OIP Oil In Place
OLF Norwegian Oil Industry Association
OMB US Office Of Management And Budget
OMBO One Man Bridge Operation
OML Oil Mining Lease
OMRL Oriented Micro Resistivity Log
ONAN Oil Natural Air Natural Cooled Transformer
ONRR Office Of Natural Resources Revenue
OOC Offshore Operators Committee
OOD Officer Of The Deck
OOE Offshore Operation Engineer
OOIP Original Oil In Place
OOT Out Of Tolerance
OOW Officer Of The Watch
OP Operating Procedure
OPA US Oil Pollution Act Of 1990
OPEC Organisation Of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEX Operating Expenditure
OPITO Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization
OPL Operations Log
OPPR Oil Pollution Preparedness And Response
OPR Office Of Planning And Research
OPRC International Convention On Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response And Co Operation
OPRES Overpressure Log
OPS Operations Report
OPS US Office Of Pipeline Safety DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 24/40


ORICO Oriented Core Data Report

ORM Other Regulated Materials (A Dot Materials Classification)
ORRI Overriding Royalty Interest
OS&D Over, Short & Damage (Report)
OSC On Scene Coordinator
OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan
OSFR Oil Spill Financial Responsibility
OSHA Occupational Safety And Health Administration
OSLTF Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund
OSPR Oil Spill Prevention And Response
OSRA Oil Spill Risk Assessment
OSRAM Oil Spill Risk Analysis Model
OSRO Oil Spill Response Organization
OSRP Oil Spill Response Plan
OSRV Oil Spill Response Vessel
OSV Offshore Support Vessel
OT A Well On Test
OT Off Tree
OT Overtime
OTC Offshore Technology Conference
OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometry
OTIP Operational Testing Implementation Plan
OTJ On The Job
OTL Operations Team Leader
OTO Oil Taxation Office (Of The Inland Revenue)
OUT Oil Up To
OUT Outpost, Lahee Classification
OVCH Oversize Charts
OVID Offshore Vessel Inspection Database
OVSP Offset Vertical Seismic Profiling
OWC Oil Water Contact
OWR Oil/Water Ratio
P Pressure
P Producing Well (As Opposed To Np Non Producing)
P Wave Compressional Wave
P&A Plug And Abandon
P&A Plugged And Abandoned (Of A Well)
P&I (or P and I) Protection And Indemnity Club
P&ID Piping And Instrument Diagrams
PAC Pacific Ocs Region
PADPRT Pressure Assisted Drillpipe Running Tool
PAGA Public Address General Alarm
PAH Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons
PAL Palaeo Chart
PALYN Palynological Analysis Report
PAM Passive Acoustic Monitoring
Panamax Ships Able To Transit, And Allowed Transit, Of The Panama Canal
PAR Pre Assembled Rack
PART Program Assessment Rating Tool
PAU Pre Assembled Unit
PB St. Petersburg Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
PBD Pason Billing System
PBDMS Playback Dmsls Log
PBR Polished Bore Receptacle (Component Of A Completion String)
PBTD Plug Back Total Depth
PBU Pressure Build Up (Applies To Integrity Testing On Valves)
PCB Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl
PCCL Perforation Casing Collar Locator Log
PCDM Power And Control Distribution Module
PCKR Packer
PCOLL Perforation And Collar
PCP Progressive Cavity Pump DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 25/40


PCV Pressure Control Valve

PDC Perforation Depth Control
PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (Drillbit)
PDG Permanent Downhole Gauge
PDG/PDHG Permanent Downhole Gauge
PDKL Pdk Log
PDKR Pdk 100 Report
PDM Positive Displacement Motors
PDNP Proved Developed Not Producing
PDP Proved Developed Reserves
PDPM Power Distribution Protection Module
PE Professional Engineer
PEA Palaeo Environment Study Report
PEDL Petroleum Exploration & Development Licence
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PENL Penetration Log
PEP Pep Log
PERDC Perforation Depth Control
PERFO Perforation Log
PERM Permeability
PERML Permeability Log
PESA Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association
PESBG Petroleum Exploration Society Of Great Britain
PETA Petrographical Analysis Report
PETD Petrographic Data Log
PETLG Petrophysical Evaluation Log
PETPM Petrography Permeametry Report
PETRP Petrophysical Evaluation Report
PF Platform
PFC Pfc Log
PFD Position Fixing Device, Personal Floatation Device
PFD Process Flow Diagrams
PFE Plate/Frame Heat Exchanger
PFHE Plate Fin Heat Exchanger
PFPG Perforation Plug Log
PFREC Perforation Record Log
PG Pressure Gauge (Report)
PGB Permanent Guide Base
PGOR Produced Gas Oil Ratio
PH Phasor Log
PHA Process Hazards Analysis
PHASE Phasor Processing Log
Phi Porosity
PHMSA US Department Of Transportation Pipeline And Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
PHOL Photon Log
PHYFM Physical Formation Log
PI Pressure Indicator
PI Productivity Index
PIANC Permanent International Association Of Navigation Congresses
PIC Person In Charge
PILOT Ogitf Successor
PINC Potential Incident Of Non Compliance
PINTL Production Interpretation
PIP Pipe In Pipe
PIT Pressure Integrity Test
PJ Petajoule
PL Pipeline
PL Production Licence
PLB Personal Locator Beacon
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PLEM Pipeline End Manifold
PLES Pipeline End Structure
PLET Pipeline End Terminations DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 26/40


PLG Plug Log

PLS Position Location System
PLT Production Logging Tool
PLTQ Production Logging Tool Quicklook Log
PLTRE Production Logging Tool Report
PM Particulate Matter
PM Project Management
PM10 Particulate Matter Less Than 10 Microns In Diameter
PM2.5 Particulate Matter Less Than 2.5 Microns In Diameter
PMI Positive Material Identification
PMS Planned Maintenance System
PMV Production Master Valve
PN North Padre Island Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
POB Personnel On Board
POBM Pseudo Oil Based Mud
POF Permanent Operations Facility
PON Petroleum Operations Notice
POOH Pull Out Of Hole
POOH / POH Pull Out Of Hole
POOI Pacific Operators Offshore Incorporated
POR Density Porosity Log
POSFR Post Fracture Report
POSTW Post Well Appraisal Report
POSVCM Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Computer Model
POSWE Post Well Summary Report
POV Pressure Operated Valves
PP Dxc Pressure Plot Log
PP Pore Pressure
PP Pump Pressure
PPA Pounds Of Proppant Added
ppb Parts Per Billion
ppcf Pounds Per Cubic Foot
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPE Preferred Pressure End
ppg Pounds Per Gallon
PPI Post Pipelay Installation
PPI Post Production Inspection/Intervention
ppm Parts Per Million
PPS Production Packer Setting
ppt Parts Per Thousand
pptf Pounds (Per Square Inch) Per Thousand Feet (Of Depth)
PR Pully Ridge Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
PR2 Testing Regime To Api6A Annex F
PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment
PRA Production Reporting & Allocation
PRCI Pipeline Research Council International, Inc.
PREC Perforation Record
PRESS Pressure Report
PROD Production Log
PROTE Production Test Report
PROX Proximity Log
PRS Polish Register Of Shipping
PRSRE Pressure Gauge Report
PRT Petroleum Revenue Tax
PS South Padre Island Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
PSA Production Sharing Agreement
PSAC Petroleum Services Association Of Canada
PSANA Pressure Analysis
PSC Port State Control
PSC Production Sharing Contract
PSD Planned Shut Down
PSD Prevention Of Significant Deterioration
PSE Pressure Safety Element DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 27/40


PSH Pressure Safety High (Sensor)

PSHL Pressure Safety High/Low
psi Pounds Per Square Inch
psia Pounds Per Square Inch (Absolute)
psig Pounds Per Square Inch (Gauge)
PSL Pressure Safety Low
PSL Product Specification Level
PSL Product/Service Line
PSLOG Pressure Log
PSM Process Safety Management
PSO Protected Species Observer
PSP Pseudostatic Spontaneous Potential
PSPL Psp Leak Detection Log
PSQ Plug Squeeze Log
PSR Pipe Slip Ram
PSR Pre Startup Review
PST Pst Log
PSV Pipe Supply Vessel
PSV Pressure Safety Valve
PSVAL Pressure Evaluation Log
PTA/S Pipeline Termination Assembly/Structure
PTO Permit To Operate
PTSET Production Test Setter
PTTC Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, United States
PTW Permit To Work
PU Pick Up (Tubing, Rods, Power Swivel, Etc.)
PUD Proved Undeveloped Reserves
PUN Puncher Log
PUR Plant Upset Report
PUWER Provision And Use Of Work Equipment Regulations
PV Plastic Viscosity
PV Pore Volume
PV Pressure/Vacuum
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
PVC Pressure Control Valve
PVSV Pressure Vacuum Safety Valves
PVT Pressure Volume Temperature
PVTRE Pressure Volume Temperature Report
PW Produced Water
PWB Production Wing Block (Xt)
PWHT Post Weld Heat Treat
PWRI Produced Water Re Injection
PWV Production Wing Valve
QA Quality Assurance
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
QAE Quality Assurance Engineer
QC Quality Control
QCR Quality Control Report
QF Qualifying Facility
QHSE Quality, Health, Safety, And Environmental
QI Qualified Individual
QL Quicklook Log
QR Quality Ranking
QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment
QUAD Quadrillion Btus
R&D Records And Documentation
R&D Research And Development
R&R Roles And Responsibilities
RAC Ratio Curves
RACI Responsible / Accountable / Consulted / Informed
RAM Reliability, Availability, And Maintainability DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 28/40


RAWS Raw Stacks Vsp Log

RBP Retrievable Bridge Plug
RCA Root Cause Analysis
RCC Rescue Coordination Centre
RCCD Reverse Circulation Centre Discharge
RCD Rotating Control Device
RCDS Raster Chart Display Systems
RCI Reservoir Characterization Instrument
RCKST Rig Checkshot
RCL Retainer Correlation Log
RCM Reliability Centred Maintenance
RCR Remote Component Replacement (Tool)
RCRA US Resource Conservation And Recovery Act
RCU Remote Control Unit
RDF Radio Direction Finder
RE Pe Re Perforation Report
RE Reservoir Engineer
REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, And Restriction Of Chemicals
REL Recommended Exposure Limit
RENC Regional Electronic Navigational Chart Coordinating Centre
REOR Reorientation Log
RESAN Reservoir Analysis
RESEV Reservoir Evaluation
RESFL Reservoir Fluid
RESI Resistivity Log
RESL Reservoir Log
RESOI Residual Oil
REWL Reservoir EvaluationWireline
REZ Renewable Energy Zone (United Kingdom)
RF Radio Frequency
RF Range Finder
RF Recovery Factor
RFI Request For Interest
RFI Requests For Inspection
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFLNG Ready For Liquefied Natural Gas
RFMTS Repeat Formation Tester
RFSU Ready For Start Up
RFT Repeat Formation Tester
RFTRE Repeat Formation Tester Report
RFTS Repeat Formation Tester Sample
RI Royalty Interest
RIGMO Rig Move
RIH Run In Hole
RIK Replacement In Kind
RINA Royal Institution Of Naval Architects
RIR Recordable Incident Rate
RITT Riser Insertion Tube (Tool)
RK Rankin Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
RKB Rotary Kelly Bushings
RLOF Rock Load Out Facility
RMC Rigid Metal Conduit
RMLC Request For Mineral Land Clearance
RMP Reservoir Management Plan
RMS Ratcheting Mule Shoe
RMT National Union Of Rail, Maritime And Transport Workers
RN Release Notes
RNC Raster Navigational Chart
RNR Romanian Maritime Register Of Shipping
RNT Rnt Log
Ro Ro Roll On/Roll Off
ROA Return Of Assets
ROB Remain On Board (Cargo, Bunkers) DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 29/40


ROC Reactive Organic Compounds

ROCT Rotary Coring Tool
ROE Return Of Equity
ROFR Right Of First Refusal
ROG Reactive Organic Gases
ROI Return On Investment
ROP Rate Of Penetration; Rate Of Perforation
ROSF Rincon Onshore Separation Facility
ROT Remote Operated Tool
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
ROV/WROV Remotely Operated Vehicle/Workclass ROV
ROW Right Of Way
ROWS Remote Operator Workstation
ROZ Recoverable Oil Zone
RP Recommended Practice
RPCM Ring Pair Corrosion Monitoring
RPD Revised Application For Permit To Drill
RPM Revised Application For Permit To Modify
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RQ Reportable Quantity
RROCK Routine Rock Properties Report
RRT Regional Response Team
RS Russian Maritime Register Of Shipping
RSFO Regional Supervisor, Office Of Field Operations, For Bsee
RSS Rig Site Survey
RSS Rotary Steerable Systems
RST Reservoir Saturation Tool (Schlumberger) Log
RSTC Rig Safety Training Coordinator
RT Real Time
RT Regular Time
RT Rotary Table
RT (or R/T) Radio Telegraph
RTCM Radio Technical Commission For Maritime Services
RTTS Retrievable Test Treat Squeeze (Packer)
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
RUE Right Of Use And Easement
RVP Reid Vapor Pressure
RWD Reaming While Drilling
RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board
S Wave Shear Wave
S&P Standard & Poors
SA Socit Anonyme, Sociedad Annima
SaaS Software As A Service
SABA Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus
SAC Special Area Of Conservation
SAFE Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (Charts)
SAFE Safety Award For Excellence
SAGD Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
SAGE Scottish Area Gas Evacuation
SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring
SAM Subsea Accumulator Module
SAML Sample Log
SAMTK Sample Taker Log
SANDA Sandstone Analysis Log
SAR Search And Rescue
SARA Superfund Amendments And Reauthorization Act
SART Search And Rescue Radar Transponder
SAS Safety At Sea
SAT Sat Log
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SB Sit Bo Log
SBF Synthetic Base Fluid DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 30/40


SBM Synthetic Based Mud

SBT Segmented Bond Tool
SC Seismic Calibration
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (System)
SCAL Special Core Analysis
SCAP Scallops Log
SCBA Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
SCDES Sidewall Core Description
SCE Safety Critical Equipment
scf Standard Cubic Feet (Of Natural Gas)
SCHLL Schlumberger Log Also Schlo, Schlu
SCM(MB) Subsea Control Module (Mounting Base)
SCO Standard Cost Obligation
SCO Synthetic Crude Oil
SCOPIC Special Compensation P&I Clause
SCOTUS Supreme Court Of The United States
SCP Sustained Casing Pressure
SCR Spot Check Report
SCR Steel Catenary Riser
SCR Special Casualty Representative (P&I)
SCRS Sidewall Cores
SCSSV Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve
SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
SD Dynamic Positioning Semisubmersible
SD Sonic Density
SDFD Shut Down For Day
SDFN Shut Down For Night
SDIC Sonic Dual Induction
SDL Supplier Document List
SDM/U Subsea Distribution Module/Unit
SDPBH Sdp Bottom Hole Pressure Report
SDT Step Draw Down Test (Sometimes Sddt)
SDU/M Subsea Distribution Unit/Module
SDV Shutdown Valve
SDW Summer Dead Weight
SEA Site Specific Environmental Assessment
SEA Special End Area
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment (United Kingdom)
SEAL Shearwater Elgin Area Line
SEC US Securities And Exchange Commission
SECGU Section Gauge Log
SEDHI Sedimentary History
SEDIM Sedimentology
SEDL Sedimentology Log
SEDRE Sedimentology Report
SEG Society Of Exploration Geophysicists
SEIR Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
SEIS Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
SEM Subsea Electronics Module
SEMI Semisubmersible
Semi (or Semi Sub) Semi Submersible Drilling Rig
SEMP Safety And Environmental Management Plan
SEMS Safety And Environmental Management System Policy
SENC System Electronic Navigational Chart
SEPAR Separator Sampling Report
SEQSU Sequential Survey
SES Satellite Earth Station
SES Seafarers' Education Service
SFEIS Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement
SFL Steel Flying Lead
SFV Straight Fixed Variable
SG Static Gradient
SGS Steel Gravity Substructure DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 31/40


SGSI Shell Global Solutions International

SGUN Squeeze Gun
SHA Sensor Harness Assembly
SHARP Sustainable Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Programme
SHDT Stratigraphic High Resolution Dipmeter Tool
SHL Surface Hole Location
SHO Stab And Hinge Over
SHOCK Shcok Log
SHOWL Show Log
SI Shut In
SI/TA Shut In/Temporarily Abandoned
SIC Standard Industrial Classification
SICP Shut In Casing Pressure
SIDPP Shut In Drill Pipe Pressure
SIDSM Sidewall Sample
SIGTTO Society Of International Gas Tanker And Terminal Operators
SIMCON Simultaneous Construction
SIMOPS Simultaneous Operations
SIP Shut In Pressure
SIPES Society Of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, United States
SIRE Ship'S Inspection Report
SIS Safety Instrumented Systems
SIT System Integration Test Fr Sit Field Representation Sit
SITHP Shut In Tubing Hanger/Head Pressure (Another Term For Cithp)
SITP Shut In Tubing Pressure
SITT Single Tt Log
SIWHP Shut In Well Head Pressure
Sjofartsverket Swedish Register Of Shipping, Swedish Maritime Administration
SKPLT Stick Plot Log
SL Seismic Lines
SLCO Saudi Light Crude Oil (Benchmark Crude)
SLS Sls Gr Log
SLT Slt Gr Log
SM South Marsh Island Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
SMA Small Amount
SMarT Support For Maritime Training Scheme
SMB Santa Maria Basin
SMC Safety Management Certificate
SME Small And Medium Sized Enterprises
SME Subject Matter Expert
SMEs Small And Medium Sized Enterprises
SMI South Marsh Island Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
SMLS Seamless Pipempp
SMO Suction Module
SMPC Subsea Multiphase Pump
SMS Safety Management Systems
SN Seat Nipple
SNAM Societ Nazionale Metanodotti Now Snam S.P.A. (Italy)
SNG Synthetic Natural Gas
SNIP Scotland Northern Ireland Pipeline
SNP Sidewall Neutron Porosity
SNS Southern North Sea
SO Oil Saturation
SO2 Sulfur Dioxide
SO3 Oxides Of Sulfur
SOBM Synthetic Oil Based Mud
SOC Statement Of Overriding Consideration
SOLAS International Convention For Safety Of Life At Sea
SONCB Sonic Calibration Log
SONRE Sonic Calibration Report
SONS Spills Of National Significance
SONWR Sonic Waveform Report
SONWV Sonic Waveform Log DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 32/40


SOO Suspension Of Operation

SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOP Suspension Of Production
SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
SOSC State On Scene Coordinator
SOSREP Secretary Of State'S Representative For Marine Salvage And Intervention
Sour Oil/Gas With High Sulfur Content
SOW Statements Of Work
SOW _ Slip On Wellhead
SP Shot Point (Geophysics)
SP South Pass Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
SP Spontaneous Potential (Well Log)
SPA Special Protection Area
SPAR Floating Production System
SPBM Single Point Buoy Mooring System
SPCAN Special Core Analysis
SPCC Spill Prevention Control And Countermeasures
SPCCP Spill Prevention Control And Countermeasure Plan
SPCP Spill Prevention And Cleanup Plan
SPE Society Of Petroleum Engineers
SPEAN Spectral Analysis
SPEL Spectralog
spf Shots Per Foot
SPFM Single Phase Flow Meter
SPH Sph Log
SPI Ship Port Interface
SPM Side Pocket Mandrel Or Strokes Per Minute
SPM Single Point Mooring
SPMT Self Propelled Modular Transporter
SPOP Spontaneous Potential Log
SPP Stand Pipe Pressure
SPR US Strategic Petroleum Reserve
SPROF Seismic Profile
SPS Submerged Production System
SPS Subsea Production Systems
SPT Shallower Pool Test, Lahee Classification
SPWLA Society Of Petrophysicists And Well Log Analysts
SQL Siesmic Quicklook Log
SR Shear Rate
SRD Seismic Reference Datum
SREC Seismic Record Log
SRL Self Retracting Lifelines/Div>
SRT Site Receival Test
SS Semisubmersible
SS Ship Shoal Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
SS Stainless Steel
SS Subsea
SSANC Fixed Anchors Or Mooring Piles
SSCC Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking
SSCP Subsea Cryogenic Pipeline
SSCS Subsea Control System
SSCSV Subsurface Controlled Safety Valve
SSCV Subsea Control Valves
SSD Sliding Sleeve Door
SSD Sub Sea Level Depth
SSE Short Service Employee
SSG Sidewall Sample Gun
SSIV Subsea Isolation Valve
SSM Subsea Manifolds
SSMAR Synthetic Seismic Marine Log
SSMNF Subsea Manifold
SSO Ship Security Officer
SSPLR Subsea Pig Launcher/Receiver DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 33/40


SSRRC System Safety And Reliability Review Committee

SSSL Supplementary Seismic Survey Licence
SSSV Sub Surface Safety Valve
SSTMP Subsea Templates
SSTT Subsea Test Tree
SSU Subsea Umbilicals
SSV Surface Safety Valve
SSWI Subsea Well Intervention
ST Sidetrack
ST South Timbalier Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
STAB Stabiliser
STAGR Static Gradient Survey Report
STB Stock Tank Barrel
STC Stc Log
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
STFL Steel Tube Fly Lead
STGL Stratigraphic Log
STIMU Stimulation Report
STKPT Stuck Point
STL Stl Gamma Ray Log
STOIIP Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
STOOIP Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
STOP Safety Training Observation Program
STP Standard Temperature And Pressure
STRAT Stratigraphy, Stratigraphic
STRRE Stratigraphy Report
STSH String Shot
SU Submersible
SUBC Self Unloading Bulk Carrier
SUML Summarised Log
SUMRE Summary Report
SUMST Geological Summary Sheet
SUPSALV US Navy Supervisor Of Salvage
SURF Subsea/Umbilicals/Risers/Flowlines
SURFR Surface Sampling Report
SURRE Survey Report
SURVL Survey Chart Log
SUT(A/B) Subsea Umbilical Termination (Assembly/Box)
SUTU Subsea Umbilical Termination Unit
SV Sleeve Valve Or Standing Valve
SW Salt Water
SW Southwest
Sw Water Saturation
SWA Stop Work Authority
SWD Salt Water Disposal Well
SWDW Salt Water Disposal Well
SWE Senior Well Engineer
Sweet Oil/Gas That Has Low Sulfur Content
SWF Shallow Water Flow
SWHE Spiral Wound Heat Exchanger
SWL Safe Working Load
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities And Threats
SWP Safe Work Practices
SX Sabine Pass (Louisiana) Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
SYNRE Synthetic Seismic Report
SYSEI Synthetic Seismogram Log
T Well Flowing To Tank
TA Temporarily Abandoned Well
TABS Texas Automated Buoy System
TAC Toxic Air Contaminants
TAC Tubing Anchor
TAGOGR Thermally Assisted Gas/Oil Gravity Drainage DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 34/40


TAML Technology Advancement For Multilaterals

TAPLI Tape Listing
TAPS Trans Alaska Pipeline System (Also Called Alyeska Pipeline)
TAPVE Tape Verification
TAR True Amplitude Recovery
TB Tubing Puncher Log
TBOSIET Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training
TBT Through Bore Tree
TCA Total Corrosion Allowance
TCF Temporary Construction Facilities
Tcf Trillion Cubic Feet
TCI Tunsgten Carbide Insert (A Type Of Rollercone Drillbit)
TCP Tubing Conveyed Perforating
TCPD Tubing Conveyed Perforating Depth
TCR Transition Cost Recovery
TCU Thermal Combustion Unit
TD Target Depth
TD Total Depth (Depth Of The End Of The Well)
TDD Total Depth (Driller)
TDH Total Dynamic Head
TDL Total Depth (Logger)
TDM Touch Down Monitoring
TDS Top Drive System
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TDT Tdt Log
TDT GR Tdt Gamma Ray Casing Collar Locator Log
TDTCP Tdt Cpi Log
TDU Transmission Dependent Utility
TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
TEG Tri Ethylene Glycol
TELER Teledrift Report
TEMP Temperature Log
TEMPSC Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival Craft
TEU Twenty Feet Equivalent Unit
TF Tropical Fresh Load Line
TFL Through Flow Line
TFM Taskforcemajella Research Project
Tfx Toxic Effects
TGB Temporary Guide Base
TGOR Total Gas Oil Ratio
TH Tubing Hanger
THAI Toe To Heel Air Injection (Method)
THERM Thermometer Log
THERP Technique For Human Error Rate Prediction
THP Tubing Hanger Pressure
THP Tubing Head Pressure
THRT Tubing Hanger Running Tool
TIE Tie In Log
TIEBK Tieback Report
TIH Trip Into Hole
TIMS Technical Information Management System
TIW Texas Iron Works (Pressure Valve)
TJ Terajoule
TLI Top Of Logging Interval
TLL Timber Load Line
TLOG Technical Log
TLP Tension Leg Platform
TLV Threshold Limit Value
TMCM Tranverse Mercator Central Meridian
TMD Total Measured Depth In A Wellbore
TNDT Thermal Neutron Decay Time
TNDTG Thermal Neutron Decay Time/Gamma Ray Log
TOC Top Of Cement DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 35/40


TOC Total Organic Content/Carbon

TOFD Time Of First Data Sample (On Seismic Trace)
TOFS Time Of First Surface Sample (On Seismic Trace)
TOH Trip Out Of Hole
TOL Top Of Liner
TOOH Trip Out Of Hole
TORAN Torque And Drag Analysis
TOU Time Of Use
TP Tarpon Springs Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
TPERF Tool Performance
TPI Third Party Inspector
TPI Tones Per Inch Immersion
TPIC Terminal Person In Charge
TQ Training Qualifications
TQM Total Quality Management
TR Temporary Refuge
TRA Tracer Log
TRACL Tractor Log
TRCFR Total Recordable Case Frequency Rate
TRD Total Report Data
TREAT Treatment Report
TREP Test Report
TRIP Trip Condition Log
TRIR Total Recordable Incident Rate
TRSCSSSV Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub Surface Safety Valve
TRSCSSV Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub Surface Valve
TRSV Tubing Retrievable Safety Valve
TRT Tree Running Tool
TS Tiger Shoal Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
TSA Thermally Sprayed Aluminium
TSCA US Toxic Substances Control Act
TSE Temperature Safety Element
TSH Temperature Safety High (Sensor)
TSI Temporarily Shut In
TSI Transportation Security Incidents
TSSs Traffic Separation Schemes
TT Torque Tool
TT Transit Time Log
TT Travel Time
TTC Total Transfer Capability
TTP Through Tubing Perforating
TTRD Through Tubing Rotary Drilling
TUM Tracked Umbilical Machine
TV/BIP Ratio Of Total Volume (Ore And Overburden) To Bitumen In Place
TVBDF True Vertical Depth Below Derrick Floor
TVD True Vertical Depth
TVDPB True Vertical Depth Playback Log
TVDSS True Vertical Depth Subsea
TVELD Time And Velocity To Depth
TVRF True Vertical Depth Versus Repeat Formation Tester
TWA Time Weighted Average
TWT Two Way Time (Seismic)
TWTT Two Way Travel Time
TWTTL Two Way Travel Time Log
TZ Transition Zone
UB Underbalanced
UBD Underbalanced Drilling
UBI Ultrasonic Borehole Imager
UBIRE Ultrasonic Borehole Imager Report
UBS Universal Bulk Ship
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
UCSU Upstream Commissioning And Start Up DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 36/40


UEL Upper Explosive Limit

UFC Uniform Fire Code
UFJ Upper Flex Joint
UFL Upper Flammable Limit
UGF Universal Guide Frame
UIC Underground Injection Control
UKCS Uk Continental Shelf
UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf
UKOCS Uk Outer Continental Shelf
UKOOA United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association
UKOOG United Kingdom Onshore Operators Group
UKPIA United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association Limited
ULBC Ultra Large Bulk Carrier
ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
ULCGR Uncompressed Ldc Cnl Gamma Ray Log
UMCA Umbilical Midline Connection Assembly
UMS Universal Measurement System
UMV Upper Master Valve (From A Xmas Tree)
UN United Nations
UNCLOS United Nations Convention On The Law Of The Sea
UOT Unscheduled Overtime
UPR Upper Pipe Ram
URR Ultimately Recoverable Resources
URT Universal Running Tool
USC United States Code
USCG United States Coast Guard
USDA US Department Of Agriculture
USDOI US Department Of Interior
USDOT US Department Of Transportation
USEPA US Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS US Fish And Wildlife Service
USGS United States Geological Survey
USV Underwater Safety Valve
UT Ultrasonic Testing
UTA Umbilical Termination Assembly
UTC Universal Time (Coordinated)
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
UV Ultra Violet
UWI Unique Well Identifier
UWT Ultrasonic Welding Line
VCG Vertical Centre Of Gravity
VDENL Variation Density Log
VDL Vdl Log (Variable Density Log)
VDR Voyage Data Recorder
VDU Vacuum Distillation Unit, Used In Processing Bitumen
VDU Visual Display Unit
VELL Velocity Log
VERAN Verticality Analysis
VERIF Verification List
VERLI Verification Listing
VERTK Vertical Thickness
VIR Value Investment Ratio
VISME Viscosity Measurement
VIV Vortex Induced Vibration
VK Viosca Knoll Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
VLBC Very Large Bulk Carrier
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
VLP Vertical Lift Performance
VLTCS Very Low Temperature Carbon Steel
VN Vernon Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
VO Variation Order
VOC Volatile Organic Compounds DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 37/40


VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds

VOO Vessels Of Opportunity
VOR Variation Order Request
VOSS Vessels Of Opportunity Skimming Systems
VP Vapour Pressure
VPP Variable Pitch Propeller
VPS Velocity Seismic Profile
VR Vermillion Area Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
VRP Vessel Response Plan
VRR Voidage Replacement Ratio
VRS Vapor Recovery System
VRU Vapor Recovery Unit
VS Vertical Section
VSD Variable Speed Drive
VSP Vertical Seismic Profiling
VSPRO Vertical Seismic Profile
VTDLL Vertical Thickness Dual Laterolog
VTFDC Vertical Thickness Fdc Cnl Log
VTIS Vessel Traffic Information System
VTISF Vertical Thickness Isf Log
VTMS Vessel Traffic Management Services
VTS Vessel Traffic Service/System
VTSS Vessel Traffic Separation Scheme
VWL Velocity Well Log
VXT Vertical Christmas Tree
W Watt
W/C Water Cushion
W/C Water Cut
W/O Workover
WABAN Well Abandonment Report
WACOG Weighted Average Cost Of Gas
WAG Water Alternating Gas
WALKS Walkaway Seismic Profile
WAR Well Activity Report
WATAN Water Analysis
WAV3 Amplitude (In Seismics)
WAV4 Two Way Travel Time (In Seismics)
WAV5 Compensate Amplitudes
WAVF Waveform Log
WBM Water Based Drilling Mud
WBM Water Based Mud
WBS Wellbore Schematic
WBS Wellbore Seismic
WBS Wellbore Stability
WC Watercut / Wildcat Well
WCD Worst Case Discharge (Scenario)
WCID Well Construction Interface Document
WCST Well Containment Screening Tool
WD Water Depth
WDP Waste Discharge Permit
WDRs Waste Discharge Requirements
WE Well Engineer
WEG Wireline Entry Guide
WELDA Well Data Report
WELP Well Log Plot
WEND World Electronic Navigation Database
WEQL Well Equipment Layout
WESTR Well Status Record
WESUR Well Summary Report
WF Water Flooding
WFAC Waveform Acoustic Log
WFT Wet Film Thickness DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 38/40


WGEO Well Geophone Report

WGFM Wet Gas Flow Meter
WGUNT Water Gun Test
WH Well History
Wh White
WHFP Wellhead Flowing Pressure
WHIG Whitehouse Gauge
WHM Wellhead Maintenance
WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Material Information Systems
WHO World Health Organisation
WHP Wellhead Pressure
WHRU Waste Heat Recovery Unit
WI Water Injection
WI Working Interest
WIPSP Wip Stock Packer
WIS Wave Information Study
WIT Water Investigation Tool
WITS Well Site Information Transfer System
WL Water Line
WL Wireline
WLC Wireline Composite Log
WLL Wireline Logging
WLSUM Well Summary
WLTS Well Log Transaction System
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WMPI Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection
WMU World Maritime University
WO Well In Work Over
WO/O Waiting On Orders
WOA Well Operations Authorization
WOB Weight On Bit
WOC Wait On Cement
WOC Water Oil Contact (Or Oil Water Contact)
WOE Well Operations Engineer (A Key Person Of Well Services)
WOM Wait(Ing) On Material
WOR Water Oil Ratio
WORKO Workover
WOS West Of Shetland, Oil Province On The Ukcs
WOW Wait(Ing) On Weather
WP Well Proposal Or Working Pressure
WP Well Protector
WPC Water Pollution Control
WPI Wholesale Price Index
WPLAN Well Course Plan
WPQ/S Weld Procedure Qualification/Specification
WPR Well Prognosis Report
WQ A Textural Parameter Used For Cbvwe Computations (Halliburton)
WQC Water Quality Certificate
WQCA Water Quality Control Act
WQCB Water Quality Control Board
WR Walker Ridge Gulf Of Mexico Leasing Area
WR Wet Resistivity
WR Wireline Retrievable (As In A Wr Plug)
WRS Well Report Sepia
WRSCSSV Wireline Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub Surface Valve
WSCA Well Services Contractors Association
WSCL Well Site Core Log
WSE Well Seismic Edit
WSERE Well Seismic Edit Report
WSHT Well Shoot
WSL Well Site Log
WSO Water Shut Off
WSOG Well Specific Operation Guidelines DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 39/40


WSP Well Seismic Profile

WSR Well Shoot Report
WSS Well Services Supervisor
WSS Working Spread Sheet (For Logging)
WSSAM Well Site Sample
WSSOF Wss Offset Profile
WSSUR Well Seismic Survey Plot
WSSVP Wss Vsp Raw Shots
WSSVS Wss Vsp Stacks
WSTL Well Site Test Log
WSU Well Service Unit
WT Watertight
WT Well Test
WTI West Texas Intermediate (Crude Benchmark)
WTP Willingness To Pay
WUT Water Up To
WVS Well Velocity Survey
WY Water Year
X Over Crossover
XC Cross Connection, Cross Correlation
XL Exploration Licence (United Kingdom)
Xln Crystalline (Minerals)
XLPE Cross Linked Polyethylene
XMAC Cross Multipole Array Acoustic Log
XMAC E Xmac Elite (Next Generation Of Xmac)
XMRI Extended Range Micro Imager (Halliburton)
XMT/XT/HXT Xmas Tree (Christmas Tree)
XO Cross Over
XOM Exxon Mobil
XOV Cross Over Valve
XPERM Matrix Permeability In The X Direction
XPHLOC Crossplot Selection For Xphi
XPOR Crossplot Porosity
XPT Formation Pressure Test Log (Schlumberger)
XRD X Ray Diffraction
XRF X Ray Fluorescence
XYC Xy Calliper Log (Halliburton)
yd Yard
YM Young'S Modulus
YP Yield Point
yr Year
YTD Year To Date
ZD Zone Description
ZDENP Density Log
ZDL Compensated Z Densilog
ZOI Zone Of Influence DMAREngineering,Inc.UnitedStates|China|Malaysia 40/40

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