A Future Fair For All: The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

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The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

A future
fair for all

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

Foreword Introduction Securing Britains future
from Gordon Brown

Rebuilding our economy

Chapter 1 1:1 Chapter 2 2:1

Growth: Living standards:
Building the high-growth Prosperity for all not
economy of the future just a few

Protecting public services and strengthening society

Chapter 3 3:1 Chapter 4 4:1 Chapter 5 5:1

Education: Health: Crime and immigration:
Excellence in education: World-leading Strengthening our
every child the chance healthcare: a patient- communities, securing
to fulfil their potential centred NHS our borders

Chapter 6 6:1 Chapter 7 7:1 Chapter 8 8:1

Families and older Communities and A green recovery:
people: creative Britain: A green future
Supporting families Creative Britain: for Britain
throughout life active and flourishing

A new politics

Chapter 9 9:1 Chapter 10 10:1

Democratic reform: A global future:
A new politics: renewing Meeting the challenges
our democracy of the new global age
and rebuilding trust

50 steps to a fairer future for all 11:1

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

Foreword from Gordon Brown

This General Election is fought as our troops This is a Manifesto about the greater progressive
are bravely fighting to defend the safety of the change we need because of the tougher times we
British people and the security of the world in are living through. There are no big new spending
Afghanistan. They bring great pride and credit commitments, but there is a determination for
to our country: we honour and will always every penny to be used wisely, and, as present
support them. plans make clear, to give the maximum protection
to frontline public services.
At the same time the world has been rocked by the
first great crisis of the new global economic age. This is a moment to show greater boldness in
response to what Britain has gone through and
In Britain, the political crisis caused by expenses
the toll it has taken. We reject a business as usual
has undermined the bond of trust between the
mentality because we have to re-build and re-
people and the politicians elected to serve them.
balance the economy, as well as renew our society
So this cannot, and will not, be a business as and politics. Reform cannot stand still not least
usual election or Manifesto. In this Manifesto we because we need to get more value and delivery
set out plans to address the main future challenges from public services in a period of public spending
we face in our economy, our society and our constraint. Our Manifesto charts an optimistic
politics. We will rebuild the economy to secure course in tougher economic times. It builds on and
the recovery and invest in future growth and jobs. takes forward the reforms we have undertaken
We will renew our society to further strengthen since 1997.
the communities that bind our country together.
I love Britain and want the very best for our
And we will restore trust in politics with greater
country. This Manifesto is my pledge of a future
transparency and accountability in a system
fair for all.
battered by the expenses scandal.
This programme for further national renewal
meets the big challenges of the age. Our
Manifesto is ambitious but affordable, bold but Gordon Brown
realistic, and learns from the lessons we take from Prime Minister
our experience to date. Over the next ten years we
will confront major challenges - intensive global
competition, climate change, an ageing society,
and bringing stability to Afghanistan. This is a
moment for good judgement and serious purpose
to meet the challenges ahead.
Our aim is a modern, progressive Britain based on
fairness, respect, decency and openness.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

The argument of this Manifesto to the world as it was then. Parliament properly accountable.
is that to deliver a future fair We changed our party so that
In all these decisions, we offer
for all we need to rebuild our it connected to the hopes and
progressive solutions in tough
economy, protect and reform aspirations of the British people.
times. We do not measure the
our public services as we We changed our country because
boldness of our programme by
strengthen our society and we rejected the philosophy
how much we spend but the
renew our politics. We, Labour, of the 1980s which said that
results we achieve. By taking
are the people to carry out this government should just get out
hard decisions, being guided at
next stage of national renewal of the way and that we were in it
all times by a sense of fairness,
because of our values and just for ourselves.
we believe that we can continue
our understanding of the role
We are proud of our record to advance towards the good
of government: to stand by
but today we are running for society in which we believe.
ordinary people so they can
the future. We have to address
change their lives for the better. There is a big choice at this
a world that is very different
It is our belief that it is active, election about whether we
now, with major new challenges
reforming government, not confront these challenges and
we must confront: fighting for
absent government, that helps build the kind of economy,
our economic future in a tough
make people powerful. society and politics we believe
competitive world, tackling
in, or duck them. But to be able
We are proud of our country climate change, improving
to meet these future challenges,
and the way it has changed public services amidst financial
there are some immediate
since 1997. It is just too easy to constraint, confronting the
decisions we need to get right
forget. Our public services were reality of international terrorism,
now. Above all, we need to
a byword for decline; today they adjusting to an ageing society
secure the economic recovery.
have been transformed. Our so people can live longer and
Get it right and we can go on to
large cities were reeling from two happier lives, and restoring trust
build a strong economic future.
savage recessions; today, despite in politics.
Get it wrong and we will slip
the global economic crisis, they
The global financial crisis back into recession.
have a renewed prosperity and
shows we need to be bolder
civic pride. People were paid Labour believes we must
about reforming our financial
1 an hour; today the minimum not put the recovery at risk
markets and building our
wage and tax credits provide by reckless cuts to public
economic future on fairer, more
the dignity of a living income. spending this year.
solid foundations. To build on
The welfare state simply did
success in our public services, From the autumn of 2008,
not understand working women
we need to protect investment big calls had to be made. We
and families. Today, with family-
in the front line and also be bold nationalised Northern Rock,
friendly working and better
about putting citizens genuinely protected peoples savings, cut
childcare it has at last begun to
in control. And we must be VAT to stimulate our economy,
do so.
bold reformers of our politics: put in place job guarantees to
These changes happened seizing this once in a generation get people back to work, and
because we applied our values opportunity to make our stepped in to stop repossessions.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

It is working. The banking confidence to allow a return to fair way with a combination of a
system has been stabilised. the same old ways. There is a return to economic growth, cuts
Our economy is showing desire not simply to correct for to lower priority programmes
signs of returning to growth. what went wrong, but to seize the and fair tax rises. Responsibility
Unemployment has, so far, risen opportunity to build anew. at the top means people paying
by over 500,000 less than people their fair share and we believe
Financial services have been an
expected this time last year. it is right that those with the
essential job creator in Britain
Repossessions are at around half broadest shoulders bear the
and will continue to be so. But
the level of the 1990s. greatest burden of paying down
our financial institutions left to
the deficit.
The question at this election is themselves have undermined
whether people think the choice our economy. We are enacting Labour believes we should
we made was the right one sweeping banking reform to protect frontline spending
and whether we use the power prevent a repeat of the past; on childcare, schools, the
of government to help sustain ensuring new support for the NHS and policing, and
recovery, or allow it to be snuffed high-tech industries of the reform our public services
out. Every government of the future, such as green industries; to put people in control.
major developed economies of and taking action to forge a
Millions of people working in
Left and Right recognises the new culture of long-termism in
our public services embody the
need to support the economy business.
best values of Britain, helping
while growth is still fragile. We
It isnt markets or governments empower people to make the
will not cut spending this year,
that create wealth people do, most of their own lives while
but instead support the economy
through their own effort and protecting them from the risks
to ensure recovery is established.
hard work. So we will do more they should not have to bear
Labour believes we should to support enterprise and to help on their own. Just as we need
rebuild our economy in new those who want to build up a to be bolder about the role of
ways: with more high-tech business and get on in life. Those government in making markets
business, fairer rewards who can work must do so and it work fairly, we also need to be
and responsibility from all, needs to be properly valued. We bold reformers of government.
including at the top. will end for good the concept of
For a decade we have combined
a life on benefit by offering all
The world changed out of all investment and reform and
those unemployed for more than
recognition in 2007 with the improved our public services.
two years work they must accept,
onset of the global economic Now we need to rise to the
and we will make work pay better
crisis. Major British banks, the challenge of achieving even
with the goal of a minimum wage
custodians of our savings and higher standards in a period of
rising at least in line with average
livelihoods, ran out of money constrained resources. We will
earnings and a guarantee that
because of the recklessness of drive forward our programme
people will be better off in work
those in charge. This Manifesto to strip out all waste, improve
than on benefit.
makes the case that there should efficiency and get the most out of
be no return to business as usual. As we more than halve the fiscal every pound spent. We recognise
People have suffered too much deficit over the next four years, that investing more in priority
with their jobs, livelihoods and we will ensure that we do so in a areas will mean cutting back in

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

others. Above all we will build fathers will have more time off In 1997 New Labour met the
public services that are more to spend with their kids. There call of national renewal. In
personal to peoples needs: with will be greater protection for the our politics and economy over
clear guarantees about standards, local institutions people value, the last 18 months, we have
the best providers taking over like local post offices and pubs. witnessed seismic events. In this
others where they dont make In everything we do, we will election, the first of the post-crisis
the grade, and with new ways demand the responsibilities that era, we stand as the people with
of organising services such as must come with rights: to work the experience, values and ideas
mutuals. when you can, not to abuse your to help our country through the
neighbour or neighbourhood, next phase of national renewal.
In health, this means if we dont
to show respect for Britain as a
meet our guarantees, for example This task has always relied
newcomer, to pay your fair share
on waiting lists, the NHS will fund on optimism. Our principle
of tax.
you to go private. In education it opponents, the Conservatives,
means that if the local school is Labour proposes radical offer a fundamentally pessimistic
underperforming it will be taken reform of our democracy to vision of national decline: about
over; and parents who believe reconnect politics to the people Britain today and in the future.
their school is not good enough it should serve. Just as the global Their only real prescription for
can trigger a ballot to change the economic crisis was a shock the good society is a smaller
leadership. And in policing, where to our economic system; the state and the decisions they seek
communities are being let down expenses crisis created turmoil in to make for our country would
by forces we will enable them to our political system. It revealed favour the privileged few over
be taken over by others. not just unacceptable behaviour the many. They would isolate
by some MPs but also that our Britain, cutting us adrift from the
Labour will strengthen
closed political system had lost alliances and influence that will
our society, by protecting
touch with people. Once again, enable us to succeed as a country.
the things people value
the response cannot be to try and
and demanding rights and This is a Manifesto that
return to business as usual.
responsibilities from all. is idealistic about what is
We need fundamental reform possible but realistic about
Our society is not broken; it is
of our politics to make it more how to achieve it. This is not
strong in many different ways. But
accountable. We will let the a conservative moment. It is a
it is changing fast. Changing with
people decide how to reform progressive moment. We speak
immigration, changing as people
our institutions and our politics: for the ordinary people of this
move more frequently, as young
changing the voting system and country who work hard, want
people grow up more quickly and
electing a second chamber to their kids to do better than
older people live longer.
replace the House of Lords. But them, and worry about the
We will protect the things we will go further, introducing economic, environmental and
people value: families, strong fixed-term parliaments, banning social challenges we face. We
communities, local institutions. MPs from paid second jobs are on their side, it is their voice,
We will create a new settlement in that pose a conflict of interest, needs and hopes that shape this
our country on how we care for and providing for a free vote programme.
the elderly through the creation in Parliament to widen the
of a National Care Service, and franchise to 16 and 17 year olds.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

Securing Britains future

The plans set out in this Manifesto take full account of the fiscal position we face. We will protect
frontline public services while meeting our commitment to halve the deficit over the next four years.

We are now emerging from the global financial crisis. It has had a lasting effect on tax receipts, here
in the UK and across the world. We are sticking to our spending plans this year so that support for
families and businesses remains as we secure the recovery. But from 2011-12, as growth takes hold,
spending will be tighter.

The Manifesto reflects the tough choices that we will make to secure Britains future in a way that is
fair to all:

Tough choices for 15 billion efficiency savings in 2010-11.

Tough choices on cutting government overheads: 11 billion of further operational
efficiencies and other cross-cutting savings to streamline government will be delivered
by 2012-13.
Tough choices on pay: action to control public-sector pay including a one per cent
cap on basic pay uplifts for 2011-12 and 2012-13, saving 3.4 billion a year, and new
restrictions on senior pay-setting. Tough decisions on public sector pensions to cap the
taxpayers liability saving 1 billion a year.
Tough choices on spending: 5 billion already identified in cuts to lower priority
Tough choices on welfare: our reforms will increase fairness and work incentives,
including 1.5 billion of savings being delivered.
Tough choices on assets: 20 billion of asset sales by 2020.
Tough choices on tax: a bonus tax, reduced tax relief on pensions for the best off,
a new 50p tax rate on earnings over 150,000 and one penny on National Insurance

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Building the high-growth economy of the future


The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

The challenge for Britain The engine of growth is private

enterprise: we will give business
our full support in creating
To secure the recovery and learn the right lessons wealth and jobs. Strong and
from the global economic crisis, laying the foundations sustained growth is fundamental
for sustained growth: reforming banks, modernising to a credible strategy for
infrastructure, and as we pay down the deficit, keeping the public finances on a
providing the right support to the private sector to stable long-term footing.
build a diverse, high-tech industrial economy. The Tories
would threaten recovery with cuts this year, and fail to To be successful, business
invest in our economic future. needs stability, but to achieve
stability after the seismic shock
The next stage of national renewal of the global banking crisis, the
governance of our economic
Secure the recovery by supporting the economy
and financial institutions must
now, and more than halve the deficit by 2014 through
be radically reformed.
economic growth, fair taxes and cuts to lower priority
And to support business
Realise our stakes in publicly controlled banks to secure in securing prosperity for
the best deal for the taxpayer, introduce a new global future generations, an activist
levy, and reform the rules for banking to ensure no industrial strategy is needed:
repeat of past irresponsibility. learning the lessons from those
nations that have succeeded
Create UK Finance for Growth, bringing 4 billion
in developing advanced
together to provide capital for growing businesses,
manufacturing and leading-
investing in the growth sectors of the future.
edge service industries. In
Build a high-tech economy, supporting business and these countries the role of
industry to create one million more skilled jobs and government is not to stand
modernising our infrastructure with High Speed Rail, a aside, but to nurture private-
Green Investment Bank and broadband access for all. sector dynamism, properly
supporting infrastructure and
Encourage a culture of long-term commitment to
the sectors of the future.
sustainable company growth, requiring a super-majority
of two-thirds of shareholders in corporate takeovers.
Securing the recovery
We have taken the tough
As the economy steadily creating infrastructure and
decisions to get Britain through
recovers, there will be no return enterprise, accompanied by the
the downturn. We have done
to business as usual: financial diversification of our industrial
so with fairness in mind: we
institutions cannot continue the base, Britain will not emerge
have not allowed the recession
practices of the past. Radical from the recession ready for a
created by the financial crisis
change is needed. Without stronger, fairer future.
to become a depression, or
long-term investment in wealth-

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

stood aside and allowed grave this through a combination of: deficit reduction plan and to
damage to be inflicted on our fair tax increases; a firm grip sustain the services that matter
society as it was in the 1930s on public spending including most to families.
and 1980s. The Tories argue cuts in lower-priority areas;
that public spending should and strategies for growth that We will not raise the basic,
be cut immediately, but this increase tax revenues and higher and new top rates of
position is out of step with every reduce spending on benefits. tax in the next Parliament and
other G20 government, right Over the next Parliament the we renew our pledge not to
or left. If governments do not structural deficit will be cut by extend VAT to food, childrens
provide support when families more than two-thirds. clothes, books, newspapers
and businesses most need help, and public transport fares. We
growth is set back, jobs are The huge global recession and will maintain tax credits, not
lost, and the country builds up our efforts to counter it have cut them. And we have made
more debts paying a higher required us to make tough our choice to protect frontline
price in the future. To cut now choices, including on tax. We investment in childcare and
would push the economy back have made our choice in ways schools, the NHS and policing.
into recession, not reducing the that put the greatest burden
deficit but increasing it. on those with the broadest Tough choices
shoulders. Bankers have
On public spending, we will be
We will continue to support faced a bonus tax, tax relief
relentless in making sure that
the economy while growth is on pensions for the best off
the public gets value for money
still fragile, sticking with our will be reduced, and we have
for every pound spent. We
targeted increase in public introduced a new 50p tax rate
will overhaul how government
spending over the next year to on earnings over 150,000. As
works: cutting back-office
sustain the recovery. Our focus part of our plan to ensure we
and property running costs;
for the stimulus is strategic protect frontline services while
abolishing unnecessary arms-
investment, putting in place halving the deficit over four
length-bodies; sharply reducing
the new digital, transport and years, we have announced that
spending on consultancy
energy infrastructures that National Insurance will rise by
and marketing; and cutting
will support the return to one penny. This will not happen
lower-priority spend. We have
sustainable growth. until next year, once growth
already shown in Budget 2010
is firmly established. This is
how these steps will help us to
Deficit reduction and fiscal the fairest way to protect key
achieve savings of 20 billion
sustainability frontline services. Our National
a year by 2012-13, on top of
Insurance changes will mean
Once the recovery is secure, the 15 billion savings that are
that no-one earning under
we will rapidly reduce the being delivered this year.
20,000, or any pensioners,
budget deficit. We have set out
will pay more. It is fairer than
a clear, balanced and fair plan We will take a tough stance
alternative options like VAT
to more than halve the deficit on public-sector pay, saving
which we have not increased
over the next four years and we over 3 billion by capping
since 1997. Our commitments
will stick to it. We will achieve public-sector pay rises at
allow us credibly to deliver our

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

one per cent in 2011-12 and banking system must support If there is evidence of bonus
2012-13. We have agreed domestic businesses, including rules being evaded, we will act.
tough reforms to public-sector start-ups and entrepreneurs,
pensions, which will make as well as mortgages. We have We will ensure greater
significant savings and ensure agreed lending targets with those competition in the banking
that pensions for the public- banks in which we have a stake, sector, breaking up those banks
sector workforce are secure and and there will be consequences in which the Government
sustainable in the long term. for executive remuneration if currently has a controlling stake.
Any government-controlled targets are not met. The proposed Office of Fair
appointment involving a salary Trading review into how City
over 150,000 will require Learning the lessons of the markets operate is welcome.
ministerial sign-off. Savings crisis means ensuring that far We value the role of building
from our tougher approach will greater responsibility is taken societies owned by their
help realise a fair rate of pay for risk in the boardroom. We customers and the strength and
for all those working for central will compel banks to keep more diversity that a healthy mutual
government. capital and create living wills sector brings to our financial
so that should they fail there services, and we will consult on
As we prepare for the upturn, will be no danger of that failure measures to help strengthen
fiscal responsibility and spreading. Because the banking the sector. As one option for
monetary stability will be the crisis demonstrated the global the disposal of Northern Rock,
foundations on which we build. nature of financial instability, we will encourage a mutual
We have made the new fiscal we will continue to work with solution, while ensuring that the
responsibility framework legally our international partners to sale generates maximum value
binding, and we will maintain require all banks to hold more for money for the taxpayer.
our inflation target of two per and better-quality capital,
cent so that mortgage rates can to ensure counter-cyclical Rebuilding our industrial
be kept as low as possible. protection, and to introduce a base: new industries, new
global levy on financial services jobs, new knowledge
Rebuilding our banking so that banks across the world
Britain is the sixth largest
system contribute fairly to the society in
manufacturing economy in the
which they are based.
The international banking world. Because of substantial
system played a key role in investment since 1997, the UK
In the UK the new Council for
fuelling the most severe global has an excellent research base
Financial Stability will monitor
recession since the Second and is already strong in some
and help address asset bubbles
World War. We are determined world-leading sectors. But if we
and financial imbalances. We
to support our financial make the right decisions as a
will give the FSA additional
sector and for it to be a major country in the coming years
powers if necessary to
employer and wealth creator, through a new industrial policy,
constrain and quash executive
but there will be no return to stronger infrastructure and a
remuneration where it is a
the excesses of the past banks renewed partnership between
source of risk and instability.
will face tighter regulation. The business and government we

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

can be leaders in the emerging a lower rate of corporation emerging markets of China,
industries of the future. tax to encourage UK-based India and Brazil.
innovation supporting the
After the financial crisis, we will UKs strengths in new industries We must seize the opportunity
ensure that growing companies and sectors. to develop education, in
can access the investment they particular higher education,
need to expand. Finance must Investing in science and as a great export business.
be at the service of industry, research Universities will be encouraged
as new public channels are to develop international links
Britain is among the best places
built to deliver private funds and research partnerships, and
in the world to do science,
to innovative and fast-growing we want the Open University
having massively increased
companies. The new UK and learndirect to reach the
investment in research and
Finance for Growth Fund will global market in distance
development as a proportion
bring together a total of 4 learning. We will develop a
of national income. We are
billion of public funds and new gateway for the export of
committed to a ring-fenced
combine it with private money NHS intellectual property and
science budget in the next
to channel equity to businesses cutting-edge services.
spending review. To help us
looking to develop and grow.
do better in turning research
Within this, the Growth Capital Restoring full employment
outputs into innovation,
Fund will focus on SMEs
we will provide focused We expect our growing
which need capital injections of
investment for Technology and economic and sectoral
between 2 and 10 million,
Innovation Centres, developing strengths to create at least one
while the Innovation Investment
technologies where the UK has million skilled jobs by 2015.
Fund will focus on the needs of
world-leading expertise. These jobs of the future will
high-tech firms.
increasingly come from the
We will also support university new growth sectors in which
Business investment in physical
research through the Higher we are investing low-carbon,
capital will play a key role in
Education Innovation Fund, digital and creative industries,
a balanced and sustainable
and through the development life sciences and professional
recovery. The Strategic
of a new University Enterprise services in business, healthcare
Investment Fund is supporting
Capital Fund. The proceeds of and education.
important new investment in
success will flow back into the
the nuclear and renewables
higher education sector. There will be greater prosperity
industries. We will provide
for every region of the UK
incentives for companies to
As we create a more diverse economy. A regional growth
invest through R&D tax credits,
economy, we will strengthen fund will be established by
and protect and increase the
support for exporters to help the Regional Development
size of capital allowances that
us increase our market share Agencies with regional ministers
help to grow key sectors such as
with our traditional markets in given an enhanced role, and we
manufacturing. We will ensure a
Europe and the United States, will help our core cities and city
competitive regime through the
while breaking further into the regions to become powerhouses
development of the patent-box

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

of innovation and growth, with We will also create a new Small establish a Green Investment
a major devolution of power to Business Credit Adjudicator Bank to invest in low-carbon
shape local transport and skills. with statutory powers ensuring infrastructure, with the
that SMEs are not turned down Governments stake funded by
Championing an enterprise unfairly when applying to banks the sale of infrastructure assets.
economy for finance. The Government will seek to
match its contribution with at
At the heart of our approach
We will help to create a new least 1 billion of private-sector
to building a strong and fair
generation of entrepreneurs, investment.
Britain is a commitment to
ensuring that those studying
support enterprise. We will The newly formed
for vocational skills are offered
back those who want to get Infrastructure Planning
the opportunity to learn how to
on, work their way up, and Commission will within a
start and run a business, while
generate wealth. We will keep democratically determined
the Flying Start programme
business taxation competitive framework help streamline
will do the same for final-year
at the same time as we increase and speed up decision-making
university students.
capital allowances to encourage on major projects. We now
investment. propose to extend the public
We will continue to simplify
interest test so that it is
regulation and avoid
There is no substitute for applied to potential takeovers
unnecessary red tape. If it is
the drive and ambition that of infrastructure and utility
used correctly, regulation can
entrepreneurs bring. We will companies.
help drive innovation, as well as
support small businesses and
protect workers and consumers.
help with their cash flow by Broadband Britain
We will seek to reduce the costs
continuing our Time to Pay
of regulation by more than Britain must be a world
scheme that has already
6 billion by 2015. leader in the development of
through tax and NICs deferral
broadband. We are investing
helped thousands of firms;
21st Century in the most ambitious plan of
offering a one-year holiday
infrastructure any industrialised country to
on business rates for small
ensure a digital Britain for all,
businesses; widening support for The key to creating the
extending access to every home
training and apprenticeships; industries of the future
and business. We will reach the
and in recognising the special is renewing the national
long-term vision of superfast
contribution of entrepreneurs infrastructure on which
broadband for all through a
we are doubling the firms rely. To ensure Britains
public-private partnership
Entrepreneurs Relief lifetime infrastructure needs are
in three stages: first, giving
limit to 2 million. properly resourced, we will
virtually every household in the
work in partnership with
country a broadband service of
the private sector, reforming
at least two megabits per second
the regulation of energy to
by 2012; second, making
improve incentives for the
possible superfast broadband
private sector to invest. We will
for the vast majority of Britain

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

in partnership with private from the West Midlands to prevent such bids benefiting
operators, with Government London will be as little as passengers and taxpayers.
investing over 1 billion in the 31 minutes. We will consult fully
next seven years; and lastly on legislation to take forward Tackling road congestion is a
reaching the final ten per cent our high-speed rail plans within key Labour priority. We will
using satellites and mobile the next Parliament. extend hard-shoulder running
broadband. on motorways, alongside
High-speed rail is not just targeted motorway widening
Because we are determined about faster journey times. including on the M25. Too
that every family and business, It will free up capacity on much disruption is caused
not just some, should benefit, existing intercity rail lines, by local road works: we will
we will raise revenue to pay enabling more rail freight, increase tenfold the penalties
for this from a modest levy commuter and local services on utilities who allow work
on fixed telephone lines. And We will press ahead with a to overrun. We rule out the
we will continue to work with major investment programme introduction of national road
business, the BBC and other in existing rail services, hugely pricing in the next Parliament.
broadcasting providers to improving commuter services
increase take-up of broadband into and through London, Heathrow is Britains
and to ensure Britain becomes a and electrifying new rail-lines international hub airport,
leading digital economy. including the Great Western already operating at full
Main Line from London to capacity, and supporting
Rebuilding our transport South Wales. We will complete millions of jobs, businesses and
infrastructure the new east-west Crossrail line citizens who depend upon it.
in London adding ten per cent We support a third runway
Britain needs to invest in
to London transport capacity. at Heathrow, subject to strict
modern, high-capacity and low-
conditions on environmental
carbon transport infrastructure.
Rail passenger numbers impact and flight numbers, but
At the heart of our growth
have increased by 40 per we will not allow additional
plan is the commitment to
cent in the last ten years and runways to proceed at any other
a new high-speed rail line,
punctuality and quality of airport in the next Parliament.
linking North and South. Built
service are improving steadily.
in stages, the initial line will
We will encourage more Through our investment,
link London to Birmingham,
people to switch to rail with Labour has put Britain at the
Manchester, the East Midlands,
an enforceable right to the forefront of electric and low-
Sheffield and Leeds, and then
cheapest fare, while trebling carbon vehicle manufacturing.
to the North and Scotland.
the number of secure cycle- To promote the rapid take-up
By running through-trains
storage spaces at rail stations. of electric and low-carbon
from day one, cities including
We will welcome rail franchise cars, we will ensure there
Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle
bids from not-for-profit, mutual are 100,000 electric vehicle
and Liverpool will also be part
or co-operative franchise charging points by the end of
of the initial network. Journey
enterprises and will look to the next Parliament.
times will be slashed those
remove unfair barriers that

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

Corporate governance There should be a higher

reform threshold of support two-
thirds of shareholders for
To build strong businesses
securing a change of ownership
we need skilled managers,
and the case for limiting votes
accountable boards, and
to those on the register before
committed shareholders
the bid should be examined.
all with a culture of long-
term commitment. We will
Creating a shareholding
strengthen the 2006 Companies
Act where necessary better
to reflect these principles. We want Britains workers to
The UKs Stewardship Code have a stake in their company
for institutional shareholders by widening share ownership
should be strengthened and and creating more employee-
we will require institutional owned and trust-owned
shareholders to declare how businesses. We want to see
they vote and for banks to put a step change in the role of
their remuneration policies employee-owned companies in
to shareholders for explicit the economy, recognising that
approval. many entrepreneurs would
like to see their companies in
Too many takeovers turn out the hands of their employees
to be neither good for the when they retire. We will review
acquiring company or the firm any outstanding barriers to the
being bought. The system needs formation of more employee-
reform. Companies should be companies like the John Lewis
more transparent about their Partnership.
long-term plans for the business
they want to acquire. There
needs to be more disclosure of
who owns shares, a requirement
for bidders to set out how
they will finance their bids
and greater transparency on
advisers fees.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Prosperity for all not just a few

Living standards

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Living standards

The challenge for Britain In todays world, every worker

needs to be able to upgrade
their skills in order to get on. As
To grow together as a country, rewarding those who
well as good career prospects,
work hard so they can do well and look after their
people want to know that their
families: returning Britain to full employment, enabling
living standards and quality
people to get higher-paid and better jobs, and widening
of life will improve. So we
access to home ownership. The Tories have no plan for
will enable more people to get
fairness; their decisions would make our society more
on the housing ladder; offer
unequal and unjust.
a helping hand to build up
savings; and secure a fair deal
The next stage of national renewal
with the banks to strengthen
200,000 jobs through the Future Jobs Fund, with a job or peoples personal finances.
training place for young people who are out of work for
six months, but benefits cut at ten months if they refuse A modern welfare state
to take part; and anyone unemployed for more than two for all
years guaranteed work, but no option of life on benefits.
We will build a personalised
A National Minimum Wage rising at least in line with welfare system that offers
average earnings, and a new 40-a-week Better Off in protection for all those who
Work guarantee. need it, increases peoples
control over their own lives, and
More advanced apprenticeships and Skills Accounts for
is clear about the responsibilities
workers to upgrade their skills.
owed to others. Getting more
No stamp duty for first-time buyers on all house people into employment
purchases below 250,000 for two years, paid for by a increases tax revenues and
five per cent rate on homes worth more than 1 million. reduces spending on benefits.
Our intensive help for people
A Peoples Bank at the Post Office; a Universal Service
out of work starting from
Obligation on banks to serve every community; a
day one has already kept
clampdown on interest rates for doorstep and payday
unemployment more than half
a million lower than predicted
during the recession, saving
As the British economy returns Our job guarantees will
15 billion over the next five
to growth, we will ensure that put an end to long-term
everyone who is willing to unemployment and a life on
work shares fairly in renewed benefits. No one fit for work
We are determined that no-one
prosperity. We will support the should be abandoned to a life
should be scarred for life by
recovery so that we see a swift on benefit, so all those who can
joblessness. No young person
return to full employment, with work will be required to do so.
in Britain should be long-term
more chances to get on at work At the same time, we believe
unemployed: those out of work
and a fair distribution of growth that people should be able to
for six months or more will
throughout Britain. earn enough to live and be
be guaranteed employment
better off than on welfare.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Living standards

or training through the 1 radically reforming how Job Departments, within their
billion Future Jobs Fund, with Centre Plus helps lone parents: allocated budgets, to follow
mandatory participation after providing extra help with the lead of those who already
ten months. The fund will childcare, training and support pay the Living Wage. This will
support 200,000 jobs. All those to find family-friendly work, be supported by measures to
who are long-term unemployed while requiring those with address high pay in the public
for two years will be guaranteed children aged three to take steps sector - reducing pay-bill
a job placement, which they will to prepare for work and actively pressure in the years ahead.
be required to take up or have to seek employment once
their benefits cut. their youngest child is seven To ensure that work pays,
years old. we will guarantee that when
More people with disabilities someone who has found it
and health conditions will Our goal is to make difficult to get into work comes
be helped to move into work responsibility the cornerstone off benefits, their family will
from Incapacity Benefit of our welfare state. Housing be at least 40 a week better
and Employment Support Benefit will be reformed to off. This is our Better Off in
Allowance, as we extend the ensure that we do not subsidise Work guarantee: together the
use of our tough-but-fair work people to live in the private National Minimum Wage and
capability test. This will help to sector on rents that other tax credits should always make
reduce the benefit bill by 1.5 ordinary working families could work pay. And we will consult
billion over the next four years. not afford. And we will continue on further reforms to simplify
We will reassess the Incapacity to crack down on those who try the benefits system and make
Benefit claims of 1.5 million to cheat the benefit system. sure it gives people the right
people by 2014, as we move incentives and personal support
those able to work back Making work pay to get into work and progress in
into jobs. their jobs.
The National Minimum
Wage is one of our proudest
For those with the most serious We want everyone to have
achievements. It protects
conditions or disabilities who better prospects in work.
and sustains millions of low-
want to work there will be a We will give the Low Pay
paid workers. To ensure that
new guarantee of supported Commission additional
the lowest paid share fairly
employment after two years on responsibilities to report
in rising prosperity, the Low
benefit. We will seek to ensure on productivity and career
Pay Commissions remit will
that disabled people are able to progression in low-skilled, low-
have the goal of the National
lead dignified and independent paid sectors, bringing together
Minimum Wage rising at least
lives, free of discrimination and representatives from the
in line with average earnings
with the support to which they business community and social
over the period to 2015.
are entitled. partners.
To underline our commitment
The lone parent employment
to helping the lowest paid
rate has increased by over 12
we will ask all Whitehall
per cent since 1997. We are

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Living standards

Getting ahead: investing Improving your living Fairness at work

in you standards
We will strive to ensure fairness
As we restore full employment Our aim is to put more wealth at work for all employees,
to the British economy, we in the hands of the British continuing our crackdown
will seek to make work more people. We have done all we on exploitative gang-masters
fulfilling and secure. That can to keep mortgage rates and rogue employers. In all
means helping people to low at 0.5 per cent during sectors the law must be upheld,
improve their skills. this recession compared to 15 properly enforcing safety and
per cent in the 1990s and employment rights, and tackling
We have rescued the will continue to do so in the tax avoidance. We will extend
apprenticeship system future. The direct tax and the licensing approach to labour
supporting more than 250,000 benefit measures introduced providers in the construction
places a year, and we will since 1997 mean that in 2010- industry if the evidence
now expand technician-level 11, households will be 1,450 shows that is the best way to
apprenticeships to ensure a year better off on average. A enforce employment rights. We
Britain has the skills it needs for family with one child and one have strengthened HMRCs
the future. person working full time will enforcement of the minimum
have a minimum income of wage. In future it will co-
We have legislated for a right 310 a week in October 2010 - operate more closely with local
to request time for training 27 per cent higher in real terms authorities to enforce minimum
and will continue to invest in than in 1999. Tax credits will be wage legislation. We are
workplace training through increased not cut. enacting the Agency Workers
Train to Gain. New Skills Directive to offer additional
Accounts will enable every As family budgets are under protection to agency workers in
worker to make choices that greater pressure, we will do relation to pay and conditions.
drive improvement and quality more to help people with the
in the skills system. Accounts cost of living. Council Tax New legislation and the
will help learners know what increases have fallen to their Equality and Human Rights
training they are entitled to, the lowest ever rate and we expect Commission will ensure that
level of funding available and them to stay low. There will people are not held back at
the benefits of training for their be more help with energy bills work because of their gender,
careers. But good work is about through the Social Tariff and age, disability, race and
more than just skills. Stronger Winter Fuel Payments, and we religious or sexual orientation.
employee engagement improves will work with the regulator to The new Equality Act will be
innovation and productivity: we promote greater competition enforced, promoting fairness
will continue to promote more and diversity in the supply across our society. The public
effective employee engagement of energy to ensure falling duty to promote equality of
in the workplace. wholesale prices get passed onto opportunity is being extended.
households in lower bills. We will encourage employers to
make greater use of pay reviews
and equality checks to eliminate

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Living standards

unfair pay gaps, including Our highly popular Home Buy buy. We believe local authorities
inequalities in pay between men Direct scheme will continue. should be able to play their
and women. We will work with Housing part in providing social
Associations to develop a new housing in the future; and we
Modern trade unions are an form of affordable housing will reform the council house
important part of our society targeted at working families on financing system to enable
and economy, providing modest incomes who struggle local authorities to maintain
protection and advice for in the private sector and rarely properties at the Decent Home
employees, and working qualify for social housing. This standard and to build up to
for equality and greater will focus on enabling working 10,000 council houses a year by
fairness in the workplace. We people to rent an affordable the end of the next Parliament.
welcome their positive role in home at below market rates Tenant involvement in the
encouraging partnership and while they build up an management of social housing
productivity. equity stake. properties will be strongly
More home ownership We have acted decisively to
make repossession the last Better housing
Owning your own home is the
resort, helping over 330,000
aspiration of most families. We This Government has led the
families stay in their homes so
want as many people as possible way in making sure that British
that repossessions are running
to share in the benefits of home homes are greener homes
at around half the rate of the
ownership, and to have a stake through our world-leading
early 1990s recession. We will
in an affordable home. That commitment to all new homes
now strengthen regulation to
everyone has access to a decent being zero carbon by 2016
ensure consistent standards
home at a price they can afford and the construction of new
of consumer protection from
is a central Labour ambition. eco-towns, which will have
repossession, making the FSA
the highest standards of green
responsible for the regulation
We will widen home ownership: living yet seen in Britain.
of all mortgages. This means
over 160,000 households have
transferring second charge
been supported into ownership Local authorities now have
loans such as debt consolidation
through government action greater flexibility over the
loans, which are often issued
since 1997. We will exempt allocation of social housing in
by sub-prime lenders, into
purchases below 250,000 order to promote mixed and
the FSAs tougher regime
from stamp duty for the next sustainable communities. We
guaranteeing equal protection
two years, benefiting more will guarantee the three million
for homeowners.
than nine out of ten first-time households who rent from a
buyers. This will be paid for by private landlord the right to
We are investing 7.5 billion
increasing stamp duty to five a written tenancy agreement
over two years to 2011 to build
per cent for homes worth more and access to free and impartial
new houses, delivering 110,000
than 1 million. advice; and we will establish
additional energy-efficient,
a new National Landlord
affordable homes to rent or

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Living standards

We are committed to ending Gateway account for people on banking, we will transform
rough sleeping by 2012, and lower incomes will be available the Post Office into a Peoples
we will tackle the problems to over eight million families Bank offering a full range of
faced by homeless people with from July 2010, providing a competitive, affordable products.
multiple needs. We will provide match of 50p for each 1 saved This will help sustain the
homeless 16 and 17 year olds up to a limit of 300. We will network and boost competition
with Foyer-based supported extend this approach even in banking. The universal postal
accommodation and training further, giving a boost to savings service delivered by the Royal
including help with parenting for more people on middle Mail connects and binds us
skills. Once there is enough incomes. To help encourage together as a country. We are
provision to provide universal the savings habit among firmly committed to the 28
coverage we will legislate to young adults, we will develop a million homes and businesses
change the law so that for 16 matched savings account for all across the country receiving
and 17 year olds the right to 18-30 basic-rate taxpayers, as mail six days a week, with the
housing is met solely through set out in the Budget. promise that one price goes
supported housing. everywhere. The Royal Mail
For the next generation we will and its staff are taking welcome
Our regeneration policies protect not cut the Child and needed steps to modernise
have transformed previously Trust Fund the worlds first work practices. For the future,
neglected communities, and universal savings policy for continuing modernisation and
our great cities are among young people, already giving investment will be needed by the
the best in the world. We will 4.8 million children a nest Royal Mail in the public sector.
make savings in regeneration egg for the future. We will
funding and focus on tackling contribute an additional 100 We will introduce a universal
worklessness, transforming the a year to the Child Trust Funds service obligation on retail
prospects of those areas most of all disabled children. banks, so that all consumers
disconnected from the wider with a valid address have a
economy. A new deal on personal legal right to a basic bank
finances account, and a right to redress
Support with saving if this is refused. Banks will
In the post-crisis economy, we
have to publicly report on
We will do more to support will fight for consumers and
the extent to which they are
saving and spread wealth across stand up to vested interests that
under-serving communities.
more families. The annual treat people unfairly, whether in
And we will introduce a new
limits for Individual Savings the private or public sector. We
levy on the banks to help fund
Accounts have been raised to want a fair deal for all.
a step-change in the scale of
10,200 and will be index-
affordable lending by third-
linked. The Pension Credit The Post Office has an
sector organisations, including
capital disregard will increase invaluable role to play in
a new partnership with the Post
from 6,000 to 10,000. our communities and in
Office, offering an alternative
serving local businesses. To
to loan sharks and high-cost
The pioneering Savings promote trusted and accessible
doorstep lending.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Living standards

Over the lifetime of the next

Parliament, as more affordable
lending becomes available, we
will clamp down on the interest
rates and other fees charged
by instant loan companies and
payday or doorstep lenders,
tackling the very high cost
lending that hits low-income
communities hardest. We will
introduce a single regulator
for consumer finance to
restore confidence and trust
with responsibility for the
supervision of all unsecured
lending being passed to the
Financial Services Authority.
And new rules governing how
financial products are sold will
be introduced with a crackdown
on unfair terms in contracts.

Finally, we will seek to promote

competition in high-street
banking by introducing
portable bank account and cash
ISA numbers that stimulate
switching where consumers
are dissatisfied, along with
consistent, easily understood
labelling of financial products.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Excellence in education: every child the chance
to fulfil their potential


The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

The challenge for Britain because of sustained investment

and reform, it is just one in
twelve, with standards rising
To raise standards, promote excellence and narrow
fastest in disadvantaged areas.
achievement gaps by giving the best school leaders
Nearly 100,000 more children
and federations more schools to run, and by giving
each year leave primary school
parents new rights and clear guarantees of high-quality
secure in reading, writing and
teaching and support for every pupil underpinned by
maths. School buildings, once
increased spending. The Tories want to gamble with
characterised by leaking roofs
our childrens education, putting school improvement
and second-class facilities, are
at risk and taking away the guarantees of an excellent
being transformed. The quality
education for all.
of teaching is the best ever and
teachers have the status and
respect they deserve.
The next stage of national renewal
Spending increased on frontline Sure Start and free Frontline spending on Sure
childcare, schools and 16-19 learning. Start, childcare, schools and 16-
19 learning will be increased,
An expansion of free nursery places for two year olds
safeguarding our priorities
and 15 hours a week of flexible, free nursery education
such as an additional 41,000
for three and four year olds.
teachers and 120,000 teaching
Every pupil leaving primary school secure in the basics, assistants. But funding will not
with a 3Rs guarantee of one-to-one and small-group rise as fast as in recent years,
tuition for every child falling behind; and in secondary making tough choices necessary
school, every pupil with a personal tutor and a choice of to focus resources on the front
good qualifications. line, with 950m saved through
collaboration and efficiency
A choice of good schools in every area and, where
in back office functions and
parents are not satisfied the power to bring in new
procurement and 500m from
school leadership teams, through mergers and take-
quangos and central budgets.
overs, with up to 1,000 secondary schools part of an
accredited schools group by 2015.
The range and reach of
Every young person guaranteed education or training innovative school providers will
until 18, with 75 per cent going on to higher education, increase, spreading excellence
or completing an advanced apprenticeship or technician to all schools. We will strive to
level training, by the age of 30. get the best people into teaching
and give parents new rights
Education is the key to personal background or circumstances. to secure good schooling for
fulfilment, economic prosperity their children. Participation
and social mobility. Our goal In 1997, half of our secondary in post-school learning will
is educational excellence for schools were below the basic expand, with more and better
every child, whatever their minimum standard. Now, apprenticeships, improved

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

vocational education, and wider greater choice over when people into teaching, from the
access to higher education. children start school. We will most committed graduates
also explore allowing parents to to the highest calibre career
The early years carry over their free hours of switchers. Teach First will be
nursery education from year to extended to attract more of the
Good play-based early learning
year. Childcare vouchers will best graduates into teaching,
gets children off to a flying start,
be retained, with all families including teaching in primary
so that they begin school ready
receiving income tax relief at schools.
to learn and achieve. We have
the basic rate, and childcare
expanded high-quality early
standards will be raised by a We have invested heavily in the
learning and childcare, which
more qualified workforce. professionalism and expertise
also supports parents to work
of the workforce, and will build
when they have young children
We want to strengthen parental on this success with a new right
and improves family living
engagement with Sure Start for every teacher to continuous
Childrens Centres. Some professional development;
voluntary and third-sector in return they will have to
There are now over 3,500
organisations already run demonstrate high standards
Sure Start Childrens Centres
networks of Centres, and of teaching to maintain their
and every three and four year
we will now pioneer mutual licence to practise. We will
old has access to free nursery
federations running groups of promote new Teacher Training
education, which is rising to
local Childrens Centres in the Academies and 10,000
15 hours a week. Childrens
community interest. golden handcuffs to attract
Centres will become the
the best teachers into the most
bedrock of a new national
Excellence for all: every challenging schools.
under-fives service: one-stop
school a good school
shops, open to all families,
While the number of low-
offering excellent affordable Every parent wants their child
performing schools has
childcare, healthcare and to attend an excellent school
decreased dramatically, we
parenting advice. The number with the best possible teaching
cannot tolerate any coasting
of free early learning places for and facilities. So for pupils and
or persistently poor schools.
disadvantaged two year olds will parents we will set out in law
Over the last decade, we have
be expanded, on the way to our guarantees of the excellent
developed a cadre of world-class
long-term goal of universal free education and personal support
head teachers, radically opened
childcare for this age group. they can expect.
up our school system to new
providers, and worked with local
Flexible childcare No school can be better than
authorities and school governing
the quality of its teachers. We
Busy working parents will bodies to drive up standards.
have the best generation of
have more flexibility over
teachers ever, supported by
the hours their children have Our task now is to devolve
teaching assistants and the
access to nursery education, more power and responsibility
wider workforce. But we must
such as taking them over two to strong school leaders and
continue to get the very best
full working days, as well as to spread excellence, with

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

up to 1,000 schools, through bullying. They will provide disabilities in special schools will
mergers and take-overs, part information on the progress be increased.
of an accredited school group being made by all pupils, not
by 2015 a new generation of just by some. We will consult on Primary schools: no child
not-for-profit chains of schools giving every school an overall left behind
with a proven track record. grade for its performance.
More children than ever leave
These will include excellent
primary school secure in the
school leaders from the We reject a return to the 11-
basics. Every primary school
maintained sector, universities, plus or a free-for-all admission
now offers whole-class teaching
colleges, faith schools, academy system. Our commitment to
of English using phonics, and
chains and independent schools. fair admissions is essential
we are introducing specialist
We now have 200 academies to liberating the potential of
teachers to achieve a similar
and over 50 National Challenge every child. Ensuring all pupils
step-change in Maths. But
Trusts, with another 200 make progress also requires a
every parent rightly wants
academies in the pipeline. And fair funding system, so we will
far more, so our primary
we are pioneering new co- introduce a local pupil premium
curriculum reforms will create
operative trust schools where to guarantee that extra funding
more flexibility for teachers
parents, teachers and the local to take account of deprivation
to offer a broad, challenging
community come together to follows the pupil. Barriers to
and engaging education, with
help govern their local school. social mobility will be tackled
opportunities to play sport, and
by giving disadvantaged families
to take part in arts, culture and
More power for parents free access to broadband to
music, including the chance
support their childs learning.
Where parents are dissatisfied to learn a musical instrument.
All parents will be guaranteed
with the choice of secondary As part of these reforms, all
online information about their
schools in an area, local primary schools will teach a
childs progress and behaviour.
authorities will be required modern foreign language. We
to act, securing take-overs of will create a specialist Mandarin
We have high expectations
poor schools, the expansion of teacher training qualification,
for children with special
good schools, or in some cases, so that many more primary
educational needs and schools
entirely new provision. Where schools have access to a
will be held to account for how
parents at an individual school qualified primary teacher able
well they meet the needs of
want change, they will be able to teach Mandarin.
these pupils. We are expanding
to trigger a ballot on whether
the number of specialist
to bring in a new leadership Parents will be given a 3Rs
dyslexia teachers and improving
team from a proven and trusted Guarantee that every pupil
teacher training for children
accredited provider. who falls behind at primary
with autism. The statementing
school and early in secondary
process will be improved to give
School Report Cards will give school will receive special one-
more support to parents, and
every parent clear information to-one or small-group catch-up
the supply of teachers with the
on standards, levels of parental provision. This will include
specialist skills needed to teach
satisfaction and behaviour and up to 40,000 six and seven
pupils with severe learning

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

year olds benefiting from extra education to the aspirations and access to ICT, sports and the
tuition in English and Maths aptitudes of individual pupils. arts.
through Every Child a Reader All secondary school pupils
and Every Child Counts, and will have a Personal Tutor of Zero tolerance of poor
300,000 receiving ten hours Studies, and we will work with behaviour
of one-to-one tuition in both schools to extend one-to-one
The vast majority of schools
English and Maths when they or small-group tuition to pupils
have good or outstanding
are older. in the run-up to their GCSEs.
behaviour. But no child should
Such an education should no
have their learning disturbed
For primary-age children, we longer be the preserve of the
by poor discipline in the
are guaranteeing childcare and wealthiest few, but a central part
classroom. Teachers have
constructive activities from of the curriculum.
strong new powers to ensure
8am until 6pm in term-time at
order and discipline and we
their own or a neighbouring More young people will be able
will support their use. Home
school; this entitlement will to study single science subjects
School Agreements will be
particularly help busy working and modern foreign languages.
strengthened, making clear
parents juggle work and family Diplomas will strengthen the
the responsibilities of families
life. We are extending the status and quality of vocational
and pupils. Every parent will
provision of free school meals study and bring together
agree to adhere to the schools
so that an additional half a academic and vocational
behaviour rules, signing
million primary school children programmes. And the Gifted
contracts each year facing
in families on low incomes and Talented programme will
real consequences if they fail
will benefit from healthy and be reformed and improved,
to live up to them, including
nutritious food, and we are guaranteeing additional
the option of a court-imposed
trialing free school meals for personalised support. We will
parenting order. Safer School
all primary school children in review the qualifications system
Partnerships will be extended to
pilot areas across the country. in 2013, with any changes
every school where the head or
Together, these schemes will taking place in the Parliament
parents demand it.
thoroughly test the case for after next. Meanwhile, the new
universal free school meals, independent exam regulator
Alternative education for
with the results available by will ensure that standards are
excluded pupils will be
autumn 2011. being maintained.
transformed. New providers
will be encouraged to take over
Secondary schools: Because the learning
existing Pupil Referral Units,
excellence for all, personal environment itself matters,
pioneering approaches that
to each we will take forward our
bring order and discipline back
Building Schools for the Future
Our secondary schools have to young peoples lives. More
programme to rebuild or
been transformed by great will be invested in anti-bullying
refurbish secondary schools,
school leaders, teachers and interventions including tackling
giving our children first-
support staff. We will build on homophobic bullying.
rate facilities that support
these achievements, tailoring
inspirational teaching and

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

Cadet forces will move and colleges, increasingly change: raising the education
increasingly into state schools co-locating wider childrens and training leaving age to 18.
and we will expand spare time services with schools. Early All young people will stay on
activities for young people, intervention programmes in learning until 18, Education
doubling those available with a proven impact will be Maintenance Allowances
including sport on Friday promoted. We will continue will be retained and there
and Saturday nights, with to reduce teenage pregnancy will be an entitlement to an
neighbourhood police teams rates, with compulsory, high- apprenticeship place in 2013 for
closely involved in areas quality Sex and Relationship all suitably qualified 16-18 year
where youth crime is highest. Education. olds.
Teacher training institutions
will be asked to provide Ensuring all children are safe Further education colleges
specialist courses for teachers in from abuse and harm will are the backbone of our post-
promoting pupils resilience and remain a top priority. The new school education system and
responsibility. Vetting and Barring system they are leading the way with
will protect children without new Diplomas, working with
All children safe being unduly burdensome or schools. We will introduce
and thriving interfering in private family greater freedom for all colleges
arrangements. Social work to respond to local community
Living in a family on a
training will be radically needs and free them up from
low income, having special
overhauled, raising the status red tape. Students will be given
educational needs or disabilities,
and standards of the profession, clearer information on the
and being in care all remain
and we will establish a National quality of courses on offer, with
strongly linked to children
College of Social Work. We will a traffic-light grading system
failing to achieve. We are
publish detailed Serious Case for all courses and colleges. To
determined to narrow the gap
Review summaries that explain complement vocational learning
between these children and
the facts, but keep full reports for 14-19 year olds in schools
their peers, and to continue
out of the public domain in and colleges, we will pioneer
to invest in specialist services,
order to protect childrens University Technical Colleges
including short breaks for
identities. and new Studio Schools that
disabled children. Learning
offer innovative curricula
from the best systems around
Staying on to get ahead involving practical learning and
the world, we will improve
paid work.
foster and residential care. We Staying on rates at age 16 are
will expand specialised foster increasing, thanks in part to our
Advanced apprenticeships will
care for the most vulnerable school leavers guarantee of
be radically expanded, creating
children and the Care2Work a place at sixth form, college,
up to 70,000 places a year.
programme for all care leavers. training or an apprenticeship.
These provide well-respected
routes into high-skilled careers
Through Childrens Trusts, But to ensure a new wave
and further study at university
children and youth services of social mobility, we are
and will support our ambition
will work closely with schools committed to an historic
that three-quarters of young

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

people enter higher education The review of higher education and to science, technology,
or complete an advanced funding chaired by Lord engineering and mathematics
apprenticeship or equivalent Browne will report later this degrees, as well as applied
technician-level qualification year. Our aim is to continue the study in key economic growth
by the time they are 30. New expansion of higher education, sectors. The choices and views
apprenticeship scholarships will widening access still further, of students should play an
enable the best apprentices to while ensuring that universities important part in shaping
go on to higher education. and colleges have a secure, courses and teaching. All
long-term funding base that universities will be required
We will open up opportunity protects world-class standards in clearly to set out how they will
for people from families on low teaching and research. Ahead ensure a high-quality learning
incomes to enter professions like of the review, we have provided experience for students.
the media and law, expanding universities with funding to
paid internships for students. recruit an extra 20,000 students
To increase social mobility, this year.
careers advice for young people,
including for younger children, Universities must continue to
will be overhauled, ensuring raise their game in outreach
much better information and to state schools, widening
guidance. participation and boosting
social mobility. We will
World-class higher guarantee mentoring and
education support for higher education
applications to all low-income
Higher education is
pupils with the potential for
fundamental to our national
university study, with extra
prosperity. Demand for high-
summer schools and help
level skills is strong and growing,
with UCAS applications;
and the supply of good
and expand programmes
graduates is an increasingly
to encourage highly able
important factor in global
students from low-income
economic competition.
backgrounds to attend Russell
Group universities. We support
We have eliminated up-front
universities that already widen
fees paid by parents and
access by taking into account
students, and ensured that the
the context of applicants
repayment of loans is related
achievement at school.
to ability to pay. The higher
education participation rate
In the coming years, priority in
for young people from the
the expansion of student places
most disadvantaged areas has
will be given to Foundation
increased every year since 2004.
Degrees and part-time study,

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
World-leading healthcare: a patient-centred NHS


The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

The challenge for Britain But to safeguard the NHS in

tougher fiscal times, we need
sustained reform. To prosper in
To build a better health service by protecting NHS
the future, the NHS will have
spending and by shifting to more preventative and
to respond to the challenges
personal care, clear patient guarantees and greater care
facing healthcare systems across
in the home. The Tories will not introduce the necessary
the developed world: new cures
reforms, would fail to guarantee access to services,
and breakthrough treatments,
usher in a care postcode lottery, and put the interests of
an ageing society, an increased
patients second.
number of people with long-
term conditions, ever higher
The next stage of national renewal
public expectations at the same
Legally binding guarantees for patients including the time.
right to cancer test results within one week of referral,
and a maximum 18 weeks wait for treatment or the So we will be tougher in
offer of going private. ensuring value for money, more
determined in demanding the
Preventative healthcare through routine check-ups for
highest standards of care and in
the over-40s and a major expansion of diagnostic testing.
shifting rapidly to preventative
More personal care, with the right in law to choose from care. Above all, the interests
any provider who meets NHS standards of quality at of the patient will come first.
NHS costs when booking a hospital appointment, one- No longer passive recipients
to-one dedicated nursing for all cancer patients, and of care, patients will be active
more care at home. partners with enforceable
guarantees, real choice, and
The right to choose a GP in your area open at evenings
direct control over services.
and weekends, with more services available on the
high-street, personal care plans and rights to individual
These changes are essential
to maintain the principle at
Access to psychological therapy for those who need it. the core of the NHS: of care
provided on the basis of need,
not ability to pay.
The NHS embodies our values remain a universal health
Protecting the NHS and
of fairness and social justice service, not a second-rate safety
investing in the front line
for 60 years it has been the net. Only 15 years ago, the
embodiment of what it means very existence of the NHS was In 1997, health spending as
to be British. We will always put in doubt. Now with sustained a share of national income
the NHS first. In an insecure investment and reform, the was the second lowest of
world, people need first-class NHS is delivering high-quality all the major industrialised
healthcare they can rely on. healthcare in safer and more countries. The resulting failures
Under Labour, the NHS will convenient ways. were visible to all: long waits,

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

outdated buildings, too few Getting the most from do so we will look to alternative
doctors and nurses. NHS resources: sustained provision.
investment and reform
Since then, investment and
Patient power will be increased.
reform have turned around the We will continue to press
Patients requiring elective
publics experience of the NHS. ahead with bold NHS
care will have the right, in law,
A generation of new hospitals reforms. All hospitals will
to choose from any provider
has been built, entirely new become Foundation Trusts,
who meets NHS standards of
services created, and long waits with successful FTs given the
quality at NHS costs. And we
eliminated. We are undertaking support and incentives to take
will also increase year-on-year
fundamental changes to over those that are under-
the payments made to hospitals
community services, tough performing. Failing hospitals
linked to patient satisfaction and
decisions on pay, and a shift in will have their management
quality outcomes up to ten per
care from the hospital to the replaced. Foundation Trusts will
cent of payment.
community. be given the freedom to expand
their provision into primary
Prevention and early
As we complete our once-in- and community care, and to
a-generation programme of increase their private services
hospital building, we will refocus where these are consistent The NHS must be as effective
capital investment on primary with NHS values, and provided at preventing ill health as it
and community services so that they generate surpluses that are is at treating those in need of
we rival the best healthcare invested directly into the NHS. care. Prevention and early
systems in the world with our intervention will be at the heart
ability to identify disease early. We will support an active role of our plans for a reformed
for the independent sector healthcare system offering
The reforms of recent years will working alongside the NHS more for every pound we
allow us to do more than ever in the provision of care, spend, significantly improving
to release savings by cutting red particularly where they bring survival rates for cancer, heart
tape and directing resources to innovation such as in end-of- disease and strokes so that we
where they matter most. We life care and cancer services, are among the very best in the
will scale down the NHS IT and increase capacity. We world.
programme, saving hundreds of will be uncompromising in
millions of pounds, and over the expecting high standards from We all have a responsibility
next four years, we will deliver all NHS services and in the to look after our own health,
up to 20 billion of efficiencies coming period we will expect supported by our family and
in the frontline NHS, ensuring PCTs to challenge all services our employer. The ban on
that every pound is reinvested in to achieve the highest quality. smoking in public places will
frontline care. Where changes are needed, we be maintained. Wherever
will be fair to NHS services and necessary, we will act to protect
staff and give them a chance to childrens health from tobacco,
improve, but where they fail to alcohol and sunbeds.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

GPs will be encouraged to keep The NHS will benefit from The health-check guarantee
their patients healthy through a period of organisational will ensure that everyone
exercise and healthy eating stability: we will make no top- between 40 and 74 will
advice. The ambitious Change down changes to the structure be guaranteed routine
4 Life programme will support of Primary Care Trusts or health checks on the NHS,
a more active, health-conscious Strategic Health Authorities preventing up to 10,000 heart
country. during the next Parliament, and attacks and strokes each year.
we will ensure stability in the
The GP access guarantee will
We will pioneer better mental hospital payment system.
ensure everyone has the right
health care and tackle the
to choose a GP in their area
scourge of mental illness. Over Real guarantees and real
offering evening and weekend
the next Parliament more than choices for patients
8,000 new therapists will ensure
People rightly want public
access to psychological therapy
services that are not just A personal NHS
for all who need it as we seek to
universal but also personal to
change our societys attitudes to We will ensure the NHS suits
their needs. We will expand
mental illness. the lives of busy families
patient choice, empowering
expanding further the
patients with information, and
Empowering NHS staff and availability of GP-led health
giving individuals the right to
enabling Mutuals centres open seven days a week
determine the time and place
8 til 8 in towns and cities.
Central to our agenda of treatment. At the heart of
NHS organisations will offer
for improvement is the this will be new legally binding
telephone and online booking
hardworking NHS workforce. guarantees enshrined in the
via the NHS Choices website.
We will continue the process of NHS constitution:
Online patient comments about
empowering staff freeing them
The waiting-time guarantee the quality of any NHS service
from bureaucracy and ensuring
will ensure that treatment will inform peoples choices.
they get proper support.
begins within 18 weeks of A new national 111 telephone
seeing your GP, or the NHS number will make non-
We will expand the role of NHS
will find you to go private. emergency services far easier for
nurses, particularly in primary
people to access and book.
care, in line with the best clinical The cancer guarantee will
evidence. And across the NHS ensure that all patients see a
We will bring the NHS closer
we will extend the right for staff, cancer specialist within two
to people through a major
particularly nurses, to request to weeks of GP referral and
expansion in care available at
run their own services in the not- that all cancer tests will be
home, including chemotherapy
for-profit sector. To strengthen completed and the results
and dialysis. More services
local accountability, we will received within just one week
will be available from GPs and
increase the membership of helping save tens of thousands
through local pharmacists.
Foundation Trusts to over three of lives over the next ten years.
Patients will have the right to
million by the end of the next
register with a GP anywhere
they choose, including near

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

their place of work. Choice of for patients: patients who fail national standards of infection
when and where you are treated to turn up for pre-booked control that get tougher every
will be extended whenever appointments will not be year and which every hospital
patients are booking routine guaranteed fast-track treatment. and ward must meet. The safety
appointments. The NHS Constitution will regulator will have the power
guarantee the legal rights of to close wards, impose fines
We will offer more personal patients, wherever they live, or order cleaning wherever
healthcare. All cancer patients to all treatments and drugs necessary.
will be offered one-to-one approved by NICE for use in
dedicated nursing for the the NHS. We will continue
duration of their care and to improve the process of
we will work with Marie approving new drugs and
Curie Cancer Care and other treatments so that these can be
providers to guarantee everyone made available to NHS patients
who wants it the opportunity to more quickly. We will ensure
receive palliative care in their all leading drugs available
own home at the end of their internationally are assessed
lives. by NICE and those which
are deemed effective will be
Everyone with a long-term available within six months of
condition, such as those with referral.
diabetes, will have the right to
a care plan and an individual We will establish a new
budget. National Care Service working
in partnership with the NHS
All women will have the right, to transform the way care is
wherever it is safe, to a home- provided to the elderly and
birth, and every expectant disabled people.
mother will have a named
midwife providing continuity Safety and cleanliness
of care. More mums and
We will ensure all hospitals
dads will be offered single
are clean and safe for both
rooms if they need to stay
patients and staff. More than
in hospital overnight, and
3,000 matrons across the NHS
post-natal care will be further
will have the power to manage
expanded so that every area
wards, order deep cleaning,
of the country has a Family
and report problems directly
Nurse Partnership, supporting
to hospital boards. Every
families in greatest need.
patient who comes into an
NHS hospital will be screened
With new rights to treatment
for MRSA. We will establish
come new responsibilities

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Strengthening our communities, securing our borders

Crime and

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Crime and immigration

The challenge for Britain Britain is far safer now than

when the Tories left office.
Crime is down by more than a
To reduce the fear of crime by protecting frontline
third; violent crime is down by
policing while making the police more responsive and
over 40 per cent, and the risk of
accountable, and taking faster action on anti-social
being a victim of crime is the
behaviour. The Tories talk tough but vote soft on
lowest since 1981. But people
issues from gun crime to DNA retention; would cut
are still worried about binge
police and PCSO numbers; and favour political police
drinking, problem families and
chiefs over real reform. We will control immigration
anti-social behaviour. We are
with our new Australian-style points-based system
committed to tackling these
unlike the arbitrary Tory quota, which would damage
problems, not talking them up
business and growth.
to run Britain down.
The next stage of national renewal
We understand peoples
Provide the funding to maintain police and PCSO concerns about immigration
numbers with neighbourhood police teams in every about whether it will undermine
area, spending 80 per cent of their time on the beat their wages or job prospects, or
visible in their neighbourhood; improve police put pressure on public services
performance through online police report cards and or housing and we have acted.
ensure failing forces are taken over by the best. Asylum claims are down to the
levels of the early 1990s and
Intervene earlier to prevent crime, with no-nonsense
net inward migration has fallen.
action to tackle the problems caused by 50,000
We will use our new Australian-
dysfunctional families.
style points-based system to
Guarantee fast and effective action to deal with anti- ensure that as growth returns
social behaviour, including a right to legal injunctions for we see rising employment and
repeat victims, funded by the police or council who let wages, not rising immigration
them down. but we reject the arbitrary and
unworkable Tory quota.
Expand tough Community Payback for criminals who
dont go to prison, giving everyone the right to vote on
Protecting frontline
the work they do.
Control immigration through our Australian-style
There are now record numbers
points-based system, ensuring that as growth returns
of police officers nearly
we see rising levels of employment and wages, not
17,000 more than in 1997
rising immigration, and requiring newcomers to earn
backed up by 16,000 Police
citizenship and the entitlements it brings.
Community Support Officers.
We are committed to giving the
police the resources to maintain
these numbers, with funding

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Crime and immigration

assured for the next three Early intervention and We will expand joint working
years. To protect the front line preventing crime between police and the
we are making tough choices probation service to supervise
We need to do more and act
elsewhere: continuing to cut prolific young offenders after
earlier to stop children going
bureaucracy and inefficiency in they get out of prison, and the
down the wrong path. So we
procurement, IT and overtime. use of mentors including vetted
will expand Family Nurse
ex-prisoners to meet offenders
Partnerships to all vulnerable
Every community now has a at the gate so they dont slip
young mothers, reducing
neighbourhood police team back into crime. And alcohol
future crime and behavioural
committed to spending at treatment places will be trebled
problems. For the 50,000
least 80 per cent of their to cover all persistent criminals
most dysfunctional families
time on the beat visible in where alcohol is identified as a
who cause misery to their
their neighbourhood, and cause of their crimes.
neighbours, we will provide
responding to non-emergency
Family Intervention Projects
issues within 24 hours. To We need to try new approaches
proven to tackle anti-social
ensure that communities to solving the most intractable
behaviour a no-nonsense
can determine local policing problems. So we will pioneer
regime of one-to-one support
priorities, neighbourhood police Social Impact Bonds,
with tough sanctions for non-
teams will hold monthly beat encouraging private investors
meetings - at which local people to support social entrepreneurs
will have a right to hold senior and the third sector and
Youth reoffending is now
commanders to account. harnessing additional
falling, and the numbers in
investment for crime prevention
youth custody have fallen by
We will protect the police at minimal cost to the taxpayer.
30 per cent. We will expand
from politicisation, but take We have shown that Restorative
US-style street teams which
swift action where they are not Justice can increase satisfaction
use youth pastors and vetted
performing. Online crime maps for victims and the police, and
ex-offenders to reach out to
now give everyone monthly we will bring in a Restorative
disaffected young people;
information on crime in their Justice Act to ensure it is
Youth Conditional Cautions
area, and we have supported available wherever victims
which focus on rehabilitation
the Policing Inspectorate in approve it.
and reparation; and we will
publishing new online report
introduce a preventative
cards, comparing how forces On drugs, our message is clear:
element for all Anti-Social
perform. Where a police force we will not tolerate illegal
Behaviour Orders for under
or local Basic Command drug use. We have reclassified
16s. To ensure there are more
Unit consistently fails local cannabis to Class B and
things for teenagers to do we
people, we will ensure either banned legal highs. More
will double the availability of
that the senior management addicts are being treated, with
organised youth activities on
team including the borough a higher proportion going
Friday and Saturday nights.
commander or chief constable on to drug-free lives. We will
is replaced, or it is taken over by switch investment towards those
a neighbouring force or BCU. programmes that are shown

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Crime and immigration

to sustain drug-free lives and Labour is proud to be the concerns; all PCSOs will have
reduce crime. party that legislated first to stronger powers to tackle ASB;
criminalise incitement to racial a Respect standard for the
Tough action on crime and hatred, religious hatred, and private rented sector will be
anti-social behaviour homophobic hatred and we introduced; and local ASB
will reverse the Tory attempt to champions will make agencies
Crime continued to fall during
undermine this latest legislation, work together to tackle cases.
the recession, in marked
invoking the Parliament Act if
contrast to the recessions of the
necessary to force it through. Enforcement will also be
1980s and 1990s. Homicides are
strengthened: we will ensure
at the lowest level for a decade
To tackle the binge drinking that the great majority of
gun murders are at their lowest
which can leave people reluctant applications for ASBOs
for 20 years, and our gun laws
to venture into town centres take under a month and
are among the toughest in the
at night, we have banned that whenever an ASBO is
world. We have strengthened
irresponsible promotions breached there is an expectation
the law on knife crime with jail
and strengthened police and of prosecution. And when
more likely, sentences longer,
council powers to close down someone suffers repeated ASB
and more police searches and
rowdy pubs and clubs, cracking and the police, council, courts
scanners and knife crime has
down on under-age and public or other agencies fail to act,
fallen. We are tackling territorial
drinking. We have brought in a there must be a stronger form
youth gangs with specific police
right to petition local authorities of redress. So we will legislate
powers, and new approaches
to end 24-hour licensing where to give people financial support
that confront gangs while
problems arise. to pursue legal injunctions, with
supporting those who want to
the costs met by the agency that
leave gang life.
There were no specific powers let them down.
against anti-social behaviour in
Domestic violence has fallen
1997. Now there are ASBOs, Using technology to cut
by over 50 per cent since
parenting orders and dispersal crime
1997, reporting of rape has
powers. Because we know
doubled, and rape convictions We will continue to make
people want faster action on
have increased by more full use of CCTV and DNA
ASB, we will guarantee an
than 50 per cent. But we are technology: new weapons
initial response to any complaint
committed to zero tolerance deployed to strengthen our fight
within 24 hours. Local
of violence against women, so against crime. We are proud of
authorities and other agencies
we will continue to drive up our record on civil liberties and
will be required to give people
prosecution rates, tackle causes, have taken the DNA profiles of
a named case worker who will
and raise awareness as well children off the database and
report back on progress, and
as maintaining women-only tightened the rules around the
escalate action if the problem
services including a Sexual use of surveillance but we are
persists. All relevant agencies
Assault Referral Centre in every also determined to keep our
not just neighbourhood police
area. streets safe.
teams will hold monthly
public meetings to hear peoples

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Crime and immigration

CCTV reduces the fear of Punishment and reform To help protect frontline
crime and anti-social behaviour. services, we will find greater
We have provided over 26,000
We have funded cameras in savings in legal aid and the
more prison places since 1997.
nearly 700 areas, and brought courts system increasing the
There are more criminals in
in a new power for people to use of successful virtual courts
prison not because crime is
petition their local authority for which move from arrest, to trial,
rising but because violent and
more CCTV. to sentencing in hours rather
serious offenders are going
than weeks or months. We will
to prison for longer. We will
Advances in DNA technology use the tax system to claw back
ensure a total of 96,000 prison
have been critical in solving from higher-earning offenders
places by 2014. More EU and
serious crimes last year alone a proportion of the costs of
other foreign prisoners will be
there were 832 positive matches prison. Asset confiscation
transferred abroad, and we will
to the DNA database in cases of will be a standard principle
work to reduce the number of
rape, murder and manslaughter. in sentencing, extended from
women, young and mentally
Labour will ensure that the most cash to houses and cars. Every
ill people in prison. Any spare
serious offenders are added to community will have the right
capacity generated will reduce
the database no matter where or to vote on how these assets
costs while protecting the public.
when they were convicted and are used to pay back to the
retain for six years the DNA For offenders not sentenced to community.
profiles of those arrested but not prison we have brought in tough
convicted. new Community Payback: Terrorism and organised
hard work in public, wearing crime
The new biometric ID scheme orange jackets. We will extend
Our counter-terrorism approach
which already covers foreign nationwide the right for local
is one of the most sophisticated
nationals will be offered to people to vote on what work
in the world, and investment
an increasing number of offenders do to pay back to the
has trebled since 2001, with
British citizens, but will not be communities they have harmed.
thousands more counter-
compulsory for them. It will
terrorist police and a doubling
help fight the growing threat of We will always put the victim
of security service numbers.
identity theft and fraud, as well first in the criminal justice
as crime, illegal immigration system. We are creating a
We will continue to give the
and terrorism. In the next National Victims Service to
police the tools they need to fight
Parliament ID cards and the ID guarantee all victims of crime
terrorism while giving Parliament
scheme will be self-financing. and anti-social behaviour seven-
and the courts oversight to
The price of the passport and day-a-week cover and a named,
ensure these powers are not
ID cards together with savings dedicated worker offering one-
overused. We condemn torture,
from reduced fraud across the to-one support through the trial
and our police and security
public services will fully cover and beyond. The compensation
services will not co-operate with
the costs of the scheme. offenders have to pay to victims
those who use torture. We will
has been increased, and we
develop our Prevent strategy to
will now ensure victims get this
combat extremism.
payment up front.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Crime and immigration

We will continue to make Our new Australian-style points- services should keep funding
Britain a hostile place for based system is ensuring we for translation services to a
organised criminals, harassing get the migrants our economy minimum. Many public-sector
them with asset seizures, tax needs, but no more. We will workers are already required
investigations and other powers; gradually tighten the criteria to meet minimum standards of
strengthening the Serious in line with the needs of the English; we will build on this to
Organised Crime Agency and British economy and the values ensure that all employees who
encouraging police forces to co- of British citizenship, and step have contact with the public
operate across force boundaries up our action against illegal possess an appropriate level of
and international borders; and immigration. There will be English language competence.
responding quickly to new no unskilled migration from
threats including cybercrime. outside the EU. Skilled jobs are Because we believe coming
now advertised here first for to Britain is a privilege and
Strong borders and four weeks with more vacancies not a right, we will break
immigration controls going to local workers, and the automatic link between
public procurement will in staying here for a set period
We are committed to an
future give priority to local and being able to settle or gain
immigration system that
people. The points-based citizenship. In future, staying
promotes and protects British
system will be used to control will be dependent on the points-
values. People need to know
migration with limits for high- based system, and access to
that immigration is controlled,
skilled workers and university benefits and social housing will
that the rules are firm and fair,
students. As growth returns increasingly be reserved for
and that there is support for
we want to see rising levels of British citizens and permanent
communities in dealing with
employment and wages, not residents saving the taxpayer
rising immigration. hundreds of millions of pounds
each year. We will continue
Our borders are stronger than
We recognise that immigration to emphasise the value we
ever. A new Border Agency
can place pressures on housing place on citizenship, and the
has police-level powers and
and public services in some responsibilities as well as rights
thousands more immigration
communities so we will expand it brings, through the citizenship
officers, 100 per cent of visas
the Migration Impact Fund, pledge and ceremony, and by
are now biometric, and new
paid for by contributions from strengthening the test of British
electronic border controls will
migrants, to help local areas. values and traditions.
be counting people in and out
by the end of the year. Asylum
We know that migrants who
claims are back down to early
are fluent in English are more
1990s levels, and the cost of
likely to work and find it easier
asylum support to the taxpayer
to integrate. So as well as
has been cut by half in the last
making our English test harder,
six years. Genuine refugees will
we will ensure it is taken by all
continue to receive protection.
applicants before they arrive.
Local councils and other public

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Supporting families throughout life

Families and
older people

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Families and older people

The challenge for Britain Our society is ageing as

many more of us live long
and fulfilling lives, active in
To support all families in a rapidly changing world that
our communities as we enjoy
places new and rising demands on all of us. We will help
retirement. Retired people bring
families to realise their aspirations whatever their
great strengths to our society
circumstances and we recognise the huge contribution
as carers for family members,
older people make to society and to family life. The
active grandparents, and pillars
Tories propose a marriage tax allowance that is divisive
of local civic life.
and unfair, will neglect growing care needs among frail
elderly people and disabled adults, and prioritise only
Substantial challenges still
the privileged few.
remain. Today, tough financial
times are placing extra pressures
The next stage of national renewal
on families adding to the daily
More help for parents to balance work and family life, challenges many already face
with a Fathers Month of flexible paid leave. in going out to work to earn
a decent income, look after a
A new Toddler Tax Credit of 4 a week from 2012 to give
home, and care for children or
more support to all parents of young children whether
older relatives. In many families
they want to stay at home or work.
these pressures fall particularly
The right to request flexible working for older workers, on mothers. And like every
with an end to default retirement at 65, enabling more industrialised country across the
people to decide for themselves how long they choose to world, we need to adjust to an
keep working. ageing society where demand
for health provision will grow,
A new National Care Service to ensure free care in the
and where the need for care will
home for those with the greatest care needs and a cap
rise rapidly.
on the costs of residential care so that everyones homes
and savings are protected from care charges after two
We need services that help
years in a care home.
families manage these new
A re-established link between the Basic State Pension pressures without creating huge
and earnings from 2012; and help for ten million additional costs. We need to
people to build up savings through new Personal Pension go further to secure fairness in
Accounts. later life and ensure that those
who plan and save for their
retirement are rewarded for
doing so. The additional costs
Strong families are the bedrock communities are built. Today,
and burdens of old age must not
of our society. Secure and stable parents have rising aspirations
fall disproportionately on those
relationships between parents, for their children and greater
who have made provision for
their children, grandparents choice about how they lead
themselves and their families.
and other family members are their family and working lives.
the foundation on which strong

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Families and older people

Strengthening family life focused and family-centred. A better work-life balance

Parents who are clear their
Children thrive best in families More than ever, families want
relationship has broken down
in which relationships are support in balancing the
and cannot be restored need
stable, loving and strong. We pressures of work and home. To
more help to reach agreement
support couples who want to get help parents strike this balance
about future arrangements early
married and for whom marriage we will extend real choice to
on in the process, for the benefit
offers the best environment parents over how they organise
of their children.
to raise children. Marriage is their parental leave.
fundamental to our society,
No child left behind in
but financial support should We have already increased
be directed at all children, not paid maternity leave to nine
just those with married parents. No child should have to grow months. We continue to believe
We reject proposals that would up in poverty. The current that one years paid leave in
skew resources to the wealthy, or pressures on the personal the babys first year would
penalise loving and committed finances of families make the be of great benefit to parents
adults who, for whatever reason, goal of ending child poverty and their children. However,
are not married, and stigmatise more urgent than ever. So we in the current economic
their children. will continue to make progress circumstances, progress will
towards our historic goal of inevitably be tougher. So we
In todays fast-changing world, ending child poverty by 2020, will introduce more flexibility
parents want to be confident building on the 2010 Child to the nine months paid leave
they have the information Poverty Act. that mothers currently enjoy
and choices they need to allowing them to share this
protect their children. We will In the next Parliament, we will entitlement with fathers after a
continue to promote internet focus on helping families into minimum of six months.
safety for children, building on jobs and out of poverty. Where
the recommendations of Dr parents, especially mothers, want We will introduce a new
Tanya Byrons review. We will to stay at home or work part- Fathers Month, four weeks
support parents who challenge time we will do more to help of paid leave rather than the
aggressive or sexualised families with younger children, current two. We will also work
commercial marketing. We reducing poverty in those vital with employers on how this can
will ask Consumer Focus to early years of a childs life. We be taken flexibly for instance,
develop a website for parents will ensure that work always pays two weeks around the birth, and
to register their concerns about for hard-working lone parents. the remaining two weeks taken
sexualised products aimed at The child element of the Child flexibly over the first year of the
their children. Tax Credit will be increased babys life, including the option
by 4 a week for families with of sharing these extra weeks
We have established the Family children aged one and two from between parents. This will be
Justice Review to examine 2012, paid regardless of the paid for as savings accrue from
reforms to the family justice marital status of the parents housing benefit through our
system making it more child- a Toddler Tax Credit. reforms.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Families and older people

Our new agenda for families Helping older people who Parents who are able to call
must reflect the change in want to work on grandparents to help
working patterns that has with childcare, or during
Age discrimination in the
emerged over the last 20 years. emergencies, know how
workplace has been banned.
A high proportion of parents essential their support is to a
As well as promoting flexible
no longer work the traditional strong family life. Grandparents
working, we will now proceed
day, while increasing numbers who give up work to help care
to end default retirement at 65,
of families depend on part-time for their grandchildren must
with a review to establish the
work to manage their caring not lose out, so they will receive
right way in which to support
and job responsibilities. Many National Insurance Credits
more people to work longer
still struggle to find quality part- towards their state pension. We
should they choose to do so. To
time jobs that use their skills, so will remove the requirement
expand the choices available
we will promote the creation of on grandparents to apply for
for those wishing to work after
more highly skilled, quality jobs the courts permission before
retirement, we will enable
for parents who choose to work making an application for
people aged 60 and over to
more flexibly. contact with their grandchildren
claim Working Tax Credit if
and we will ensure that
they work at least 16 hours a
We created the right to request grandparents and other family
week, rather than 30 hours as
flexible working for parents members are always given first
at present.
and carers so that millions of consideration for adoption or
individuals and their families fostering.
A good quality of life in
could exercise more choice
older age
about how to balance their Better pensions for all,
work and caring responsibilities. The vast majority of older tackling pensioner poverty
But as the burden of caring people are well and active,
Our commitment to fairness
increases in our society we helping to strengthen our
has put pensioner poverty
need to go further. By the end families, communities and
at the top of our agenda for
of the next Parliament we will wider society. Many charities,
Britain. Older-age poverty has
ensure that the right to flexible voluntary organisations and
been dramatically reduced
working is extended for older schools value and rely on the
compared to a generation ago.
people, recognising that many, contribution of older people
We recognise that it is right
including grandparents, want and we support the growing
that pensions should rise in line
to vary their hours to the number of excellent initiatives
with the nations wealth. So to
benefit of their families and creating greater understanding
increase security in retirement,
to accommodate changing across the generations. We
we will restore the link between
lifestyles. We will consult on the will continue to support older
the basic state pension and
age at which this right should people in getting involved in
earnings from 2012 a link
apply. their community by providing
broken by the Tories in 1980.
matched funding for community
Pension credit, which ensures
that no pensioner need live on
less than 132.60 per week

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Families and older people

or 202.40 for couples, and obliging employers to provide will be transformed; unfair
supports the income of 2.7 access to a pension for all postcode lotteries removed;
million pensioner households, employees. We will continue to more people will be looked after
will also rise in line with protect pension schemes when at home; and family homes
earnings. Six in ten pensioners a firms company scheme goes and savings will be protected
currently pay no income tax. bust. We are also introducing from catastrophic care costs.
more flexibility to make it easier To provide independence and
We will continue to provide help for companies to run good control for everyone with a care
to pensioners, with the Winter schemes. need we will continue to expand
Fuel Payments (maintained the use of individual budgets.
this winter at 250 for those Between now and 2020 the And to drive up standards, we
over state retirement age and State Pension Age for woman will develop a skilled and highly
400 for those aged 80 or over); will rise to 65; and between motivated workforce.
concessionary public-transport 2024 and 2046, it will rise to
fares; free TV licences for the 68 for both men and women, The first stage of reform will
over-75s; and free eye tests and helping to keep state pensions be to create a step-change in
prescriptions. affordable in the long term. the provision of services in the
The reforms we are making to home and in our communities.
Saving for pensions public-sector pensions will keep From 2011 we will protect more
them sustainable and affordable than 400,000 of those with the
As a country, we need to
over the long term. greatest needs from all charges
save more for retirement
for care in the home, and we
individuals, employers, and
The National Care Service will create a national physio
the Government will all need
and an age-friendly NHS support service helping people
to play their part. We will
in every area of the country to
support ten million low-and The cornerstone of a fair future
regain their independence and
middle-income people to build is ensuring everyone who needs
confidence after a crisis or the
up savings through automatic care and support, whether
first time they need care. These
enrolment in occupational through old age or disability,
services are essential if we are to
pensions and new Personal is properly looked after. We
ensure more people are looked
Pension Accounts, ensuring that will establish a new National
after in their homes and overall
everyone in work is entitled to Care Service and forge a new
costs are to be controlled. They
matched contributions from settlement for our country as
will be funded through savings
employers and government. enduring as that which the
and efficiencies in the health
Labour Government built after
budget and in local government.
We will continue to make 1945. It will be a new settlement
pension saving more attractive for all those who need care,
During the next Parliament,
for individuals through for the carers who devote their
the second stage of reform
favourable tax treatment. And time and energy for the good of
will centre on the development
we will promote stakeholder others, and for families across
of national standards and
pensions offering simple, low- the country. The care of both
entitlements to ensure high-
cost and flexible products, older people and disabled adults
quality care for all, and an end

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Families and older people

to the unfair postcode lotteries implementation of the third

that affect too many families. stage of reform after 2015, once
We also want to remove the these proposals have been put to
fear that families will lose the the public at a general election.
family home in order to pay
for care bills. So, from 2014, Across the NHS we will improve
the National Care Service will and personalise care for the
cap the costs of residential care elderly and their families. This
so that everyones homes and will mean more NHS services
savings are protected from care available in the home, with
charges after two years. We greater use of tele-care and
will pay for this through our personal nursing; reform of
decision to freeze Inheritance the GP contract to help ensure
Tax Thresholds until 2014-15, those with late-life depression
by supporting more people over and anxiety are diagnosed and
the State Pension Age to stay supported; and better services
in work if they so wish, and for those with dementia and
through efficiencies across the Alzheimers so that every area
NHS and the care system. of the country has access
to psychological therapy,
The final stage of reform, after counselling and memory clinics.
2015, will be a comprehensive There will be an end to the age-
National Care Service, free at discrimination that has too often
the point of use not just for seen older people disadvantaged
older people, but all adults with in the provision of health
an eligible care need whoever services.
they are, wherever they live and
whatever condition leads to
them needing care. At the start
of the next Parliament we will
establish a Commission to reach
a consensus on the right way
of financing this system. The
Commission will determine the
options which should be open
to individuals so that people
can have choice and flexibility
about how they pay and to
ensure that the National Care
Service is funded in a fair way.
The Commission will make
recommendations in time for

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Creative Britain: active and flourishing communities

Communities and
creative Britain

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Communities and creative Britain

The challenge for Britain institutions that we most

cherish, and protecting those
areas of our public life that
To build on the renaissance that British sport, culture
embody the common good.
and the arts have enjoyed in the last decade in the
new climate of financial restraint. The voluntary and
2012: creating an
community sector has a new lease of life, but needs its
Olympic generation
potential to be fully harnessed. The Tories have always
neglected the arts and sport, regarding them as an easy Hosting the 2012 Olympics
target for cuts. provides a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to showcase our
The next stage of national renewal countrys great sporting talent.
The eyes of the world will be
A golden decade of sport with the 2012 Olympics as a
on us as Team GB inspires
great national and world-wide celebration.
enthusiasm and national
Registered Supporters Trusts enabled to buy stakes in pride. Our aim is to achieve
their club bringing mutualism to the heart of football. outstanding medal success at
the Olympics and Paralympics,
Operational independence for major museums and
with a talent development
galleries, with more lottery funding returning to the
system striving for excellence,
arts, sport and culture after 2012.
and successful British athletes
Protection for the post offices and pubs on which spanning all disciplines and
community life depends. events.
The BBCs independence upheld; and Britain
The Games will deliver a
equipped with a world-leading digital and broadband
golden legacy for future
generations, ushering in a new
era of sporting excellence. The
Olympics are already inspiring
a new generation of British
volunteers: over a quarter of
The sporting, artistic and to showcase Britain, getting
a million young people have
cultural life of Britain is rich more people playing sport and
signed up to help run the
and diverse, internationally attracting more visitors to the
renowned, and as vital to our UK.
quality of life as it is to our
We will ensure that the
national prosperity. Since Culture and the arts are vital to
Olympics are delivered on time
1997, our creative industries, a modern economy. But they
and on budget, to the highest
arts and sport have become stand for more than material
standards. Britain will be the
the envy of the world. As the success, reminding us that
first Olympic hosts to create a
2012 Olympics draw near, society is not just a marketplace.
world-class sports system, from
we will make the most of our Promoting well-being means
elite level to the grass roots. The
place in the worlds spotlight sustaining the community

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Communities and creative Britain

impact of the Olympics will apply to join one of the tens competitions to Britain,
be felt throughout the country, of thousands of sports clubs beginning with our current
helping to boost the UK tourist receiving public funding. And partnership with the English FA
industry. there are over half a million to bring the 2018 World Cup to
more adults taking part in England.
Sport for All regular sporting activity than a
decade ago. Arts, culture and museums
We approach 2012 with a
proud record. Investment in We have made unprecedented
Protecting the integrity of
sport has increased eightfold. investment in Britains cultural
professional sport is vital:
We have begun a renaissance of life, widening access by
we will toughen measures
competitive sport in our schools, introducing free admission to
to combat cheating and the
investing as never before in our museums and galleries. Every
use of illegal substances in
sporting facilities. Taking part in child and young person should
sport. We will work with
sport uncovers talent, improves be entitled to five hours of art,
governing authorities to
physical fitness, and encourages music and culture per week,
ensure that professional
important social skills. We are through learning to play a
clubs are accountable to
providing more resources to musical instrument, visiting
their stakeholders, and run
give every child the opportunity local museums and joining film
transparently on sound
to do at least five hours sport clubs, or taking part in local
financial principles, with
per week. This will be provided theatre. Through Creative
greater involvement of
through extended schools, Partnerships we are ensuring
local communities and
community sports clubs and that young people in the most
supporter representation.
3,000 new Olympic-inspired deprived parts of the country
Sports governing bodies will
sports clubs. We will invest in a are able to fulfil their artistic
be empowered to scrutinise
new national network of school talents by working with local
takeovers of clubs, ensuring
sports coaches to increase arts and cultural organisations.
they are in the long-term
the quality and quantity of
interests of the club and the
coaching in some of the most We have provided the first
sport. We will develop proposals
deprived areas. nationwide programme of free
to enable registered Supporters
theatre to young people; now
Trusts to buy stakes in their
This will be backed by a Pupil we will build on the success
Guarantee ensuring that every of the National Theatres
pupil should have access to 10 Season to work with
The 2010s promise to be a
regular competitive sport along theatres and sponsors to
golden decade for British sport:
with coaching, a choice of provide reduced-rate tickets for
as well as the 2012 Olympics,
different sports, and pathways theatrical productions around
we will host the 2013 Rugby
to elite and club development. Britain. Our national cultural
League World Cup, the 2014
We will continue our investment life and creative industries can
Commonwealth Games, and
in free swimming for children prosper only by developing
the 2015 Rugby Union World
and the over-60s. People young artistic talent. Creative
Cup. We aim to bring more
of all ages and abilities can Bursaries will support the most
major international sporting

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Communities and creative Britain

artistically gifted young people National Lottery funding is these to all new government-
in their early professional more in tune with peoples funded building programmes.
careers. priorities than ever. We
will promote greater public
Protecting community life
So that our cultural facilities involvement in the way that
remain world-class, charities, National Lottery proceeds Strong community life also
businesses and cultural are spent on good causes. A depends on protecting the
organisations must collaborate proportion of Lottery funding places in which people come
more closely in the future. We is going to the Olympics. After together. To give families access
will review how incentives for 2012, this proportion will return to good recreational facilities,
philanthropic support can to culture, heritage and sport. we are investing 235 million
be strengthened. Our major to create new or refurbished
museums and galleries should play spaces and adventure
Improving your community
be operationally independent of playgrounds. We will protect
government, so we will legislate The nature of the places the Post Office network, so that
to ensure their managerial and in which we live matters it can fulfil its historic role as a
financial autonomy. enormously. We are happier, trusted institution serving the
more engaged and better able community.
We will maintain our to enjoy family life where there
commitment to free admissions, are safe and welcoming public The local pub and social club
encouraging people of all spaces, good local amenities are also hubs of community
ages and a wide range of and buildings in which we can life. Too many pubs have closed
backgrounds to visit. Every take pride. that could have been sustained
child will have lifetime library by local people. We will support
membership from birth. Britains towns and cities have pubs that have a viable future
Britain is enriched by its undergone a renaissance in the with a new fund for community
unique historical heritage. last decade. Our great cities ownership in 2010-11. Councils
We will review the structures have been rebuilt and revitalised must take full account of the
that oversee English Heritage, and dilapidated schools and importance of pubs to the local
putting mutual principles at hospitals replaced with modern community when assessing
the heart of its governance so buildings. We will continue proposals that change their
that people can have a direct to promote excellence in use, and we will make it more
say over the protection and architecture and design, helping difficult to demolish pubs.
maintenance of Britains built to foster civic pride and build Restrictive covenants applied by
historical legacy. world-class places in which pub companies to property sales
people want to live and work. will be curbed and flexibility for
We will give public institutions pubs to provide related services
new rights to borrow works of We have introduced new design promoted, making it easier
art from the national collection, standards for schools, to ensure to have live entertainment
so that more people can benefit the very best architecture and without a licence. A non-tie
from access to our national building design; we will extend option should be available for
artistic heritage. pub tenants; we will act if the

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Communities and creative Britain

industry fails to make progress community helping more to a mutually owned co-operative.
on this. get off the ground. We will promote the use of
community shares that support
To protect the character of We will extend the right investment in football clubs,
their areas, local authorities of public-sector workers pubs, renewable energy and
now have greater powers to to request that they deliver shops.
reject applications for lap- frontline services through a
dancing clubs and we will social enterprise. Public-sector A vibrant voluntary sector
give councils new powers to workers in the NHS currently
Britain has among the highest
oppose gambling licences if enjoy this right. We will extend
levels of voluntary membership
there are too many betting this to more public services,
in the world. We strongly
shops operating in a high street. including social care, with
value the independence
The cleaner neighbourhoods greater community involvement
of the voluntary and
legislation will be used to clamp in their governance.
community sector, including its
down on litter, fly-tipping and
campaigning role, and will act
vandalism. We will extend the The new mutualism
to maintain it. There will be
use of participatory budgeting
There is growing interest greater support for third-sector
to give local people a stronger
in co-operative and mutual organisations in competing for
say. Community Land Trusts
organisations that people trust, public-sector contracts, ensuring
enable local people to purchase
and that have the capacity there is a level playing field with
and run local amenities and
to unleash creativity and the public and private sectors.
assets in their area such as
innovation, creating new jobs We will consult on putting the
youth facilities, parks and open
and services particularly in Compact Commission which
spaces. We will promote the
disadvantaged neighbourhoods sets guidelines for effective
transfer of buildings and land
where traditional approaches partnership working between
to the ownership or control
have failed in the past. We government and the third sector
of voluntary and community
want to see more local in Britain on a statutory
organisations run on co- footing, and ensure greater
operative principles with an support for the Compact at
Supporting social
expansion of Community local level.
Interest Companies and third-
The Social Investment Bank sector mutual organisations All young people should be
will make additional capital that reinvest profits for the active and engaged in their
available to social enterprises public good. We will promote communities, so that it becomes
with an initial endowment of this through the Co-operative a normal part of growing up
75 million funded by dormant Party, Business Link, enterprise to undertake service in the
accounts alongside existing education and the Regional community. We are taking
funding streams. We will Development Agencies. To give forward plans for a National
promote the creation of more more people a stake in a highly Youth Community Service, with
social enterprise hubs in every valued national asset, British the goal that all young people
Waterways will be turned into contribute at least 50 hours to

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Communities and creative Britain

their communities by the age Film Council to establish a maintaining plurality in

of 19, building on citizenship single body to promote film regional news provision. We
education and community production and film heritage. will fund three regional news
engagement in schools. Subject to state aid clearance, programme pilots from the
we will introduce a tax relief for digital switchover under-spend
Faith is enormously important the UK video games industry. in the current licence-fee
to millions of people in Britain, We will support film festivals period.
shaping their values and the around the country, and
way they live. We respect the establish a new biennial Festival The digital revolution is
importance of belief and of Britain, beginning in 2013, transforming the world of
welcome the contribution that showcasing our major cultural broadcasting. We are working
people of faith make to our achievements and young British with the BBC and Digital
communities and society more talent across all of our creative UK to ensure that TVs
widely. We will actively combat industries. digital switch-over takes place
extremist groups who promote smoothly by 2012, providing
fear, hatred and violence on the The BBC is the most admired financial support and helping
basis of faith or race. and trusted broadcaster in the elderly people and the most
world: respected internationally vulnerable households in the
Britains creative for its objectivity and its creative UK. To ensure we preserve
industries excellence, and here in Britain competition and protect
as a pillar of our cultural life. children and consumers on the
In every nation and region of
We support an independent and Internet, we will safeguard the
Britain a wealth of creative
world-class BBC at the heart of independence of Ofcom.
talent in industries ranging
a vibrant public broadcasting
from film to fashion, design and
system. Our strong support for We are extending broadband
video games has flourished,
its editorial independence and access to every business and
and creative industries now
the licence fee that finances home, ensuring universal access
account for ten per cent of the
the BBCs programmes and within a decade to high-speed
national economy.
activities will continue. The broadband across the country.
BBC Trust should fully involve We will update the intellectual
The strength of Britains film
the public in decision-making. property framework that is
industry is a source of pride.
The licence-fee is guaranteed crucial to the creative industries
Through Labours film tax
for the ten-year Royal Charter and take further action to
credit we have ensured that
that took effect on 1 January tackle online piracy.
Britain with its unique range
of skills and facilities is the
right place to invest in film
Channel 4 will continue as
production. So that films can
a public-service broadcaster
be enjoyed more widely too,
providing distinctive
we will maintain the film tax
competition to the BBC,
credit and create a merged
alongside ITV and Channel
British Film Institute and UK
5. We are committed to

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A green future for Britain

A green recovery

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Green recovery

The challenge for Britain distinctive landscapes while

enabling environmentally
sensitive development.
To be on track for the transition to a low-carbon
economy in a way that is fair, secure and helps create
Labours environmental agenda
the jobs of the future, as we protect and enhance our
reflects our values. Only active
natural environment and quality of life. For the Tories
government can shape markets
the environment has been all about image by failing
to prioritise green growth and
to deliver on our renewable energy targets, reversing
job creation. Environmental
our planning reforms and giving up on our new
sustainability cannot be left to
industrial strategy, they would put Labours low-carbon
individuals and businesses acting
revolution in jeopardy.
alone. We believe that people
have the right to a healthy
The next stage of national renewal
environment. That means giving
Achieve around 40 per cent low-carbon electricity by everyone access to the beauty
2020 and create 400,000 new green jobs by 2015. and amenity of natural places;
we want to make it easier to live
Make greener living easier and fairer through pay as
in a sustainable way whatever
you save home energy insulation, energy-bill discounts
your standard of living.
for pensioners and requiring landlords to properly
insulate rented homes.
We believe in local community
Move towards a zero waste Britain, banning action enabling both elected
recyclable and biodegradable materials from landfill. councils and community and
social enterprises to provide
Link together new protected areas of habitat; maintain
environmental benefits to local
the Green Belt; increase forest and woodland areas.
people. We are internationalists
Ensure fairness for food producers through EU reform too: only co-operative global
and a Supermarkets Ombudsman; and support post action including a strong
offices, shops and pubs in rural communities. European Union can tackle
climate change and protect the
Britain is a transition This is a huge challenge, worlds precious environments.
economy: from high carbon not just for Britain but for
to low carbon. To avert the the world. Living within our Towards a green economy
catastrophe of unchecked environmental means will
We have established low-carbon
climate change we have begun require a dramatic shift using
policy as one of the principal
the shift to a different kind of resources more efficiently and
engines of our economic
economic future. Our vision is reducing waste. We will need
recovery and future growth.
of a society where economic to find new ways of balancing
Our aim is to create 400,000
prosperity and quality of life the multiple uses of land:
new green jobs by 2015.
come not from exploiting the safeguarding food security at
The foundation of Labours
natural world but from its the same time as enriching our
approach has been leadership
defence. natural environment; protecting

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Green recovery

on climate change. The 2008 Clean energy and storage technology with a
Climate Change Act made levy to fund them. We are the
This Government is
Britain the first country in the only Government in the world
revolutionising Britains energy
world to put its carbon targets to have banned new unabated
policy. We are building a clean
into law. coal-fired power stations.
energy system which will
reduce Britains dependence
Internationally, we will continue To secure this investment
on imported oil and gas and
to work for an ambitious, fair likely to be worth around 150
increase our energy security.
and legally binding climate billion over the next decade
We are planning for around
change agreement, building we have reformed the planning
40 per cent of our electricity to
on the Copenhagen Accord to system to reduce delays for
come from low-carbon sources
limit global temperature rises major infrastructure. We will
by 2020 renewables, nuclear
to two degrees Celsius. In the now reform the regulatory
and clean fossil fuels. A major
next Parliament, we will use our system to provide the certainty
drive for energy efficiency
leadership in the EU to push that investors need, and create a
will be enhanced by a smart
for a strengthening of Europes Green Investment Bank to help
grid using new information
2020 emission reductions from finance this transformation.
20 to 30 per cent by 2020 as
part of an ambitious global In stimulating the sustainable
We are committed to meeting
deal. This would mean the UK use of resources, we will
15 per cent of our energy
increasing its current target move towards a zero waste
demand from renewables by
of a 34 per cent reduction. As Britain, banning recyclable
2020. We already have more
part of the negotiations, we and biodegradable materials
offshore wind-power than any
believe Europe should agree from landfill and continuing the
other country in the world, and
a second Kyoto commitment move towards universal water
our plans could see this increase
period, provided all countries metering in areas of water stress.
up to 40 times, alongside other
are brought within a clear legal
renewable technologies such
framework. Our industrial strategy will
as tidal and marine, solar and
ensure that the drive to green
sustainable bio-energy. We
Developing countries need help our economy will create jobs
will make a decision early in
to adapt, reduce deforestation and businesses in Britain in the
the next Parliament on the
and emissions. From 2013 we manufacture and installation of
feasibility of alternative options
will provide climate assistance low-carbon and environmental
for a tidal energy project on the
additional to our commitment technologies.
Severn, taking full account of
to provide 0.7 per cent of
the environmental impacts.
national income in overseas aid.
No more than ten per cent of
We have taken the decisions
our aid will be counted towards
to enable a new generation of
climate finance.
nuclear power stations, and a
programme of four clean coal
plants with carbon capture

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Green recovery

Making green living easier insulated. We have legislated for the introduction of recycling
and fairer compulsory contributions from on the go, with separated
energy companies to protect the public bins on the street and in
Everyone can play their part in
vulnerable. shopping centres.
reducing carbon emissions and
protecting the environment.
To deliver the fairest deal for We have championed the
Through our requirement that
consumers, we will ensure increasing desire of many
energy companies provide
greater competition in the to grow their own food,
subsidies for insulation, we will
energy supply market. And we encouraging local authorities
ensure that all household lofts
will review the role of the water to provide more allotments
and cavity walls are insulated,
regulator, Ofwat, to ensure and getting kids to learn about
where practical, by 2015. By
customers get the best deal and growing food in school. We
2020 every home will have a
their voice is heard in price- will work with community
smart meter to help control
setting. organisations to make it easier
energy use and enable cheaper
to find and use sites for grow
tariffs; and we will enable seven
Encouraging greener living is your own schemes.
million homes to have a fuller
about communities, not just
individuals. We will devolve Valuing nature for
power to local councils to hold everyone
We will legislate to introduce
energy companies to account
Pay As You Save financing For millions of people the
for community energy efficiency
schemes under which home- British countryside, and the
programmes, and give them
energy improvements can parks and commons of our
powers to develop local energy
be paid for from the savings towns and cities, provide solace
systems such as renewables
they generate on energy bills. from the pressures of modern
and district heating. We want
Already with our new feed- life. The riches of Britains
local people to have a stake
in tariffs and incentive for biodiversity our native species,
in local renewable energy
renewable heat, households both rare and commonplace
projects such as wind farms.
fitting micro-generation depend on them.
So we will support community
technologies such as solar
organisations, co-ops and social
can earn financial rewards We are committed not only to
enterprises to provide energy
from the energy they generate protecting but also to enhancing
services, meaning lower prices
themselves. our natural environment, and
through bulk purchasing, and
enabling it to be enjoyed by all.
the development of small-scale
Labour is determined to end The area of Green Belt has
fuel poverty and create a fair increased over the last decade
energy system for all. We and we intend to sustain it. We
We have made it far easier
will introduce a new Warm will maintain the target that 60
for everyone to recycle. From
Home Standard for social per cent of new development
nine per cent when we came
housing and regulate landlords should be on brownfield land.
to office, now 37 per cent of
so that privately rented
municipal waste is recycled or
accommodation is properly
composted. Next we will drive

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Green recovery

We have created two National measures. We will campaign An economically viable and
Parks in the New Forest and internationally to end illegal environmentally sustainable
South Downs, and given the trading in ivory and to protect fishing industry is vital for our
public a Right to Roam our species such as polar bears, seals coastal communities. We will
mountains, moors and heaths. and bluefin tuna, as well as for an push for fundamental reform
We will now extend this to the EU-wide ban on illegally logged of the EU Common Fisheries
whole English coastline. timber, banning it domestically if Policy.
this does not succeed.
Competing pressures from Thriving rural communities
greater food production to Sustainable farming,
Those who live in rural
housing and natural flood healthy food
areas are entitled to excellent
defences are making the
We want British farming to be amenities and services, as are
management of land resources
profitable and competitive. We those who live in towns and
ever more challenging. We will
need our farmers to produce cities. Rural communities
introduce a new framework
more food, nurturing our face unique challenges. We
for managing our land that
countryside and biodiversity. are committed to continued
can more effectively reconcile
We will continue to seek reform investment in frontline services
these pressures. We will put
of the Common Agriculture in rural areas.
forward new areas for protected
Policy (CAP) to facilitate the
landscape and habitat status,
creation of fairer and better- Already 3.9 billion is being
focusing on green corridors
functioning agricultural spent on support for the rural
and wildlife networks to link
markets, enabling farmers to economy and we will continue
up existing sites. And we will
return a reasonable profit from to provide specific support
commit to increasing the
food production at lower cost to to rural businesses. We are
area covered by forest and
the consumer. building 10,000 homes in
rural areas up to 2011. We are
In order to protect farmers protecting rural bus services
Our air, rivers and beaches are
and food suppliers from unfair and making it more difficult for
now the cleanest they have been
and uncompetitive practices by rural schools to be closed.
since the height of the industrial
major retailers, we will create
revolution. We will continue
a Supermarket Ombudsman. Rural businesses and
to ensure progress. Having
Consumers have the right to communities must have the
doubled spending on flood
know where food comes from. broadband connections they
defence over the last decade we
We are working with the food need. We are committed to
will bring forward legislation
industry and retailers to ensure universal broadband access,
to improve floods and water
proper food labelling, including irrespective of location. The
tougher and clearer country of levy on fixed phone lines will
origin information. This will pay for expansion of fast
We have banned foxhunting
also help to level the playing broadband connections to rural
and animal testing for cosmetics
field for British farmers. areas.
and tobacco, and we will bring
forward further animal welfare

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Green recovery

Rural villages should never be

left without essential services.
Councils now have to ensure
that the importance of local
services to the community
is taken into account before
granting planning permission
to change their use, and we will
strengthen this to protect viable
shops, pubs and community
facilities. We will continue
to encourage and support
imaginative solutions in rural
communities to the provision of
locally owned services.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A new politics: renewing our democracy
and rebuilding trust

Democratic reform

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Democratic reform

The challenge for Britain MPs who are found responsible

for financial misconduct will
be subject to a right of recall if
To forge a new constitutional and political settlement
Parliament itself has failed to
in Britain so that we restore trust in politics, and our
act against them. The House
political institutions are properly held to account by
of Lords and the new Second
the people. The Tories oppose any real reform of the
Chamber will be brought
political system that has let the public down. Their
under the aegis of IPSA.
policies would result in a postcode lottery based on
We will create a Statutory
free-for-all localism rather than genuine empowerment
Register of Lobbyists to ensure
and a future fair for all.
complete transparency in their
activities. We will ban MPs from
The next stage of national renewal
working for generic lobbying
Referenda, held on the same day, for moving to the companies and require those
Alternative Vote for elections to the House of Commons who want to take up paid
and to a democratic and accountable Second Chamber. outside appointments to seek
approval from an independent
Improved citizenship education for young people
body to avoid jobs that conflict
followed by a free vote in Parliament on reducing the
with their responsibilities to the
voting age to 16.
Legislation to ensure Parliaments sit for a fixed term
and an All Party Commission to chart a course to a But this is only the start.
Written Constitution. People want a greater say in
how the country is governed
A statutory register of lobbyists, with MPs banned
and for politicians to be more
from working for lobbying companies and required to
accountable to those they serve.
seek approval for paid outside appointments.
So while we are proud of our
Stronger local government, with increased local record of devolving power and
democratic scrutiny over all local public services. reforming the constitution, we
believe that further and more
radical reform is imperative if
we are to renew our democratic
We face a deep crisis of Cleaning up politics public life. Britain needs a new
trust in politics following the constitutional and political
We acted swiftly to clean
parliamentary expenses scandal. settlement for a new era.
up politics by creating an
Faith in our political institutions
Independent Parliamentary
was seriously eroded by the A new politics
Standards Authority (IPSA) to
abuses of the expenses system.
set pay and pensions for MPs, To begin the task of building
Only radical change can begin
as well as their allowances. And a new politics, we will let
to renew our democracy.
we will take further measures the British people decide on
to restore trust in our politics. whether to make Parliament

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Democratic reform

more democratic and to chart a course to a Written Stronger accountability

accountable in referenda Constitution. We are proud to
A new politics also means
on reform of the House of have brought in the Human
strengthening the power of
Commons and House of Lords, Rights Act, enabling British
Parliament to hold the executive
to be held on the same day, by citizens to take action in British
to account. We have supported
October 2011. courts rather than having to
changes to how Parliament
wait years to seek redress in
functions in order to strengthen
To ensure that every MP is Strasbourg. We will not repeal
Select Committees and to give a
supported by the majority of or resile from it.
stronger voice to backbenchers.
their constituents voting at
The public will be given a new
each election, we will hold a Our society rightly demands
right to petition the House of
referendum on introducing the respect from young people. At
Commons to trigger debates
Alternative Vote for elections to the same time, society should
on issues of significant public
the House of Commons. respect young peoples views
concern. Parliament must better
and aspirations. The success
reflect the diversity of modern
We will ensure that the of elections for local Youth
Britain. Labour already has a
hereditary principle is removed Mayors and the UK Youth
higher proportion of female
from the House of Lords. Parliament strengthens the
and black and ethnic minority
Further democratic reform to case for reducing the voting
MPs than any other party. We
create a fully elected Second age to 16, a change to which
will take forward the proposals
Chamber will then be achieved Labour is committed. However,
of the recent Speakers
in stages. At the end of the next we believe that prior to this
Conference so that the House
Parliament one third of the happening, we need further to
of Commons properly reflects
House of Lords will be elected; improve citizenship education
the diversity of modern Britain.
a further one third of members in schools so that young people
will be elected at the general are better prepared for their
We strongly support measures
election after that. Until the democratic responsibilities; a
that improve the transparency
final stage, the representation of report will be commissioned
of parliamentary institutions
all groups should be maintained on how best to achieve this so
and government, and want
in equal proportions to now. that we can raise standards
to see this principle extended
We will consult widely on these in citizenship education,
throughout public life. To
proposals, and on an open-list before providing a free vote
encourage freedom of speech
proportional representation in Parliament on reducing the
and access to information,
electoral system for the Second voting age to 16, for which we
we will bring forward new
Chamber, before putting them will make government time
legislation on libel to protect
to the people in a referendum. available.
the right of defendants to speak
To further strengthen our
democracy and renew our
The cost of politics to the
constitution, we will legislate for
taxpayer must be minimised,
Fixed Term Parliaments and
but we reject using this as
set up an All Party Commission

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Democratic reform

an excuse to gerrymander with public services built These reforms provide the
constituency boundaries in the around users, scrutinised foundations for fundamental
interests of one political party. by democratically elected change. In contrast to no frills
We will establish a non-partisan local councils, and with clear councils that charge twice for all
Parliamentary Boundaries rights of redress for citizens but the most basic services, we
Review to examine the rules will strengthen support for believe that local government
for constructing parliamentary collectively provided services, must further empower residents
constituencies. We have while driving efficiency and to hold it to account and deliver
already legislated to enable the effectiveness in expenditure. better, more personalised
individual registration of voters. services. Alongside enhanced
We will now act, legislating scrutiny powers for councillors,
Local government and its
further if necessary, to end the we are introducing petitioning
partners in public services
unacceptable situation where powers for local residents to
are already pooling budgets
three million eligible voters demand action, and extending
across localities. Our radical
cannot vote because they are neighbourhood agreements
Total Place agenda will take
not registered to do so. where citizens set out the
this further, giving local areas
standards of services they
additional freedom to achieve
We believe that the funding expect locally.
better services and more
of political parties must be
savings, cutting bureaucracy
reformed if the public is to We will also extend the powers
and management costs, while
regain trust in politics. Our available to our major city-
placing a greater on early
starting point should be the regions, building upon the
intervention. Ring-fenced
Hayden Phillips proposals pioneering arrangements in
budgets, central targets and
of 2008. We will seek to Greater Manchester, Leeds
indicators will be cut back.
reopen discussions on party- and Birmingham. City-
funding reform, with a clear regions will be able to gain
Local government is at the
understanding that any changes additional powers to improve
forefront of tackling the major
should only be made on the transport, skills and economic
challenges our society faces,
basis of cross-party agreement development and acquire
from climate change to ageing.
and widespread public support. greater borrowing flexibility.
Increasingly, councils are the
Where new city-region
motors of economic growth
Devolving power authorities are created, we will
and regeneration, particularly
give residents the opportunity to
The new politics also means in our great cities. We will
trigger a referendum for directly
radical change to local public give local government new
electing a Mayor, with London-
services. Our goal is for much powers to lead in the provision
style powers. More towns
greater local flexibility and and financing of social and
should be encouraged to apply
responsiveness, so that services affordable housing, tackle
for city status and have the
are shaped around the personal climate change and work with
chance to acquire it in future
needs of citizens, not the silos the NHS in our new National
of government departments. Care Service.
Greater accountability

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Democratic reform

Our towns and cities need will establish a cross-party on them by public agencies,
modern, sustainable transport commission to review the future so that people can use and
infrastructure. We will support of local government finance to control their own personal
tram schemes into the major ensure it is meeting our goals data in their interaction with
cities, including upgrades to of accountability, equity and service providers and the wider
the Manchester, Nottingham, efficiency across the country. community.
Birmingham and Tyne & Wear
light-rail systems, a modern Public services in the Opening up government
trolley bus in Leeds, and more digital age central and local in this way
Oyster-style electronic ticketing offers huge potential for Britain.
Citizens expect their public
promoting cheap and easy We can use new technologies
services to be transparent,
interchange between public to give people a say on policy-
interactive and easily accessible.
transport in cities. making; enable citizens to carry
We will open up government,
out more of their dealings with
embedding access to
We recognise that buses are government online; and save
information and data into the
a lifeline, having doubled money for taxpayers as we
very fabric of public services.
investment since 1997. We will switch services over to digital-
Citizens should be able to
provide punctuality data on all only delivery.
compare local services, demand
bus routes so passengers can
improvements, choose between
hold services to account. We Digital government also
providers, and hold government
want greater use of London- demands digital inclusion. So
to account.
style powers to regulate bus we will build on our network
routes where local bus services of UK Online centres and
We have led the world with
are not serving communities public libraries to spread free
the creation of data.gov.uk,
well, and we will work with the internet access points within the
putting over 3,000 government
Competition Commission to community, and develop new
datasets online. Entrepreneurs
ensure that the bus companies incentives for users to switch to
and developers have used
do not make excess profits at online services.
these datasets to unleash
the expense of passengers.
social innovation, creating
Protecting the UK and
applications and websites for
We have increased funding supporting the Union
citizens from local crime maps
for local government by 45
to new guides to help find Devolution has strengthened
per cent in real terms since
good care homes or GPs. We the UK, preserving the
1997. Through tough capping
will now publish a Domesday union on the basis of a fairer
powers and efficiencies, this
Book of all non-personal partnership. The UK is strong
year we have seen the lowest
datasets held by government enough and flexible enough to
Council Tax rises on record
and its agencies, with a default devolve power while retaining
and we expect them to stay
assumption that these will the benefits of staying together.
low. Excessive rises will be
be made public. We will
capped. We will not hold a
explore how to give citizens The Scottish Parliament and
Council Tax revaluation in
direct access to the data held the Welsh Assembly have put
the next Parliament and we

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Democratic reform

more power in the hands of marriage to Roman Catholics

local people. All the evidence and the primacy of male
is that devolution works, and members of the Royal family.
is popular. We will implement However, any reform would
the recommendations of need the agreement of all the
the Calman Commission, Commonwealth countries
including giving the Scottish of which the Queen is the
Parliament additional tax- Sovereign.
raising powers, and seek ways
to build consensus behind these

In Wales, we will work with the

Welsh Assembly Government
on a referendum to enhance
the powers to make laws
affecting Wales in Wales;
and to ensure that Wales
is not disproportionately
disadvantaged by the
application of the central
government funding formula.

For the first time, Northern

Ireland can look forward to a
stable and prosperous future
as a result of the Good Friday,
St Andrews and Hillsborough
Agreements. Supported by
unprecedented public funding,
we will continue to invest in
the institutions of devolution,
so that the Unionist and
Republican traditions can work
together for all the people of
Northern Ireland.

Our constitutional monarchy

is the source of deep pride and
strength for our country. We
believe that there is a case for
reform of the laws concerning

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
Meeting the challenges of the new global age

A global future

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A global future

of more than 40 other nations.

The challenge for Britain They are a credit to the
country and an example to
To harness our strengths and values, as we develop the world. We have met every
Britains world role in a global era, using our alliances request for extra equipment
and networks in order to promote security, economic for Afghanistan: in the last
prosperity, development and to safeguard the four years we have doubled the
environment. The contrast with the Tory view could not number of helicopters, and
be starker: they are stuck in the past, spurning alliances spent 1.7 billion on 1,800 new
in Europe and helpless to defend our interests or secure vehicles including the Mastiff,
the global change we need. brought into service in record
time and saving lives with
The next stage of national renewal world-leading protection against
mines and roadside bombs.
Conduct a Strategic Defence Review to equip our Armed
Forces for 21st Century challenges, and support our
Our forces are working to
troops and veterans.
a clear strategy to protect
Use our international reach to build security and the Afghan people and train
stability combating terrorism and extremism, curbing Afghan security forces. The
proliferation, preventing and resolving conflict, and London conference in January
tackling climate change. 2010 agreed there should be
300,000 Afghan Army and
Lead the agenda for an outward-facing European Union
Police by the end of 2011,
that delivers jobs, prosperity and global influence.
with British forces and other
Re-energise the drive to achieve the Millennium countries shifting more of their
Development Goals, supporting sustainable growth and effort into training to begin
combating poverty. the process of handing over
responsibility for districts and
Reform the UN, International Financial Institutions,
provinces to Afghan forces later
the G8 and G20, and NATO to adapt to the new global
this year.
Afghanistan is not a war
Afghanistan: our stable Pakistan means a safer without end. Together the
commitment Britain: if Afghanistan fell to military and civilian effort
the Taleban, Al Qaeda could is designed to create the
There is no greater
regroup, and Pakistans stability conditions for a political
responsibility than to commit
and our national security would settlement that keeps Al Qaeda
our troops into action. That is
be threatened. out, reconciles tribal interests,
why we take our responsibilities
and involves Afghanistans
in Afghanistan and to our
Our Armed Forces are serving neighbours. It will lock in the
Armed Forces so seriously.
with incredible courage and long-term gains delivered by
A stable Afghanistan and a
skill alongside representatives our aid programme since 2002

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A global future

with millions more children, providing 18 billion in total so on operations abroad, while
especially girls, going to school, far and an estimated 5 billion strengthening our support for
big reductions in child mortality, in the next year. their welfare. Service families
and better access to basic can now retain their place on
healthcare. It requires stronger Despite this continued NHS waiting lists when they are
local administration and less investment, acute cost pressures deployed to another part of the
corruption, combined with a remain in long-term defence country. Further education is
way back for former fighters projects. We are reforming free for those leaving the forces
who are prepared to renounce defence procurement, making with six years service or more.
links to Al Qaeda and abide by further reductions in civilian
the Afghan constitution. staff, and cutting lower-priority We have invested hundreds of
spending on headquarters costs, millions of pounds to reverse
Strengthening our Armed travel and consultancy. a legacy of decades of neglect
Forces and national of forces accommodation,
security A Strategic Defence Review and we are helping service
will look at all areas of defence, personnel get onto the housing
The first duty of government
but we will maintain our ladder. Homelessness among
is to protect the security of
independent nuclear deterrent. service leavers has been sharply
its citizens. We have created
We will fight for multilateral reduced, and the law changed
Britains first ever National
disarmament, working for a to give them better access to
Security Strategy to strengthen
world free of nuclear weapons, social housing.
our response to fast-moving
in the Non Proliferation Treaty
and interconnected threats,
Review conference and beyond The new Queen Elizabeth
from terrorism and nuclear
combining support for civilian Hospital in Birmingham will
proliferation to new challenges
nuclear energy with concerted have a military-run ward
like cybersecurity. We have
action against proliferation. and the largest single-floor
trebled investment in counter-
critical care unit in the world.
terrorism at home, combined
We are committed to a strong Headley Court and the new
with multilateral action against
Navy based on the new aircraft Army Recovery Capability will
terrorism and extremism
carriers, an Air Force with two continue to offer world-leading
abroad, not just in the Afghan-
state-of-the-art fast-jet fleets as support to those rehabilitating
Pakistan border areas still the
well as additional helicopters, after serious injury. We
main source of the threat but
transport planes and unmanned have doubled the lump-sum
also in Yemen and Somalia.
drones, and a strong, high-tech payments for the most seriously
Army, vastly better equipped injured to 570,000, and
Our commitment to defence
than it was in 1997. increased the lifetime-income
is non-negotiable. Defence
payments by up to a third.
spending has increased by ten
The growth in the core defence
per cent in real terms since
budget has also enabled us As a sign of our continued
1997. Funding for Iraq and
to guarantee fair pay for all commitment to the military
Afghanistan is additional to
our forces, including the first community, we will introduce
that, with the Treasury Reserve
ever tax-free bonus for those a Forces Charter to enshrine

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A global future

in law the rights of forces, any attempt to renegotiate or with the leading global powers
their families, and Veterans. unravel social rights for the in each region of the world.
A Veterans ID card will help British people, and believe that
Veterans access their improved economic strength and social On climate change, the EU has
benefits and will be free to protection go hand-in-hand a critical leadership role to play
service leavers. We will continue a modern EU must enhance in securing a legally binding
to strengthen mental health competitiveness and growth UN agreement, reducing its
provision in partnership with while guaranteeing security and emissions by 30 per cent on
the Combat Stress charity, and fair rights at work. 1990 levels in the context of an
roll out our Welfare Pathway to ambitious global deal. It must
give personnel and their families Fundamental reform of the also offer stronger leadership on
better support and advice. EU budget remains necessary, global poverty reduction.
with further changes to the
A strong Britain in a Common Agricultural Policy We will strengthen co-operation
reformed Europe on the way to ending export with our EU partners in
subsidies. Transfers within the fighting crime and international
We are proud that Britain is
EU must target those areas that terrorism, and support practical
once again a leading player
are least well off. On the Euro, European co-operation on
in Europe. Our belief is that
we hold to our promise that defence, in partnership with
Britain is stronger in the world
there will be no membership of NATO. To symbolise its
when the European Union is
the single currency without the commitment to global peace
strong, and that Britain succeeds
consent of the British people in and justice, and energise its
when it leads in Europe and sets
a referendum. young people, we propose a
the agenda for change. Sullen
European Peace Corps.
resistance and disengagement
We support the enlargement
achieve nothing.
of EU membership to include The poverty of the Tory vision
Croatia, and believe that is summed up by their false
Stronger competitiveness
all Western Balkan states choice between an alliance
must be Europes economic
should open negotiations on with the United States and
priority. Europe will only
EU accession by 2014 one one with Europe. In Europe
grow and prosper if it is
hundred years after the start of they are not just isolated,
dynamic and knowledge-based,
the First World War. Turkeys but marginalised in a tiny
with excellent universities,
future membership is a key test group of far-right parties that
competitive companies, and
of Europes potential to become endorses extreme views and is
thriving start-ups, underpinned
a bridge between religions and stuck in climate-change denial.
by a modern infrastructure of
regions; there must be continued Elsewhere in the world their
digital communications and
progress on its application to anti-European attitudes are
low-carbon transport. The
join the EU. In its foreign policy, seen as undermining British
EU should strive to improve
Europe should play a key role influence. They are helpless to
the regulatory environment, in
in conflict resolution and the shape change, or defend our
particular for small and medium
promotion of security, and work interests.
sized business. But we reject
bilaterally to achieve its goals

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A global future

Strengthening global advocate a new international We will work with Greece and
security and preventing convention to enable the Turkey for long-term stability in
conflict prosecution of perpetrators of Cyprus; and continue to support
genocide and crimes against bilateral efforts by India and
We strongly believe in co-
humanity. Pakistan to improve relations.
operation between nations
The two countries have
for a safer world. We will
There is no more important profound ties to the UK, which
continue to press for stronger
part of the world for global we are determined to nurture.
international action against
security than the Middle East. We will keep up the pressure for
terrorism and learn the lessons
We support the creation of a the release of Aung Sang Suu
of recent experience to prevent
viable Palestinian state that can Kyi and a return to democracy
and defuse conflict and build
live alongside a secure Israel. in Burma.
stability and the rule of law in
All the countries of the region
places that would otherwise
have a role to play in delivering We strongly support
shelter terrorist networks. We
the vision of the Arab Peace reconstruction and
have shown in Afghanistan and
Initiative normalised relations reconciliation in Sri Lanka. We
elsewhere that our military,
between Arab states and Israel believe that both the LTTE
diplomats and development
in return for a Palestinian state. and the Government of Sri
staff can set an international
They also have a shared interest Lanka must be held to account
standard for joint working, but
in preventing the acquisition for the loss of civilian life, and
we will not put the aid budget
of nuclear weapons by Iran. we will continue to urge the Sri
under military control. We
This is the gravest nuclear Lankan Government to fulfil its
will spend at least half of our
threat to global security since commitment to a full and fair
new bilateral aid in fragile and
the foundation of the Non- investigation into war crimes
conflict-affected states.
Proliferation Treaty in the committed in the final months
1960s. We support engagement of the civil war.
Having played a leading role
and pressure on the Iranian
in the international agreement
regime; it is threatening its own Human rights and democracy
to ban cluster bombs, we are
people as well as the security of are a central feature of our
leading the campaign for a
the region and the world. foreign policy for a simple
legally binding global arms
reason we believe human
trade treaty in 2012.
In Africa, Labour has made rights are universal, and it is
aid, trade, conflict prevention the job of strong and mature
We will continue to drive reform
and good governance a priority. democracies to support the
of the humanitarian agencies
We will support the final development of free societies
at the UN and work to build
stages of the Comprehensive everywhere while upholding
an international consensus on
Peace Agreement in Sudan, our own legal and moral
responsibility to protect, while
and maintain the pressure for obligations.
supporting the International
Zimbabwe to transition back
Criminal Court in bringing
to democracy as quickly as
previously untouchable
criminals to justice. We will

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A global future

The global poverty Our leadership on debt schemes, we will work closely
emergency: our moral cancellation has freed 28 with NGOs and developing
duty, our common interest countries from the shackles countries to eliminate user fees
of debt. We will continue to and promote healthcare and
Labours international
drive this agenda, building on education free at the point
leadership on development
legislation to clampdown on of access. We will encourage
has helped transform the lives
vulture funds. other countries to ratify the
of millions across the world.
ILO conventions on labour
Yet too many people still live
Access to health, education, standards, as we have done.
in extreme poverty, die from
food, water and sanitation are
treatable diseases, or are denied
basic human rights. We will Trade can lift millions out of
the chance to go to school.
spend 8.5 billion over eight poverty. We will work with the
years to help more children go private sector, trade unions
We will lead an international
to school; maintain our pledge and co-operatives to promote
campaign to get the Millennium
to spend 6 billion on health sustainable development,
Development Goals back on
between 2008 and 2015 and 1 quadruple our funding for fair
track. We remain committed
billion through the Global Fund and ethical trade, and press for
to spending 0.7 per cent of
to support the fight against a fair World Trade Organisation
national income on aid from
HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria; deal, with no enforced
2013, and we will enshrine this
fight for universal access to liberalisation for poor countries,
commitment in law early in the
prevention, treatment and and increased duty-free and
next Parliament. Our aid will
care for HIV/AIDS by 2010; quota-free access.
target the poorest and most
and deliver at least 30 million
excluded spent transparently
additional anti-malarial bed- Reforming global
and evaluated independently.
nets over the next three years. institutions
We will fight corruption,
investing more to track, freeze, In todays world, power is
We will provide 1 billion
and recover assets stolen shifting, flowing downwards and
for water and sanitation by
from developing countries. outwards towards new non-state
2013, driving this issue up the
Further action will be taken to actors, networked by modern
international agenda, and over
strengthen developing countries communications. Governments
1 billion on food security and
tax systems, reduce tax evasion, and global institutions must
agriculture. We will push for
improve reporting, and crack respond to this change and
the establishment of a Global
down on tax havens. To increase reform to meet new challenges.
Council on Child Hunger. We
accountability, we will allocate at They need to be more effective
will help save the lives of six
least five per cent of all funding but also more inclusive. To
million mothers and babies by
developing country budgets for secure global change, we will
2015 and, because international
the purpose of strengthening make the case for:
focus on the needs of women
the role of Parliaments and civil
and girls is vital, we will double T
 he extension of the G8.
core funding to the new UN
 clearer mandate for the
Womens agency. While the
World Bank to focus on the
Tories would favour private

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010
A global future

poorest countries and promote

low-carbon development;
and for the IMF to focus on
financial stability, with both
becoming more inclusive.
Radical UN reform, including
new membership of the
Security Council, budgetary
reform, and an overhaul of
UN agencies.
Continuing reform of NATO
and stronger international
co-operation to tackle security
challenges, while building the
capacity of regional security
organisations including the
African Union.
The enduring role of the
Commonwealth a unique
organisation for fostering
understanding and trust,
spanning a quarter of the
worlds population.

International commitments
and a voice for Britain in global
affairs are not an optional extra
for Labour. They are central to
our vision of a better Britain.
We have strengthened our
international alliances and will
continue to do so in ways that
speak to our deepest values as a

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

50 steps to a future fair for all

1. Secure the recovery by supporting the economy now, and more
than halve the deficit by 2014 through economic growth, fair taxes
and cuts to lower priority spending.
2. Realise our stakes in publicly controlled banks to secure the best
deal for the tax-payer, introduce a new global levy, and reform the
rules for banking to ensure no repeat of past irresponsibility.
3. Create UK Finance for Growth, bringing 4 billion together to
provide capital for growing businesses, investing in the growth
sectors of the future.
4. Build a high-tech economy, supporting business and industry
to create one million more skilled jobs and modernising our
infrastructure with High Speed Rail, a Green Investment Bank and
broadband access for all.
5. Encourage a culture of long-term commitment to sustainable
company growth, requiring a super-majority of two-thirds of
shareholders in corporate takeovers.

6. 200,000 jobs through the Future Jobs Fund, with a job or training
place for young people who are out of work for six months, but
benefits cut at ten months if they refuse a place; and anyone
unemployed for more than two years guaranteed work, but no
option of life on benefits.
7. A National Minimum Wage rising at least in line with average
earnings, and a new 40-a-week Better Off in Work guarantee.
8. More advanced apprenticeships and Skills Accounts for workers to
upgrade their skills.
9. No stamp duty for first-time buyers on all house purchases below
250,000 for two years, paid for by a five per cent rate on homes
worth more than 1 million.
10. A Peoples Bank at the Post Office; a Universal Service Obligation on
banks to serve every community; a clampdown on interest rates for
doorstep and payday loans.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

11. Spending increased on frontline Sure Start and free childcare,

schools and 16-19 learning.
12. An expansion of free nursery places for two year olds and 15
hours a week of flexible, free nursery education for three and four
year olds.
13. Every pupil leaving primary school secure in the basics, with a
3Rs guarantee of one-to-one and small-group tuition for every
child falling behind; and in secondary school, every pupil with a
personal tutor and a choice of good qualifications.
14. A choice of good schools in every area and, where parents are
not satisfied the power to bring in new school leadership teams,
through mergers and take-overs, with up to 1,000 secondary
schools part of an accredited schools group by 2015.
15. Every young person guaranteed education or training until 18, with
75 per cent going on to higher education, or completing an advanced
apprenticeship or technician level training, by the age of 30.

16. Legally binding guarantees for patients including the right to

cancer test results within one week of referral, and a maximum 18
weeks wait for treatment or the offer of going private.
17. Preventative healthcare through routine check-ups for the over-40s
and a major expansion of diagnostic testing.
18. More personal care, with the right in law to choose from any
provider who meets NHS standards of quality at NHS costs when
booking a hospital appointment, one-to-one dedicated nursing for
all cancer patients, and more care at home.
19. The right to choose a GP in your area open at evenings and
weekends, with more services available on the high-street,
personal care plans and rights to individual budgets.
20. Access to psychological therapy for those who need it.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

21. Provide the funding to maintain police and PCSO numbers with
neighbourhood police teams in every area, spending 80 per cent
of their time on the beat visible in their neighbourhood; improve
police performance through online report cards and ensure failing
forces are taken over by the best.
22. Intervene earlier to prevent crime, with no-nonsense action to
tackle the problems caused by 50,000 dysfunctional families.
23. Guarantee fast and effective action to deal with anti-social
behaviour, including a right to legal injunctions for repeat victims,
funded by the police or council who let them down.
24. Expand tough Community Payback for criminals who dont go to
prison, giving everyone the right to vote on the work they do.
25. Control immigration through our Australian-style points-based
system, ensuring that as growth returns we see rising levels of
employment and wages, not rising immigration, and requiring
newcomers to earn citizenship and the entitlements it brings.

26. More help for parents to balance work and family life, with a
Fathers Month of flexible paid leave.
27. A new Toddler Tax Credit of 4 a week from 2012 to give more
support to all parents of young children whether they want to
stay at home or work.
28. The right to request flexible working for older workers, with an
end to default retirement at 65, enabling more people to decide for
themselves how long they choose to keep working.
29. A new National Care Service to ensure free care in the home
for those with the greatest care needs and a cap on the costs
of residential care so that everyones homes and savings are
protected from care charges after two years in a care home.
30. A re-established link between the Basic State Pension and earnings
from 2012; help for ten million people to build up savings through
new Personal Pension Accounts.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

31. A golden decade of sport with the 2012 Olympics as a great

national and world-wide celebration.
32. Registered Supporters Trusts enabled to buy stakes in their club
bringing mutualism to the heart of football.
33. Operational independence for major museums and galleries,
with more lottery funding returning to the arts, sport and culture
after 2012.
34. Protection for the post offices and pubs on which community
life depends.
35. The BBCs independence upheld; and Britain equipped with a
world-leading digital and broadband infrastructure.

36. Achieve around 40 per cent low-carbon electricity by 2020 and

create 400,000 new green jobs by 2015.
37. Make greener living easier and fairer through pay as you save
home energy insulation, energy-bill discounts for pensioners and
requiring landlords to properly insulate rented homes.
38. Move towards a zero waste Britain, banning recyclable and
biodegradable materials from landfill.
39. Link together new protected areas of habitat; maintain the Green
Belt; increase forest and woodland areas.
40. Ensure fairness for food producers through EU reform and a
Supermarkets Ombudsman; and support post offices, shops and
pubs in rural communities.

The Labour Party Manifesto 2010

41. Referenda, held on the same day, for moving to the Alternative
Vote for elections to the House of Commons and to a democratic
and accountable Second Chamber.
42. Improved citizenship education for young people followed by a
free vote in Parliament on reducing the voting age to 16.
43. Legislation to ensure Parliaments sit for a fixed term and an All
Party Commission to chart a course to a Written Constitution.
44. A statutory register of lobbyists, with MPs banned from working
for lobbying companies and required to seek approval for paid
outside appointments.
45. Stronger local government, with increased local democratic
scrutiny over all local public services.
1687_10 Promoted by Ray Collins, General Secretary, the Labour Party, on behalf of the Labour Party and reproduced from electronic media supplied by The Labour Party all at 39 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0HA.

46. Conduct a Strategic Defence Review to equip our Armed Forces for
21st Century challenges, and support our troops and veterans.
47. Use our international reach to build security and stability
combating terrorism and extremism, curbing proliferation,
preventing and resolving conflict, and tackling climate change.
48. Lead the agenda for an outward-facing European Union that
delivers jobs, prosperity and global influence.
49. Re-energise the drive to achieve the Millennium Development
Goals, supporting sustainable growth and combating poverty.
50. Reform the UN, International Financial Institutions, the G8 and
G20, and NATO to adapt to the new global challenges.


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